ML Lec 14 LeNeT CNN Architecture
ML Lec 14 LeNeT CNN Architecture
ML Lec 14 LeNeT CNN Architecture
• After first
convolutional layer,
the input image is
convoluted to the
size of 28x28.
• There are 6 kernels,
so the output
feature map is of
depth 6.
• Second layer is the pooling layer where the size is
reduced to half, i.e., 14 × 14, by 2 × 2 filter with stride 2.
• In the third layer, convolution occurs again, but this time with
16 filters of 5x5 size, default pad=0 and stride=1
• After this layer, the size of the input image is reduced to
• Summary:
-- LeNet's architecture introduced key concepts in deep
learning, such as convolutional layers, pooling, and end-to-
end training, and remains a foundational model in the
study of neural networks and computer vision.
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