Achieving Control of Coating Process
Achieving Control of Coating Process
Achieving Control of Coating Process
Volume 15
DOI: 10.1515/afe-2015-0089 Issue 4/2015
Published quarterly as the organ of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences
110 – 114
Achieving control of coating thickness in foundry moulds is needed in order to guarantee uniform properties of the mould but also to
achieve control of drying time. Since drying time of water based coatings is heavily dependent on the amount of water present in the
coating layer, a stable coating process is prerequisite for a stable drying process. In this study, we analyse the effect of different variables
on the coating layer properties. We start by considering four critical variables identified in a previous study such as sand compaction,
coating density, dipping time and gravity and then we add centre points to the original experimental plans to identify possible non-linear
effects and variation in process stability. Finally, we investigate the relation between coating penetration (a variable that is relatively
simple to measure in production) and other coating layer thickness properties (relevant for the drying process design). Correlations are
found and equations are provided. In particular it is found that water thickness can be directly correlated to penetration with a simple linear
equation and without the need to account for other variables.
Keywords: Innovative moulding technologies and materials, Quality management, Coating process control, Sand compaction, Coating
In Table 1 we can see the different levels used for each variable.
Compaction levels are obtained by applying to the mould a
pressure calculated by multiplying a standard sand density of
1300 kg/m2 by the depth of the mould. For this study we choose a
pressure equivalent to that under a column of sand 0.2 m, 1.25 m
and 2.5 m high. Such pressures are considered representative for
large foundry moulds.
Coating density is chosen to represent the minimum, maximum
and centre of the specification used in the factories. Dipping times
are chosen to represent four cases: a fast pass (2 s), normal pass (5
s), slow pass (15s) and a pool of coating gathering in a cavity of
the mould (120 s). Gravity is represented by dipping the sample
facing up or down.
The effect of time is represented in Figure 5. Again we see a To investigate the stability of the process, Figure 7 shows the
strong non-linear correlation where water thickness increases water thickness of several samples coated with the centre point
substantially with dipping time as well as scatter does. It is levels of the process parameters (medium compaction, coating
therefore important to coat samples with fast passes and avoid density of 1908 kg/m3, dipping time of 5 seconds and sample
pools of coating that will increase substantially the water facing down). We can see how there is a limited amount of scatter
thickness layer. and that is possible to control the coating thickness between 0.65
and 0.85 kg/m2.
Fig. 9. Dry (a), wet (b) and water (c) thicknesses as a function of
penetration with respective correlations
This work was financed by Global Castings A/S, the Danish
Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) and the
Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
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