Kamal Final Project
Kamal Final Project
Kamal Final Project
Inheritance from the previous generation provides
both a common basic body design, and subtle
changes in it, for the next generation. Now think
about what would happen when this new generation,
in its turn, reproduces. The second generation will
have differences that they inherit from the first
generation, as well as newly created differences
(Fig. 8.1).
Figure 8.1 would represent the situation if a
single individual reproduces, as happens in asexual
reproduction. If one bacterium divides, and then the
Figure 8.1 resultant two bacteria divide again, the four
Creation of diversity over succeeding individual bacteria generated would be very similar.
generations. The original organism at the top There would be only very minor differences between
will give rise to, say, two individuals, similar them, generated due to small inaccuracies in DNA
in body design, but with subtle differences. copying. However, if sexual reproduction is involved,
Each of them, in turn, will give rise to two even greater diversity will be generated, as we will
individuals in the next generation. Each of
see when we discuss the rules of inheritance.
the four individuals in the bottom row will
be different from each other. While some of Do all these variations in a species have equal
these differences will be unique, others will chances of surviving in the environment in which they
be inherited from their respective parents, find themselves? Obviously not. Depending on the
who were different from each other. nature of variations, different individuals would have
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different kinds of advantages. Bacteria that can withstand heat will survive
better in a heat wave, as we have discussed earlier. Selection of variants
by environmental factors forms the basis for evolutionary processes, as
we will discuss in later sections.
1. If a trait A exists in 10% of a population of an asexually reproducing
species and a trait B exists in 60% of the same population, which trait
is likely to have arisen earlier?
2. How does the creation of variations in a species promote survival?
The most obvious outcome of the reproductive process still remains the
generation of individuals of similar design. The rules of heredity determine
the process by which traits and characteristics are reliably inherited. Let
us take a closer look at these rules.
Activity 8.1
n Observe the ears of all the students in the class. Prepare a list of
students having free or attached earlobes and calculate the (a)
percentage of students having each (Fig. 8.2). Find out about the
earlobes of the parents of each student in the class. Correlate the
earlobe type of each student with that of their parents. Based on
this evidence, suggest a possible rule for the inheritance of earlobe
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Gregor Johann Mendel (1822–1884)
Mendel was educated in a monastery and went on to study science and
mathematics at the University of Vienna. Failure in the examinations for a
teaching certificate did not suppress his zeal for scientific quest. He went
back to his monastery and started growing peas. Many others had studied
the inheritance of traits in peas and other organisms earlier, but Mendel
blended his knowledge of science and mathematics and was the first one
to keep count of individuals exhibiting a particular trait in each generation.
This helped him to arrive at the laws of inheritance.
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What happens when pea plants showing two different
characteristics, rather than just one, are bred with each other?
What do the progeny of a tall plant with round seeds and a short
plant with wrinkled-seeds look like? They are all tall and have
round seeds. Tallness and round seeds are thus dominant traits.
But what happens when these F1 progeny are used to generate
F2 progeny by self-pollination? A Mendelian experiment will find
that some F2 progeny are tall plants with round seeds, and some
were short plants with wrinkled seeds. However, there would also
be some F2 progeny that showed new combinations. Some of them
would be tall, but have wrinkled seeds, while others would be short,
but have round seeds. You can see as to how new combinations of Figure 8.4
traits are formed in F2 offspring when factors controlling for seed
shape and seed colour recombine to form zygote leading to form x
F2 offspring (Fig. 8.5). Thus, the tall/short trait and the round RR yy rr YY
(round, green) (wrinkled, yellow)
seed/wrinkled seed trait are independently inherited.
Ry rY
8.2.3 How do these Traits get Expressed?
How does the mechanism of heredity work? Cellular DNA is F1
efficiency of the process for making it. Consider now an enzyme RRYY RRYy RrYY RrYy
parents can help determine the trait in the progeny, both parents 101 wrinkled, yellow 3
must be contributing a copy of the same gene. This means that 32 wrinkled, green 1
each pea plant must have two sets of all genes, one inherited from 556 seeds 16
each parent. For this mechanism to work, each germ cell must
Figure 9.5 Independent inheritance of two
have only one gene set. separate traits, shape and colour of seeds
Figure 8.5
How do germ-cells make a single set of genes from the normal two Independent inheritance
copies that all other cells in the body have? If progeny plants inherited a of two separate traits,
single whole gene set from each parent, then the experiment explained shape and colour of seeds
in Fig. 8.5 cannot work. This is because the two characteristics ‘R’ and
‘y’ would then be linked to each other and cannot be independently
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inherited. This is explained by the fact that each gene set is present, not
as a single long thread of DNA, but as separate independent pieces,
each called a chromosome. Thus, each cell will have two copies of each
chromosome, one each from the male and female parents. Every germ-
cell will take one chromosome from each pair and these may be of either
maternal or paternal origin. When two germ cells combine, they will
restore the normal number of chromosomes in the progeny, ensuring
the stability of the DNA of the species. Such a mechanism of inheritance
explains the results of the Mendel experiments, and is used by all
sexually reproducing organisms. But asexually reproducing organisms
also follow similar rules of inheritance. Can we work out how their
inheritance might work?
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1. How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits may be dominant or
2. How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits are inherited
3. A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group O and
their daughter has blood group O. Is this information enough to tell you
which of the traits – blood group A or O – is dominant? Why or why not?
4. How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?
1. A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding tall pea plants bearing violet flowers
with short pea plants bearing white flowers. The progeny all bore violet flowers,
but almost half of them were short. This suggests that the genetic make-up of the
tall parent can be depicted as
(a) TTWW
(b) TTww
(c) TtWW
(d) TtWw
2. A study found that children with light-coloured eyes are likely to have parents
with light-coloured eyes. On this basis, can we say anything about whether the
light eye colour trait is dominant or recessive? Why or why not?
3. Outline a project which aims to find the dominant coat colour in dogs.
4. How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in
the progeny?
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