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Atkinson Shiffrin Model Class11

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-in, [2]Parallel distributed processing model by James McCleland.

B Odel by Atknson and

nformation Processing Model by Atkinson and Shiffrin

Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin proposed a model of
known as Atkinson-Shiffrin Model. This model is also called the Modalmemory popularly
model as well as
chhayao1SPSYCHOLOGY Class XI
Multi-store model. This model suggested memory comprises of three separate stores
Sensory register or Sensory memory. Short-term memory and Long-terrm mernory.
Sensory register: Sensory register is the inítíal store of mermory that recefves
than a fo
sensory infornation through five senses and holds it for not more
seconds. We are always bombarded with several stimulí. Thus, our senses are
engaged for registering the several sernsory stímulatíon for a very brief period of time
It is the atorage system where the sensory stímulation is registered preliminarily and
stay for a brief period of time about 1-4 seconds. It has a vast amount of storage
capacity because several types of information through five senses are brought to the
sensory register. It includes information that has just been impinged on the senses
but not attended and is yet to reach one's conscious awareness.
2 Short-term memory: The information that is attended is passed on to the next
memory store, called the short-term memory. Thís store has a limited capacity of
holding 5 to9 items, as discovered by Miller. It can hold information for about 18
20 seconds. However, if the items are repeated over and over again, it can hold
information a little longer. This process of rehearsing the items through repetition
in the short term memory is termed as maintenance rehearsal. It helps in
temporary maintaining of the new information in the short-term memory.
Encoding and

Incomng Sensory Shortterm memorv Elaborative Long-term

iniormatton nemory working mernory rehearsal Imenory

failure theory
Lostifnot Lost ifnot Encoding interference
attended to encoded or failure theory
rehearsed torgetting) Cdecay theory
Fig 6.4:Atkinson-Shiffrin Model

"Long-term memory: This is the final memory store which is characterised by

unlimited capacity and duration to hold information. The information stored in the
short-term mernory is passed on tothe long term memory, if they are rehearsed in
terms of the meaning or semantics of the information. This type of rehearsal is called
elaborative rehearsal. It is a technique to help the short-term memory store
thoughts and ideas and pass then into the long-term memory. It works by relati
new concepts to old concepts that are already stored in the long-term mermory. 1t
said that information are stored in long-term memory for a lifetime. It has also Det
Rememberlng and forgetting 243
said that memories never decay from this store. More precisely, forgetting does not
occur im case or -long-term memory. However, failure to retrieve
informatton frormm
this store mainly occurs due to lack of retrieval cues, failure in
connection and
association of cues and failure of reconstruction. In spite of intact
memory. the nïormation remain inaccessible for the reterttion of the
retrieval. individual due to failure fn
These memory Stages are almost similar
with the conmputer memory
computer memory andhuman memory are almost system. Tne
the computer memory is just similar. The basic strategy processirng
analogous to.human memorisation proess.

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