ML Lec 14 LeNeT CNN Architecture

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CNN Architecture

• Some popular CNN models are:

(i) LeNet
(ii) AlexNet
(iii) GoogleNet
(iv) VGG
(v) ResNet
(vi) DenseNet
(vii) ResNeXt
• LeNet is one of the pioneering convolutional
neural network (CNN) architectures, developed
by Yann LeCun and his colleagues in the late
1980s and early 1990s.
• It was primarily designed for handwritten digit
recognition, specifically for the MNIST dataset.
• It was used by many banks for recognition of
hand written numbers on cheques.
• This architecture achieves an error rate as low as
0.95% on test data, i.e., accuracy was more than
LeNet: Architecture
• Input Layer:
– Typically accepts 32x32 pixel grayscale images. MNIST images
(28x28) are often zero-padded to this size.
• Convolutional Layer 1 (C1):
– Applies 6 convolutional filters of size 5x5, resulting in 6 feature
maps of size 28x28.
– Activation function: typically sigmoid or tanh.
• Subsampling or Pooling Layer 1 (S2):
– Applies average pooling (subsampling) with a 2x2 filter and a
stride of 2, reducing the feature map size to 14x14.
• Convolutional Layer 2 (C3):
-- Applies 16 convolutional filters of size 5x5, producing
16 feature maps of size 10x10.
LeNet: Architecture
• Subsampling Layer 2 (S4):
-- Similar to S2, it uses average pooling to reduce the
feature map size to 5x5.
• Fully Connected Layer (C5):
-- Flattens the output from S4 and connects to 120
• Fully Connected Layer (F6):
-- Connects to 84 neurons.
• Output Layer:
-- Outputs 10 neurons corresponding to the 10 digit
classes (0-9).
• There are many versions of LeNet architecture.
• Following is the LeNet5 CNN

• After first
convolutional layer,
the input image is
convoluted to the
size of 28x28.
• There are 6 kernels,
so the output
feature map is of
depth 6.
• Second layer is the pooling layer where the size is
reduced to half, i.e., 14 × 14, by 2 × 2 filter with stride 2.

• In the third layer, convolution occurs again, but this time with
16 filters of 5x5 size, default pad=0 and stride=1
• After this layer, the size of the input image is reduced to

• In fourth layer, the subsampling takes place, and the image

size 10x10x16 is reduced to 5x5x16, by 2 × 2 filter with stride
• The feature map of fourth layer is flattened into a vector of
400 values.

• Finally, the flattened vector passes through 3 fully connected

layer for classification, where 1st FC layer consists of 120 nodes,
2nd of 84 nodes, and the 3rd one which is the output layer
consists of 10 nodes, one for each class (here, digit 0 to 9).
Summary of LeNeT5 Architecture
LeNet: Key Characteristics
• Activation Functions: Originally used sigmoid
or tanh, but modern adaptations often use
• Pooling: Utilizes average pooling, which was
common at the time. Max pooling has since
become more popular in later architectures.
• Backpropagation: LeNet was one of the first
networks to use backpropagation for training.
• Impact and Applications
(i) Legacy: LeNet laid the groundwork for more complex
CNN architectures, influencing subsequent developments
in computer vision.
(ii) Use Cases: Beyond digit recognition, variations of LeNet
have been adapted for various image classification tasks.

• Summary:
-- LeNet's architecture introduced key concepts in deep
learning, such as convolutional layers, pooling, and end-to-
end training, and remains a foundational model in the
study of neural networks and computer vision.
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