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International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2013, 23, 554  -561

© 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc.


Effect of Beta-Alanine Supplementation

on 800-m Running Performance
Kagan J. Ducker, Brian Dawson, and Karen E. Wallman

Beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve exercise performance in short-term, high-intensity
efforts. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess if beta-alanine supplementation could improve 800 m track
running performance in male recreational club runners (n = 18). Methods: Participants completed duplicate trials
(2 presupplementation, 2 postsupplementation) of an 800 m race, separated by 28 days of either beta-alanine
(n = 9; 80 mg·kg–1BM·day–1) or placebo (n = 9) supplementation. Results: Using ANCOVA (presupplementa-
tion times as covariate), postsupplementation race times were significantly faster following beta-alanine (p =
.02), with post- versus presupplementation race times being faster after beta-alanine (–3.64 ± 2.70 s, –2.46 ±
1.80%) but not placebo (–0.59 ± 2.54 s, –0.37 ± 1.62%). These improvements were supported by a moderate
effect size (d = 0.70) and a very likely (99%) benefit in the beta-alanine group after supplementation. Split
times (ANCOVA) at 400 m were significantly faster (p = .02) postsupplementation in the beta-alanine group,
compared with placebo. This was supported by large effect sizes (d = 1.05–1.19) and a very likely (99%)
benefit at the 400 and 800 m splits when comparing pre- to postsupplementation with beta-alanine. In addi-
tion, the first and second halves of the race were faster post- compared with presupplementation following
beta-alanine (1st half –1.22 ± 1.81 s, likely 78% chance of benefit; 2nd half –2.38 ± 2.31 s, d = 0.83, very
likely 98% chance of benefit). No significant differences between groups or pre- and postsupplementation were
observed for postrace blood lactate and pH. Conclusion: Overall, 28 days of beta-alanine supplementation
(80 mg·kg-1BM·day-1) improved 800 m track performance in recreational club runners.

Keywords: buffering, carnosine, middle distance

Running competitively at a high-intensity for ~2–3 concentrations of 30–80% (Baguet et al., 2009; Derave et
min requires significant energy from both aerobic and al., 2007; Harris et al., 2006; Hill et al., 2007). As higher
anaerobic sources to maintain a high velocity over levels of carnosine can increase muscle buffer capacity
the full duration (Billat et al., 2009). Recently, several and potentially improve exercise performance in events
researchers have reported that supplementation with beta- requiring significant energy contributions from anaero-
alanine can lead to improved performance in short-term, bic glycolysis (Derave et al., 2007; Suzuki et al., 2002),
high-intensity exercise efforts lasting 60–240 s (Hill et beta alanine may be a useful ergogenic supplement for
al., 2007; Hobson et al., 2012; Sale et al., 2011). This track runners who run distances of 800–1500 m (~2–4
improvement may occur due to increased concentrations min). These events require significant contributions from
of intramuscular carnosine, which is an important H+ anaerobic energy sources (Billat et al., 2009; Duffield
buffer found within muscle fibers (pKa = 6.83; Suzuki et et al., 2005; Spencer & Gastin, 2001), as demonstrated
al., 2002). In addition, it has been reported that carnosine by high blood lactate (HLa–) concentrations of ~12–18
can increase the sensitivity of calcium release channels mmol·L–1 being reported postrace (Hanon et al., 2007;
and muscle fibers to calcium (Dutka et al., 2012; Everaert Hill, 1999).
et al., 2013), can enhance vasodilation of blood vessels To date, the majority of exercise performance studies
(Ririe et al., 2000), and has useful antioxidant properties assessing supplementation with beta-alanine have been
(scavenges peroxyl radicals, scavenges singlet oxygen laboratory based (i.e., not sport specific) and cycling
and chelates copper and other transition metals; Kohen (rather than running) has been the exercise mode most
et al., 1988). used. For example, Hill et al. (2007) and Sale et al. (2011)
Supplementing with doses of beta-alanine ranging reported similar improvements (12–13%) in total work
from 3 to 6 g·day–1 (~40–80 mg·kg–1BM·day–1) for at least done and time to exhaustion in participants completing
4 weeks can lead to increases in intramuscular carnosine a 2–3 min cycle capacity test (110% of their previously
achieved maximum power outputs), following beta-
alanine ingestion; (~6 g·day-1, 4 weeks). In contrast, Bell-
The authors are with the School of Sport Science, Exercise inger et al. (2012) reported no significant improvements
and Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. in average power output during a 4 min cycling time-trial

Beta-Alanine Supplementation and Running Performance   555

following beta-alanine supplementation. Similarly, Hoff- mentation), separated by 28 days of either beta-alanine
man et al. (2008) reported that beta-alanine ingestion or placebo (glucose) supplementation. Duplicate trials
resulted only in a trend (p = .07) for slower fatigue rates (separated by one week) were conducted to moderate
in American football players performing a 60 s Wingate any variation between trials and were performed at the
sprint, with no significant improvements found in power same time of day to control for diurnal variations in per-
output. Only Derave et al. (2007) have reported on the formance. Presupplementation 800 m times were within
effects of beta-alanine supplementation (4.8 g·day-1, 4 1.3 ± 1.7% of the participant’s most recently achieved
weeks) on running performance, finding significantly personal best times (beta-alanine mean = 144.6 ± 6.0 s,
increased (~35–50%) intramuscular carnosine concen- range = 135.5–154.9 s; placebo mean = 153.9 ± 11.2 s,
trations, but no significant improvement in 400 m race range = 134.5–173.0 s).
time of competitive track and field athletes. A recent Participants abstained from completing any vigorous
meta-analysis by Hobson et al. (2012) has suggested exercise and ingesting caffeine in the 24 hr before each
that any ergogenic benefit of beta-alanine supplementa- testing session and followed the same dietary intake on
tion during short (~60 s), supra-maximal exercise efforts every day of testing. A training diary was completed
may be minimal, but studies investigating slightly longer from two days before testing through to completion of
high-intensity (i.e., 2–4 min) exercise efforts typically the study. A food diary was recorded for the two days
report more positive results. However, the available before each testing session to allow the participants to
research has largely investigated exercise capacity tests review their prerace nutrition and attempt to match it as
and therefore it is important to determine if ergogenic closely as possible before each trial. Participants were
effects can be achieved in specific sporting events that instructed to maintain their current training regimen
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cover this exercise duration (i.e., 200- to 400-m swim, throughout the testing period, with training modality,
800- to 1,500-m run). duration and rating of perceived exertion (RPE; Borg,
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to exam- 1982) noted so that a training load could be calculated
ine if supplementation with beta-alanine could improve (Duration × RPE; Foster, 1998).
800-m track running performance. We hypothesized that
supplementing for 28 days with beta-alanine would lead Procedures
to significantly faster 800-m run times.
The running trials were conducted on a 400 m outdoor
compacted grass running track. Electronic timing gates
Materials and Methods (Smartspeed, Fusion Sport, Australia) were placed at the
0/400 and 200 m distance marks to record running times.
Participants Participants ran alone, with no verbal encouragement, in
Twenty-one trained male recreational club runners were typical running shoes and were not allowed to view/hear
initially recruited, with three participants withdrawing their race split times during the trials to minimize the
due to personal reasons (of which 2 were the fastest run- influence of pacing strategies based upon these times or
ners in the placebo group). This left 18 runners (400- to the performance of other participants. They completed
800-m runners; beta-alanine group n = 2, placebo group their normal warm-up before each testing session, with
n = 2; middle/long distance 800- to 5,000-m runners, warm-up intensities and duration noted down and then
beta-alanine group n = 7, placebo group n = 7) who duplicated during each subsequent trial. Air temperature
completed the experimental protocol (mean ± SD; beta- and relative humidity were recorded using a thermal envi-
alanine group, n = 9: age 22 ± 6 y, body-mass 72.1 ± 9.8 ronment monitor (QUESTemp32, Quest Technologies,
kg; height 180.5 ± 7.9 cm; placebo group, n = 9: age 22 U.S.) and wind speed/direction was recorded using a digi-
± 5 y, body-mass 79.8 ± 12.8 kg; height 181.8 ± 6.3 cm). tal anemometer (Model AM-4203HA, Lutron Electronic
Participants had not supplemented with any nutritional Enterprise Co. Ltd., Taiwan). Testing at an identical time
substances in the three months preceding study entry or of day assisted in achieving relatively consistent wind/
with beta-alanine for the previous 6 months. All were temperature values (mean air temperature–presupplemen-
informed of the study requirements, benefits, and risks tation = 19.0 ± 4.1 °C, postsupplementation = 22.1 ± 2.7
before giving written informed consent. Approval for the °C; mean relative humidity–presupplementation = 51.0
study’s procedures was granted by the research ethics ± 11.7%, postsupplementation = 50.8 ± 15.0%; mean
committee of the University of Western Australia. wind speed–presupplementation = 5.5 ± 3.5 km·h–1, post-
supplementation = 6.3 ± 3.2 km·h–1), but when variables
were considered to be extreme, testing was postponed
Experimental Overview until weather conditions more closely matched those of
A randomized, placebo-controlled study was performed. the previous trials. The typical error and coefficient of
Firstly, 2 × 800 m practice trials were conducted on the variation for the 800 m races were calculated using the
same day (1 week before experimental testing) to allow presupplementation trials for the combined sample and
participants to familiarize themselves with the track and were 1.94 s and 1.28%, respectively.
their race pacing strategy. This was followed by duplicate Before starting the 800 m races and immediately
800 m race trials (2 presupplementation, 2 postsupple- upon completion, a capillary blood sample (125 μl)
556  Ducker et al.

was taken from the earlobe using glass capillary tubes performance results for both presupplementation and
(D957G-70–125, Clinitubes, Radiometer Copenhagen) postsupplementation running tests were combined and
to assess blood lactate concentration (HLa–) and pH. averaged for each group (beta-alanine and placebo), so
These were transported on ice back to the laboratory, that one presupplementation and one postsupplementa-
warmed and sampled within 1 hr for measurement via tion measure was obtained for each variable. A one-way
a blood-gas analyzer/radiometer (ABL 625, Radiometer repeated-measures ANOVA determined if there was a
Copenhagen). learning effect between each of the duplicate trials, with
Following presupplementation testing, participants no significant effects being found (presupplementation
were matched on training level/competition distance p = .96, postsupplementation p = .22).
before being randomly assigned to either the beta-alanine Results for each dependent performance variable
or the placebo group. Beta-alanine (Sustained Release (800 m time and splits) were analyzed using an analysis
Beta-alanine, Musashi, Australia) was administered of covariance (ANCOVA) with presupplementation times
orally (opaque gelatin capsules) for 28 days with a dose being used as a covariate. Blood variables (pH and HLa–)
of 80 mg·kg–1BM·day–1 taken as 4 split doses over each were analyzed using a split-plot analysis of variance
day with a meal or snack to assist with minimizing any (SPANOVA), with statistical significance accepted at p ≤
side-effects and to enhance carnosine synthesis (Stegen et .05. Post hoc t tests were used where significant interac-
al., 2013), while the glucose placebo (Glucodin, Valeant tion effects were found. Pearson correlation coefficients
Pharmaceuticals Australasia, Australia) was taken in a were also calculated on change in HLa– and pH values and
similar fashion to mimic the beta-alanine supplementa- 800 m performance. All analyses were carried out using
tion as closely as possible (~10 g·day–1). Due to the fact IBM SPSS 20 (IBM Corporation, USA). Differences in
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that a matching placebo tablet could not be sourced, the exercise performance and blood variables were also inter-
beta-alanine tablets were broken into several large pieces preted using Cohen’s d effect sizes and thresholds (< 0.49,
(to minimize damage to the tablet’s structure) before small; 0.5–0.79, moderate; ≥ 0.8, strong). Only moderate
inserting them into the capsules. Due to these logistics and strong effect sizes are reported. Smallest worthwhile
of capsule preparation, a single blind (participants) study changes (clinically beneficial change) in performance
design was used. Typically, supplementation protocols scores between pre- and postsupplementation in the beta-
use a dose calculated per kg of body-mass to account alanine and placebo groups, using the method described
for differences in individual body size (Graham, 2001; by Batterham & Hopkins (2005) was also undertaken. A
McNaughton et al., 2008). As no literature was avail- Cohen’s unit of 0.2 was used to determine the smallest
able on a body-mass adjusted dosage of beta-alanine, worthwhile value of change. Where the chance of benefit
a total daily dose of 6.4 g·day–1 of beta-alanine (which or harm were both calculated to be > 5%, the true effect
equated to the absolute daily amount of beta-alanine was deemed unclear. When clear interpretation could be
supplemented with in previous studies: Hill et al., 2007; made, a qualitative descriptor was assigned to the fol-
Kendrick et al., 2009; Sale et al., 2011) was selected and lowing quantitative chances of benefit: 25–75%, benefit
corrected for body-mass using a phantom mass of 80 kg. possible; 75–95%, benefit likely; 95–99%, benefit very
We felt it reasonable to assume that a higher dose of beta- likely; > 99%, benefit almost certain.
alanine would provide the greatest increase in carnosine
and therefore a similar chance of improving exercise
performance. Before the study, pilot testing (2 weeks; Results
n = 6 volunteers) using this daily dose of beta-alanine Analysis of the completed training diaries revealed no
was well tolerated, with no side effects being reported. significant (p = .50) difference in the training loads
Décombaz et al. (2011) have previously reported that an completed by each group throughout the testing period
acute dose of 1.6 g of slow-release beta-alanine is well (beta-alanine = 21355 ± 9424 arbitrary units; placebo =
tolerated with minimal side effects, which is similar to the 24858 ± 15918 arbitrary units). Weekly training loads in
~1.5 g per dose used here. Athletes were visited weekly the beta-alanine group were 5911 ± 2822, 5218 ± 2433,
to distribute supplements, discuss dose compliance and 5585 ± 2218 and 4641 ± 2838 arbitrary units for Weeks
to check on health during the study. Following 28 days 1–4, respectively. In the placebo group these were 6940
of supplementation, participants returned for postsupple- ± 3973, 5383 ± 3945, 5978 ± 4348 and 6558 ± 4227 arbi-
mentation testing which was conducted in an identical trary units for Weeks 1–4, respectively (p > .05 for all).
manner to presupplementation testing. After completing
their final trial, participants were asked (verbally) about
what supplement they thought they had ingested and any Performance Data
reasons for making this decision. Running race total times are presented in Table 1. As
consistent differences were noted between the groups in
Data Analysis 800 m performance times at presupplementation testing
(at least in part due to the withdrawal of the 2 fastest run-
Split times were recorded every 200 m during the ners in the placebo group), ANCOVA was used to analyze
800-m running trials. Total time and 400-m split times these results using the presupplementation times as the
were calculated postrace. Blood lactate, blood pH and covariate. Following supplementation, the beta-alanine
Beta-Alanine Supplementation and Running Performance   557

group was significantly (p = .02) faster when compared calculated, with no significant (p = .57–0.77) differences
with placebo. Further, the beta-alanine group was faster again found between groups. Mean ΔHLa– and pH during
overall when post- and presupplementation results were the races for both before- and after-supplementation trials
compared for change (beta-alanine group: –3.64 ± 2.70 were not correlated to the change in race time in the beta-
s, –2.46 ± 1.80%; placebo group: –0.59 ± 2.54 s, –0.37 alanine group (HLa–: r = .10, p = .81; pH: r = .44, p = .24).
± 1.62%). This improvement in the beta-alanine group
was supported by a moderate effect size (d = 0.70) and
a very likely (99%) chance of benefit. In addition, when Discussion
post- versus presupplementation results were assessed
The purpose of this study was to examine whether 28 days
for the first 400 m, the beta-alanine group was –1.22
of beta-alanine supplementation (80 mg·kg–1BM·day–1;
± 1.81 s faster (near significance; p = .054) compared
total dose = 161.5 ± 21.9 g) could improve 800 m race
with little change in the placebo group (–0.26 ± 2.52 s).
times. The main finding was that recreational club run-
This result was supported by a likely (78%) benefit to
ners supplemented with beta-alanine completed the race
performance. While second 400 m times were not sig-
significantly faster postsupplementation compared with
nificantly different between groups postsupplementation
placebo (p = .02), with the beta-alanine group improv-
(p = .15), the beta-alanine group improved their running
ing their pre- to postsupplementation 800 m time by
time by –2.38 ± 2.31 s pre- to postsupplementation,
compared with -0.42 ± 3.09 s for the placebo group, –3.6 s (d = 0.70; 99% “very likely” chance of benefit).
with this improvement supported by a large effect size This improvement is greater than the typical error score
(d = 0.83) and a very likely (98%) chance of benefit. In calculated here for the race (1.94 s) and equates to
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respect to 200 m split times (Figure 1), an improvement an improvement of ~19 m, which may be practically
of –1.42 ± 1.00 s was recorded from 200 to 400 m fol- important. This study is also the first to report enhanced
lowing beta-alanine supplementation, with this result running race performance following supplementation
being significantly different to the same split time value with beta alanine. However, it must be acknowledged that
recorded for the placebo group postsupplementation (p because recreational, club level runners were used in this
= .02). This change from pre- to postsupplementation in study the magnitude of any differences observed in elite
the beta-alanine group was supported by a large effect runners may be different. This is an area that requires
size (d = 1.05) and a very likely (99%) chance of benefit. further investigation.
No other significant differences were identified in the These results agree with previous research reporting
split times of either group, although the beta-alanine improvements in total work done and time to exhaustion
group improved their 600–800 m split by –1.97 ± 1.72 s during cycling exercise efforts of a similar duration to
pre- to postsupplementation, which was supported by a the current study (2–3 min; Hill et al., 2007; Sale et al.,
large effect size (d = 1.19) and a very likely (99%) benefit 2011). In addition, a recent meta-analysis by Hobson et
to performance. al. (2012) suggested that exercise performances lasting
60–240 s, where the concentration of H+ and HLa- (12–14
mmol·L-1) reach high levels, were more likely to show
Blood Lactate and pH improvement following beta-alanine supplementation.
No significant (p = .17–0.83) differences or moderate- High levels of HLa-, along with low pH values were
large effect sizes within or between groups were observed demonstrated postrace in the current study (HLa-: ~9–12
in HLa– or pH pre- or postsupplementation (see Table 2). mmol·L–1; pH: ~7.18–7.19).
Mean change (Δ) in HLa– and blood pH during the races In considering the 200 m split times recorded here,
for both pre- and postsupplementation trials were also the runners were -1.2 s faster over the first 400 m fol-

Table 1 Mean (± SD) Total, First/Second Half Split Times Pre- and Postsupplementation in the Beta-Alanine
(n = 9) and Placebo (n = 9) Groups
Cohen’s d Effect Size/Mean Change ± 90% CI /
Beta-alanine Placebo % Chance Beneficial (Trivial/Harmful)
Beta-Alanine Pre
Variable Pre (s) Post (s) Pre (s) Post (s) vs. Post Placebo Pre vs. Post
Total time 145.73 ± 5.71 142.09 ± 4.64a 156.80 ± 12.27 156.21 ± 12.34 0.70/–2.5 ± 0.3/99(1/0) 0.05/–0.4 ± 0.1/3(97/0)
very likely trivial
First 400 m 69.55 ± 3.69 68.34 ± 2.27 74.67 ± 5.15 74.41 ± 4.95 0.40/–1.6 ± 0.3/78(22/0) 0.05/–0.3 ± 0.3/19(72/9)
likely trivial
Second 400 m 76.14 ± 2.97 73.76 ± 2.81 82.17 ± 7.66 81.74 ± 8.19 0.83/–3.1 ± 0.5/98(2/0) 0.05/–0.5 ± 0.3/16(80/4)
very likely trivial
aSignificantly different postsupplementation when compared with placebo (p = 0.02)
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Figure 1 — Mean (± SD) total, 200 m split times pre- and postsupplementation in the beta-alanine (A; n = 9) and placebo (B; n = 9) groups. 1Significantly different postsupplementation when
compared with placebo (p = .02). aLarge effect size (> 0.8) and very likely (95–99%) chance of benefit pre- to postsupplementation with beta-alanine.
Beta-Alanine Supplementation and Running Performance   559

Table 2 Mean (± SD) Blood lactate (HLa–; mmol·L–1) and pH Results Pre- and
Postsupplementation in the Beta-Alanine (n = 9) and Placebo (n = 9) Groups
Beta-alanine Placebo
Pre Post Pre Post

prerace 1.2 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.3 1.2 ± 0.3

postrace 9.8 ± 1.9 10.4 ± 1.6 11.3 ± 3.2 11.8 ± 2.9
change pre→postrace 8.6 ± 1.8 9.4 ± 1.5 10.2 ± 3.2 10.6 ± 2.9
prerace 7.407 ± 0.027 7.411 ± 0.010 7.399 ± 0.011 7.409 ± 0.011
postrace 7.195 ± 0.035 7.186 ± 0.041 7.181 ± 0.050 7.186 ± 0.045
change pre→postrace –0.212 ± 0.042 –0.225 ± 0.044 –0.218 ± 0.052 –0.223 ± 0.047
Note. No significant differences or moderate-large effect sizes recorded within or between groups.
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lowing beta-alanine ingestion. Most of this improvement total dose of beta-alanine administered to the participants
was gained from 200 to 400 m, where the beta-alanine increased muscle carnosine levels sufficiently to improve
group was –1.4 s faster (post- versus presupplementation). exercise performance.
Improvements in race speed (-2.4 s) were also recorded Our results show relatively greater improvement in
in the second half of the 800 m race following supple- race times than those reported previously in runners com-
mentation with beta-alanine. This improvement largely pleting 800–1500 m races following ingestion of sodium
came from a ~2 s faster time occurring between 600 and bicarbonate to improve their extracellular buffering
800 m. It is possible that significant H+ accumulation capacity (here, beta-alanine= ~2.5%/~3.6 s; previously,
during this intense period of the race may mean that any sodium bicarbonate = ~1.1–1.8%/~1.5–3 s)(Bird et al.,
additional buffering effects of beta-alanine supplementa- 1995; Wilkes et al., 1983). Our results suggest that 800 m
tion (via carnosine) may have the greatest effects during running performance is improved by a similar or greater
this period. This supposition is supported by a recent magnitude following beta-alanine supplementation com-
study by Baguet et al. (2010), who reported that higher pared with sodium bicarbonate, with these improvements
intramuscular carnosine concentrations were correlated most likely a result of improved intracellular buffering,
with faster rowing times over the second and third 500 m but potentially also other ergogenic effects associated
splits (~1.5–5 min) of a 2,000-m race and hypothesized with beta-alanine, such as effects on the Ca2+ sensitivity
that this could be due to improved muscle buffering over (release and/or uptake) within the muscle fibers that may
this intense period of the race. attenuate muscular fatigue (Dutka et al., 2012; Everaert
As noted above, higher levels of carnosine have et al., 2013), enhanced vessel vasodilation (Ririe et al.,
been suggested to improve the buffering capacity of the 2000) and antioxidant effects (Kohen et al., 1988).
muscle (pKa = 6.83; intramuscular concentration post- In contrast, results of the current study are not in
supplementation = 30–40 mmol·kg–1DM) and therefore agreement with those of Bellinger et al. (2012), who
potentially improve exercise performance (Derave et recorded no improvement in cycling power output during
al., 2007; Suzuki et al., 2002). In the current study, the a 4 min time-trial. The lack of benefit of beta-alanine
buffering systems of the body were challenged, as HLa– supplementation found by Bellinger et al. (2012) may
concentrations reached ~9–12 mmol·L–1 and blood pH have been due to the lower dose used by these researchers,
fell to ~7.18–7.19 by the end of the race, with these values compared with those who have reported exercise perfor-
being typical of an 800 m race (Duffield et al., 2005; mance benefits (i.e., Bellinger et al.: ~4.6 g·day–1, 4 weeks
Hill, 1999). Given that performance was improved for a ≈129 g total; current study: ~6 g·day–1, 28 days ≈162 g
similar change in HLa– and blood pH in the beta-alanine total; Hill et al.: ~5 g·day–1, 4 weeks ≈146 g total; Sale
group, improved intramuscular buffering is one possible et al.: ~6.4 g·day–1, 4 weeks ≈179 g total). Furthermore,
explanation for the faster performance. Although it was our results also contrast with the only other study that
not possible to measure muscle carnosine levels in this has reported the effects of beta-alanine supplementation
study, we calculated that our dosing strategy would have on running exercise performance, which concluded that
increased intramuscular carnosine concentrations by beta-alanine supplementation had no effect on 400 m race
~40%, using the linear relationship between total dose time in elite runners (Derave et al., 2007). Moreover, the
and intramuscular carnosine presented by Stellingwerff increases in intramuscular carnosine measured by Derave
et al. (2012). Based on this data, we are confident that our et al. (2007) were not correlated with the change in 400 m
560  Ducker et al.

speed or maximum HLa–. Due to the fact that participants Bellinger, P.M., Howe, S.T., Shing, C.M., & Fell, J.W. (2012).
in the current study were recreational club runners and Effect of combined b-alanine and NaHCO3 supplemen-
were completing an 800 m race (rather than 400 m), a tation on cycling performance. Medicine and Science in
slower race pace (~5–6 m·s–1) when compared with the Sports and Exercise, 44(8), 1545–1551.
400 m running race times reported by Derave et al. (2007; Billat, V., Harnard, L., Koralsztein, J.P., & Morton, R.H.
~8 m·s–1) was recorded. In the current study, despite the (2009). Differential modeling of anaerobic and aerobic
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trations were recorded postrace indicating significant Applied Physiology, 107, 478–487. PubMed doi:10.1152/
contributions from anaerobic glycolytic pathways. This japplphysiol.91296.2008
longer duration may have resulted in a greater time for Bird, S.R., Wiles, J., & Robbins, J. (1995). The effect of
any enhanced buffering effects to improve exercise per- sodium bicarbonate ingestion on 1500-m racing time.
formance. Of relevance, it has previously been reported Journal of Sports Sciences, 13 (5), 399–403. PubMed
that high-intensity exercise efforts lasting < 60 s are less doi:10.1080/02640419508732255
affected by supplementation with beta-alanine than longer Borg, G.A. (1982). Psychophysical bases of perceived exertion.
efforts (Hobson et al., 2012). This may be due to the fact Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 14(5), 377–
that during shorter duration exercise efforts less time is 381. PubMed doi:10.1249/00005768-198205000-00012
spent exercising with significant metabolite concentra- Décombaz, J., Beaumont, M., Vuichoud, J., Bouisset, F., & Stel-
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Downloaded by Purdue Univ on 09/16/16, Volume 23, Article Number 6

43(1), 67–76. PubMed doi:10.1007/s00726-011-1169-7

improved buffering may only be evident once the exercise Derave, W., Özdemir, M.S., Harris, R.C., Pottier, A., Reyn-
effort continues for a longer duration (i.e., 60–240 s). goudt, H., Koppo, K., . . . Achten, E. (2007). b-Alanine
supplementation augments muscle carnosine content
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Conclusions and Practical traction bouts in trained sprinters. Journal of Applied
Application Physiology, 103, 1736–1743. PubMed doi:10.1152/jap-
In conclusion, serially supplementing with beta-alanine Duffield, R., Dawson, B., & Goodman, C. (2005). Energy
(80 mg·kg–1BM·day–1 ~6 g·day–1) for 28 days improved system contribution to 400-metre and 800-metre track run-
800 m running race times in recreational club runners. ning. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(3), 299–307. PubMed
Importantly, this is the first study to show an improve- doi:10.1080/02640410410001730043
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(i.e., 2–4 min). (2013). Effect of beta-alanine and carnosine supplemen-
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Acknowledgments Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(1), 43–51. PubMed
We thank Professor Louise Burke with the Australian Institute of
Foster, C. (1998). Monitoring training in athletes with refer-
Sport for her invaluable assistance in obtaining the beta-alanine
ence to overtraining syndrome. Medicine and Science
used in this study.
in Sports and Exercise, 30(7), 1164–1168. PubMed
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