Chest Day

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Exercise Sets Reps Notes

1 Eliptical 10 min

2 Chest Press 3 10x10x10 10 per arm followed by 10 together

3 Bench Press 5 10 Last Set Drop Set

4 Incline Bench Press 3 10

5 Pinch Press 3 12 to 15

6 Stability Ball Cable Fly's 3 10 to 12

7 Stability Ball Cable Press 3 14

8 Cable Cross Overs 3 20, 10, 10 Last Set Drop Set

9 Seated Calf Raise 5 10 30s rest

10 Stretch
Keep your spine flat throughout the exercise and avoid arching your low back.
Press your head, shoulders, and buttocks into the bench the entire time.
You can use a raised platform under your feet.
Press your feet firmly into the floor or platform throughout the exercise.
To target your triceps, draw your elbows in close to your sides.
To target your pectorals, flare your elbows out away from your body.
Keep your wrists neutral so they don’t bend in either direction.
1. Keep a tight grip on the bar at all times, a tighter grip equates to more tension in the lower arms, u
2. Keep your chest up (thoracic extension) throughout the movement.
3. Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side.
4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it.
5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and
6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted.
7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement.
8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension.
1.   Maintain more tension through the pecs by not locking out the elbows entirely.
2.   Keep the weights slightly tilted at a 45 degree angle in order to keep the elbows in a n
3.   Don’t allow the dumbbells to collide at the top of each rep - bouncing them together m
4.   Squeeze the dumbbells as tight as possible to improve a phenomenon known as “irra
5.   Keep your shoulder blades pinched together to ensure the shoulders remain in a safe
6.   Imagine you’re trying to push yourself away from the weights rather than pushing the
7.   If you’re feeling pain within the shoulder joint itself (specifically at the front), ensure yo
8.   Ensure you maintain some tension in your abs and don’t allow your lower back to exc
9.   Keep your feet flat on the floor and don’t allow the lower body to move during the set.
elbows entirely.
keep the elbows in a neutral position.
uncing them together may cause you to lose stability within the shoulder and injure yourself.
omenon known as “irradiation” which promotes greater shoulder stability.
ulders remain in a safe position.
ather than pushing the weights away from yourself.
at the front), ensure your shoulder blades are slightly retracted and try to keep the shoulder girdle “pack
your lower back to excessive arch.
o move during the set.
e yourself.

e shoulder girdle “packed”.

Step 1: Grab 2 to 3 plates and squeeze them together with your palms
You will want to start off with two 10-pound plates, as this is likely enough for a first time doing this exercis
them together using your palms. You can have more plates but this will make the exercise harder to do, ev
out the same as it will challenge your ability to grip.
Step 2: Bring the plates to the middle of your chest
Next, you will want to bring the plates to the middle of your chest while your fingertips are pointing away fr
your palms together as hard as you can against the plates.
Step 3: Retract your shoulder blades and keep your chest ‘up’
You need to make sure that your shoulder blades are properly retracted and that your (upper) back is not, i
hunched over. Your chest must be up so that you are properly and fully isolating your chest muscles and n
other muscle groups such as your lats or your shoulders.
Step 4: Extend your arms forward and slightly upward
Before you do this step, you need to make sure that you are pressing your hands together against the plate
possibly can. Then, you will want to extend your arms forward - at this point, you will feel your chest workin
want to use a controlled tempo to keep bringing your arms both up and forward. You need to make sure th
forward and up, as going forward and down will be easier, but it will not work out your pec muscles nearly a
Step 5: Contract your chest as hard as possible
At no point during this exercise should you relax your muscles. The point of the plate pinch press is that yo
muscles contracted at every turn so that your core is properly exercised. Make sure you are contracting an
you can for the full duration of the movement. Also, make sure that your spine is in a neutral setting so tha
out your pecs and not something else.
Step 6: Reverse your arms in the exact same movement pattern 
Once your arms have been extended fully, you may start bringing the plates back to the starting position. M
dropping your arms low, and that you are always contracting your chest muscles so that you can keep the
Exercise Ball Cable Fly Overview
1. Set up for the exercise ball cable fly by placing an exercise ball between the cables, atta
selecting the weight you want to use.
2. Grasp each handle with palms facing up and lay back on the exercise ball. The ball sho
feet flat on the floor for stability. Keep your core tight to help with stability while balancing o
3. Bending at the elbows slightly, take the tension up by raining the weight stacks. This is
4. Rotating at your shoulders only and moving your hands in a semi-circle, pull the weight
5. Pause, and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
6. Repeat for desired reps. 

Exercise Ball Cable Fly Instructions

This is an isolation exercise and the focus should be on stretch and contraction, not on he
Rotate only at the shoulders, and keep your elbows fixed throughout the movement.
Take full advantage of this exercise by tightening your core throughout. This will help with
How To Perform Exercise

Steps :

1.) Start by setting up handles on two low pulley cable machines and placing an exercise ball in between the machines.

2.) Grab onto the handles with a neutral, hammer grip, twisting them so they are horizontal and sit down on the ball.

3.) Slowly walk your feet out in front of you so that your legs are extended out in front of you with knees bent and your back is flat on the m

4.) Raise the handles above your chest as this will be your starting position.

5.) Slowly lower the handles down to your sides, feeling a stretch in your chest and hold for a count.

6.) Return back up to the starting position and squeeze.

7.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Variations & Tips:
Only allow the cables to come back far enough to feel a slight stretch in the chest muscles. Overstre
cause a muscle tear which is very undesirable and will put you out of commission for a while.

Keep your elbows bent to support your shoulder joints during the exercise.
Start light and warm up sufficiently before increasing the weight as this will ensure safety and a pai

The cable cross-over is a great chest exercise which allows for an effective stretch and contraction
Seated Calf Raise Overview
The seated calf raise is a variation of the machine calf raise and an exercise used to isolate the muscles of the calves.

The calves can be a stubborn muscle group for a lot of people, so it’s important to experiment with several different angles wh

The seated calf raise can be incorporated into your leg workouts and full body workouts.

Seated Calf Raise Instructions

1. Take a seat on the machine and place the balls of your feet on the platform with your to
naturally hang off. Position the base of quads under the knee pad and allow your hands to
2. Extend your ankles and release the safety bar.
3. Lower the heels by dorsiflexing the ankles until the calves are fully stretched.
4. Extend the ankles and exhale as you flex the calves.
5. Repeat for the assigned number of repetitions.

Seated Calf Raise Tips

1. Keep the repetitions slow and controlled. Limit momentum and pause at the top to emp
2. Limit depth of the heels if you feel any sort of stretch through the bottom of the foot duri
3. Try to move through the ball of the foot rather than the base of the toes.

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