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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 7(10): 123-127, 2021
Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0710020
Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol7issue10.html

Design and Manufacturing of Nail Cutter Body Die

AashaySharad Ingle1, SudarshanManikLahane1

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Viva Institute of Technology, Vasai-Virar, Maharashtra, India.

To Cite this Article

AashaySharad Ingle and SudarshanManikLahane Design and Manufacturing of Nail Cutter Body Die. International
Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, 7, pp. 123-127. https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0710020

Article Info
Received: 12 September 2021; Accepted: 03 October 2021; Published: 13 October 2021

A nail cutter is most commonly used in day-to-day life. A nail cutter is made up of aluminum, plastic, and stainless steel. The
most common material used to manufacture the nail cutter body is stainless steel. The project is the design and manufacture of a
nail cutter body die. A nail cutter body die is used to manufacture a nail cutter body, which is further assembled in nail cutter
assembly. The die can be used up to 400 rpm.
Because of all, nail cutter parts made in china, for Indian manufacturers we are going to design and manufacture die for nail
cutter bodies. The main advantage of this die is the less wastage of material. Due to less material wastage of material can be
utilized properly and economically. The progressive type has simple in construction hence is easy to manufacture. A nail cutter
body manufacture through several operations such as piercing, cropping, bending, and cutoff.
KEYWORDS: Tool Design, Strip Layout, Tonnage Calculation, Nail Cutter Body Design, Final Assembly, Math

I.INTRODUCTION The progressive die is used to perform two or more

Tool Design is a specialized phase of tool Engineering operations at different stages at one time. Every time the
Tool - design function may be performed by a tool Ram descend, the stock strip is advanced through a
Engineer in addition to these other duties in series of stations that perform one or more distinct die
manufacturing, or they may be performed by a tool operations on the work piece. Thereafter a complete
design specialist who devotes his entire working time to work piece is produced with each stroke of the ram.
tool design the word "tooling refers to the handwork
necessary to produce a particular product considerable II LITERATURE REVIEW
amount of tooling is the result of work performed by the
tool designer Tooling as viewed by the tool designer,
consist of a vast array of Cutting device, jigs fixtures,
dies, gauge, etc. used in normal production
1] Sheet-metal press working dies you all types of Sheet
metal fabrication
2] Die Casting
3] Plastic molds
4] Forging die Figure No.1-Strip Layout
Progressive Die:

123 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Strip Layout: P=Perimentor Length of Cutting Edge
In this strip layout, there are six-station where different T=Thickness of Material
types of operations are performed and they are as In this case, the material we used is stainless steel
follows S=5.1118 ton/squre.cm
Station 1: Piercing operation: P=255mm=25.5cm
This operation consists of simple hole punching.it T=1mm=0.1cm
differs from blanking in that punching is the scrap (cut F=SPT
out blank) and the strip is the work piece. In the first F=5.118 x 25.5 x 0.1
station, there are five piercing operations performed F=13.045≅15tons
with different sizes of diameter 2.5mm and diameter As per standard, we can used 16 tons capacity. Machine
2.14mm, and a profile is made. can be used because 16 tons is the standard machine.
Station 2: Cropping Operation: 2] Scrap: strip layout for blanking, A scrap-strip
This operation is on the principle of cutting a shoulder Layout having insufficient stock between the blank, will
at the edge of the stock strip, which acts as a stop. A results in a weakened strip, subject to breakage and
strip wider than necessary is inserted into the shoulder thereby causing miss feed
built into the back gauge. The advantages of operation T=specified thickness of the material
are accuracy and speed of operation. In the second B=1.25t where c is less than 64mm
stage, we have created in which there is two cropping B=1.5t where C is more than 64mm
for maintaining speed running of strip and cropping. T=1mm
Station 3: Piercing Operation: B=1.5 x 1=1.5mm
In the third stage, there is a piercing operation C=88.5+1.5=90mm
performed cutting the shape of the component. 3] Die sets selection:
Station 4: Bending Operation: In this case, the die sets selected four pillar all set
Bending is the uniform straining of material, usually standard die set. Due to progressive die and more
flat sheet or strip metal around a straight axis, which amount stage of operation. As per company standard.
lies in the neutral plane and is normal to the length-wise 4] Punch Design:
distortion of sheet or strip. In four stages there are two From the equation
bending operations performed on the head of a nail P=SLT
cutter. Where, P=pressure
Station 5: Bending Operation: S=shear strength
In the fifth stage, bending operation takes the shape of L=blanked perimeter
the nail cutter by bending both components from the T=thickness
middle side. P=51.118 kgs
Station 6: Cutoff Operation: L=255mm
A cutoff operation separates the work material along a T=1mm
straight line in a single line cut. In the sixth stage of P=51.118 x 255 x 1
operation where the components are cutoff and the P=13.45 ton
operation is completed. The value is well the 16-ton capacity of the select press
5] Spring:
III.MATHS In this case we used solid stripper plate can be used for
1] Tonnage: the job
Cutting forces: We are using four-pillar system we are using a yellow
The force required to penetrate the stock material with spring of 50mm diameter. Pressure can be
the punch is the cutting force. sustain=250kg
F=SPT Maximum pressure. We are using four spring.
Where, F=Cutting Force 6] Bending Operation:
S=shear strength of stock material First Bending:

124 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

B= (A/360) x 2 /π x (IR+Kt) VI. RESULT AND DISSCUSSION
Where, General sheet metal die consists of different parts.
B=Bend allowance in mm. Each part is important in its respect and has a different
A=Bend angle in degree. function to perform. the following is the list of parts
IR=Inside radius of bend in mm. with their basic functions.
t=metal thickness Top Plate:
K=0.33 where IR is less than 2t This is the top most commonly used plate. The top plate
B=30/360 x 2π x (3.0212+0.33) is attached to the machine. Where they are used for
B=1.754mm aliment of plate. This plate is connected to shank where
2] Second Bending: the middle part is connect to press
B=A/360 x 2π x (IR+KT) Size – 695 x 446 x 60
B=45/360 x 2π x (3.0212+0.50) Material – (C-45)
B=2.765mm Heat treatment - no heat treatment required


Shaping machine
The objective of this project is to make mold 3D to
Milling machine
understand the bending of the component.
Jig boring machine or drilling machine
To create a strip layout where there will be no problem
Surface grinding
during running at high speed.
Tolerance: ±0.1
To reduce wastage of components due to increase in the
cost of raw material.


Solid work mostly commonly used for sheet metal
because it easy to use and widely used in other
company solid work used to developed parts or make
new part easy and fast.

Figure 4. Top plate

Punch holder support housing-
The plate is used for holding the punch in the die with
help of riveting or applying the bolting system and
dove pin is used for aliment of plate
Size – 495 x 234 x 66
Material – (C-48)
Heat treatment - no heat treatment required
Figure 2. Nail cutter body view 1 Shaping machine
Milling machine
Jig boring machine or drilling machine
Wire cut electric discharge machine
Surface grinding
Tolerance -±0.01
Figure 3. Nail cutter body view 2

125 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Milling machine
Jig boring machine or drilling machine
Wire electric discharge machine
Surface grinding
Lapping opertion

Figure no.6.punch plate

Die housingplate-
In this plate, punch plate attached to die housing plate
for allayment of work of press
Size – 495 x 234 x 45
Heat treatment - no heat treatment required
Shaping machine Figure no.6.punch plate
Milling machine
Jig boring machine or drilling machine Thrust plate-
Wire electric discharge machine This plate is for bolts the plate in their will to
Surface grinding machine misalliment of plate and punch. Due adding this plate
Tolerance -±0.1 there will less chance of bolts, dowel pin and guide
Size – 495 x 234 x 7
Material – (C-45)
Heat treatment – no heat treatment required
Machine- shaping machine
Milling machine
Jig boring machine or drilling machine
Wire electric discharge machine
Surface grinding
Lapping operation

Figure no.5. die housing plate.

Punch plate-
The punch plate where the punch pass through plate
the burn does not attached to it and remove from its it
always contact with punch
Figure no.7.Thurst plate.
Size – 495 x 234 x 45
In this die, there are different components are used
Material – (C-45)
which are standard parts mostly die are made in
Heat treatment – HRC 62 to 65
Machine- shaping machine

126 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

This study applied to redesigned nail cutter body die.
The new design of nail cutter body die makes the
construction easy and can be manufacture in India.
Feeder system enables the no chances of misfeeding and
error of the pitch. Less material wastage, make the
proper utilization of material and increases


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compliant one-piece nail clipper using pseudo-rigid-body method in
comparison to finite element method.january 2004.journal of physical
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Figure no.9. SECTIONA-A

Figure no.10. SECTION.B-B

Figure no.11.SECTION.E-E.

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