TLG 80041 C&C Classic Vol. 2 Eldritch Enchantments
TLG 80041 C&C Classic Vol. 2 Eldritch Enchantments
TLG 80041 C&C Classic Vol. 2 Eldritch Enchantments
Volume 2 of Four
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In Castles & Crusades magic is the purview of clerics and wizards, both of whom cast
powerful spells to beat back the forces of darkness, combat others of their ilk, protect
themselves and their compatriots, and seek ever greater power as they grow in experi-
ence. Magic is a mysterious force tied to the world and to the gods of the cosmos, and
requires a lifetime of training and commitment to master.
In common parlance, spell casters “memorize” their spells for the day, and then “for-
get” them once cast. In truth, it’s far more complex than this. Each spell is a living
weave of energy that requires a great deal of time, effort and ritual to cast. The daily
preparation is the means by which casters perform these rituals in a specialized meth-
od, combining all of their prepared spells for the day into one great process, holding
back just a few key elements. This is the difference between casting magic missile or
spiritual weapon via a ritual that takes, say fifteen minutes (which would make it largely
useless), and casting it using an action in the midst of battle.
When the spell is cast, the cleric or wizard issues forth those final few trigger words,
actions or elements, and the magical energy is unleashed to its intended effect. It then
cannot be cast again until prepared once more. It is beyond the purview of these rules
to determine whether a wizard or cleric can call upon lengthy rituals to cast spells they
have not previously prepared; this is left to the Castle Keeper to determine.
Clerics and wizards prepare their spells each day. Wizards do this by undergoing a
complex series of rituals, in essence doing the lion’s share of all spell casting for the
day in these minutes to hours each morning. Clerics spend time in contemplation,
meditation and prayer as they commune with their deity.
The tables under the cleric and wizard character classes in Volume 1 describe how
many spells of each level the caster can prepare. The cleric or wizard must sleep for
8 hours before they can prepare spells for the day. Preparation of spells requires 15
minutes of uninterrupted study and ritual per spell prepared.
The Nature of Spell Slots
Each spell slot represents a single use of that spell which, once expended, can no lon-
ger be used. This means that if, for example, the wizard wants to be able to cast magic
missile three times, they must prepare it using three spell slots. A wizard may prepare
lower level spells using higher level slots if they desire (thus, a wizard can prepare
magic missile, a first-level spell, using a second-level slot if they desire; the resulting
preparation has no effect on the spell itself. Magic missile is still a first-level spell even
if prepared using a second or higher level slot).
There are several specific game terms that are important to the rules of magic in Cas-
tles & Crusades Classic. These important terms are as follows:
Arcane Magic: The type of spells cast by wizards.
Divine Magic: The type of spells cast by clerics.
Spell: The complex formula used to produce a magical effect.
Spell Slots: The number of spells per level that a caster can cast, as shown by the
tables in their individual character classes.
Bonus Spells: Additional spells that can be cast per day based on a high attribute
Known Spells: The full list of spells that a wizard can access in their spell book. Cler-
ics do not have known spells; they have access to all clerical spells when they prepare
their daily contingent (provided they can cast spells of that level).
Prepared Spells: Those spells that a cleric or wizard has ready to cast at a given mo-
Spell Resistance: A special ability that some monsters and characters have, which
can negate magic that is cast upon them.
For most spells, casting requires one action to unleash a spell, at which point the effect
takes hold and the spell is “forgotten,” or released and the caster’s access to that spell
slot expended for the remainder of the day. Those spells that require more than one
round to cast take effect at the end of the final round of casting time, but any decisions
the caster needs to make about the spell’s effects must be made when the casting be-
gins. Most spells that impart harmful effects allow the target a saving throw to reduce
or avoid these effects entirely; further, spell resistance may partially or entirely protect
a target against spell effects. For more on saving throws and spell resistance, see Vol-
ume 3: Adventures in the Wilderness & Underworld.
Casting Time
A spell that takes one round (CT 1) that is equal to 10 seconds, to cast comes into effect during
the caster’s initiative turn. Some spells may take longer, such casting times are expressed in
rounds (rd), minutes (mn), hours (hr) or turn (equal to 1 minute or 6 rounds).
A spell’s components line indicates the types of components required to cast a spell.
These include Verbal (V, a spoken incantation), Somatic (S, ritual gestures and move-
ments), Material (M, physical substances or objects which are consumed in the cast-
ing), Focus (F, a prop that isn’t consumed upon casting), Divine Focus (DF, an item of
spiritual significance like a holy symbol).
—0 Level —
Create Water
Detect Alignment
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Endure Elements
First Aid
Purify Food and Drink
—1st Level—
Bless Water
Command Spiritual Weapon
Cure Light Wounds —3rd Level—
Detect Secret Doors Animate Dead
Detect Undead Continual Flame
Invisibility to Undead Create Food and Water
Protection from Alignment Cure Serious Wounds
Remove Fear Dispel Magic
Resist Elements Glyph of Warding
Sanctuary Locate Object
Shield of Faith Magic Circle
Sound Burst Prayer
—2nd Level— Remove Blindness/Deafness
Aid Remove Curse
Augury Remove Disease
Consecrate —4th Level—
Darkness Air/Water Walk
Delay Poison Control Water
Detect Traps Discern Lies
Hold Pattern Dismissal
Lesser Restoration Divination
Remove Paralysis Freedom of Movement
Silence Hallow
Speak with Dead Healing Circle
Explosive Runes Mnemonic Enhancer
Fireball Polymorph
Fly Remove Curse
Gaseous Form Resilient Sphere
Gust of Wind Scrying
Haste Shout
Hold Person Wall of Fire
Invisibility Sphere Wall of Ice
Lightning Bolt —5th Level—
Magic Circle Animate Dead
Nondetection Bind Elemental
Stinking Cloud Cloudkill
Suggestion Cone of Cold
Summon Lesser Monster Contact Other Plane
Tiny Hut Faithful Hound
Tongues Feeblemind
Water Breathing Hold Monster
—4th Level— Magic Jar
Arcane Eye Passwall
Charm Monster Permanency
Confusion Secret Chest
Detect Scrying Summon Monster
Dimension Door Telekinesis
Fear Telepathic Bond
Fire Shield Teleport
Fire Trap Transmute Mud and Rock
Hallucinatory Terrain Wall of Force
Ice Storm Wall of Iron
Locate Creature Wall of Stone
Minor Globe of Invunlerability
The undead remain under the caster’s con- trate, the eye becomes inert until the caster
trol indefinitely. No matter how many times again concentrates.
the caster uses this spell, however, the char-
The powers of the eye cannot be enhanced by
acter can only control 2 HD worth of un-
other spells or items (though the caster can
dead creatures per caster level. If the caster
use magic to improve the caster’s own eye-
exceeds this number, all the newly created
sight). The caster is subject to any gaze attack
creatures fall under the caster’s control, and
the eye encounters. A successful dispel magic
any excess undead from previous castings
cast on the caster or the eye ends the spell.
become uncontrolled (the character chooses
With respect to blindness, magical darkness
which creatures are released). If the caster is
and other phenomena that affect vision,
a arcanist, any undead the character might
the arcane eye is considered an indepen-
command by virtue of the caster’s power to
dent sensory organ of the caster (including a
command or rebuke undead do not count
creature). Creatures with intelligence 12 or
toward the spell’s limits.
higher can sense the arcane eye by making
A skeleton can be created only from a mostly an intelligence check. Spells such as detect
intact corpse or skeleton. The corpse must scrying can also detect the eye.
have bones. If a skeleton is made from a
corpse, the flesh falls off the bones. A zombie, ARCANE MARK, Level 0 Wizard
however, can be created only from a mostly CT 1 R touch D permanent
intact corpse. The statistics for skeletons and SV charisma negates (h) SR yes Comp V, S
zombies are detailed in Monsters & Trea-
This spell allows the caster to inscribe a rune
sures; undead created with this spell do not
or mark, which can be no taller than six
return any abilities the creature may have
inches in height and consist of no more than
had while alive.
six characters. The writing can be visible or
Preserve Dead: This reverse version has two invisible. The caster can etch the rune upon
effects. First, the caster preserves the remains any substance without harm to the material
of the target corpses so that they do not de- upon which it is placed.
cay, for one day per level of the caster. Doing
If an invisible mark is made, a detect mag-
so extends the time limit on raising that crea-
ic spell causes it to glow and be visible. See
ture from the dead. The spell works on sev-
invisibility, true seeing and the like allow
ered body parts and the like. Second, the spell
their users to see an invisible arcane mark.
permanently prevents the target corpses from
A read magic spell reveals the words, if any.
being animated by an animate dead spell. If
The mark cannot be dispelled, but it can be
a target corpse is preserved, and then raised
removed by the caster or by an erase spell.
from the dead or resurrected, the spell ends.
Creatures and items with charisma receive a
ARCANE EYE, Level 4 Wizard charisma saving throw to prevent the inscrip-
CT 1 tn. R unlimited D 1 tn./lvl. tion of the mark. If cast on a creature, normal
SV none SR none Comp V, S, M wear gradually causes the mark to fade in
about a month.
The caster creates an invisible magical eye
that sends the caster visual information. The
material component for the spell is an eye.
ATONEMENT, Level 5 Cleric
CT 1 hr. + 1 hr./lvl. of recip. R touch D
The arcane eye travels at 30 feet per round,
SV none SR yes (h) Comp V, S, F DF
and sees exactly as the caster would see if the
caster were there. If the eye examines walls This spell removes the burden of evil acts or
or ceilings, it moves at 10 feet per round. Sol- misdeeds from the subject. The creature seek-
id barriers prevent the passage of an arcane ing atonement must be truly repentant and
eye, although it can pass through a space no desirous of setting right its misdeeds. The spell
smaller than a small mouse hole (one inch in removes the burden from a creature who com-
diameter). The caster must concentrate to mitted the evil act unwittingly or under some
use the eye. If the caster does not concen- form of compulsion. A suitable focus worth at
BLESS*, Level 1 Cleric they blink into the solid object, the spell ends,
CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 tn./lvl. and they are shunted off to the nearest open
SV none SR yes (h) Comp V, S, DF. space, suffering 1d6 points of damage per 5
feet traveled through solid matter.
The caster’s allies gain +1 to hit, and a +
1 on saving throws against fear. The reverse
BURNING HANDS, Level 1 Wizard
spell, bane, causes the caster’s enemies a -1 to
CT 1 R 5 ft. D instant
hit and saving throws against fear.
SV none SR yes Comp V, S
BLESS WATER*, Level 1 Cleric A thin sheet of flame shoots from the caster’s
CT 1 tn. R touch D permanent outspread fingertips, striking any creature in
SV n/a SR yes (object) Comp V, S, DF the spell’s semicircular area of effect (5 feet.
long and 10 feet. wide). Creatures in the area
This spell turns a flask (one pint) of water into
of the flames take damage at 1d2+1 HP per
holy water or unholy water. Holy water and un-
level of the caster. Flammable materials such
holy water have special effects on certain crea-
as cloth, paper, parchment and thin wood ig-
tures, such as undead and evil outsiders, upon
nite and burn if the flames touch them.
which a flask deals 1d8 points of acid damage.
The reverse is called curse water, and has a sim-
ilar effect on holy creatures and good outsiders. C
BLINK, Level 3 Wizard CHANGE SELF, Level 1 Wizard
CT 1 R n/a D 1 rd./lvl. CT 1 R touch D 10 tn./lvl.
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S SV Intelligence negates SR no Comp V, S
This spell rapidly cycles the caster in and out The spell changes the caster’s appearance,
of existence (into the ethereal plane). Blinking including clothing, weapons and equipment.
has several effects. Attacks against the caster The caster can seem one foot shorter or tall-
are made at -10. If the attacker, however, is ca- er, thin, fat or in between. The spell cannot
pable of striking ethereal or incorporeal crea- change the character’s species. Otherwise,
tures, or is able to see invisible creatures, then the extent of the apparent change is up to
attacks are made at only -2. If the attacker can the caster. The spell does not provide the
both see and strike ethereal creatures, the at- abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form. It
tacker suffers no penalty. Individually targeted does not alter the perceived tactile (touch) or
spells have a 50% chance to fail against the audible (sound) properties of the character or
character while blinking unless the attacker any equipment. Creatures get an intelligence
can target invisible or ethereal creatures. Area save to recognize the glamer as an illusion if
attacks, such as fireball or a burst of bullets they interact with it.
from an automatic firearm, cause full damage.
CHARM MONSTER, Level 4 Wizard
The caster’s own attacks are made at -2. Like- CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 day/lvl.
wise, the caster’s own spells have a 50% chance SV charisma negates SR yes Comp V,S
to activate just as the character goes ethereal,
This charm makes a monster regard the cast-
in which case they take effect on the ethereal
er as a trusted friend and ally. If the monster
plane. Since the character spends about half
is being threatened or attacked by the caster
the character’s time on the ethereal plane, the
or the caster’s allies, however, the monster
character can see and even attack ethereal
receives a +5 bonus to its saving throw. The
creatures. The character interacts with ethereal
spell does not enable the caster to control the
creatures roughly the same way the character
charmed creature as if it were an automaton,
interacts with material ones.
but it perceives the caster’s words and actions
While blinking, the character can step in the most favorable way. The caster can try
through, but not see through, solid objects no to give the subject orders, but the caster must
more than 5 feet thick. If the caster attempts succeed at a Charisma check to convince it to do
to walk through material thicker than 5 feet, anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. Any act by the
A bank of yellowish-green poisonous fog bil- The caster is allowed one question per caster
lows out from the point the caster designates level. The answers given are correct within the
limits of the deity’s knowledge. Any question Except on a result of one, roll each round to
that cannot be answered with an answer of yes or see what the subject does. Wandering crea-
no will result in no answer and will count against tures leave the scene as if disinterested. Any
the caster’s maximum number of questions. If a confused creature who is attacked automati-
caster doesn’t focus on the conversation, such cally attacks its attackers on its next turn.
as discussing answers with others, the deity be-
comes angry or irritated, and ends the spell. CONSECRATE*, Level 2 Cleric
CT 3 R 50 ft. D 2 hrs./lvl.
Level 1 Wizard
CT 1 R n/a D 10 min./lvl. This spell blesses an area 50 feet x 50 feet with
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S positive energy. All attempts to turn undead
made within the area gain a +3 bonus. Un-
The character can understand the spoken dead entering this area suffer minor disruption,
words of creatures and read otherwise in- giving them a -1 penalty on attack, damage
comprehensible written messages. Note that and saving throws. Undead cannot be created
the ability to read does not necessarily impart or summoned into a consecrated area. If the
insight into the material, merely its literal consecrated area contains a permanent fixture
meaning. Note also that the spell enables the dedicated to the character’s deity, pantheon or
character to understand or read an unknown aligned higher power, the modifiers listed above
language, not speak or write it. Written mate- are doubled. Consecrate counters and dispels
rial can be read at the rate of one page (250 desecrate, but not within a permanent fixture of
words) per minute. Magical writing cannot be the opposing spell caster’s deity. The cast needs
read, other than to know it is magical. The religious materials worth
spell does not decipher codes or reveal mes-
sages concealed in otherwise normal text. 12 to cast the spell.
CONE OF COLD, Level 5 Wizard Desecrate is the reverse of this spell. It im-
CT 1 R see below D 1 rd. bues an area with negative energy, and all
SV dexterity half SR yes Comp V, S, M attempts to turn undead within it suffer a -3
penalty. Undead entering this area gain +1
A cone of extreme cold shoots from the cast- to attack, damage and saving throws. Undead
er’s hand affecting an area 5 feet wide x 50 created within or summoned into a desecrat-
feet long, or from a focus, causing 1d6 points ed area gain +1 hit points per HD. If the des-
of damage per caster level. Water is needed ecrated area contains an altar, shrine or other
to cast the spell. permanent fixture dedicated to the caster’s
CONFUSION, Level 4 Wizard deity, pantheon or aligned higher power, the
CT 1 R 150 ft. D 1 rd./lvl. effects are doubled.
SV wisdom negates SR yes Comp V, S Desecrate counters and dispels consecrate,
This spell causes creatures in an area 50 feet but not within a permanent fixture of the op-
x 50 feet to behave randomly, as indicated on posing spell-caster’s deity.
the following table:
1d10 Behavior
1 Wander away for 1 turn (unless prevented)
2-3 Attempt mundane task, like cooking, for 1 round
4-6 Do nothing for 1 round
7-8 Try to locate lost items for 1 round
9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round
10 Act normally for 1 round
CONTINUAL FLAME, Level 2 Wiz- CREATE WATER, Level 0 Cleric
ard, Level 3 Cleric CT 1 R 50 ft. D permanent
CT 1 R 5 ft. D permanent SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S
SV none SR yes Comp V, S This spell generates wholesome, drinkable
A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, water. Water can be created in an area as
springs forth from an object that the charac- small as will actually contain the liquid, or in
ter touches. The flame looks like a regular an area three times as large (possibly creating
flame, but it creates no heat and doesn’t use a downpour or filling many small recepta-
oxygen. The flame can be covered and hid- cles). The caster can create 2 gallons of water
den, but not smothered or quenched. per caster level (enough to fill 4 waterskins).
Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon, and
CONTROL WATER, Level 4 Cleric one cubic foot of water contains roughly 8
CT 1 R 450 ft. D 10 min./lvl. gallons and weighs about 65 pounds.
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, M/DF
The spell allows the caster to either raise or
lower water.
el 5 Cleric
CT 1 R touch D permanent
Lower Water: This use of the spell causes SV see text SR yes (h) Comp V, S, DF
water (or any similar liquid) to sink away to a
When the caster lays hands upon a living crea-
minimum depth of 1 inch. The depth can be
ture, the target is cured of 5d8 hit points of
lowered by up to 2 feet per caster level. The
damage. The curative version of this spell au-
water is lowered within a squarish depression
tomatically deals the same damage against un-
whose sides are up to 10 feet long per caster
dead, while the reverse of the spell deals dam-
level. In extremely large and deep bodies of
age to living creatures. In those situations, a
water, a powerful caster can create a whirl-
successful wisdom save indicates half damage.
pool that sweeps ships downward, putting
them at risk of damage and rendering them
unable to leave by normal movement for the CURE LIGHT WOUNDS*, Level 1
duration of the spell. When cast on water Cleric
elementals and other water-based creatures, CT 1 R touch D permanent
this spell acts as a slow spell. The spell has no SV see text SR yes (h) Comp V, S, DF
effect on other creatures. When the caster lays hands upon a living
Raise Water: This use of the spell causes creature, the target is healed for 1d8 hit
water (or any similar liquid) to rise in height. points of damage. The curative version of
Boats raised in this way slide down the sides this spell causes the same amount of dam-
of the hump that the spell creates. If the area age to undead creatures, while the reverse
affected by the spell is adjacent to land, the of this spell deals damage to living creatures.
water can spill over onto dry land. In those situations, a successful wisdom save
indicates half damage.
Level 3 Cleric CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS*, Level
CT 10 min R 50 ft. D permanent 3 Cleric
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, DF CT 1 R touch D permanent
SV see text SR yes (h) Comp V, S, DF
This spell creates simple food of the caster’s
choice and a volume of drinking water. The When the caster lays hands upon a living
food decays as normal food, but the water creature, the target is cured for 3d8 hit points
does not go bad. The caster can create enough of damage. The curative version of this spell
food and water to sustain three humans or one causes the same amount of damage to undead
horse for 1 day per caster level. The reverse of creatures, while the reverse causes the same
this spell, spoil food and water, makes the same damage to living creatures. In those situations,
amount of food or water inedible. a successful wisdom save indicates half damage.
The functioning of magic items is suppressed tremely hot temperatures, or other natural ef-
for 1d4 rounds, but artifacts are unaffected. fects harmful to a normal person. For example,
Interdimensional portals close for a number this spell allows the subject to travel through a
of rounds equal to the caster’s level. A crea- snowstorm wearing normal clothing.
ture or object whose presence is maintained
by an ongoing spell, such as a summoned ENHANCE ATTRIBUTE*, Level 2
monster, is sent back to whence it came, be- Wizard
cause the spell that conjured it ends. If an on- CT 1 R touch D 1 hr./lvl.
going spell’s area overlaps that of the dispel, SV constitution negates (h) SR yes (h)
the effect is ended only within the area of the Comp V, S, M
dispel magic. The caster automatically suc-
ceeds at the dispel check against their own This spell temporarily raises one attribute
spells as long as the character is of the same score of the creature touched. The caster se-
or higher level as when the spell was cast. lects the attribute to be raised at the time of
casting. It can only affect one creature. The
DIVINATION, Level 4 Cleric spell’s effect differs depending upon whether
CT 10 min. R n/a D see below the attribute to be raised is a Prime attribute
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, M or non-Prime attribute. The spell raises Prime
attributes by 1d4+1 points, but only raises
This spell provides the caster with a useful non-Prime attributes by 1d2+1 points. The
piece of advice in reply to a question con- material component is a hair or piece from an
cerning a specific goal, event or activity that animal considered strong, dextrous, tough, in-
is to occur within 1 week. The advice can be telligent, wise, or appealing.
as simple as a short phrase, or it might take
the form of a cryptic riddle or omen. The Diminish Attribute is the reverse of this spell.
Game Master controls what information the A creature failing a constitution save suffers a
character receives. It should be noted that if loss of 1d4+1 points in a Prime attribute or
the caster’s party doesn’t act on the informa- 1d2+1 points in a non-Prime attribute.
tion, the conditions may change so that the
information is no longer useful. The base ERASE, Level 1 Wizard
chance for a correct divination is 70% + 1% CT 1 R 50 ft. or touch D see below
per caster level. The Game Master adjusts the SV n/a SR none Comp V, S
chance if unusual circumstances require it (if, This spell removes writings of mundane or
for example, unusual precautions against div- magical nature. The spell clears as much writ-
ination spells have been taken). If the die roll ing as might be found on a scroll, or up to two
fails, the character knows the spell failed, un- pages of parchment. It even removes explosive
less specific magic yielding false information runes, glyphs of warding and arcane marks,
is at work. Multiple divinations about the but does not remove symbols or illusory script.
same topic by the same caster use the same Removal of dangerous magical writing such as
die result as the first divination and yield the explosive runes, requires the caster to touch
same answer each time. them and make an intelligence check. Fail-
ure indicates that the effect of the dangerous
E writing is triggered as it is erased. Nonmagical
writings are automatically erased.
ard, 0 Cleric ETHEREAL JAUNT, Level 5 Cleric
CT 1 R see below D 1 rd./lvl.
CT 1 R person D 24 hrs.
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S
SV none SR yes Comp V, S, DF
The energies of this spell allow the caster to
Protective magical energies merge with the
enter the ethereal plane, a place which over-
caster’s body, providing protection against
laps the material world. The caster may pass
natural elements. The subject can withstand
through all material objects in the material
extreme temperatures, such as sub-zero or ex-
might have effect upon a ranged weapon or whichever the caster desires. Any creature
projectile, at the Game Master’s discretion. It striking the caster with its body or handheld
effects a 20 foot diameter sphere. weapons deals normal damage, but at the same
time the attacker takes 1d6 points of damage
FEEBLEMIND, Level 5 Wizard +1 per caster level due to the intense flames.
CT 1 R 150 ft. D see text Spell resistance applies to this damage. Weap-
SV charisma negates SR yes Comp V, S ons with exceptional reach do not endanger
the attacker.
This spell drains the target’s higher intellect,
reasoning and even base cunning, reducing The flame-clad character gives off light like
the target to an intelligence below that of a dim torch, the color of which is selected by
even some animals. Still, even at such low the caster (blue or green for a chill shield,
intelligence, the spell’s target instinctively violet or reddish-orange for a hot shield).
recognizes friends, and can follow them and Characters surrounded by a hot shield take
protect them in a very primitive manner. The only half damage from cold-based attacks,
unfortunate victim remains in this state until and no damage if the attack allows a save for
a heal, restoration, wish, or equivalent are half damage and the caster succeeds. Chill
used to dispel it. shields operate exactly the same way, but
protect against heat/fire-based attacks.
FIREBALL, Level 3 Cleric
CT 1 R 450 ft. D instant FIRE TRAP, Level 2 Cleric, Level 4
SV dexterity half SR yes Comp V, S, M Wizard
CT 10 min. R touch D until discharged
With a gesture, the caster sends a small ball
SV dexterity half SR yes Comp V, S, M
of fire hurtling through the air to detonate
with a low roar at the height and distance Set upon any closeable item, a fire trap
the caster desires, as long as it is within the erupts into flame when anyone other than
spell’s maximum range. The explosion fills the caster, or any other caster-selected
the area of effect with intense fire and heat, characters, opens the item that the spell is
causing 1d6 damage per caster level to all warding. When triggered, a fiery explosion
creatures and objects within the area. It fills the area within 5 feet of the item (10
ignites combustibles, damages objects and foot diameter sphere). The explosion deals
melts anything with a low melting point 1d4 damage +1 point per caster level. The
such as bronze, copper, silver, lead or gold. item remains unharmed by the spell. A
The explosion creates almost no pressure. It knock spell does not prevent the effects of a
effects a 40 foot diameter sphere. The mate- fire trap in any way. An unsuccessful dispel
rial component is a small lump of coal. magic spell will not detonate the spell. To
cast the spell the caster needs fragments of
The fireball follows a straight path, and if it
flint and a stick of charcoal, the latter used
impacts a solid barrier prior to attaining the
to draw around the closure, the former scat-
prescribed range, the impact causes early
tered over it, this process leaves no visible
detonation. If the caster attempts to send the
ball through a narrow passage, such as an ar-
row slit, the character must hit with a ranged
attack roll, or else the bead strikes the barrier FIRST AID, Level 0 Cleric
and detonates prematurely. CT 1 R touch D permanent
SV n/a SR yes (h) Comp V, S
FIRE SHIELD, Level 4 Wizard, 5 Cleric When the caster lays hands upon a living
CT 1 R see below D 1 rd./lvl. creature, this minor healing spell magically
SV none SR see text Comp V, S, M bandages any wound on the creature’s body,
preventing further loss of hit points from
Wispy, colorful flame wreathes the caster,
bleeding. It prevents infection, but cures no
surrounding the character like a cloak of fire.
The fire may be freezing cold or burning hot,
Eerie rattles and wails, wolfish howls, warm either blasts the intruder or activates a spell:
laughter, quiet conversation, the rumble of
Blast Glyph: This glyph causes 1d4 damage
thunder and clash of swords, the soft patter of
per caster level to the intruder and all within
bare feet; all these are sounds that can be cre-
5 feet of the intruder. A successful Wis save
ated with this spell, sounds that can seem to
reduces damage by one-half. Damage may be
rise, recede, approach or remain constant as
either from acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic,
the caster desires. Virtually any type of sound
as determined by caster. Because the damage is
can be produced, emanating from anywhere
entirely divine, however, the type of damaging
within range, though the volume cannot ex-
agent has no secondary effect.
ceed as much noise as four normal humans
could produce. Small pieces of earwax are Spell Glyph: Stores any single spell of up to
needed to cast this spell. 3rd level that the caster knows. The spell
must be cast as part of the process of inscrib-
GLYPH OF WARDING, Level 3 Wiz- ing the glyph. When it is violated, the spell
ard operates as if the caster cast it at that time,
CT 10 min. R touch D until discharge allowing normal saves as per the spell.
SV see text SR yes (to effect) Comp V, S, M
GUST OF WIND, Level 3 Wizard
To cast a glyph of warding, the caster inscribes CT 1 R 150 ft. D 1 rd.
an area or object with an invisible inscription SV strength negates SR no Comp V, S.
that harms those who enter, pass, open the
warded area or object, or otherwise break the A powerful, howling blast of air originates
conditions of the ward set by the caster. It can from the caster in the direction they are fac-
encompass an area up to 25 feet x 25 feet. An ing, and extending out to 10 feet high and
ounce of oil (1sp) mixed with incense (5sp) 10 feet wide. This gust automatically extin-
and a powdered gemstone of color appropriate guishes candles, torches, and similar small
to the caster’s deity (200gp) is needed to acti- unprotected flames; it fans larger flames such
vate the spell. Glyphs can be set to permit or as bonfires; it scatters any small, light items
ward against a specific individual or individu- such as a wind ordinarily would; and it causes
als, or even entire species or groups of species. protected flames, such as those of lanterns,
They can be set only to admit characters of to dance wildly, with a 50% chance that they
certain faiths or alignments, or carrying cer- too will be extinguished. Small-sized flying
tain items, wearing certain garments, colors, creatures must make a strength save to avoid
or signs or uttering certain passwords. Any being blown wildly out of control by the spell,
creature violating the warded area is subject while small and medium-sized landborne
to its magic. creatures, as well as medium-sized flying crea-
tures, must make a strength save to success-
Glyphs respond to invisible creatures normal- fully continue moving normally.
ly, but can be fooled by polymorph and non-
detection spells, and they are not triggered by
those who travel past them ethereally. Multi- H
ple glyphs cannot be cast on the same area or
object, although more than one glyphed ob- HALLOW*, Level 4 Cleric
ject may be placed in close proximity. A glyph CT one day R touch D one year
can be made to conform to any shape, up to SV none SR see text Comp V, S, M, DF
the limitations of the spell’s area. This spell sanctifies a large 150 foot radius
Read magic permits a character to see a glyph, area of a holy site. The caster must have reli-
and a successful intelligence check allows the gious trappings worth 1,000 to cast the spell.
same character to identify the glyph. Identify- The spell has four effects.
ing the glyph does not discharge it and allows First, the entire area operates as a magic circle
the character to know the basic nature of the against evil (or good, chaos or law, as chosen
glyph. Glyphs are affected by dispel magic. by the caster). All warded creatures in the area
Depending on the version selected, a glyph receive a +2 bonus to armor class and saves
against attacks by creatures of the selected pelled or disbelieved by an intelligent crea-
alignment. Likewise, the spell blocks any at- ture. It effects a 10 foot x 10 foot area per
tempt to possess or mentally control a warded level of the caster.
creature, and prevents bodily contact by sum-
moned or conjured creatures. The protection HASTE*, Level 3 Wizard
against contact by summoned or conjured CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.
creatures ends if a warded individual makes an SV constitution (h) see text SR yes (h)
attack against such a creature. Spell resistance Comp V, S, M
can allow a summoned creature to overcome
Haste is a powerful but dangerous magic that
this protection and touch the warded creature.
is usually cast in times of great desperation.
These effects are not cumulative with protec-
Haste affects one creature. Haste doubles the
tion from evil.
affected creature’s movement rate and num-
Second, all attempts to turn undead gain a ber of attacks per round. Neither spell casting
+3 bonus. Attempts to command undead nor other actions are accelerated. A creature
suffer a -3 penalty. affected by haste ages one year, and assumes
Third, any dead body interred in a hallowed the risk of permanent bodily damage from the
site cannot be turned into an undead crea- strain of the spell. At the end of the spell’s
ture. duration, an affected creature must make a
successful constitution saving throw or lose 1
Fourth, the character may choose to affix a hit point permanently.
single spell effect to the hallowed site. The
character must cast the spell when casting Slow is the reverse of haste. It reduces by 1/2
hallow. The spell effect lasts for one year and a creature’s movement and number of attacks
functions throughout the entire consecrated per round. A creature affected by slow suffers
site, regardless of its normal duration and area no aging or other bodily strain. Haste dispels
of effect. The caster may designate whether and counters slow, and vice-versa.
the effects apply to all creatures, or only to
creatures who share the character’s faith or HEALING CIRCLE, Level 4 Cleric
alignment. At the end of the year, the chosen CT 1 R see below D permanent
effect lapses, but it can be renewed or replaced SV see text SR yes (h) Comp V, S
simply by casting hallow again. Spell effects This spell releases waves of energy in all di-
that may be tied to a hallowed site include rections from the caster, up to a 20 foot radius
aid, bless, cause fear, detect evil (good, chaos, sphere, curing 2d8 points of damage to all liv-
law), detect magic, dispel magic, endure ele- ing creatures in the area of effect, including
ments, freedom of movement, protection from allies and enemies. The curative version of
elements, remove fear, resist elements, silence this spell deals the same damage to undead,
and tongues. while the reverse, harming circle, deals dam-
The reverse of this spell, unhallow, provides age to living creatures. In those situations, a
the above effects, but against good creatures. successful wisdom save indicates half dam-
Any dead body buried in an unhallowed area, age. Harming circle heals undead creatures.
however, will rise as a zombie in 24 hours.
HOLD MONSTER, Level 5 Wizard
HALLUCINATORY TERRAIN, Lev- CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.
SV wisdom negates SR yes Comp V, S, M
el 3 Wizard
CT 10 min. R 150 ft. D see text This spell holds a single, non-human, crea-
SV intelligence SR no Comp V, S, M ture rigidly in place. It is aware and breathes
normally but cannot take any physical ac-
The caster makes natural terrain look, sound
tion. It can, however, execute purely mental
and smell like some other sort of natural ter-
actions. This spell can affect any monster or
rain. Structures, equipment and creatures
animal, be it living, undead, constructed or
within the area are not hidden or changed
magical in nature.
in appearance. The illusion persists until dis-
HOLD PERSON, Level 3 Wizard becomes exhausted, and loses 1d4 points of
CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl constitution. After resting for 1 hour per each
SV wisdom negates SR yes Comp V, S, M separate spell cast, constitution is returned to
normal. The caster needs materials valued at
This spell holds a single medium-sized or less
1,000gp to cast the spell. In a pulp setting,
humanoid target rigidly in place. It is aware
the Legend Lore class ability often can make
and breathes normally but cannot take any
this spell unnecessary.
physical action. It can, however, execute
purely mental actions.
INSECT PLAGUE, Level 5 Cleric
CT 1 R 450 ft. D 1 tn./lvl.
HOLD PORTAL, Level 1 Wizard SV see text SR no Comp V, S, DF
CT 1 R 50 ft. D see below
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S A horde of insects swarm forth from the
spell’s point of origin, in a 180 foot diame-
This spell magically bars a door, gate, window,
ter thick cloud. The insects limit vision to 10
shutter of wood, metal or stone. The magic
feet, and spell casting within the cloud is im-
holds the portal fast, just as if it were securely
possible. Creatures inside the insect plague,
closed and normally locked. A knock spell or
regardless of AC, sustain 1 point of damage at
a successful dispel magic can negate the hold
the end of each round they remain within it.
portal. Portals held shut by this spell can still
All creatures with 2 or fewer HD are driven
be battered down.
from the cloud at their fastest possible speed
in a random direction, and flee until they are
I at least 100 feet away from the insects. Crea-
tures with 3 to 5 HD flee as well, unless they
ICE STORM, Level 4 Wizard, Level succeed at a charisma saving throw.
5 Cleric The horde of insects does not move from the
CT 1 R 150 ft. D see below targeted area of effect. Heavy smoke or fire
SV none SR yes Comp V, S, M drives the insects away, but single torch is in-
This spell causes snow and hailstones to effective against the horde. Lightning, cold,
pound the area of effect, a 50 foot diameter and ice are ineffective, but a strong wind
cyclinder that is 50 feet tall. The storm in- (21+ mph), that covers the entire plague
flicts 5d6 points of damage to anything in the area, disperses the insects and ends the spell.
area. It also reduces subsequent movement in
the area by half, for 1 round per caster level. INVISIBILITY, Level 2 Wizard
The spell caster needs a small drop of water CT 1 R touch D permanent
to cast the spell. SV none SR yes Comp V, S, M
The recipient of this spell (and all of his or her
IDENTIFY, Level 1 Wizard gear) vanishes from all forms of natural sight,
CT 10 min. R 5 ft. D 1 rd./lvl. including special visions. Items dropped or put
SV none SR no Comp V, S, M down by an invisible creature become visible;
This spell reveals a single function of one items picked up disappear if tucked into the
magic item for each round it is in effect. clothing or pouches worn by the creature.
The most basic functions are revealed first, Light, however, never becomes invisible, al-
including how to activate that function or though a source of light can become so (thus,
the item, and how many charges remain. the effect is that of a light with no visible
For a weapon, this will be the plus to attack source). Any part of an item that the subject
and damage. If a magic item has multiple carries but that extends more than 10 feet
different functions that are equally basic, from it becomes visible, such as a trailing rope.
the Game Master determines which is first The spell ends if the subject attacks any crea-
identified. Multiple castings of this spell may ture. For purposes of this spell, attacks in-
be cast at the same time, taking 10 minutes clude any spell that can inflict damage upon
per spell. After casting this spell, the caster
self; any magical means of opening, such as LIGHTNING BOLT, Level 3 Wizard
dispel magic or knock work normally. The CT 1 R see below D instant
caster can freely pass the character’s own SV dexterity half SR yes Comp V, S, M
lock without affecting it.
The caster unleashes a blinding, sizzling arc
of forking electricity that deals 1d6 points of
L damage per caster level. The caster channels
the electricity through a small iron rod (1sp)
LESSER RESTORATION, Level 2 that has been left out in a thunderstorm. The
Cleric bolt is 10 feet wide x 50 feet long or 5 feet
CT 10 min. R touch D permanent wide x 100 feet long. The bolt erupts from the
SV n/a SR yes (h) Comp V, S, DF caster’s fingertips, staff, rod or wand. It strikes
creatures and objects along its sinuous path
The strength-sapping touch of the ray of
and even a couple of feet to either side, ig-
enfeeblement, the fiendish attacks of cer-
niting combustibles, sundering wooden doors
tain foul creatures and the insidious effects
and melting metals with a low melting point,
of some poisons may sap a character’s attri-
such as lead, gold, copper, silver or bronze.
butes, reducing strength, inhibiting constitu-
tion and so on. Lesser restoration completely If the damage caused to an interposing bar-
dispels any magical effects that have reduced rier shatters or breaks through it, the bolt
the character’s attribute scores, but cannot continues beyond the barrier to the extent of
reverse permanent attribute drain. its range. If the bolt does not break through
or is deflected, it rebounds toward the caster
LEVITATE, Level 2 Wizard up the full length of the bolt or until it strikes
CT 1 R personal/50 ft. D 10 min./lvl. another barrier and rebounds again.
SV intelligence negates SR yes (h) Comp V,
Levitate allows the caster to float up or down
CT 1 R 450 ft. D 10 min./lvl
through the air at a luxurious pace, moving
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, F
no more than 20 feet up or down per round.
Alternatively, the caster may levitate another Using this spell, the caster may locate the
creature or object weighing no more than 100 nearest creature of a known type that they
lbs. per level, although an unwilling creature have encountered before (such as a human
is entitled to a saving throw. Levitation does or unicorn), or a specific individual creature
not enable horizontal movement, although a whom the caster has met, provided it is with-
levitating character could clamber along the in range. The caster must possess part of the
face of a cliff or push against a ceiling to move creature type sought (such as a Nazi’s tooth),
laterally (generally at half base speed). The or part or all of an item, garment, or part of
caster needs a slender gold wire worth 5pg to an individual creature sought (such as a lock
cast the spell. of hair, a strip of cloth from an individual’s
cloak, etc. in order to use the spell. The
LIGHT, Level 0 Wizard, Level 0 Cleric caster slowly turns on the spot after casting
CT 1 R 150 ft. D 10 min./lvl. the spell, attempting to sense the direction
SV none SR no Comp V, F of the creature. The spell locates the near-
est creature of a given type if more than one
This spell causes an object to shed light, clearly
such creature is within range. Running water
illuminating the area around it as much as a
blocks the spell, and it can be fooled by mis-
torch, albeit with clear, white light. Although
lead, nondetection, and polymorph spells. It
the effect is immobile, it can be cast on a mov-
cannot detect objects.
able object. Light taken into an area of magical
darkness does not function. The caster needs
a piece of clear quartz crystal, natural, cut or
LOCATE OBJECT*, Level 2 Wizard
CT 1 R 450 ft. D 10 min./lvl.
polished worth 1sp.
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, F, DF
With this spell, the caster need never fear The barrier moves with the subject and grants
misplacing his tower key again, for it enables a +2 bonus to armor class and saving throws
the caster to sense the direction of a well- against creatures of the chosen alignment. The
known or clearly visualized object, including spell prevents bodily contact by summoned or
apparel, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons or conjured creatures of any alignment: the melee
even such mundane implements as a ladder. attacks of such creatures fail and the creatures
All the caster needs is a small glass lens or recoil from the protective magic. The protec-
opaque crystal. The spell may be used to tion against contact by summoned or conjured
search for general items such as a stairway, a creatures ends if the warded creature makes
sword or a jewel, in which case the spell lo- an attack against, or tries to force the barrier
cates the nearest such object within its range, against, the blocked creature. Spell resistance
or the spell may be used to find a specific item, can allow a summoned or conjured creature to
such as a particular piece of jewelry. A unique overcome this protection and touch the ward-
object (such as Gideon Thorne’s gold-plated ed creature.
quill) may not be located unless the caster
The magical circle also blocks any attempt to
has observed that particular item firsthand.
possess or exercise mental control over the
The spell is blocked by lead, fooled by poly-
warded creature by foes of any alignment.
morphing, and cannot detect creatures.
The protection does not prevent a spell that
Obscure object, the reverse of this spell, may gains mental control, but it prevents the cast-
be cast on an object, thereby preventing it er of such a spell from mentally commanding
from being located by spells of this type, or the protected creature. If the protection ends
by divinatory means such as scrying, for the before the mental control does, the enemy
duration of the spell. caster would then be able to exercise such
mental control of the creature. Likewise, the
barrier keeps out a possessing life force but
M does not expel one if it is in place before the
spell is cast.
MAGE HAND, Level 0 Wizard
CT 1 R 25 ft. D concentration This spell has a special function that the char-
SV none SR yes Comp V, S acter may choose when casting the spell. A
magic circle can be focused inward rather than
The caster points a finger at an object of 5
outward. In this case, it serves as an immobile,
pounds or less, and can then lift and move it
temporary magical prison for a summoned
at will from a distance. The caster can move
creature. The creature cannot cross the circle’s
the object up to 15 feet in any direction in a
boundaries. The caster must beat a creature’s
round, though the spell ends if the distance
SR in order to keep it at bay, but the bonuses
between the caster and the object ever ex-
and the protection from mental control apply
ceeds the spell’s range.
regardless of an enemy’s SR. If a creature is too
large to fit into the spell’s area, the spell suc-
MAGIC CIRCLE (against chaos, evil, ceeds but for that creature only.
good or law), Level 3 Wizard, Level 3
Cleric MAGIC JAR, Level 5 Wizard
CT 1 R creature touched D 3 rd./lvl. CT 1 R 150 ft. D 1 tn./lvl.
SV none SR no (see text) Comp V, S, M/DF SV charisma save negates SR yes Comp V,
This spell creates a magical barrier around S, M
the subject, to a distance of 10 feet, that of- By casting magic jar, the caster places their
fers protection against one axis of alignment own soul into a gem (which must be of at least
(evil, good, chaos, or law) which is decided at 1,000gp in value) or large crystal (known as
the time of casting. Only one such protective the magic jar), leaving the caster’s own body
spell can be in effect in one place at the same lifeless. The caster may then attempt to take
time, even if each protects against a different control of a nearby body, forcing the target’s
alignment. soul into the magic jar. Then the caster can
attempt to take control of a nearby body, Any life force with nowhere to go is treated
forcing its soul into the magic jar. While in as slain.
the magic jar, the caster can sense and attack
If the spell ends while the caster is in the mag-
any life force within 10 feet per caster level
ic jar, the caster returns to the caster’s body
(on the same plane). The caster, however,
(or dies if the caster’s body is out of range or
cannot determine the exact creature types
destroyed). If the spell ends while the caster
or positions of these creatures. In a group of
is in a host, the caster returns to the caster’s
life forces, the caster can sense a difference of
body (or dies, if it is out of range of the caster’s
four or more HD and can determine whether
current position), and the soul in the magic jar
a life force is positive or negative energy. At-
returns to its body (or dies if it is out of range).
tempting to possess a body is an attack, and it
Destroying the receptacle ends the spell. A
is blocked by protection from evil or a similar
magic jar may also be dispelled by casting a
ward. The caster possesses the body and forc-
dispel magic (or greater) spell on either the
es the creature’s soul into the magic jar unless
receptacle or the host.
the subject succeeds at a charisma save. Fail-
ure to take over the host leaves the caster’s
life force in the magic jar, and the target auto- MAGIC MISSILE, Level 1 Wizard
matically succeeds at further saving throws if CT 1 R 150 ft. D n/a
the caster attempts to possess its body again. SV none SR yes Comp V, S
If successful, the caster’s life force occupies A missile of magical energy flies from the
the host body, and the host’s life force is im- caster’s hand and unerringly strikes its target.
prisoned in the magic jar. The caster keeps his The missile deals 1d4+1 points of damage.
or her intelligence, wisdom, charisma, level, As long as the caster can see the target and
class, base attack bonus, Prime attributes, all the targets are in a 25 foot diameter area,
alignment, and mental abilities while the the missile will hit. Specific parts of a creature
host body retains its strength, dexterity, con- cannot be singled out.
stitution, hit points, natural abilities and ex- For every two levels of experience past first
traordinary abilities such as water breathing level, the caster gains an additional missile.
or regeneration. A body with extra limbs does The caster has two at 3rd level, three at 5th
not allow the caster to make more attacks level, four at 7th level, and so on. If the caster
(or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) shoots multiple missiles, the caster can have
than normal. The caster can’t choose to acti- them strike a single creature or several dif-
vate the body’s extraordinary or supernatural ferent creatures. The caster must designate
abilities. The creature’s spells and spell-like targets before rolling for damage or SR.
abilities do not stay with the body.
The caster may move back to the jar, re- MAGIC MOUTH, Level 2 Wizard
turning the trapped soul to its body, at any CT 1 R touch D permanent
time; and may thereafter attempt to possess SV n/a SR yes (object) Comp V, S
another body. The spell ends when the cast- This spell imbues an object with an enchant-
er chooses to return to the caster’s own body ed mouth that appears and speaks its message
(leaving the receptacle empty). when a specified event occurs. The message,
To cast the spell, the magic jar must be within which must be twenty-five or fewer words
spell range. When the caster’s soul transfers long, can be in any language known by the
to the jar, the caster’s original body is, as near caster. The mouth cannot cast spells.
as anyone can tell, dead. The spell activates when specific conditions
If the host body is slain, the caster returns set by the caster are fulfilled. Commands can
to the magic jar, if within range, and the life be as general or as detailed as desired, al-
force of the host departs (that is, it is dead). though only visual and audible triggers can be
If the host body is slain beyond the range of used. The spell reacts to what appears to be
the spell, both the caster and the host die. real: disguises and illusions can fool it. Nor-
mal darkness does not defeat a visual trigger,
Cleric CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 hr./lvl.
CT 1 R touch D permanent SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, M
SV constitution negates (h) SR yes (h) The caster creates a temporary passage
Comp V, S, DF through a wall that is 5 feet wide, 8 feet tall
The caster detoxifies any sort of venom in and 10 feet deep. Several passwall spells can
one creature or in one object touched. A poi- form a continuing passage to breach very thick
soned creature suffers no additional damage walls, when one spell is insufficient. When
or effects from the poison, and any tempo- passwall ends, creatures within the passage
rary effects are ended. But the spell does not are ejected to the nearest corridor or other
reverse effects the poison may have already exit. The material component for this spell is
inflicted, such as hit point damage, temporary a ball of hardened candle wax which the caster
ability damage, or effects that don’t go away pierces at the time of casting.
on their own.
PERMANENCY, Level 5 Wizard
This spell also neutralizes the poison in a poi-
CT 2 + spell made permanent R n/a D per-
sonous creature or object. A poisonous crea-
ture replenishes its poison at its normal rate.
SV none SR no Comp V, S
NONDETECTION, Level 3 Wizard This powerful spell makes certain other spells
CT 1 R 25 ft. D 1 hr./lvl. permanent, assuming that the caster has at-
SV see text SR yes (h) Comp V, S, M tained a required level of experience and is
otherwise able to cast the spell to be made
The warded creature or item becomes diffi- permanent. Making spells permanent results
cult to detect by a divination spell or device. in the temporary loss of 1 point of constitu-
If a divination is attempted against the ward- tion for 1 month, with the caster needing to
ed creature or item, the caster of the divina- make a constitution saving throw to prevent
tion must make a wisdom saving throw, with the loss from remaining permanent.
the challenge level being equal to the level
of the spell caster who cast nondetection. If The caster can make any of these spells per-
cast on a creature, nondetection wards the manent in regard to the character’s person:
creature’s gear as well as the creature itself. comprehend languages, detect magic, detect
Nondetection can only be cast on one crea- poison, endure elements, protection from
ture or item and requires a reflective device arrows, read magic, see invisibility, tongues,
worth at least 5sp to cast. and water breathing. This application of per-
manency can be dispelled only by a caster of
greater level than the caster was when he or
O she cast the spell.
OPEN/ CLOSE. Level 0 Wizard In addition to personal use, permanency can
CT 1 R 25 ft. D n/a be used to make the following spells perma-
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S nent on the caster, another creature, an ob-
ject, or an area (as appropriate): alarm, con-
The caster can open or close a normal latched fusion, dancing lights, enlarge, ghost sound,
door, chest, box, window, bag, pouch, bottle, gust of wind, invisibility, magic mouth, phase
or other container. If anything resists this ac- door, prismatic sphere, scare, stinking cloud,
tivity the spell fails. The spell can only open symbol, teleportation circle, wall of fire, wall
and close things that are of standard weight. of force, and web. Spells cast on other crea-
tures, objects or locations (not on the caster)
are vulnerable to dispel magic as normal.
the polymorph spell. In those other unique create effects like a puff of smoke, very minor
instances, the Game Master should utilize the illusions, sound effects or temporary change
above as a guideline for issuing rulings on the in color. This spell can never inflict damage
spell’s effect to the players. or disrupt the casting of other spell casters.
Prestidigitation lacks the power to duplicate
Alternately, the caster may cause another
any other spell effects. Any actual change to
creature to assume the body, abilities and po-
an object (beyond just moving, cleaning or
tentially the consciousness of another form or
soiling it) persists for only 1 hour.
creature. An unwilling target gets a wisdom
save to resist the spell. Additionally, a creature
polymorphed into the form of another risks PROTECTION FROM ALIGNMENT,
assuming the consciousness of the new form. Level 1 Wizard, Level 1 Cleric
For every 12 hours spent in the new form, the CT 1 R touch D 3 rd./lvl.
creature must succeed at a wisdom save or be- SV none SR no (see text) Comp V, S, M/DF
come a member of the species in question in This spell creates a magical barrier around
both form and consciousness, forgetting every- the subject at a distance of 1 foot offering
thing associated with the prior form, including protection against one axis of alignment; evil,
friends, family, experiences and training. If the good, chaos, or law. Only one protection spell
magic is dispelled, the target regains its former can be in effect at a time, even if each would
memories and personality. protect against a different alignment.
In all other regards, this spell acts like poly- The barrier moves with the subject and grants
morph self. Size can be no larger than twice a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws against
the creature’s normal height. The caster creatures of the alignment chosen. The spell
retains control over minor physical quali- prevents bodily contact by all summoned or
ties and significant physical qualities. Upon conjured creatures of any alignment: the me-
changing back to an original form, the poly- lee attacks of such creatures fail and the crea-
morphed creature regains 1d4 hit points. If tures recoil from the protective magic. The
slain, the creature reverts to his or her orig- protection against contact by summoned or
inal form, but remains dead. The material conjured creatures ends if the warded crea-
components of this spell are butterfly wings. ture makes an attack against, or tries to force
the barrier against, the blocked creature.
PRAYER, Level 3 Cleric Spell resistance can allow a summoned or
CT 1 R see below Dur 1 rd./lvl. conjured creature to overcome this protec-
SV none SR yes Comp V, S, DF tion and touch the warded creature.
The caster and the caster’s allies gain a +1 bo- The spell can also block any attempt to pos-
nus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and sess the warded creature or to exercise mental
saving throws while their foes suffer a -1 penal- control over the creature by creatures of any
ty on such rolls. The area of effect for this spell alignment. The protection does not prevent
is 50 feet. Everyone in this area is effected. a spell that gains mental control, but it pre-
vents the caster of such a spell from mentally
PRESTIDIGITATION, Level 0 Wiz- commanding the protected creature. If the
ard, Level 0 Cleric protection ends before the mental control
CT 1 R 10 ft. D 1 tn./lvl. does, the caster would then be able to men-
SV n/a SR yes Comp V, S tally command the controlled creature. Like-
wise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life
The rudimentary prestidigitation spell is a
force but does not expel one if it is in place
building block for arcane study, and enables
before the spell is cast.
the caster to perform a variety of simple mag-
ical effects. This spell can clean, soil, or alter
the color of items in a 1-foot cube. It can chill,
warm or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. 0 Cleric
It can move up to 1 pound of matter. It can CT 1 R 10 ft. D permanent
SV none SR no Comp V, S
This spell makes spoiled, rotten, poisonous Creatures that are raised from the dead are
or otherwise contaminated food and water considerably weakened by the process, and
pure and suitable for eating and drinking. It require 12 hours of complete rest for each day
does not prevent subsequent natural decay or the creature was dead. During this time the
spoilage. Unholy water and similar food and creature is considered to have 1 HP and no
drink of significance is spoiled by purify food mortal wounds. Normal poison and normal
and drink, but the spell has no effect on crea- disease are cured in the process of raising the
tures of any type, nor upon magic potions. subject, but magical diseases and curses are
The caster can purify 1 cubic foot per level. not undone. Missing appendages and parts are
Note: one cubic foot of water contains rough- not regenerated upon return from the dead.
ly 8 gallons and weighs about 60 pounds. Raise dead will not work on creatures that
died from old age, or upon creatures that sim-
PYROTECHNICS, Level 2 Wizard, ply don’t wish to return from the netherworld.
Level 3 Cleric This spell carries with it a high price. The nat-
CT 1 R 150 ft. D see text ural forces that govern the wheel of samsara
SV see below SR yes Comp V, S, M were not meant to be toyed with, and any
Casting this spell transforms a fire into ei- character attempting to restore the dead must
ther a burst of blinding fireworks or a thick make an immediate Con save with a CL of 15,
cloud of choking smoke, as chosen by the or suffer 8d6 points of damage, plus one point
caster. The fireworks are a flashing, fiery, mo- of permanent Constitution loss.
mentary burst of glowing and colored aerial
lights. This effect blinds creatures within 100 RAY OF ENFEEBLEMENT, Level 2
feet of the fire source for 1d4 rounds (dex- Wizard
terity negates). Creatures must have line of CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.
sight to the fire in order to be affected. Spell SV constitution negates SR yes Comp V, S
resistance can prevent blindness. The smoke
This hideously brown-colored, undulating ray
cloud is a writhing stream of choking smoke,
strikes its intended target, who is entitled to a
billowing out from the source. The cloud
constitution save to resist the effects of the ray.
spreads 20 feet in all directions and lasts for
1 round per caster level. All forms of natural 1. The spell temporarily changes all physi-
sight (including special vision) are ineffective cal Prime attributes (strength, dexterity,
in or through the cloud. The spell consumes constitution) into non-Prime attributes
one fire source, which is immediately extin- for the duration of the spell.
guished. Magical fires are not affected. 2. The victim suffers a -1 to hit and -1 to
damage rolls for every four levels of the
R caster (-1 at 1st to 4th; -2 at 5th to 8th;
-3 at 9th to 12th; etc.) for the duration
RAISE DEAD, Level 5 Cleric of the spell.
CT 1 tn. R touch D permanent
SV none SR no Comp V, S, DF READ MAGIC, Level 1 Wizard
CT 1 R personal D 10 min./lvl.
This spell restores life to a deceased human
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, F
or humanoid. This includes all monstrous hu-
manoid creatures, or creatures that are par- This spell allows the caster to read magical in-
tially human, such as centaurs or sphinxes. scriptions. This deciphering does not normal-
The spell can raise creatures who have been ly invoke the magic contained in the writing,
dead longer than 1 day per caster level. The although it may do so in the case of a cursed
subject loses 1 point of constitution perma- scroll. Furthermore, once the caster has read
nently when raised. If constitution is reduced the magical inscription, that writing can be
to zero by this loss, the creature is permanent- read without recourse to the use of read mag-
ly dead and cannot be brought back to life. ic. The focus for this spell is generally some
sort of monocle, glasses, or magnifying glass.
REMOVE BLINDNESS OR DEAFNESS*, but it can be nullified by limited wish, remove
Level 3 Cleric curse, or wish spell.
CT 1 R touch D permanent
SV constitution negates SR yes (h) Comp V, DF REMOVE DISEASE*, Level 3 Cleric
CT 1 R touch D permanent
This spell cures either blindness or deafness SV constitution negates cause SR yes (h)
whether normal or magical in origin in one Comp V, DF
target. The spell does not restore ears or eyes
that have been lost, but it repairs them if they This spell cures all diseases that the subject is
are damaged. suffering from, whether the source was nor-
mal or magical. It can only be applied to one
The reverse of this spell causes the creature creature. The reverse of this spell, cause dis-
touched to become blinded or deafened, as ease, causes a random disease in the creature
chosen by the caster. In addition to the ob- touched, although the severity of the disease
vious effects, a blinded creature suffers -10 to is often tied to the level of the caster. The
attack rolls, loses any dexterity bonus to armor exact effect is determined by the Game Mas-
class, suffers a -2 to armor class, moves at half ter. Remove disease counters and dispels the
speed, and suffers a -4 penalty on strength reverse of the spell, and vice-versa.
and dexterity checks. A deafened character,
in addition to the obvious effects, suffers a -4
REMOVE FEAR*, Level 1 Cleric
penalty on initiative and has a 25% chance
CT 1 R touch D see text
to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal
SV none SR yes (h} Comp V, S, DF
(V) component that he tries to cast. Remove
blindness or deafness counters and dispels the The caster instills courage in one creature,
reverse of the spell. granting the creature a +4 bonus against fear
effects for 10 minutes. If the subject is suffer-
REMOVE CURSE*, Level 3 Cleric, 4 ing from a fear effect when the spell is cast, it
Wizard gets a new save with a +1 bonus per caster
CT 1 R touch D permanent level. Remove fear counters and dispels cause
SV charisma (bestow only) SR yes (bestow fear.
only)Comp V, S The reverse of the spell, cause fear, frightens
This spell allows the caster to remove the the affected subject. It suffers a -2 penalty on
effects of a curse from an object or creature. attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving
Remove curse does not remove the curse throws. It flees from the character as well and
from a cursed shield, weapon, or suit of ar- as fast as it can. If unable to flee, the crea-
mor, although the spell typically enables the ture may fight. Creatures with 6 or more HD
person afflicted with any such cursed item are immune the cause fear spell. Cause fear
to remove it and get rid of it. Certain special counters remove fear.
curses may not be countered by this spell, or
may be countered only by a caster of a certain REMOVE PARALYSIS, Level 2 Cler-
level or higher. ic
CT 1 R touch D permanent
Bestow Curse: The reverse of this spell allows
SV constitution negates SR yes Comp V, DF
the caster to place a curse on a creature. The
caster can choose one of the following effects: This spell frees one creature from the effects
-6 to one ability score (which cannot reduce of any temporary paralysis or related magic,
the score below 1), or a -4 penalty on attack including a ghoul’s touch, a hold spell, or a
rolls, saving throws and checks. Subject to slow spell.
the Game Master’s approval, the caster may
invent a new curse, but it must be no more RESILIENT SPHERE, Level 4 Wizard
powerful than the standard curses. The Game CT 1 R 50 ft. D
Master has final say on a curse’s effect. A SV dexterity negates (h) SR yes (h) Comp V, S.
curse cannot be dispelled with dispel magic,
This spell causes a globe of force, to complete-
ly encase one creature, provided the creature ROPE TRICK, Level 2 Wizard
is small enough to fit within the sphere. The CT 1 R touch D 1 hr./lvl.
spell’s area of effect is a sphere with a diamater SV none SR no Comp V, S, F
of 1 foot per caster level. The sphere is not sub-
This spell attaches a section of rope at least 5
ject to damage of any sort except from a rod of
feet long to an extradimensional space large
cancellation, a wand of negation, disintegrate,
enough to hold up to eight medium-size or
or dispel magic, all of which destroy the sphere
smaller creatures. The end of the rope rises
without harm to the subject. Nothing can pass
into the air until the whole rope hangs per-
through the sphere, inside or out, though the
pendicular to the ground, as if affixed at the
subject can breathe normally. The subject may
upper end. Creatures can climb the rope into
struggle, but that action will simply move the
the space and can pull the rope up behind
sphere slightly, and nothing more. The globe
them, making the rope disappear. If the rope
can be physically moved by people outside, or
is pulled up into the space, it counts as one of
by the struggles of those within.
the eight creatures.
RESIST ELEMENTS, Level 1 Cleric The extra-dimensional space is invisible from
CT 1 R touch D 1 tn./lvl. the outside, and those inside it cannot see
SV none SR yes Comp V, S, DF outside. Those within cannot be targeted
by spells or affected by area effects, but they
The target becomes suffuse with protective
cannot target spells or area effects outside of
magical energies providing some measure of
the space.
protection against one element: acid, cold/
ice, heat/fire, electricity/lightning or sonic/ The rope is subject to its normal ability to
air. The dweomer grants a +2 saving throw support weight and withstand punishment.
bonus against the specified energy type, re- If the rope is not pulled in, a creature out-
gardless of whether the source of damage is side the extra-dimensional space can pull or
natural or magical. The spell protects the re- break the rope free, ending the spell instantly.
cipient’s equipment as well. Anything inside the extra-dimensional space
drops out when the spell ends, suffering dam-
Resist elements absorbs only damage: The
age from any fall. The rope can be used for
caster could still suffer unfortunate side ef-
normal climbing provided the climber does
fects. Resist elements overlaps endure Eee-
not climb all the way into the extradimen-
ments and protection from elements.
sional space.
RESTORATION*, Level 4 Cleric
CT 1 hour R touch D permanent S
SV see text SR yes (h) Comp V, S, DF
SANCTUARY, Level 1 Cleric
The caster repairs the life energy of a single
CT 1 R touch D 1rd./lvl.
creature. Restoration dispels any magical ef-
SV charisma negates SR no Comp V, DF
fects that reduce the subject’s attribute scores
temporarily. Restoration will not restore per- This spell prevents creatures from attack-
manent attribute score loss. The spell also re- ing the caster or the spell’s recipient. Any
stores one experience level to a creature who creature attempting to attack a character
has had a level drained. The drained level is with sanctuary must make a charisma saving
restored only if the time since the creature throw in order to make the attack. A failed
lost the level is equal to or less than 1 day per save means that the attacker ignores the per-
caster level. It does not restore levels or Con son under the spell (it does not lose its attack,
points lost as a result of death. but must choose another target). If the ward-
ed character attacks or casts offensive spells
The evil reverse of this spell, life drain, sucks
then the sanctuary spell is negated. This spell
one level from a creature. This version allows
does not prevent the warded creature from
a Con saving throw to avoid the spell’s effect.
being affected by area of effect spells.
SCARE, Level 2 Wizard SECRET CHEST, Level 5 Wizard
CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl. CT 1 hr. R see below D 60 days
SV charisma negates SR yes Comp V, S, M SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, F
This spell causes creatures with fewer than This spell allows the caster to hide a chest in
6 hit dice/levels to make a charisma saving the ethereal plane and retrieve it as needed
throw or be overwhelmed by a wave of terror. for up to 60 days. The chest can contain up
Success allows the target to control its fear to 1 cubic foot of material per caster level, re-
and react normally, while failure causes it to gardless of the chest’s actual size. To prepare
flee in panic. If cornered, the target fights the spell, the caster must have a chest created
but with a -1 penalty to attacks and damage. by master craftsmen from rare and expensive
Monsters with more than 6 hit dice/levels materials costing at least 5,000gp, as well as a
are immune to this spell. Arcanists, elves, perfect miniature replica of said chest, cost-
undead and planar creatures are unaffected. ing 50gp. Once the chests are complete, the
The spell requires the flesh or bone of an un- caster invokes the spell – with the result that
dead monster to cast. the larger chest and any contents are sent to
the ethereal plane.
SCRYING, Level 4 Wizard, Level 5 The caster uses the smaller chest to retrieve
Cleric the larger chest at will until the 60 days ex-
CT 10 min. R see below D 1 rd./lvl. piration. After 60 days, the chest begins to
SV none SR no Comp V, S, M, F deteriorate rapidly. There is a 5% cumulative
Focusing on a mental image of a particular chance per day it will be forever lost. If the
creature, the caster’s mind’s eye may gaze small chest is lost or destroyed, then the larg-
upon the target, watching and listening, re- er chest and its contents will be irretrievable,
gardless of distance. An astute character (in- absent a wish. Any living creatures in the
telligence 13+) may get the feeling they are chest must eat, and will age normally. Only
being watched upon a successful Int check. one set of chests can be owned at a single
Successfully focusing the mind’s eye in this time.
manner is difficult. It requires a gem worth at
least 100gp to channel the spell and an intel- SEE INVISIBILITY, Level 2 Wizard
ligence attribute check with the roll adjusted CT 1 R as normal vision D 10 min./lvl.
by the following cumulative modifiers: SV none SR n/a Comp V, S, M
Caster knows the target well: +5 This spell allows the recipient to see any
invisible, ethereal or astral beings as if they
Caster has only met the target: +5 were normally visible. The dweomer does
Caster has only heard of the target: +10 not allow the caster to recognize illusions nor
detect things hidden by means other than in-
Caster has no knowledge of the target: +15
visibility. The spell requires a small pinch of
Caster has likeness or picture of the target: +5 dust, flour or powder.
Caster has garment or possession of the target: +5
SENDING, Level 4 Cleric
Caster has character body part, nail clippings, CT 10 min. R unlimited D see below
etc.: +5 SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, M, DF
Target is on another plane: +15 This dweomer allows the caster to contact a
If the scrying is successful, the caster may cast single creature with whom the caster is famil-
the following spells through the scrying with- iar. The message may be up to 25 words long
out a chance of failure: comprehend languag- and can even be sent to those with animal
es, read magic, tongues; the following spells intelligence and the creature will understand
have a 5% chance per caster level of operat- the message. The message, however, does
ing correctly: detect chaos, detect evil, detect not create any compulsion to perform any
good, detect law, detect magic and message. act, and the creature’s reaction will depend
SLEEP, Level 1 Wizard at one-half base movement on vertical and
CT 1 R 150 ft. D 1 tn./lvl. inverted surfaces. Hands and feet must be un-
SV none SR yes Comp V, S, M covered in order to make direct contact with
the surface being climbed. A small spider is
All creatures within range and within a 30
needed to enact this spell.
foot diameter circle that are capable of sleep
will fall into a comatose slumber, with weak-
er ones being felled prior to stronger ones.
CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.
The spell will affect 2d4 HD of creatures.
SV none SR no Comp V, S, DF
For creatures with equal HD, those who are
closest to the spell’s point of origin are affect- By invoking a prayer, the caster creates a mag-
ed first. No creature with 5 or more HD is ical weapon out of divine energy which moves
affected, and HD that are not sufficient to by telepathic command. It will move to attack
affect a creature are wasted. The spell is cen- foes in melee with or at a distance from the
tered on a location determined by the caster. caster. The weapon will usually take the form
Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or of the favored weapon of the caster’s patron de-
wounding will awaken affected creatures, but ity or that of the caster’s chosen weapon if the
normal noise does not. Sleep does not affect deity has no preferred weapon. The weapon is
unconscious creatures, constructs or undead guided by the caster, and strikes as if the caster
creatures. Sand or a pillow feather are the were wielding it in melee (at caster’s level with
material components of this spell. strength bonuses). It does not have any special
bonus to hit, and it deals 1d8 damage. The
SOUND BURST, Level 1 Cleric weapon can strike creatures only hit by magic
CT 1 R 50 ft. D n/a weapons or special materials (it will, for exam-
SV see text SR yes Comp V, S, DF ple, damage a werewolf as though it were made
The caster evokes a thunderclap of sound, of silver) as well as incorporeal creatures.
eminating from any point up to 50 feet away
and in a 20 foot diameter circle. Any creature STINKING CLOUD, Level 3 Wizard
within the area of effect takes 1d8 damage and CT 1 R 30 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.
must make a successful wisdom saving throw SV constitution negates SR no Comp V, S, M
to avoid being stunned for 1 round.
This spell invokes a 20 x 20 x 20 foot cloud
of billowing, nauseous gas that is impenetra-
SPEAK WITH DEAD, Level 2 Cleric ble to sight or special visions. Anyone caught
CT 10 min. R touch D 1 tn./lvl. within it must make a successful constitution
SV n/a SR n/a Comp V, S, DF save every round while within the cloud or
This spell allows the caster to ask several become nauseated and helpless for 1d4+1
questions of a corpse. The corpse can an- rounds. Helpless characters can only move
swer questions that the creature knew in life. out of the cloud in a random direction. A
It will answer in its own language. Answers strong wind disperses the fog in 4 rounds, a
are usually brief, cryptic or repetitive. If the greater wind dispersing it in 1 round. The
alignment of the caster is opposed to that of material component is a bit of rotting food,
the corpse, it resists answering and the caster feces, or other foul smelling item.
must make a check as if against spell resis-
tance of 12. Only one speak with dead spell SUGGESTION, Level 3 Wizard
per week can be used on a corpse. CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 hr./lvl.
SV charisma negates SR yes Comp V, M
SPIDER CLIMB, Level 1 Wizard The caster influences one creature by sug-
CT 1 R n/a D 2 rd./lvl. gesting a particular course of action (limited
SV inttelligence negates (h) SR yes (h) Comp V, S, M to a sentence or two). The suggestion must
This spell grants the power of movement along be worded in such a manner as to make the
walls and ceilings to the recipient just as if they activity sound reasonable. A small piece of
were a spider. The recipient of the spell moves wool must also be rubbed between the fin-
Some sample stats for the various creatures Weasel (These small neutral rodent
are included as a basis for the Game Master vital stats are HD 2d4, AC13, move
to build upon. 30 feet or climb 20 feet. Their primary
Cat (These neutral animal vital stats attributes are physical and mental (see
are HD 2d2, AC14, move 30 feet. below). Weasels avoid combat. Their
Their primary attributes are physical stealthy abilities (see chart above)
and mental (see below). Cats threaten make them ideal scouts.)
in combat but the damage of their at-
tack is negligible. See the chart above
for special abilities.) Use the basic statistics for a creature of its
type, as appearing in the bestiary or, if you
Hawk (These neutral animal vital own it, Monsters & Treasures, except for the
stats are HD 2d6, AC 14/15, move following changes:
5/10 feet or 60/80 feet in flight. Their
Hit Dice: Double the hit dice for a normal
primary attributes are physical and animal of the type.
mental (see below). They attack with
their talons for one point of damage or Hit Points: The familiar’s hit point total is
added to the master’s own hit points, as long
beak for 1d2. See the chart above for
as the familiar is within one mile.
special abilities.)
Saving Throws: The familiar uses the mas-
Owl (These neutral animal vital stats ter’s base saving throw bonuses if they’re bet-
are HD 2d6, AC 14, move 5/10 feet ter than the familiar’s bonuses.
or 60/80 feet in flight. Their primary Intelligence: Animal familiars are unusually
attributes are physical and mental (see intelligent, and will have an effective intelli-
below). They attack with their talons gence of 1d4+8 (9-12). Magical beast famil-
for one point of damage or beak for 1d2. iars have an effective intelligence of 1d4+10
See the chart above for special abilities.) (11-14), unless a typical creature of its type
has a higher intelligence.
Raven (These neutral animal vital
stats are HD 2d2, AC 14, move 5 Special Abilities: Each familiar has its own
special abilities, or enhanced senses, as not-
feet or 60 feet in flight. Their primary
ed in the table. In addition, the familiar can
attributes are physical and mental (see communicate with animals of approximately
below). They do not participate in the same type as itself, and the communica-
combat and flee when danger threat- tion is limited by the intelligence of the con-
ens. See the chart above for special versing creatures.
abilities.) Empathic Link: The empathic link allows
Toad (These small neutral amphib- the master to communicate telepathically
ian vital stats are HD 2d8, AC 16, with the familiar for up to one mile. Although
some familiars may be able to communicate
move 10 feet or 20 foot jump. Their
verbally with their master, telepathic com-
primary attributes are physical and munication is typically better in conveying
mental (see below). They prefer to meaning and intent.
hide and use their natural coloration
Additionally, the empathic link allows the
for camouflage. Contact with their
master to share the familiar’s senses as long
skin necessitates a constitution save or as the master concentrates on doing so
suffer seizures resulting in death after (just like spell concentration). When con-
several days. See the chart above for centrating, the master shares the familiar’s
special abilities.) five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and
touch). Thus, for example, the master can
termined by the Game Master or are indicat- responding to the summons will always be the
ed in the devil’s entry for them in Gods and same alignment as the caster.
Demons. They do not share their unique spe-
cial abilities with their master, and are highly Familiar Dragon (This magical
unlikely to fight to save their master’s life. beast’s vital stats are HD 2d8 AC 18,
move 15 feet or fly 60 feet. Their pri-
Imp (These minor devil vital stats are mary attributes are physical and mental.
HD 2d8, AC 15, move 20 feet or fly They attack with two claws for 1d4
60 feet. Their primary attributes are points of damage and a bite for 1d6
physical. They attack with either their points of damage, or a breath weapon
bite (1d4) or stinger which causes one (stream of acid) dealing 1d6 points of
point of damage. The stinger adminis- damage in a 10 foot cone. The famil-
ters poison and if a constitution check iar dragon may breathe once per round,
is not made, the victim suffers 2 points up to three times per day. Victims may
per round for 4 rounds. Imps regener- make a dexterity save for half damage).
ate one point per round.)
Faerie: A small faerie (sprite) such as a pixie, SUMMON LESSER MONSTER,
brownie or any other such creature of myth, Level 3 Wizard
or one of the Game Master’s creation. Faerie CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.
familiars can be independent but loyal, annoy- SV none SR no Comp V, S, DF
ing but playful. A faerie familiar will serve a
This spell summons monsters to aid the caster.
master of any alignment, if reasonable for a
The monsters appear where the caster desig-
creature of its type, but most prefer chaotic
nates, within range, and act immediately on the
good, chaotic neutral, neutral good, neutral
caster’s turn in the initiative order thereafter.
or neutral evil masters. Most of their special
If the caster can communicate with the mon-
abilities cannot be shared with the master, but
sters, the caster can direct them not to attack,
those with spell resistance will normally share
to attack particular enemies or to perform other
it with their master.
actions. If communication is not possible, the
Pixie (These faerie being vital stats are monsters will attack any apparent enemies of
HD 2d4 AC 15, move 20 feet or fly the caster. Monsters attack opponents to the
60 feet. Their primary attributes are best of their ability. Summoned creatures disap-
pear at the end of the spell’s duration.
physical. They attack with small ar-
rows which do 2-5 points of damage, The spell conjures one or more monsters with
or another variety that causes sleep for total HD equal to the caster’s level, but no
monster have a HD greater than 3. Thus, a 7th
1d6 turns, or yet another which caus-
level caster can summon one 4 HD monster
es memory loss, unless an intelligence plus one 3 HD monster, or seven 1 HD mon-
save is made. All arrows have a +4 sters. The caster chooses the HD distribution
effective bonus to attack rolls.) desired, and the spell attempts to accomodate
Familiar Dragon: A familiar dragon is a very the request. For purposes of this spell, monsters
small dragon about 2 to 3 feet in length. Some include anything that is living and not human.
look like a miniature version of a larger, true The caster does not choose the specific type
dragon, while others have no true draconic of monster to be summoned, although a re-
counterpart. Their special abilities may mimic quest can be worked into the spell’s casting.
a true dragon’s, or may more resemble those More general requests, such as “monsters
of a pseudodragon’s. Each familiar dragon is that fly” or “magical monsters” or “fierce
unique; and the Game Master determines its monsters”, are more likely to be answered.
details and special abilities, and which of those The monsters summoned comes from the re-
abilities are shared with the master (if any). gion where the spell is cast, and are always
They are extremely loyal. A familiar dragon determined by the Game Master.
Familiarity On Target Off Target Similar Area Mishap
Very familiar 01-97 98-99 100 —
Studied carefully 01-94 95-97 98-99 100
Seen casually 01-88 89-94 95-98 99-100
Viewed once 01-76 77-88 89-96 97-100
Description 01-52 53-76 77-92 93-100
False destination (1d20+80) — 81-92 93-100
Very Familiar: A place where the caster has 1-3 scrambled; 4-5 appear above; 6 appear
been very often and feels at home. below the intended destination. Scrambled
travelers each take 1d10 points of damage,
Studied Carefully: A place the caster knows and the Game Master rerolls on the chart to
well, either because they have been there often see where the travelers wind up. For these
or have used other means to study the place. rerolls, roll 1d20+80 and each time mishap
Seen Casually: A place that the caster has comes up, the characters take more damage
seen more than once, but with which the and must reroll. Characters appearing above
character is not very familiar. do so 1d6x10 feet above the intended des-
tination and suffer appropriate damage if
Viewed Once: A place that the caster has
they fall. Characters appearing below do so
seen once.
1d6x10 feet below the intended destination
Description: A place whose location and and either instantly die from teleporting into
appearance the caster knows only through a solid surface or appear in whatever open
someone else’s description, perhaps even space exists underground.
from a precise map.
False Destination: A place that does not TINY HUT, Level 3 Wizard
exist. When traveling to a false destination, CT 1 R n/a D 1 hr./lvl.
roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, SV none SR no Comp V, S, M
rather than rolling d%, since there is no real The caster creates an unmoving, opaque
destination for the character to hope to arrive sphere of force around his or her self. A small
at, or even be off target from. opaque glass ball is fixed in place, and does
On Target: The caster appears at the desired not move with the caster. The sphere can be
location. of any color. Half of the sphere projects above
the ground, and the lower hemisphere passes
Off Target: The character appears safely a through the ground. Up to nine other hu-
random distance away from the destination man-size or smaller creatures can fit into the
in a random direction. Distance off target is field with the caster and they can freely pass
1d10 x 1d10% of the distance that was to be into and out of the hut without harming it.
traveled. The Game Master determines the However, if the caster leaves the hut, the spell
direction off target randomly. ends. The temperature inside the hut is 70˚ F
Similar Area: The caster winds up in an area if the exterior temperature is between 0˚ and
that’s visually or thematically similar to the 100˚ F. An exterior temperature below 0 de-
target area. Generally, the caster appears in grees or above 100 degrees lowers or raises, re-
the closest similar place, but since the spell has spectively, the interior temperature on a 1-de-
no range limit, they could conceivably wind up gree-for-1 basis (thus, if it’s 20 degrees outside,
somewhere else across the globe. inside it’ll be 50 degrees). The hut also pro-
vides protection against the elements, such as
Mishap: The caster and those teleporting rain, dust and sandstorms. The hut withstands
with the caster suffer one of the following: any wind of less than hurricane force, but a
the caster’s command. It can run and fetch The caster may maintain the wall indefinitely
things, open unstuck doors and hold chairs, as by concentrating on doing so, or may forgo
well as clean and mend. The servant can per- continued concentration, in which case the
form only one activity at a time, but it repeats wall will last 1 round per caster level.
the same activity over and over again if told to
The wall can be attacked and cancelled by
do so. It has an effective strength score of 2 for
cold spells and damage. If any 5 foot length
lifting purposes. It can trigger traps and such,
of the wall takes 20 points of cold damage or
but it can exert only 20 pounds of force. Its
more in 1 round, that length goes out.
speed is 15 feet per round. The servant cannot
attack in any way. It cannot be killed, but it
WALL OF FORCE, Level 4 Cleric,
dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from
area attacks. If the caster attempts to send it Level 5 Wizard
beyond the spell’s range, the servant ceases to CT 1 R 50 ft. D 2 rds./lvl.
exist. A 5gp gem is used to enact this spell. SV none SR no Comp V, S, M
This spell creates an invisible, immobile
W sheet, sphere or hemisphere of force that is
immune to damage of most kinds, including
WALL OF FIRE, Level 4 Wizard spells and even dispel magic. The wall can
CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl. only be brought down by disintegrate, a rod
SV none (see text) SR yes Comp V, S, M, DF of cancellation, a sphere of annihilation, or
With a single bit of burnt wood, a blazing disjunction. Spells and breath weapons can-
curtain or ring of shimmering fire springs into not pass through the wall in either direction,
existence at the caster’s command. The wall although transportation spells and effects can
can take two forms; either an immobile fiery bypass the barrier. It blocks ethereal creatures
wall, or a ring of fire surrounding the caster as well as material creatures. Gaze attacks
that moves with the caster. In both cases, the operate through a wall of force. The material
wall is 20 feet tall and only 1 foot thick. The components of this spell are 20 small silver
fiery wall or curtain of fire measures up to 20 mirrors and a 100gp gem.
feet long per caster level (up to 100 ft long at The caster can form the wall into a flat, verti-
10th level). The ring of fire measures up to 10 cal plane whose area is up to 10 feet long per
feet wide per every two caster levels (up to 50 caster level, 20 feet tall and 1 inch thick. Al-
feet diameter at 10th level). ternately, the caster can form it into a sphere
One side of the wall, selected by the caster, up to 1 foot per level in diameter, or a hemi-
sends forth waves of heat, dealing 2d4 points sphere up to 2 feet per level in diameter.
of fire damage to creatures within 10 feet and
1d4 points of fire damage to those between 10 WALL OF ICE, Level 4 Wizard
and 20 feet. The wall deals this damage when CT 1 R 150 ft. D 1 tn./lvl.
it appears, and for each round that a creature SV none SR no Comp V, S, M
enters or remains in the area. In addition, the Similar to wall of fire, this spell creates an
wall deals 2d6+1 point per caster level of fire anchored sheet or hemisphere of ice. Unlike
damage to any creature entering or passing wall of fire, a wall of ice cannot form in an area
through the wall. The wall deals double dam- occupied by physical objects or creatures. Its
age to undead creatures. No saving throw is surface must be smooth and unbroken when
allowed for any of the heat or fire damage. created. Fire can melt a wall of ice. Suddenly
If the caster evokes the wall so that it appears melting the wall of ice creates a great cloud
where creatures are already present, each crea- of steamy fog that lasts for 10 minutes. The
ture takes damage as if passing through the details on the two versions follows:
wall. Each such creature can avoid the wall Sheet of ice: A sheet of strong, hard ice
by making a successful dexterity save. (If the appears. The wall may be created either
creature ends up on the hot side of the wall, it vertically or horizontally/slanting. Vertical
takes 2d4 points of damage, as normal.) walls anchor themselves to the floor, while
Hemisphere of Ice: The wall takes the This spell creates a wall of rock that merg-
form of a hemisphere of ice over the caster es into adjoining rock surfaces. To enact this
or a designated target. The hemisphere has spell requires a piece of tone from a wall. The
a maximum possible diameter of 2 feet per wall is 1 inch thick per four caster levels, and
caster level. It is as hard to break through as up to 5 feet x 5 feet per caster level. The cast-
the sheet of ice, but it does not deal damage er can double the wall’s area by halving its
to those who go through a breach. The caster thickness. The wall cannot be conjured so
can create the hemisphere so that it traps one that it occupies the same space as a creature
or more creatures, though these creatures or another object.
can avoid being trapped by making successful The caster can create the wall in almost any
dexterity saves. shape. The wall need not be vertical, nor rest
upon any firm foundation; however, it must
WALL OF IRON, Level 5 Wizard
merge with and be solidly supported by exist-
CT 1 R 50 ft. D permanent
ing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm,
SV see text SR no Comp V, S, M
for instance, or to form a ramp. For this use, if
The caster causes an anchored, vertical iron the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be
wall to spring into being. A piece of iron once arched and buttressed. This requirement reduc-
used in a wall of a fortress is necessary to en- es the spell’s area by half. The wall can be crude-
act this spell. The wall cannot be conjured to ly shaped to allow crenellations, battlements
occupy the same space as a creature or an- and so forth by likewise reducing the area.
other object. The wall inserts itself into the
Each 5 foot square area of the wall has 15
surroundings, anchoring itself if possible. The
hit points per inch of thickness. Creatures
wall must always form a flat plane, though the
can hit the wall automatically, but the wall
caster can shape its edges to fit available space.
is so hard that the first 8 points of damage
Like any iron wall, this wall is subject to rust,
from each blow are ignored. A section of wall
perforation and other natural phenomena.
whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. It is
The wall of iron is 1 inch thick per four caster possible, but difficult, to trap mobile oppo-
levels, and up to 5 feet x 5 feet per caster level. nents within or under a wall of stone, pro-
vided the wall is shaped so it can hold the to two or more solid and diametrically op-
creatures. Creatures avoid entrapment with posed points or else it collapses upon itself.
successful dexterity saves. Creatures caught within a web or simply
touching its strands become entangled among
WATER BREATHING, Level 3 Wizard the gluey fibers. Anyone in the spell’s area of
CT 1 R touch D 2 hrs./lvl. effect when it is cast must make a dexterity
SV constitution negates (h) SR yes (h) save or become stuck. An entangled creature
Comp V, S, M, DF suffers a -2 penalty to attack and damage
rolls, a -4 penalty to effective dexterity and
The recipient creatures can breathe water
can’t move. An entangled character cannot
freely. Any number of creatures can be affect-
cast spells with somatic components. A stuck
ed by touching them in turn, but the duration
creature can break loose by succeeding at a
is divided evenly among them. A straw like
strength check.
instrument is used to enact this spell.
Once loose (either by making the initial dex-
WEB, Level 2 Wizard terity save or a later strength check), a crea-
CT 1 R 50 ft. D n/a ture may progress through the web very slow-
SV see text SR no Comp V, S, M ly at a rate of 5 feet per round. Each 5 feet of
movement requires a new strength check to
This spell creates a many-layered 20 x 20 x avoid becoming stuck again.
10 foot thick mass of strong, sticky strands
resembling a giant spider’s web, that trap ob- The webs are flammable and fire burns 5 square
jects and creatures caught in them. A strand feet in 1 round. All creatures in the webs take
or wad of web from a spider’s web is used to 2d4 points of damage from the flames.
enact this spell. The webs must be anchored