Pons-Guthrie1949 Article DeterminationOfFreeGossypolInC
Pons-Guthrie1949 Article DeterminationOfFreeGossypolInC
Pons-Guthrie1949 Article DeterminationOfFreeGossypolInC
eated. The determination of thc sohlbility of the 9. Burnett, l~,. S., Roberts, E. J., and Parker, E. 1)., Ind. Eng.
Chem., 37, 276-281 (1945).
protein in different solvents, analysis of the isolated 10. Campbell, H., and Johnson, P., Trans. F a r a d a y Sot., 40, 221
protein to determine its nitrogen and ash contents 11. Eirich, F. R., and Rideal, E. K., Nature, 146, 541-542, 551-552
and its color when dispersed in sodium hydroxidc (1940).
12. Fontaine, T. D., and Burnett, R. S., Ind. Fng. Chem., 36, 164-
solutions, determination of the viscosity characteris- 167 (1944).
13. Fontaine, 2'. D., netwiler, S. B., Jr., and lrving, G-. W., Jr.,
tics of concentrated pcanut protein solutions, and Ind. Eng. Chem., 37, 1232-1236 (1945).
specific product testing are used to evaluate peanut 14. Fontaine, T. I)., Irving, G. W., Jr., and Markley, K. S , Ind.
Eng. Chem., 38, 658-662 (1946).
protein for industrial utilization. 15. Fontaine, T. D., Irving, G. W., Jr., and W a r n e r , R. C., Arch.
Biochem., 8, 239-249 (1945).
16. Fontaine, T. D., Samuels, C., and lrving, G. W., Jr., Ind. Eng.
Ohom., 36, 625-627 (1944).
REFEREN('ES 17. Irving, G. W., Jr., Fontaine, T. D., and Warner, R. C., Arch.
1. Arthur, J. C., Jr., Crovetto, A. J., Molaison, L. J., Guilbeau, W. Biechem., 7, 475-489 (1945).
F., and Altschul, A. M., J. Am. Oil ('hem. Sot., '25, ',198-400 (1948). 18. Johns, C. 0., Cotton Oil Press, 2, No. 12, 41-42 ( 1 9 1 9 ) .
2. Arthur, J. C., Jr., and Ka~ou, M. L., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., '25, 18. Johns, C. 0., and Jones, D. B., Jour. Biol. Chem., e8, 77-87
99-102 (1948). (1916).
',l. Arthur, J. C., Jr., Mason, T. W., Jr., and Adams, M. E., J. Am. 20. Johns, C. 0., and Jones, D. B., Ibid., 30, 33-38 ( 1 9 1 7 ) .
Oil Chem. Soc., '25, 338-340 (1948). 21. Johns, C. 0., and Jones, D. B., Ib~l., 36, 491-500 ( 1 9 1 8 ) .
4. :Barnett, R. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 37, 860-863 (1945). 22. Johnson, P., Trans. F a r a d a y Soc., 4'2, 28-45 ( 1 9 4 6 ) .
5. Burnett, R. S., Chem. Eng. News, $4, 478-480 ( 1 9 4 6 ) . 23. Jones, D. B., and Horn, M, J., J. Agr. Res., 40, 673 684 (1930).
6. Buvnet~, R. S., and Fontaine, T. D., Ind. Eng. Chore., 36, 284- 24. Lichnikov, I. S., Iz Rezul't Veget Opytov Lab. Rabot tRee.
288 (1944). Tray. Lab. Agron.), 9, 378-385 (1913).
7. Burnett, R. S., and Parker, E. D., Trans. Am. Soe. Mech. Engrs., 25. Merrifield, A. L., and Pomes, A. F., Tt~.xtile ]~.cs. J., 16, 369-
68, 751-756, (1946). 377 (1946).
8. Burnett, R. S., Parker, E. D., and Roberts, E. J., had. Eng.
Chem., 87, 980-982 (1945). [ R e c e i v e d M a y 25, 1 9 4 9 ]
Sample Preparation I I I
a) Raw Cottonseed: Dehull cottonseed in a Bauer
mill and separate the meats f r o m hulls and lint.
G r i n d the meats t h r o u g h the 20-mesh screen in a
Wiley mill. I)o not preheat the cottonseed before
dehulling and avoid overheating d u r i n g grinding. --~ 0.4.
b) I I y d r a u l i c - and Screw-Pressed Cottonseed Meals 0
or Cake : Grind through the 20-mesh screen in a Wiley
mill, avoiding overheating of the sanlple.
c) Solvent-Extracted Cottonseed Meals: No prep-
aration is required unless sample is lumpy, in which ,a 0.3
case grind through the 20-mesh screen in a Wiley mill. J
A n a l y t i c a l Procedure >..
Weigh sufficient sample material to contain about I-
2.5 milligrams of free gossypol into a glass-stoppered z 0.2
250-ml. E r l e n m e y e r flask. This will require 0.25-0.30 W
g. for raw c o t t o n s e e d meats and hexane-extracted 0
meals, and 1.0-1.5 g. for hydraulic-, screw-pressed
meals, and solvent-extracted meals containing very
little gossypol. Cover the bottom of the flask with u
6-mnl. solid glass beads, add 50 ml. of 70% aqueous - 0.1
acetone b y pipette. S t o p p e r the flask and shake on n
a mechanical shaker for one h o u r at room tempera- o
ture at such a rate that the sample material which
collects around the top of the flask will be constantly
washed back into the solution. Filter through a d r y 0
l l - c m , p a p e r of medium retentivity into a small glass- 380 400 450 500
stoppered flask, discarding the first portion of the fil- WAVE LENGTH "m/.t
trate. Place a watch glass over the funnel to reduce Fro. 1. Absorption spectra of 70% aqueous acetone extracts
evaporation. I f necessary, gossypol m a y be deter- of various cottonseed materials reacted with p-anisidine as
mined in the filtrate the next day since gossypol is described under Analytical Procedure. Optical density values
stable in aqueous acetone. are corrected for the absorption of the gossypol blanks.
A. ]texane-extraeted meal; (h239I) g. (1.21)9~ gossypol), 2/50 aliquot.
Pipette duplicate 2-ml. aliquots of the filtrate into B. Raw meats; 0.3276 g. (0.837% gossypol), 2/50 aliquot.
25-ml. volumetric flasks. To one of the aliquots add (% Pure gossypol; 0.0991 mi]ligraln in 25-ml. wflume.
3 ml. of ethyl alcohol-acetic acid reagent and make D. Hydraulic-pressed meal; 2.00o grams (0.060% gossyl)ol), 2/50
to volume with ethyl alcohol. This is the gossypol E. Screw-pressed meal; 2.000 g. (0.022% gossyl)ol), 2/50 aliquot.
blank. To the other aliquot add 3 ml. of the p-anisi-
dine-acetic acid-ethyl alcohol reagent and place in a
water b a t h (with the flask loosely stoppered) at 60~ 70% aqueous acetone, p r e p a r e d as outlined above,
for one-half hour. At the same time r u n a reagent into 25-ml. volumetric flasks. To one aliquot add 3
blank containing 2 ml. of 70% aqueous acetone and ml. of ethyl alcohol-acetic acid reagent and make to
3 ml. of p-anisidine-acetic acid-ethyl alcohol reagent volume with ethyl alcohol. To the other aliquot add
parallel with the sample. Remove f r o m the bath, cool 3 ml. of p-anisidinc-acetic acid-ethyl alcohol reagent
to room temperature, and make to volume with 95% and proceed as outlined above. Plot logarithms of
ethyl alcohol. Also p r e p a r e a solvent blank consisting T~/T~ values against milligrams gossypol to obtain
of 2 ml. of 70% aqueous acetone and 3 ml. of acetic the s t a n d a r d curve.
acid-ethyl alcohol reagent made to 25-ml. volume with
ethyl alcohol. Investigation of the Reaction of Gossypol
Determine the per cent t r a n s m i t t a n c e of the sam- with p-Anisidine
pie, designated as T , with an E v e l y n colorimeter The concentration of p-anisidine in the reaction is
(No. 470 filter), or equivalent, setting the i n s t r u m e n t not v e r y critical. Three ml. of a 1% solution in
at 100% t r a n s m i t t a n c e with the reagent blank. I f a ethyl alcohol gave optimum results and was selected.
spectrophotometer is used, make the measurements Increasing the concentration above this does not in-
at 447 m~. Determine the per cent transmittance of crease the color intensity. With a given concentration
the gossypol blank, designated as T2, using the sol- of gossypol and p-anisidine a greater color intensity
vent b l a n k to set the instrument. Obtain the ratio is developed in the presence of acetic acid than with-
T~/T, and use the logarithm of this ratio (log T~/T2) out acetic acid. The amount of acetic acid m a y v a r y
to find the concentration of gossypol in the sample from 0.01 to 0.10 ml. glacial acetic acid in the reac-
aliquot f r o m the s t a n d a r d curve. If desired, the meas- tion volume without any change in the color inten-
urements can be made in terms of density rather than sity. Since traces of acids m a y be found in cottonseed
t r a n s m i t t a n c e provided of course that the standard extracts, a serious error might be introduced if the
curve is plotted also on a density basis. As a 2/50 standard curve was run without the added acid.
aliquot is used for analysis, m u l t i p l y tile milligrams As reported b y Smith (2) for the reaction of gos-
of gossypol found in the sample aliquot b y 25' to ob- sypol and aniline, heating is necessary for complete
tain the milligrams of gossypol in the original sample. color development in a reasonable time. Variation in
Preparation of Sla~dard Curve: Pipette duplicate the heating time from 15 to 120 minutes at 60~ did
2-ml. aliquots of the s t a n d a r d gossypol solutions in not affect the color intensity. A 30-minute heating
Investigation of Extraction Procedure in a dark cabinet for long periods of time at room
Tile conditions required for complete extraction of temperature, after which they were filtered and an-
gossypol from cottonseed materials by aqueoas ace- alyzed. Raw cottonseed meals showed a decrease in
tone were determined by extraction on a mechanical gossypol on extended time of extraction, which indi-
shaker at room tcnlperature for periods of time from cated a degradation of gossypol. The reason for this
1 to 4 hours as shown in Table I. It was found that effect is not known with certainty. I t may be pointed
covering the bottom of the flask with 6-mm. glass out that when raw meats are extracted for I hour
beads has a grinding effect on coarse materials such on the shaker and filtered, the gossypol in the filtered
as raw meats. Low results on raw meats were ob- extracts is very stable (Table i I l ) . t t e x a n e - and
tained when the beads were omitted. While the beads acetone-extracted cottonseed me.als gave. essentially
were not necessary for finely divided samples of sol- constant values up to 72 h o u r s ' extraction, which
vent-extracted meals, they were used for all samples indicated that c,omplete extraction was attained on
to insure uniform extraction. Static overnight ex- the shaker in one hour. I ) e p i g m e n t e d cottonseed
tractions (16 hours) at room temperature were also meal and hydraulic-pressed meals showed a slow
made. progressive increase in gossypol content on extended
extraction up to 400 hours. The results indicate a
TABLE [ p r o g r e s s i v e hydrolysis of bound gossypol in these
F f f e c t of T i m e on S h a k e r E x t r a c t i o n of G o s s y p e l F r o m Cottonseed meals. The 1-hour shaker extraction should lead to
P r o d u c t s V~Tith 7 0 % A q u e o u s A c e t e n e a minimum of hydrolysis for meals which contain
IOree G o s s y p o l ~ bound gossypol.
Sample Material Shaker Extraction 2 Extrac-
" tion, TABLE III
i I hr. ] 2 hr. 4 hr. 16 hr.
I . . . . . . S t a b i l i t y of P u r e G e s s y p o l a n d E x t r a c t s of ~,~arious C o t t o n s e e d
P r o d u c t s in 7 0 % A q u e o u s A c e t o n e
Raw Meats ..................................... 0 .%
802 ] 0 .%
790 0.%
806 0 .%
Raw Meats ..................................... I 1.33 { 1.33 1.3;I 1.29 Mg. GossypoI Found in
It~exane-, E x t r a c t e d M e a l ................. I 1.20 I 1.22 1.23 1.20 Gossyl~ol S o l u t i o n s a n d Filtered Extracts 1
Acctone-FxtractedMeal ................. I 0.025 I 0.028 0.032 0.027 Products Extracted
Hydraulic-Pressed M e a l ................ 0.037 I 0.042 0.042 0.061 0 hr. 21.5 hr. 96 hr.
Hydraulic-Pressed M e a l ................ 0.078 I 0.082 0.086 0.087
0 . 2 3 5 m g [ p a r e g o s s y p o l ................................. ~ I~.225-- 0.225
X A v e r a g e of d u p l i c a t e d e t e r m i n a t i o n s . 2 . 5 0 3 r a g . p u r e g o s s y p o l ................................. 2.503 2.463 2.463
2 B o t t o m of f l a s k c o v e r e d w i t h 6 - m m . g l a s s b e a d s . 4 . 9 9 0 r a g . p u r e g o s s y p o l ................................. 4.990 4.990 4.9902
Raw meats ...................................................... , 3.973 3.973 3.975
P i g m e n t g l a n d s .............................................. 4.035 4.035 4.035
H a , c a n e - e x t r a c t e d m e a l .................................. 2.865 2.805 2.843
From the data in Table I it seems that extraction Hydraulic-pressed meal ..................... 0.800 0.800 0.805
siderable protein does not interfere with the extrac- 1Average of dul)lieate d e t e r m i n a t i o n s .
~1 hr. s h a k e r extract.ion.
tion procedure.
General Applicability of the Method extraction methods give essentially tlle sanle vahles.
Comparison of the method with the procedure of I n view of the possible errors in blender operations
Smith (2) is shown in Table V. F o r raw meats and the 5-minute extraetion is not reconlmended for the
hexane-extraeted meals the two methods are in good most precise work. W h e n a number of samples are
agreement. The shaker extraction (1 hour) shows a to be analyzed, the shaker extraction will materially
trend toward slightly higher values although the dif- reduee the time required per sample. The rapid 5-
ferences are not marked. The Smith method gives mimtte blender procedure should prove to be desira-
higher results than the proposed method for kettle ble in eases where a single sample nmst be analyzed
meats, hydraulic- and screw-pressed cottonseed meals, in as short a time as possible.
and depigmented meals. As these samples all contain
b o u n d gossypol and have been shown (Tables [ and Precision of the Method
I I ) to give increased gossypol values on extended ex- Samples of raw meats, hexane-extracted nleal, and
traction, it is possible that the heating of the sample hydraulic-pressed meal were analyzed repeatedly over
in the blender operations of the Smith method leads a period of several months. The n u m b e r of determi-
to hydrolysis of some of the bound gossypol. The nations made on each of these samples were 23, 24,
values obtained with the Snfith method v a r y in the and 17, respectively; the average free gossypol c,on-
same direction as those obtained b y the proposed tents were 1.31, 1.20, and 0.064%, respectively; and
method. the s t a n d a r d deviations of the determinations were
0.021, 0.020, and 0.0046, respectively.
Alternative Procedures
In tlle event t h a t 95% ethyl alcohol is not avail-
able, 80% aqueous isopropyl alcohol can be substi-
( ' o m p a r i s o n of 5 - M i n u t e B l e n d e r E x t r a c t i o n W i t h 1 - H o u r S h a k e r
tuted for it throughout the procedure. The s t a n d a r d E x t r a c t i o n for Gossypol in Cottonseed P r o d u c t s
curve is the same for both alcohols. A n u m b e r of
)~ree Gossypol I
eottonseed samples were analyzed with the substitu-
Type of S a m p l e 1-Itour 5-Minute
tion of 80% isopropyl alcohol for ethyl alcohol. The Shaker Blonder
results were identical with previous analyses in which E xt.ra ction Extraction
95% ethyl aleohol was used. Both 90 and 98% iso- R a w meats ...................................................... O.947 0.938
oropyl alcohol cause t u r b i d i t y with some extracts, R a w meats ..................................................... 1.32 1.33
H e x a n e - e x t r a c t e d meal .................................. 1.29 1.18
b u t 8()c~: isopropyl alcohol is applicable to all types Do-pigmented ; de-fatted meal ....................... i 0.065 0.061
H y d r a u l l c - p r e s s e d meal ................................ o.06o 0.n56
of cottonseed extracts. H y d r a u l i c - p r e s s e d meal ................................ 0.109 0.091.
Screw-pressed meal ............. 0.o 15 0.016
F o r purposes such as plant control o p e r a t i o n s , ~orew-oressed meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ O,D.2 l 0.029
where a rapid analysis of a sample is required, tile 1Average of d u p l i c a t e d e t e r m i n a t i o n s .
Summary Acknowledgment
A method for the determination of free gossypol The authors are indebted to Robert T. O'Connor
in c o t t o n s e e d materials is described. The method and Elsie T. Field for the speetrophotometric meas-
consists of extraction of gossypol with a measured urements and to Catherine M. Hall for the sample of
volume of 7 0 ~ aqueous acetone on a shaker for one gossypurpurin.
hour, filtration, and colorimetric analysis for gossypol The authors also wish to acknowledge with thanks
in an aliquot of the filtrate b y means of the reaction the encouragement and suggestions of T. 1I. I I o p p e r .
between gossypol and p-anisidine.
The conditions for complete extraction of gossypol REFERENCES
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completeness, the imsplit f a t contains more glycerol water is substituted b y an organic solvent (acetone)
t h a n the original fat, an indication of the presence the addition of organic peroxides gives a very strong
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ANAI.YSIS OF MIXTURES Of ORGANIC ACIDS BY ~- dine, and 10 ec. glacial acetic acid, mixed with a sohi-
TRACTIOX. K. g. Tsai (National Amoy Univ., Amoy, tion of 500 mg. leuco-base of 2,6-dichlorophenolindo-
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back-extraction of the orgauic l a y e r with water or the bulk fat to milk p r i o r to pastenl'ization at 82.2~
dilute aqueous solution than b y the extraction of the for 30 minutes and separation. The stability of fat