Index Numbers
Index Numbers
Index Numbers
At the end of this topic the trainee should be able to:
➢ Define index numbers;
➢ Differentiate between the types of index numbers
➢ Explain the uses of index numbers
➢ List the limitations of index numbers.
An index number is a device which shows by its variation the changes in a
magnitude which is not capable of accurate measurement in itself or of
direct valuation in practice. An index number may be described as a
specialized average designed to measure the level of a phenomenon with
respect to time geographic location or other characteristics such as income.
Uses of index numbers
• They help in framing suitable policies
• They reveal trends and tendencies
• Index numbers are very useful in deflating
Classification of index numbers.
Index numbers may be classified in terms of what they measure. In
economics and business the classification is;
• Price
• Quantity
• Value
• Special purpose
Problems in the constructing of index numbers
Before constructing index numbers a careful thought must be given to the
following problems.
i) The purpose of the index; as the very outset the purpose of
constructing the must be very clearly decided.
ii) Availability and comparability of data; it is needles to say that it
is impossible to make appropriate comparison unless the
necessary statistical data can be obtained
iii) Selection of base period; whenever index number are constructs,
a reference is made to some base period ,safe period should be
normal , it should not be too distant.
iv) Selection of number of items; every item cannot be included
while constructing an index number and hence one has to select a
v) Price quotation; after the commodities have been selected the
next problem is to obtain price quotation for these commodities
pricing vary from place to place and even from shop to shop.
vi) Choice of an average; since index numbers are specific average a
decision has to be made as to which particular average (i.e.
arithmetic mean, median , mode , geometric mean)
vii) Selection of appropriate weight; the problem of selecting suitable
weights are quite important and at the same time quite difficult
to decide.
viii) Selection of appropriate formula; a large number of formula have
been devised for often constructing the index numbers. The
problem very often is that in selecting the most appropriate
A simple quantity index = × 100 (an unweighted quantity index)
Where pn is the price of a commodity in the current year (the year for
which the price index to be calculated)
Where po is the price of the same commodity in the base year (the year for
comparison purposes)
i) simple aggregate method
This is the simplest method of constructing index numbers. When this
method is used to construct a price index number, the total of current year
prices for the various commodities is divided by total of base year and
quotient is multiplied by 100.
P01 = ∑p1 x 100
Where ∑p1 = total current price for various commodities
∑p0 = total of base year price for various commodities
Limitation of the method
• The units in which prices of commodities are given affect the
price index.
• No consideration is given to the relative importance of the
ii) simple average of relative method
When this method is used to construct a price index, price relative are
obtained for the various items include intercontinental he index and then
an average of these relative
P01 = ∑p1 x 100 /N
Where N= refers to the number of items
• Extreme items do not influence the index
• The index is not influenced by the units in which prices are quoted.
• Difficulty is faced with regard to the selection of an appropriate
• The relatives are assumed to have equal importance.
Weighed index numbers
Weighed index numbers are of two types
i) weighed aggregate index numbers
ii) weighed average of relative index numbers
Laspeyres method
In this method the base year’s quantities are taken as weights. The formula
for constructing index is
P01 = ∑ p1q0 x 100
∑ p0q0
Paasche method
In this method the current year quantities are taken as the formula for
constructing index is
P01 = ∑ p1q1 x 100
∑ p0q1
po1 = √ (L*P)
iv. Construction
v. Gas electricity, water e.t.c
It excludes agriculture, fishing, trade, transport, finance and other such
Each industries order is given a weighting. The weighting is based on
average monthly production in each industry in a fixed base year. It gives
each item its relative importance amongst all other items and thus gives a
better estimate of the index for comparison purposes.
The share prices of ordinary shares of four companies on 1 st January 1990
and 1st January 1991 were as follows.
1 1
12 15 25 6 4 27000 4
= ( 2.25 )
10 12 20 5 12000
= 1.225
Percentage increase = 22.5% index = 122.5
The inflation rate for a given period can be calculated using the following
Current retail price index
Inflation = × 100
Retail price index in the base year
Tests for an Ideal Index Number
Prodco PLC manufactures an item of domestic equipment which requires a
number of components which have varied as various modifications of the
model have been used. The following table shows the number of
components required together with the price over the last three years of
a) Establish the base weighted price indices for 1982 and 1983 based on
1981 for the item of equipment. (8 marks)
b) Establish the current weighted price indices for 1982 and 1983 based on
1981 for the item of equipment. (8 marks)
c) Using the results of (a) and (b) as illustrations, compare and contrast
Laspeyre’s and Paasche price index numbers.(4 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
a) A company manufacturing a product known as 257 uses five components
in its assembly.
i) Calculate Laspyere’s type price index number for the cost of one unit of
K257 for 1983 and 1984 based on 1982. (6 marks)
ii) Calculate Paasche type price index numbers for the cost of one unit of
K257 for 1983 and 1984 based on 1982. (6 marks)
iii) Compare and contrast the Laspeyre and Paasche price-index numbers
you have obtained in (i) and (ii) (3 marks)
Explain the usefulness of an index of Industrial Production and an index of
retail prices to both sides in a series of pay negotiations.
(5 marks)
(Total: 20marks)