Understanding Hse Key Performance Indicators
Understanding Hse Key Performance Indicators
Understanding Hse Key Performance Indicators
The previous questions should be asked not only at the executive level but also
throughout various management and leadership levels across the organization. The
goal is to provide a complete and accurate picture of the organization’s HSE
2. Definitions
Man Hour is the numerator for an hour physically worked by an employee. An employee who
works a standard salaried 40 hours per week will be calculated as having worked 40 hours. An
employee who works a standard 48 hours is calculated at 48. If any employees work
compensated overtime those numbers are counted. Kofi, a 40 hour a week employee who
works 60 hours and is paid for it will have 60 hours counted. This includes all billable and
trackable hours including overtime hours. Non tracked hours such as travel or casual overtime
cannot be added to the total. Vacation and R&R time is not counted.
All contractor hours are to be counted regardless of how many subcontract levels are
initiated. They must all be calculated separately and as a total for the project. By keeping
records on each contractor we can monitor the individual contractor performances and by
making summations we can calculate the project records. Summation of all projects will result
in project totals.
Safe Man Hours Worked is the number of man hours worked in which no Recordable Incident
occurred such as a Medical Treatment Case or worse.
Total Man Hours Worked represents the number of hours expended by all personnel
assigned to the project.
Man-Power is the number of personnel assigned to the project. This includes all personnel
for the project.
Direct Employees are hourly employees who will have the most exposure to injury. These
are field workers such as mechanics, electricians, welders, pipefitters, carpenters, laborers,
In-Direct Employees are support and management personnel who will have little if any
exposure to danger. This includes office staff, QC, HSE, Engineering, etc
Fatal Cases are those in which an employee expires as a result of an injury or illness incurred
during the course of their job duties.
Lost Workday Case (or LTI – Lost Time Incident) is when an injury occurs to an employee
which is serious enough to result in him missing the following regularly schedule shift. The
day of the incident does not count in this calculation. Only the following shifts are affected.
Only a Physicians order can result in a LWC. If an employee is cleared to work and decides
on his own not to return it does not count as an LWC.
Restricted Workday Cases are when an employee is injured seriously enough that he cannot
return to his normal duties and must instead be offered modified work. An example would be
an electrician who fractures a finger. He may not be able to return to his original duties at
once but will still be able to perform routine clerical duties that are in line with his
craft. Restricted Workday Cases are calculated in the Severity Index of Injuries. Another
example would be a job transfer case. If an employee suffers a debilitating back injury and
cannot work his normal job but is instead transferred to a different, less strenuous job it is
considered a job transfer case.
Medical Treatment Cases are when an employee is injured seriously enough that basic first
aid is not sufficient to treat the injury. MTC cases includes injuries such as fractures,
lacerations resulting in stitches, multiple doses of prescription medications, etc. These
employees are treated and released to full duty status.
First Aid Case is any injury resulting in basic First Aid treatment such as cleaning a wound
and applying a plaster, applying ice for a bruise, irrigating a foreign body from an eye. etc.
Property Damage is when any material, equipment or structure is damaged in a manner that
will necessitate replacement or repair at cost. An example is if two vehicles back into each
other and a tail lamp is broken. This is property damage. If the bumpers strike and there is
no damage it is a Near Miss.
Near Miss is when an occurrence is noted which could have caused an incident such as a
First Aid Case or Property damage or worse but did not. An example would be a piece of
falling material. If it falls and strikes a person we have an incident. If it misses all personnel
and causes no damage we have a Near Miss.
Motor Vehicle Accident is an accident involving an operated vehicle. This includes all light
duty pickup trucks, cars, vans, etc.
Fire Incident is any fire (including smoldering fires) occurring on site from unplanned sources.
Hot Work with a torch or welding machine is not a Fire Incident. If the slag or hot buckshot
from the operation sets combustible material on fire then a Fire Incident has occurred.
Environmental Incident is any unplanned event that adversely impacts or has the potential
to adversely impact the natural environment, such as a chemical/hydrocarbon spill or
release. The baseline we are using is 4 liters or more of liquid hydrocarbons, caustics, paint,
solvents, etc. or a visible (4 Ringleman) cloud from dirt work activities.
Total Number of Recordable Injuries includes all Fatalities. Lost Workday Cases, Restricted
Workday cases and Medical Treatment Cases.
Number of Days Lost Because of Lost Workday is the number of days an employee is
taken off of work by a physician.
Number of Restricted/Job Transfer Days is the number of days where an injured person
cannot perform their regular duties as a result of a job related injury. The days are order by
the physician.
Total Number of Days Lost is the sum of Lost Workdays and Restricted Workdays.
Man Day represents a single calendar day. It is used to calculate sequences of safe or unsafe
Safe Man Days are days where no Lost Time Incident occurred.
The Numbers we will track and report are these:
TRIR is the Total Recordable Incident Rate. This is a rate of Medical Treatment Cases per
100 employees. It is factored as: Number of cases x 200,000 (100 man years) divided by the
man-hours worked.
TLTIR is the Total Lost Time Incident Rate. It is calculated the same as the TRIR except
that it is the number of Lost Time Incident cases x 200,000 (100 man years) divided by the
man-hours worked.
Severity Index is a ratio used to calculate how badly personnel are being injured. It is
calculated as the number of lost or restricted work day cases x 200,000 (100 man years)
divided by the man-hours worked.
High Points are the HSE successes for the week. Was a milestone achieved? Was a new
safety related instruction course introduced?
So, in the month of February report the team had worked 393 days continuously in a 12-hour
maximum shift period without lost time injury.
So, LTI Free Days = 393 days with LTI for a 12-hour max