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Demographic Information(optional):

a: Age: _______ b. Gender: _______ c. Occupation: _______ d. Any dietary

restrictions or allergies: _______

1. Are you familiar with blind taste tests? (Yes/No)

2. Product Information:

a. Product A: Describe the product (e.g. Brand, flavor.)

b. Product B: Describe the product (e.g. brand, flavor,)

c. Product C: Describe the product (e.g. brand, flavor)

We will now proceed with the blind taste test. Please taste each product and answer the
following questions.

4. Rate the taste of each product on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being
the best.

 Product A: _______

 Product B: _______

 Product C: _______

b. Comparison: Rank the products in order of preference, with 1 being the most preferred
and 3 being the least preferred.

 Most preferred: _______ (Product A/B/C)

 Second preferred: _______ (Product A/B/C)

 Least preferred: _______ (Product A/B/C)

5. Did the blind taste test influence your perception of any of the products? (Yes/No)

If yes, please explain how your perception changed.

6. Purchase Intent: a. Based on your experience during the blind taste test, how likely are
you to purchase each of the products in the future?

a. Product A: Very likely / Likely / Neutral / Unlikely / Very unlikely

b. Product B: Very likely / Likely / Neutral / Unlikely / Very unlikely

c. Product C: Very likely / Likely / Neutral / Unlikely / Very unlikely

7. Brand Perception: a. Were you familiar with any of the brands of the products before
participating in this blind taste test? (Yes/No)

8. Any other comments or feedback regarding the taste test?

The Outcome of Blind Taste Test to Check Loyalty:

1. Which of the following milk brands have you purchased in the past? (Select all that

a) Brand A

b) Brand B

c) Brand C
2. How often do you purchase milk products?

a) Daily

b) 2-3 times a week

c) Once a week

d) Occasionally

e) Rarely
3. How likely are you to recommend your chosen brand to others?

a) Very Likely

b) Somewhat likely

c) Neutral

d) Somewhat unlikely

e) Very unlikely

f) Not applicable (haven't purchased Brand A)

4. How satisfied are you with your chosen brand's overall quality of milk?

a) Very satisfied

b) Somewhat satisfied

c) Neutral

d) Somewhat dissatisfied

e) Very dissatisfied

f) Not applicable (haven't purchased Brand A

5. How loyal are you to your chosen brand compared to others?

a) Much more loyal to Brand A than Brand B and C

b) Much more loyal to Brand B than Brand A and C
c) Much more loyal to Brand C than Brand A and B

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