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Hkkjrh; ekud IS 6512 : 2019

Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2020)

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ON 22/04/2022 14:27:09 ( VALID UPTO 22/02/2023 00:00:00

Criteria for Design of Solid
Gravity Dams
( Second Revision )

ICS 93.16

© BIS 2019

Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks

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NEW DELHI-110002

June 2019 Price Group 4

Dams and Spillways Sectional Committee, WRD 09

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Dams and
Spillways Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources Division Council.
Designs are made more rational by fully utilizing the available data from analytical procedures, laboratory, field
investigations and measurements of the behaviour of structures in service. It is essential that all design loads are
carefully chosen to represent, as accurately as possible the actual loads that will act on the structure and that all the
resistive forces used in design represent as accurate an evaluation as possible. It is, in addition, necessary that
dams be frequently inspected (as in all cases, uncertainties exist regarding such factors as loads, resistive forces or

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characteristics of the foundation) and adequate observations and measurements be made of the structural behaviour
of the dam and the foundation to ensure that the structure is safe.
As no criteria may be applicable under all conditions, the criteria laid down in this standard are preceded by a
discussion of the underlying considerations to explain the basis for the criterion to any special condition or to the
appropriateness of any deviation. This also helps in the frequent examination of design practices essential to
ensure that they remain consistent with the best existing knowledge and concepts, by allowing revisions needed in
the light of fresh data. At any time, the criteria are meant to be supplemented with the latest available knowledge.
This standard was first published in 1972 and was revised in 1984.
Since then more dams have been designed and constructed in the country and more experience has been gained.
The standard is, therefore revised to reflect the latest practices. Important change made in the standard after
incorporating necessary corrections include the following:
a) The requirements for freeboard for solid gravity dams has been removed from this standard and shall be
given in IS 10635.
b) A new clause for Foundation Strength Criteria 6.10.4 has been included.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the results of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 6512 : 2019

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

1 SCOPE c) Uplift pressure,
This standard lays down criteria for design of solid d) Earthquake forces,
gravity dams made of masonry or concrete or both. e) Earth and silt pressures,
f) Ice pressure,
g) Wind pressure,
The standards listed below contain provisions which, h) Wave pressure, and
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of j) Thermal loads
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions

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indicated were valid. All standards are subject to 4.2 The forces to be resisted by a gravity dam fall into
revision and parties to agreements based on these two categories as given below:
standards are encouraged to investigate the possibility a) Forces, such as weight of the dam and water
of applying the most recent editions of the standards pressure, which can be directly calculated
indicated below: from the unit weights of the materials and
IS No. Title properties of fluid pressures; and
b) Forces, such as uplift, earthquake loads, silt
1893 : 1984 Criteria for earthquake resistant pressure and, ice pressure, which can only be
design of structures (fourth assumed on the basis of assumption of varying
revision) degree of reliability.
7746 : 1991 Code of practice for in-situ shear
NOTE — It is in the estimating of the second category of forces
test on rock (first revision) that special care has to be taken and reliance placed on available
8605 : 1977 Code of practice for construction data, experience, and judgments.
of masonry in dams
4.3 For consideration of stability the following
10635 : 2014 Freeboard requirements in
assumptions are made:
dams — Guidelines
a) That the dam is composed of individual
3 REQUIREMENTS FOR STABILITY transverse vertical elements each of which
The design shall satisfy the following requirements of carries its load to the foundation without
stability: transfer of load from or to adjacent elements
(see 8.1.3).
a) The dams shall be safe against sliding on any
NOTE — However, in the stability analysis of a gravity
plane or combination of planes within the dam, dam, it becomes frequently necessary to make an
at the foundation or within the foundation; analysis of the whole block, wherever special features
b) The dam shall be safe against overturning at of foundation and large openings so indicate.
any plane within the dam, at the base, or at b) That the vertical stress varies linearly from
any plane below the base; and upstream face to downstream face on any
c) The safe unit stresses in the concrete or horizontal section.
masonry of the dam or in the foundation 5 LOAD COMBINATIONS
material shall not be exceeded.
5.1 Criteria
OF STABILITY Gravity dam design should be based on the most adverse
load combination A, B, C, D, E, F or G given below
4.1 The following forces may be considered as affecting using the safety factors prescribed. Depending on the
the design: scope and details of the various project components, site
a) Dead load, conditions and construction one or more of the following
b) Reservoir and tailwater loads, loading combinations may not be applicable ‘ipso-facto’
and may need suitable modifications :

IS 6512 : 2019

a) Load Combination A (Construction treated as part of the dam so far as application of water
Condition) — Dam completed but no water pressure is concerned.
in reservoir and no tailwater.
6.2.2 Criteria for Design
b) Load combination B (Normal operation
condition) — Full reservoir elevation, normal The mass of water is taken as 1 000 kg/m3. Linear
dry weather tailwater, normal uplift ; ice and distribution of the static water pressure acting normal
silt (if applicable); to the face of the dam is assumed. Tailwater pressure

c) Load combination C (Flood discharge adjusted for any retrogression should be taken at full
condition) — Reservoir at maximum flood value for non-overflow sections and at a reduced value
pool elevation, all gates open, tailwater at for overflow sections depending on the type of energy
flood elevation, normal uplift, and silt (if dissipation arrangement adopted and anticipated water
applicable); surface profile downstream. The full value of
corresponding tailwater should, however, be used in
d) Load combination D — Combination A, with
the case of uplift.
e) Load combination E — Combination B, with 6.3 Uplift Pressure
earthquake but no ice;

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6.3.1 Uplift forces occur as internal pressures in
f) Load combination F — Combination C, but
pores, cracks and seams within the body of the dam,
with extreme uplift (drains in-operative); and
at the contact between the dam and its foundation and
g) Load Combination G — Combination E, but within the foundation. It is recognized that there are
with extreme uplift (drains inoperative). two constituent elements in uplift pressure; the area
6 DESIGN CRITERIA factor or the percentage of the area on which uplift
acts and the intensity factor or the ratio which the
6.1 Dead Load actual intensity of uplift pressure bears to the intensity
6.l.1 General gradient extending from head water to tailwater at
various points.
The dead load to be considered comprises the weight
of the concrete or masonry or both plus the weight of Effective downstream drainage, whether natural
appurtenances such as piers, gates and bridges. The or artificial, will generally limit the uplift at the toe of
unit weight of concrete and masonry varies considerably the dam to tailwater pressure. Formed drains in the body
depending upon the various materials that make them. of the dam and drainage holes drilled subsequent to
It is essential to make certain that the assumed unit grouting in the foundation, where maintained in good
weight for concrete/masonry or both can be obtained repair, are effective in giving a partial relief to the uplift
with the available aggregates/stones. pressure intensities under and in the body of the dam.
The degree of effectiveness of the system will depend
6.1.2 Criteria for Design upon the character of the foundation and the The magnitude of dead load is considered as dependability of the effective maintenance of the
the mass of concrete or masonry or both plus that of drainage system. In case observations of the behaviour
the appurtenances, such as gates and bridges. of the dam will indicate the uplift pressure actually
acting on the structure and when the uplift pressure are For preliminary designs, the unit mass of seen to approach or exceed design pressures, prompt
concrete and masonry may be taken as 2 400 kg/m3 remedial measures should necessarily be taken to
and 2 300 kg/m3 , respectively. For final designs the reduce the uplift pressures to values below the design
unit mass shall be based on actual test data. pressures.
6.2 Reservoir and Tailwater Loads 6.3.2 Criteria for Design
6.2.1 General The following criteria are recommended for calculating
uplift forces:
Although the weight of water varies slightly with
temperature, the variation is usually ignored. In case a) Uplift pressure distribution in the body of the
of low overflow dams, the dynamic effect of the velocity dam shall be assumed, in case of both
of approach may be significant and will deserve preliminary and final designs, to have an
consideration. The mass of the water flowing over the intensity which at the line of the formed drains
top of the spillway is not considered in the analysis exceeds the tailwater head by one-third the
since the water usually approaches spouting velocity differential between reservoir level and
and exerts little pressure on the spillway crest. If gates tailwater level. The pressure gradient shall
or other control features are used on the crest they are then be extended linearly to heads

IS 6512 : 2019

corresponding to reservoir level and tailwater d) No reduction in uplift is assumed at the

level. The uplift shall be assumed to act over downstream toe of spillways on account of the
100 percent of the area. reduced water surface elevation (relative to
b) Uplift pressure distribution at the contact plane normal tailwater elevation) that may be
between the dam and its foundation, and within expected immediately downstream of the
the foundation shall be assumed for preliminary structures.
designs to have an intensity which at the line e) It is assumed that uplift pressures are not

of drains/drainage holes exceeds the tailwater affected by earthquakes.
head by one third the differential between the
6.4 Earthquake Forces
reservoir and tailwater heads. The pressure
gradient shall then be extended linearly to heads The criteria for seismic design shall be in accordance
corresponding to reservoir level and tailwater with IS 1893.
level. For final designs, the uplift criteria in case
6.5 Earth and Silt Pressures
of dams founded on compact and unfissured
rock shall be as specified above. In case of 6.5.1 General
highly jointed and fractured foundation, Gravity dams are subjected to earth pressures on the

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however, the pressure distribution may be downstream and upstream faces where the foundation
required to be based on special methods of trench is to be backfilled. Except in the abutment
analysis taking into consideration the sections in specific cases and in the junctions of the
foundation condition after the treatment dam with an earth or rockfill embankment, earth
proposed. The uplift shall be assumed to act pressures usually have a minor effect on the stability
over 100 percent of the area (see Fig. 1). of the structure and may be ignored.
c) For loading conditions F and G (see 5.1) the The present procedure is to treat silt as a
uplift shall be taken as varying linearly from
saturated cohesion less soil having full uplift and whose
the appropriate reservoir water pressure at the
value of internal friction is not materially changed on
upstream face to the appropriate tailwater
account of submergence.
pressure at the downstream face. The uplift is
assumed to act over 100 percent of the area Experiments indicate that silt pressure and
(see Fig. 2). water pressure exist together in a submerged fill and


IS 6512 : 2019

that the silt pressure on the dam is reduced in the 6.7 Wind Pressure
proportion that the weight of the fill is reduced by Wind pressure does exist but is seldom a significant
submergence. factor in the design of a dam. Wind loads may, therefore,
6.5.2 Criteria for Design be ignored.
The following criteria are recommended for calculating 6.8 Wave Pressure
forces due to silt:
6.8.1 In addition to the static water loads the upper

a) Horizontal ‘silt and water pressure’ is assumed portions of dams are subject to the impact of waves.
to be equivalent to that of a fluid with a density Wave pressure against massive dams of appreciable
of 1 360 kg/m3, and height is usually of little consequence. The force and
b) Vertical ‘silt and water pressure’ is determined dimensions of wave depend mainly on the extent and
as if silt and water together have a density of configuration of the water surface, the velocity of wind
1 925 kg/m3. and the depth of reservoir water. The height of wave is
generally more important in the determination of the free
6.6 Ice Pressure
board requirements of dams to prevent overtopping by
6.6.1 The problem of ice pressure in the design of dam wave splash. An empirical method based upon research

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is not encountered in India except, perhaps, in a few studies on specific cases has been recommended by T.
localities. Saville for computation of wave height. It takes into Ice expands and contracts with changes in account the effect of the shape of reservoir and also wind
temperature. In a reservoir completely frozen over, a velocity over water surface rather than on land by
drop in the air temperature or in the level of the reservoir applying necessary correction. It gives the value of
water may cause the opening up of cracks which different wave heights and the percentage of waves
subsequently fill with water and frozen solid. When exceeding these heights so that design wave height for
the next rise in temperature occurs, the ice expands required exceedance can be selected.
and, if restrained, it exerts pressure on the dam. In some 6.8.2 Criteria for Design
cases the ice exerts pressure on the dam when the water
level rises. For ice sheets of wide extent this pressure The following formulae are made use of in determining
is moderate but in smaller ice sheets the pressure may wave height, wave pressure and wave force:
be of the same order of magnitude as in the case of a) For determining the height of wave the method
extreme temperature variation. recommended by T. Saville should be adopted. Ice is plastic and flows under sustained b) The maximum unit pressure pw, in kPa, occurs
pressure. The duration of rise in temperature is, at 0.125 hw above the still water level and is
therefore, as important as the magnitude of the rise in given by the equation:
temperature in the determination of the pressure exerted pw = 24 hw
by ice on the dam. Wind drag also contributes to the where hw = height of wave, in m.
pressure exerted by ice to some extent. Wind drag is
c) The wave pressure diagrams can be
dependent on the size and shape of the exposed area,
approximately represented by the triangle
the roughness of the surface area and the direction of
1-2-3 in Fig. 3. The total wave force Pw (in kN)
is given by the area of the triangle, or Existing design information on ice pressure is
inadequate and somewhat approximate. Good Pw = 20 hw2
analytical procedures exist for computing ice pressures,
but the accuracy of results is dependent upon certain d) The point of application of the wave force is
physical data which have not been adequately at a height of 0.375 hw above the still water
determined. These data should come from field and level.
laboratory. 6.8.3 Freeboard requirements shall be as laid down in
IS 10635. Till specific reliable procedures become
available for the assessment of ice pressure it may be The wave height and wind set up should be
provided for at the rate of 250 kPa applied to the face calculated according to the method recommended by
of dam over the anticipated area of contact of ice with T. Saville.
the face of dam. Wind velocity of 120 km/h over water in case
of normal pool condition and of 80 km/h over water in
case of maximum reservoir condition should generally

IS 6512 : 2019

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be assumed for calculation of wave height if and friction at the base and the resisting shear and
meteorological data is not available. When maximum friction of the passive wedge, if any. For the dam to
wind velocity is known, the same shall be used for full be in static equilibrium the location of this force is
reservoir level (FRL) condition and 2/3 times that for such that the summation of moments is equal to zero.
MWL condition. The distribution of the vertical reaction is assumed as
trapezoidal for convenience only, with a knowledge
6.9 Thermal Loads that the elastic and plastic properties of both the
Measures for temperature control of concrete in solid foundation material and the concrete do affect the
gravity dams are adopted during construction. Yet it is actual distribution.
noticed that stresses in the dam are affected due to 6.10.1 The problem of determining the actual
temperature variation in the dam on the basis of data distribution is complicated by the horizontal reaction,
recorded from the thermometer embedded in the body internal stress relations and other theoretical
of the dam. The cyclic variation of air temperature and considerations. Moreover, variation of foundation
the solar radiation on the downstream side and the materials with depth, cracks and fissures which affect
reservoir temperature on the upstream side also effect the resistance of the foundation also make the problem
the stresses in the dam. Even the deflection of the dam more complex.
is maximum in the morning and it goes on reducing to
a minimum value in the evening. The magnitude of 6.10.2 For overflow sections, the base width is generally
deflection is also affected depending on whether the determined by projecting the spillway slope to the
spillway is running or not. It is generally less when foundation line and all concrete downstream from this
spillway is working than when it is not working. While line is disregarded. If a vertical longitudinal joint is
considering the thermal load, temperature gradients are not provided at this point, the mass of concrete
assumed depending on location, orientation, downstream from the theoretical toe must be
surrounding topography, etc. investigated for internal stresses.
6.10.3 Internal stresses and foundation pressures
6.10 Reaction of Foundations
should be computed both with and without uplift to
The determination by statics of the reaction of the determine the worst condition.
foundation of dam is covered in various texts. In
6.10.4 Foundation Strength Criteria
general, the resultant of all horizontal and vertical
forces including uplift should be balanced by an equal Following factors of safety in respect of maximum
and opposite reaction at the foundation consisting of allowable compressive stress in foundation for different
the total vertical reaction and the total horizontal shear loading condition shall be ensured:

IS 6512 : 2019

Loading Condition Factor of Safety 6.12.2 Criteria for Design

B 4 The factor of safety against sliding may be
calculated as indicated in on the basis of
A, C 2.7
partial factor of safety in respect of friction (F )
D, E, F, G 1.3 and partial factor of safety in respect of cohesion
(F c ) as given in Table 1.
6.11 Resistance Against Overturning

Before a gravity dam overturns bodily, other types of computed from the following equation and shall not be
failures may occur, such as cracking of the upstream less than 1.0.
material due to tension, increase in uplift, crushing of
toe material and sliding. A gravity dam is, therefore,
 (W – U ) tan  cA 
considered safe against overturning if the criteria of   
F Fc
no tension on the upstream face, the resistance against F=  
sliding as well as the quality and strength of concrete/  
 P 
masonry of the dam and its foundation are satisfied
assuming the dam and foundation as a continuous

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F = factor of safety against sliding.
6.12 Sliding Resistance W = total mass of the dam,
6.12.1 General U = total uplift force,
Many of the loads on the dam are horizontal or have tan  = coefficient of internal friction of the
horizontal components which are resisted by frictional material,
or shearing forces along horizontal or nearly horizontal c = cohesion of the material at the plane
planes in the body of the dam, on the foundation or on considered,
horizontal or nearly horizontal seams in the foundation. A = area under consideration for cohesion,
The stability of a dam against sliding is evaluated by F = partial factor of safety in respect of
comparing the minimum total available resistance along friction,
the critical path of sliding (that is, along that plane or
combination of planes which mobilizes the least Fc = partial factor of safety in respect of
resistance to sliding) to the total magnitude of the forces cohesion, and
tending to induce sliding. P = total horizontal force. Sliding resistance is a function of the The value of cohesion and internal friction
cohesion inherent in the materials and at their contact may be estimated for the purpose of preliminary
and angle of internal friction of the material at the designs on the basis of available data on similar or
surface of sliding. The junction plane between the comparable materials. For final designs, however,
dam and rock is rarely smooth. In fact, special efforts the value of cohesion and internal friction shall be
are made to avoid this condition. There may, determined by actual laboratory and field tests
however, be some lower plane in the foundation (see IS 7746 ).
where sliding is resisted by friction alone especially 6.13 Quality and Strength of Concrete/Masonry
if the rock is markedly stratified and horizontality
bedded. 6.13.1 General
The strength of concrete/masonry shall exceed the stresses

Table 1 Partial Factors of Safety Against Sliding

(Clause 6.12.2)
Sl Loading Condition Fφ For Dams and the Contact Plane with FC
No. Foundation For Foundation

Thoroughly Investigated Others

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) A, B, C 1.5 3.6 4.0 4.5
ii) D, E 1.2 2.4 2.7 3.0
iii) F, G 1.0 1.2 1.35 1.5

IS 6512 : 2019

anticipated in the structure by a safe margin. The maximum b) No tensile stress should be permitted at the
compressive stresses occur at the heel or toe and on planes downstream face of the dam for load
normal to the faces of the dam. The strength of concrete combination A. However nominal tensile
and masonry varies with age, the kind of cement and other stress permitted in load combination D should
ingredients and their proportions in the work can be not exceed the value given for condition E in
determined only by experiment. Table 2.
6.13.2 Criteria for Design Table 2 Values of Permissible Tensile Stress in

Concrete and Masonry General
Mix proportions are determined from the results of Sl Load Combination Permissible Tensile Stress
laboratory tests made with the materials that will be used No.
in the structures. The proportions are selected to produce Concrete Masonry
concrete/masonry of sufficient strength to meet the design (1) (2) (3) (4)
requirements multiplied by an appropriate safety factor. i) C 0.01 fc 0.005 fc
In addition to meeting the requirements of strength ii) E 0.02 fc 0.01 fc
described in and, the concrete/masonry/ iii) F 0.02 fc 0.01 fc

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mortar should be adequate in regard to placing iv) G 0.04 fc 0.02 fc
characteristics, weathering resistance, impermeability Where fc is the cube compressive strength of concrete/mortar for
and resistance to alkali-aggregate attack. masonry Compressive Strength 7 CONFIGURATION OF DAM AND FOUNDATION

The compressive strength of concrete and masonry shall The shape of a dam and curvature in its layout are
conform to the following requirements: pertinent with regard to the stability and more
favourable stress conditions. Wherever possible, dam
a) Concrete — Concrete strength is determined and foundation designs take advantage of the favourable
by compressing to failure 150 mm cubes. The conditions accruing from curved shapes, gradual
strength of concrete should satisfy early load transitions and fillets.
and construction requirements and at the age
of one year it should be four times the 8 CONTRACTION JOINTS
maximum computed stress in the dam or
14 N/mm2, whichever is more. The allowable 8.1 Longitudinal and Transverse Contraction Joints
working stress in any part of the structure shall A contraction joint is a formed vertical or inclined
not also exceed 7 N/mm2. surface between masses of concrete/masonry placed at
b) Masonry — The compressive strength of different times. They divide the dam into convenient
masonry is determined by compressing to sized monoliths to permit convenient and systematic
failure 75cm cubes of the masonry construction and to prevent the formation of haphazard
fabricated and cured at temperatures ragged cracks owing to volume changes that cannot be
approximating to those expected in the prevented.
structures (or 45 × 90 cm cylinders cored 8.1.1 Longitudinal Contraction Joints
out of the structures or blocks made for the
purpose). This strength should satisfy early One of the measures used to control cracks parallel to
load and construction requirements and at the length of the dam in the case of relatively high dams
one year it should be five times the is to subdivide the monolith into several blocks by
maximum computed stress on the dam or longitudinal contraction joints and subsequently grout
12.5 N/mm2, whichever is more. these joints to ensure monolithic action. The spacing
of the joints is largely dictated by convenience of
NOTE — For the purpose of quality control, correlation between construction and the foundation conditions. A spacing
the strength of mortar and that of masonry may be established
of 20-30 m is generally adopted. There is also now a
in suitable smaller size specimens.
school of thought which believes that longitudinal joints Tensile strength need to be at very close spacing (about 15 m) if they
a) No tensile stress shall be permitted at the are to achieve their purpose.
upstream face of the dam for load combination However, it is recognized that the practice of
B (see 5.1). Nominal tensile stresses, however, dividing a monolith into two or more blocks by
may be permitted in other load combinations introducing joints parallel to the axis is basically unsound
and their permissible value shall not exceed unless a high degree of perfection is accomplished in
the values given in Table 2. ensuring monolithicity by provision of suitable shear keys

IS 6512 : 2019

and successfully grouting at the appropriate time. It is approximately of the same length. Under load each will
now being increasingly accepted that a better alternative deflect downstream by very nearly the same amount and
is to achieve necessary temperature control by pre- the load transferred horizontally across the joints
cooling of the concrete supplemented, where necessary, (provided it is capable of transferring the load) to the
by post-cooling and avoid longitudinal contraction joints abutments will, therefore, be negligible except near the
altogether, even in the case of high dams. abutment. In a narrow canyon with steep sloping walls,
each cantilever block from the centre of the dam towards
8.1.2 Transverse Contraction Joints

the canyon wall will be shorter than the preceding one.
The spacing of transverse contraction joints shall be In this case the load will cause each succeeding blocks
such as to suit the methods of construction, materials to deflect less than the preceding one and more than the
of the dam, the foundation conditions and the succeeding one. If grouted the intervening cantilever
convenience of the location of control gates, outlet, etc. block will be affected by adjacent ones. This interaction
A spacing of 15 to 25 m may be adopted for concrete between blocks causes torsional moments, or twist in
dams; larger spacing may be adopted for masonry dams. the blocks, which materially affect the way in which the
The general requirement is that each joint extends loads are distributed to the foundation and abutments.
entirely through the structure. If the joints are keyed and grouted, part of the load will

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be transferred horizontally to the abutments by both
8.1.3 Grouting Transverse Contraction Joints
bending and shear in the horizontal beam elements. If
The characteristics of a dam and its profile determine the joints are keyed but ungrouted, the load will be
the magnitude of the load transferred horizontally transferred horizontally to the abutments by shear across
through the joints to the abutments. If the stream bed is the keys. If the joints are neither keyed nor grouted, the
wide and flat, the vertical cantilever blocks from the entire load on the dam is transferred to the foundation
centre of the dam towards end canyon walls are independently by each block.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are

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needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: WRD 09 (0646).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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2832 7891, 2832 7892
Branches: A H M E D A B A D . B E N G A L U R U . B H O PA L . B H U B A N E S H WA R . C O I M B ATO R E .
D E H R A D U N . D U R G A P U R . FA R I D A B A D . G H A Z I A B A D . G U WA H AT I .
PA RWA N O O . PAT N A . P U N E . R A I P U R . R A J K O T. V I S A K H A PAT N A M .
Published by BIS, New Delhi

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