Eyelid Hygiene

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 2016, Article ID 4292570, 7 pages

Clinical Study
Effects of a New Eyelid Shampoo on Lid Hygiene and
Eyelash Length in Patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction:
A Comparative Open Study

Asuka Kobayashi,1 Takeshi Ide,1,2 Teruki Fukumoto,1,3 Emiko Miki,1,4

Kazuo Tsubota,2 and Ikuko Toda1,2
Minamiaoyama Eye Clinic, Renai Aoyama Building 4F, 3-3-11 Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan
Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1608582, Japan
Kikugawa Eye Clinic, 5134 Kamo Kikukawa-shi, Shizuoka, Japan
Miki Eye Clinic, 1-5 Iwata Tsu-shi, Mie, Japan

Correspondence should be addressed to Ikuko Toda; toda@minamiaoyama.or.jp

Received 23 July 2016; Accepted 2 November 2016

Academic Editor: Vasilios F. Diakonis

Copyright © 2016 Asuka Kobayashi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Purpose. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) can lead to abnormalities in the composition and function of tear film, resulting in
dry eye. Eyelid hygiene is a key to management of MGD. We tested a novel eyelid shampoo (Eye Shampoo Long, ESL) for its ability
to maintain lid hygiene. This shampoo is nonirritating and can potentially lengthen eyelashes. This study was aimed to evaluate
the efficacy of ESL in the treatment of MGD and its effects on eyelash length. Methods. Ten patients with MGD and 10 healthy
subjects without MGD applied ESL twice daily for 8 weeks. Patients were examined for lid margin and dry eye before and after the
trial. Subjective symptoms were evaluated. Eyelash length was measured at baseline and at the end of the trial. Results. In the MGD
group, significant improvements were observed in subjective symptoms obstruction of the meibomian orifice, secretion of meibum,
eyelashes contamination, eyelid margin foam, and SPK. Eyelash length became significantly longer. Conclusions. Maintaining eyelid
hygiene using ESL improved the eyelid margins and symptoms of dry eye in MGD patients and increased eyelash length. These
findings are promising and warrant confirmation in a larger randomized controlled study.

1. Background evaporation. The resulting increase in tear film osmolality

leads to ocular surface damage [3].
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic, diffuse Eyelid hygiene is essential in the management of MGD
abnormality of the meibomian glands. It is commonly char- and plays a fundamental role in decreasing the load of
acterized by obstruction of the terminal ducts and qualitative lipolytic bacteria and the amount of potentially toxic lipids on
and/or quantitative changes in glandular secretions [1]. These the ocular surface originating from products that cause tear
can cause changes in tear film, eye irritation, clinically film spoilage (e.g., free fatty acids) [4–8]. Several lid scrubs are
apparent inflammation, and diseases of the ocular surface [2]. commercially available and have been shown to be effective
MGD can be divided into low-delivery and high-delivery for managing dry eye disease [7–11]. Baby shampoo is one
states based on meibomian gland secretions. Obstructive such lid scrub and for many physicians is the treatment of
MGD is the most common form of dry eye and is categorized choice for chronic blepharitis. However, even though it is
as a low-delivery state [2]. It is also a major cause of gentle and pH-balanced, ocular surface irritation can still
evaporative dry eye disease. In this condition, decreased occur when this conventional shampoo contacts the ocular
delivery of meibum to the ocular surface causes increased tear surface.
2 Journal of Ophthalmology



Figure 1: Lid hygiene technique. (a) ESL. (b) Lid cleansing using ESL. ESL: Eye Shampoo Long.

In this study, we investigated a novel eyelid shampoo Kjellmaniella gyrate extract, and amino acids (see Table 1 ))
formulated for lid hygiene regimens. This shampoo is nonir- [14–18]. The manufacturer confirmed product safety.
ritating and potentially lengthens the eyelashes. The purpose All participants used ESL twice a day for 8 weeks
of this study was to evaluate the effects of this newly according to the prescribed study washing regimen, which
developed eye-cleansing formulation on MGD and eyelash entailed pumping the shampoo onto one hand or a piece
length. of cotton and spreading it gently around the eyes. Next, the
study participants lightly massaged their eyelids to remove
2. Material and Methods impurities located at the eyelash roots and rinsed their eyes
with water (Figure 1(b)). During the study, subjects were
The study protocol was prospectively reviewed and approved asked to continue any eye drops that they were using at
by the Minamiaoyama Eye Clinic Internal Review Board and enrollment.
was conducted according to the tenets of the Declaration of
Helsinki. All subjects provided written informed consent to 2.3. Study Tests and Examinations. Examinations were per-
participate after receiving a detailed explanation of the study. formed in 10 patients with MGD-associated dry eye and in
10 healthy subjects to check for a possible effect on eyelash
2.1. Subjects. Ten patients (2 men, 8 women) with dry eye growth. The characteristics of the two groups are presented in
associated with MGD were enrolled into the study. The Table 2. All subjects completed a background survey (Table 3)
patients in the MGD-related dry eye group were diagnosed at the time of enrollment (baseline) and at the end of the 8-
according to the 2006 guidelines published by Shimazaki [12]. week treatment period.
To determine whether the trial shampoo (Eye Shampoo Long The examinations (Table 4) included tear breakup time,
[ESL], MediProduct Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) had an effect on fluorescein staining score, and lipid layer thickness (LipiView,
eyelash growth, we included 10 healthy subjects (4 men, 6 TearScience, Inc., Morrisville, NC, USA). Eyelid margin
women) for measurement of eyelash length. findings (meibomian gland blockage, eyelash contamination,
eyelid margin foam, and decreased meibum secretion) were
2.2. Eyelid Hygiene Product. ESL is a nonirritating, eye- graded on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 to 4 (Table 5).
cleansing formulation (Figure 1(a)) with a pH of 7.4 and The change in meibum secretion was evaluated by extruding
an osmolality of 300 mOsm/L, which is similar to that of meibum from the lower eyelid using MGE-100 (TearScience,
normal tear film [13]. The product contains components that Inc.). The severity of superficial punctate keratopathy (SPK)
are anti-inflammatory (dipotassium glycyrrhizate, cholecal- was evaluated using a 4-point scale ranging from 0 to 3. The
ciferol [vitamin D3]) and moisturizing (blends of ceramide, corneal surface was divided into nasal, temporal, and central
Kjellmaniella gyrate extract) and promote hair growth regions, and SPK was graded in each area. The final SPK
(cholecalciferol [vitamin D3], Panax ginseng root extract, score was calculated as the sum of all regional scores. Visual
Journal of Ophthalmology 3

Table 1: Composition of Eye Shampoo Long. Table 2: Demographic characteristics of study participants.

INCI code Function MGD patients Controls, eyelash length

(𝑛 = 10) (𝑛 = 10)
1 Water Base
2 Butylene glycol Moisturizer Male 2 4

Content less than 1% Female 8 6

3 Alanine Moisturizer Age (years) 53.8 (32–79) 34.0 (34–54)

4 Allantoin Moisturizer
5 Arginine pH adjuster Table 3: Questionnaire of eye care habits.
6 Carbomer Thickener Hardly
Yes No Occasionally
7 Ceramide AP Emollient ever
8 Ceramide EOP Emollient Use of contact lens
9 Ceramide NP Emollient Anamnesis of LASIK
10 Cholecalciferol Emollient Regular eye washing
11 Cholesterol Emollient Anamnesis of stye and chalazion
12 Citric acid pH adjuster Use of eye drops
13 Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate conditioning
agent Table 4: Specialized and nonspecialized tests for meibomian gland
dysfunction, dry eye, and eyelash length.
14 Disodium guanylate Moisturizer
15 Disodium inosinate Moisturizer Category Test
16 Glutamic acid Moisturizer Symptoms Original questionnaires∗
17 Glycine Moisturizer Signs
Eye lash contamination
18 Histidine HCl Moisturizer
Meibomian gland blockage
19 Isoleucine Moisturizer Meibomian function
Eyelid margin foam
20 Kjellmaniellagyrata extract Moisturizer
Decreased meibum secretion
21 Leucine Moisturizer
Tear breakup time
22 Lysine HCl Moisturizer Ocular surface Superficial punctate keratopathy
23 Panax ginseng root extract Moisturizer Lipid layer thickness
24 PEG-25 glyceryl isostearate Detergent Eyelash Length
25 Phenoxyethanol Preservative ∗
See Table 5 for grading scales.
26 Phenylalanine Moisturizer
27 Phytic acid Chelating agent
28 Phytosphingosine Emollient
acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and refractive error were
measured at each study visit. The longest eyelash on the left
29 Proline Moisturizer eye was identified, pulled, and taped to a piece of paper for
30 Sericin Moisturizer measurement.
31 Serine Moisturizer Dry eye symptoms were evaluated using a questionnaire
administered at baseline and after 8 weeks of using ESL.
32 Silver oxide Preservative
The questionnaire assessed 17 ocular symptoms (Table 6).
33 Sodium aspartate Moisturizer Responses of “none,” “mild,” “moderate,” and “severe” were
34 Sodium chloride Base scored as 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
35 Sodium lauroyl lactylate Moisturizer
36 Sodium polyacrylate Thickener 2.4. Statistical Analyses. The data are presented as the mean ±
37 Taurine Moisturizer standard deviation. Differences in subjective symptoms and
findings at the eyelid margin (meibomian gland blockage,
38 Threonine Moisturizer
eyelash contamination, lid margin foam, and decreased
39 Tyrosine Moisturizer meibum secretion) were tested for statistical significance
40 Valine Moisturizer using the Mann—Whitney 𝑈 test. Differences in ocular
41 Xanthan gum Thickener surface findings (including SPK) and eyelash length were
tested for statistical significance using the Wilcoxon signed
42 Zea mays (corn) oil Emollient rank test. Statistical significance was defined as 𝑝 < .05.
4 Journal of Ophthalmology

Table 5: Grading scales for signs of meibomian gland dysfunction. Subjective symptoms
4 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Symptom score
Eyelash contamination 3
0 Clear 2
1 Slight contamination 1
2 Mild 0
Sensation Bleary eyes Gritty Sore eyes Heat
3 Moderate of dryness feeling
4 Severe Pre 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.8 0.6
Post 1.8 1.1 1.2 0.7 0.2
Meibomian orifice obstruction
0 Clear liquid Figure 2: Subjective symptom scores for patients with meibomian
gland dysfunction.
1 Yellowish liquid
2 Opaque and toothpaste-like consistency
3 Thickened white material Meibomian gland blockage ∗
∗ p < .05
4 Not possible 6

Meibomian gland blockage

Meibomian gland blockage 5
0 None 4
<25% blocked glands

1 3
2 25% to <50% 2
3 50% to <75% 1
4 75% or more 0
Lid margin foam Pre Post
3.4 2.45
0 Clear
1 At the canthus Figure 3: Meibomian gland blockage in a patient with meibomian
gland dysfunction.
2 Lower or upper
3 Lower and upper
4 Lower and upper or at the canthus Eyelash contamination ∗
∗ p < .05
Eyelash contamination score

3. Results
3.1. Subjective Symptoms. The patients with MGD showed a 1
significant improvement from baseline in subjective symp-
toms after 8 weeks using ESL. Sensation of dryness, bleary
eyes (foreign body sensation), grittiness (foreign body sen-
sation), sore eyes (burning sensation), and heat (burning 0
sensation) improved significantly (𝑝 < .05) during this time Pre Post
(Table 7, Figure 2). 0.7 0

Figure 4: Eyelash contamination in patients with meibomian gland

3.2. Findings at the Eyelid Margin. Patients with MGD dysfunction.
showed a significant improvement (𝑝 < .05) in meibomian
gland blockage, eyelash contamination, and eyelid margin
foam, as well as decreased meibum secretion (Table 7, Figures Eyelid margin foam
∗ ∗
3–6). p < .05
Eyelid margin foam score

3.3. Eyelash Growth. Eyelashes were significantly longer after 0.5
8 weeks of using ESL than they were at baseline in the patients 0.4
with MGD and in the healthy subjects (𝑝 < .05; Table 7, 0.3
Figure 7). 0.2
3.4. Ocular Surface and Tear Function. SPK significantly 0
Pre Post
improved in the MGD group (𝑝 < .05) during the 8-week
0.2 0
study period. However, no significant changes were observed
in tear breakup time or lipid layer thickness this time (Table 7, Figure 5: Eyelid margin foam in patients with meibomian gland
Figure 8). dysfunction.
Journal of Ophthalmology 5

Table 6: Results of ocular symptoms questionnaire before and after 8 weeks of the study intervention.

0 (none) 1 (mild) 2 (moderate) 3 (severe)

(1) Eye discomfort (vague discomfort in eyes)
(2) Sensations of dryness
(3) Bleary eyes (foreign body sensation)
(4) Grittiness (foreign body sensation)
(5) Sore eyes (burning sensation)
(6) Heat (burning sensation)
(7) Eye discharge (gum in eye)
(8) Stringy mucus
(9) Blurriness
(10) Eye strain
(11) Eye pain
(12) Lacrimation (excessive watering of the eye)
(13) Itchiness
(14) Red eye
(15) Heaviness
(16) Extra sensitivity to light
(17) Excessive frequent eye blinking (frequent blinks)

Table 7: Comparison of symptoms, meibomian gland function, eyelash length, and ocular surface according to treatment group (we listed
the items with 𝑝 < .05 only).

Baseline 8 weeks
Group/task 𝑝 versus baseline
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)
Subjective symptoms
Sensation of dryness 2.20 ± 0.63 1.80 ± 0.79 .046
Bleary eyes (foreign body sensation) 1.90 ± 0.74 1.10 ± 0.57 .011
Gritty feeling (foreign body
1.90 ± 1.10 1.20 ± 0.92 .020
Sore eyes (burning sensation) 1.80 ± 0.63 0.70 ± 0.67 .009
Heat (burning sensation) 0.60 ± 0.70 0.20 ± 0.63 .046
Meibomian gland function
Eyelash contamination 0.70 ± 0.86 0.00 ± 0.00 .004
Meibomian gland blockage 3.40 ± 0.68 2.45 ± 0.69 .000
Eyelid margin foam 0.20 ± 0.41 0.00 ± 0.00 .046
Decreased meibum secretion 1.40 ± 0.82 0.80 ± 0.52 .038
Eyelash length
MGD patients and healthy subjects Length 8.13 ± 1.80 8.84 ± 1.86 .020
Ocular surface
Superficial punctate keratopathy 2.95 ± 2.25 1.75 ± 1.77 .002
MGD: meibomian gland dysfunction; SD: standard deviation.

4. Discussion However, we found improvements in the cleanliness of the

eyelashes and meibomian blockage.
Our results indicate that the condition of the eyelids In general, lid hygiene regimens consist of application of
improved markedly after using ESL for 8 weeks. The objective warm compresses and lid massage to clear meibomian gland
findings for MGD and the ocular surface improved, sub- blockage. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents can also
jective dry eye symptoms (e.g., chronic ocular discomfort) be used to improve the quality of the meibum. Tear substitutes
lessened, and eyelash length increased. and additional lubricants can help to alleviate the symptoms
It was suspected that ESL would not be effective because of dry eye. Topical antibiotic ointments may be used in
a mild shampoo is likely to have limited cleansing ability. moderate and severe cases. However, the treatments available
6 Journal of Ophthalmology

Decreased meibum secretion p < .05 Superficial punctate keratopathy ∗
3.0 ∗ ∗ p < .05
Decreased meibum score


SPK score

1.0 3

0.0 1
Pre Post Pre Post
1.4 0.8 2.9 1.8
Figure 6: Decreased meibum secretion in patients with meibomian Figure 8: Superficial punctate keratopathy in patients with meibo-
gland dysfunction. mian gland dysfunction.

Eyelash length ∗
∗ p < .05
12 expressed in the epithelium of the meibomian glands. Lastly,
lid massage may have promoted eyelash growth because
10 of the presence of Panax ginseng extract and Kjellmaniella
gyrate extract, both of which are known to stimulate hair

8 growth [17, 18].

The effect of ESL on lid hygiene was similar to that of
6 already available commercial products [4]. However, ESL is
less irritating and has the additional benefit of lengthening
4 the eyelashes. The lash-lengthening effect of ESL may fur-
Pre Post
8.1 8.8
ther improve compliance with the lid hygiene regimen and
encourage patients with MGD to wash their eyelids regularly,
Figure 7: Eyelash length. just as they brush their teeth. ESL can also be used as a make-
up remover, so it can reduce MGD caused by residual eye
have somewhat variable effects and must be continued over In the present study, no adverse events such as redness,
long periods to achieve a satisfactory reduction of symptoms. discharge, pupillary formation of congestive, and edema
As a result, patients often discontinue treatment [6, 7]. were observed and good results were obtained using ESL.
The patients in this study were compliant with the lid Moreover, no participants reported irritation using ESL.
hygiene regimen partly because of improvements in their Previous report admitted product safety [4]. In addition,
MGD symptoms, such as eyelash contamination, and sub- participants reported that ESL was easily available and that
jective symptoms. ESL is believed to improve compliance they felt reduced MGD symptoms and 30% of the subjects
because the regimen is less complicated than that required continue to use the ESL. These suggest that continued use of
when using conventional baby shampoo regimens; for exam- ESL could have additional favorable effects on the meibomian
ple, unlike baby shampoo, this product does not need to be gland; however, we have to admit that the sample size is small.
diluted. No treatments for MGD that are effective in long- Further investigation is warranted [4].
term use have been described in the literature. However, ESL In summary, ESL is the first product in Japan which
is easy to handle and reduces irritation; therefore patients can take care of eyelashes as well as MGD treatment.
using it may be more likely to continue their treatment. ESL effectively improved the signs and symptoms of MGD
The eyelash-lengthening effect of ESL maybe due to its and lengthened eyelashes, which may encourage patients to
vitamin D and hair growth-promoting components and/or continue using the product. Both of these factors would
the effects of better hygiene [14, 15]. It is possible that encourage compliance with a lid hygiene regimen.
lengthening of the eyelashes occurred once the eyelashes were
cleaned by washing and the condition of the eyelash roots Abbreviations
improved. Therefore, future studies should compare ESL
with other formulations to investigate this effect. The mRNA MGD: Meibomian gland dysfunction
encoding 25-hydroxylase, the vitamin D activation enzyme, ESL: Eye Shampoo Long
was recently shown to be present in some ocular cells [16]. SPK: Superficial punctate keratopathy
However, expression of this gene in the meibomian glands IOP: Intraocular pressure.
of epithelial cells has not been confirmed. It is possible that
vitamin D3 is activated in the meibomian gland epithelium Competing Interests
and induces eyelash growth, as has been demonstrated on
the scalp [14–16, 19]. Future studies should be performed The authors have no commercial or proprietary interest in any
to determine whether the vitamin D activation enzyme is concept or product described in this article.
Journal of Ophthalmology 7

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