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Figure 4.9. Sezgin Pheasant house ground floor plan

Room 2, located on the north façade, is the part where the guests coming to the house are hosted (Fig.

4.10.). In room 2, which is the most flamboyant part of the house, dense wood is used in the cabinets and niches.

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There is decoration. In the room with a vaulted cover system, the floor height is five.
find meters. The use of skylights is seen in the room.

Figure 4.10. Sezgin pheasant house room 2 images

The kitchen, also known as tafhane or tokana, is divided into sections within itself.
(Fig. 4.11.). A food warehouse right next to the kitchen
exists. Also located in the basement with the stairs in the kitchen.
descends into the cellar. Cellars are areas where wine is made from grapes. rock carving
Since the basements, which appear as
is stored.

a) Kitchen b) Warehouse c) Cellar landing ladder

Figure 4.11. Sezgin pheasant house kitchen and other service sections

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On the south façade, there is room 1 and a covering (Figure 4.12.). Room as 1 day room

is used. The raft stone of the room, which consists of a bench and a bench, is the section of the bench.

is covered with. There is an age in this area to meet the cleaning needs.

In the bench section, the floor is covered with wood, and the use of wood on the ceiling, niches and cabinets

is seen. By ensuring that the room windows make a wide angle inward, the interior

In the space, both protection against cold weather conditions are provided and more light than light.


Figure 4.12. Sezgin Pheasant House room 1 images

The covering on the south façade is the auxiliary unit of the kitchen. in covering

In the hearth, the households cook food and bread, and at the same time, this area provides food.

It is also used as a warehouse.

During our study, due to the lack of electricity in the house, the basement floor, the north

It was not possible to enter the warehouse and the toilet in the courtyard.

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Figure 4.13. Sezgin Sülün house 1st floor plan

Figure 4.13 shows the 1st floor plan of Sezgin Pheasant House. 1st floor mansion part of the house

exists. Cedar system is used in the room. ceiling, wall and

intensive use of wood is observed in the flooring (Figure 4.14.). on your ceiling

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There is a wooden beam system. There is a wooden cabinet next to the door.

The niches in the wall are covered with wooden covers. In the room that receives light from two sides, the guillotine

systematic use of windows is seen.

Figure 4.14. The mansion section on the 1st floor of Sezgin Sülün's house

Erdogan Guner House

The house that belongs to Erdoÿan Güner, the grandson of Alayÿ Güner, is located in the Furunönü neighborhood.

It is a historical building. The registration information of the building could not be reached. Exact date of construction

There is no one living in the unknown house today. Plan type with a courtyard and no sofa

The building consists of a single storey (Figure 4.15.). From the single-wing arched wooden door to the courtyard

entry is provided.

Figure 4.15. Images from the courtyard of Erdoÿan Güner house

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Figure 4.16. Erdogan Guner house ground floor plan

Figure 4.16 shows the ground floor plan of Erdoÿan Güner house. The plan is two rooms,

In the house, which consists of a woodshed and a warehouse, the rooms and the food warehouse are located on the north facade.

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takes. Access to room 2 is provided from the under-seki section of room 1. Erdogan
The vaulted cover system is seen in the rooms of the Güner house (Figure 4.17.). floor of rooms

Its height reaches 5 meters. Niches and skylights are used in the rooms.
is seen.

a) Room 1 b) Room 2 c) Warehouse

Figure 4.17. Erdogan Guner house interior images

The woodshed is positioned on the south façade (Figure 4.18.). Vault in the woodshed
There is a cover system and a skylight.

Figure 4.18. Erdogan Guner house woodshed

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Elif Wish House

Dilek house, located on Aÿa street in Bulgurcu district, is a historical Armenian house consisting of two floors.

is the house (Figs 4.19. and 4.20.). Registration with the Protection Board decision numbered 1536 in 2009

The date inscription on the entrance door of the house, which has been destroyed, cannot be read.

However, the information from this inscription on the registration slip of the building that the date of construction is 1930.

(Annex A.2.). Stone gargoyles in the historical house with a flat earthen roof

appears. The plan type without sofa is seen in the building that developed around the courtyard.

Figure 4.19. General views from the wish house

With its courtyard gate, arched terrace, pavilion section and decorations, Dilek House is located in the district.

It is one of the remarkable buildings. (Fig. 4.20.).

Figure 4.20. Entrance façade of wish house

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Figure 4.21. Wish house ground floor plan

In Figure 4.21, there is the ground floor plan of the Wish House. Units on the ground floor

settled in the courtyard. Each unit has a plan type without a sofa.

The door opens to the courtyard. In the courtyard, which is accessed by a double-winged wooden door, there are two rooms,

kitchen, cover and toilet (Figure 4.22.).

a) Courtyard b) Covering c) Kitchen

Figure 4.22. The units of the wish house in the courtyard

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On the north façade, the kitchen, which is the service units of the house, is covered with a pointed arch and a toilet.

is located. During our study, the building was on the west side since the owner did not allow it.

The room in the first place could not be entered and it was designated as the bedroom by the owner.

used information.

The room, located on the south façade, is divided into sections within itself and creates a multifunctional space.

(Figure 4.23.). This room is for sitting, sleeping, eating and cleaning.

It is used as a multi-purpose room where needs are met. the household together

There is a kitchen and a ghusl in the room where he spends his time. Your Ghuslhane closet

positioned inside. Made in the form of a niche for putting things in the room

There are cabinets and cabinets. The star on the ceiling of the historical Armenian house

motifs are striking.

a) Room b) Kitchen c) Ghuslhane

Figure 4.23. Room images on the south side of the wish house

In Figure 4.24, there is the 1st floor plan of the Wish House. 1st floor, next to the courtyard door

Access is provided by a stone staircase. There is a terrace and a pavilion on the 1st floor.

(Fig. 4.25.). Stone columns and arches on the terrace draw attention. In the mansion section

The niche in the room serves as a closet where items such as beds and quilts are placed. Mansion

Today it is used as a warehouse.

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Figure 4.24. Wish house 1st floor plan

a) Terrace b) Kiosk c) Kiosk

Figure 4.25. Wish house 1st floor images

4.2.2. Sofa Houses

When ÿncesu traditional houses are examined in terms of plan features, it is seen that the houses are generally

It is seen that it is courtyard and inward facing. However, there are also houses without courtyards in the district, albeit few.

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is seen. For this reason, the houses with sofas are divided into two types, with a sofa-without courtyard and with a courtyard-with sofa.

will be analyzed in the group. Houses Without Courtyard-Sofa

Incesu houses are usually designed to be introverted for privacy reasons, and many have courtyards. The houses

with sofas without courtyards are the traditional houses of ÿncesu.

It is the least common plan group.

Ibrahim Solak House

Figure 4.26. and 4.27. Bulgurcu neighborhood, Bulgurcu street, ÿbrahim

Solak house is located. The building was built in 2010 with the decision of the Conservation Board numbered 1629.

registered (Annex A.3.). The owner, who is 95 years old, does not know the exact date of construction of the house,

but says that the house he lives in is a very old building. Two different

In the Solak house, where the building was later combined into a single structure, there is no courtyard.

Sofa plan type is seen. The upper cover of the buildings is flat earthen roof and the stone

gargoyles were used.

Figure 4.26. General views from the Solak house

The two houses, which are in adjacent order, were later combined by providing a passage from the terrace.

Due to the fact that the houses are on a sloping land, two adjacent houses


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