HW 1

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EE 3640 Communication Systems I Chi-chao Chao

Spring 2023

Homework Assignment No. 1

Due 1:20pm, March 9, 2023

Reading: Haykin & Moher, Chapters 1 and 2 (except Sections 2.13 and 2.14).
Problems for Solution:

1. (a) Show that

m(t) cos(2πfc t) ⇀
↽ [M (f − fc ) + M (f + fc )]
where M (f ) is the Fourier transform of m(t).
(b) Show that
m(t) sin(2πfc t) ⇀
↽ [M (f − fc ) − M (f + fc )] .
2. (a) The signum function sgn(t) does not satisfy the Dirichlet’s conditions, and there-
fore, strictly speaking, it may not have a Fourier transform. However, we may
define a Fourier transform for sgn(t) by viewing it as the limiting form of

 exp(−at), t > 0
g(t) = 0, t=0
− exp(at), t < 0

as the parameter a → 0. First show that the Fourier transform of g(t) is given by

G(f ) = .
a2 + (2πf )2

Then find the Fourier transform for sgn(t) by lima→0 G(f ) and show that
sgn(t) ⇀
↽ .

(b) The unit step function u(t) is defined by

 1, t>0
u(t) = 1/2, t = 0
0, t < 0.

Then we have u(t) = (1/2)[sgn(t) + 1]. Find the Fourier transform of u(t) by
using the result of (a).
(c) First show that Z t
g(τ ) dτ = g(t) ⋆ u(t)

where ⋆ is the convolution operation. Then show that

Z t
1 1
g(τ ) dτ ⇀
↽ G(f ) + G(0)δ(f )
−∞ j2πf 2

where G(f ) is the Frourier transform of g(t).

3. (a) Find the Fourier transform of

g(t) = exp(−t) cos(2πfc t)u(t)

where u(t) is the unit step function.

(b) Find the inverse Fourier transform of

 3, f >0
G(f ) = 1/e, f = 0
0, f < 0.

4. (a) Find the Fourier series expansion for the periodic signal gT0 (t) given by

1, |t| ≤ T0 /4
gT0 (t) =
0, T0 /4 < |t| ≤ T0 /2

gT0 (t + T0 ) = gT0 (t).

(b) Suppose the signal gT0 (t) in (a) is fed to a filter with transfer function
 rect f −f0 , f > 0
H(f ) =  f0 
 rect f +f0 , f < 0

where f0 = 1/T0 . Find the corresponding output.

5. (a) Find the Hilbert transform of A cos(2πfc t + θ).

(b) Find the Hilbert transform of m(t) cos(2πfc t), where m(t) is a low-pass signal
whose Fourier transform M (f ) vanishes for |f | > W and fc > W .

6. Consider a band-pass signal g(t) whose spectrum is limited to the interval fc − W ≤

|f | ≤ fc + W , where W < fc . We can represent g(t) in the canonical form:

g(t) = gI (t) cos(2πfc t) − gQ (t) sin(2πfc t).

(a) Show that
gI (t) = g(t) cos(2πfc t) + ĝ(t) sin(2πfc t)
gQ (t) = −g(t) sin(2πfc t) + ĝ(t) cos(2πfc t)
where ĝ(t) is the Hilbert transform of g(t).
(b) Let GI (f ), GQ (f ), and G(f ) be the Fourier transforms of gI (t), gQ (t), and g(t),
respectively. Show that

G(f − fc ) + G(f + fc ), −W ≤ f ≤ W
GI (f ) =
0, elsewhere.

(c) Show that

j [G(f − fc ) − G(f + fc )] , −W ≤ f ≤ W
GQ (f ) =
0, elsewhere.

7. The rectangular radio frequency pulse

A cos(2πfc t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T
x(t) =
0, elsewhere

is applied to a filter with impulse response

h(t) = x(T − t).

Assume that the frequency fc equals a large integer multiple of 1/T . Determine the
output of the filter. (Hint: Consider the equivalent low-pass model.)

8. Consider a signal  Z t 
x(t) = Ac cos 2πfc t + 2πkf m(τ ) dτ

whose spectrum vanishes outside the frequency interval fc − BT /2 ≤ |f | ≤ fc + BT /2.

Suppose x(t) is fed to a linear time-invariant system with transfer function

 j2πa f − fc + B2T  , fc − B2T ≤ f ≤ fc + B2T


H(f ) = j2πa f + fc − B2T , −fc − B2T ≤ f ≤ −fc + B2T

0, elsewhere.

d ⇀
Please use the equivalent low-pass model to find the output y(t). (Hint: Recall dt
g(t) ↽
j2πf G(f ).)

Homework Collaboration Policy: I allow and encourage discussion or collaboration on

the homework. However, you are expected to write up your own solution and understand
what you turn in. Late homework is subject to a penalty of 5% to 40% of your total points.

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