Modular 3 Modules en
Modular 3 Modules en
Modular 3 Modules en
Controls Connections
Low Key MIDI In
This value sets the lowest note (as a note Input for the MIDI signal.
number) for the keyboard zone. The
highest note for the zone is determined MIDI Low
by the Split value. Transpose
Outputs the low split zone portion of the
Allows for independent transposition MIDI signal (after transposition).
Split values for the Low and High keyboard
This note number separates the high and ranges, adjustable to +/-64 semitones.
low keyboard zones. Note that the transposition will succeed
only if the result lies within both the Outputs the high split zone portion of the
respective low/high key range and the MIDI signal (after transposition).
High Key
The note number that defines the upper permissible range of MIDI note numbers
boundary of the high keyboard range. The (0-127).
lower boundary is determined by the Split
Controls Connections
Controls Connections
Clock Divide Clock
Each of the two outputs has an Connect the Clock output of a MIDI Clock
associated Textfader to adjust its or other module here.
multiplication or division factor.
Example: You have a MIDI Clock, a 24/96 = 1/1 note Connect this with the output of the same
Clock Divider, and two sequencer
name on the MIDI Clock module. The
modules. The first sequencer is to 24/48 = 1/2 note
produce quarter notes, and the second, MIDI Clock uses this connection to
eighth-note triplets. Connect Out 1 to 24/24 = 1/4 note enable synchronous control. When this
the first sequencer, and set it to 24/24. signal is received, Out 1 and Out 2 of the
Likewise, connect Out 2 to sequencer 24/16 = 1/4 triplets Clock Divider are resynchronized.
2, but adjust the ratio to 24/8. Out 1 will
send quarter notes (24/24 = 1 step per 24/12 = 1/8 note
beat) and Out 2 will transmit eight-note Out 1
triplets (24/8 = 3 steps per beat). 24/8 = 1/8 triplets Clock Divide output 1.
In Legato mode, notes played before the previous note is released are ignored.
Therefore, there must be a small space between two notes for the second to produce
a trigger.
Controls Connections
Single MIDI In
Enables Single mode. The button is lit Connect this to a MIDI source.
when enabled.
If you want the module to respond only to
a specific MIDI channel, connect a MIDI
Legato Channel Filter and set it to pass MIDI data
Enables Legato mode. The button is lit only from the desired channel.
when enabled.
Outputs the trigger/clock signal.
Connections Connections
Connect, for example, the MIDI input of Connect, for example, the MIDI input of
the patch here. the patch here.
Delivers the filtered MIDI stream,
containing only the messages on the
specified channel.
Controls Min/Max1
on/off Sets the range within which the incoming Connections
Switches gate to synchronization signal gate signal will be routed to the first
conversion on or off. When the button is output. Gate
lit, Gate2Sync is switched on. Input for the gate signal.
Connections Sets the range within which the incoming Val
gate signal will be routed to the second Input for the Note or Vel signal of an MVC.
Gate output.
Input for the gate signal. Gate 1
Link Gate ouput for the Min/Max1 range.
Sync Enable this option to make Max1 and
Output for the synchronization signal. Min2 adjustable simultaneously in paral- Gate 2
lel. This makes it easier to separate the
Gate ouput for the Min/Max2 range.
two ranges accurately.
Controls Connections
Sens Gate
Reduces the sensitivity of the circuit so Gate signal output.
that the gate state changes less
frequently. In A
Input for the first audio signal.
In B
Input for the second audio signal.
Controls how frequently the module
Controls generates gate signals.
Treshold Gate Connections
Sets the value to compare to the level of Output for the gate signal.
the signal at input A. Gate
In A Gate signal output.
Sens Input for an audio signal.
Reduces the sensitivity of the circuit so
that the gate state changes less
Switches the Threshold control to use bi-
polar values.
Connect a modulation signal to control
the pulse width here.
The oscillator’s output signal.
Sync Out (Only in SyncMaster version)
Coarse/Fine PW
Provides a synchronization signal for a
Controls the pitch of the oscillator. Coarse When the pulse waveform is selected, SyncSlave oscillator. Connect this output
adjusts the pitch in semitones; Fine use PW to manually adjust the ‘duty cycle’ to the Sync In jack of the slave oscillator.
adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a semitone). of the wave. This adjusts the shape of
the pulse rectangle. Sync In (Only in SyncSlave version)
Waveform Input for the synchronization signal of a
Allows you to choose from the following PwmA
SyncMaster oscillator. Connect the Sync
waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Saw up, Saw Adjusts the degree to which the incoming out of a SyncMaster here.
down, and Pulse. signal at the Pwm input influences the
pulse width modulation.
Controls Connections
Coarse/Fine Freq In
Controls the pitch of the oscillator. Coarse Input for the frequency signal
adjusts the pitch in semitones; Fine
adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a semitone). Pwm
Connect a modulation signal to control
PW the pulse width here.
Control to adjust the pulse width
manually. Out
The oscillator’s audio output.
Adjusts the degree to which the incoming Sync In (SyncSlave only)
signal at the Pwm input influences the Input for the synchronization signal of a
pulse width modulation. SyncMaster oscillator. Connect the Sync
out of a SyncMaster here.
Controls Connections
Coarse/Fine Freq In
Controls the pitch of the oscillator. Coarse Input for the frequency signal.
adjusts the pitch in semitones; Fine
adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a semitone). Out
The oscillator’s audio output.
Freq In
Controls the pitch of the oscillator.
Coarse adjusts the pitch in semitones; Input for the frequency signal.
Fine adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a
semitone). Out
The oscillator’s audio output.
Partial (only in the SineOSC Partial)
This is the factor by which the basic Sync In
frequency at Freq In is multiplied. By Input for the synchronization signal of a
adjusting this value to integer (whole SyncMaster oscillator. Connect the Sync
number) values, harmonics are out of a SyncMaster here.
produced:A factor of 1.000x produces the
basic frequency, or first harmonic. A
factor of 2.000x produces the octave
above the basic frequency, or the second
harmonic, etc.
Input for a modulation signal to control
the phase of the sawtooth wave. The
signal at this input has an effect only
when Man/Mod is set to Mod (button is
Controls Connections
Coarse/Fine Freq In
Controls the pitch of the oscillator. Coarse Input for the frequency signal.
adjusts the pitch in semitones; Fine
adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a semitone). Pwm
Connect a modulation signal to control
PW the pulse width here.
Control to adjust the pulse width
manually. WfmA Wfm
Adjusts the intensity of the modulation Input for a modulation signal to control
PwmA signal connected to the Wfm input. This the waveshape/morph factor.
Adjusts the degree to which the incoming signal modulates the waveshape/morph
signal at the Pwm input influences the factor. Out
pulse width modulation. The oscillator’s audio output.
Here you set the morph factor which
controls the relationship of the sine wave
to the pulse wave.
Controls Connections
Coarse/Fine Freq In
Controls the pitch of the oscillator. Coarse Input for the frequency signal.
adjusts the pitch in semitones; Fine
adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a semitone). Wfm
Input for a modulation signal to control
WfmA the waveshape/morph factor.
Here you set the morph factor which
controls the relationship of the sine wave Adjusts the intensity of the modulation
signal connected to the Wfm input. This Out
to the pulse wave.
signal modulates the waveshape/morph The oscillator’s audio output.
Controls Connections
Coarse/Fine Freq In
Controls the pitch of the oscillator. Coarse Input for the frequency signal.
adjusts the pitch in semitones; Fine
adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a semitone). Wfm
Input for a modulation signal to control
Saw/Pulse WfmA the waveshape/morph factor.
Switches between the sawtooth and Adjusts the intensity of the modulation
pulse waveforms. signal connected to the Wfm input. This Out
signal modulates the waveshape/morph The oscillator’s audio output.
WF factor.
Here you set the morph factor which
controls the relationship of the sine wave
to the saw/pulse wave.
Coarse/Fine Phase
In an FM Operator, the Coarse/Fine Use this control to adjust the start phase
controls are used not only to determine of the carrier wave. Usually this results
the pitch of the output, but also the in small spectral changes, and will work
spectrum (e.g. frequency modulation). only if retrigger (Ret) is enabled.
Coarse changes the frequency in integer
steps, resulting in simple spectra with Ret
recognizable pitch. Changes to the Fine This switch determines whether the
setting result in less recognizable pitch, Fixed signal will run continuously, or be
and more complex spectra reminiscent Fixed permits you to adjust the operator’s restarted at its initial phase setting each
of bells or ring modulation. In order to use frequency to a fixed value. You can create time a new note is played. Retrigger is
the Coarse/Fine controls, Fixed must not some particularly interesting effects using enabled when the button is lit.
be enabled, and the blue LED beside the Fixed.
controls must be lit. FmA1/2
When you use a fixed frequency, the
Detune Coarse/Fine controls are disabled. This Controls the depth of frequency
is indicated when the blue LED next to modulation from the respective
Allows you to detune, or fine tune the Fixed is lit. modulation inputs.
operator. Range is +/-20 cents.
Input for an envelope signal. Controls the
amplitude of the operator.
Fm 1
Input for a modulator for frequency
Fm 2
Input for a modulator for frequency
Coarse/Fine Fixed
The Coarse and Fine controls adjust the Sets the pitch of the oscillator to a fixed
pitch, and in the case of frequency frequency. Using a fixed frequency
modulation, also the sound spectrum. results in particularly interesting effects.
The Coarse control adjusts the basic
When the oscillator is set to a fixed
frequency in integral relationships so as frequency, the Coarse/Fine controls
to create simple spectra with have no effect (as indicated by the state
recognizable pitch. Use the Fine control of the blue LED - on or off).
to produce spectra with less easily
recognizable pitch and more complex Phase
spectra with bell-like qualities. To use the This control sets the start phase of the
Coarse/Fine controls, Fixed must be set carrier wave. Usually this results only in
to null, and the blue LED between the small changes to the spectrum, and then
Coarse and Fine controls must be lit. only when an appropriate signal is
connected to the Sync In input. You
Detune could, for example, use the Gate to Sync
Controls the fine tuning or detuning of the module to provide an appropriate signal.
oscillators within a range of +/- 20 cents.
Adjusts the volume of the audio signal at
the Out output.
Input for an audio signal.
Controls the pitch of the resonator.
Coarse adjusts the pitch in semitones;
Freq In
Fine adjusts it in cents (1/100 of a
semitone). Input for a frequency signal.
Res The resonance of the filter is created Rmod
Controls the strength of the comb filter using feedback. By adjusting the Damp Input for a modulation signal
effect. The higher the resonance, the parameter, you control the depth of the (Resonance).
clearer the pitch becomes. feedback loop. This provides an additio-
nal way to control the behavior of the Dmod
comb filter. Input for a modulation signal (Damp).
Adjusts the degree of influence of
modulation on the resonance. Out
The resonator’s audio output.
White Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the
White noise output. bandpass filter.
Pink Connections
Pink noise output.
Output for the unfiltered white noise.
Output for signal after it has passed
through the bandpass filter.
Click on this button if you want to save
the currently selected sample to your
hard disk. This button opens the standard
dialog for saving files.
Controls Tmod1
Adjusts the times of all segments of the
envelope. Both the intensity and direction
You can adjust the curves for the attack, of the modulation effect of the signal at
decay and release slopes. The curve is Tmod1 is set by this value. Negative
continuously adjustable from linear to values shorten times, and positive values
logarithmic. lengthen them.
A Tmod2
The sustain level. This is the level at
The attack time. When a gate signal is which the modulation signal will be held Adjusts the times of all segments of the
received, the attack segment starts, and as long as the gate is open. When the envelope. Both the intensity and direction
continues for the maximum time duration gate closes, the release segment of the modulation effect of the signal at
at which point the maximum modulation immediately follows. Tmod2 is set by this value. Negative
level is reached. values shorten times, and positive values
R lengthen them.
The release time. When the envelope
The decay time. The envelope enters the Lmod
generator receives a gate-off signal, it
decay segment when the attack phase Adjusts the levels of all segments of the
jumps immediately from its current phase
completes. At this point, the modulation envelope. The value here (0..max)
to the release segment. When the
falls back to the sustain level. The time controls the intensity of the modulation
change from one segment to another
needed for this is the Decay time. A decay of the levels by the modulation signal.
takes place, the release time will be
will not be heard if the sustain level is set
adjusted to account for the volume level
to maximum.
at that time.
Input for a modulation signal to control
envelope times.
Input for a modulation signal to control
envelope levels.
Output for the envelope signal.
Controls Tmod2
ASlope Adjusts the times of the two envelope
segments. Both the intensity and
Adjusts the slope curve for the attack
direction of the modulation effect of the
phase. The curve is continuously
signal at Tmod2 is set by this value. Ne-
adjustable from linear to logarithmic .
gative values shorten times, and positi-
D ve values lengthen them. This parameter
DSlope is missing on the Vintage AD & Mod
The decay time. The envelope enters the
Adjusts the slope curve for the decay version.
decay segment when the attack phase
phase. The curve is continuously
completes, and lasts for the decay slope
adjustable from a linear to a exponential Lmod
time at which point the level reaches 0.
fade out.
Adjusts the levels of all segments of the
Tmod1 envelope. The value here (0..max)
A controls the intensity of the modulation
Adjusts the times of the two segments of
The attack time. When a gate signal is of the levels by the modulation signal.
the envelope. Both the intensity and
received, the attack segment starts, and
direction of the modulation effect of the
continues for the slope time at which point
signal at Tmod1 is set by this value. Ne-
the maximum level is reached.
gative values shorten times, and positi-
ve values lengthen them. This parameter
is missing on the Vintage AD & Mod
Dmod (Only on the AD & Mod version) Tmod2 (Not on the AD & Mod version)
Adjusts the time of the decay segment. Input for a modulation signal to control
Both the intensity and direction of the envelope times.
modulation effect of the signal is set by
this value. Negative values shorten Lmod
times, and positive values lengthen them. Input for a modulation signal to control
envelope levels.
Adjusts the modulation depth of the times Connection for the Esync feedback to an
of all segments of the envelope. Both the MVC or sequencer module.
intensity and direction of the modulation
signal at Tmod1 is set by this value. Ne- Tmod1
gative values shorten times, and positi- Input for a modulation signal to control
ve values lengthen them. envelope times.
Tmod2 Tmod2
Adjusts the modulation depth of the times Input for a modulation signal to control
of all segments of the envelope. Both the envelope times.
intensity and direction of the modulation
signal at Tmod2 is set by this value. Ne- Lmod
gative values shorten times, and positi- Input for a modulation signal to control
ve values lengthen them. envelope levels.
Lmod Out
Adjusts the levels of all segments of the Output for the envelope signal.
envelope. The value here (0..max)
controls the intensity of the modulation
of the levels by the modulation signal.
Controls Connections
Input Gain In
Some signal levels are too low or too high Input for the audio signal to be processed.
to be processed effectively. Adjust the In-
put Gain value up or down to optimize Out
the signal level. Output for the generated envelope signal.
Output Gain
Attack Controls the output level of the generated
Controls the response time of the envelope signal.
envelope follower to rising levels of the
audio signal. Hold
Click on this button to terminate analysis
Decay and hold the envelope output at its current
Controls the response time of the level.
envelope follower to falling levels of the
audio signal.
PolyOut 1 & 2
The PolyOut modules are extremely
important, as they are required in any
polyphonic patch. You can think of the
PolyOut as a kind of ‘Master Volume’ for
the patch. Since a polyphonic patch Controls Connections
consists of multiple voices, something
akin to a mixer is required to combine Gain In
them. This is exactly what the PolyOut Controls the overall level of the patch. If Input for the audio signal.
modules are for. distortion occurs, reduce the level until it
is eliminated. Out
The Gain control of these modules can The audio signal output.
actually serve as a master volume control
for the patch. PolyOut 1 has a single input
and a single output, and is suitable for
monophonic patches. PolyOut 2 has two
ins and outs, and is suitable for stereo
patches. PolyOut modules are usually
placed after the synthesis modules and
before the effects modules in a patch.
The Modular has the equivalent of two VCAs - linear and exponential. In the linear
VCA, the level of the output is influenced by the signal at the modulation input at a
ratio of 1:1. The exponential VCA takes the signal at the modulation input and processes
it to produce an exponential response. A linear envelope signal becomes exponential,
and the audio output level will change exponentially.
Slope (Exponential VCA only)
Controls how strongly the linear
modulation signal is given an exponential Connections
characteristic. The curve can adjusted
continuously from linear to exponential.
Input for the audio signal.
Input for the modulation signal.
Audio output.
Controls Connections
Slope In
Controls the slope curve characteristic Input for the audio signal.
of the incoming modulation signal. It can
vary smoothly from linear to exponential. Mod
Input for the VCA modulation signal.
Smod (Slope Modulation)
Controls the strenght of the modulation Smod
signal over the slope. Input for the Slope modulation signal.
Audio signal output.
Controls Controls
Gain Att
Controls the amplification level of the Adjusts the degree of signal attenuation
audio signal. (volume cut).
Connections Connections
In In
Input for the audio signal. Input for the audio signal.
Out Out
Output for the amplified audio signal. Output for the attenuated audio signal.
Note: The Micro Mixer is a monophonic module, as its green color indicates. Therefore,
as with monophonic effects, it should be only used following the PolyOut module.
Controls Connections
Pan 1- 4 In 1- 4
Sets pan position for each of input signals Audio inputs.
1-4 in the stereo output.
Master Out
Level 1- 4 Master Stereo (mix) output.s.
Sets the level for each of input signals 1- Controls output level (left and right
4 in the stereo output. outputs in tandem).
In Name
A freely editable label field – typically,
enter the name of the signal connected
to each channel here.
X-Fade 1/2
Controls the relative levels of signal 1 and
signal 2.
Controls Connections
In 1
In In Input for audio signal 1.
The number of input potentiometers will Depending on the mixer, there will be 2,
depend on which mixer you are using. 4, or 8 inputs for audio signals. In 2
Each one controls its respective input Input for audio signal 2.
signal level. Out
The mixer’s audio output. Out
Internal distortion can occur in the
mixer. If this happens, pull back on the The audio output.
levels a bit.
Controls the mixer’s output level.
Pan L/R Controls Connections
Adjusts the apportioning of the input In 1
signal to the left and right outputs. X-Fade 1/2 (Crossfade)
Controls the relative levels of signal 1 and Input for audio signal 1.
Connections signal 2.
In 2
In Input for audio signal 2.
Input for the audio signal to be panned.
Controls the crossfade modulation depth.
Out L Input for the modulation signal.
The left audio output.
Out R The audio output.
The right audio output.
Controls Connections
Pan L/R (Crossfade) In
Adjusts the apportioning of the input Input for the audio signal to be panned.
signal to the left and right outputs.
Mod Input for the modulation signal.
Controls the depth of Pan modulation
Out L
The left audio output.
Out R
The right audio output.
Controls Connections
Mod1 In
Controls the modulation depth of the Input for the audio signal.
signal at the first modulation input.
Mod2 Input for the first modulation signal.
Controls the modulation depth of the
signal at the second modulation input. Mod2
Input for the second modulation signal.
Adds a constant value to the amplitude Out
modulation (affecting the resulting Audio output.
modulation level).
Input for a modulation signal to control
the LFO rate.
Input for the Note signal of the MVC.
Input for a modulation signal to control
crossfade time.
Audio output of the resulting signal.
This switch either allows the signal to
pass through to the output or not, Controls Connections
depending on its state. When the switch
is lit, it is ‘on’, and the signal is routed to Switch 1 - 4 In
the output. When it is not lit, it is ‘off’, and The signal will be routed to the output Input for the audio signal
the signal is not passed to the output. selected.
Out 1- 4
Connections Gain 1 - 4 (1X4 Switch Gain only) Possible outputs to which the signal can
In Controls the levels of the respective be routed.
Input for the audio signal. outputs.
Audio output.
Controls Connections
Switch 1 - 4 In 1- 4
Selects the input signal to be routed to Inputs for up to four audio signals.
the output.
Gain 1 - 4 (4X1 Switch Gain only) Audio output.
Controls the levels of the respective
Controls Controls
Switch 1 - 6 Switch 1 - 6
Selects the output to route the input signal Selects the input to be routed to the
to. output.
Gain 1 - 6 (1x6 Switch (Gain) only) Gain 1 - 6 (6x1 Switch (Gain) only)
Controls the individual level of each Controls the gain for each individual
output. input.
Connections Connections
In In 1- 6
Audio signal input. Inputs for 6 audio signals.
Out 1- 6 Out
Audio outputs to which the input signal Output for the currently connected input
may be routed. signal.
Controls Controls
Switch 1 - 8 Switch 1 - 8
Selects the output to route the input signal Selects the input to be routed to the
to. output.
Gain 1 - 8 (1x8 Switch (Gain) only) Gain 1 - 8 (8x1 Switch (Gain) only)
Controls the individual level of each Controls the gain for each individual
output. input.
Connections Connections
In In 1- 8
Audio signal input. Inputs for 8 audio signals.
Out 1- 8 Out
Audio outputs to which the input signal Output for the currently connected input
may be routed. signal.
Connections Connections
In In
Inputs for audio or modulation signals. Input for an audio or modulation signal.
Out Out
Combined signal output. Inverted signal output.
Controls Connections
Signal-LED In
This LED lights up when the audio signal Reset Input for an audio signal to measure.
reaches or exceeds -60dB.
The reset button clears the peak level text
display so you can continue to monitor
Peak-LED the peak levels. You would use this, for
This LED lights up when the signal example, when the last peak reads 0dB,
reaches or exceeds 0dB. and you make adjustments to reduce the
signal to a safe level. Click on Reset to
Peak Textfeld resume monitoring the peaks.
Displays the last peak level reached.
Input for the audio or modulation signal
to be corrected.
Output for the corrected signal.
Controls Controls
Cutoff Cutoff
Adjusts the cutoff frequency. Adjusts the cutoff frequency.
Connections Connections Cutoff
In In Adjusts the cutoff frequency.
Input for the audio signal. Input for the audio signal.
Out Out Controls the strength of the resonance.
Audio output of the filter. Audio output of the filter.
Input for the audio signal.
Audio output of the filter.
Controls Connections
Cutoff In
Adjusts the cutoff relative to a range of Input for the audio signal.
CFm1 Input to receive the Note signal from the
Controls the depth of the first cutoff When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut- MVC.
frequency modulation signal. off frequency will adjust to maintain its
frequency relationship to the pitch across CFm1
CFm2 the entire keyboard. At a setting of 50%, Input to receive a cutoff frequency
Controls the depth of the second cutoff the cutoff frequency ratio will be lowered modulation signal.
frequency modulation signal. by 50% per octave above E3, and raised
50% per octave below E3. A value of 0% CFm2
means there is no keyfollow modulation,
Keyf Input to receive a cutoff frequency
and the cutoff frequency remains fixed.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to modulation signal.
track the keyboard through the MVC. The
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note Out
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency The filter’s audio output.
will always stand at its original value,
regardless of the key follow setting.
Cutoff Keyf
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a Input to receive the Note signal from the
range of 0..127. MVC.
Controls Input for the modulation signal to control
Cutoff resonance.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a
range of 0..127. Keyf
Input to receive the Note signal from the
Resonance MVC.
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range by 50% per octave above E3, and raised
of 0..127. CFm1
50% per octave below E3. A value of 0%
means there is no keyfollow modulation, Input to receive a cutoff frequency
Keyf and the cutoff frequency remains fixed. modulation signal.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to
track the keyboard through the MVC. The CFm1 CFm2
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note Controls the depth of the first cutoff Input to receive a cutoff frequency
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency frequency modulation signal. modulation signal.
will always stand at its original value,
regardless of the key follow setting. CFm2 Out
When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut- Controls the depth of the second cutoff The filter’s audio output.
off frequency will adjust to maintain its frequency modulation signal.
frequency relationship to the pitch across
the entire keyboard. At a setting of 50%,
the cutoff frequency ratio will be lowered
Controls ResM
Cutoff Input for the modulation signal to control
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a resonance.
range of 0..127.
Resonance Input to receive the Note signal from the
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range frequency relationship to the pitch across MVC.
of 0..127. the entire keyboard. At a setting of 50%,
the cutoff frequency ratio will be lowered CFm1
ResM by 50% per octave above E3, and raised Input to receive a cutoff frequency
Controls the depth of resonance 50% per octave below E3. A value of 0% modulation signal.
modulation. means there is no keyfollow modulation,
and the cutoff frequency remains fixed. CFm2
Keyf Input to receive a cutoff frequency
CFm1 modulation signal.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to
track the keyboard through the MVC. The Controls the depth of the first cutoff
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note frequency modulation signal. Out
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency The filter’s audio output.
will always stand at its original value, CFm2
regardless of the key follow setting. Controls the depth of the second cutoff
When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut- frequency modulation signal.
off frequency will adjust to maintain its
Controls Input for the modulation signal to control
Cutoff resonance.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a
range of 0..127. Keyf
Input to receive the Note signal from the
Resonance MVC.
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range frequency relationship to the pitch across
of 0..127. CFm1
the entire keyboard. At a setting of 50%,
the cutoff frequency ratio will be lowered Input to receive a cutoff frequency
ResM by 50% per octave above E3, and raised modulation signal.
Controls the depth of resonance 50% per octave below E3. A value of 0%
modulation. means there is no keyfollow modulation, CFm2
and the cutoff frequency remains fixed. Input to receive a cutoff frequency
Keyf modulation signal.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to
track the keyboard through the MVC. The Controls the depth of the first cutoff Out
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note frequency modulation signal. The filter’s audio output.
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency
will always stand at its original value, CFm2
regardless of the key follow setting. Controls the depth of the second cutoff
When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut- frequency modulation signal.
off frequency will adjust to maintain its
Controls ResM
Cutoff Input for the modulation signal to control
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a resonance.
range of 0..127.
Resonance Input to receive the Note signal from the
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range frequency relationship to the pitch across MVC.
of 0..127. the entire keyboard. At a setting of 50%,
the cutoff frequency ratio will be lowered CFm1
ResM by 50% per octave above E3, and raised Input to receive a cutoff frequency
Controls the depth of resonance 50% per octave below E3. A value of 0% modulation signal.
modulation. means there is no keyfollow modulation,
and the cutoff frequency remains fixed. CFm2
Keyf Input to receive a cutoff frequency
CFm1 modulation signal.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to
track the keyboard through the MVC. The Controls the depth of the first cutoff
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note frequency modulation signal. Out
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency The filter’s audio output.
will always stand at its original value, CFm2
regardless of the key follow setting. Controls the depth of the second cutoff
When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut- frequency modulation signal.
off frequency will adjust to maintain its
Controls ResM
Cutoff Input for the modulation signal to control
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a resonance.
range of 0..127.
Resonance Input to receive the Note signal from the
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range MVC.
of 0..127. frequency relationship to the pitch across
the entire keyboard. At a setting of 50%, CFm1
ResM the cutoff frequency ratio will be lowered Input to receive a cutoff frequency
by 50% per octave above E3, and raised modulation signal.
Controls the depth of resonance
50% per octave below E3. A value of 0%
means there is no keyfollow modulation, CFm2
and the cutoff frequency remains fixed. Input to receive a cutoff frequency
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to modulation signal.
track the keyboard through the MVC. The
Controls the depth of the first cutoff Out
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note
frequency modulation signal. The filter’s audio output.
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency
will always stand at its original value,
regardless of the key follow setting. CFm2
When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut- Controls the depth of the second cutoff
off frequency will adjust to maintain its frequency modulation signal.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a
range of 0..127.
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range frequency relationship to the pitch CFm2
of 0..127. across the entire keyboard. At a setting Controls the depth of the second cutoff
of 50%, the cutoff frequency ratio will frequency modulation signal.
ResM be lowered by 50% per octave above
Controls the depth of resonance E3, and raised 50% per octave below Mode
modulation. E3. A value of 0% means there is no
Switches among highpass, bandpass,
keyfollow modulation, and the cutoff
and lowpass modes. Both the knob and
Keyf frequency remains fixed.
text field respond to user input.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to
track the keyboard through the MVC. The db/Oct
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note CFm1 Alternates between a filter slope of 12dB
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff frequency Controls the depth of the first cutoff and 24dB. When the button is lit, the
will always stand at its original value, frequency modulation signal. slope is set to -24dB/Oct.
regardless of the key follow setting.
When keyfollow is set to 100%, the cut-
off frequency will adjust to maintain its
Input for the modulation signal to control
Input to receive the Note signal from the
Input to receive a cutoff frequency
modulation signal.
Input to receive a cutoff frequency
modulation signal.
The filter’s audio output.
Controls Keyf
Cutoff Input to receive the Note signal from the
Adjusts the cutoff frequency relative to a MVC.
range of 0..127.
Resonance Input to receive a cutoff frequency
Adjusts the resonance relative to a range modulation signal.
#64 (E3). At this note, the cutoff
of 0..127. frequency will always stand at its origi- CFm2
nal value, regardless of the key follow
CFm1 Input to receive a cutoff frequency
setting. When keyfollow is set to 100%,
Controls the depth of the first cutoff modulation signal.
the cutoff frequency will adjust to
frequency modulation signal. maintain its frequency relationship to the
pitch across the entire keyboard. At a Out
CFm2 setting of 50%, the cutoff frequency ratio The filter’s audio output.
Controls the depth of the second cutoff will be lowered by 50% per octave above
frequency modulation signal. E3, and raised 50% per octave below E3.
A value of 0% means there is no
Keyf keyfollow modulation, and the cutoff
frequency remains fixed.
This parameter allows the filter cutoff to
track the keyboard through the MVC. The
keyfollow mid-point is fixed at MIDI note
Controls the depth of the modulation
signal for Damp modulation.
Controls the depth of the second cutoff
frequency modulation signal.
Input for the Note signal from an MVC.
Input for a Vocal Position modulation
Input for a second Vocal Position
Envelopes are unipolar modulation Freq Offset modulation signal.
signals. The modulation starts at the
The Frequency Offset shifts the formant
vowel adjusted with the Vocal Position
control and proceeds to step through higher on the frequency scale. The result FM
the vowels depending on the adjusted is a sonic change from a dark to a brighter
intensity. sounding vowel. Input for a Frequency Offset modulation
LFOs deliver bipolar modulation
signals. When the wave is in the positi- Out
ve range, the signal is processed like Controls the strength of the modulation
an envelope - it starts at the current signals over the Frequency Offset. Output for the filtered signal.
vowel position and proceeds through
following vowels depending on the
modulation intensity. When the wave
enters the negative range, however, the
modulation steps through the vowels
in reflected, or reverse, order.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency.
Freq Gain Connections
Adjusts the cutoff frequency. Controls the amount of cut or boost of
the frequencies around the cutoff
frequency. Input for the audio signal.
Controls the degree of cut or boost of the Out
frequencies below the cutoff. Output for the filtered signal.
Increasing this value reduces the range
of frequencies around the cutoff
frequency to be filtered. Low values
Sends the input signal directly to the create a gentle slope, but affect more
output, bypassing the EQ. frequencies. Use a high ‘Q’ to ‘notch out’
unwanted frequencies.
Sends the input signal directly to the
Input for the audio signal.
output, bypassing the EQ.
Output for the filtered signal.
Controls Connections
Freq In
Adjusts the cutoff frequency. Input for the audio signal.
Gain Out
Controls the degree of cut or boost of Output for the filtered signal.
the frequencies above the cutoff.
Sends the input signal directly to the
output, bypassing the EQ.
Controls Connections
Freq text fields In
Enter frequency values for each band via Audio signal input.
these fields.
Freq Gains Audio signal output.
Sets the boost or cut for each band.
Filter Q
Adjusts the Q (filter sharpness) of all
bands in common.
Adjusts output level.
Sends the input signal directly to the
output, bypassing the filters.
LFO signal output.
Fade Out
Rate When a gate off signal is received, the
The frequency/rate of the modulation. modulation will gradually fade to 0 at the
The frequency, in Hz, is displayed in an time set here. A gate signal must be
associated text field. connected. The range is from 0 to 20
Init Phase seconds.
Ext Determines the position within the
Switches on the Freq input. The waveform (phase) at which the signal will Connections
frequency is now controlled by the signal start when a gate signal is received.
at the Freq input, and the Rate control is Retrigger must be enabled for this to take Freq
no longer active. effect. Input for a frequency signal. External
mode must be enabled to use this input.
Waveform Delay
Selects the desired waveform. Delays the onset of the modulation. A Gate
gate signal must be connected. The Connect a gate signal for use with
Retrig range is from 0 to 20 seconds. Retrigger, Delay, Fade In and Fade Out.
This switch determines whether the
signal will run continuously, or be Fade In Out
restarted at its initial phase setting each When a gate signal is received, the LFO signal output.
time a new note is played. Retrigger is modulation will gradually build to
enabled when the button is lit.
Controls Connections
Rate Gate
The frequency/rate of the modulation. Connect a gate signal for use with
The frequency, in cycles per second, is Retrigger, Delay, and Fade in.
displayed in an associated text field..
Retrig LFO signal output.
This switch determines whether the
signal will run continuously, or be Delays the onset of the modulation. A
restarted at its initial phase setting each gate signal must be connected. The
time a new note is played. Retrigger is range is from 0 to 20 seconds.
enabled when the button is lit.
Fade In
Init Phase When a gate signal is received, the
Determines the position within the modulation will gradually build to
waveform (phase) at which the signal will maximum at the time set here. A gate
start when a gate signal is received. signal must be connected. The range is
Retrigger must be enabled for this to take from 0 to 20 seconds.
Rate PwmA
Sets the rate (frequency) of the LFO. The Controls the modulation depth of the
value in cycles per second is displayed signal connected to the Pwm input to
in the associated text field. modulate the pulse width.
LFO signal output.
Controls Connections
Rate Freq
Sets the basic frequency, or speed of the Input for a frequency signal. External
LFOs. A text field displays the value in must be switched on.
Hertz. Shape
Varies the shape of the selected Out1
Ext waveform. For both the sine and triangle LFO1 signal output.
Switches on the Freq input. The LFOs wave shapes, the peaks become
now operate at the basic frequency narrower and more pointed, and the Out2
governed by the signal at the Freq input, troughs are broadened, as the Shape LFO2 signal output.
and the Rate control is disabled. value increases.
Phase LFO2
Sets a phase offset for LFO2 with respect
to LFO1.
Controls Connections
Rate Freq
Sets the basic frequency, or speed of the Input for a frequency signal. External
LFOs. A text field displays the value in must be switched on.
Ext Phase LFO2 LFO1 signal output.
Switches on the Freq input. The LFOs Sets a phase offset for LFO2 with respect
now operate at the basic frequency to LFO1. Out2
governed by the signal at the Freq input, LFO2 signal output.
and the Rate control is disabled.
Ratio LFO2 Combined LFO signal output.
Sets LFO2 to produce output at multiples
of the basic frequency of LFO1. The Out2
range is from 1X to 10X in integer steps.
Multiplied LFO signal output.
Controls Controls
Rate Rate
Adjusts the rate (frequency) of the LFO. Adjusts the rate (frequency) of the LFO.
Connections Connections
Out Out
The LFO output. The LFO output.
Controls Connections
Rate Freq
Adjusts the basic frequency from which Input for a frequency signal. Ext must be
random values are derived. switched on.
Ext Sine
Switches on the Freq input. When Output for the sinusoid generated signal.
enabled, the basic frequency is controlled
by the signal at Freq, and the Rate control Tri
no longer has any effect. Output for the triangle generated signal.
Level Step
Controls the amplitude of the Sine, Tri, Output for the ‘sample & hold’ generated
or Step waves. signal.
Controls Connections
Coarse/Fine Freq In
Controls the pitch of the connected Input for a frequency signal (as from an
frequency signal. Coarse adjusts the MVC).
pitch in semitones; Fine adjusts it in cents
(1/100 of a semitone). Keyf PMod1
Controls the influence of the value of the Input for the first pitch modulation signal.
PMod1 Note signal from an MVC over the
Controls the modulation depth of the frequency of the connected oscillator(s). PMod2
signal at the first pitch modulation input. The MIDI note number at which there is Input for the second pitch modulation
The source could be an envelope no modulation (i.e. the center value) is signal.
generator, LFO etc. fixed at #64 (E3). If key follow is adjusted
to 100%, then the oscillator frequency will Keyf
PMod2 correspond to the played note. When
Input for the Note signal from an MVC.
Controls the modulation depth of the adjusted to 50%, the frequency of the
signal at the second pitch modulation oscillator will be reduced by 50% per
Freq Out
input. The source could be an envelope octave of the original frequency. For notes
below E3, the frequency will be raised Not ‘freak out’. Output for the modifier’s
generator, LFO etc. frequency signal.
by 50% per octave. If adjusted to 0% the
pitch will be the same across the entire
Controls Connections
PMod1 Freq In
Controls the modulation depth of the Input for a frequency signal (as from an
signal at the first pitch modulation input. MVC).
The source could be an envelope
generator, LFO etc. PMod1
Input for the first pitch modulation signal.
Controls the modulation depth of the PMod2
signal at the second pitch modulation Input for the second pitch modulation
input. The source could be an envelope signal.
generator, LFO etc.
Freq Out
Output for the modifier’s frequency
Controls Connections
LinM Freq In
Controls the modulation depth of the li- Input for a frequency signal (e.g. from an
near pitch modulation signal. Possible MVC).
Example: The modulation always
modulation sources include envelope influences the original frequency value
generators, LFOs, etc. as a center frequency. A setting of 12, LinM
for example, implies that modulation of Input for a modulation signal.
ExpM +/-12 semitones is in effect. This equals
24 semitones. If you now set the value
Controls the modulation depth of the to -12 (note that the sign has changed), ExpM
exponential modulation signal. Possible the range is still 24 semitones, but the Input for a modulation signal.
sources include envelope generator’s, phase of the modulation has been
LFOs, etc. The text field displays the adjusted by 180 degrees.
Freq Out
modulation amount in semitones, and is
Output for the modulated frequency
limited to a range of +/- 36 semitones.
Controls Connections
PMod1 Freq In
Controls the depth of the pitch Input for a Frequency signal, as from the
modulation. Modulation sources can be MVC.
envelopes, LFOs, or other sources, and
this control adjusts the intensity of the PMod1
respective source signal. Input for a modulation source signal.
Controls Controls Out
The output of the frequency signal.
Val Val
Specify the modulation factor relative to Specify the modulation factor relative to
a scale in the range of 0..127. a scale in the range of -64..+63.
Connections Connections
Out Out
The output of the unipolar signal. The output of the bipolar signal.
Controls Connections
Freq Out
The basic frequency. Edit the value in this Frequency signal output. Connections
text field to set the basic frequency.
Partial Input for a unipolar signal.
The desired overtone to produce. Use a
value in the overtone series in which 1.0
is the fundamental pitch. The easiest way Bipolar signal output.
to set the overtone number is to enter it
in the text field.
Input for the MVC’s Note, Vel, or At
Select one of the curves in the graphic to outputs.
define the basic behavior.
Sensitivity Out
Adjusts the upward slope of the curve, The modulation signal output.
and the resulting output values as
displayed in the graphic.
Adds or subtracts the value set here.
Controls the modulation response to
incoming Note, Vel or AT MVC signals Example: You are modulating Pan
relative to their numeric value. The center using Note values. Linear Scale is set
value for scaling is MIDI value 64 to +100%. If you have a keyboard with
(Note=E3). This value produces no 128 keys, the lowest note will sound at
scaling modulation. If the value is above the far left, and the highest note at the
far right. Now, if you adjust Scale to -
or below this center value, a number will
100%, the reverse is true.
be added or subtracted to the modulation
signal, depending on the Scale setting.
If Scale is adjusted to 100%, an incoming
signal is output at the Note, Vel and AT Use this parameter to shift the center
outputs at full modulation when the input position for scaling by -64 to +64. The
is at its maximum value. A setting of 50% resulting modulation shifts
means that the degree of modulation will correspondingly.
be scaled to produce only up to 50% of
the original modulation. A value of 0%
means that Scale reduces the modulation
signal to nothing. Negative values
reverse the direction of the modulation.
Controls Connections
Partial Freq In
This is the factor by which the basic Input for a frequency signal, as from an
frequency at Freq In is multiplied. By MVC.
adjusting this value to integer (whole
number) values, harmonics are
Freq Out
produced: A factor of 1.000x produces the
basic frequency, or first harmonic. A factor Output for the multiplied frequency signal.
of 2.000x produces the octave above the
basic frequency, or the second harmonic,
Controls Connections
Range In
Specify the range, in semitones, within Input for the modulation signal to
which the signal will be quantized. quantize.
Quant Out
Adjusts the quantization interval in Output for the quantized signal.
semitones. A value of 1 equals a
semitone, 2, a whole tone, 3, a minor third
etc. The maximum allowable value
depends on the range setting. If the range
is adjusted to +/-24 semitones, then the
maximum interval is 24 semitones.
Input for a modulation signal.
Output for a modulation signal.
Controls PMod
Controls Adjusts the pitch modulation depth.
Opens the oscillator’s Preset list.
Sets the duration of the pitch modulation.
Note: Presets can play back at Depending on the PMod and PDec
substantially high volumes. Therefore settings, you can add character to the
use a moderate volume level when FVel sound anywhere from ‘boomy’ to
auditioning them. Otherwise damage to ‘scratchy’.
your audio gear and/or your hearing
Assigns a velocity value to use when the
could occur. sound is triggered by a gate signal.
Feedback containing envelope status
information. Connect this to the port of
the same name on an envelope
generator. If you are using several
envelope generators, combine the Esync
connections using the Esync Adder.
In 1
Connect the Mute Out of the first drum
synth or DVC you wish to merge into the
group here.
In 2
Connect the Mute Out of the second drum
synth or DVC you wish to merge into the
group here.
Provides a ‘mixed’ signal of the Mute
Outs of the first two synths or DVCs.
Connect this to the Mute In of the third
The Hihat Source provides waveforms and spectra suitable for developing effective
hi-hat sounds. Since this module uses several oscillators and a noise source to produce
the spectra, and is thus resource hungry, it is best to load it only once. For other
cymbal or hi-hat effects, use other modules from the Modular’s module library. To
illustrate the use of this module we have supplied an example patch, ‘Hihat.mdl’, along
with the Modular tutorials. This also illustrates the use of the DVC to create groups.
The HH Sound Source has its own Preset List, with which you can store the current Noise Level
settings. Controls the level of the noise
component. This affects only the signal
Controls at the Out connection. Out is the Hihat
Source’s final mix output.
Tune 1-3
These controls alter the spectrum of the
hi-hat waveform. Adjust these until you Connections
find a sound that is suitable for your Osc
purposes. Do not be surprised that
Nz BPF (Noise BPF) The direct audio output of oscillators 1-
adjusting these controls seems to be a
3. Usually this is a very metallic sound,
chaotic procedure with rather Nz BPF can be added to help achieve a
suitable for cymbal sounds etc.
unpredictable results - this is intended in metallic-sounding spectrum. This control
order to create complex hi-hat and filters the noise to ‘tune’ it to the overall
cymbal effects. sound. In other words, this control lets
you adjust the color of the noise before The direct audio output of the noise
HPF adding it to the overall signal. component. This is useful for sounds
such as electronic hi-hats.
This High Pass Filter lies downstream
from the oscillators controlled by Tune OSC Level
1-3. If you find the spectrum is too Controls the level of oscillators 1-3. This
pitched, or tonal, use this filter. Increase affects only the signal at the Out The audio mix output of the Hihat Source.
the value of the high pass filter until the connection. Out is the Hihat Source’s fi- The controls Osc Level and Noise Level
tonality disappears. nal mix output. affect the mix at this output.
Load Sets the Hold time. When the attack
phase has completed, the level of the
envelope signal is held at maximum for
Press this button to load a sample, the the duration set here.
standard dialog for loading a file appears.
The oscillator can only load individual
samples, not complete Akai programs. Sets the decay time. After the hold phase
has finished, the modulation signal falls
Coarse to zero according to the time and
Permits coarse tuning of the sample in characteristic settings.
Controls the amount of influence of note
Note that sample tuning is accomplished velocity on sample loudness.
via alteration of the effective sample
playback "speed".
Specifies the MIDI note number to which
the oscillator will respond.
Permits fine-tuning of sample pitch.
The audio signal from the oscillator.
Navigating in the Matrix When you are controlling the MDS8 You can also paste a copied sequence
remotely over PSQ connection using after switching to a new preset, which
Once you’ve clicked inside the matrix – the Pattern Sequencer, this parameter permits transfer of sequences from one
e.g., to set a step – you can use the arrow can no longer be adjusted here. preset to another.
keys on your computer keyboard to move
around within it. Swing
Controls the amoung of rhythmic "swing".
Setting steps
Connect the PS32 pattern switcher here,
for example, to permit live selection of
patterns from the keyboard. Note that this
is possible only when the PSQ input is
not connected.
Use this signal to supply clocks to addi-
tional sequencer modules. Note that
swing settings may affect this signal.
Standard effects include delays, choruses, compressors etc. Synthesis effects include
other effects such as the Bit Quantizer and the Distortion module. Since standard
effects are capable only of monophonic operation, they should always be wired into a
patch following the Poly Out module, which constitutes the boundary between the
polyphonic and monophonic portions of a patch. These modules are therefore always
green, which serves as the visual indication of a monophonic module. The synthesis
effects can be used just like all other normal synthesis modules – either before the
Poly Out module, in which case they should be set for polyphonic operation, or after it,
where they should be set to monophonic (single) mode to minimize DSP power
This effect modifies the dynamics of a sound. The level of louder passages is decreased. Gain
This means that the overall level of the sound can be set higher, with the net result that A compressor reduces the transient
the level of softer sections is increased. The compressor operates by monitoring the levels of a signal so that the overall signal
level of the input signal. An adjustable threshold level determines the point at which can be increased later without danger of
compression begins. Attack and release controls determine how quickly the compressor distortion. This increases the average
responds when the threshold is exceeded and when the input signal level falls back level of the music, resulting in a fuller
below the threshold, respectively. The ratio control determines the intensity of the sound. Adjust the volume increase with
compression – i.e., the ration of input level change to output level change. The gain the Gain control.
control adjusts the level of the compressed signal.
Sends the input signal directly to the
Controls output, bypassing the effect.
The Attack time (in milleseconds) is the Connections
compressor’s reaction time - the time it
takes it to respond to a level spike. In
The audio input of the compressor.
Release Ratio
This is the time (in milliseconds) after the Out
The Ratio adjusts the compression rate
signal falls back under the threshold that for signals that exceed the threshold The audio output of the compressor .
compression is no longer active. level. The compression is displayed as
a relation value. 1:1 means that there is
Threshold no compression. 3:1e.g. means that a
Sets the input signal level above which an amplification of +3dB of the input
compression begins. signal results only in +1dB at the output.
This effect is related to compression and likewise modifies the dynamics of a sound. Gain
The level of louder passages is decreased. This means that the overall level of the A limiter reduces the transient levels of a
sound can be set higher, with the net result that the level of softer sections is increased. signal so that the overall signal can be
The limiter operates by monitoring the level of the input signal. An adjustable threshold increased later without danger of
level determines the point at which limiting begins. Attack and release controls distortion. This increases the average
determine how quickly the limiter responds when the threshold is exceeded and when level of the music, resulting in a fuller
the input signal level falls back below the threshold, respectively. The ratio control sound. Adjust the volume increase with
determines the intensity of the limiting – i.e., the ration of input level change to output the Gain control.
level change. The gain control adjusts the level of the limited signal.
Sends the input signal directly to the
Controls output, bypassing the effect.
The Attack time (in milleseconds) is the Connections
limiter’s reaction time - the time it takes
it to respond to a level spike.
The audio input of the limiter.
This is the time (in milliseconds) after the Ratio
signal falls back under the threshold that The audio output of the limiter .
The Ratio adjusts the limitting rate for
limitting is no longer active. signals that exceed the threshold level.
The limitting is displayed as a relation
Threshold value. 1:1 means that there is no
Sets the input signal level above which compression. 3:1e.g. means that a an
limitting begins. amplification of +3dB of the input signal
results only in +1dB at the output.
The Expander alters the dynamics of an audio signal by attenuating the quieter passages
while leaving the louder passages alone. This increases the overall dynamic range of
the signal. You can use this to alter the way an instrument sound dies out, or possibly
to change the feel of a drum loop. Or you could use it to reduce unwanted room noise
for a lower noise floor. The expander is provided in both mono and stereo versions.
The Threshold control sets the level at which expander begins to process the signal.
The speed with which the expander responds after the level crosses the threshold is
controlled by the Attack and Release parameters. Ratio determines how much the
level changes. The Ratio is the relationship of the original signal to the expanded
Attack Gain
Adjusts the attack time; that is, how Controls the overall level. The signal is
quickly the expander begins to work after amplified or attenuated by the indicated
the threshold is crossed. amount.
Release Bypass
Adjusts the release time; that is, how Routes the signal directly from the input
quickly the expander stops processing Ratio to the output, bypassing the effect.
the signal after the threshold level has Ratio controls the amount of expansion.
been crossed. The expanded signal is expressed in Connections
relation to the unprocessed (original)
Threshold signal. 1:1 means no expansion. 3:1 In
The level at which the expander is means that a normal 1dB drop in output Audio signal input.
triggered to begin processing the signal. after processing drops by about 3dB. The
maximum ratio value is 10:1. Out
Output for the expanded signal.
Briefly stated, a gate either lets a signal pass, or not, as a function of an input signal’s
volume level. In contrast to a simpler gate, which opens or closes completely, this
gate can be adjusted to reduce the output to a specified level rather than block it
altogether. For example, a gate can be used to automatically mute the signal (as in a
noise gate, or to separate drums, etc.) or to change the quality of the ending phase of
an instrument’s sound.
Attack Amplifies the gate’s output by up to 18dB.
Adjusts the attack time; that is, how
quickly the gate opens when the Bypass
threshold has been exceeded. Routes the signal directly from the input
to the output, bypassing the effect.
Adjusts the release time; that is, how Connections
quickly the gate closes when the signal Floor
falls below the threshold. In
When the gate closes, the output level
falls to the value specified by Floor. Input for the audio signal.
Threshold Therefore, the gate does not necessarily
This is the value at which the gate opens block the signal completely, but lowers it Out
or closes when the input signal level to this level. Gated signal output.
crosses it.
The Delay or Echo delays the signal in simple or more complex ways producing
individual or repeated echos. Repeated echos are created using a feedback. The
feedback chain contains a filter which allows a damping of high frequencies.
Controls Connections
Time In
Adjusts the delay time in milliseconds. The audio input of the delay.
FB Out
Sets the strength of the feedback - the Dry The audio output of the delay .
portion of the delayed signal that is routed
back to the input to create multiple The level of the original signal.
receding echos. The degree of feedback
determines the fade out time of the Wet
repeated echos. The level of the effect signal.
HiDamp Bypass
Controls the amount of high frequency Sends the input signal directly to the
damping in the feedback signal. Damping output, bypassing the effect.
degrades the signal with each repeat,
creating a natural sounding fade.
This module is actually a Stereo Delay with optional cross feedback. The reason the
word ‘tempo’ appears in its name is to signify that it can be synchronized to the MIDI
TimeL/R Controls the level of the original signal in
Adjusts the delay time, in milliseconds, the output.
for the left and/or right channels.
External Controls the level of the delayed signal
When this is enabled (the button is lit) in the output.
you can control the Delay times Cross
externally. Connect the MIDI clock This switch changes the feedback loop
through a Frequency Divider to the FL to a Cross Feedback loop: The output of
the left channel is fed back to the right Routes the signal directly from the input
and FR inputs. The delay times are
channel input, and the right channel to the output, bypassing the effect.
determined by the Tempo and and
settings in the Frequency Divider. output is routed to the left input channel.
FB HiDamp
Controls how much of the delayed signal Adjusts the amount of high frequency
is fed back to the inputs to be delayed filtering applied to each cycle of the signal
once again. in the feedback loop.
FL (Frequency Left)
Input for a MIDI Clock, or, better yet, a
Frequency Divider to control the effect’s
left channel delay time.
FR (Frequency Right)
Input for a MIDI Clock, or, better yet, a
Frequency Divider to control the effect’s
left channel delay time.
This Delay is special for two reasons: it is capable of being used polyphonically, and
the delay times can be modulated. This is possible because this delay uses the onboard
memory of the DSP modules. However, because this memory is limited, the delay
time is very short - on the order of 20 ms. But it’s enough to create perfect chorus
effects, or, with feedback, flanger effects. And because the module can be loaded
ahead of the Poly Outs, it can serve as a polyphonic chorus or flanger for each inde-
pendent voice.
Controls Bypass
Routes the signal directly from the input
Time to the output, bypassing the effect.
Sets the delay in milliseconds.
Tmod (Time modulation)
Controls the intensity of the time In
modulation. This setting corresponds to Input for an audio signal.
the Depth control on a chorus or flanger.
Determines the relative proportions of the Mod
FB original signal and the effect signal in the
Input for a modulation signal.
output. Because a chorus or flanger effect
Controls the proportion of the delayed
can only occur with some of the original As well as connecting an LFO signal to
signal that is fed back to the input to be
signal present, you should always include produce chorus and flanger effects,
delayed again. If the Time value is
some of the unprocessed signal. To you can use any other arbitrary signal
sufficiently short, this results in a typical here.
produce the strongest effects, a setting
flanger effect.
that produces equal proportions is opti-
mal (both controllers in the center Out
position). Effect signal output.
The name „chorus“ hints at the sound produced by this effect. It spreads and thickens Connections
the sound passed through it, simulating the sound of multiple instruments of the same
type playing together – in other words, a chorus. This effect is achieved by means of a In L/m
short delay line whose delay time is periodically modulated. Mixing of this delayed The left audio input. This input also is
signal with the original produces the chorus effect. The intensity of the effect depends used for monophonic signals
upon the modulation rate, depth and phase settings as well as the dry/wet (original/
delayed) mix. The effect is also useful for creating a stereo sound from a monaural In R
signal. The right audio input. The Chorus is
automatically switched to stereo input
Controls mode once a signal is connected to this
Controls the frequency of the pitch Out L
modulation. The left channel of the audio output.
Depth Determines the relation between the Out R
Adjusts the modulation depth - the level of the original and the effect signal. The right channel of the audio output.
strength of the pitch modulation.
Phase Sends the input signal directly to the
Adjusts the phase difference of the output, bypassing the effect.
modulation signal between the left and
right channels. This influences the ‘width’
of the stereo field.
This effect is similar to the chorus. Like the chorus, a flanger is based on a delay line Connections
whose delay time is periodically modulated. However, the delay times in a flanger
are substantially shorter than those of a chorus. In addition, the flanger utilizes In L/m
feedback of the delayed signal back to the delay line input. Therefore, it not only The left audio input. This input also is
thickens the sound but can add noticeable coloration owing to the comb-filter effect used for monophonic signals
which results from the feedback. The intensity of the effect depends upon the
modulation rate, depth and phase settings as well as the dry/wet (original/delayed) In R
mix. The effect is also useful for creating a stereo sound from a monaural signal. The right audio input. The Flanger is
automatically switched to stereo input
mode once a signal is connected to this
Out L
Rate The left channel of the audio output.
Controls the frequency of the delay
modulation of the flanger. Dry/Wet Out R
Determines the relation between the The right channel of the audio output.
Depth level of the original and the effect signal.
Adjusts the modulation depth - the
strength of the delay modulation. Bypass
Sends the input signal directly to the
FB output, bypassing the effect.
Adjusts the feedback depth, or the
amount of processed signal fed back into
the input.
The phaser or phase-shifter is similar to the flanger and chorus, but instead of using a Connections
delay line, it functions by introducing frequency-dependent phase shifts into the signal
which is passed through it. The key phase-shift frequencies, and therefore the amount In L/m
of phase shift, are periodically modulated. The phase-shifter effect results when this The left audio input. This input also is
phase-manipulated signal is mixed with the original signal. The effect is thus similar to used for monophonic signals
the flanger and chorus, but with a sound character of its own. The intensity of the effect
depends upon the modulation rate, depth and phase settings as well as the dry/wet In R
(original/phase-shifted) mix. The effect is also useful for creating a stereo sound from The right audio input. The Phaser is
a monaural signal. automatically switched to stereo input
mode once a signal is connected to this
Out L
The left channel of the audio output.
Controls the frequency of the phase
modulation of the Phaser. the input.
Out R
Depth Dry/Wet The right channel of the audio output.
Adjusts the modulation depth - the Determines the relation between the level
strength of the phase modulation. of the original and the effect signal.
FB Bypass
Adjusts the feedback depth, or the Sends the input signal directly to the
amount of processed signal fed back into output, bypassing the effect.
This is a Phaser module in which the modulation speed can be synchronized to a MIDI
Clock. For information on what a phaser does, and how to control it, read the previous
section. This section explains only the added parameters and connections.
This module changes the pitch of the input signal. The Coarse and Fine controls Dry/Wet
determine how much the pitch changes. Speed controls how quickly the shifter works Sets the relative proportions of the effect
(this helps even out the sonic change from the original signal to the shifted signal). The signal and the original signal in the
pitch shifter serves very well to thicken synthesizer voices. output. To thicken synthesizer voices,
both the original signal and the effect
signal must be present. To listen only to
the shifted signal, set the control all the
Controls way to Wet.
Shifts the pitch in semitone steps. Bypass
Routes the signal directly from the input
Fine to the output, bypassing the effect.
Shifts the pitch in cents (hundredths of a
semitone). Connections
PMod (Pitch Modulation)
Input for the audio signal.
Adjusts the intensity of the pitch
Speed Input for a modulation signal.
This value controls how often the pitch
shifter processes the pitch change (used Out
to even out the difference between the Effect signal output.
original sound and the shifted version).
Like the pitch shifter, this module changes the pitch of the input signal. The Coarse HiDamp
and Fine controls determine how much the pitch changes. Speed controls how quickly Adjusts the amount of high frequency
the shifter works (helping to even out the sonic change from the original signal to the content absorbed (attenuated) during
shifted signal). Using a delay and a feedback loop, the pitch shifter can be adjusted in each cycle of the feedback loop.
such a way that the pitch rises or falls gradually.
Controls Sets the volume level of the original
Shifts the pitch in semitone steps. Wet
Sets the volume level of the effect signal.
Shifts the pitch in cents (hundredths of a Bypass
semitone). Routes the signal directly from the input
Delay to the output, bypassing the effect.
PMod (Pitch Modulation) This control delays the effect signal within
Adjusts the strength of the pitch a range of 0 to 683 milliseconds. Connections
Feedback In
Speed Controls how much of the delayed signal Input for the audio signal.
This value controls how often the pitch is fed back to the input for further
shifter processes the pitch change (used processing. With appropriate settings of Out
to even out the difference between the the delay, echoes develop that rise or fall Effect signal output.
original sound and the shifted version). in pitch.
This effect produces both „soft“ and „hard“ distortion. Soft distortion is comparable to
that which results when analog magnetic tape overload occurs – it comes on slowly
with increasing signal level and has a soft sound. Hard distortion is produced via
simple clipping. It appears more suddenly and has a harder, edgier sound. This module
can be used polyphonically as well as monophonically – thus both before and after the
Poly Out module.
Controls Connections
Dist In
Controls the intensity of the distortion for Input for audio signals.
both the Soft and Hard output.
Output for the distorted signal.
Output for the strongly distorted signal.
In the SCOPE 5, signals are normally The Decimator lets you play a signal with a different bit resolution and sample rate as
computed with 32-bit precision. The Bit the rest of the system. In effect, the signal is internally resampled. Aliasing and
Quantizer lets you deliberately and quantization noise can be deliberately produced, depending upon the settings used.
radically decrease this precision to the This module can be used polyphonically as well as monophonically – thus both before
point where noticeable quantization and after the Poly Out module.
artifacts begin to appear – the
characteristic „digital trash“ sound and
limited dynamic range of quantization
noise. This module can be used Bit
polyphonically as well as monophonically Controls the number of bits which is used
– thus both before and after the Poly Out for the Bit reduction.
Bit on/off
Turns on/off the bit reduction.
Input for audio signals.
Controls Sample Rate
Bit Controls the sample rate which is used
for the conversion. Input for modulation signals.
Controls the number of bits which is used
for quantization.
FmA Out
Here, the sample rate can be modulated Output for the quantized signal.
– the potentiometer controls the intensity
In of modulation.
Input for audio signals.
Sample Rate on/off
Out Turns on/off the sample rate conversion.
Output for the quantized signal.
Modular Contents Index 145
Synthese-Effekt, mono- und polyphon
Input for audio and modulation signals.
Input for audio and modulation signals.
Output of the modulated signals.
Mono Insert
Please take note of the following: When Wet Input for audio signals.
you exchange Modular patches with
other users, it is possible that you or Controls the level of the effect signal.
the other user may not have a copy of
a effect offered by a third-party Note that the Dry and Wet settings Output of the audio signals.
provider. The effect slot of the insert apply only to the Insert module itself.
module will in that event remain empty The individual effects modules likewise
possess Dry and Wet controls of their Stereo Insert
– either it should be switched off, or
alternatively, one of the SCOPE 5 own, which must be set appropriately. InL/m
effects should be loaded.
Input for the left audio signal or a
Active monophonic signal.
Controls This button activates the effect in the
insert slot, which is active when the button InR
Insert Slot is illuminated. When the insert slot is
Input for the right audio signal.
Load any SCOPE 5 effect into this slot. deactivated, the effect is also unloaded
By double-clicking on the name in this from the DSPs and the audio input signal
slot you open the effects’s user surface. Out L
to the effect is passed directly to the
To remove the effect, select the textfield output. Output of the left audio signal.
in the slot and press the <Delete> or
<NumLock> key on your computer If the insert slot is activated with no Out R
keyboard. effect loaded, the signal in the insert Output of the right audio signal.
module is determined by the Dry level
control. If this is set to minimum, no
Dry signal will come through.
Controls the level of the original signal.
Step Hold
Click this button to start the pattern
Connect this signal to other step
sequencers in order to have them
simultaneously reset when the pattern
sequencer sends a stop signal.
Connect the Link output of the pattern
sequener to the Link input of the MDS8
in order to transmit the clock signal. The
Start/Stop status of the pattern sequencer
is likewise taken into account.
Bank Connections
Select the desired bank here.
Bank A-C
1-4/5-8 MIDI input – connect it directly to a MIDI
source, or to one of the outputs of a Specify the desired MIDI note numbers
Here, select one of the eight patterns in here.
a bank. KeySplitter module.
Gate In Controls
Connect the Gate output of the MVC
module here. Start/Stop
When this module is connected to a clock
Gate Out divider, this control starts and stops any
sequencer modules also connected to
Connect this signal to the Reset input of
the clock divider.
a step sequencer, for example, so that it
restarts its pattern whenever a new note
is played on the keyboard. Connections
Start/Stop signal output.