Jee Mains Physics Fluids SM 1
Jee Mains Physics Fluids SM 1
Jee Mains Physics Fluids SM 1
A beaker of circular cross section of radius 4 cm is filled =(1136 x 10 Nm)x (3:14x 004 mx 004 m)
with mercury up to a height of 10 cm. Find the force - 571 N.
exerted by the mercury on the bottom of the beaker. The
atmospheric pressure = 10°Nm. Density of mereury 2. The density of air near earth's surface is 1:3 kg m and
13600 kgm. Takeg=10 ms. the atmospheric pressure is 10x 10 Nm. If the
Solution : The pressure at the surface atmosphere had uniform density, same as that observed
at the surface of the earth, what would be the height of
= atmospheric pressure the atmosphere to exert the same pressure ?
= 10 N m. Solution : Let the uniform density be p and atmospheric
The pressure at the bottom height be h. The pressure at the surface of the earth
would be
= 10N m+ hpg
- 10Nm* +(0:1 m) (13600 kg m (10 ms or, 10 x 10Nm=(13 kg m (9-8 msh
= 10Nm+ 13600 N m 10x 10Nm
or, h m7850 m.
=1136x 10 N m.
(13 kg m (9-8
Even Mount Everest (8848 m) would have been outside
The force exerted by the mercury on the bottom the atmosphere.
3. The liquids shown in fgure (13-Wi) in the two arms are 5N
mercury (specific gravity = 13-6) and water. If the
difference of heights of the mercury columns is 2 cm, find
the height h of the water column.
Figure 13-W3
P,+ 15N
and +respectively.
Solution : Suppose the atmospheric pressure = P,.
Pressure at A =P, +h (1000 kg mg. This gives F=50 N.
9000 kg=x10*m.
height inside water =3 cm x 0:8 = 2-4 cm. The height Now, for equilibrium, the torque of mg aboutO should
outside water =3cm-2'4 =06 cm. Suppose the balance the torque of F about 0.
maximum weight that can be put without wetting it is So, mg(OB)sin = F(OA) sine
W. The block in this case is completely immersed in the
water. The volume of the displaced water
= volume of the block = 27 x 10-° m !.
Hence, the force of buoyancy
=(27 x 10m)x (1000 kg mx(10 ms Or, cose = 1 or, = 450
=027 N.
The spring is compressed by 06 cm and hence the 9. A cylindrical block of wood of mass M is floating in water
upward force exerted by the spring with its axis vertical. It is depressed a little and then
- 50 N mx 06 cm = 0:3 N. released. Show that the motion of the block is simple
harmonic and find its frequency.
The force of buoyancy and the spring force taken Solution : Suppose a height h of the block is dipped in the
together balance the weight of the block plus the weight water in equilibrium position. If r be the radius of the
w put on the block. The weight of the block is
cylindrical block, the volume of the water displaced
W= (27x 10 m) x (800 kg mx (10 m s = r'h. For floating in equilibrium
= 0-22N.
r hÍg =W (Gi)
Thus, w= 0-27N+ 0:3 N - 0:22 N where p is the density of water and W the weight of the
= 0-35 N. block.
Now suppose during the vertical motion, the block is
8. A wooden plank of length 1 m and uniform cross section further dipped through a distance x at some instant. The
is hinged at one end to the bottom of a tank as shown volume of the displaced water is r h+). The forces
figure (13-W5). The tank is flled with water up to a acting on the block are, the weight W vertically
height of 0-5 m. The specific gravity of the plank is 0'5. downward and the buoyancy h+x) pg vertically
Find the angle that the plank makes with the vertical upward.
in the equilibrium position. (Exclude the case 0=0.) Net force on the block at displacement x from the
equilibrium position is
F=W- r h+x)pg
A Ymg = W-rhpg - r pxg
Using (i),
Figure 13-W5 F=-ugx =- kr, where k=rPg.
Thus, the block executes SHM with frequency
Solution : The forces acting on the plank are shown in
the figure. The height of water level is l= 0'5 m. The
length of the plank is 10 m = 2. The weight of the plank
acts through the centre B of the plank. We have
OB =l. The buoyant force F acts through the point A 10. Water flows in a horizontal tube as shown in figure
which is the middle point of the dipped part 0C of the (13-W6). The pressure water changes by 600 N m
plank. A
We have OA
2 2 cose
Figure 13-W6
Let the mass per unit length of the plank be p.
between A and B where the areas of cross section are Solution :
30 cm and 15 cm respectively. Find the rate of flow of
water through the tube.
Solution : Let the velocity at A=U, and that at B= Ua
Da_30 cm"
By the equation of continuity,
By Bernoulli equation,
Figure 13-W7
P,-P,-zp2,)-Ppe. As the area of cross section of the tank is large compared
to that of the opening, the speed of water in the tank
will be very small as compared to the speed at the
Or, 600 Nm- (1000 kg m B
opening. The pressure at the surface of water in the tank
Or. v, =Vo-4 m's =063 ms' is that due to the atmosphere plus due to the load.
P, =P,+
(20 kg)(10 ms)p, + 400 Nm.
The rate of flow =(30 cm) (0-63 ms)= 1890 cms. 05 m
1. Is it always true that the molecules of a dense liquid iquid is (a) at the equator (b) at a pole (c) somewhere
are heavier than the molecules of a lighter liquid ? else.
2. If someone presses a pointed needle against your skin, 6. A barometer tube reads 76 cm of mercury. If the tube
you are hurt. But if someone presses a rod against your is gradually inchined keeping the open end immersed in
skin with the same force, you easily tolerate. Explain. the mercury reservoir, will the length of mercury column
3. In the derivation of P, -P, = pgz, it was assumed that be 76 cm, more than 76 cm or less than 76 cm ?
the liquid is incompressible. Why will this equation not 7. A one meter long glass tube is open at both ends. One
be strictly valid for a compressible liquid ? end of the tube is dipped into a mercury cup, the tube
4. Suppose the density of air at Madras is P and is kept vertical and the air is pumped out of the tube
atmospheric pressure is P,. If we go up, the density and by connecting the upper end to a suction pump. Can
the pressure both decrease. Suppose we wish to calculate mercury be pulled up into the pump by this process ?
the pressure at a height 10 km above Madras. If we use
the equation P, -P= P, 82, will we get a pressure more 8. A satellite revolves round the earth. Air pressure inside
than the actual or less than the actual ? Neglect the the satellite is maintained at 76 em of mercury. What
variation in g. Does your answer change if you also will be the height of mercury column in a barometer
tube 1 m long placed in the satellite?
consider the variation in g ?
5. The free surface of a liquid resting in an inertial frame 9. Consider the barometer shown in figure (13-Q1). If a
is horizontal. Does the normal to the free surface pass small hole is made at a point P in the barometer tube,
through the centre of the earth ? Think separately if the will the mercury come out from this hole ?
13. A ferry boat loaded with rocks has to pass under a
bridge. The maximum height of the rocks is slightly
more than the height of the bridge so that the boat just
fails to pass under the bridge. Should some of the rocks
be removed or some more rocks be added ?
14. Water is slowly coming out from a vertical pipe. As the
Figure 13-Q1 water descends after coming out, its area of cross section
reduces. Explain this on the basis of the equation of
10. Is Archimedes' principle valid in an elevator accelerating
up ? In a car accelerating on a level road ? 15. While watering a distant plant, a gardener partially
11. Why is it easier to swim in sea water than in fresh closes the exit hole of the pipe by putting his finger on
water ? it. Explain why this results in the water stream going
to a larger distance.
12. A glass of water has an ice cube floating in water. The
water level just touches the rim of the glass. Will the 16. A Gipsy car has a canvass top. When the car runs at
water overflow when the ice melts ? high speed, the top bulges out. Explain.
1. A liquid can easily change its shape but a solid can not (a) 400 Nm² (b) 3000Nm
because (c) 1000Nm² (d) zero.
(a) the density of a liquid is smaller than that of a solid
(b) the forces between the molecules is stronger in solid
than in liquids
(c) the atoms combine to form bigger molecules in a solid
10 cm
(d) the average separation between the molecules is
larger in solids, B
2. Consider the equations
P= Lim
d 4S and P, -P pgz. Figure 13-Q3
In an elevator accelerating upward
(a) both the equations are valid 6. A beaker containing a liquid is kept inside a big closed
(b) the first is valid but not the second
(c) the second is valid but not the first jar. If the air inside the jar is continuously pumped out,
(d) both are invalid. the pressure in the liquid near the bottom of the liquid
3. The three vessels shown in figure (13-Q2) have same (a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain constant
base area. Equal volumes of a liquid are ed in the (d) first decrease and then increase.
three vessels. The force on the base will
(a) maximum in vessel A (b) maximum in vessel B 7. The pressure in a liquid at two points in the same
(c) maximum in vessel C (d) equal in all the vessels. horizontal plane are equal. Consider an elevator
accelerating upward and a car accelerating on a
horizontal road. The above statement is correct in
(a) the car only
(b) the elevator only
(c) both of them
Figure 13-Q2 (d) neither of them.
8. Suppose the pressure at the surface of mercury in a
barometer tube is P, and the pressure at the surface of
4. Equal mass of three liquids are kept in three identical
cylindrical vessels A, B and C. The densities are mercury in the cup is P.
PAs PB Pe With PA<Pa <pe The force on the base will be (a) P, = 0, P, = atmospheric pressure
(a) maximum in vessel A (b) maximum in vessel B (b) P, = atmospheric pressure, P, =0
(c) maximum in vessel C (d) equal in all the vessels. (c) P, =P,= atmospheric pressure
5. Figure (13-Q3) shows a siphon. The liquid shown is
(d) P, = P, = 0.
water. The pressure difference Pa-P, between the 9. A barometer kept in an elevator reads 76 cm when it is
points A and B is at rest. If the elevator goes up with increasing speed,
the reading will be 16. A closed cubical box is completely illed with water and
(a) zero (b) 76 cm (c) < 76 cm (d) > 76 cm. is accelerated horizontally towards right with an
10. A barometer kept in an elevator accelerating upward acceleration a. The resultant normal force by the water
reads 76 cm. The air pressure in the elevator is on the top of the box
(a) 76 cm (b) < 76 cm (c) > 76 cm (d) zero. (a) passes through the centre of the top
11. To construct a barometer, a tube of length 1 m is filled (b) passes through a point to the right of the centre
(c) passes through a point to the left of the centre
completely with mercury and is inverted in a mercury (d) becomes zero.
cup. The barometer reading on a particular day is 76 cm.
Suppose a lm tube is flled with mercury up 76 cm 17. Consider the situation of the previous problem. Let the
and then closed by a cork. It is inverted in a mercury water push the left wall by a force F, and the right wall
cup and the cork is removed. The height of mnercury by a force F,
column in the tube over the surface in the cup will be (a) F, =F, (b) F, > , (c) F,<F.
(a) zero (b) 76 cm (c) > 76 cm (d) < 76 cm. (d) the information is insufficient to know the relation
12. A 20 N metal block is suspended by a spring balance. A between F, and F,
beaker containing some water is placed on a weighing 18. Water enters through end A with a speed u, and leaves
machine which reads 40 N. The spring balance is now through end B with a speed U, of a cylindrical tube AB.
lowered 80 that the block gets immersed in the water. The tube is always completely filled with water. In case
The spring balance now reads 16 N. The reading of the Ithe tube is horizontal, in case II it is vertical with the
weighing machine will be end A upward and in case IIl it is vertical with the end
(a) 36 N (b) 60 N (c) 44 N (d) 56 N. B upward. We have u, = v, for
13. A piece of wood is floating in water kept in a bottle. The (a) case I (b) case Il (c) case III (d) each case.
bottle is connected to an air pump. Neglect the 19. Bernoulli theorem is based on conservation of
compressibility of water. When more air is pushed into (a) momentum (b) mass
the bottle from the pump, the piece of wood will float (c) energy (d) angular momentum.
(a) larger part in the water (b) lesser part in the water 20. Water is flowing through a long horizontal tube. Let
(c) same part in the water (d) it will sink. P, and P, be the pressures at two points A and B of the
14. A metal cube is placed in an empty vessel. When water
(a) P, must be equal to Pa
is flled in the vessel so that the cube is completely (b) P, must be greater than P.
immersed in the water, the force on the bottom of the
vessel in contact with the cube (c) Pa must be smaller than Pa.
(a) will increase (b) will decrease (d) P,=P, only if the cross-sectional area at A and B
(c) will remain the same (d) will become zero. are equal.
15. A wooden object floats in water kept in a beaker. The 21. Water and mercury are filled in two cylindrical vessels
object is near a side of the beaker (figure 13-Q4). Let to same height. Both vessels have a hole in the wall
P, P, P, be the pressures at the three points A, B and near the bottom. The velocity of water and mercury
C of the bottom as shown in the figure. coming out of the holes are u, and v, respectively.
(a) v,=v, (b) u, = 13-6 v,
(c) u, =u,/ 13-6. (d) , =136 ,
22. A large cylindrical tank has a hole of area A at its
bottom. Water is poured in the tank by a tube of equal
cross-sectional area A ejecting water at the speed u.
Figure 13-Q4 (a) The water level in the tank will keep on rising.
(b) No water can be stored in the tank
The water level will rise to a height o'/2g and then
(a) P, =P,-P, (b) P, <P,<P, stop.
(c) P, >P> P, (d) P=P, *P. (d) The water level will oscillate.
1. A solid floats in a liquid in a partially dipped position. The weight of the displaced liquid equals the weight
(a) The solid exerts a force equal to its weight on the of the solid.
(d) The weight of the dipped part of the solid is equal
to the weight of the displaced liquid.
(b) The liquid exerts a force of buoyancy on the solid
which is equal to the weight of the solid.
2. The weight of an empty balloon on a spring balance is given point are the same
W,. The weight becomes W, when the balloon is illed (d) the momenta of all the particles arriving at a given
with air. Let the weight of the air itself be w. Neglect point are the same.
the thickness of the balloon when it is filled with air. 6. Water flows through two identical tubes A and B. A
Also neglect the difference in the densities of air inside volume V, of water passes through the tube A and
and outside the balloon. 2 V, through B in a given time. Which of the following
(a) W, = W,. (b) W, = W, + w. may be correct ?
(c) W, < W, + w. (d) W,> W (a) Flow in both the tubes are steady.
3. A solid is completely immersed in a liquid. The force (b) Flow in both the tubes are turbulent.
exerted y the liquid on the solid will (c) Flow is steady in A but turbulent in B.
(a) increase if it is pushed deeper inside the liquid (d) Flow is steady in B but turbulent in A.
(b) change if its orientatiorn is changed 7. Water is flowing in streamline motion through a tube
(c) decrease if it is taken partially out of the liquid with its axis horizontal. Consider two points A and B in
(d) be in the vertically upward direction. the tube at the same horizontal level.
4. A closed vessel is half filled with water. There is a hole (a) The pressures at A and B are equal for any shape
near the top of the vessel and air is pumped out from of the tube.
this hole. (b) The pressure8 are never equal.
(a) The water level will rise up in the vessel. The pressures are equal if the tube has a uniform
(b) The pressure at the surface of the water will cross section.
decrease. (d) The pressures may be equal even if the tube has a
(c) The force by the water on the bottom of the vessel nonuniform cross section.
will decrease. 8. There is a small hole near the bottom of an open tank
(d) The density of the liquid will decrease. filled with a liquid. The speed of the water ejected does
5. In a streamline flow, not depend on
(a) the speed of a particle always remains same (a) area of the hole (b) density of the liquid
(b) the velocity of a particle always remains same (c) height of the liquid from the hole
(c) the kinetic energies of all the particles arriving at a (d) acceleration due to gravity.