Self-Paced Learning Module: Evelyn C. Casareno Instructor I
Self-Paced Learning Module: Evelyn C. Casareno Instructor I
Self-Paced Learning Module: Evelyn C. Casareno Instructor I
Instructor I
Implemented by:
This lesson highlights the construct of imagination and creativity in teaching and
learning and categorizes the significance of imagination into the nature of young
children. It delves further into the natural environment of children—the concept of
play being a significant transition phase for children’s creative learning
Looking at the photo above, what concepts can you form? If you’ll relate it with the
context of education, what does it represent?
REFLECT.Have you ever tried imagining yourself doing something before officially
doing them? How significant is it for you to use the power of imagination in
dealing with creative tasks? Share your experience.
TOUCH! 2|Page
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
learners to work on their own pace and create their own learning experience
(the said experience impels critical and creative thinking) that boost their
inquisitive ability in finding for answers on their quest of truth and
intensifies high regards to learning.
Contributors of Imaginative concerns
Kieran Egan
—an educational philosopher who created the book on ‘Imagination in
Teaching and Learning’
—he hopes to provide practical help for teachers like concrete examples
of curriculum designs and teaching techniques who wants to engage,
stimulate, and develop student imagination
—he strongly adheres to the claim that imagination is the ‘heart of all
Albert Einstein
—the thought, “Imagination is more important than knowledge for
knowledge to all we know and understand while imagination embraces the
entire world and all there will be known and understood,” has lingered and
is reflected back from his crafts.
Importance of Imagination in Education
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
7. Spend time out in the natural world—exposing the pupils in the natural
and changing world will help them manifest sort of thinking which requires
them to observe on modernization and advancement.
As they delve freely into the learning environment, there is a tendency that
children will just deal with what is right at the moment—this limits the
range of rich experience which could possibly be manifested in their
exploration. Thus, exposition of the young to both natural-conventional
and artificial-modern learning environment will possibly provide them with
richer experience and intensify a more realistic learning outcome.
8. Try new things—never confine pupils on their rote learning, let them deal
with the realities of the world. Only the real world can provide real and rich
learning experiences—let the young deal with the world of the young
(naughty, inquisitive, eager, and playful). Let them play while learning, let
them indulge with the realities of the world.
10.Limit screen time—don’t let the pupils interact with spoon fed/anticipated
stories instead, let them explore on things which will better help them
visualize with their imagination.
Screen time will spoil learners on the access of information around them;
thus, making them rely on these readily accessible information without the
effort of validating them and without the exercise of creative and critical
thinking that triggers quality exploratory activities and discovery.
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
--It is a natural activity for young children. It is considered as the language of the
child and is considered as part of their multitude of development in different
Physical development
Social development
Emotional development
Spiritual development
Psychomotor development
Mental development
Nature Play
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
Elders play a vital role in the cognitive aspect of children—they serve as the
light giver to the unknown concepts. With proper and appropriate
responses, children will be given a variety, valid, and quality information to
breach the abstract concepts.
6. Don’t mind the mess—play always involve messy activities but remember
this is how they learn. Also, while they are indulging in the learning
environment while playing, their mess reflects their creative pursuit for a
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
By merely calling their attention, calling their names, guiding them (when
they needed), and praising them (even their little progress) can build the
essence of trust that marks their state of belongingness and being
accepted. This in return, will ignite the participation of children into
whatever activity which they feel to be relevant to their learning experience.
Learning in Natural Environment
My Reflections / My Insights
LOOKING BACK. How does nature and play impacts the
learning of children? Share your significant childhood
experience that support and validate your stand.
Nowadays children are having a great time dealing with the modern world as they
are exposed to the advance technology and all sorts of modernization. As arts is a
reflection of one’s culture and an extension of man’s activities, it is then important
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
Children, on a realistic context, will always be children. Play, being the language
of a child, can be used as a springboard for the exercise of their imaginative
construct. Having them exposed on both the natural and the prepared
environment helps them define their own learning as they indulge to their own
learning discovery. Indeed, LEARNING IS FUN!
NOTE: Please use separate sheet/s for your answers.
Modify or create an educational play for young children. Define your own rules
(without compromising the freedom of children in a non-threatening environment),
set of standards, participants, and the expected outcome of the activity. Use the
table below in constructing the paper.
G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
Learning Resources
II. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is of truth and FALSE if
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G.E. 6:
Art Appreciation
Wilson, Ruth (2012). Nature and Young Children, 2nd Ed., Encouraging Creative
Play and Learning in Natural Environments pp. 1-17
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