Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Interference, diffraction and polarization of light could be explained by wave theory of light.
Wave theory of light is failed to explain photoelectric effect, Compton effect, absorption and
emission of radiation by substances. But all of this can be explained by quantum theory of
According to Einstein, the energy of light can be concentrated into small region. This
represents smallest quantity called PHOTON.
Hence light shows wave nature at one hand and particle nature on other hand.
In 1924, De-Broglie introduce that electron should have dual nature.
lamda= h/p
De-Broglie proposed the dual nature of matter is based on:
Matter and light both are form of energy and each of them can be transformed into the
Both are governed by the space time symmetries of the theory of relativity.
A moving matter particle is surrounded by a wave whose wavelength depends upon the
mass of the mass of the particle and its velocity. These waves associated with the matter
particles are known as matter wave or De-Broglie waves.
Matter waves possesses following properties:
According to De-Broglie concept of matter wave, every moving particle of matter is associated with a
wave. Schrodinger introduced a mathematical function represented by SIE which is a variable
quantity associated with the moving particle, and is a complex function of a space, coordinates of
the particle of the time, SIE is called a wave function.
The wave function must be normalize.
The wave function must be single valued.
The wave function must be finite everywhere.
Th wave function must be continuous and should have a continuous first derivative
Orthogonal and orthonormal functions.
Degenerate eigen functions.
Any mathematical operation, differentiation, integration, division, multiplication, addition,
subtraction, etc. can be represented by specific symbol known as operators. In otherwords an
operator O is a mathematical operation which may be applied to a function f(x) which changes the
function to another function g(x). This can be represented as
O f(x) = g(x)