Formula 01
Formula 01
Formula 01
Abstract: A progressive die performs a series of design we can produce accurate components. First step
fundamental sheet-metal operations at two or more is manufacturing process. For manufacturing 49 lever 5
stations during each press stroke in order to develop a stage tool, manufacturing process is press tool design.
work piece as the strip stock moves through the die. The Two tools are to be designed i.e. Punching tool and
main advantage of computer-aided progressive die Bending tool. Punching tool is a progressive tool which
design and machining is ability to build precision is having five stages, Lancing, blanking, forming.
tooling in less time and at a lower cost. In this project
Keywords- Progressive tool, punching tool, bending
main steps are Design, manufacturing and FEA
tool, Lancing, blanking, forming, and punching force,
analysis. This design is the optimal design. By using this
Design of sheet metal dies is a large division of The Safety Provisions has reduced the
tool engineering, used in varying degree in accidents and the productivity has been
manufacturing industries like automobile, electronic, increased.
house hold wares and in furniture. “Simulation Software’s” give the designer
freedom from taking risky decisions.
There is no doubt that accuracy achieved by
The use and availability of Standard
the new ideas in design and construction applied by
Elements has reduced the design and
the press tool designer, coupled latest development
development period
made in related fields made more productive, durable
The concept of “Flexible Blank Holder” has
and economical.
given the scope to control the flow of the
The latest machining process made the Four factors are essential contributions to first class
complex designs made easy, like wire cut, presswork are
EDM, Profile Grinding.
Excellent tool design
Good operation planning Accurate tool design
Material : S.S-304
Thickness : 1 mm
Die Block
Supply condition : Strips
Component Data
Material : S.S-304
Die Assembly
Blanking Punch
Punch Assembly
= 13.6293tons
Blank punch size=size of blank die -2 c
Press tonnage=1.2xtotal force
Where , c=6% of thickness of wall
=3.14x29.1x0.2x40 = 1032.97×0.2×12.39
=735.65 N = 2559.7N
Clearance=C×S×√Tmax/10 = 2559.7/25062.3
S = Sheet Thickness in mm
Tmax = shear strength of stock
Bending force of “U” bending
material in N/mm2
Fb = (C × bs2×σ)/w
Clearance= C×S×√Tmax/10
= 1.026×4.176×400/30
= 0.008×0.2×√12.39/10
= 64.514mm
= 0.00178 mm/side.
Punch radius = 2.72mm
Blanking Punch Dimensions = 27.6 – (2×0.0017)
Die punch = 2.72S
= 27.59mm
= 2.72 × 0.2
Blanking Die Dimensions = 27.6mm
= 0.544
Blanking Punch Size = Blank Size – Total Clearance
Where C = constant
= 27.59 -.00178
B = width of bend
= 27.588mm
S = sheet thickness
Cutting force = L×S×Tmax
= ultimate tensile stress
Where L = Length periphery to be cut in mm =
1032.97mm R1 = Die Radius
Tmax = Shear strength of stock material in N/mm2 Bending force = (C×bs2×σ)/ 2(R1+Cb+R2)
Cb= bending clearance plate, guide pillar and guide bush are include
structural analysis to estimate the deflection and
W/2 = R1+R2+Cb
30/2 = 2.72+.544+ Cb
Cb =4.595 STEEL
Material properties
Bending force = (C×bs2×σ)/ 2(R1+Cb+R2)
(1.026×4.716×400)/2(0.544+4.595+2.72) Poisson’s Ratio= 0.33
Pressure = Force/Area
Analysis Procedure
= 123.13/1440
Set Units - /units, si, mm, kg, sec, k
= 0.0855N/mm2
File- change Directory-select working folder
Analysis models
Post Processor
Analysis Procedure
Post Processor
Select loads →Define loads→Apply
loads→Structural→displacement→On areas
Select ALL DOF→Ok
Select Pressure→On Areas→0.0855N/mm2
Solution – Solve – Current LS – ok General Post Processor – Plot Results – Contour Plot
– Nodal Solution – Stress – Von Mises Stress.
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF BLANKING DIE In this thesis, progressive die has been designed
Permis for 49 lever component used in thermostats with
Tot sible standard calculations. The modeling of
Displacemen Stress(N/ al Yield progressive die is done using Pro/Engineer
t(mm) mm ) Stra Stress package. The component can be produced with
in (N/mm accurate dimensions.
Forces are calculated when blanking and bending
STE 0.25 operations are done. The press tonnage
0.226e-06 0.35316 450
EL 7e-07 calculated is 17tons, force to shear is 12.39tons,
stripping force is 13.6293tons.
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Processing Technology, Volumes 153-154, November
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2004, Pages 1005-1010.
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