CSA CCMv4.0 Final 031521
CSA CCMv4.0 Final 031521
CSA CCMv4.0 Final 031521
Business Continuity
Risk Assessment and Impact
Management &
Analysis BCR-02
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Business Continuity Strategy BCR-03
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Business Continuity Planning BCR-04
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Documentation BCR-05
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Business Continuity Exercises BCR-06
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Communication BCR-07
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Backup BCR-08
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Disaster Response Plan BCR-09
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Response Plan Exercise BCR-10
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Equipment Redundancy BCR-11
Operational Resilience
CEK Roles and
Encryption & Key
Responsibilities CEK-02
Encryption & Key Data Encryption CEK-03
Encryption & Key Encryption Algorithm CEK-04
Encryption Change
Encryption & Key
Management CEK-05
Encryption Change Cost
Encryption & Key
Benefit Analysis CEK-06
Encryption & Key Encryption Risk Management CEK-07
CSC Key Management
Encryption & Key
Capability CEK-08
Encryption and Key
Encryption & Key
Management Audit CEK-09
Encryption & Key Key Generation CEK-10
Encryption & Key Key Purpose CEK-11
Encryption & Key Key Rotation CEK-12
Encryption & Key Key Revocation CEK-13
Encryption & Key Key Destruction CEK-14
Encryption & Key Key Activation CEK-15
Encryption & Key Key Suspension CEK-16
Encryption & Key Key Deactivation CEK-17
Encryption & Key Key Archival CEK-18
Encryption & Key Key Compromise CEK-19
Encryption & Key Key Recovery CEK-20
Encryption & Key Key Inventory Management CEK-21
Datacenter Security - DCS
Unauthorized Access
Datacenter Security
Response Training DCS-11
Governance, Risk
Governance Program Policy
Management &
and Procedures GRC-01
Governance, Risk
Management & Risk Management Program GRC-02
Governance, Risk
Management & Organizational Policy Reviews GRC-03
Governance, Risk
Management & Policy Exception Process GRC-04
Governance, Risk
Management & Information Security Program GRC-05
Governance, Risk
Governance Responsibility
Management &
Model GRC-06
Governance, Risk
Information System Regulatory
Management &
Mapping GRC-07
Governance, Risk
Management & Special Interest Groups GRC-08
Employment Agreement
Human Resources
Process HRS-07
Employment Agreement
Human Resources
Content HRS-08
Compliance User
Human Resources
Responsibility HRS-13
Infrastructure and
Infrastructure &
Virtualization Security
Virtualization Security Policy IVS-01
and Procedures
Infrastructure &
Virtualization Security
Network Security IVS-03
Infrastructure & OS Hardening and Base
Virtualization Security Controls IVS-04
Infrastructure &
Virtualization Security
Network Defense IVS-09
Security Incident
Management, E- Service Management Policy
Discovery, & Cloud and Procedures SEF-02
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Incident Response Plans SEF-03
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Incident Response Testing SEF-04
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Incident Response Metrics SEF-05
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Event Triage Processes SEF-06
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Security Breach Notification SEF-07
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Points of Contact Maintenance SEF-08
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Supply Chain STA-02
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Guidance STA-03
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Control Ownership STA-04
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Documentation Review STA-05
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Control Implementation STA-06
Supply Chain
Transparency &
Supply Chain Inventory STA-07
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Risk
Transparency & Management STA-08
Supply Chain
Management, Primary Service and
Transparency & Contractual Agreement STA-09
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Agreement
Transparency & Review STA-10
Supply Chain
Transparency &
Internal Compliance Testing STA-11
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Service
Transparency & Agreement Compliance STA-12
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Governance
Transparency & Review STA-13
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Data Security
Transparency & Assessment STA-14
Universal Endpoint
Compatibility UEM-03
Universal Endpoint
Endpoint Inventory UEM-04
Universal Endpoint
Endpoint Management UEM-05
Universal Endpoint
Automatic Lock Screen UEM-06
Universal Endpoint
Operating Systems UEM-07
Universal Endpoint
Storage Encryption UEM-08
Universal Endpoint
Software Firewall UEM-10
Universal Endpoint
Data Loss Prevention UEM-11
Universal Endpoint
Remote Locate UEM-12
Universal Endpoint
Remote Wipe UEM-13
End of Standard
© Copyright 2019-2021 Cloud Security Alliance - All rights reserved. You may download, store, display on your computer, view, print,
and link to the Cloud Security Alliance “Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) Version 4.0” at http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org subject to the
following: (a) the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 may be used solely for your personal, informational, non-commercial use; (b) the Cloud
Controls Matrix v4.0 may not be modified or altered in any way; (c) the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 may not be redistributed; and (d) the
trademark, copyright or other notices may not be removed. You may quote portions of the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 as permitted by
the Fair Use provisions of the United States Copyright Act, provided that you attribute the portions to the Cloud Security Alliance Cloud
Controls Matrix Version 4.0. If you are interested in obtaining a license to this material for other usages not addresses in the copyright
notice, please contact info@cloudsecurityalliance.org.
Define and implement an Audit Management process to support audit planning, risk
analysis, security control assessment, conclusion, remediation schedules, report
generation, and review of past reports and supporting evidence. Shared Shared
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain a risk-based
corrective action plan to remediate audit findings, review and report remediation status
to relevant stakeholders.
Shared Shared
Define and implement technical and operational metrics in alignment with business
objectives, security requirements, and compliance obligations.
Shared Shared
Establish and implement strategies and capabilities for secure, standardized, and
compliant application deployment. Automate where possible.
Shared Shared
Determine the impact of business disruptions and risks to establish criteria for
developing business continuity and operational resilience strategies and capabilities.
Shared Shared
Establish strategies to reduce the impact of, withstand, and recover from business
disruptions within risk appetite.
Shared Shared
Develop, identify, and acquire documentation that is relevant to support the business
continuity and operational resilience programs. Make the documentation available to
authorized stakeholders and review periodically. Shared Shared
Exercise and test business continuity and operational resilience plans at least annually
or upon significant changes.
Shared Shared
Periodically backup data stored in the cloud. Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of the backup, and verify data restoration from backup for resiliency.
Shared Shared
Follow a defined quality change control, approval and testing process with established
baselines, testing, and release standards.
CSP-Owned Shared
Manage the risks associated with applying changes to organization assets, including
application, systems, infrastructure, configuration, etc., regardless of whether the assets
are managed internally or externally (i.e., outsourced). Shared Shared
Define and implement a process to proactively roll back changes to a previous known
good state in case of errors or security concerns.
Shared Shared
Define and implement cryptographic, encryption and key management roles and
Shared Shared
Use encryption algorithms that are appropriate for data protection, considering the
classification of data, associated risks, and usability of the encryption technology.
Shared Shared
Establish and maintain an encryption and key management risk program that includes
provisions for risk assessment, risk treatment, risk context, monitoring, and feedback.
Shared Shared
CSPs must provide the capability for CSCs to manage their own data encryption keys.
Shared Shared
Audit encryption and key management systems, policies, and processes with a
frequency that is proportional to the risk exposure of the system with audit occurring
preferably continuously but at least annually and after any security event(s).
Shared Shared
Manage cryptographic secret and private keys that are provisioned for a unique
purpose. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to use
compromised keys to encrypt information only in controlled circumstances, and
thereafter exclusively for decrypting data and never for encrypting data, which include Shared Shared
provisions for legal and regulatory requirements.
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures in order
for the key management system to track and report all cryptographic materials and
changes in status, which include provisions for legal and regulatory requirements. Shared Shared
Datacenter Security - DCS
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the secure disposal of equipment used outside the organization's
premises. If the equipment is not physically destroyed a data destruction procedure that
renders recovery of information impossible must be applied. Review and update the CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
policies and procedures at least annually.
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the relocation or transfer of hardware, software, or data/information to an
offsite or alternate location. The relocation or transfer request requires the written or
cryptographically verifiable authorization. Review and update the policies and CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
procedures at least annually.
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for maintaining a safe and secure working environment in offices, rooms,
and facilities. Review and update the policies and procedures at least annually. CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the secure transportation of physical media. Review and update the
policies and procedures at least annually. CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Classify and document the physical, and logical assets (e.g., applications) based on the
organizational business risk.
Shared Shared
Catalogue and track all relevant physical and logical assets located at all of the CSP's
sites within a secured system. CSP-Owned Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures that
ensure a risk-based protection of power and telecommunication cables from a threat of
interception, interference or damage at all facilities, offices and rooms. CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Implement and maintain data center environmental control systems that monitor,
maintain and test for continual effectiveness the temperature and humidity conditions
within accepted industry standards. CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Secure, monitor, maintain, and test utilities services for continual effectiveness at
planned intervals. CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Keep business-critical equipment away from locations subject to high probability for
environmental risk events. CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Apply industry accepted methods for the secure disposal of data from storage media
such that data is not recoverable by any forensic means. Shared Shared
Create and maintain a data inventory, at least for any sensitive data and personal data.
Shared Shared
Document ownership and stewardship of all relevant documented personal and sensitive
data. Perform review at least annually. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Develop systems, products, and business practices based upon a principle of security by
design and industry best practices. Shared Shared
Develop systems, products, and business practices based upon a principle of privacy by
design and industry best practices. Ensure that systems' privacy settings are configured
by default, according to all applicable laws and regulations. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to evaluate the origin, nature,
particularity and severity of the risks upon the processing of personal data, according to
any applicable laws, regulations and industry best practices. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures that
ensure any transfer of personal or sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access
and only processed within scope as permitted by the respective laws and regulations.
CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures to enable data
subjects to request access to, modification, or deletion of their personal data, according
to any applicable laws and regulations. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
transfer and sub-processing of personal data within the service supply chain, according
to any applicable laws and regulations. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Obtain authorization from data owners, and manage associated risk before replicating or
using production data in non-production environments. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures to specify and
document the physical locations of data, including any locations in which data is CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
processed or backed up.
Review all relevant organizational policies and associated procedures at least annually
or when a substantial change occurs within the organization.
Shared Shared
Develop and implement an Information Security Program, which includes programs for
all the relevant domains of the CCM. Shared Shared
Define and document roles and responsibilities for planning, implementing, operating,
assessing, and improving governance programs. Shared Shared
Establish and maintain contact with cloud-related special interest groups and other
relevant entities in line with business context. Shared Shared
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for defining allowances and conditions for the acceptable use of
organizationally-owned or managed assets. Review and update the policies and Shared Shared
procedures at least annually.
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures that require unattended workspaces to not have openly visible confidential
data. Review and update the policies and procedures at least annually.
Shared Shared
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures to protect information accessed, processed or stored at remote sites and
locations. Review and update the policies and procedures at least annually.
Shared Shared
Establish and document procedures for the return of organization-owned assets by
terminated employees. Shared Shared
Establish, document, and communicate to all personnel the procedures outlining the
roles and responsibilities concerning changes in employment. Shared Shared
Employees sign the employee agreement prior to being granted access to organizational
information systems, resources and assets. Shared Shared
The organization includes within the employment agreements provisions and/or terms
for adherence to established information governance and security policies.
Shared Shared
Provide all employees with access to sensitive organizational and personal data with
appropriate security awareness training and regular updates in organizational
procedures, processes, and policies relating to their professional function relative to the
organization. Shared Shared
Make employees aware of their roles and responsibilities for maintaining awareness and
compliance with established policies and procedures and applicable legal, statutory, or
regulatory compliance obligations. Shared Shared
Manage, store, and review the information of system identities, and level of access.
Shared Shared
Employ the separation of duties principle when implementing information system access.
Shared Shared
Employ the least privilege principle when implementing information system access.
Shared Shared
Define and implement a user access provisioning process which authorizes, records,
and communicates access changes to data and assets. Shared Shared
Review and revalidate user access for least privilege and separation of duties with a
frequency that is commensurate with organizational risk tolerance. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
segregation of privileged access roles such that administrative access to data,
encryption and key management capabilities and logging capabilities are distinct and
separated. Shared Shared
Define and implement an access process to ensure privileged access roles and rights
are granted for a time limited period, and implement procedures to prevent the
culmination of segregated privileged access. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes and procedures for customers to participate,
where applicable, in the granting of access for agreed, high risk (as defined by the
organizational risk assessment) privileged access roles. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures that
ensure users are identifiable through unique IDs or which can associate individuals to
the usage of user IDs. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for
authenticating access to systems, application and data assets, including multifactor
authentication for at least privileged user and sensitive data access. Adopt digital
certificates or alternatives which achieve an equivalent level of security for system Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
secure management of passwords. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to verify
access to data and system functions is authorized.
Shared Shared
Provide application interface(s) to CSCs so that they programmatically retrieve their data
to enable interoperability and portability. CSC-Owned Shared
Agreements must include provisions specifying CSCs access to data upon contract
termination and will include:
a. Data format
b. Length of time the data will be stored
c. Scope of the data retained and made available to the CSCs CSC-Owned Shared
d. Data deletion policy
Plan and monitor the availability, quality, and adequate capacity of resources in order to
deliver the required system performance as determined by the business. Shared CSP-Owned
Use secure and encrypted communication channels when migrating servers, services,
applications, or data to cloud environments. Such channels must include only up-to-date
and approved protocols. Shared Shared
Identify and monitor security-related events within applications and the underlying
infrastructure. Define and implement a system to generate alerts to responsible
stakeholders based on such events and corresponding metrics. CSC-Owned Shared
Restrict audit logs access to authorized personnel and maintain records that provide
unique access accountability.
Shared Shared
Monitor security audit logs to detect activity outside of typical or expected patterns.
Establish and follow a defined process to review and take appropriate and timely actions
on detected anomalies. Shared Shared
Use a reliable time source across all relevant information processing systems.
Shared CSP-Owned
Establish, document and implement which information meta/data system events should
be logged. Review and update the scope at least annually or whenever there is a
change in the threat environment. Shared Shared
Establish and maintain a monitoring and internal reporting capability over the operations
of cryptographic, encryption and key management policies, processes, procedures, and
controls. Shared Shared
Log and monitor key lifecycle management events to enable auditing and reporting on
usage of cryptographic keys. Shared Shared
Monitor and log physical access using an auditable access control system.
CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
reporting of anomalies and failures of the monitoring system and provide immediate
notification to the accountable party. Shared Shared
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the timely management of security incidents. Review and update the
policies and procedures at least annually. Shared Shared
Test and update as necessary incident response plans at planned intervals or upon
significant organizational or environmental changes for effectiveness.
Shared Shared
Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures for security
breach notifications. Report security breaches and assumed security breaches including
any relevant supply chain breaches, as per applicable SLAs, laws and regulations.
Shared Shared
Maintain points of contact for applicable regulation authorities, national and local law
enforcement, and other legal jurisdictional authorities.
Shared Shared
Apply, document, implement and manage the SSRM throughout the supply chain for the
cloud service offering.
Shared Shared
Provide SSRM Guidance to the CSC detailing information about the SSRM applicability
throughout the supply chain.
CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Delineate the shared ownership and applicability of all CSA CCM controls according to
the SSRM for the cloud service offering.
CSP-Owned CSP-Owned
Review and validate SSRM documentation for all cloud service offerings the
organization uses.
Shared Shared
Implement, operate, and audit or assess the portions of the SSRM which the
organization is responsible for.
Shared Shared
Shared Shared
CSPs periodically review risk factors associated with all organizations within their supply
Shared Shared
Service agreements between CSPs and CSCs (tenants) must incorporate at least the
following mutually-agreed upon provisions and/or terms:
• Scope, characteristics and location of business relationship and services offered
• Information security requirements (including SSRM)
• Change management process
• Logging and monitoring capability
• Incident management and communication procedures Shared Shared
• Right to audit and third party assessment
• Service termination
• Interoperability and portability requirements
• Data privacy
Review supply chain agreements between CSPs and CSCs at least annually.
Shared Shared
Implement policies requiring all CSPs throughout the supply chain to comply with
information security, confidentiality, access control, privacy, audit, personnel policy and
service level requirements and standards. Shared Shared
Periodically review the organization's supply chain partners' IT governance policies and
Shared Shared
Define and implement a process for conducting security assessments periodically for all
organizations within the supply chain.
Shared Shared
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures to protect against malware on managed assets. Review and update the
policies and procedures at least annually. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
periodic performance of penetration testing by independent third parties. Shared Shared
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
detection of vulnerabilities on organizationally managed assets at least monthly.
Shared Shared
Define and implement a process for tracking and reporting vulnerability identification and
remediation activities that includes stakeholder notification. Shared Shared
Establish, monitor and report metrics for vulnerability identification and remediation at
defined intervals. Shared Shared
ersal Endpoint Management - UEM
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for all endpoints. Review and update the policies and procedures at least
annually. Shared Shared
Define, document, apply and evaluate a list of approved services, applications and
sources of applications (stores) acceptable for use by endpoints when accessing or
storing organization-managed data. Shared Shared
Define and implement a process for the validation of the endpoint device's compatibility
with operating systems and applications. CSC-Owned Shared
Maintain an inventory of all endpoints used to store and access company data.
CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to
enforce policies and controls for all endpoints permitted to access systems and/or store,
transmit, or process organizational data. CSC-Owned CSC-Owned
End of Standard
rights reserved. You may download, store, display on your computer, view, print,
ls Matrix (CCM) Version 4.0” at http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org subject to the
used solely for your personal, informational, non-commercial use; (b) the Cloud
n any way; (c) the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 may not be redistributed; and (d) the
moved. You may quote portions of the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 as permitted by
ht Act, provided that you attribute the portions to the Cloud Security Alliance Cloud
btaining a license to this material for other usages not addresses in the copyright
bility and Ownership
Architectural Relevance - Cloud Stack Components
Owned, Shared)
Shared 1 0 0 0 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 0 0 0 1 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
CSP-Owned 1 0 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
CSC-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 0 1 1 0 0
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 1 0
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 0 0 0 0 0
CSC-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 0 1 0 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 0 0 0 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 0 0 1 1
Shared 1 0 0 1 1
Shared 1 0 0 1 1
Shared 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 0 0 0 0 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
CSP-Owned 0 0 0 0 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 0
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 0 0 0
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
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CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
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CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
Shared 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 1 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 1 0 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
Shared 0 1 1 1 1
Shared 0 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
CSC-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
Shared 0 1 1 1 1
Shared 0 1 1 1 1
CSP-Owned 0 1 1 1 1
Organizational Relevance
Data Cybersecurity Internal Audit SW Development Operations
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
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1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
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nal Relevance
Supply Chain
Legal/Privacy GRC Team HR
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Business Continuity
Risk Assessment and Impact
Management &
Analysis BCR-02
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Business Continuity Strategy BCR-03
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Business Continuity Planning BCR-04
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Documentation BCR-05
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Business Continuity Exercises BCR-06
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Communication BCR-07
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Backup BCR-08
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Disaster Response Plan BCR-09
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Response Plan Exercise BCR-10
Operational Resilience
Business Continuity
Management & Equipment Redundancy BCR-11
Operational Resilience
CEK Roles and
Encryption & Key
Responsibilities CEK-02
Encryption & Key Data Encryption CEK-03
Encryption & Key Encryption Algorithm CEK-04
Encryption Change
Encryption & Key
Management CEK-05
Encryption Change Cost
Encryption & Key
Benefit Analysis CEK-06
Encryption & Key Encryption Risk Management CEK-07
CSC Key Management
Encryption & Key
Capability CEK-08
Encryption and Key
Encryption & Key
Management Audit CEK-09
Encryption & Key Key Generation CEK-10
Encryption & Key Key Purpose CEK-11
Encryption & Key Key Rotation CEK-12
Encryption & Key Key Revocation CEK-13
Encryption & Key Key Destruction CEK-14
Encryption & Key Key Activation CEK-15
Encryption & Key Key Suspension CEK-16
Encryption & Key Key Deactivation CEK-17
Encryption & Key Key Archival CEK-18
Encryption & Key Key Compromise CEK-19
Encryption & Key Key Recovery CEK-20
Encryption & Key Key Inventory Management CEK-21
Governance, Risk
Management & Risk Management Program GRC-02
Governance, Risk
Management & Organizational Policy Reviews GRC-03
Governance, Risk
Management & Policy Exception Process GRC-04
Governance, Risk
Management & Information Security Program GRC-05
Governance, Risk
Governance Responsibility
Management &
Model GRC-06
Governance, Risk
Information System Regulatory
Management &
Mapping GRC-07
Governance, Risk
Management & Special Interest Groups GRC-08
Employment Agreement
Human Resources
Process HRS-07
Employment Agreement
Human Resources
Content HRS-08
Personnel Roles and
Human Resources
Responsibilities HRS-09
Compliance User
Human Resources
Responsibility HRS-13
Infrastructure &
Virtualization Security
Network Security IVS-03
Infrastructure &
Virtualization Security
Network Defense IVS-09
Security Incident
Management, E- Security Incident Management
Discovery, & Cloud Policy and Procedures SEF-01
Security Incident
Management, E- Service Management Policy
Discovery, & Cloud and Procedures SEF-02
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Incident Response Plans SEF-03
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Incident Response Testing SEF-04
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Incident Response Metrics SEF-05
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Event Triage Processes SEF-06
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Security Breach Notification SEF-07
Security Incident
Management, E-
Discovery, & Cloud
Points of Contact Maintenance SEF-08
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Policy and Procedures STA-01
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Supply Chain STA-02
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Guidance STA-03
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Control Ownership STA-04
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Documentation Review STA-05
Supply Chain
Transparency &
SSRM Control Implementation STA-06
Supply Chain
Transparency &
Supply Chain Inventory STA-07
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Risk
Transparency & Management STA-08
Supply Chain
Management, Primary Service and
Transparency & Contractual Agreement STA-09
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Agreement
Transparency & Review STA-10
Supply Chain
Transparency &
Internal Compliance Testing STA-11
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Service
Transparency & Agreement Compliance STA-12
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Governance
Transparency & Review STA-13
Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Data Security
Transparency & Assessment STA-14
Threat & Vulnerability Management - TVM
Threat and Vulnerability
Threat & Vulnerability
Management Policy and TVM-01
Universal Endpoint
Compatibility UEM-03
Universal Endpoint
Endpoint Inventory UEM-04
Universal Endpoint
Endpoint Management UEM-05
Universal Endpoint
Automatic Lock Screen UEM-06
Universal Endpoint
Operating Systems UEM-07
Universal Endpoint
Storage Encryption UEM-08
Universal Endpoint
Software Firewall UEM-10
Universal Endpoint
Data Loss Prevention UEM-11
Universal Endpoint
Remote Locate UEM-12
Universal Endpoint
Remote Wipe UEM-13
End of Standard
© Copyright 2019-2021 Cloud Security Alliance - All rights reserved. You may download, store, display on your computer, view, print,
and link to the Cloud Security Alliance “Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) Version 4.0” at http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org subject to the
following: (a) the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 may be used solely for your personal, informational, non-commercial use; (b) the Cloud
Controls Matrix v4.0 may not be modified or altered in any way; (c) the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 may not be redistributed; and (d) the
trademark, copyright or other notices may not be removed. You may quote portions of the Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0 as permitted by
the Fair Use provisions of the United States Copyright Act, provided that you attribute the portions to the Cloud Security Alliance Cloud
Controls Matrix Version 4.0. If you are interested in obtaining a license to this material for other usages not addresses in the copyright
notice, please contact info@cloudsecurityalliance.org.
CCM v3.0.1
Updated Control Specification
Controls Mapping Gap Level
Define and implement technical and operational metrics in alignment with business
objectives, security requirements, and compliance obligations. No Mapping Full Gap
Define and implement a SDLC process for application design, development,
deployment, and operation in accordance with security requirements defined by the
organization. Partial Gap
Establish and implement strategies and capabilities for secure, standardized, and
compliant application deployment. Automate where possible. AIS-01
Partial Gap
Define and implement a process to remediate application security vulnerabilities,
automating remediation when possible. TVM-02 Partial Gap
Develop, identify, and acquire documentation that is relevant to support the business BCR-01
continuity and operational resilience programs. Make the documentation available to
authorized stakeholders and review periodically. BCR-04 No Gap
Exercise and test business continuity and operational resilience plans at least annually
or upon significant changes. BCR-02 Partial Gap
Establish communication with stakeholders and participants in the course of business
continuity and resilience procedures. No Gap
Periodically backup data stored in the cloud. Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of the backup, and verify data restoration from backup for resiliency. BCR-11 Partial Gap
Exercise the disaster response plan annually or upon significant changes, including if
possible local emergency authorities. No Mapping Full Gap
Manage the risks associated with applying changes to organization assets, including
application, systems, infrastructure, configuration, etc., regardless of whether the assets CCC-05 Partial Gap
are managed internally or externally (i.e., outsourced).
Define and implement a process to proactively roll back changes to a previous known
good state in case of errors or security concerns. No Mapping Full Gap
Establish and maintain an encryption and key management risk program that includes
provisions for risk assessment, risk treatment, risk context, monitoring, and feedback. No Mapping Full Gap
CSPs must provide the capability for CSCs to manage their own data encryption keys.
No Mapping Full Gap
Audit encryption and key management systems, policies, and processes with a
frequency that is proportional to the risk exposure of the system with audit occurring
preferably continuously but at least annually and after any security event(s). No Mapping Full Gap
Manage cryptographic secret and private keys that are provisioned for a unique
purpose. No Mapping Full Gap
Rotate cryptographic keys in accordance with the calculated cryptoperiod, which
includes provisions for considering the risk of information disclosure and legal and
regulatory requirements. No Mapping Full Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to use
compromised keys to encrypt information only in controlled circumstances, and
thereafter exclusively for decrypting data and never for encrypting data, which include No Mapping Full Gap
provisions for legal and regulatory requirements.
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures in order
for the key management system to track and report all cryptographic materials and
changes in status, which include provisions for legal and regulatory requirements. No Mapping Full Gap
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the relocation or transfer of hardware, software, or data/information to an DCS-04
offsite or alternate location. The relocation or transfer request requires the written or
cryptographically verifiable authorization. Review and update the policies and
GRM-06 Partial Gap
procedures at least annually. GRM-09
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and DCS-06
procedures for maintaining a safe and secure working environment in offices, rooms,
and facilities. Review and update the policies and procedures at least annually.
GRM-06 Partial Gap
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the secure transportation of physical media. Review and update the GRM-06
Partial Gap
policies and procedures at least annually. GRM-09
Classify and document the physical, and logical assets (e.g., applications) based on the
organizational business risk. DCS - 01 No Gap
Catalogue and track all relevant physical and logical assets located at all of the CSP's
sites within a secured system. DCS - 01 No Gap
Implement physical security perimeters to safeguard personnel, data, and information
systems. Establish physical security perimeters between the administrative and business DCS-02
No Gap
areas and the data storage and processing facilities areas. DCS-08
Use equipment identification as a method for connection authentication.
DCS - 03 No Gap
Allow only authorized personnel access to secure areas, with all ingress and egress
points restricted, documented, and monitored by physical access control mechanisms. DCS-07
Retain access control records on a periodic basis as deemed appropriate by the Partial Gap
Implement, maintain, and operate datacenter surveillance systems at the external DCS-02
perimeter and at all the ingress and egress points to detect unauthorized ingress and
egress attempts.
DCS-07 Partial Gap
Train datacenter personnel to respond to unauthorized ingress or egress attempts.
HRS-09 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures that
ensure a risk-based protection of power and telecommunication cables from a threat of
interception, interference or damage at all facilities, offices and rooms. BCR - 03 Partial Gap
Implement and maintain data center environmental control systems that monitor,
maintain and test for continual effectiveness the temperature and humidity conditions
within accepted industry standards. BCR - 03 Partial Gap
Secure, monitor, maintain, and test utilities services for continual effectiveness at
planned intervals. BCR - 03 No Gap
Keep business-critical equipment away from locations subject to high probability for
environmental risk events. BCR - 06 No Gap
Create and maintain a data inventory, at least for any sensitive data and personal data.
No Mapping Full Gap
Document ownership and stewardship of all relevant documented personal and sensitive
data. Perform review at least annually. DSI-06 Partial Gap
Develop systems, products, and business practices based upon a principle of security by
design and industry best practices. No Mapping Full Gap
Develop systems, products, and business practices based upon a principle of privacy by
design and industry best practices. Ensure that systems' privacy settings are configured
by default, according to all applicable laws and regulations. No Mapping Full Gap
Conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to evaluate the origin, nature,
particularity and severity of the risks upon the processing of personal data, according to
any applicable laws, regulations and industry best practices. No Mapping Full Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures that
ensure any transfer of personal or sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access GRM-02
and only processed within scope as permitted by the respective laws and regulations. Partial Gap
Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures to enable data
subjects to request access to, modification, or deletion of their personal data, according
to any applicable laws and regulations. No Mapping Full Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
transfer and sub-processing of personal data within the service supply chain, according
to any applicable laws and regulations. No Mapping Full Gap
Obtain authorization from data owners, and manage associated risk before replicating or
using production data in non-production environments. DSI-05 No Gap
Data retention, archiving and deletion is managed in accordance with business
requirements, applicable laws and regulations. GRM-02
No Gap
Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures to protect
sensitive data throughout it's lifecycle.
No Mapping Full Gap
The CSP must have in place, and describe to CSCs the procedure to manage and
respond to requests for disclosure of Personal Data by Law Enforcement Authorities No Mapping Full Gap
according to applicable laws and regulations. The CSP must give special attention to the
notification procedure to interested CSCs, unless otherwise prohibited, such as a
prohibition under criminal law to preserve confidentiality of a law enforcement
Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures to specify and
document the physical locations of data, including any locations in which data is No Mapping Full Gap
processed or backed up.
Develop and implement an Information Security Program, which includes programs for
all the relevant domains of the CCM. GRM-04 Partial Gap
Define and document roles and responsibilities for planning, implementing, operating,
assessing, and improving governance programs. No Mapping Full Gap
Identify and document all relevant standards, regulations, legal/contractual, and
statutory requirements, which are applicable to your organization. AAC-03 No Gap
Establish and maintain contact with cloud-related special interest groups and other
relevant entities in line with business context. No Mapping Full Gap
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures that require unattended workspaces to not have openly visible confidential
data. Review and update the policies and procedures at least annually.
GRM-06 Partial Gap
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures to protect information accessed, processed or stored at remote sites and
locations. Review and update the policies and procedures at least annually. GRM-06
Partial Gap
Establish, document, and communicate to all personnel the procedures outlining the
roles and responsibilities concerning changes in employment. HRS-04 No Gap
Employees sign the employee agreement prior to being granted access to organizational
information systems, resources and assets. HRS-03 No Gap
The organization includes within the employment agreements provisions and/or terms
for adherence to established information governance and security policies.
HRS-03 No Gap
Document and communicate roles and responsibilities of employees, as they relate to
information assets and security. HRS-07
No Gap
Identify, document, and review, at planned intervals, requirements for
non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements reflecting the organization's needs for the
protection of data and operational details. HRS-06 No Gap
Provide all employees with access to sensitive organizational and personal data with
appropriate security awareness training and regular updates in organizational
procedures, processes, and policies relating to their professional function relative to the HRS-09
organization. Partial Gap
Make employees aware of their roles and responsibilities for maintaining awareness and
compliance with established policies and procedures and applicable legal, statutory, or
regulatory compliance obligations. HRS-10 No Gap
Review and revalidate user access for least privilege and separation of duties with a
frequency that is commensurate with organizational risk tolerance. IAM-10 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
segregation of privileged access roles such that administrative access to data,
encryption and key management capabilities and logging capabilities are distinct and
separated. No Mapping Full Gap
Define and implement an access process to ensure privileged access roles and rights
are granted for a time limited period, and implement procedures to prevent the
culmination of segregated privileged access. No Mapping Full Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes and procedures for customers to participate,
where applicable, in the granting of access for agreed, high risk (as defined by the
organizational risk assessment) privileged access roles. No Mapping Full Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for
authenticating access to systems, application and data assets, including multifactor
authentication for at least privileged user and sensitive data access. Adopt digital
certificates or alternatives which achieve an equivalent level of security for system Partial Gap
identities. IAM-05
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
secure management of passwords. No Mapping Full Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to verify
access to data and system functions is authorized.
IAM-02 No Gap
Agreements must include provisions specifying CSCs access to data upon contract
termination and will include:
a. Data format No Mapping Full Gap
b. Length of time the data will be stored
c. Scope of the data retained and made available to the CSCs
ucture & Virtualization Security - IVS
d. Data deletion policy
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for infrastructure and virtualization security. Review and update the policies
and procedures at least annually. Partial Gap
Plan and monitor the availability, quality, and adequate capacity of resources in order to
deliver the required system performance as determined by the business. IVS-04 No Gap
Harden host and guest OS, hypervisor or infrastructure control plane according to their
respective best practices, and supported by technical controls, as part of a security
baseline. IVS-07 Partial Gap
Use secure and encrypted communication channels when migrating servers, services,
applications, or data to cloud environments. Such channels must include only up-to-date
and approved protocols. IVS-10 Partial Gap
Identify and monitor security-related events within applications and the underlying
infrastructure. Define and implement a system to generate alerts to responsible SEF-03
stakeholders based on such events and corresponding metrics. Partial Gap
Restrict audit logs access to authorized personnel and maintain records that provide
unique access accountability.
IVS-01 Partial Gap
Monitor security audit logs to detect activity outside of typical or expected patterns.
Establish and follow a defined process to review and take appropriate and timely actions
on detected anomalies. No Mapping Full Gap
Use a reliable time source across all relevant information processing systems.
IVS-03 No Gap
Establish, document and implement which information meta/data system events should
be logged. Review and update the scope at least annually or whenever there is a
change in the threat environment. No Mapping Full Gap
Monitor and log physical access using an auditable access control system.
DCS-08 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
reporting of anomalies and failures of the monitoring system and provide immediate
notification to the accountable party. SEF-03 Partial Gap
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for the timely management of security incidents. Review and update the SEF-02
policies and procedures at least annually. GRM-06 Partial Gap
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain a security
incident response plan, which includes but is not limited to: relevant internal
departments, impacted CSCs, and other business critical relationships (such as supply- BCR-02 Partial Gap
chain) that may be impacted.
Test and update as necessary incident response plans at planned intervals or upon
significant organizational or environmental changes for effectiveness.
BCR-02 No Gap
Maintain points of contact for applicable regulation authorities, national and local law
enforcement, and other legal jurisdictional authorities.
SEF-01 No Gap
Apply, document, implement and manage the SSRM throughout the supply chain for the
cloud service offering.
No Mapping Full Gap
Provide SSRM Guidance to the CSC detailing information about the SSRM applicability
throughout the supply chain.
No Mapping Full Gap
Delineate the shared ownership and applicability of all CSA CCM controls according to
the SSRM for the cloud service offering.
No Mapping Full Gap
Review and validate SSRM documentation for all cloud service offerings the
organization uses.
No Mapping Full Gap
Implement, operate, and audit or assess the portions of the SSRM which the
organization is responsible for.
No Mapping Full Gap
Develop and maintain an inventory of all supply chain relationships.
CSPs periodically review risk factors associated with all organizations within their supply
chain. STA-06
No Gap
Service agreements between CSPs and CSCs (tenants) must incorporate at least the
following mutually-agreed upon provisions and/or terms:
• Scope, characteristics and location of business relationship and services offered
• Information security requirements (including SSRM)
• Change management process STA-05 Partial Gap
• Logging and monitoring capability
• Incident management and communication procedures
• Right to audit and third party assessment
chain agreements between CSPs and CSCs at least annually.
• Interoperability and portability requirements
• Data privacy STA-07 No Gap
Implement policies requiring all CSPs throughout the supply chain to comply with
information security, confidentiality, access control, privacy, audit, personnel policy and
service level requirements and standards. STA-09 Partial Gap
Periodically review the organization's supply chain partners' IT governance policies and
STA-06 No Gap
Define and implement a process for conducting security assessments periodically for all
organizations within the supply chain.
STA-08 No Gap
t & Vulnerability Management - TVM
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and TVM-02
procedures to identify, report and prioritize the remediation of vulnerabilities, in order to
protect systems against vulnerability exploitation. Review and update the policies and
GRM-06 Partial Gap
procedures at least annually. GRM-09
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and TVM-01
procedures to protect against malware on managed assets. Review and update the
policies and procedures at least annually. GRM-06 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to
enable both scheduled and emergency responses to vulnerability identifications, based
on the identified risk. TVM-02 No Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
periodic performance of penetration testing by independent third parties. TVM-02 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures for the
detection of vulnerabilities on organizationally managed assets at least monthly.
TVM-02 Partial Gap
Define and implement a process for tracking and reporting vulnerability identification and
remediation activities that includes stakeholder notification. TVM-02 No Gap
Establish, monitor and report metrics for vulnerability identification and remediation at
defined intervals. No mapping Full Gap
ersal Endpoint Management - UEM MOS-03
Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, evaluate and maintain policies and
procedures for all endpoints. Review and update the policies and procedures at least MOS-08
annually. MOS-11 Partial Gap
Define, document, apply and evaluate a list of approved services, applications and
sources of applications (stores) acceptable for use by endpoints when accessing or MOS-03
storing organization-managed data. MOS-04
MOS-17 Partial Gap
Define and implement a process for the validation of the endpoint device's compatibility
with operating systems and applications. MOS-07 Partial Gap
Maintain an inventory of all endpoints used to store and access company data.
MOS-09 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to
enforce policies and controls for all endpoints permitted to access systems and/or store,
transmit, or process organizational data. MOS-10 Partial Gap
Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical and/or contractual
measures to maintain proper security of third-party endpoints with access to
organizational assets. No Mapping Full Gap
27001: A.18.2.1
N/A Partial Gap
27002: 18.2.1
27001: A.18.2.1
N/A 27002: 18.2.1 No Gap
27018: 18.2.1
27001: A.18.2.2
27002: 18.2.2
N/A specification to be
Recommend the full V4 control No Gap
used to close the gap. 27001: A.18.2.3
Portion in the mapped control(s) contributing to the 27002: 18.2.3
partial gap, that is, covering in part the V4 control: 27001: 9.2.c
(AAC-01) 'Audit plans shall be developed' and 27001: A.18.2.2 No Gap
'Auditing plans shall focus on reviewing the 27002: 18.2.2
effectiveness of the implementation of security
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
'Establish, document, approve, communicate, apply, 27001: A.18.2.2
Partial Gap
evaluate and maintain a risk-based corrective action 27002: 18.2.2
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.14.2.1
'apply, evaluate, maintain policies and procedures for 27002: 14.2.1
application security' 27017: 14.2.1
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. Partial Gap
27001: A.14.2.5
27001: 14.2.5
27017: 14.2.5
27001: A.5.1.1
27017: 5.1.1
N/A Partial Gap
27001: A.7.2.2
27001: 7.2.2
The full V4 control specification is missing from
CCMv3.0.1 27001:
14.1.1 Partial Gap
Recommendand thehas
full to
V4be used specification
control to close the gap.
to be
used to close the gap.
27002: 14.1.1
27017: 18.2.2
27001: A.14.1.2
Portion in the mapped control(s) contributing to the 27002: 14.1.2
No Gap
partial gap, that is, covering in part the V4 control: 27017:A.14.2.8
27001: 14.1.2
(AIS-01) 'Applications and programming interfaces 27001: A.14.2.1
(APIs) shall be designed, developed, deployed, and 27001: A.14.2.9
tested in accordance with leading industry standards' 27002:A.12.1.2
27001: 14.2.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27017:
27002: 14.2.1
'Automate when applicable and possible.' No Gap
27001: A.14.1.1
27002: 14.1.1
27001: A.14.2.2
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27002: 14.2.2
'Automate where possible.' No mapping
27001: A.16.1.5 Full Gap
27002: 16.1.5
27017: 16.1.5
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
'Automating remediation when possible.' 27001: A.12.6.1 No Gap
27002: 12.6.1
27017: 12.6.1
27018: 12.6.1
27001: 5.2
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.5.1
6.1.1 Partial Gap
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27001:
27001: 6.1.2
27001: A.17.1.2
27001: 6.1.3
N/A 27001: 8.2 Partial Gap
27001: 8.3
27001: A.16.1.6
27001: A.17.1
27001: A.17.1.1
N/A Partial Gap
27001: A.17.1.2
27001: A.17.1.1
N/A Partial Gap
27001: A.17.1.3
27001: A.17.1.3
N/A 27001: A.11.2.1 Partial Gap
27001: A.11.2.2
27001: A.11.2.1
N/A No Gap
27002: 11.2.1
27001: A.8.2.1
27001: A.5.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: 5.2
'apply and evaluate policies and procedures for the 27001: A.5.1.1
classification, protection and handling of data
throughout its lifecycle and according to all applicable 27002: 5.1.1 Partial Gap
laws and regulations, standards, and risk level.' 27001: A.5.1.2
Missing of 'at least in
specification(s) annually' in last sentence.
CCMv3.0.1: 27002:A.8.3.2
27001: 5.1.2
'Apply industry accepted methods for the secure 27001:
Partial Gap
disposal of data' 27002:
27001: 12.1
27002: 11.2.7
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27001: A.8.1.1
Partial Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27002: 8.1.1
27001: A.8.2.1
N/A No Gap
27002: 8.2.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
'Review data flow documentation at defined intervals, No Mapping Full Gap
at least annually, and after any change.'
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
'Document ownership' 27001: A.8.1.2 Partial Gap
'all relevant documented personal data'
'Perform review at least annually'
27001: A.14.1.1
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27002:14.1.1
Partial Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27001: A.14.2.5
27001: A.14.3.1
27002: 14.3.1
N/A Partial Gap
27001: A.12.1.4
27002: 12.1.4
N/A 27001: A.18.1.3 No Gap
27001: A.18.1.3
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27002: 18.1.3
No Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27001:A.18.1.4
The full V4 control specification is missing from
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27018: A.6.1 No Gap
27001: A.8.1.1
The full V4 control specification is missing from
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27002: 8.1.1 No Gap
27017: 8.1.1
27001: A.8.1.3
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27002: 8.1.3 Partial Gap
27017: 8.1.3
27001: A.11.2.8
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27002: 11.2.8
'apply, evaluate, policies and procedures that require
27017: 11.2.8
unattended workspaces to not have openly visible Partial Gap
confidential data' 27001: A.11.2.9
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27002: 11.2.9
27017: 11.2.9
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.6.2.2
'apply, evaluate, policies and procedures to protect
27002: 6.2.2
information accessed, processed or stored at remote Partial Gap
sites and locations' 27001: A.11.2.6
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27002: 11.2.6
27001: A.7.1.2
N/A 27002: 7.1.2 No Gap
27017: 7.1.2
27001: A.6.1.1
N/A 27002: 6.1.1 No Gap
27002: 7.1.2
27017: 7.1.2
N/A No Gap
27001: A.13.2.4
27002: 13.2.4
27017: 13.2.4
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.7.2.2
'approve, evaluate and maintain a security awareness 27002: 7.2.2 No Gap
training program' 27017: 7.2.2
27001: A.7.2.1
N/A 27002: 7.2.1 Partial Gap
27017: 7.2.1
27001: A.9.4.3
27002: 9.4.3
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27017:A.5.1.2
9.4.3 No Gap
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27001:
27002: 9.4.3
27001: A.9.2.4
(If Password is equal to "authentication secrets" then) 27002: 9.2.4
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27017: 9.2.4 Partial Gap
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27001: A.7.2.2
27001: A.8.1.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001:
9.2.6 Partial Gap
'system identities' 27001:
27001: A.9.2.3
27002: 9.4.1
27001: 9.2.3
N/A No Gap
27002: 6.1.2
27001: A.9.1.1
27002: 9.1.1
27001: A.9.1.2
N/A No Gap
27002: 9.1.2
27001: A.9.2.3
27002: 9.2.3
N/A No Mapping Full Gap
27001: A.9.2.3
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27002: 9.2.3
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. Partial Gap
27017: 9.2.3
27018: 9.2.3
27001: A.12.4.4
N/A 27002: 12.4.4 No Gap
27017: 12.4.4
27001: A.12.4.1
The full V4 control specification is missing from
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27002: 12.4.1 No Gap
27017: 12.4.1
27001: A.12.4.1
Recommend the full
The full V4 control V4 control specification
specification to be
is missing from
used to close
CCMv3.0.1 andthehas
gap.to be used to close the gap. 27002: 12.4.1 No Gap
27017: 12.4.1
Recommendin the the
full V4control(s) contributing to
control specification to be
27001: A.12.4.2
partial gap, that is,
used to close the gap. covering in part the V4 control: No Gap
(IVS-01) 'Higher levels of assurance are required for 27002: 12.4.2
Portion of audit
in the mapped logs',control(s)
(GRM-04) 'to protecttoassets
contributing the
and data from
27001: A.10.1
partial gap, thatloss, misuse, unauthorized
is, covering in part the V4 access,
disclosure, alteration,andand destruction'. 27002: 10.1
(EKM-02) 'Policies procedures shall be No Gap
established for the management of cryptographic 27001: A.10.1.2
keys', (EKM-03) 'Policies and procedures shall be 27017: 10.1.2
established, and supporting business processes and
technical measures implemented, for the use of
encryption protocols'.
Recommend the full V4 control specification to be
used to close the gap.
27001: A.10.1.2
Portion in the mapped control(s) contributing to the No Gap
partial gap, that is, covering in part the V4 control: 27017: 10.1.2
(EKM-02) 'managementin
Missing specification(s) ofCCMv3.0.1:
cryptographic keys in the
service's cryptosystem'. 27001: A.11.1.2
'log physical access using an auditable access control No Gap
system.' 27002: 11.1.2
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.16.1.1
'Define, implement and evaluate processes, 27002: 16.1.1
No Gap
procedures and technical measures for the reporting 27001: A.16.1.2
of anomalies and failures of the monitoring system' 27017: 16.1.2
27001: 8.1
N/A 27001: A.15.1.2 Partial Gap
27001: A.15.1.3
27001: A.15.1
N/A Partial Gap
27001: A.15.2
27001: A.15.2
N/A Partial Gap
27001: 5.2
27001: A.5.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.5.2
Partial Gap
'to comply with privacy, personnel policy.' 27001: A.7.2.1
27001: A.15.1.2
27001: 8.1
27001: A.15.1.3
27001: 9.1
27001: 9.2
N/A Partial Gap
27001: 9.3
27001: A.15.1.2
27001: 8.1
27001: 8.2
N/A 27001: 8.3 Partial Gap
27001: A.15.1.2
27001: A.15.1.3
27001: A.5.1.1
27002: 5.1.1 (g), (c)
27001: A.5.1.2
27002: 5.1.2
27001: 5.2
27001: A.12.2.1
27001: 5.2
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.6.2.1
27001: A.5.1.1 No Gap
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27002: 6.2.1 (h)
27002: 5.1.1 (c), (h)
27001: A.6.2.2
27002: 6.2.2 (j)
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
Requirement of 'at least annually' in last sentence. 27001: A.7.2.2 Partial Gap
27002: 7.2.2 (d)
27001: A.10.1.1
27001:10.1.1 (g)
N/A 27001: A.13.2.1 No Gap
27002: 12.6.1(c)(d)(j)
27018: 13.2.1 (b)
27001: A.15.1.2
27001: A.5.1.1
27017: 15.1.2
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27002: 5.1.1 (h)
27001: A.12.2.1 Partial Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27001: A.12.6.1
27002: 12.2.1 (a),(d)
27002: 12.6.1 (b),(c)
27017: CLD.9.5.2
Recommend the full
The full V4 control V4 control specification
specification to be
is missing from 27001: A.12.6.2
used to close the gap. Partial Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27002: 12.6.2
Portion in the mapped control(s) contributing to the
partial gap, that is, covering in part the V4 control:
(TVM-02) 'supporting processes and technical No Mapping Full Gap
measures implemented, for timely detection of
vulnerabilities within organizationally-owned or
managed applications, infrastructure network and 27001: A.12.6
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
system components (e.g., penetration testing)'
Requirement of 'at least monthly'. 27001: A.12.6.1 No Gap
27002: 12.6.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
'vulnerability remediation using an industry recognized No Mapping Full Gap
27001: A.16.1.2
27002: 16.1.2
N/A No Gap
27001: A.16.1.3
27002: 16.1.3
The full V4 control specification is missing from
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27001: 9.1(a)(e) Partial Gap
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
'endpoints' (The term is missing from CCMv3.0.1 and 27001: A.9.1.1
MOS domain. Mobile device policies are a subset of 27002: 9.1.1
endpoint devices policy). Partial Gap
'apply, evaluate policies and procedures for all 27001:
endpoints'. 27002:
27018: 9.2.2
Missing of 'at least in
specification(s) annually' in last sentence.
CCMv3.0.1: 27001: A.12.1.2
'endpoint'. 27002: 12.1.2
Partial Gap
'Define, apply and evaluate a list' 27001: A.12.5
27002: 12.5
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27001:
27001: A.13.2.3
'endpoint'. 27002: 13.2.3 Partial Gap
'Define and implement a process'. 27002: 14.2.4
27001: A.14.2.2
27001: A.8.1.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27002:14.2.2
27002: 8.1.1 Partial Gap
27017: 8.1.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
27001: A.12.6.2
'Define, implement and evaluate processes, Partial Gap
procedures and technical measures to enforce 27002:12.6.2
policies and controls for all endpoints'.
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1:
No Mapping Full Gap
'endpoint'. 27001: A.14.2
27001: A.14.2.2
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27002:A.11.2.7
27001: 14.2.2
Partial Gap
'endpoint'. 27001:
27001: A.14.2.4
27001: A.18.1.1
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27018:
'endpoint'. Partial Gap
27001: A.12.3.1
27017: A.12.2
27001: 12.3.1
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27001: A.12.6.1
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27018:
12.3 Partial Gap
27017: 12.2
27002: A.8.3.1
27018: 12.2
27001: A.13.1.2
27002: 8.3.1
The full V4 control specification is missing from
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27002: 13.1.2
27001: A.12.2 Partial Gap
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27002:A.18.1.3
27001: 6.2.2
16.1 Partial Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. 27002:
27001: A.3.2.2
27002: 3.2.2
27001: A.6.1.1
27017: 6.1.1
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27001: A.6.2.1
Partial Gap
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap.
Missing specification(s) in CCMv3.0.1: 27002: 6.2.1
'endpoint'. 27001:
'Define, implement and evaluate processes, 27002: Partial Gap
procedures and technical measures'. 27002:15.1.1
27001: A.14.1.2
27002: 14.1.2
The full V4 control specification is missing from 27001: A.6.1.1
CCMv3.0.1 and has to be used to close the gap. Partial Gap
27017: 6.1.1
27001: A.9.2.2
27017: 9.2.2
End of Mapping End of Mapping
27001: A.9.2.4
27017: 9.2.4
Missing specification(s) in ISOs:
Requirement to report relevant supply chain
Requirement to report as per applicable SLAs,
laws and regulations.
Authors Contributors
Kai Axford
Darin Blank
Kevin Burgin
Martin Capuder
Vishal Chaudhary
Aradhna Chetal
Jeff Cook
Angela Dogan
Doug Egan
Andreas von Grebmer
Mohin Gulzar
Frank Jaramillo
Gaurav Khanna
Keri Kusznir
Jens Laundrup
Robin Lyons
Loredana Mancini
Julien Mauvieux
Bill Marriott
Claus Matzke
Matthew Meersman
Kai Axford
Darin Blank
Kevin Burgin
Martin Capuder
Vishal Chaudhary
Aradhna Chetal
Jeff Cook
Angela Dogan
Doug Egan
Andreas von Grebmer
Mohin Gulzar
Frank Jaramillo
Gaurav Khanna
Keri Kusznir
Jens Laundrup
Robin Lyons
Loredana Mancini
Julien Mauvieux
Bill Marriott
Claus Matzke
Matthew Meersman
David Nance
Christine Peters
Lisa Peterson
Paul Rich
Max Simakov
Tima Soni
Luke Synnestvedt
Eric Tierling
Raj Tuliani
Editorial Team
CCM Leader
Daniele Catteddu
Sean Corde
Sean Estra
Shawn Har
Harry Lu
Lefteris Skoutaris
End of AC
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Controls Applicability Matrix CCM v4.0 - CCM v3.0.1 Mapping CCM v4.0 - ISO27001/02/17/18
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v4.0 - ISO27001/02/17/18 Mapping
(names are alphabetically listed)
Sandra Ackland
Renu Bedi
Anders Brännfors
Ramon Codina
Angela Dogan
Brian Dorsey
Angell Duran
Odutola Ekundayo
Roberto Hernandez
Frank Jaramillo
Bala Kaundinya
Nancy Kramer
Vani Murthy
Johan Olivier
Surinder Singh Rait
Michael Roza
Agnidipta Sarkar
Chirag Sheth
Chris Shull
Ashish Vashishtha
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