Full Report - Highway Design Project - 30!11!2021

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Highway Engineering Design 1

1. General Design Specifications ................................................................................................... 4
General Overview of Proposed Roadway Features ................................................................... 4
Overview of Horizontal Curves ................................................................................................. 4
Overview of Vertical Curves ..................................................................................................... 4
Driveway Stationing .................................................................................................................. 4
2. Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Design (Plan / Profile Sheets) ........................................... 5
3. Typical Cross Section Sheets ..................................................................................................... 5
4. Calculation Documentation ....................................................................................................... 5
Horizontal Curve Sample Calculation ....................................................................................... 5
Vertical Curve Sample Calculation ........................................................................................... 6
Crest Vertical Curve .................................................................................................................. 6
Sag Vertical Curve ..................................................................................................................... 9
Sag Curve Design Criteria ....................................................................................................... 10
Superelevation Sample Calculation ......................................................................................... 12
Volume Report and Sample Calculation.................................................................................. 12
5. Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 13
6. Appendix B .............................................................................................................................. 14
7. Appendix C .............................................................................................................................. 15
8. Appendix D .............................................................................................................................. 16
9. Appendix E .............................................................................................................................. 17
10. Appendix F............................................................................................................................... 18
Highway Engineering Design 2

List of Tables
Table 1 General Overview of Proposed Roadway Features .................................................................. 4
Table 2 Overview of Horizontal Curvature ........................................................................................... 4
Table 3 Overview of Vertical Curvature ............................................................................................... 4
Table 4 Driveway Stationing ................................................................................................................. 4
Table 5 Output Report of the Design of Plan of the Proposed .............................................................. 5
Table 6 Output Report of the Design of Profile of the Proposed........................................................... 6
Highway Engineering Design 3

List of Figures
Figure 1 Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curves Based on Stopping Sight Distance ..................... 8
Figure 2 Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curve Based on Passing Sight Distance ........................ 11
Highway Engineering Design 4

1. General Design Specifications

General Overview of Proposed Roadway Features
Table 1 General Overview of Proposed Roadway Features

S. No Design Feature Value

1 Design Speed 45mph
2 Posted Speed 40mph
3 Number of Lanes 1 in Each Direction (2 Total)
4 Design Vehicle Tractor Trailor
5 Functional Class Minor Collector Road
6 LOS Service LOS C

Overview of Horizontal Curves

Table 2 Overview of Horizontal Curvature

Curve # Start Curve Station PI Station End Curve Station

1 23+01.24' 36+08.48' 47+63.45'
2 66+48.84' 75+76.53' 83+94.09'

Overview of Vertical Curves

Table 3 Overview of Vertical Curvature

Curve # PVC PVI Elevation PVT

1 Sag Curve 5929.65' 28+93.74'
2 Crest Curve 6012.70' 56+76.73'

Driveway Stationing
Table 4 Driveway Stationing

S. No Driveway Station
1 Intersection of Proposed Road and Grand Boulevard Road 0 + 000.00
2 Park 19 + 15.72
3 Industrial Complex 19 + 15.72
4 School 86 + 05.71
4 Intersection of Proposed Road and Randolph Road 90 + 65.73
Highway Engineering Design 5

2. Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Design (Plan / Profile Sheets)

Refer to Appendix A

3. Typical Cross Section Sheets

Refer to Appendix B

4. Calculation Documentation
Horizontal Curve Sample Calculation
Table 5 Output Report of the Design of Plan of the Proposed

N Minim Desig PI of
Start End Delta Chord Chord PI
o Type Length Radius um e n Included Curvatu
Station Station angle length Direction Station
. Radius Speed Angle re by
45 0+00.00 23+01.2
1 Line 2301.24'
mi/h ' 4'
643.00 6 45 23+01.2 47+63.4 47.6219 2391.9 N23° 48' 132.3781 36+08.4 1.9341
2 Curve 2462.20' 2962.37'
' % mi/h 4' 5' (d) 4' 40"E (d) 8' (d)
45 47+63.4 66+48.8
3 Line 1885.39'
mi/h 5' 4'
643.00 6 45 66+48.8 83+94.0 48.0728 1694.5 N23° 35' 131.9272 75+76.5 2.7545
4 Curve 1745.25' 2080.09'
' % mi/h 4' 9' (d) 1' 08"E (d) 3' (d)
45 83+94.0 90+65.7
5 Line 671.64'
mi/h 9' 3'

Full Table is attached at Appendix C

Minimum Radius
𝑅𝑣 = 𝑒 ---------------------(1) AASHTO 3-8
𝑔(𝑓𝑠 + )

Where V = Design Speed = 45mph

g = 15
fs = 0.15 AASHTO Figure 3-5 and Table 3-7
e = 3.8% (From Design)
so now (1) implies that
𝑅𝑣 =
15(0.15 + 100)

𝑅𝑣 = 718.09𝑓𝑡
Degree of Curve:
𝐷 = 7.98
Highway Engineering Design 6

Deflection Angle:
∆ = 47.62 𝑑𝑒𝑔 (From Design – Curve 01)
Length of Curve:
𝐿 =
𝐿 =
𝐿 = 596.82′
𝑇 = 393.48′
PI = 36+08.48' (From Design)
PC = 36+08.48' – T
PC = 36+08.48' – 3+93.48
PC = 32+15’
PT = PC + L
PT = (32+15’) + (5+96.82)
PT = 38 + 11.82’
Vertical Curve Sample Calculation
Table 6 Output Report of the Design of Profile of the Proposed

A (Grade Profile Profile Curve

No. PVI Station PVI Elevation Grade In Grade Out K Value Curve Radius
Change) Curve Type Length

1 0+00.00' 5857.25' 2.50%

2 28+93.74' 5929.65' 2.50% 2.98% 0.48% Sag 3322.64' 6888.057 688805.74'

3 56+76.73' 6012.70' 2.98% 0.63% 2.36% Crest 1032.69' 438.075 43807.46'

4 90+65.73' 6033.95' 0.63%

Full Table is attached at Appendix D

Crest Vertical Curve
Crest Vertical Curve Case 01: SSD > L
Highway Engineering Design 7

200(√𝐻1 +√𝐻2 )2
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2𝑆 − ---------------------(1)

Crest Vertical Curve Case 02: SSD < L

𝐴𝑆 2
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 200(√𝐻 2
1 +√𝐻2 )

𝑆𝑆𝐷 = 1.47𝑉𝑡 + 1.075 -----------------------(3) AASHTO 3-2

Where V = Design Speed = 45mph (Road Designed)

t = Brake Reaction Time = 2.5sec (Unimpaired Driver P/R Time)
a = deceleration rate = 11.2ft/s2
𝑆𝑆𝐷 = 1.47𝑉𝑡 + 1.075
𝑆𝑆𝐷 = (1.47)(45)(2.5) + (1.075)
𝑆𝑆𝐷 = 359.74 𝑓𝑡
Now Case 01: SSD > L

200(√𝐻1 + √𝐻2 )2
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2𝑆 −
Where S = 359.74ft
H1 = 3.5ft
H2 = 2.5ft
A = G2 – G1------------------(4)
G1 = 2.98
G2 = 0.63
So, A = 2.35
200(√3.5 + √2.5)2
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2(359.74) −
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 294.65′
Since Lmin = 294.65’
And SSD = 359.74’
Highway Engineering Design 8

Now Case 02: SSD < L

𝐴𝑆 2
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
200(√𝐻1 + √𝐻2 )2
Where S = 359.74ft
H1 = 3.5ft
H2 = 2.5ft
A = G2 – G1------------------(4)
G1 = 2.98
G2 = 0.63
So, A = 2.35
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
200(√3.5 + √2.5)2
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 127.61′
Since Lmin = 127.61’
And SSD = 359.74’

Figure 1 Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curves Based on Stopping Sight Distance
Highway Engineering Design 9

Length of Crest Vertical Curve is

L = KA
L = 61*2.35
L = 143.35’

PVC = 12 + 32.42’ (From Profile of Proposed Road)

PVI = PVC + (L/2)
PVI = (12 + 32.42’) + ((1 + 43.35)/2)
PVI = 14 + 54.10’

PVT = (12 + 32.42’) + (1 + 43.35)
PVT = 16 + 75.77’

Sag Vertical Curve

Sag Vertical Curve Case 01: SSD > L
𝐿 = 2𝑆 − ---------------------(5)

Sag Vertical Curve Case 02: SSD < L

𝐴𝑆 2
𝐿 = 200(𝐻+𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽)----------------------------(6)

Now Case 01: SSD > L

200(𝐻 + 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽)
𝐿 = 2𝑆 −
Where S = 359.74ft
H = 2ft
 = 1o
A = G2 – G1------------------(4)
G1 = 2.50
G2 = 2.98
Highway Engineering Design 10

So, A = 0.48
200((2) + (359.74)(𝑡𝑎𝑛1))
𝐿 = 2(359.74) −
𝐿 = 2730.22′
Since L = 2730.22’
And SSD = 359.74’

Now Case 02: SSD < L

𝐴𝑆 2
200(𝐻 + 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽)
Where S = 359.74ft
H = 2ft
 = 1o
A = G2 – G1------------------(4)
G1 = 2.50
G2 = 2.98
So, A = 0.48
200((2) + (359.74)(𝑡𝑎𝑛1))
𝐿 = 37.5′
And SSD = 359.74’
Sag Curve Design Criteria
Appearance: Lmin = 100A = 48’
Comfort: Lmin = AV2/46.5 = 20.90
Highway Engineering Design 11

Figure 2 Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curve Based on Passing Sight Distance

Length of Sag Vertical Curve is

L = KA
L = 175*0.48
L = 84’

PVC = 51 + 60.38’ (From Profile of Proposed Road)

PVI = PVC + (L/2)
PVI = (51 + 60.38’) + ((0 + 84)/2)
PVI = 52 + 02.38’

Highway Engineering Design 12

PVT = (51 + 60.38’) + (0 + 84)

PVT = 52 + 44.38’

Superelevation Sample Calculation

𝑅𝑣 = 𝑒 AASHTO 3-8
𝑔(𝑓𝑠 + )

𝑒(%) = 𝑅 − 𝑓𝑠 − − − − − −1

Where V = Design Speed = 45mph

g = 15
fs = 0.15 AASHTO Figure 3-5 and Table 3-7
Rv = 643 (From Design)
so now (1) implies that
𝑒(%) = (643)(15) − 0.15

𝑒(%) = 5.99
Superelevation Report is attached at Appendix E

Volume Report and Sample Calculation

Full Volume Report is attached at Appendix F
Highway Engineering Design 13

5. Appendix A
Highway Engineering Design 14

6. Appendix B

1ft 4ft 12ft 12ft 4ft 1ft
-4 % -2 % -2 % -4 % CURB AND GUTTER
Lane Lane
1 1
1 1

Asphalt Wearing Course =2 inch (Class B)

Asphalt Base Course = 3 inch (Class B)
Aggregate Base Course =10 inch
Granular Sub base = 10 inch
SubGrade Preparation CBR ≥ 15% At 95%MDD



DATE NOV, 2021



Lane Lane
1ft 4ft 12ft 12ft 4ft 1ft
3% 1
-4 % -3 %

Asphalt Wearing Course =2 inch (Class B)

Asphalt Base Course = 3 inch (Class B)
Aggregate Base Course =10 inch
Granular Sub base = 10 inch
SubGrade Preparation CBR ≥ 15% At 95%MDD



DATE NOV, 2021



12ft 12ft 12ft 12ft
-4 % -2 % -2 %
Turn Lane Lane Lane Turn Lane
1 1
1 1

Asphalt Wearing Course =2 inch (Class B)

Asphalt Base Course = 3 inch (Class B)
Aggregate Base Course =10 inch
Granular Sub base = 10 inch
SubGrade Preparation CBR ≥ 15% At 95%MDD



DATE NOV, 2021


Highway Engineering Design 15

7. Appendix C
Appendix C
Output Report of the Design of Proposed Road - Plan

Parameter Design Start

No. Type Length Transition Length Table Radius Minimum Radius Minimum Radius Table Direction
Constraint Speed Station
1 Line Two points 2301.24' 45 mi/h N0° 00' 00"E 0+00.00'
2 Curve Radius 2462.20' 2 Lane 2962.37' 643.00' AASHTO 2018 US Customary eMax 6% 45 mi/h 23+01.24'
3 Line Two points 1885.39' 45 mi/h N47° 37' 19"E 47+63.45'
4 Curve Radius 1745.25' 2 Lane 2080.09' 643.00' AASHTO 2018 US Customary eMax 6% 45 mi/h 66+48.84'
5 Line Two points 671.64' 45 mi/h N0° 27' 03"W 83+94.09'

Mid- External
End Station Delta angle Chord length Chord Direction Pass Through Point1 Pass Through Point2 Start Direction End Direction External Tangent
Ordinate Secant

23+01.24' (-3689.5268',1342.5328',0.0000') (-3689.5268',4951.0147',0.0000')

47+63.45' 47.6219 (d) 2391.94' N23° 48' 40"E (-3437.3768',4839.7456',0.0000') N0° 00' 00"E N47° 37' 19"E 252.15 1307.24' 275.61'
66+48.84' (-3689.5268',4951.0147',0.0000') (-645.7848',7728.1956',0.0000')
83+94.09' 48.0728 (d) 1694.51' N23° 35' 08"E (-826.7832',7807.2175',0.0000') N47° 37' 19"E N0° 27' 03"W 180.371 927.70' 197.50'
90+65.73' (-645.7848',7728.1956',0.0000') (-658.3696',9327.4890',0.0000')

Degree of
PI Included Greater than
PI Station Start Point End Point Center Point Attainment Method Clockwise Curvature PI Point
Angle 180
by Arc

(-3689.5268',1342.5328',0.0000') (-3689.5268',3643.7757',0.0000')
132.3781 (d) Less than 180 36+08.48' (-3689.5268',3643.7757',0.0000') (-2723.8516',5832.1192',0.0000') (-727.1562',3643.7757',0.0000') AASHTO 2018 Crowned Roadway clockwise 1.9341 (d) (-3689.5268',4951.0147')
(-2723.8516',5832.1192',0.0000') (-1331.0886',7102.9085',0.0000')
131.9272 (d) Less than 180 75+76.53' (-1331.0886',7102.9085',0.0000') (-653.0846',8655.8658',0.0000') (-2733.1086',8639.4981',0.0000') AASHTO 2018 Crowned Roadway counter-clockwise 2.7545 (d) (-645.7848',7728.1956')
(-653.0846',8655.8658',0.0000') (-658.3696',9327.4890',0.0000')
Highway Engineering Design 16

8. Appendix D
Appendix D

Output Report of the Design of Proposed Road - Profile

A (Grade Profile Curve

No. PVI Station PVI Elevation Grade In Grade Out Change) Type Sub-Entity Type
1 0+00.00' 5857.25' 2.50%
2 28+93.74' 5929.65' 2.50% 2.98% 0.48% Sag Symmetric Parabola
3 56+76.73' 6012.70' 2.98% 0.63% 2.36% Crest Symmetric Parabola
4 90+65.73' 6033.95' 0.63%

Profile Minimum K for Minimum K for Minimum K for

Curve Stopping Sight Passing Sight Headlight Sight Curve Asymmetric
Length K Value Distance Distance Distance Radius Length 1 Asymmetric Length 2

3322.64' 6888.057 79 688805.74'

1032.69' 438.075 61 175 43807.46'

Speed Vertical Curve Table

45 mi/h AASHTO 2011 Standard

45 mi/h AASHTO 2011 Standard
Highway Engineering Design 17

9. Appendix E
Left Outside Left Outside Right Outside Right Outside
Region/Curve Station Description
Shoulder Lane Lane Shoulder
B.O.P 0+00.00' Begin Alignment -4.00% -2.00% -2.00% -4.00%
1 20+23.57' End Normal Crown -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.08%
1 21+23.57' Level Crown 0.00% 0.00% -2.00% -2.04%
1 22+23.57' End Normal Crown 2.00% 2.00% -2.00% -2.00%
1 23+23.57' Begin Full Super 3.00% 3.00% -3.00% -3.00%
1 47+41.12' End Full Super 3.00% 3.00% -3.00% -3.00%
1 48+41.12' Begin Normal Crown 2.00% 2.00% -2.00% -2.00%

1 49+41.12' Level Crown 0.00% 0.00% -2.00% -2.00%
1 50+41.12' Begin Normal Crown -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00%
2 63+76.83' End Normal Crown -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00%
2 64+76.83' Level Crown -2.00% -2.00% 0.00% 0.00%
2 65+76.83' End Normal Crown -2.00% -2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
2 66+76.83' Begin Full Super -3.80% -3.80% 3.80% 3.80%
2 83+66.09' End Full Super -3.80% -3.80% 3.80% 3.80%
2 84+66.09' Begin Normal Crown -2.00% -2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
2 85+66.09' Level Crown -2.13% -2.00% 0.00% 0.00%
2 86+66.09' Begin Normal Crown -2.27% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00%
E.O.P 90+65.73' End Alignment -4.00% -2.00% -2.00% -4.00%
Highway Engineering Design 18

10. Appendix F
Appendix E
Volume Report
Client: Prepared by:
Client Preparer
Client Company Your Company Name
Address 1 123 Main Street
Date: 11/18/2021 11:42:48 AM

Aignment: Proposed Road

Sample Line Group: SL Collection - 1
Start Sta: 0+00.00
End Sta: 90+65.73
Station Cut Area (Sq.Ft.) Cut Volume (Cu.Yd) Reusable Volume (Cu.Yd) Fill Area (Sq.Ft.) Fill Volume (Cu.Yd) Cum. Cut Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Reusable Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Fill Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Net Vol. (Cu.Yd)
0+50.00 264.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1+00.00 229.57 457.04 457.04 0 0 457.04 0 0 457.04
1+50.00 237.23 432.22 432.22 0 0 889.26 0 0 889.26
2+00.00 239.23 441.17 441.17 0 0 1,330.43 0 0 1,330.43
2+50.00 237.2 441.13 441.13 0 0 1,771.57 0 0 1,771.57
3+00.00 237.42 439.46 439.46 0 0 2,211.03 0 0 2,211.03
3+50.00 216.08 419.91 419.91 0.01 0.01 2,630.94 0.01 0.01 2,630.93
4+00.00 206.95 391.7 391.7 0.15 0.15 3,022.64 0.16 0.16 3,022.48
4+50.00 189.6 367.18 367.18 3.23 3.13 3,389.82 3.29 3.29 3,386.53
5+00.00 170.68 333.6 333.6 10.69 12.89 3,723.41 16.18 16.18 3,707.23
5+50.00 146.85 294.01 294.01 20.62 28.99 4,017.42 45.17 45.17 3,972.26
6+00.00 122.99 249.86 249.86 30.56 47.38 4,267.28 92.55 92.55 4,174.73
6+50.00 99.18 205.72 205.72 40.29 65.6 4,473.00 158.15 158.15 4,314.85
7+00.00 68.04 154.84 154.84 53.41 86.76 4,627.84 244.91 244.91 4,382.93
7+50.00 36.6 96.89 96.89 82.29 125.64 4,724.73 370.55 370.55 4,354.17
8+00.00 8.24 41.51 41.51 126.8 193.6 4,766.24 564.16 564.16 4,202.08
8+50.00 0 7.63 7.63 204.17 306.45 4,773.86 870.61 870.61 3,903.25
9+00.00 0 0 0 302.05 468.72 4,773.86 1,339.33 1,339.33 3,434.54
9+50.00 0 0 0 418.68 667.35 4,773.86 2,006.67 2,006.67 2,767.19
10+00.00 0 0 0 522.08 871.08 4,773.86 2,877.75 2,877.75 1,896.11
10+50.00 0 0 0 614.74 1,052.61 4,773.86 3,930.36 3,930.36 843.5
11+00.00 0 0 0 671.98 1,191.41 4,773.86 5,121.77 5,121.77 -347.91
11+50.00 0 0 0 706.13 1,276.03 4,773.86 6,397.81 6,397.81 -1,623.95
12+00.00 0 0 0 731.72 1,331.34 4,773.86 7,729.15 7,729.15 -2,955.29
12+50.00 0 0 0 796.02 1,414.57 4,773.86 9,143.72 9,143.72 -4,369.86
13+00.00 0 0 0 834.84 1,510.05 4,773.86 10,653.77 10,653.77 -5,879.91
13+50.00 0 0 0 883.47 1,591.03 4,773.86 12,244.80 12,244.80 -7,470.94
14+00.00 0 0 0 977.15 1,722.80 4,773.86 13,967.60 13,967.60 -9,193.74
14+50.00 0 0 0 1,114.33 1,936.55 4,773.86 15,904.15 15,904.15 -11,130.29
15+00.00 0 0 0 1,235.31 2,175.59 4,773.86 18,079.74 18,079.74 -13,305.88
15+50.00 0 0 0 1,357.84 2,401.07 4,773.86 20,480.81 20,480.81 -15,706.95
16+00.00 0 0 0 1,395.20 2,549.11 4,773.86 23,029.93 23,029.93 -18,256.07
16+50.00 0 0 0 1,402.88 2,590.81 4,773.86 25,620.74 25,620.74 -20,846.88
17+00.00 0 0 0 1,366.11 2,563.87 4,773.86 28,184.61 28,184.61 -23,410.75
17+50.00 0 0 0 1,297.81 2,466.59 4,773.86 30,651.20 30,651.20 -25,877.34
18+00.00 0 0 0 1,243.32 2,352.90 4,773.86 33,004.10 33,004.10 -28,230.24
18+50.00 0 0 0 1,208.94 2,270.62 4,773.86 35,274.72 35,274.72 -30,500.86
19+00.00 0 0 0 1,149.58 2,183.82 4,773.86 37,458.53 37,458.53 -32,684.67
19+50.00 0 0 0 1,075.10 2,059.88 4,773.86 39,518.42 39,518.42 -34,744.55
20+00.00 0 0 0 1,015.19 1,935.45 4,773.86 41,453.86 41,453.86 -36,680.00
20+50.00 0 0 0 995.14 1,861.42 4,773.86 43,315.28 43,315.28 -38,541.42
21+00.00 0 0 0 1,043.88 1,887.99 4,773.86 45,203.26 45,203.26 -40,429.40
21+50.00 0 0 0 1,152.29 2,033.49 4,773.86 47,236.76 47,236.76 -42,462.90
22+00.00 0 0 0 1,233.59 2,209.15 4,773.86 49,445.91 49,445.91 -44,672.05
22+50.00 0 0 0 1,379.49 2,419.52 4,773.86 51,865.43 51,865.43 -47,091.57
23+00.00 0 0 0 1,561.44 2,723.08 4,773.86 54,588.50 54,588.50 -49,814.64
23+50.00 0 0 0 1,757.38 3,072.98 4,773.86 57,661.49 57,661.49 -52,887.63
24+00.00 0 0 0 1,926.73 3,411.22 4,773.86 61,072.71 61,072.71 -56,298.84
24+50.00 0 0 0 2,059.81 3,691.24 4,773.86 64,763.94 64,763.94 -59,990.08
25+00.00 0 0 0 2,186.92 3,932.15 4,773.86 68,696.10 68,696.10 -63,922.23
25+50.00 0 0 0 2,251.03 4,109.22 4,773.86 72,805.31 72,805.31 -68,031.45
26+00.00 0 0 0 2,334.79 4,246.14 4,773.86 77,051.45 77,051.45 -72,277.59
26+50.00 0 0 0 2,367.86 4,354.31 4,773.86 81,405.75 81,405.75 -76,631.89
27+00.00 0 0 0 2,334.84 4,354.35 4,773.86 85,760.10 85,760.10 -80,986.24
27+50.00 0 0 0 2,311.40 4,302.07 4,773.86 90,062.18 90,062.18 -85,288.31
28+00.00 0 0 0 2,246.01 4,219.82 4,773.86 94,282.00 94,282.00 -89,508.14
28+50.00 0 0 0 2,127.24 4,049.31 4,773.86 98,331.30 98,331.30 -93,557.44
29+00.00 0 0 0 1,921.04 3,748.40 4,773.86 102,079.71 102,079.71 -97,305.85
29+50.00 0 0 0 1,666.33 3,321.63 4,773.86 105,401.34 105,401.34 -100,627.48
30+00.00 0 0 0 1,529.70 2,959.28 4,773.86 108,360.62 108,360.62 -103,586.76
30+50.00 0 0 0 1,509.42 2,814.00 4,773.86 111,174.62 111,174.62 -106,400.76
31+00.00 0 0 0 1,526.61 2,811.14 4,773.86 113,985.76 113,985.76 -109,211.90
31+50.00 0 0 0 1,576.63 2,873.38 4,773.86 116,859.14 116,859.14 -112,085.28
32+00.00 0 0 0 1,631.11 2,970.13 4,773.86 119,829.27 119,829.27 -115,055.41
32+50.00 0 0 0 1,676.39 3,062.50 4,773.86 122,891.77 122,891.77 -118,117.91
33+00.00 0 0 0 1,715.66 3,140.79 4,773.86 126,032.56 126,032.56 -121,258.70
33+50.00 0 0 0 1,749.93 3,208.88 4,773.86 129,241.45 129,241.45 -124,467.58
34+00.00 0 0 0 1,781.54 3,269.88 4,773.86 132,511.33 132,511.33 -127,737.47
34+50.00 0 0 0 1,747.85 3,267.95 4,773.86 135,779.28 135,779.28 -131,005.42
35+00.00 0 0 0 1,592.93 3,093.31 4,773.86 138,872.59 138,872.59 -134,098.73
35+50.00 0 0 0 1,445.38 2,813.25 4,773.86 141,685.84 141,685.84 -136,911.98
36+00.00 0 0 0 1,303.04 2,544.83 4,773.86 144,230.66 144,230.66 -139,456.80
36+50.00 0 0 0 1,147.37 2,268.90 4,773.86 146,499.56 146,499.56 -141,725.70
37+00.00 0 0 0 978.54 1,968.43 4,773.86 148,467.99 148,467.99 -143,694.13
37+50.00 0 0 0 782.78 1,630.85 4,773.86 150,098.84 150,098.84 -145,324.98
38+00.00 0 0 0 610.55 1,290.12 4,773.86 151,388.96 151,388.96 -146,615.10
38+50.00 0 0 0 471.24 1,001.66 4,773.86 152,390.62 152,390.62 -147,616.75
39+00.00 0 0 0 355.56 765.56 4,773.86 153,156.17 153,156.17 -148,382.31
39+50.00 12.28 11.37 11.37 144.77 463.27 4,785.24 153,619.44 153,619.44 -148,834.21
40+00.00 126.3 128.32 128.32 35.08 166.53 4,913.55 153,785.98 153,785.98 -148,872.42
40+50.00 465.25 547.73 547.73 0 32.48 5,461.28 153,818.46 153,818.46 -148,357.18
Volume Report
Client: Prepared by:
Client Preparer
Client Company Your Company Name
Address 1 123 Main Street
Date: 11/18/2021 11:42:48 AM

Aignment: Proposed Road

Sample Line Group: SL Collection - 1
Start Sta: 0+00.00
End Sta: 90+65.73
Station Cut Area (Sq.Ft.) Cut Volume (Cu.Yd) Reusable Volume (Cu.Yd) Fill Area (Sq.Ft.) Fill Volume (Cu.Yd) Cum. Cut Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Reusable Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Fill Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Net Vol. (Cu.Yd)
41+00.00 672.57 1,053.54 1,053.54 0 0 6,514.82 153,818.46 153,818.46 -147,303.64
41+50.00 791.81 1,355.91 1,355.91 0 0 7,870.72 153,818.46 153,818.46 -145,947.74
42+00.00 918.63 1,583.74 1,583.74 0 0 9,454.46 153,818.46 153,818.46 -144,364.00
42+50.00 1,194.94 1,957.01 1,957.01 0 0 11,411.48 153,818.46 153,818.46 -142,406.98
43+00.00 1,521.87 2,515.56 2,515.56 0 0 13,927.04 153,818.46 153,818.46 -139,891.42
43+50.00 1,960.33 3,224.25 3,224.25 0 0 17,151.29 153,818.46 153,818.46 -136,667.17
44+00.00 2,407.62 4,044.40 4,044.40 0 0 21,195.69 153,818.46 153,818.46 -132,622.77
44+50.00 2,798.44 4,820.43 4,820.43 0 0 26,016.12 153,818.46 153,818.46 -127,802.34
45+00.00 3,173.67 5,529.72 5,529.72 0 0 31,545.84 153,818.46 153,818.46 -122,272.61
45+50.00 3,416.24 6,101.77 6,101.77 0 0 37,647.61 153,818.46 153,818.46 -116,170.85
46+00.00 3,451.90 6,359.39 6,359.39 0 0 44,007.00 153,818.46 153,818.46 -109,811.46
46+50.00 3,381.44 6,327.17 6,327.17 0 0 50,334.17 153,818.46 153,818.46 -103,484.29
47+00.00 3,225.44 6,117.48 6,117.48 0 0 56,451.65 153,818.46 153,818.46 -97,366.81
47+50.00 2,751.06 5,533.80 5,533.80 0 0 61,985.45 153,818.46 153,818.46 -91,833.01
48+00.00 2,144.91 4,533.31 4,533.31 0 0 66,518.76 153,818.46 153,818.46 -87,299.70
48+50.00 1,713.96 3,573.04 3,573.04 0 0 70,091.79 153,818.46 153,818.46 -83,726.67
49+00.00 1,391.69 2,875.61 2,875.61 0 0 72,967.40 153,818.46 153,818.46 -80,851.06
49+50.00 1,096.58 2,303.96 2,303.96 0 0 75,271.36 153,818.46 153,818.46 -78,547.10
50+00.00 828.55 1,782.53 1,782.53 0 0 77,053.89 153,818.46 153,818.46 -76,764.57
50+50.00 544.2 1,271.07 1,271.07 0 0 78,324.95 153,818.46 153,818.46 -75,493.51
51+00.00 169.03 660.4 660.4 11.43 10.58 78,985.36 153,829.04 153,829.04 -74,843.69
51+50.00 0 156.51 156.51 229.55 223.13 79,141.87 154,052.17 154,052.17 -74,910.30
52+00.00 0 0 0 544.85 717.03 79,141.87 154,769.20 154,769.20 -75,627.33
52+50.00 0 0 0 896.4 1,334.49 79,141.87 156,103.69 156,103.69 -76,961.82
53+00.00 0 0 0 1,278.90 2,014.16 79,141.87 158,117.85 158,117.85 -78,975.98
53+50.00 0 0 0 1,420.06 2,499.03 79,141.87 160,616.89 160,616.89 -81,475.02
54+00.00 0 0 0 1,571.02 2,769.52 79,141.87 163,386.40 163,386.40 -84,244.53
54+50.00 0 0 0 1,678.84 3,009.13 79,141.87 166,395.53 166,395.53 -87,253.66
55+00.00 0 0 0 1,780.44 3,203.03 79,141.87 169,598.56 169,598.56 -90,456.69
55+50.00 0 0 0 1,817.16 3,331.11 79,141.87 172,929.67 172,929.67 -93,787.80
56+00.00 0 0 0 1,743.32 3,296.74 79,141.87 176,226.41 176,226.41 -97,084.54
56+50.00 0 0 0 1,645.82 3,138.10 79,141.87 179,364.51 179,364.51 -100,222.64
57+00.00 0 0 0 1,570.34 2,977.93 79,141.87 182,342.44 182,342.44 -103,200.57
57+50.00 0 0 0 1,470.88 2,815.95 79,141.87 185,158.39 185,158.39 -106,016.52
58+00.00 0 0 0 1,363.28 2,624.22 79,141.87 187,782.61 187,782.61 -108,640.74
58+50.00 0 0 0 1,239.07 2,409.58 79,141.87 190,192.19 190,192.19 -111,050.32
59+00.00 0 0 0 1,112.44 2,177.33 79,141.87 192,369.51 192,369.51 -113,227.64
59+50.00 0 0 0 986.12 1,943.11 79,141.87 194,312.63 194,312.63 -115,170.76
60+00.00 0 0 0 860.59 1,709.91 79,141.87 196,022.54 196,022.54 -116,880.67
60+50.00 0 0 0 677.81 1,424.44 79,141.87 197,446.99 197,446.99 -118,305.12
61+00.00 23.04 21.33 21.33 97.81 718.17 79,163.20 198,165.15 198,165.15 -119,001.95
61+50.00 583.41 561.53 561.53 0 90.56 79,724.73 198,255.71 198,255.71 -118,530.98
62+00.00 1,108.08 1,566.20 1,566.20 0 0 81,290.93 198,255.71 198,255.71 -116,964.79
62+50.00 1,724.88 2,623.11 2,623.11 0 0 83,914.04 198,255.71 198,255.71 -114,341.68
63+00.00 2,066.18 3,510.24 3,510.24 0 0 87,424.28 198,255.71 198,255.71 -110,831.44
63+50.00 2,341.15 4,080.86 4,080.86 0 0 91,505.14 198,255.71 198,255.71 -106,750.58
64+00.00 2,611.99 4,586.24 4,586.24 0 0 96,091.38 198,255.71 198,255.71 -102,164.34
64+50.00 2,868.98 5,074.97 5,074.97 0 0 101,166.35 198,255.71 198,255.71 -97,089.36
65+00.00 2,933.22 5,372.41 5,372.41 0 0 106,538.76 198,255.71 198,255.71 -91,716.95
65+50.00 2,921.39 5,420.94 5,420.94 0 0 111,959.70 198,255.71 198,255.71 -86,296.01
66+00.00 2,883.34 5,374.75 5,374.75 0 0 117,334.45 198,255.71 198,255.71 -80,921.27
66+50.00 2,831.70 5,291.70 5,291.70 0 0 122,626.15 198,255.71 198,255.71 -75,629.57
67+00.00 2,749.68 5,169.69 5,169.69 0 0 127,795.83 198,255.71 198,255.71 -70,459.88
67+50.00 2,637.84 4,991.13 4,991.13 0 0 132,786.97 198,255.71 198,255.71 -65,468.75
68+00.00 2,538.64 4,796.03 4,796.03 0 0 137,582.99 198,255.71 198,255.71 -60,672.72
68+50.00 2,478.13 4,647.96 4,647.96 0 0 142,230.96 198,255.71 198,255.71 -56,024.76
69+00.00 2,491.47 4,604.17 4,604.17 0 0 146,835.13 198,255.71 198,255.71 -51,420.58
69+50.00 2,502.73 4,627.17 4,627.17 0 0 151,462.30 198,255.71 198,255.71 -46,793.41
70+00.00 2,474.22 4,611.60 4,611.60 0 0 156,073.90 198,255.71 198,255.71 -42,181.81
70+50.00 2,376.13 4,494.37 4,494.37 0 0 160,568.27 198,255.71 198,255.71 -37,687.44
71+00.00 2,268.32 4,303.41 4,303.41 0 0 164,871.68 198,255.71 198,255.71 -33,384.03
71+50.00 2,277.97 4,212.14 4,212.14 0 0 169,083.81 198,255.71 198,255.71 -29,171.90
72+00.00 2,343.59 4,281.24 4,281.24 0 0 173,365.06 198,255.71 198,255.71 -24,890.66
72+50.00 2,355.61 4,352.12 4,352.12 0 0 177,717.17 198,255.71 198,255.71 -20,538.54
73+00.00 2,350.23 4,357.42 4,357.42 0 0 182,074.59 198,255.71 198,255.71 -16,181.12
73+50.00 2,344.13 4,346.62 4,346.62 0 0 186,421.21 198,255.71 198,255.71 -11,834.51
74+00.00 2,337.42 4,334.77 4,334.77 0 0 190,755.97 198,255.71 198,255.71 -7,499.74
74+50.00 2,313.63 4,306.55 4,306.55 0 0 195,062.52 198,255.71 198,255.71 -3,193.20
75+00.00 2,260.24 4,235.03 4,235.03 0 0 199,297.54 198,255.71 198,255.71 1,041.83
75+50.00 2,124.24 4,059.31 4,059.31 0 0 203,356.85 198,255.71 198,255.71 5,101.14
76+00.00 1,959.54 3,780.57 3,780.57 0 0 207,137.43 198,255.71 198,255.71 8,881.71
76+50.00 1,801.74 3,481.97 3,481.97 0 0 210,619.39 198,255.71 198,255.71 12,363.68
77+00.00 1,648.35 3,193.88 3,193.88 0 0 213,813.27 198,255.71 198,255.71 15,557.56
77+50.00 1,501.29 2,915.77 2,915.77 0 0 216,729.04 198,255.71 198,255.71 18,473.33
78+00.00 1,360.49 2,649.24 2,649.24 0 0 219,378.28 198,255.71 198,255.71 21,122.56
78+50.00 1,212.33 2,381.71 2,381.71 0 0 221,759.99 198,255.71 198,255.71 23,504.28
79+00.00 1,125.18 2,164.08 2,164.08 0 0 223,924.07 198,255.71 198,255.71 25,668.35
79+50.00 1,084.63 2,046.02 2,046.02 0 0 225,970.09 198,255.71 198,255.71 27,714.38
80+00.00 1,040.24 1,967.42 1,967.42 0 0 227,937.51 198,255.71 198,255.71 29,681.79
80+50.00 890.76 1,787.98 1,787.98 0 0 229,725.48 198,255.71 198,255.71 31,469.77
81+00.00 747.95 1,517.35 1,517.35 0 0 231,242.83 198,255.71 198,255.71 32,987.12
81+50.00 613.86 1,260.95 1,260.95 0 0 232,503.78 198,255.71 198,255.71 34,248.07
82+00.00 488.4 1,020.57 1,020.57 0 0 233,524.36 198,255.71 198,255.71 35,268.64
Volume Report
Client: Prepared by:
Client Preparer
Client Company Your Company Name
Address 1 123 Main Street
Date: 11/18/2021 11:42:48 AM

Aignment: Proposed Road

Sample Line Group: SL Collection - 1
Start Sta: 0+00.00
End Sta: 90+65.73
Station Cut Area (Sq.Ft.) Cut Volume (Cu.Yd) Reusable Volume (Cu.Yd) Fill Area (Sq.Ft.) Fill Volume (Cu.Yd) Cum. Cut Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Reusable Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Fill Vol. (Cu.Yd) Cum. Net Vol. (Cu.Yd)
82+50.00 366.33 791.3 791.3 0 0 234,315.65 198,255.71 198,255.71 36,059.94
83+00.00 304.87 621.4 621.4 0 0 234,937.05 198,255.71 198,255.71 36,681.34
83+50.00 279.88 541.44 541.44 0 0 235,478.49 198,255.71 198,255.71 37,222.78
84+00.00 256.3 496.49 496.49 0 0 235,974.97 198,255.71 198,255.71 37,719.26
84+50.00 233.49 453.52 453.52 0 0 236,428.49 198,255.71 198,255.71 38,172.78
85+00.00 175.55 378.75 378.75 8.72 8.07 236,807.24 198,263.78 198,263.78 38,543.45
85+50.00 109.87 264.28 264.28 36.08 41.47 237,071.52 198,305.26 198,305.26 38,766.26
86+00.00 44.19 142.65 142.65 63.44 92.14 237,214.17 198,397.40 198,397.40 38,816.78
86+50.00 0 40.92 40.92 127.86 177.13 237,255.09 198,574.52 198,574.52 38,680.57
87+00.00 0 0 0 224.21 325.99 237,255.09 198,900.51 198,900.51 38,354.58
87+50.00 0 0 0 325.15 508.67 237,255.09 199,409.18 199,409.18 37,845.91
88+00.00 0 0 0 425.64 695.18 237,255.09 200,104.36 200,104.36 37,150.73
88+50.00 0 0 0 515.19 871.14 237,255.09 200,975.50 200,975.50 36,279.59
89+00.00 0 0 0 601.05 1,033.56 237,255.09 202,009.06 202,009.06 35,246.03
89+50.00 0 0 0 626.76 1,136.86 237,255.09 203,145.93 203,145.93 34,109.16
90+00.00 0 0 0 652.36 1,184.37 237,255.09 204,330.30 204,330.30 32,924.80
90+50.00 0 0 0 678.12 1,231.93 237,255.09 205,562.22 205,562.22 31,692.87

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