FinalPublished Waterquality
FinalPublished Waterquality
FinalPublished Waterquality
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Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box No. 18 Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
*Corresponding author
Surajpur Lake is a prominent wetland site in National Capital Region, India, known for its
rich avifaunal and aquatic biodiversity. The present study was carried out to analyse water
Keywords quality and to check the relationship among various physicochemical parameters in both
temporal and spatial scales from March 2012 to February 2013. The water samples were
Physicochemical collected from five different locations on monthly basis. Standard methods were followed
parameters, Water for the collection, sampling and analysis for 12 physicochemical parameters. The data
quality analysis, were analyzed using PAST (version 2.15) software. One-way analysis of variance (Anova)
Surajpur wetland, was used to check the significance of difference among the blocks and months. Pearson
National Capital
linear correlation was used to check the relationship among various physicochemical
Region, India.
parameters. The result indicates that the essential mineral nutrients are widely distributed
Article Info and are within the normal range of water at various studied locations in the study area.
There has no any pollution; no any organic waste is coming to the site. Nutrient levels are
Accepted: high in wetland habitat as wetlands have rich biomes and support high levels of
20 January 2017 biodiversity. The Anova indicates that there was no significant (p>0.05) difference was
Available Online: found in physical parameters, chemical parameters of water quality among the different
10 February 2017 blocks and months. The proper management of Surajpur wetland provides suitable habitat
for conservation of aquatic biodiversity. The conservation implications are discussed in
light of results.
Wetland ecosystem is one of the most diverse (Ramachandran et al., 2006). Monitoring of
and productive ecosystems in the world and water quality is the first step for the
are the most vital factor for the existence of management and conservation of aquatic
all living organisms (Ramachandran et al., ecosystems. Management of an aquatic
2006). The large proportion of the earth's ecosystem is aimed for the conservation of its
biodiversity resides in aquatic environments habitat by suitably maintaining the
(Groombridge and Jenkins, 1998). The health physicochemical quality of water within
of wetlands and their ecological functioning acceptable levels (Garg et al., 2010).
are directly related to survival of aquatic
organisms (Ramesh et al., 2007). To conserve Various studies have been done to investigate
these valuable resources and to prevent the physicochemical parameters of water
further deterioration, there is a need for quality in India (Ramachandran et al., 2006;
regular monitoring of these ecosystems Rai et al., 2011; Azmi et al., 2015; Mishra et
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
al., 2008) and very few studies have been stresses observed in the Surajpur wetland site,
done in northern India and National Capital Inlet (1), Block A (2), Block B (3), Block C
Region (Mishra and Tripathi, 2007; Priyanka (4) and Outlet (5) (Fig. 1). The most
et al., 2016; Manral and Khudsar, 2013) and changeable and sensitive water quality
no any study have been done in the Surajpur parameters such as Water Temperature, Water
wetland area. Hence, in the present study, an depth, pH, Transparency (Turbidity) and
attempt has been made to study the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) were measured in-
physicochemical properties of water of situ (Nasir, 2010; Chari, 2002), while rest
Surajpur wetland to arrive at a certain parameters (Total Hardness as CaCO3, Total
conclusions on the structural and functional Alkalinity as CaCO3, Chloride, Nitrate,
aspects of the reservoir and to suggest ways Fluoride, Phosphate and Total Iron) were
and means for its conservation. analysed in the laboratory. For collection of
water samples, wide mouth sterile transparent
Materials and Methods plastic jars of half liter capacity used and 10-
20cm depth of water surface were considered
Study area for collection during 0800 – 1000hr., brought
to the laboratory and preserved under
Surajpur Lake (28°31’425’N; 77°29’714’E) is refrigerated condition for analysis (Mishra et
an urban wetland located in district Gautam al., 2008). Preservation of samples and
Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh falls under Upper estimation of various water quality parameters
Gangetic Plains biogeographic zone, Northern were done as per standard procedures
India, at an elevation of 184.7 meters above reported in APHA, (2006) and Golterman et
mean sea level (Fig. 1). The landscape is al., (1978). The apparatus used for
characterized by fine alluvium and clay rich transparency measurement was Secchi disc
swamps, fertile soil and high water retention having a diameter of 20 cm and painted with
capacity (Manral et al., 2013). Surajpur Lake black and white quadrants (Golterman et al.,
has been protected under Reserve Forest and 1978). The results of the physicochemical
spreads over an area of 308 hectare. The area analysis of the water samples compared with
is mainly rain-fed and other sources for water the Indian Standards Institute (IS, 10500-
recharge are Hawaliya drain which is attached 1989), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS,
to Hindon River and Tilapta irrigation canal. 1993) and Central Pollution Control Board
The minimum and maximum air temperature (CPCB) (Table 1).
ranges between 6.86 C and 41.69 C,
respectively and highest temperature was Data analysis was performed by using PAST
observed during June and the lowest during software (Versions 3.08) (Hammer et al.,
January. The season’s summer, monsoon and 2001). One-way analysis of variance
winter represent, March to June, July to (ANOVA) was used for hydrological and
October and November to February meteorological parameters to calculate any
respectively. existence of difference among the blocks and
months. In the event of significance (P>0.05),
Methods a post hoc Tukey HSD test was used to
determine which means were significantly
The study was conducted on monthly basis different at a 0.05 level of probability
from March 2011 to February 2013 for the (Spjotvoll and Stoline, 1973). Pearson linear
analysis of 12 physicochemical parameters. A correlation was played to check the
total of five representative sampling sites relationship between various physicochemical
were selected depending on the different parameters.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Figure.1 Map of the study area showing five water quality monitoring locations
The results of various physiochemical Water depth was recorded for all 5 stations of
parameters of water samples are given in table the study area. During the study period, water
2. During the study period, the pH value in depth level ranged between 43.00±11.00cm
water has remained more or less uniform (Summer 2011-12) and 90.00±19.00cm
throughout the study period and did not (Monsoon 2011-12) (Table 2) and the average
fluctuate by more than one unit and the value temperature recorded similar in both the study
ranges between 6.03 ± 0.04 (Monsoon 2012- years 2011-12 and 2012-13 (Fig. 4). The
13) to 6.55 ± 0.15 (Summer and Winter 2011- water depth level recorded higher in monsoon
12). This indicates that the water was faintly in both the years (90.00±19.00cm in 2011-12
acidic in nature and the value was slightly and 88.00±14.00cm in 2012-13), because
lower side of the permissible limits (6.5-8.5). most of the rainfall received during monsoon
On seasonal basis, the pH value recorded season in the area. The seasonal mean values
vaguely higher in 2011-12 (6.50) as compared of turbidity varied from a minimum
to 2012-13 (6.15) (Fig. 2). The water 22.95±6.15cm in summer 2011-12 to
temperature ranges between 15.43 ± 5.79oC maximum 46.60±1.35 cm in monsoon 2011-
(Winter 2012-13) and 28.60 ± 3.70oC 12. The average turbidity value recorded more
(Summer 2011-12) and the average or less similar in both the years of the study
temperature recorded slightly lower in 2012- that is 32.58cm in 2011-12 and 32.93cm in
13 (23.42oC) as compared to 2011-12 2012-13 (Table 2) and value lies under the
(24.50oC) (Table 2; Fig. 3). permissible limits (Table 1).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
In the present study, dissolved oxygen (DO) The overall Nitrate concentration in water
revealed a definite seasonal trend consisting body ranged between 1.90±0.90mg/l
high values in winter 2011-12 (monsoon 2011-12) and 12.67±8.38mg/l
(15.30±2.02mg/l) and low in monsoon 2011- (summer 2012-13). On temporal basis, Nitrate
12 (06.79±03.50mg/l) (Table 2; Fig. 5). The recorded maximum in winter (7.70±2.85mg/l)
average dissolved oxygen in both the study and minimum in monsoon (1.90±0.90mg/l) in
years was not much fluctuated and the values 2011-12 whereas in 2012-13 it shows a
recorded slightly higher in 2011-12 gradual decrease from summer
(11.10mg/l) than in 2012-13 (10.81mg/l) and (12.67±8.38mg/l) followed by monsoon
these values are higher than the permissible (5.32±4.97mg/l) and winter (3.70±2.98mg/l)
limits. The Anova indicated that there was no (Table 2; Fig. 9). The annual average
significant (P<0.05) difference was found in alkalinity values recorded slightly lower
physical parameters of water quality among (4.13mg/l) in 2011-12 than in 2012-13
the different blocks and months. The Total (7.23mg/l) and the values fall under the
hardness as Calcium carbonate value ranges permissible limits (Table 1).
between 288.00±19.33mg/l (winter 2012-13)
and 158.40±39.22mg/l (monsoon 2012-13) Fluoride concentration in water body recorded
(Table 2 and Fig. 6). The year wise overall presence of only 1 mg/l in all the samples
average hardness recorded lower in 2011-12 (Table 2) throughout the study period and the
(229.93mg/l) and higher in 2012-13 values lie under the permissible limits (Table
(231.45mg/l) and these values lie under the 1). The overall Phosphate concentration in
permissible limits (Table 1). water body ranged between 0.52±0.08mg/l
(summer 2011-12) and 0.84±0.20mg/l
Total Alkalinity as Calcium carbonate (summer 2012-13). On temporal basis,
concentration in water recorded a gradual Phosphate recorded maximum in monsoon
decreasing trend from summer (0.71±0.07mg/l) and minimum in summer
(303.60±59.60mg/l) followed by monsoon (0.52±0.08mg/l) in 2011-12 whereas in 2012-
(272.50±37.50mg/l) and winter 13 it shows a gradual decrease from summer
(222.00±137.00mg/l) in 2011-12 whereas in (0.84±0.20mg/l) followed by monsoon
2012-13, winter recorded maximum (0.65±0.10mg/l) and winter (0.64±0.10mg/l)
(340.00±74.24mg/l) and monsoon recorded (Table 2; Fig. 10). The annual average
minimum (203.00±39.74mg/l) values. The alkalinity values recorded slightly lower
overall average alkalinity values recorded (0.60mg/l) in 2011-12 than in 2012-13
slightly lower (266.03mg/l) in 2011-12 than (0.71mg/l), though the values fall under the
in 2012-13 (281.83mg/l) (Table 2; Fig. 7). permissible limits (Table 1).
The chloride concentration of the water The total Iron concentration of the water
samples ranged from 39.90mg/l (monsoon samples ranged from 1.37±0.17mg/l
2012-13) to 103.30mg/l (summer 2011-12) (monsoon 2011-12) to 3.0±0.0mg/l (winter
(Table 2). The average annual chloride level 2011-12) (Table 2). The temporal variation of
in water recorded not much fluctuating Iron is given in figure 11. The average annual
(74.30mg/l in 2011-12 and 76.94mg/l in Chloride level in water recorded not much
2012-13) and the values lie under the fluctuating (1.98mg/l in 2011-12 and
permissible limits (Table 1) except the values 1.60mg/l in 2012-13) and the values lies
of monsoon 2011-12, which is slightly lower under the permissible limits (Table 1). The
than the tolerance limit. The temporal Anova indicated that there was no significant
variation of chloride is given in figure 8. (P<0.05) difference was found in chemical
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
parameters of water quality among the positive correlation with pH, Chloride,
different blocks and months. The Pearson Nitrate; whereas alkalinity showed significant
linear correlation implies that water positive correlation with water depth, pH,
temperature has significant negative turbidity, DO and hardness. Chloride showed
correlation with DO (r=-0.59), hardness (r- significant positive correlation with water
0.68), Nitrate (r=-0.49) and Iron (r=-0.69); temperature, pH and significant negative
water depth has significant positive correlation with Phosphate. Nitrate showed
correlation with water temperature (r=0.54) significant positive correlation with pH,
and turbidity (r=0.83), whereas negative turbidity, alkalinity, Chloride whereas
correlation with DO (r=-0.57), hardness (r=- Phosphate significant positive correlation
0.63) and Chloride (r=-0.62); pH showed with water temperature, pH, alkalinity,
significant positive correlation with water Nitrate. Iron content showed significant
temperature (r=0.84) and water depth positive correlation with water depth, pH,
(r=0.98); Turbidity showed significant turbidity, hardness, chloride and phosphate
positive correlation with pH and Phosphate (Table 3). Hence, positive correlation
and negative correlation with DO, hardness suggests that, with the increase of one
and Chloride; DO showed significant positive parameter, other parameters were also
correlation with pH, hardness and Chloride, increased whereas an inverse relationship
whereas significant negative correlation with suggests that, with the decrease of one
Phosphate (Table 3). Among chemical parameter, other parameters increased.
parameters, hardness showed significant
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
2011-2012 2012-13
Physicochemical parameters
Summer Monsoon Winter Mean Summer Monsoon Winter Mean
pH 6.55 6.40 6.55 6.50 6.28 6.03 6.15 6.15
Water Temperature (°C) 28.60 27.80 17.10 24.50 27.68 27.17 15.43 23.42
Water Depth (cm) 43.00 90.00 62.00 65.00 46.00 88.00 61.00 65.00
Turbidity (cm) 22.95 46.60 28.20 32.58 27.18 43.30 28.33 32.93
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (mg/l) 11.22 6.79 15.30 11.10 11.49 8.45 12.49 10.81
Total Hardness as CaCO3 (mg/l) 230.00 183.80 276.00 229.93 247.95 158.40 288.00 231.45
Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 (mg/l) 303.60 272.50 222.00 266.03 302.50 203.00 340.00 281.83
Chloride (mg/l) 103.30 43.10 76.50 74.30 100.13 39.90 90.80 76.94
Nitrate (mg/l) 2.80 1.90 7.70 4.13 12.67 5.32 3.70 7.23
Fluoride (mg/l) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Phosphate (mg/l) 0.52 0.71 0.57 0.60 0.84 0.65 0.64 0.71
Total Iron (mg/l) 1.56 1.37 3.00 1.98 1.40 1.58 1.83 1.60
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Water Total
DO Hardne Total
Temp. Water depth pH Turbidity Alkalinity Chloride Nitrate Phosphate
(mg/l) ss as Iron
(oC) as CaCO3
Water Temp. (oC) 0.00 0.54* 0.44 0.04 0.01 0.48 0.55* 0.04 0.90* 0.01
Water depth 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.84* 0.03 0.40 0.17 0.97*
pH 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.71* 0.50* 0.77* 0.68* 0.80* 0.92* 0.90* 0.76*
Turbidity 0.25 0.83* -0.12 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.52* 0.00 0.59* 0.07 0.64*
DO (mg/l) -0.59* -0.57* 0.22 -0.64* 0.00 0.00 0.95* 0.01 0.25 0.01 0.36
Total Hardness as
-0.68* -0.63* 0.09 -0.60* 0.83* 0.00 0.74* 0.02 0.05 0.20 0.75*
Total Alkalinity as
0.22 -0.07 0.13 -0.21 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.47 0.57* 0.83* 0.42
Chloride -0.19 -0.62* -0.08 -0.81* 0.72* 0.68* 0.23 0.00 0.62* 0.00 0.77*
Nitrate -0.59* -0.27 0.03 -0.17 0.36 0.57* -0.18 0.16 0.00 0.50* 0.31
Phosphate 0.04 0.42 -0.04 0.55* -0.40 -0.07 -0.77* 0.21 0.00 0.74*
Total Iron -0.69* 0.01 -0.10 -0.15 0.29 0.11 -0.26 -0.10 0.32 0.11 0.00
* Significant
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Figure.2 Seasonal variations in pH values during the study period in Surajpur wetland
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Figure.5 Seasonal variations in Dissolved Oxygen (DO) during the study period
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Figure.6 Seasonal variations in Total Hardness as CaCO3 during the study period
Figure.7 Seasonal variations in Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 during the study period
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Figure.9 Seasonal variations in Nitrate during the study period in Surajpur wetland
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Figure.10 Seasonal variations in Phosphate during the study period in Surajpur wetland
Figure.11 Seasonal variations in Iron during the study period in Surajpur wetland
The data generated for water quality investigation, pH indicates that the water was
represents both spatial and temporal variance faintly acidic in nature and the value was
in the lake. The pH is an important parameter slightly lower side of the permissible limits
which determines the suitability of water for (6.5-8.5). Sahu et al., (1995) and Ramadas et
various purposes (Shah, 2012). In the present al., (2005) also reported variations in pH level
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
due to inflow of waste as also seasonal temporally across the study period. In general,
changes. Eshleman and Hemond, 1985; the high turbidity values were recorded in
Kerekes et al., 1986 also shows acidic pH in monsoon season and low in summer season
all the seasons, due to the contribution of total due to highest suspended matter in water in
organic carbon through organic acids, which monsoon season as it receives maximum
may come from excessive growth of an rainfall. The deviation in turbidity values
aquatic weed Water Hyacinth Eichhornea recorded higher in 2012-13 because of
crassipes in the wetland area. Although these fluctuations in water availability and number
small changes in pH are not likely to have a of rainy days.
direct impact on aquatic life, they greatly
influence the availability and solubility of all Dissolve oxygen (DO) is a very important
chemical forms in the lake and may aggravate indicator of a water body's ability to support
nutrient problems. aquatic life. In the present study, higher
deviations recorded in 2011-12 because of
Spatially, water temperature represents no management activities like removal of water
significant difference among various stations hyacinth Eichhornea crassipes ongoing in the
throughout the study period, whereas wetland area. The high DO values in winter
temporally, lower water temperature was 2011-12 suggesting that more oxygen
observed from December to February and production due to massive spread and
higher temperature was recorded from March extensive growth of aquatic vegetation in
to June. Das et al., (2000, 2001 a, b) and Das sluggish water body, whereas in monsoon due
and Saksena, (2001) have described water to heavy rainfall, the area becomes flooded
temperature fluctuation due to seasonal and little spread of aquatic vegetation
changes in ambient temperature. The thermal resulting low DO values. As cold water
behaviour of a water body in a tropical belt is contains more oxygen than warm water,
primarily influenced by atmospheric therefore temperature increases, dissolved
conditions (Rajashree, 1996). oxygen decreases in summer and monsoon
and increases in winter. During dry seasons,
The depth of water is one of the major water levels decrease and the flow rate of a
physical factors which act as a controlling river slows down. As the water moves slower,
factor for determining the water quality as it mixes less with the air, and the DO
well as the wealth of flora and fauna (Shah, concentration decreases. Organisms living in
2012). Spatially, there was no significant the water breathe the oxygen dissolved in the
difference in the water depth levels among water (Nasir, 2010). Dissolved oxygen (DO)
various stations throughout the study period, is essential to aquatic life and plays an
whereas seasonally, lower water depth level important role in biogeochemical processes in
was observed from March to June and higher freshwater environments. Therefore, the
water depth was from July to October. The amount of DO in the water is very important
deviation in water depth level recorded higher to aquatic life in a lake (Kalff and Jacob,
in summer 2012-13 because of fluctuations in 2002). Too little oxygen can severely affect
availability of water by the Forest Department aquatic communities, often reducing diversity
and release of water in Tilapta Canal by and population sizes. Low oxygen can
Irrigation Department. directly kill or stress organisms such that they
are not being able to successfully reproduce
Turbidity (transparency) is an optical property or grow. The total hardness content in water
of the water body; it is due to suspended recorded higher value in winter season was
matter in water and it was fluctuated due to leaching of materials rocks and
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
dissolution in waters and similar results also high degree of pollution of waters due to
reported by Naser, (2006). Hardness may be industrial effluent, agricultural runoff and
caused by natural accumulation of salts from domestic waste (Naser, 2006).
soils, rocks and also from industrial wastes.
The degree of hardness becomes greater as Nitrate is the end product of aerobic
the calcium and magnesium content increases degradation of organic nitrogen and it occurs
and is related to the concentration of very commonly in polluted water (Naser,
multivalent cations dissolved in the water 2006). Presence of Nitrate in water body
stimulates the growth of plankton and water
Alkalinity is a measure of buffering capacity weeds which provide food for fish (Knepp
of water and is caused by calcium carbonate and Arkin, 1973). Ganapati, (1960) pointed
and bicarbonate and also to some extends due out that the concentration of nitrate
to phosphates and organic matter. Therefore, (>150μg/L) is an indicative of eutrophication
alkalinity analysis helps to know buffering and as such Surajpur wetland falls in
capacity of water to adjust pH (Naser, 2006). eutrophic category which may leads to higher
These values are higher than the permissible nitrate concentration in summer 2012-13.
limits suggesting that the water body have According to Goldman and Home, (1983), the
high concentration of Calcium Carbonate concentration and rate of supply of nitrates is
which increases the alkalinity of the area. intimately connected with the land use
Highest total alkalinity value observed during practices of the surrounding area (catchment)
winter season may be due to dissolution of which may also one of the reasons for higher
carbon dioxide present in soil zone, forming level of nitrate concentration in water body of
carbonic acid, in turn facilitating reaction(s) Surajpur wetland. In summer and monsoon
between the weathered rock and acidic water, 2011-12, there was a decrease in nitrate
thereby incorporating more and more leached concentration due to less flow in the water
ions into the solution, giving rise to alkaline body and excess growth of aquatic weeds
waters. Similar observations on total such Alligator weed Alternanthera
alkalinity during winter season were observed feloxeroides and Water Hyacinth Eichhornea
by Goel et al., (1980) and Naser, (2006). crassipes clearly indicating nutrient rich
According to Nasir, (2010), where limestone water.
and sedimentary rocks and carbonate-rich
soils are predominant, waters will often have Fluoride, derived from fluorite (the principal
high alkalinity. fluoride mineral in igneous rocks) and the
mineral apatite and mica, is generally present
Chloride in surface and groundwater mainly in only low concentration in groundwater
comes from both natural and anthropogenic (Nasir, 2010). Fluoride concentration
sources, such as dissolution of mineral salts, recorded presence of only 1 mg/l in all the
use of inorganic fertilizers, landfill leachates, samples throughout the study period which is
septic tank effluents, animal feeds, industrial unfit for drinking purposes but good for
effluents, irrigation drainage, and seawater wildlife and the values lies under the
intrusion in coastal areas (Nasir, 2010). permissible limits.
Variation of chloride concentration in
different seasons in the study area may be due Phosphorous is generally recognized as one of
to variation in natural flow of water and the key nutrients in the productivity of
dilution factors. The high levels of chloride freshwaters as it is essential element
concentrations in summer season indicate determining fertility of lakes (Shah, 2012).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 971-987
Organic phosphates are formed primarily by The study helps assist management decisions
biological processes. They are contributed to regarding conserving this unique location.
sewage by body waste and food residues. The study serves as the baseline information
Phosphorus is essential in metabolism and the to develop a comprehensive science based
values are under permissible limits (Nasir, management plan. Create and commit to
2010). implementing a long-term (at least 10-year)
conservation management plan for the
Iron contaminated water above 1ppm can existing restored on-site native habitats, water
cause constipation accompanied by other bodies, and their buffers and create a
physiological disorders but up to 3ppm it has guaranteed funding source for management.
no any affect to wildlife and biodiversity in Collection of important information about the
water bodies (Maria, 2003). Winter season area can be used to form policies and
(2011-12) recorded maximum iron content management decisions regarding conserving
(3ppm), suggesting heavy metal pollution in the area’s flora and fauna. The area is also
water body for drinking purposes, but it is developing into a major attraction and may be
under tolerance limit for wildlife and the source of tourism funding in future is it is
biodiversity. managed and conserved correctly. There
seems to be a major reawakening of interest
The result described above indicates that the in the area.
essential mineral nutrients are widely
distributed and are within the normal range of Acknowledgement
water at various studied locations in the study
area. There has no any pollution; no any I express my gratitude to Greater Noida
organic waste is coming to the site. Nutrient Industrial Development Authority for
levels are high in wetland habitat as wetlands financial support to this study. The support
have rich biomes and support high levels of received during field work from the state
biodiversity. At the end, it is concluded that forest officials namely Shri Irfan Rasool
the water is good enough to support rich Wani, Shri Sunil Dubey, Shri Prabhakar Bura,
biodiversity to form a complete food web in Shri Ashok Kumar, Shri Latoor Singh, Shri
the Surajpur wetland ecosystem. Ram Avtar Singh (Uttar Pradesh Forest
Department) is highly appreciated. I am
This is the first scientific study in Surajpur obliged to Mr. R. Singh, Dr. S. Worah, Dr. P.
wetland forms the basis of research for the Gautam, Dr. A. Nawab and Dr. A. Pant
long term planning and management of the (WWF-India) for their constant
area. The study showed that Surajpur wetland encouragement and support. The help
has immense potential to sustain the good rendered by our colleagues at Wildlife
biodiversity with favourable environmental Institute of India (Dehradun) is also
parameters, which helps in improvement of appreciated.
biodiversity. The area holds immense
potential to sustain threatened flora, fauna and References
other biodiversity, as during the study period
we have also recorded, 257 species of flora, 6 Ansari, N.A. 2016. A study on bird
species of mammals, 186 species of birds, 13 communities and its relationship with
species of herpeto-fauna, 15 species of fishes habitats structure in Surajpur wetland,
and 52 species of butterflies in the study area Uttar Pradesh, India. Ph.D. Thesis,
(Ansari, 2016). Kumaun University, Nainital,
Uttarakhand, India.
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