Chest Day
Chest Day
Chest Day
1 Eliptical 10 min
5 Pinch Press 3 12 to 15
10 Stretch
Keep your spine flat throughout the exercise and avoid arching your low back.
Press your head, shoulders, and buttocks into the bench the entire time.
You can use a raised platform under your feet.
Press your feet firmly into the floor or platform throughout the exercise.
To target your triceps, draw your elbows in close to your sides.
To target your pectorals, flare your elbows out away from your body.
Keep your wrists neutral so they don’t bend in either direction.
1. Keep a tight grip on the bar at all times, a tighter grip equates to more tension in the lower arms, u
2. Keep your chest up (thoracic extension) throughout the movement.
3. Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side.
4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it.
5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and
6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted.
7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement.
8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension.
1. Maintain more tension through the pecs by not locking out the elbows entirely.
2. Keep the weights slightly tilted at a 45 degree angle in order to keep the elbows in a n
3. Don’t allow the dumbbells to collide at the top of each rep - bouncing them together m
4. Squeeze the dumbbells as tight as possible to improve a phenomenon known as “irra
5. Keep your shoulder blades pinched together to ensure the shoulders remain in a safe
6. Imagine you’re trying to push yourself away from the weights rather than pushing the
7. If you’re feeling pain within the shoulder joint itself (specifically at the front), ensure yo
8. Ensure you maintain some tension in your abs and don’t allow your lower back to exc
9. Keep your feet flat on the floor and don’t allow the lower body to move during the set.
elbows entirely.
keep the elbows in a neutral position.
uncing them together may cause you to lose stability within the shoulder and injure yourself.
omenon known as “irradiation” which promotes greater shoulder stability.
ulders remain in a safe position.
ather than pushing the weights away from yourself.
at the front), ensure your shoulder blades are slightly retracted and try to keep the shoulder girdle “pack
your lower back to excessive arch.
o move during the set.
e yourself.
Steps :
1.) Start by setting up handles on two low pulley cable machines and placing an exercise ball in between the machines.
2.) Grab onto the handles with a neutral, hammer grip, twisting them so they are horizontal and sit down on the ball.
3.) Slowly walk your feet out in front of you so that your legs are extended out in front of you with knees bent and your back is flat on the m
4.) Raise the handles above your chest as this will be your starting position.
5.) Slowly lower the handles down to your sides, feeling a stretch in your chest and hold for a count.
Keep your elbows bent to support your shoulder joints during the exercise.
Start light and warm up sufficiently before increasing the weight as this will ensure safety and a pai
The cable cross-over is a great chest exercise which allows for an effective stretch and contraction
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The seated calf raise is a variation of the machine calf raise and an exercise used to isolate the muscles of the calves.
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