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MUSTANG GAZETTE parent newsletter for

Homestead HIGH
21370 Homestead Road • Cupertino, CA 95014 • 408-522-2500 • Graham Clark, Principal

SPRING 2008 Dear Members of the Homestead Community,

Volume 9, Issue 3 As summer approaches, I just wanted to express my thanks for the support that the
parents and community have given to Homestead this past year. The extra curricular
programs such as Athletics, Band, Cheerleading, Equestriettes and Future Business
CONGRATULATIONS Leaders of America (FBLA) have all flourished this year. This has been one of our
Class of 2008! best years in terms of league, state and national recognition for the various teams. The
support that parents and the community members provide is critical to the success of
June 12th these various student activity programs. The PTSA and the various booster groups
are vital links between school and community. I am particularly grateful to all of you
GRADUATION who attended the Homestead Auction and the Annual Golf Tournament. In total, these
5:30pm events raised over $60K in support of student activities and teams.
Football Field Spring is the season for testing in California High Schools. We just completed a very
successful round of STAR testing at Homestead High School. All freshman, sophomore
and junior students are required to take this important test and the school must test at
least 95% of the population. I am pleased to report that we had a very high turnout
SARC and students appeared to be focused and doing their best work. We are currently in
School Accountability
Report Card 2006-2007 the midst of administering the Advanced Placement Tests in many subjects. As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to bid farewell to the student class of
2008. We appreciate your achievement and many contributions to Homestead High
School. The fun and excitement of the Senior Ball, Graduation, All Night Party, and
other year-end activities await you. Please enjoy these once in a lifetime events to
the fullest, but also use good judgment. It seems as though every year at this time
an article appears in the newspaper about high school seniors who were seriously
injured in alcohol related accidents, or denied graduation privileges due to a violation
at inside cover
of school rules. Remember that graduation is for family and friends as much as it is
for District wide Info for the graduate. Please refrain from any thoughtless act that might keep you from
• 2008-09 District wide Calendar staying safe and sound on graduation night.
• Be Connected I would like to wish everyone a wonderful summer break
• District Honorees in Upcoming and all the best to the Class of 2008.
San Jose Magazine Articles
• Foundation’s CRAB FEED
• Measure B Graham Clark
• Superintendent’s Message Principal

Homestead High School

Superintendent’s Message
Dear Parents,
On behalf of our Board of Trustees, teachers, classified
staff and administrators, I want to thank you for your
ongoing involvement and support. Clearly you understand
how important parent participation is in the education of
your children. We are very fortunate and very proud to be
in a community that so highly values its young people and
their education.
This has been an exciting and busy year. I hope you have
been in at least one of the many attentive audiences for
our State of the District report. We have presented at Lynbrook High School Sophomores Michelle Yee and Bhavna Challa,
PTA/PTSA chapters, School Site Council, Athletic Boost- Superintendent Polly Bove, and Senior Sneha Challa at the Foundation’s
Crab Feed. The students volunteered representing their Interact Club.
ers, Music Boosters, Rotary, Optimists, Quota and other
service clubs, Realtor Associations, City Councils, Chambers of Commerce and other meetings over the last seven
months. While we have continuously improved the presentation, our message has been constant ...
• We could not be more proud of our students and the wonderful schools they attend – Cupertino, Fremont,
Homestead, Lynbrook and Monta Vista – all continue to amaze us with incredible achievements!
• We are proud of the rich and robust academic and extra-curricular program that our District offers. So far
we have been able to continue many programs and classes that other districts have been forced to cut.
However, offering this level of education is a growing challenge.
• Strong support from our community is essential to continuing quality education. Your support in 2004
approved our current Parcel Tax – the critical dollars needed to prevent salary cuts and layoffs and to retain
academic and student support programs. We are very grateful for your support.
Next year we will suffer some effects from the state budget crisis, but fortunately we do not depend on state funding as
much as many districts. The majority of our funding comes from local property tax which depends directly on the value
of local properties. The high quality of education offered within our District, including the two elementary districts that
feed our high schools, is one of the top reasons that our property values have not dropped as they have in other areas.
As a result, we are optimistic that our high-quality educational program will remain largely intact for 2008-2009.
But is also important to remember that our student population has grown by over 25% during the last 12 years and we
must squeeze maximum value from our thinly stretched resources. We are committed to the highest levels of efficiency,
transparency and accountability and to ensuring that community tax dollars are spent wisely. To this end, we
• operate a residency verification program to ensure that local community dollars are spent only on
students residing within our District’s boundaries;
• spend over 81% of our operating budget – among the highest in all of California –in those areas that
directly impact students: classroom instruction, instructional services and student services;
• cultivate strong relationships with all employee groups that allow collaborative negotiations and shared
fiscal planning; and
• utilize environmentally responsible energy management systems and conservation programs.
Through the combined efforts of all of the stakeholders in our educational community, I am confident that we will continue
to provide the very best educational experience to all of our students. Thank you for your ongoing support of our high
schools – together we make a profound difference in the lives of our students.
Have a wonderful summer!
Keep in touch during the summer...
logon to the District’s website —
Polly M. Bove Superintendent of Schools

(690 Sheraton Dr. Sunnyvale, corner of Sheraton and Hollenbeck)






TERI WIKMAN (408) 835-8121
FRAN COMBE (408) 737-1406
JUNE DARMANIAN (650) 960-3601
Congratulations SUMMER TIPS
• Identify scholarships for which you’re eligible. It’s not too
early for freshmen, sophomores and juniors to see what’s available
Class so you’ll be prepared to apply senior year. Check out these sites: ,, or

Of , click College & Career Center, Click
“Community Scholarships on file”
• Research colleges to find the ones that fit your interests and

goals. For help in what to consider in choosing a college and major,
go to the College & Career Center webpage, then “College Major”
links. These links provide comprehensive information of 2-year, 4-
year and vocational schools listed by states.
• Volunteer to gain practical skills and experiences, to build a
strong networking base, to explore possible career tracks and to
prove that you care.
• Get a job to gain work experience, to develop a good work
ethic, to learn about companies and business first-hand, to hone
communication skills, to learn money-handling and of course, to
earn money.
• Develop your passions. Learn more about what interests you.
Pursue your hobbies.
• Learn about yourself. Take a few self-assessment tests. One
Best of Luck is available at
in Future Endeavors • Explore careers. Talk to professionals in your field of interest.
Talk to any working persons about their jobs and careers. Browse
career websites to research different careers. A good one is
Plan Ahead! http:/
2008-09 Test Dates
PSAT Oct 15 or 18

SAT *Tentative Test Dates Summer Planning for next year’s Seniors
Oct. 4 or 5 Take time to think about what is important to you.
Nov. 1 or 2 ‰ Make up “D” or “F” by attending summer school before senior
Dec. 6 or 7 year.
Jan. 24 or 25 ‰ Fill out the “Brag Sheet” and “My Mustang Resume”, submit a
Mar. 14 or 15 copy to Ms. Chan in the College & Career Center
May 2 or 3 ‰ Follow “College Planning Calendar For 2009 Seniors” timeline
June 6 or 7 ‰ Visit colleges of different sizes, locations, public/private for
ACT *Confirmed Register by comparison
Sept. 13 Aug. 12 ‰ Get application info from your targeted colleges
Oct. 25 Sep. 19 ‰ Create a portfolio of essays, articles, artwork, and
Dec. 13 Nov. 7 achievements to use in an application
Feb. 7 Jan. 6 ‰ Make a list of potential “recommenders” – adults who know you
Apr. 4 Feb. 27 well (teachers, employers, coaches, clergy, community
Jun. 13 May 8 leaders). If possible, let them know that you’ll be asking them.
‰ Start working on your college essay(s)
Homestead High School
College/Career Center News
Ms. Priscilla Chan – College Career Advisor May, June 2008 (408) 522-2521
Seniors: Things to do before you head off to college:
• Pay your enrollment deposit to the one college you will attend in the fall no later than May 1st.
• Send AP score report(s) to the college when it is available.
• Get the college reading list. Many colleges have a suggested summer reading list for
incoming freshmen. Contact the admissions office to find out about this.
• Arrange housing. Investigate the housing options available to you. Fill in those housing
questionnaires honestly and thoughtfully. Meet all fees and deadlines.
• Check on health care. Make certain that you have adequate health care - either coverage
from the school, or your parent’s policy.
• Have final transcripts sent from Homestead. If you have taken classes at the community
college, arrange to have your transcript sent to the college. Student athletes will need to
send a final transcript to NCAA. There is usually a deadline of mid-July, so be sure to turn
in the transcript request form, with a self-addressed and stamped *43 Cent stamped
envelope and $3 to the College & Career Center now.
• Attend the frosh orientation. Sometime before school starts, most colleges have an
orientation or get-acquainted trip (fee based). It is valuable to attend these if you can. You
will meet your new classmates and have fun too.
• Sign up and take Placement tests as required. Go to college’s website to find out the test
date, time and location. Register for classes. Be certain to abide by the registration dates
for your new school. You don’t want to be stuck with a 7:00AM class.
• Have fun. Senior year is almost over. Continue doing your schoolwork, but don’t miss out on
all the senior activities. Relax. You deserve it.
• Do a reality check. School will not be easy. Be realistic about your college years…they’ll be
fun but will require a lot of hard work too.
• Complete all requests. Double check that you have filled out and mailed back all forms
required by your college. Check your email messages regularly, college admission and
financial aid offices might want to contact you, or provide new information.
• Great books for seniors to ease the transition to college: • The Everything College Survival
Book From Social Life to Study Skills Everything; • How to Survive Your Freshman Year; •
Been There, Should ‘ve Done That: 50 Tips for Making the Most of College.

How do I get an internship?

Summer vacation is the perfect time to look for internship, one of the best ways to test out a
potential career field or employer. Not only will you gain great experience, but also you will meet
many contacts and potential mentors. Many resources exist for finding internships:
(1) Check the College & Career Center website, then, College & Career
Center and click on “Internships/Part Time Jobs”
(2) Family and friends, ask your parents or your friend’s parents; they or their employers might
welcome your help.
(3) If there is a specific company or organization you would like to work or, don’t hesitate to
inquire directly.
(4) Look at internship guidebooks, like Vault Guide to Top Internships, The Best 109
Internships, and The Internship Bible.
(5) The Internet also provides a wealth of resources. Helpful sites include:;;

NEW! “My SAT Online Score Report” by College Board

To help student to understand the meaning behind the numbers on their test reports, the College
Board launched the new My SAT Online Score Report. It is personalized and practical. Students
get a detailed breakdown of the numbers, including the writing section and the essay; see how they
performed compared to the scores of students in their school, across town and nationally; and tools
to help them to search for the right colleges, majors and careers based on their scores. If
students are considering taking the test again, targeted preparations are available to students to
improve their score.

Advice on preparing for the SAT test:

Many of the words that appear on the SAT are words you would have been exposed to at some point
in your life. Here are some suggestions:
1. Read a high-level news periodical, such as Time Magazine or The New York Times, and write
down and learn any tough vocabulary words you come across. This approach has the added
benefit of giving you plenty of examples for the SAT Essay. Oh, and your Social Studies
teacher will love you, too.
2. Create flash cards and put them on a ring. Shoot for a realistic goal of learning five words
a day. When you learn the word, it comes off the ring. The goal is to have an empty ring.
3. Write sentences that contain the definitions of the words. For example, you can write, “’I
will try better at the Sentence Completions questions on the SAT.
4. Keep a few words in your pocket, and try to incorporate them into everyday conversation.
Not only will your friends laugh admiringly at you, you’ll find that thinking about the words
all day burns them into your memory.
5. Be creative. Create incentives for yourself. Turn it into a game. Draw pictures. Remember,
a strong vocabulary is helpful throughout your life, and studies show that members of the
opposite sex find it absolutely irresistible.

Colleges that Change Lives College Fair

Sunday, August 3rd, noon to 2 p.m. at South San Francisco Convention Center. For detailed
information, go to

Future Guidance Programs Fall 2008

District College Fair at Homestead
Monday, October 27th, 6:30 – 8 p.m. at Large, Small gyms.

UC/CSU/Private College/Community college (Transfer Program) Information Night on

Tuesday, September 16th 2008, Financial Aid Overview Night, FAFSA Workshop and
College Application Workshops – DTA

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

Rob Crane, HHS PTSA Very Special Award Recipient for 2008, has been an active
volunteer, mentor and contributor to the Robotics Team. His countless hours have enabled the
team to compete in the Silicon Valley Regional Robotics Competition.

Craig Colvin, HHS PTSA Very Special Award Recipient for 2008, is a local business
person and owner of the Sawdust Shop in Sunnyvale, which has contributed materials and
services to the Wood program at Homestead High School.

Noriko Romanko, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has served
for four years as a volunteer managing the Aquatics Snack Bar during the Water Polo season for
both boys and Girls, and during the summer for Water Polo Junior Olympics. Through her
purchasing, setting up, and staffing of the snack bar, goodwill has been extended to the visiting
teams at Homestead, and the funds raised enabled the purchase of the score board at the pool.
Noriko and Rob have a son Alex, who graduated from Homestead last year, and a daughter
Emily, who is a sophomore.

Vicki Feltman, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has volunteered
countless hours to the Homestead Music program. Some of the myriad tasks that she takes on
include; taking inventory of the musical instruments, working the lobby at all the performance
concerts at Homestead, organizing the paperwork for all the field trips that the different music
groups take, and chaperoning almost every trip as well. Vicki has a daughter, Sara, who
graduated from Homestead in 2005.

Liz Williams, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has been advisor
to Homestead’s Equestriette team for several years. She has gone above and beyond as a faculty
advisor, spending hours to attend meetings with parents, traveling to competitions with the team,
and providing support for the team.
Another informal role that Liz plays is as a mentor for seniors who are applying to colleges; this
runs the gamut from college selection to reading application essays. These two volunteer roles
are in addition to being an AP English teacher at Homestead.

Sue Stahmer, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has been the
fundraising chair the 2008 Senior All Night Party, which has entailed a variety of events,
communication and coordination. Sue and Bryan have a son Kyle, who graduated from
Homestead in 2005, and a daughter, Erin, who will graduate in June.

Rex and Nancy Blodgett, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipients for 2008, has
been involved in Homestead Football in many aspects. This year Rex has served as President of
the Football Boosters, and Nancy has been the Football Registration Coordinator. Rex has also
coached many Serra Little League teams in years past. Nancy and Rex have two sons that
currently attend Homestead, Rex Jr., who is graduating in June, and Ryan, who is a freshman.

Donna Verna, HHS PTSA Golden Oak Award Recipient for 2008 – Homestead will be
sad to see Donna’s long and deep volunteer tenure conclude when her daughter Kimberly will
graduate this June. Donna has served in a variety of board positions in the PTA at Homestead
High School and Montclaire Elementary School, in addition to being the driving force behind the
Every 15 Minutes program at Homestead.
Homestead Music Department proudly presents:

2008 Annual Spring Concerts
Homestead Auditorium
At 7:30 p.m

Concert Band & Symphonic Band Spring Concert

May 21st

Orchestra & Wind Ensemble Spring Concert

May 22nd

Choir Spring Concert

May 28th

Jazz Band & Jazz Choir Spring Concert

May 29th

Admission – Free (Keepsake Programs are $5 each)

You are cordially invited to attend

All Performances

Come support these award-winning groups!

You can also support them by buying scrip and becoming

a Music Booster.

Go to for more details.

Connections A Link
PTSA Newsletter of the Homestead High School PTSA Home and School
May, 2008 Volume 6, Issue 3

PTSA President’s Message Thanks to the efforts of the Homestead School Site
Council, our community will soon have a new oppor-
tunity to support educational excellence at Homestead – the Mustang Capital Campaign. Our
In this issue: School Site Council is working with staff, students and administration to identify a list of class-
room needs. SSC will publicize those needs in a letter to the community before the 2008-09
 PTSA President’s school year begins. When you have identified the project or item you want to support, your fam-
Message ily may make a tax-deductible directed donation through Homestead PTSA. All funds will be
 Graduation Activities passed through to the school on a regular basis so the classrooms can be updated as soon as funds
for each project are available. We hope you will take advantage of this new opportunity to meet
 Senior needs identified by our school staff, students and administrators.
Baccalaureate Finally, as I prepare to graduate and move to the next phase of my life, I want to person-
 Graduation ally thank this wonderful community of parents, teachers, students and school personnel. You
Reception each take the education of our students and families so personally. I have been honored to work
and learn with all of you for so many years.
 Grad Night Party
 SAT Prep Courses My personal congratulations to the Class of 2008 – may fair winds carry you wherever you go!
 Honorary Service All the best,
Awards Donna Verna

 Reflections
Graduation Activities Senior Baccalaureate
 2009 Grad Night Held the Monday before
graduation, the Senior Baccalaureate is a time of quiet reflection amidst the
Upcoming Events hustle and bustle of graduation and party excitement. It is a time to reminisce,
to look back over high school years. It is also a time to focus on the future with
June 9 joyful anticipation. Although the baccalaureate service is held in a local church,
Senior Baccalaureate it is not religious in nature. It is simply a meaningful time to spend with your student, your
family, and friends. Staff and student speakers, an inspirational musical program, and
June 12 refreshments at the conclusion of the service make this an extremely memorable event. This
Graduation, Reception year’s Senior Baccalaureate will be held on:
and Grad Night Party Monday, June 9, 7:00-8:00 P.M.
At The Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, 728 W. Fremont Ave.
Seniors are to arrive at 6:30 P.M. wearing their graduation gown, to line up.
2008-2009 Please plan on attending.
School year
Starts Monday, Graduation Reception
August 25 The PTSA invites the graduating class of 2008 and their families and guests to a reception
outside the school cafeteria immediately following the commencement ceremony on Thursday,
June 12. Refreshments will be served.
Thank You!
2008 Grad Night Party
Here’s a big, heart-felt Parents, buy your Senior’s their Grad Night bid today!
‘Thank You!’ to all of Grad Night is June 12, 2008 and is at a fun offsite location! Bid prices are $150.00.
our hard-working Bid and waiver forms are available in the HHS office or online at
volunteers for your
For more info about the party and volunteer opportunities, contact one of the co-chairs:
many hours of service
Tammy Salwasser
this year. You all help Nancy Blodgett Chris Taich
make Homestead a
great place for our
students! Your SAT Prep Courses Homestead PTSA is working with Revolution Prep and
involvement is key to Princeton Review to bring discounted prices for SAT Prep courses to Homestead stu-
the success of PTSA’s dents. Check our school website for information and
programs! dates for prep classes and workshops.

Find us on the web at: page 1 of 2

Honorary Service Awards Homestead High’s Honorary Service Award Committee received a record number of
nominations this year. The following parents are to be recognized for their out-
standing volunteer service within our student and school community.

Rob Crane, HHS PTSA Very Special Award Recipient for 2008, has been an active volunteer, mentor and contributor to the Ro-
botics Team. His countless hours have enabled the team to compete in the Silicon Valley Regional Robotics Competition.

Craig Colvin, HHS PTSA Very Special Award Recipient for 2008, is a local business person and owner of the Sawdust Shop in
Sunnyvale, which has contributed materials and services to the Wood program at Homestead High School.

Noriko Romanko, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has served for four years as a volunteer managing
the Aquatics Snack Bar during the Water Polo season for both boys and Girls, and during the summer for Water Polo Junior Olym-
pics. Through her purchasing, setting up, and staffing of the snack bar, goodwill has been extended to the visiting teams at Home-
stead, and the funds raised enabled the purchase of the score board at the pool. Noriko and Rob have a son Alex, who graduated
from Homestead last year, and a daughter Emily, who is a sophomore.

Vicki Feltman, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has volunteered countless hours to the Homestead Mu-
sic program. Some of the myriad tasks that she takes on include; taking inventory of the musical instruments, working the lobby at
all the performance concerts at Homestead, organizing the paperwork for all the field trips that the different music groups take, and
chaperoning almost every trip as well. Vicki has a daughter, Sara, who graduated from Homestead in 2005.

Liz Williams, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has been advisor to Homestead’s Equestriette team for
several years. She has gone above and beyond as a faculty advisor, spending hours to attend meetings with parents, traveling to
competitions with the team, and providing support for the team.
Another informal role that Liz plays is as a mentor for seniors who are applying to colleges; this runs the gamut from college se-
lection to reading application essays. These two volunteer roles are in addition to being an AP English teacher at Homestead.

Sue Stahmer, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipient for 2008, has been the fundraising chair the 2008 Senior All Night
Party, which has entailed a variety of events, communication and coordination. Sue and Bryan have a son Kyle, who graduated
from Homestead in 2005, and a daughter, Erin, who will graduate in June.

Rex and Nancy Blodgett, HHS PTSA Honorary Service Award Recipients for 2008, has been involved in Homestead Football in
many aspects. This year Rex has served as President of the Football Boosters, and Nancy has been the Football Registration Coor-
dinator. Rex has also coached many Serra Little League teams in years past. Nancy and Rex have two sons that currently attend
Homestead, Rex Jr., who is graduating in June, and Ryan, who is a freshman.

Donna Verna, HHS PTSA Golden Oak Award Recipient for 2008 – Homestead will be sad to see Donna’s long and deep volun-
teer tenure conclude when her daughter Kimberly will graduate this June. Donna has served in a variety of board positions in the
PTA at Homestead High School and Montclaire Elementary School, in addition to being the driving force behind the Every 15
Minutes program at Homestead.

Reflections Program Update 2009 Grad Night

Karen Chuang, who has just returned from filming her ATTENTION: Junior Parents.
Nickelodeon series "Dance on Sunset" (check your local listings), Watch for the flyer and forms coming to your mailbox
won the 6th District Award of Excellence in Senior Dance this summer. It will have a summer special price for
Choreography for her original composition. Then, she went on to Grad Night 2009! Check your emails and the follow-
win State and is invited to attend the California State PTA ing Grad Night website for updates:
convention in Long Beach!! Karen will present her composition at
the Reflections reception, Tuesday, May 27, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Contact one of the co-chairs for more info:
the East Side Room, Santa Clara County Office of Education, Lois Dea
1290 Ridder Drive, San Jose. Please come see all the district Lori Wong
winners, but especially come to see Karen. Laura Wallace



Find us on the web at: page 2 of 2

Homestead FBLA wins 10th
Consecutive State Championship
Homestead High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) won the State
Championship in the Sweepstakes Competition, the sum total of all FBLA events, at the
2008 California FBLA State Leadership Conference, held April 24 - 27 in Irvine,
California. Homestead won 561 Sweepstakes points, nearly doubling second place
Lynbrook High School with 289 points. This victory represented the culmination of a
yearlong effort by the two-hundred-member-strong organization, its three dedicated
advisers, and a string of committed professional mentors. Homestead FBLA members
would like to thank advisers Mr. Byron Lee, Mr. Graeme Logie, and Mr. Edmond Kwong
for their consistent and integral dedication and support. Members would also like to
thank professional mentors Mr. Gene Longinetti, Mr. Bruce Levin, Mr. Rodney Lee, Mr.
Graham Clark, Mr. Don Romero, and Mrs. Jane Babicz. Below are the results for
Homestead FBLA competitors at the conference:

1st Place Public Speaking II - Dana Barzilay

Partnership with Business Project -
Accounting I - Stephen Appert
Saayeli Mukherji, Bryce Wilson,
Accounting II - Eddson Alcid
Alissa Song
Business Law - Amber Feng
Technology Concepts - Winston Hsu
Business Plan - Saayeli Mukherji,
Spandana Pasam, Shawn Xu
Business Presentation - Drew Haven,
Ashley Ott, Katarina Plavec 2nd Place
Creed Contest - Magdalena Mardinian Banking and Financial Systems - Keri
Community Service Project - Stacy Omuro, Sabrina Siu, Jennifer
Hwang, Tram Hoang, Mark Wang
Sagherian Business Calculations - Laurie Sartain
Desktop Application Programming - Business Communication - Jonathan
Winston Hsu Lo
Emerging Business Issues - Braden Business Financial Plan - Eddson
Holstege, Robert Nishihara, Alcid, Ana Martynova, Laurie
Bryce Wilson Sartain
Future Business Leader - Jim Danz Business Law - Nadeeka Karunaratne
Global Business - Nikita Khetan, Desktop Application Programming -
Hailun Ying, Naddav Paran Mehrdad Niknami
Introduction to Business - Alissa Song E-Business - Anran Li, Sangeeta
Introduction to Technology Concepts Mondal, Yi-An Tseng
- Joel Sheng Economics - Krzys Brozek
Management Decision Making - Evan Entrepreneurship - Jim Danz, Rohit
Harris, Max Babicz, Alex Hsiung Ramchandani, Aria Srinivasan
Marketing - Rohit Ramchandani Internet Application Programming -
Network Design - Anhang Zhu, Carson Anhang Zhu
Tang, Nima Rahnemoon Introduction to Technology Concepts
Public Speaking I - Alissa Song - Benjamin Low
Marketing - Arnold Chu
Personal Finance - Keri Omuro
5th Place
Accounting II - Stephen Appert
Technology Concepts - Xin Wei
Business Law - Mattan Mansoor
Computer Problem Solving - Mark
3rd Place Database Design & Applications -
Accounting I - Gefflin Fu Alan Guo
Cyber Security - Jonathan Lo Future Business Leader - Shawn Xu
Desktop Application Programming - Job Interview - Danette Lee
Drew Haven Word Processing II - Albert Wong
Digital Video Production - Eric Liu,
Ben Pool
Internet Application Programming -
Amber Feng
6th Place
Business Law - Wendy Zhao
Local Chapter Annual Business
Business Math - Jessica Li
Report - Jessica Yuan, Jim
Introduction to Business - Kevin Yang
Danz, Aria Srinivasan
Introduction to Business
Technology Concepts - Max Wallack
Communication - Mingja
Introduction to Technology Concepts
4th Place - Kenny Chow
American Enterprise Project - Irene
Baker, Katrina Rogan, Nadeeka
Business Ethics - Katrina Rogan,
7h Place
Business Law - Naddav Paran
Sushmita Shrikanth
Introduction to Business - Kathy Sun
Business Law - Connie Chen
Computer Problem Solving - Mehrdad
Introduction to Business - Braden
Holstege 8th Place
Introduction to Technology Concepts Introduction to Business
- Andres Gaeta Communication - Sophie Mou
Marketing - Clara Lee Networking Concepts - Michael
Parliamentary Procedure - Sangeeta Kamradt
Mondal, Emerald Chun,
Stephanie Zau, Ritu Kiragi, Matt
Personal Finance - Howard Li
9th Place
Computer Applications - Matt Pak
Spreadsheet Applications - Justin
Economics - Nima Rahnemoon
Word Processing I - Wendy Zhao
Technology Concepts - Mark Orlovsky
Web Site Development - Desmond Lau,
Xin Wei, Max Wallack
Word Processing I - Jenny Shen 10th Place
Networking Concepts - Anran Li
Homestead Class of 2008
Grad Night Party
June 12, 2008

Buy your bids now for the off campus Grad Night/All Night Party that
includes swimming, hot tub, games, all-you-can-eat, and so much more!

Bid prices are $150 now through June 12, 2008

Please visit our Grad Night Website to print the Bid and
Waiver form. To find more information and volunteer
opportunities for Grad Night, please visit the website:
Scholarships are available

Please turn over for more information…….

Parents,   sign up now for the 
 Grad Night Party! 
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior parents are all invited
to help out. It’s a lot of fun, so don’t miss out!
Some key positions still needed to be filled are:
Bus Chaperones – To and from the Venue
Venue Volunteers – Many shifts to choose from
Please visit our website for the list of volunteer positions still available.
Parents, we need your help to make this event a success! So please sign up

TShirts for Class of 2008 Senior Parents (dark green with HHS Mustang logo)
Wear this all year long to show your pride. Then it becomes your ANP chaperone "uniform".
$12 short sleeve, $15 long sleeve.

eScrip for Grad Night: Safeway shoppers especially--go to and assign
your benefits to our account # 157978918 today, so we earn money all year long!

GOT MONEY? We need your donations, especially if you can't help with volunteer time. We are
campaigning for your donations now, so we can use the money to put down deposits on entertainment for the
Grad Night party. Donations are 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE, and a letter will be issued to you for tax purposes.
Checks should be made out to: "HHS PTSA ANP08" and mailed to 845 Pear Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.

You will also receive emails and flyers in the mail with more detailed information on each of these fundraisers.
Please support these fundraisers generously with your checkbook--the kids will benefit. This year's Grad Night party is
going to be spectacular--your kids will have the time of their lives in a great setting, and will be safe! If you are interested in more
information on any of these fundraisers, or want to HELP with any of these events, please contact Sue Stahmer at (408) 733-
0350 or via email:


This is a fun way to ensure that your child and his or her friends get to do their favorite activity at the party.
The possibilities are endless, and your donation is 100% tax deductible. To find out more, contact Nancy: or call Nancy at (408) 749-0708.
Measure B on June 3rd Ballot Fremont Union
With 79% support from the voters in 1998, the Fremont Union High Schools
High School District began the process of renovating and mod-
ernizing its five high schools: Cupertino, Fremont, Homestead, FO U N DAT I O N
Lynbrook and Monta Vista. To continue that work and to build
the classrooms and science labs needed to accommodate pro- THANKS EVERYONE
jected growth in student enrollment, on February 26, 2008, the
Board of Trustees voted unanimously to place Measure B on the involved for making
June 3rd ballot. Measure B is a general obligation school bond. their annual
It will raise $198 million. Among the projects these funds are
planned to address are:
• create a dedicated Technology Fund to regularly upgrade
classroom computers and technology; a fantastic “FUN” raiser. Over 600
• build additional science labs and classrooms needed to
avoid overcrowding; community members enjoyed the food,
• develop classrooms and labs for career and technical entertainment and auctions, raising over
education classes;
• add solar power and other energy efficiency projects; $53,000 — a new record! Proceeds
• renovate athletic fields and tracks at each high school; will benefit website development
• modernize kitchens and food service facilities; and
• improve safety and security. and other designated
The full text of the Resolution to put Measure B on the ballot, programs in our five
including the Project List and Tax Rate Statement, is available
at or from the District Office. high schools!

CONGRATULATIONS to District Honorees Be connected...

to be featured in “San Jose Magazine” Share in our celebrations and be
informed about current issues, con-
JINGJING XIA, Student Board Member/Senior at Cupertino High School, cerns, and events by joining eUpdates.
“Academically Outstanding Whiz Kids” — May issue
eUpdates include action reports from
CONNIE HWANG, Senior at Lynbrook High School, “All Star Student
Board meetings, special announce-
Athletes” — July issue
ments and recognition, as well as when
WELTON KWONG, Teacher on Special Assignment for English Learner needed for urgent communication.
Initiative/English Language Learner Teacher at Homestead High
School, “Educators of the Year” — September issue Join by sending your email address

2008 - 2009 District wide Calendar Visit our website

August 25..........................................First Day of School for
September 1.......................................HOLIDAY no classes
November 11........................................HOLIDAY no classes valuable information...
November 27 & 28...........................HOLIDAY no classes On the right-hand side of the
December 22-January 2, 2009.....MID YEAR BREAK no classes homepage, you will find QUICK LINKS to
January 5, 2009.............................School Resumes some of our most popular webpages.
January 19.........................................HOLIDAY no classes Click on each high school or Adult &
February 16-20.................................WINTER BREAK no classes Community Education in the top right-
TBA......................................................FUHS Foundation Crab Feed hand corner to link to their websites.
April 13-17...........................................SPRING BREAK no classes At the bottom of the homepage you
May 25................................................HOLIDAY no classes will find “STAR links” to additional
June 11.................................................GRADUATION - last day of school year information.

Important Dates to Remember
MAY JUNE cont’d
20..........FUHSD Board Meeting at DO—Open Session 6pm 17..........FUHSD Board Mtg at DO—Study Session
21..........Spring Concert Band/Symphonic Band Concert at on Curriculum Infrastructure Work 5pm,
7:30pm in Auditorium Closed Session 6pm, Open Session 7pm
22 ….....Spring Orchestra/Wind Ensemble Concert at 20 ….....Report cards mailed home
7:30pm in Auditorium
26..........Memorial Day – No School Summer School June 23 - August 1
27..........School Site Council Mtg 6:30pm Main Conference Room
28..........Jazz Concert at 7:30pm in Large Auditorium
4............HOLIDAY — No Summer School
29..........Spring Choir Concert at 7:30pm in Large Auditorium
22..........FUHSD Board Meeting at DO—Open
30..........Senior Ball 8pm-midnight at Villa Ragusa in Campbell
Session 6pm
3............FUHSD Board Meeting at DO—Study Session on AUGUST
Budget 5pm, Closed Session 6pm, Open Session 7pm 1............Last Day of Summer School
3-4.........Senior Finals 25..........FIRST DAY of the 2008-2009
4............Senior Awards Night SCHOOL YEAR for Students
5-6.........Senior Checkout/Yearbook Signing Dance 8-11pm in Quad 26..........FUHSD Board Meeting at DO—Open
9……....Baccalaureate Program at 7pm at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Session 6pm
Church, 718 W. Fremont Avenue in Sunnyvale
9-12 ......Finals for 9th-11th Grade Students 2008-2009 VACATION WEEKS
10..........FUHSD Board Mtg at DO—Study Session on Solar 5pm, December 22 - January 2
Closed Session 6pm, Open Session 7pm February 16-20
12 ….....Graduation Ceremony at 5:30pm – Last Day of School Year
April 13-17
12 ….....All-Night Party
13..........Teacher Workday – No Students

Graham Clark — Principal........................................................................ 522-2501

The best resource we have for student Gabrielle Horwege — Assistant to the Principal....................................... 522-2502
Paula Bassett, Assistant Principal, Scheduling & Guidance...................... 522-2510
safety is good communication. Liz Seabury, Assistant Principal, Activities and Testing........................... 522-2511
Students and parents need to know Don Romero, Assistant Principal, Discipline and Facilities..................... 522-2509
Laura Gonzales, Dean of Students — 10th & 12th Grade......................... 522-2506
that they should always report their Wes Morse, Dean of Students — 9th & 11th Grade................................... 522-2556
concerns or observations. Louise Garces — Student Conduct Specialist............................................ 522-2508
Steve Schmidt — Student Advocate........................................................... 522-2533

Fremont Union High School District Board of Trustees

Educational Services Center Nancy Newton, Barbara Nunes, Homer Tong, Hung Wei, Bill Wilson
and Student Member JingJing Xia
589 W. Fremont Avenue Sunnvyale, CA Superintendent
94087 408-522-2200 Polly M. Bove

This parent newsletter cover is published by Communications Manager Cindy McArthur and printed by John Hott, Adult & Community
Education Print Center Technician. Thank you for sharing your suggestions — Cindy: (408) 522-2206 or e-mail:

Homestead High School Non Profit Organization

21370 Homestead Road PAID
Cupertino, CA 95014 Sunnyvale, CA
Permit No. 378

Fremont Union High School District

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