Parapro Test Study Guide
Parapro Test Study Guide
Parapro Test Study Guide
Study Guide
Table of Contents
PARAPRO TEST RESOURCES.......................................................................................................... 4
READING................................................................................................................................................... 5
WRITING................................................................................................................................................. 21
MATHEMATICS..................................................................................................................................... 35
Integers, Odd and Even Numbers, Prime Numbers, Digits.......................................... 35
ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION OF ODD AND EVEN NUMBERS ........................................................ 35
PERCENT .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Percent less than 100 ................................................................................................................. 36
Percent Greater than 100 ......................................................................................................... 36
Percent less than 1 ...................................................................................................................... 36
Percent Increase/Decrease....................................................................................................... 37
AVERAGE ................................................................................................................................................. 37
WEIGHTED AVERAGE .............................................................................................................................. 38
Average Speed .............................................................................................................................. 39
PROPERTIES OF SIGNED NUMBERS ....................................................................................................... 39
FACTORING.............................................................................................................................................. 40
PROBABILITY ........................................................................................................................................... 40
GEOMETRIC FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. 41
GEOMETRIC SKILLS AND CONCEPTS ..................................................................................................... 43
Properties of Parallel Lines ....................................................................................................... 43
Angle Relationships ..................................................................................................................... 44
Side Relationships........................................................................................................................ 45
AREA AND PERIMETER ............................................................................................................................ 47
Rectangles....................................................................................................................................... 47
Circles ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Triangles .......................................................................................................................................... 48
VOLUME ................................................................................................................................................... 48
COORDINATE GEOMETRY ....................................................................................................................... 49
ParaPro Test Resources
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Our recommended theory is the flyover. You want to spend some time
on the passage, at a bare minimum so that you have a general idea
about what the questions are going to ask and get your mind into the
proper mindset for the series of questions. However, you don’t want
to waste too much time on reading the passage, because much of the
detail will be forgotten by the time you get to the questions anyway.
Therefore, you should fly over the passage. You should read it very
quickly for a high-level overview (hence the flyover) understanding of
what is contained in the passage.
After you’ve finished your flyover of the passage, take a few seconds
and compose a tentative mental summary of what you’ve just read.
Try to sort out the details you picked up on and arrange them into a
loose organizational pattern that describes the passage. Remember
that your goal in the flyover is not to check it off of a test-taking list of
things to do. You want there to be some purpose behind the flyover
and having the definite goal of being able to put together a brief
mental summary will allow you to maintain some focus and gain
benefit from the flyover – as opposed to just skimming it for the sake
of skimming it without actually picking up on anything.
As you begin going through the questions and answer choices, if you
get good enough at putting together your mental summaries from
practice, you should be able to eliminate a number of answer choices
that are immediately contrary to your summary. Note, however that if
you find yourself without any good answer choices remaining (because
you’ve eliminated them all) you obviously had to have eliminated the
right answer choice. Don’t hesitate to reopen an answer choice that
you’ve already “eliminated” from consideration and reconsider it as a
possibility. If you think an answer choice contradicts your initial
summary, you’re probably right, but are not infallible.
A main focus of this flyover will be the opening and ending sentences
in each paragraph. These are likely to contain the main ideas of the
paragraphs and should be mentally tagged for future reference. Try to
remember a vague idea of what the different paragraphs are about,
because this will save you time when answering questions later.
For the most part, make sure you never try to just answer the
questions from this first flyover. Always try to go back and confirm
the answer, as your memory will play tricks on you and the writers of
the test questions may deliberately have planted a trap for you –
remember that they don’t exactly have your best interests at heart.
When a question asks the test taker to identify a main idea, you
should first focus on the opening and ending sentences of the passage
and each individual paragraph. If you can’t find the main idea from
these key sentences, then ask yourself how you would describe the
passage to someone who had never read it. Which words and phrases
would you use to explain the principle ideas of the passage?
This is called “Kitchen Logic” - when you explain something the way
you would if you were talking to your friends and family, while sitting
at your kitchen table. So, when faced with identifying the main idea of
a difficult passage, make it easier on yourself by backing away from
the passage and thinking about it in terms of using easy “kitchen
Put yourself in the shoes of the author and imagine that you wrote the
passage and try to identify what you were trying to describe and how
you were trying to describe it. If you take on the opinions and ideas
expressed by the author as your own, then it becomes easier to
answer questions that would be easy for the author to answer.
So, if a question asks what sort of attitude an author had towards the
passage or subject, then look throughout the passage for attitude
words that might convey a positive or negative attitude. Are words
such as brilliant, excited, delightful used, or are words such as
depressive, gloomy, disappointing used?
Question: The author’s attitude on this topic is best described as:
A. indignation
B. eagerness
C. impartiality
D. fear
This will help sort out the different choices and keep you from
overlooking an answer choice and making an easy mistake.
The strategy of finding certain “give-away” words does not only apply
to adjectives in questions about emotions or attitude. Many questions
about specific details will have key words that hold the “key” to finding
the right part of the passage to look in for the answer.
One warning that should be made here is that often question writers
may use the exact same word or wording in their answer choices that
are used in the passage, but have done so in such a way as to mislead
you. So, simply because a particular word or phrase appears in an
answer choice and also appears exactly the same in a passage does
not make that answer choice correct. Be sure that you reread the
answer choice and consider the context that it is in, to ensure that you
are not misled by a cheap trick.
Questions that ask you to make an inference from the passage will
require you to use your own personal judgment. Anything directly
stated by the author is not an inference. You will need to understand
the main idea of the passage in order to make a proper inference
about the author’s intent and mindset.
Strategy 9: Applying Ideas for Generalizations
A passage states: “He was notorious for making decisions on the spur
of the moment…”
A. evil
B. disturbed
C. famous
D. despised
If you knew that the most common definition for “notorious” meant
being known in an unfavorable sense, then you might be tempted to
choose choice A, “evil.”
But once you review back over the passage, choice C, “famous” fits in
better into the context of the sentence of passage. Read the sentence
again and substitute your chosen answer choice for the word it
replaces. This gives you:
““He was famous for making decisions on the spur of the moment…,”
which makes sense and is correct.
simplest way to find the answer is to note how the opening sentence in
a passage or paragraph relates to the rest of the passage. How does
the author’s main idea get developed and broken down into supporting
ideas and statements?
Question: Which of the following best describes the organization of the
author’s discussion of this topic?
A. He provides an example – Ask yourself, is there an example in
the question? Don’t work exclusively from your memory. Make
sure you can go back and actually find the example in the
B. He makes a comparison – Ask yourself, is there a comparison in
the question? Again, go back to the passage and actually find
the comparison being made and verify that it exists.
C. He makes an acknowledgement – Ask yourself, where is the
acknowledgement made and to whom?
D. He discusses a theory – Ask yourself, which theory is being
B correct. So always read all the answer choices and only choose the
one that is the best, not just the first one you read that is factually
When asked for main ideas that best summarize the passage, an easy
strategy is to look at the first words in each answer choice and without
looking at the rest of the answer choice, see if you could make a
decision based on those first words alone.
Question: Which of the following best explains the author’s primary
A. dispute…
B. describe…
C. condemn…
D. convince…
If you know that the passage is fairly neutral about the subject, then
even if you know nothing else, you can probably eliminate the stronger
verbs used in answer choices A, C, and D, leaving you with “describe”
or answer choice B as being correct.
The test writers will generally choose passages that will be completely
foreign to most test takers. You can’t expect the passages to be on a
topic with which you have any familiarity. If you do happen to come
across a passage that you are familiar with, consider yourself lucky,
but don’t plan on that happening.
Also, while the topics chosen may have originally been interesting
reading in their original state, after a particular section is pulled and
used for the test passage, it will likely be dry and boring.
Getting hit by strange reading topics that you don’t recognize, of which
you may only have a small part of the original selection, and that are
dry and boring can be a bit intimidating if you’re not adequately
prepared. Just remember that the passages themselves will contain
all the information necessary to answer the questions and you don’t
need any prior knowledge of the topic in order to succeed and do well
on the test.
on the flyover, you are looking for only a surface level knowledge and
are not trying to comprehend the minutia of details that will be
contained in the passages.
You can practice with any form of reading material. Read an article at
your normal pace and then after you’re finished, ask yourself some
questions about what you just read and see how well you can
comprehend. Experiment with reading articles faster and slower and
always gauge how well you comprehended what you read at the end.
Train your brain to remember the details and absorb the facts.
With practice, you will find the pace that you should maintain on the
test while going back through passages. It should be a comfortable
rate. This is not a speed reading exercise. If you have a good pace,
and don’t spend too much time on any question, you should have a
sufficient amount of time to read the different sections of the passages
at a comfortable rate. The two extremes you want to avoid are the
dumbfounded mode, in which you are lip reading every word
individually and mouthing each word as though in a stupor, and the
overwhelmed mode, where you are panicked and are buzzing back and
forth through the passage in a frenzy and not comprehending
You must find your own pace that is relaxed and focused, allowing you
to have time for every question and give you optimal comprehension.
Note that you are looking for optimal comprehension, not maximum
comprehension. If you spent hours on each word and memorized the
passage, you would have maximum comprehension. That isn’t the
goal though, you want to optimize how much you comprehend with
how much time you spend reading. Practice will allow you to
determine that optimal rate.
If you are working on a problem and you’ve got your answer split
between two possible answer choices, and you’re going back through
the passage and reading it over and over again in order to decide
between the two, you can be in one of the most frustrating situations
possible. You feel that if you just spent one more minute on the
problem, that you would be able to figure the right answer out and
decide between the two. Watch out! You can easily get so absorbed
in that problem that you loose track of time, get off track and end up
spending the rest of the test playing catch up because of all the
wasted time, which may leave you rattled and cause you to miss even
more questions that you would have otherwise.
Therefore, unless you will only be satisfied with a perfect score and
your abilities are in the top .1% strata of test takers, you should not
go into the test with the mindset that you’ve got to get every question
right. It is far better to accept that you will have to guess on some
questions and possibly get them wrong and still have time for every
question, than to work on every problem until you’re absolutely
confident in your answer and then run out of time on the last few
Strategy 16: Factually Correct, but Actually Wrong
When you are going through the answer choices and one jumps out for
being factually correct, watch out. Before you mark it as your answer
choice, first make sure that you go back to the question and confirm
that the answer choice answers the question being asked.
For most passages, that would be fine, but when other viewpoints
besides the author’s are expressed, you have to discern who is
expressing their opinion in the passage. Make sure that if multiple
individuals are giving their viewpoint on a topic, that you sort them out
for any questions and associate the right viewpoint with the right
Strategy 18: Extraneous Information
Some answer choices will seem to fit in and answer the question being
asked. They might even be factually correct. Everything seems to
check out, so what could possibly be wrong?
Unless you are behind on time, always go back to the passage and
make sure that the answer choice “checks out.”
Strategy 1: Apostrophes
Possessive Nouns
2. Plural possessive nouns not ending in "s." Use 's to show that a
plural noun not ending in "s" is possessive [the children's toy].
Apostrophe errors with possessive personal pronouns are common
because possessive personal pronouns indicate possession and we are
used to using apostrophes to indicate possession. Also possessive
personal pronouns are easily confused with contractions. Here are the
basic rules:
following transitional words and phrases are conjunctive
adverbs, not conjunctions:
Incorrect: The city must increase its tax base, however, the citizens
must be able to accept the additional tax burden.
Correct: The city must increase its tax base; however, the citizens
must be able to accept the additional tax burden.
The student, moreover, has not yet turned in an acceptable project to
meet his assignment’s requirements.
4. Use commas to set off the year if you also identify the day [The
birth of Norma Kelly on June 2, 1974, brought the . . . .], but
omit the commas otherwise [The birth of Norma Kelly in June
1974 brought . . . .].
Correct: The sunlight helped the flowers to grow, but they require
frequent watering in order to stay alive.
Correct: Yours is timely and mine is late.
antecedent); or (2) when the antecedent is only implied. Here are
examples problems with references.
The doctors told their patients that they had serious problems.
[Who had problems?]
To prevent children from sucking their thumbs, some parents soak
them in tabasco sauce. [Do the parents soak the children or the
confusion could be resolved easily by adding the clarifying noun after
The three primary strategies for solving reference problems are: (1)
repeating the antecedent (as in the prior example); (2) re-arranging
the material to place the referent close to the antecedent; or (3) re-
arranging the material to eliminate the need for the referent. For
instance, here is another possible solution to the reference problem
The singular verb is correct even when the indefinite pronoun is
followed by a prepositional phrase with a plural noun:
For example:
All [singers] are permitted . . . .
All of the money is counted . . . .
3. This same kind of error can slip in when referring to any
institution or business:
Every student who had already taken both courses is [not are]
excused from this requirement.
or can begin a gerund phrase, but either way, the word or
phrase functions as a noun:
We'll go to their house for the party instead of their [not them] coming
to ours.
Parallel structure:
Non-parallel structure:
In the non-parallel example, the writer identifies two situations in
which problems occur; however, the two situations are phrased in
non-parallel structure. A parallel structure would be:
Which is correct? The second version is correct, because "I" is the
subject of an understood verb "worked." In other words, the sentence
is actually a shortened version of "The corporation's president worked
harder than I worked."
This is an easy mistake to make because the correct case may sound
wrong. If so, the best solution is to add the understood verb or to re-
phrase the sentence completely to avoid the awkwardness.
Once again, this is an easy mistake to make because the correct case
may sound wrong. In spoken English we often hear "It's him," or "It's
me." Again, the best solution may be to reverse the sentence or to
re-phrase the sentence completely to avoid the awkwardness.
3. Use "try to" and "sure to" rather than "try and" or "sure and."
This rule makes sense if you think about it. The proper function of the
word "and" is to connect two different things. Thus, the "and" in the
first sentence should mean that Ms. Thompson wanted to do two
different things, but she didn't; she only wanted to do one thing –
finish the project. The same is true for the third sentence. The "and"
seems to tell the reader that the sentence is an instruction to do two
different things, but it isn't. The reader is only to do one thing – pick
up the baby.
full of hope. The writer actually means "I hope that the storm
will pass."
5. Watch out for one more common error with adverbs: the
difference between "I feel bad" and "I feel badly." In the first
sentence, the writer is commenting on how she feels, either
physically (perhaps she has the flu) or emotionally (perhaps she
is sad). The first sentence is the proper use of "bad" as an
Each time "myself" is used, test the use by asking whether "I" or "me"
could substitute for "myself." If so, using "myself" is incorrect.
Incorrect: Ms. Alpha and myself will meet you for lunch.
Incorrect: If you have any questions about this demonstration,
contact Mr. Jones or myself.
The problems will have few technical terms, aside from basics, such as
area, perimeter, integer, and ratio, which are expected to be common
mathematical knowledge. All figures shown will be drawn accurately
and lie in a single plane, unless noted otherwise.
Number Types
Addition Multiplication
even + even = even even x even = even
odd + odd = even even x odd = even
even + odd = odd odd x odd = odd
Problem 1: If the sales tax on a $30 item is $1.80, what is the sales
tax rate?
Solution: n = 250/100 x 2
n = 5, so 5 is the number
Solution: 3 = 0.2/100 x n
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n = 1,500, so 1,500 is the number
Percent Increase/Decrease
2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 13 / 5 = 6
The median of a list of numbers is the number in the middle when the
numbers are ordered from greatest to least or from least to greatest.
For example, the median of 3, 8, 2, 6, and 9 is 6 because when the
numbers are ordered, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, the number in the middle is 6.
When there is an even number of values, the median is the same as
the mean of the two middle numbers. For example, the median of 6,
8, 9, 13, 14, and 16 is
9 + 13 / 2 = 11
The mode of a list of numbers is the number that occurs most often in
the list. For example, 7 is the mode of 2, 7, 5, 8, 7, and 12. The
numbers 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 have no mode and the numbers 2, 4,
2, 8, 2, 4, 7, 4, 9, and 11 have two modes, 2 and 4.
Weighted Average
Solution: The solution is not the average of 13 and 17, which is 15.
In this case the average is
The expression “weighted average” comes from the fact that 13 gets a
weight factor of 7, whereas 17 gets a weight factor of 3.
Average Speed
Note: In this example the average speed is not the average of the two
separate speeds, which would be 65.
negative x negative = positive
negative x positive = negative
positive x positive = positive
x^2 + 2x = x(x + 2)
x^2 – 1 = (x + 1) (x – 1)
x^2 + 2x +1 = (x + 1) (x + 1) = (x + 1)^2
x^2 – 3x – 4 = (x – 4)(x + 1)
Probability refers to the chance that a specific outcome can occur. It
can be found by using the following definition when outcomes are
equally likely.
For example, if a jar contains 13 red marbles and 7 green marbles, the
probability that a marble selected from the jar at random will be green
probability that a specific outcome will occur, values of p fall in the
range 0 < p < 1. Probability may be expressed as either a decimal or
a fraction.
Geometric Figures
Example 1
Since UY and VX are line segments, angels UWV and XWY are vertical
angles. Therefore, you can conclude that c° = d°. Even though the
figure is drawn to scale, you should NOT make any other assumptions
without additional information. For example, you should NOT assume
that VW = WY or that the angle at vertex Y is a right angle even
though they may look that way in the figure.
Example 2
Geometric Skills and Concepts
1. If two parallel lines are cut by a third line, the alternate interior
angles are equal.
a° = b° and d° = c°
a° = b° and d° = c°
3. If two parallel lines are cut by a third line, the sum of the interior
angles on the same side of the third line is 180 degrees.
a° + b° = 180°, because a° + c° = 180° and b° = c°
Angle Relationships
4. The sum of the two acute angles in a right triangle is 90
x = 15 (Because 2x + 4x = 90.)
Since the polygon is divided into 3 triangles, the sum of the angles
is 3 x 180° or 540°.
Side Relationships
(By the Pythagorean Theorem,
a2= 32 + 42
a2 = 9 = 16
a2 = 25
a = square root of 25 = 5
2. In any equilateral triangle, all sides are equal and all angles are
(Because the measure of the unmarked angle is 60°, the measure
of all angles of the triangle are equal, and therefore, the lengths of
all sides of the triangle are equal.)
5. Two polygons are similar if the lengths of their corresponding
sides are in the same ratio and their corresponding angles are
Area = 5x X 8x = 40x2
Perimeter = 2(5x + 8x) = 10x + 16x = 26x
Area of a circle = Πr2 (where r is the radius)
Circumference of a circle = 2Πr = Πd (where d is the diameter)
Area = Π22 = 4Π
Circumference = 2Π2 = 4Π
Area = ½ (4 X 3) = 6
Perimeter = 5 + 4 + 3 = 12
Volume = 3 X 2 X 4 = 24
Volume of a cylinder = Πr2h (where r is the radius of the base and h is
the height of the cylinder)
Volume = Π X 42 X 7 = Π X 16 X 7 = 112Π
Coordinate Geometry
In questions that involve the x and y axes, x values to the right of the
y axis are positive and x values to the left of the y axis are negative.
Also, y values above the x axis are positive and y values below the x
axis are negative. In an (x,y) ordered pair, the x value is written first,
and the y value is written second. For example, in the ordered pair
(1,-2), the x coordinate is 1 and the y coordinate
is -2.
This line runs through points (1,-2) and (4,4). The slope = (4 – (-
2))/(4 – 1) or 6/3 = 2.
Any line that slopes upward from left to right has a positive slope. Any
line that slopes downward from right to left has a negative slope.
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