Class 10 - Summer Holiday Homework 2023
Class 10 - Summer Holiday Homework 2023
Class 10 - Summer Holiday Homework 2023
General Instructions:
All the work should be hand-written.
Original drawings / illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated.
Present your work on A-4 size sheets and put it in an attractive folder with your name and class clearly written at the top.
The work will be evaluated on the following parameters.
1. Idea and content 2. Presentation 3. Ability to answer the questions 4. Innovativeness. 5. Creativity.
Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.
Task 1:
Design an attractive and colorful logo for the Math Lab. The logo should be unique, and visually appealing.
Kindly note:
Creativity: The logo should demonstrate creativity.
Relevance: The logo should represent the spirit of the Math Lab and its purpose.
Visual Appeal: The logo should be visually attractive and well-designed.
Clarity: The logo should be clear and easy to read.
Neatness: The logo should be neat with clearly drawn shapes.
Task 2:
Collect the runs scored by different batters during IPL 2023, divide the runs scored into class intervals
0 - 20, 20 - 40, ……………………………………………….90 - 100
1. Represent the given data in the form of a Histogram. The height of the rectangles in the histogram is marked by the
frequencies of the class interval in the graph. Identify the rectangle with the highest frequency. This corresponds to the
modal class of the series.
2. Join the top corners of the modal rectangle with the immediately next corners of the adjacent rectangles. The two lines
must be cutting each other.
3. Let the point where the joining lines cut each other be 'A'. Draw a perpendicular line from point A onto the x-axis. The point
'P' where the perpendicular will meet the x-axis will give the mode.
Task 3:
Revise all the concepts / topics done in the class.
Task 1:
1. Choose any republic from the entire world and collect material to make a comparative study between the Indian Republic
and any other republic regarding-
a) Nature of the constitution
b) Symbols of national identity
c) Fundamental rights provided to the citizens
d) Flag/government seal and its significance
e) Ethnic complexity
f) Any other aspect
Task 2:
2. Imagine you are a radio jockey. Interview any two personalities from the Indian National Movement, asking him/her to
evaluate his/her strengths, weaknesses, most significant contributions to history and what, if anything, he/she might change
about his/her career if given another opportunity. You can choose any character you prefer…. Like Gandhiji, B.R.
Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh etc.
a) Makeup at least 6 questions for each character with detailed answers.
Create a project file using only A4 ruled sheets. It should include –Index, Acknowledgement, the main project, a
Bibliography, and links from where the matter was collected. All your work should be handwritten. The word limit is
1000 words.
Judgement Criteria:
Create a project file using only A4 ruled sheets. It should include –Index, Acknowledgement, Main project covering the given
topics, a Bibliography, and links from where the matter was collected. All your work should be handwritten and supported
with pictures wherever possible. The case study should be from the consumer forum of India and can be in printed form.
Table of contents
9 Conclusion
10 Bibliography
S.No Rubrics
3 Viva 1
1. The Holiday work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner.
3. Project is to be done on A4 size sheets and compiled in a hard-bound file/folder. Design an attractive cover for your
5. The written part should be neatly presented in your own handwriting or printed
6. The child will be assessed for neat handwriting, neatness, presentation(after vacation), creativity, completion of all the
given questions, indexing of the work, and submission of the work on time.
Aim: Prepare Project report on
HIV A.I.D.S. (Roll No. 1 to 13)
The project report should include the following:
● What is AIDS?
● History of HIV AIDS
● Causes of AIDS
● Transmission of AIDS Virus
● Screening Test for AIDS
● Prevention from AIDS
● Role of NGO in spreading awareness among people.
Learning objective:
Students will be able to
● Generate awareness of the spreading of AIDS and precautions.
● Infer the Role of NGOs
३. सूचना लेखन- १. नवद्यालय र्ें पुस्तक प्रदशानी का आयोजन २. खादी वस्त्रों पर छू ट की घोषणा (ककसी
एक पर)
ननदेश- सभी काया ए-4 शीट पर सुांदर ढांग से करें | कक्षा र्ें करवाए गए सभी उपनवषयों (topics) की
तैयारी करें |
1: ਆਪਣੀ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਕ ਿੱਚੋਂ ਸੰਤ ਕਸੰਘ ਸੇਖੋਂ ਦੀ ਕਿਖੀ ਇਿਾਾਂਗੀ ‘ਦੂ ਜਾ ਕ ਆਹ ’ ਪੜ੍ਹ ੋ | ਕਦਿੱਤੀਆਾਂ ਕਹਦਾਇਤਾਾਂ ਅਨੁ ਸਾਰ ਹੇਠਾਾਂ ਕਦਿੱਤਾ ਿਾਰਜ ਿਰੋ|
● ਿੇ ਖਿ ਸੰਤ ਕਸੰਘ ਸੇਖੋਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਕ ਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਜਾਣਿਾਰੀ ( ਯਾਦ ਕਬੰਦੂ ਰੂਪ ਕ ਿੱਚ)
● ਇਿਾਾਂਗੀ ਦਾ ਸਾਰ
● ਕਨਹਾਿ ਿੌਰ ਦਾ ਪਾਤਰ ਕਚਿੱਤਰਨ
ਕਿ ੇਂ ਿਰੀਏ – ਸਾਰਾ ਿੰਮ A4 ਰੰਗੀਨ ਰੂਿਡ ਸ਼ੀਟ ਉੱਤੇ ਿਰ ਿੇ ਿ ਰ ਪੇਜ਼ ਾਿੀ ਫਾਇਿ ਕ ਿੱਚ ਿਗਾਇਆ ਜਾ ੇ ||
3. ਬੋਰਡ ਦੀ ਧੀਆ ਕਤਆਰੀ ਿਈ ਹਰ ਰੋਜ਼ 5 ਅਗੇਤਰ 5 ਕਪਛੇਤਰ ਅਤੇ 5 ਮੁਹਾ ਕਰਆਾਂ ਦਾ ਕਿਕਖਤ ਅਕਭਆਸ ਿਰੋ |
● Make any one beautiful odisha handicraft item like a jewelry box , wall hanging, planters, hand bags, decorative
items etc. Using waste material like cardboard, bottles, sweet boxes ,containers etc.
● Make painting using Saura art (odisha) or Pattachitra art (Odisha) on sheet or canvas of any size and with any color
● The work will be evaluated on the following parameters.
1. Idea and content 2. Presentation 3. Innovativeness. 4. Creativity.
● Submission date is 3rd July 2023.
Conduct a research on a neural network model that can recognize handwritten digits and answer the following
1. What are the different techniques and approaches used in handwritten digit recognition using neural networks?
2. How does the architecture of a convolutional neural network (CNN) contribute to the accuracy of handwritten digit
3. What are the challenges and limitations of using neural networks for handwritten digit recognition? How can
these challenges be addressed?
4. What are the advancements and recent developments in handwritten digit recognition using deep learning
5. How does the size and quality of the training dataset impact the performance of a neural network model for
handwritten digit recognition?
6. What are the techniques used for data augmentation in handwritten digit recognition to enhance the performance
and generalization of the model?
7. How does transfer learning play a role in improving the accuracy and efficiency of handwritten digit recognition
8. What are the different evaluation metrics used to assess the performance of handwritten digit recognition models,
and how do they compare with each other?
9. What are the potential applications of handwritten digit recognition beyond digit classification, such as in
document analysis or postal services?
10. How can neural networks be optimized and deployed on resource-constrained devices for real-time handwritten
digit recognition?
General Instructions:
All the work should be hand-written.
Original drawings / illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated.
Present your work on A-4 size sheets and put it in an attractive folder with your name and class clearly written at the
The work will be evaluated on the following parameters.
1. Idea and content 2. Presentation 3. Innovativeness. 4 Creativity.
Every brand has one common aim, and that is to retain its existing consumers and acquire new consumers. This is the
reason why these brands, constantly aim to evolve their products and ultimately, convert their new and occasional
consumers into recurrent consumers. Although, there are various factors behind a consumer’s reason to switch brands,
one of the common reasons are bad product quality, inadequate experience, bad customer service, and more.
1. Choose two brands, one that has a good loyal customer base and one that had a loyal customer base but whose
consumers shifted to another brand.
2. Shed some light on what one brand did better than the other.
3. Analyze how and why one brand did not do well in comparison to the other brand.
● What are the major concerns that a brand should not ignore?
● Successful strategies which the brands should adopt in order to survive in the market.