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By Stephen Chenault
Conversion: MARK HART



Front Cover: JASON WALTON Interior Art: JASON WALTON
Art Direction/ Cartography: PETER BRADLEY
Art Direction/ Cartography: TROLL LORD GAMES

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INTRODUCTION discerning in their actions, more concerned about hunting or
breeding than hoarding treasure unraveling the philosophy of
For eons dragons have dwelt in the world. Whether they live in men. They can be good or evil, but many are simply neutral,
deep caves, dwell at the bottoms of wide lakes, or stalk the sandy once again, closer to animals than magical beasts.
dunes of the deserts dragons have been a part of the landscape of
men, elf and orc. They are feared and loved, revered as gods or Lesser dragons also depart from their cousins in that many of
vilified as nightmarish creatures of the world’s dawn. Their size and them have no love of treasure, nor do they keep static dens,
stupendous power, their accumulated wealth and even the value of but rather hunt in the wilderness, marking out territories and
the scales, bones and teeth have meant that they are only able to defending those territories against encroachments of any kind.
dwell upon the fringes of the kingdoms of the world. They restrict Where other dragons may use their abilities to gather treasure,
themselves to hidden places, far from the concerns of mortals. But outwit those who possess it, or weave magics lesser dragons use
there are those who dwell closer and interact more with men. their abilities, magical and mundane to improve their ability
to hunt. This makes them far more dangerous that one might
But dragons are creatures like all creatures, they have thrived, suspect, for they possess the natural cunning of all dragons and
died out or evolved to the circumstances of their worlds. They combine it with their magical abilities and animal instincts.
have suffered as all things have suffered, by the whims of the
world and the power of nature. They have become less than the AGE: Lesser dragons do not possess the long life spans of their
wyrms of common legend and lore. cousins, they are not immortal. Some may live for a thousand
years, but if they do, it is an anomaly and not the norm. Most die
Some are the progenitors of the whole species, remnants of as in the early mature stage, killed off by one of their own kind
a time before the dragons were the masterly lords they have or unable to keep up the hunt as they were before. Hatchlings
become. Still some others have forgotten what they knew and grow quickly, emerging from the egg fully formed, aggressive
descended from the power of their ancestors. They have become and able to exist apart from their mother. They eat tremendous
less than their mighty for bearers. They are every bit as magical, amounts of food, mostly insects, rodents and the like. They grow
sometimes intelligent, but above all else they are dragons and very fast, becoming young adults with a few years of hatching.
dangerous creatures to cross or malign. Indeed, some would
account these lesser drakes as far more dangerous, for they are SIZE: As with all dragons, a lesser dragon’s age determines its
driven by primeval forces, forces for greater than those conjured size, which is indicated under each stat block.
by the wise. They are driven by hunger, the need to protect their
territory, by instinct and they feed on the fear of men. MOVE: Lesser dragons in age categories 1 move at half the rate listed,
and those in age categories 4 move 1/2 more than the listed rate.
These lesser drakes take many shapes and sizes, and they have
many abilities, but they can be classified by their primary method LANGUAGES AND MAGIC: All dragons can speak their own tongue
of attack. Herein presented are the miasmal wyrms, those foul and the common tongue. Many dragons have some spell-like
creatures who secret poison through glands in their skin, acids abilities, as detailed under each dragon type. Dragons of at least
in their breath, whose mouths are so infected with bacteria and Adult age category can attempt an intelligence check against a DC
rot that to suffer a bite from one is to invite a slow and painful if 12, with proficiency. If the check is successful, the dragon is able to
not maddening death. The miasmal wyrms are feared by all for speak and understand any language. If the roll fails, a new check
they are predacious, aggressive hunters and their victims die in can be made when the dragon reaches the next age category.
agony and sufferance.
MIASMAL WYRMS Lesser dragons are found in most climes. As with all dragons
In many ways, dragons are like all creatures. They have suffered they are immune to most temperature variations, though some
as all things have suffered, by the whims of the world and the prefer warm or cold climes. Some are adaptable, but most have
power of nature. Some have thrived in the present condition, already developed specialized traits which limit them to certain
powerful beasts unaffected by the world’s changing. Others types of environment, such as the nakal, which finds itself
have evolved to new circumstances, growing greater than they limited to jungle and forest terrain. All of them are meat eaters
ever were, or descending into myriad forms and creatures less and either trap their prey or stalk it.
than their ancestors. Some few dwell unchanged, lost in an ever
changing world and still others have failed and died out entirely. LESSER DRAGONS AND DRAGONS
Dragons are intelligent beasts and have little to do with the
LESSER DRAGONS lesser drakes for they see them as little more than animals or
Like all dragons, lesser dragons are powerful creatures with magical beasts, fit perhaps for eating, but nothing else. Their
magical abilities and uncommonly long life spans. These drag- lineage is so corrupted or ancient and they are so far removed
ons however, are every bit as cunning, but not as intelligent, as from the first hatchings that dragons abhor their company.
their more commonly known kin, their magic is weaker, and
in some cases benign. They are smaller as well, few growing to FAMILIARS & MINIONS
over 20 feet in length. Too, they are more animal in nature, less


On occasion men or women of valor are able to subdue a dragon Hit Points: 65 (10d8+20)
and bind it to the master. This is impossible for any adult or Speed: 30 ft 60 ft Swim
mature lesser dragon that does not have some rudimentary
intelligence. If it is able to speak one can appeal to its vanity, STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
pride or fears, but otherwise one cannot. Like any animal 16(+3) 12(+1) 14(+2) 9(-1) 10(+0) 8(-1)
however, if these creatures are taken when they are hatchlings,
training them is possible and not uncommon. Of course like any Skills: Athletics+5, Stealth+3
wild beast, these wyrms can turn on their masters in a moment Senses: Passive Perception 15
and the master find out what it means to be a dragon’s meal. Languages: Draconic
Like their larger kin, lesser dragons are ferocious and able to Special Qualities
fight with a multitude of weapons. Though they are not as Camouflage: While hiding in water, the dragon has advantage
agile as larger dragons they are able to launch multiple attacks, on stealth checks.
though usually not against several different opponents.
Stone to Mud: Once per day, the dragon can transform an
SPECIAL RULES FOR DRAGON COMBAT: Lesser dragons do add area up to 10 feet by 10 feet from stone to mud. Any creature
their full hit dice when making attack rolls and they do add on the area when it transforms must make a dexterity save (DC
their full hit dice to saving throw rolls, plus the bonus set forth 13) or be knocked prone, and the area becomes difficult terrain.
in the age chart. Charge: If the dragon can move at least 20 feet towards a
BREATH WEAPONS: Most lesser dragons have at least one breath target and make an attack, it has advantage with its bite attack.
weapon. Each breath weapon is different and explanations are given Actions
in the monsters descriptive text under the appropriate heading. Multiattack; The Dragon makes three attacks per round, two
IMMUNITIES: All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. with its claws and one with its bite. If the creature is grappling
a target with its mouth, it cannot use its claws.
SPELL RESISTANCE: As lesser dragons age, they become more Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
resistant to spells and spell-like abilities. When a dragon reaches Hit: 6(1d6+3) slashing damage.
Adult, they save against spells and magical attacks at advantage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
KEEN SENSES: All dragons possesses sight, keen smell and Hit: 7(1d8+3) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must
hearing, gaining Advantage on all Wisdom (perception) checks make a strength save (DC 15) or be grappled. If the dragon has
as a result. In addition, most dragons possess some level of a creature grappled at the beginning of its turn, it automatically
darkvision, which will be described in their individual stat blocks. inflicts bite damage, and in addition does 4(1d8) acid damage.


Large Dragon, Neutral
Armor Class: 16(natural armor)
Hit Points: 75 (10d10+20)
Speed: 30 ft 60 ft Swim
18(+4) 12(+1) 15(+2) 9(-1) 10(+0) 8(-1)
Skills: Athletics+6, Stealth+3
Senses: Passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Special Qualities
Camouflage: While hiding in water, the dragon has advantage
on stealth checks.
Stone to Mud: twice per day, the dragon can transform an area
BEAKED DRAGON WYRMLING up to 20 feet by 20 feet from stone to mud. Any creature on the
Medium Dragon, Neutral area when it transforms must make a dexterity save (DC 14) or
be knocked prone, and the area becomes difficult terrain.
Armor Class: 15(natural armor)

Charge. If the dragon can move at least 20 feet towards a target ANCIENT BEAKED DRAGON
and make an attack, it has advantage with its bite attack. Huge Dragon, Neutral
Actions Armor Class: 18(natural armor)
Multiattack: The Dragon makes three attacks per round, two Hit Points: 133 (14d12+42)
with its claws and one with its bite. If the creature is grappling
a target with its mouth, it cannot use its claws. Speed: 30 ft 60 ft Swim
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
Hit: 11(2d6+4) slashing damage. 22(+6) 12(+1) 17(+3) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(+0)
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Skills: Athletics+9, Stealth+4
Hit: 13(2d8+4) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must
make a strength save (DC 16) or be grappled. If the dragon has Saves: Strength+9, Constitution+6
a creature grappled at the beginning of its turn, it automatically Senses: Passive Perception 16
inflicts bite damage, and in addition does 9(2d8) acid damage.
Languages: Draconic

ADULT BEAKED DRAGON Challenge: 7 (2900 XP)

Huge Dragon, Neutral Special Qualities

Armor Class: 17(natural armor) Camouflage: While hiding in water, the dragon has advantage
on stealth checks.
Hit Points: 95 (10d12+30)
Stone to Mud: Three times per day, the dragon can transform
Speed: 30 ft 60 ft Swim an area up to 30 feet by 30 feet from stone to mud. Any creature
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: on the area when it transforms must make a dexterity save (DC
16) or be knocked prone, and the area becomes difficult terrain.
20(+5) 12(+1) 16(+3) 10(+0) 10(+0) 8(-1)
Charge: If the dragon can move at least 20 feet towards a
Skills: Athletics+8, Stealth+4 target and make an attack, it has advantage with its bite attack.
Saves: Strength+8, Constitution+6 Actions
Senses: Passive Perception 15 Multiattack: The Dragon makes three attacks per round, two
Languages: Draconic with its claws and one with its bite. If the creature is grappling
Challenge: 5 (1800 XP) a target with its mouth, it cannot use its claws.

Special Qualities Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
target. Hit: 16(3d6+6) slashing damage.
Camouflage: While hiding in water, the dragon has advantage
on stealth checks. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 19(3d8+6) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must
Stone to Mud: twice per day, the dragon can transform an area make a strength save (DC 16) or be grappled. If the dragon has
up to 30 feet by 30 feet from stone to mud. Any creature on the a creature grappled at the beginning of its turn, it automatically
area when it transforms must make a dexterity save (DC 15) or inflicts bite damage, and in addition does 18(4d8) acid damage.
be knocked prone, and the area becomes difficult terrain.
More turtle than lizard the beaked dragon is a wide bodied
Charge: If the dragon can move at least 20 feet towards a creature with thick, round overlapping scales across its back
target and make an attack, it has advantage with its bite attack. and sides. Its tail is long, thick in its beginning, tapering down
Actions to a cone shaped point. Its neck, with multiple folds of skin is
wide and long as well and ends only where the armored head
Multiattack: The Dragon makes three attacks per round, two
begins. A full adult can be up to 30 feet long. Its narrow jaws are
with its claws and one with its bite. If the creature is grappling
capped with fierce beaks on the upper and lower jaw. It is able to
a target with its mouth, it cannot use its claws.
open its toothless maw extremely wide. Its head is crowned by
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one two, large dwarf sized scales. Short legs give way to long, webbed
target. Hit: 15(3d6+5) slashing damage. claws. Two small wings adorn its back, though these are useless
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. for flight, but serve the creature well in the deep sea currents
Hit: 18(3d8+5) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must where it is often encountered.
make a strength save (DC 16) or be grappled. If the dragon has Beaked dragons are very heavy creatures, baring too much
a creature grappled at the beginning of its turn, it automatically weight for their forms. For this reason they prefer to dwell in
inflicts bite damage, and in addition does 13(3d8) acid damage. watery environs, living in swamps, rivers, lakes and upon the
world’s seas. They are not particularly agile swimmers, but are
rather fast. They are able to use their bulks to float or settle in
the water and spend a great deal of time doing so. They can


hold their breath for over an hour and use this ability to wait
for prey-animals to walk near. They are old creatures, some of
the earliest dragons to walk the earth, appearing throughout
the legends of the ancients. They are solitary and are never
encountered with other members of their species. Females are
born with hundreds of fertile eggs in the wombs, which they lay
from time to time.
Feral Hunters: Beaked dragons generally lie in wait, upon the
edges of a lake or other body of water. They are hidden beneath
the water. Any creature that passes by and the dragon feels it
can eat without too much fuss is subject to the beast’s sudden
charge and a wicked bite. Once the creature bites the prey it
drags it back into the water. These beasts possess little more
than an animal intelligence, are very aggressive and almost
always willing to take a meal. They eat until they are gorged and
usually rut around in their kill until the scent of it covers their
bodies. They dig very deep dens wherever the ground is solid
enough to hold up, even so their dens are constantly collapsing
and the creatures are made to dig their way out again. In these
dens they lay their eggs and often drag carcasses back. If there is
treasure in them it is usually buried in the mire and filth of the by the Crup and inclined to seek out the source of the strange,
beaked dragon’s past meals. pleasant noise. If the Crup believes the creature will make an
easy meal, it lures them close and then ambushes them. If the
BEAKED DRAGON IN AIHRDE creature(s) look too tough, the Crup will try to convince them
it’s harmless and convince them to leave.
Beaked dragons are common throughout Aihrde, but are a
particular nuisance in the Great Soup Marsh in souther Ethrum. Actions
There they thrived during the long Winter Dark due to that Multiattack: The Crup can make 2 Claw and 1 Bite attack every turn.
swamp’s proximity to the Eldwood and the Great Oak. They are
a plague to the lords of Brindisium as they are forever crossing the Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Bay of Moridain from their marshy homelands. They do however Hit: 4(1d4+2) slashing damage.
bring the folk of that southern nation a bit of wealth for their eggs Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
are prized by the dwarves of Norgorad-Kam as a delicacy. The Hit: 7(1d10+2) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must
eggs bring a hefty 10 golden crown apiece in the open market. make a Strength save (DC 14) or be grappled.
Constriction: If the Crup is able to maintain a grapple for
CH-CRUP a full round, it can attempt to constrict its victim. It makes
YOUNG CRUP a single bite attack. If the attack hits, in addition to the
damage the target becomes wrapped up by the Crup. They are
Medium Dragon, Chaotic Evil considered restrained and take 5(1d10) bludgeoning damage at
Armor Class: 13 the beginning of their turn. The victim can attempt to break
out of the constriction, but the creature keeps squeezing tighter.
Hit Points: 88(16d8+16)
On the first round, the escape DC is 14. It increases by 1 for
Speed: 30 ft, 60 ft Swim each round to a maximum DC of 20.
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Larva (recharge 6): Instead of trying to grapple, the Crup
instead attempts to inject a larva into a target. After a successful
14(+2) 16(+3) 13(+1) 6(-2) 8(-1) 5(-3)
Bite attack, the Crup releases a larva. The target must make a
Skills: Athletics+4, Perception+1, Stealth+5 Constitution save (DC 14). If the save succeeds, the larva fails to
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Passive Perception 16 catch on and is cast off. If the save fails, then the larva successfully
inserts itself into the target. The target immediately suffers the
Languages: Draconic poisoned condition. Once per day thereafter, the target can
Challenge: 2(450 XP) make a constitution save. If the save succeeds, the Larva dies.
Special Qualities If this save fails, the target is poisoned and incapacitated. The
next day that target saves again. On a successful save, the target
Camouflage: The Crup has advantage on Stealth checks when is no longer incapacitated, but remains poisoned. On a failed
in its natural environment. save, the target is rendered unconscious. The unconscious target
Luring Call: When Hunting, the Crup issues a strange, low gets another save the next day. If that save succeeds, they are
sound with magical qualities. Any creature within 120 feet of awake but incapacitated. If they fail the save, they die. The saves
the Crup must make a Wisdom Save (DC12) or be charmed continue each day until either the target clears the poison and the

larva dies, or the target dies. If the target dies, the larva consumes the first round, the escape DC is 15. It increases by 1 for each
the body over the next 24 hours. At the end of this process, there round to a maximum DC of 20.
is a new young Crup Dragon. A Greater Restoration or Heal spell Larva (recharge 6): Instead of trying to grapple, the Crup
will kill the larva immediately and restore the target to full health. instead attempts to inject a larva into a target. After a successful
Bite attack, the Crup releases a larva. The target must make a
ADULT CRUP Constitution save (DC 14). If the save succeeds, the larva fails to
Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil catch on and is cast off. If the save fails, then the larva successfully
inserts itself into the target. The target immediately suffers the
Armor Class: 16
poisoned condition. Once per day thereafter, the target can
Hit Points: 120(16d10+32) make a constitution save. If the save succeeds, the Larva dies.
Speed: 30 ft, 60 ft Swim If this save fails, the target is poisoned and incapacitated. The
next day that target saves again. On a successful save, the target
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: is no longer incapacitated, but remains poisoned. On a failed
16(+3) 16(+3) 14(+2) 8(-1) 10(+0) 8(-1) save, the target is rendered unconscious. The unconscious target
gets another save the next day. If that save succeeds, they are
Skills: Athletics+5, Perception+2, Stealth+5
awake but incapacitated. If they fail the save, they die. The saves
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 17 continue each day until either the target clears the poison and the
Languages: Draconic larva dies, or the target dies. If the target dies, the larva consumes
the body over the next 24 hours. At the end of this process, there
Challenge: 4(1100 XP) is a new young Crup Dragon. A Greater Restoration or Heal spell
Special Qualities will kill the larva immediately and restore the target to full health.
Camouflage: The Crup has advantage on Stealth checks when
in its natural environment. ANCIENT CRUP
Luring Call: When Hunting, the Crup issues a strange, Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
low sound with magical qualities. Any creature within Armor Class: 13
120 feet of the Crup must make a Wisdom Save (DC14)
Hit Points: 150(20d10+40)
or be charmed by the Crup and inclined to seek out the
source of the strange, pleasant noise. If the Crup believes Speed: 30 ft, 60 ft Swim
the creature will make an easy meal, it lures them close and
then ambushes them. If the creature(s) look too tough, the
Crup will try to convince them it’s harmless and convince 18(+4) 16(+3) 14(+2) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
them to leave. Skills: Athletics+7, Perception+3, Stealth+6
Innate Spellcasting: The Crup’s innate spellcasting ability is Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 17
Wisdom (spell save DC 10). It can innately cast the following
Languages: Draconic
spells, requiring no components to cast.
Challenge: 5(1800 XP)
Cantrips (At Will): Prestidigitation
Special Qualities
3/day each: Light
Camouflage: The Crup has advantage on Stealth checks when
1/day each: Blur, Phantasmal Killer
in its natural environment.
Luring Call: When Hunting, the Crup issues a strange, low
Multiattack: The Crup can make 2 Claw and 1 Bite attack sound with magical qualities. Any creature within 120 feet of
every turn. the Crup must make a Wisdom Save (DC15) or be charmed
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. by the Crup and inclined to seek out the source of the strange,
Hit: 8(2d4+3) slashing damage. pleasant noise. If the Crup believes the creature will make an
easy meal, it lures them close and then ambushes them. If the
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. creature(s) look too tough, the Crup will try to convince them
Hit: 14(2d10+3) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must it’s harmless and convince them to leave.
make a Strength save (DC 15) or be grappled.
Innate Spellcasting: The Crup’s innate spellcasting ability is
Constriction: If the Crup is able to maintain a grapple for a full Wisdom (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following
round, it can attempt to constrict its victim. It makes a single spells, requiring no components to cast.
bite attack. If the attack hits, in addition to the damage the
target becomes wrapped up by the Crup. They are considered Cantrips (At Will): Prestidigitation
restrained and take 11(2d10) bludgeoning damage at the 3/day each: Light; 1/day each: Blur, Phantasmal Killer
beginning of their turn. The victim can attempt to break out of
the constriction, but the creature keeps squeezing tighter. On


Multiattack: They have 2 Claw and 1 Bite attack every turn. Cold Killers: The crup prefer cooler climes and are never
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. encountered in the tropics. They also prefer mountains or
Hit: 9(2d4+4) slashing damage. forests, places where they can lay in wait, hiding while they call
for their prey. Crup only hunt at night. They use their limited
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. camouflage ability to hide, and once they feel secure they open
Hit: 15(2d10+4) Piercing damage. In addition, the target must their mouths wide and casting out with their breath weapon,
make a Strength save (DC 17) or be grappled. trying to entice a prey animal close. They occasionally light up
Constriction: If the Crup is able to maintain a grapple for the spines on the back, briefly from bottom to top, to further
a full round, it can attempt to constrict its victim. It makes entice victims. Once a creature comes within a few yards the
a single bite attack. If the attack hits, in addition to the crup launches out striking with its large mouth and long teeth,
damage the target becomes wrapped up by the Crup. They are hoping to pin the creature in a grasp. It will coil its body around
considered restrained and take 11(2d10) bludgeoning damage the victim if need be. Being solitary hunters they are never
at the beginning of their turn. The victim can attempt to break encountered in groups.
out of the constriction, but the creature keeps squeezing tighter. Violent Reproduction: The crup are asexual creatures and
On the first round, the escape DC is 17. It increases by 1 for born with small polyps on the roof of their mouths. The
each round to a maximum DC of 22. polyps are actually small larvae that detach themselves from
Larva (recharge 6): Instead of trying to grapple, the Crup the crup’s mouth during combat and attach themselves to
instead attempts to inject a larva into a target. After a successful the victim. If they successfully attach to the victim they fill
Bite attack, the Crup releases a larva. The target must make a their air sacks and begin the sing song charm immediately
Constitution save (DC 14). If the save succeeds, the larva fails to dissuading the adult crup from attacking. The adult breaks
catch on and is cast off. If the save fails, then the larva successfully off the attack and flees. The larvae poisons the victim
inserts itself into the target. The target immediately suffers the eventually causing a coma (see below) at which time it
poisoned condition. Once per day thereafter, the target can devours the creature, growing quickly as it eats.
make a constitution save. If the save succeeds, the Larva dies. Draconic Memories: Crup possess a rudimentary intelligence,
If this save fails, the target is poisoned and incapacitated. The almost human and have memories of the dragons they once
next day that target saves again. On a successful save, the target were. They dig deep dens, sometimes in the banks of rivers, with
is no longer incapacitated, but remains poisoned. On a failed entrances under water, where they keep the baubles they are
save, the target is rendered unconscious. The unconscious target able to salvage from their kills. Crup age poorly and their scales
gets another save the next day. If that save succeeds, they are and spines begin to fall off which accounts for their reduced
awake but incapacitated. If they fail the save, they die. The saves armor class as mature dragons.
continue each day until either the target clears the poison and the
larva dies, or the target dies. If the target dies, the larva consumes CRUP IN AIHRDE
the body over the next 24 hours. At the end of this process, there
is a new young Crup Dragon. A Greater Restoration or Heal Crup are found in almost all of the mountains of the northern
spell will kill the larva immediately and restore the target to full hemisphere and both the Northern and Southern Ice Shelf.
health. They are very common on the islands of Wodenhole and Gal-
land. In the Cradle of the World they are most commonly
The ch-crup, or crup for short, is a large dragon, ranging found in the Salt Flats, he Holmgald, Shadow Mountains and
up to 20 feet in length. The crup have long, narrow snouts Grundliche Mountains. The dwarves of Grundliche hohle make
filled with row upon row of long razor sharp teeth. Their a great sport out of hunting the creatures for their spines are
eyes are huge and bulberous and allow it to see in complete easy to shape and durable.
darkness. Two thin veils of flesh hang from the middle of
their lower jaw and are often brightly colored. The crup are
able draw breath in and fill these sacks with. The creature’s DRAGON, ERDER WYRM
body is long and snake like, its six legs short and clawed and ERDER WYRM, WYRMLING
its tail long. The creature’s scales are small, hardly discern-
Medium Dragon, Chaotic Evil
ible, and the crup sports a long spiny ridge of thin, hollow
spikes along the length of its back and tail. They are able to Armor Class: 15(natural armor)
make these spike light up with a feint hollow glow. These Hit Points: 17(3d8+4)
dragons are darkly colored in blues and blacks or deep greens.
Speed: 50 ft
air. The sacks stretch to enormous sizes. Once released the
air passes across through the mouth and around the teeth STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
which are have long hollow tubular shapes on them. By
15(+2) 15(+2) 13(+1) 7(-2) 10(+0) 7(-2)
opening or closing the mouth, moving the tongue and con-
trolling the exhalation the crup is able to create an eerie Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +4
soft musical sound. These sacks also allow the creature to Damage Immunities: Cold
travel great distances under water.
Condition Immunities: Blinded
Senses: Darkvision 120 Ft, Tremorsense 120 Ft, Passive Perception 17

Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP) Unarmored Underbelly: By accepting disadvantage on an
Special Qualities attack roll, an attacker can target the erder wyrm’s underbelly,
which has only an AC of 12.
Lightning Speed: The erder wyrm gains advantage on initiative
Keen Senses: The erder wyrm gains advantage on all perception
checks due to its keen sight and smell Multiattack: The erder wyrm strikes twice with its claws, and
can either bite or use its breath weapon.
Stealthy Camouflage: The erder wyrm naturally blends into
shadows and dark, murky environs. As such, it gains advantage Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, 5’ range, one target.
on stealth checks. Hit: 7 (1d6+3) slashing damage.

Unarmored Underbelly: By accepting disadvantage on an Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, 5’ range, one target.
attack roll, an attacker can target the erder wyrm’s underbelly, Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage.
which has only an AC of 12. Deafening Roar (Recharge 6): The erder wyrm can issue a
Actions deafening roar which affects everyone in a 120-foot cone and
causes bone-chilling panic in the hearts of its foes. All those
Multiattack: The erder wyrm strikes twice with its claws, and hostile to the wyrm who hear the roar suffer from the deafened
can either bite or use its breath weapon. and frightened conditions. Further, and creature with a CR or
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, 5’ range, one target. level of 2 or less will flee from the creature as fast as it can. The
Hit: 4 (1d4+2) slashing damage. wyrm does not have to concentrate to maintain this effect. A
DC 13 charisma saving throw negates all effects of the roar. A
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, 5’ range, one target.
creature affected by the roar can make another save at the end
Hit: 7 (2d4+2) piercing damage.
of its turn, negating the effects on a success.
Deafening Roar (Recharge 6): The erder wyrm can issue a
deafening roar which affects everyone in a 60-foot cone and ERDER WYRM, ADULT
causes bone-chilling panic in the hearts of its foes. All those
hostile to the wyrm who hear the roar suffer from the deafened Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
and frightened conditions. Further, and creature with a CR or Armor Class: 18(natural armor)
level of 1 or less will flee from the creature as fast as it can. The Hit Points: 68 (8d10+24)
wyrm does not have to concentrate to maintain this effect. A
DC 11 charisma saving throw negates all effects of the roar. A Speed: 50 ft
creature affected by the roar can make another save at the end STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
of its turn, negating the effects on a success.
19(+4) 15(+2) 16(+3) 7(-2) 10(+0) 7(-2)
ERDER WYRM, YOUNG Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +4
Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil Damage Immunities: Cold
Armor Class: 16(natural armor) Condition Immunities: Blinded
Hit Points: 30(4d10+8) Senses: Darkvision 120 ft, Tremorsense 120 ft, Passive
Speed: 50 ft perception 17
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Special Qualities
17(+3) 15(+2) 15(+2) 7(-2) 10(+0) 7(-2)
Lightning Speed: The erder wyrm gains advantage on initiative
Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +4
Keen Senses: The erder wyrm gains advantage on all perception
Damage Immunities: Cold
checks due to its keen sight and smell
Condition Immunities: Blinded
Stealthy Camouflage: The erder wyrm naturally blends into
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft, Tremorsense 120 ft, Passive perception 17 shadows and dark, murky environs. As such, it gains advantage
Challenge: 1 (200 XP) on stealth checks.
Special Qualities Unarmored Underbelly: By accepting disadvantage on an
attack roll, an attacker can target the erder wyrm’s underbelly,
Lightning Speed: The erder wyrm gains advantage on initiative which has only an AC of 12.
Keen Senses: The erder wyrm gains advantage on all perception Actions
checks due to its keen sight and smell
Multiattack: The erder wyrm strikes twice with its claws, and
Stealthy Camouflage: The erder wyrm naturally blends into can either bite or use its breath weapon.
shadows and dark, murky environs. As such, it gains advantage
on stealth checks. Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, 5’ range, one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage.


Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, 5’ range, one target. DC 16 charisma saving throw negates all effects of the roar. A
Hit: 15 (2d10+4) piercing damage. creature affected by the roar can make another save at the end
Deafening Roar (Recharge 6): The erder wyrm can issue a of its turn, negating the effects on a success.
deafening roar which affects everyone in a 120-foot cone and In its mature state, the erder wyrm is a 10-foot-long, slithering
causes bone-chilling panic in the hearts of its foes. All those lizard-like beast with 6 thin, double-jointed legs. Ancient wyrms
hostile to the wyrm who hear the roar suffer from the deafened have been known to grow much larger. It has thick, short claws,
and frightened conditions. Further, and creature with a CR or and a long crocodilian head with rows of sharp, jagged teeth. It
level of 3 or less will flee from the creature as fast as it can. The ranges in color, but is most often a mottled gray, with a bluish
wyrm does not have to concentrate to maintain this effect. A sheen along its flanks. It is well–adapted at hiding in dark, murky
DC 15 charisma saving throw negates all effects of the roar. A environments. The beast has two yellowish eyes with reptilian
creature affected by the roar can make another save at the end pupils. It is able to dislocate its jaws so that it can swallow prey
of its turn, negating the effects on a success. much larger than its maw would indicate.
Erder wyrms have a thick scaly hide on their back, tail and head.
ERDER WYRM, ANCIENT Their underside is another thing altogether. There the scales are
Huge Dragon, Chaotic Evil thinner and weaker. In general, a mature erder wyrm of this age
will not fight in a manner that exposes its belly.
Armor Class: 19(natural armor)
Ravenous Predators: These creatures are perpetually hungry
Hit Points: 126 (12d12+48)
and eat constantly. They are dimwitted brutes, but have keen
Speed: 50 ft eyesight, an extraordinary sense of smell and can detect motion
through vibrations. They often find some hole or crevice to den
up in and stalk the area for prey. They are commonly found in
21(+5) 15(+2) 19(+4) 7(-2) 12(+1) 7(-2) cities, particularly the sewers and any underground cavernous
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +5 chambers. They prey on almost anything, digesting bone, wood,
or metal as easy as meat and vegetable matter.
Damage Immunities: Cold
Ambush Hunters: They stalk their prey by finding a good hiding
Condition Immunities: Blinded
place and launching out at passing creatures. Though squat,
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft, Tremorsense 120 ft, Passive the creatures are able to move remarkably fast and often rush
perception 17 opponents using their deafening roar to knock them senseless.
Challenge: 7 (2900 XP) Once senseless, they fall upon the hapless victim, using their
jaws and claws to pull them from the area where the creature
Special Qualities may swallow them in safety.
Lightning Speed: The erder wyrm gains advantage on initiative
Keen Senses: The erder wyrm gains advantage on all perception FLYING DRAGON
checks due to its keen sight and smell FLYING DRAGON WYRMLING
Stealthy Camouflage: The erder wyrm naturally blends into Small Dragon, Chaotic Evil
shadows and dark, murky environs. As such, it gains advantage
on stealth checks. Armor Class: 17(natural armor)

Unarmored Underbelly: By accepting disadvantage on an Hit Points: 38 (11d6)

attack roll, an attacker can target the erder wyrm’s underbelly, Speed: 20 ft 90 ft Fly
which has only an AC of 12.
8(-1) 15(+2) 10(+0) 4(-3) 8(-1) 8(-1)
Multiattack: The erder wyrm strikes twice with its claws, and
Skills: Stealth+4
can either bite or use its breath weapon.
Damage Resistance: Acid
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, 5’ range, one target.
Hit: 15 (3d6+5) slashing damage. Senses: Passive Perception 9
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, 5’ range, one target. Languages: Draconic
Hit: 21 (3d10+5) piercing damage. Challenge: 1 (200 XP)
Deafening Roar (Recharge 6): The erder wyrm can issue a Special Qualities
deafening roar which affects everyone in a 120-foot cone and
causes bone-chilling panic in the hearts of its foes. All those Draconic Confusion: If there are 5 or more Flying dragons
hostile to the wyrm who hear the roar suffer from the deafened of any size, they can use this power to give themselves an
and frightened conditions. Further, and creature with a CR or advantage in battle. Before battle begins, they all begin issuing
level of 5 or less will flee from the creature as fast as it can. The a cacophony of sounds that seem to come from everywhere.
wyrm does not have to concentrate to maintain this effect. A When initiative is rolled, all non-dragons in the area must roll a

then immediately land on the target and attack with claw bite
tail, gaining advantage due to the targets prone condition.


Medium Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 18(natural armor)
Hit Points: 76 (17d8)
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly
10(+0) 16(+3) 10(+0) 5(-3) 10(+0) 9(-1)
Skills: Stealth+5
Damage Resistance: Acid
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Languages: Draconic
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Wisdom save. The DC is based on the size of the largest Flying
Special Qualities
Dragon in the battle (DC 10 for Wyrmling, 12 for Young, 14 for
Adult and 16 for Ancient). Anyone who fails the save can take Draconic Confusion: If there are 5 or more Flying dragons
no action or bonus action during their first turn. of any size, they can use this power to give themselves an
advantage in battle. Before battle begins, they all begin issuing
a cacophony of sounds that seem to come from everywhere.
Multiattack: The dragon can attack with its bite, claws and When initiative is rolled, all non dragons in the area must roll a
tail or use its breath weapon if available. Wisdom save. The DC is based on the size of the largest Flying
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Dragon in the battle (DC 10 for Wyrmling, 12 for Young, 14 for
Hit: 4(1d4+2) slashing damage. Adult and 16 for Ancient). Anyone who fails the save can take
no action or bonus action during their first turn.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 4(1d4+2) piercing damage. Actions
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Multiattack: The dragon can attack with its bite, claws and
Hit: 1(1d4-1) piercing damage. In addition, the target must tail or use its breath weapon if available.
make a constitution save (DC11). On a failed save, they take Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
3(1d6) poison damage and the poisoned condition. This damage Hit: 7(1d8+3) slashing damage.
reduces the characters maximum hit points and cannot be cured
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
until the poisoned condition is removed. On a successful save,
Hit: 6(1d6+3) piercing damage.
the character takes half damage which does not reduce their
maximum and does not suffer the poisoned condition. One hour Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
after being poisoned, the character makes another save. If they Hit: 4(1d8) piercing damage. In addition, the target must
succeed on this save, they shake off the poisoned condition. If make a constitution save (DC13). On a failed save, they take
they fail, they again take 3(1d6) poison damage which reduces 7(2d6) poison damage and the poisoned condition. This damage
the hit point maximum. At dawn the next day for up to six reduces the characters maximum hit points and cannot be cured
days, the character has to make the save, removing the poisoned until the poisoned condition is removed. On a successful save,
condition on a success and taking the damage on a failure. If the the character takes half damage which does not reduce their
poison reduces a character to 0 maximum hit points, they die. maximum and does not suffer the poisoned condition. One hour
after being poisoned, the character makes another save. If they
Breath Weapon (recharge 6): The dragon exhales caustic
succeed on this save, they shake off the poisoned condition. If
ash in a 10 ft cone. All creatures within the cone must make a
they fail, they again take 7(2d6) poison damage which reduces
Dexterity save (DC 11), taking 7(2d6) acid damage on a failed
the hit point maximum. At dawn the next day for up to six
save, or half as much on a success.
days, the character has to make the save, removing the poisoned
Overbearing: When three or more flying dragons attack a condition on a success and taking the damage on a failure. If the
single opponent they are able to attempt an overbearing attack. poison reduces a character to 0 maximum hit points, they die.
The largest dragon flies by the target and does a Shove attack
Breath Weapon (recharge 6): The dragon exhales caustic
on the target, gaining advantage on the shove due to the speed
ash in a 20 ft cone. All creatures within the cone must make a
of their flight and the distraction of the other dragons. If the
Dexterity save (DC 13), taking 17(5d6) acid damage on a failed
shove succeeds, the target is knocked prone. The other dragons
save, or half as much on a success.


Overbearing: When three or more flying dragons attack a removing the poisoned condition on a success and taking the
single opponent they are able to attempt an overbearing attack. damage on a failure. If the poison reduces a character to 0
The largest dragon flies by the target and does a Shove attack maximum hit points, they die.
on the target, gaining advantage on the shove due to the speed Breath Weapon (recharge 6): The dragon exhales caustic
of their flight and the distraction of the other dragons. If the ash in a 30 ft cone. All creatures within the cone must make a
shove succeeds, the target is knocked prone. The other dragons Dexterity save (DC 15), taking 28(8d6) acid damage on a failed
then immediately land on the target and attack with claw bite save, or half as much on a success.
tail, gaining advantage due to the targets prone condition.
Overbearing: When three or more flying dragons attack a
FLYING DRAGON ADULT single opponent they are able to attempt an overbearing attack.
The largest dragon flies by the target and does a Shove attack
Medium Dragon, Chaotic Evil on the target, gaining advantage on the shove due to the speed
Armor Class: 19(natural armor) of their flight and the distraction of the other dragons. If the
shove succeeds, the target is knocked prone. The other dragons
Hit Points: 104 (19d8+19)
then immediately land on the target and attack with claw bite
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly tail, gaining advantage due to the targets prone condition.
12(+1) 17(+3) 12(+1) 7(-2) 11(+0) 10(+0)
Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Skills: Stealth+6
Armor Class: 20(natural armor)
Damage Resistance: Acid
Hit Points: 123 (19d10+19)
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly
Languages: Draconic
Challenge: 5 (1800 XP)
14(+2) 18(+4) 12(+1) 9(-1) 12(+1) 10(+0)
Special Qualities
Skills: Stealth+7
Draconic Confusion: If there are 5 or more Flying dragons
of any size, they can use this power to give themselves an Damage Resistance: Acid
advantage in battle. Before battle begins, they all begin issuing Senses: Passive Perception 10
a cacophony of sounds that seem to come from everywhere.
When initiative is rolled, all non dragons in the area must roll a Languages: Draconic
Wisdom save. The DC is based on the size of the largest Flying Challenge: 6 (2300 XP)
Dragon in the battle (DC 10 for Wyrmling, 12 for Young, 14 for Special Qualities
Adult and 16 for Ancient). Anyone who fails the save can take
no action or bonus action during their first turn. Draconic Confusion: If there are 5 or more Flying dragons
of any size, they can use this power to give themselves an
Actions advantage in battle. Before battle begins, they all begin issuing
Multiattack: The dragon can attack with its bite, claws and a cacophony of sounds that seem to come from everywhere.
tail or use its breath weapon if available. When initiative is rolled, all non dragons in the area must roll a
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Wisdom save. The DC is based on the size of the largest Flying
Hit: 7(1d8+3) slashing damage. Dragon in the battle (DC 10 for Wyrmling, 12 for Young, 14 for
Adult and 16 for Ancient). Anyone who fails the save can take
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. no action or bonus action during their first turn.
Hit: 6(1d6+3) piercing damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
Hit: 5(1d8+1) piercing damage. In addition, the target must Multiattack: The dragon can attack with its bite, claws and
make a constitution save (DC15). On a failed save, they tail or use its breath weapon if available.
take 10(3d6) poison damage and the poisoned condition. Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
This damage reduces the characters maximum hit points and Hit: 13(2d8+4) slashing damage.
cannot be cured until the poisoned condition is removed. On Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
a successful save, the character takes half damage which does Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage.
not reduce their maximum and does not suffer the poisoned
condition. One hour after being poisoned, the character makes Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
another save. If they succeed on this save, they shake off the Hit: 11(2d8+2) piercing damage. In addition, the target
poisoned condition. If they fail, they again take 10(3d6) poison must make a constitution save (DC17). On a failed save,
damage which reduces the hit point maximum. At dawn the they take 14(4d6) poison damage and the poisoned condition.
next day for up to six days, the character has to make the save, This damage reduces the characters maximum hit points and
cannot be cured until the poisoned condition is removed. On

a successful save, the character takes half damage which does creature and mean tempered. Their nascent intelligence allows
not reduce their maximum and does not suffer the poisoned them enough understanding to realize the harm and damage
condition. One hour after being poisoned, the character makes they and they often revel in, dragging out the suffering of a kill,
another save. If they succeed on this save, they shake off the watching it die over time.
poisoned condition. If they fail, they again take 14(4d6) poison
damage which reduces the hit point maximum. At dawn the FLYING DRAGONS IN THE WORLD OF AIHRDE
next day for up to six days, the character has to make the save,
Flying dragons are found throughout the world of Aihrde. They
removing the poisoned condition on a success and taking the
are particularly attracted to regions where faerie dwell, and often
damage on a failure. If the poison reduces a character to 0
develop a symbiotic relationship with the pixies, sprites and the
maximum hit points, they die.
like. They are known to exist in the Voralberg Mountains and
Breath Weapon (recharge 6): The dragon exhales caustic the Detmold and together with small hordes of malicious sprites
ash in a 40 ft cone. All creatures within the cone must make they hound caravans and the like. Sometimes the sprites use the
a Dexterity save (DC 17), taking 45(13d6) acid damage on a dragons as mounts.
failed save, or half as much on a success.
Overbearing: When three or more flying dragons attack a DRAGON, FRILLED
single opponent they are able to attempt an overbearing attack.
The largest dragon flies by the target and does a Shove attack
on the target, gaining advantage on the shove due to the speed Medium dragon, Chaotic Good
of their flight and the distraction of the other dragons. If the Armor Class: 15(natural)
shove succeeds, the target is knocked prone. The other dragons
Hit Points: 38 (7d8+7)
then immediately land on the target and attack with claw bite
tail, gaining advantage due to the targets prone condition. Speed: 60 ft 90 ft Fly
These are small dragons, ranging only a dozen feet in length.
They have narrow bodies, two legs with large wings with a
span greater than the length of their bodies. Their feet are
long and thin as well, capped by toes more like tendrils with
razor sharp claws. Their eyes are always green, wide and more
like a cat’s than anything else. They test the air with forked
tongues and use specially adapted senses to feel the tremor
of the earth as it vibrates up the tree stems upon which they
make their homes. They are adept fliers and can run with
some speed. They have rows of small but sharp teeth in their
long snout. Two thin, obsidian horns rise from their brow. They
are orange red or red in color.
Kings of the Forest: The flying dragon spends the bulk of
its life in the tree tops, coming down only to feed. They nest
in small pods along thick branches of deciduous trees, sleeping
in crooks of limbs and the like. They lay their eggs in the tree
and rear their young there. Their pods rarely number more than
a score, but sometimes, if an area offers good hunting several
pods, up to a dozen, can be located in close proximity of each
other. Their scales are small but very sensitive and are able to
detect the tell tale sounds of creatures approaching along the
forest floor up to 500 yards away. They use their wings and agile
legs to leap from branch to branch, passing through the trees
more like primates than flying creatures.
Master Hunters: They are skilled hunters, though one good
sized meal keeps the creature at bay for a week or more. They are
often spotted watching, or following people in the forest, their
hollow, vacant stares filled with only a dim glow of intelligence,
only a vague curiosity about a possible future meal. If they are
hungry however, they attack almost any target, no matter the
size. Once killed the whole pod settles upon the unfortunate
victim and makes a meal out of them. This is the only time a
flying dragon comes out of its trees.
Cruel and Sadistic: The flying dragon is a particularly vicious


12(+1) 15(+2) 13(+1) 10(+0) 13(+1) 11(+0) Multiattack: The dragon makes three attacks, one with its
bite, one with its claws and one with its tail.
Skills: Persuasion+2, Perception+3
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Damage Immunities:
Hit: 13(2d10+2) Piercing damage.
Condition Immunities:
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Damage Resistance: Poison Hit: 10(2d6+3) slashing damage.
Senses: Passive Perception 13 Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Languages: Elvish, Draconic Hit: 10(2d6+3) slashing damage.

Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Frilled Dragon’s is a
slow acting poison. The dragon breathes out a 30 foot cone.
Actions All creatures in the cone must make a Constitution save (DC
Multiattack: The dragon makes three attacks, one with its 14). If they succeed on the save, then the breath has no effect.
bite, one with its claws and one with its tail. If they fail the save, they have the poisoned condition. The
poisoned condition remains for the next minute. At the end of
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
that minute, the target has to roll another Constitution save. If
Hit: 6(1d10+1) Piercing damage.
the second save succeeds, they shake off the poisoned condition.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. If the second save fails, the target is incapacitated with pain and
Hit: 5(1d6+2) slashing damage. take 9(2d8) poison damage. Each round thereafter, the target
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. must make the save again, removing both the incapacitated and
Hit: 5(1d6+2) slashing damage. poisoned conditions on a success, and taking the damage on a
failure. Any magic that removes the poisoned condition will
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Frilled Dragon’s is a
stop all other effects of the poison.
slow acting poison. The dragon breathes out a 20 foot cone.
All creatures in the cone must make a Constitution save (DC
13). If the succeed on the save, then the breath has no effect.
If they fail the save, they have the poisoned condition. The Large dragon, Chaotic Good
poisoned condition remains for the next minute. At the end of Armor Class: 17(natural)
that minute, the target has to roll another Constitution save. If
the second save succeeds, they shake off the poisoned condition. Hit Points: 82 (11d10+22)
If the second save fails, the target is incapacitated with pain and Speed: 60 ft 90 ft Fly
take 4(1d8) poison damage. Each round thereafter, the target
must make the save again, removing both the incapacitated and STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
poisoned conditions on a success, and taking the damage on a 15(+2) 17(+3) 14(+2) 14(+2) 14(+2) 13(+1)
failure. Any magic that removes the poisoned condition will Skills: PERSUASION+3, PERCEPTION+4
stop all other effects of the poison.
Damage Resistance: Poison
FRILLED DRAGON YOUNG Senses: Passive Perception 14
Large dragon, Chaotic Good Languages: Elvish, Draconic
Armor Class: 16(natural) Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Hit Points: 52 (7d10+14) Actions
Speed: 60 ft 90 ft Fly Multiattack: The dragon makes three attacks, one with its
bite, one with its claws and one with its tail.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
14(+2) 16(+3) 14(+2) 12(+1) 14(+2) 12(+1)
Hit: 13(2d10+2) Piercing damage.
Skills: Persuasion+3, Perception+4
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Damage Immunities: Hit: 10(2d6+3) slashing damage.
Condition Immunities: Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Damage Resistance: Poison Hit: 10(2d6+3) slashing damage.

Senses: Passive Perception 14 Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Frilled Dragon’s is a
slow acting poison. The dragon breathes out a 30 foot cone.
Languages: Elvish, Draconic All creatures in the cone must make a Constitution save (DC
Challenge: 2 (450 XP) 15). If they succeed on the save, then the breath has no effect.
If they fail the save, they have the poisoned condition. The

poisoned condition remains for the next minute. At the end of with a span that equals if not exceeds their body length. The
that minute, the target has to roll another Constitution save. If undersides of their wings are blood red, the outer side bluish
the second save succeeds, they shake off the poisoned condition. black. They have a long, thin snout with razor sharp teeth, its
If the second save fails, the target is incapacitated with pain and head crowned with short boney spikes. Behind its jaw line are
take 13(3d8) poison damage. Each round thereafter, the target long webbed spikes that the creature (this like a frilled lizard)
must make the save again, removing both the incapacitated and which when the creature is agitated open wide and spread out,
poisoned conditions on a success, and taking the damage on a the connecting skin being a reddish orange with deep red veins
failure. Any magic that removes the poisoned condition will throughout. All four legs are the same length, with long claws.
stop all other effects of the poison. Friends of the Elves: These intelligent beasts travel alone or
in pairs, rarely are they found in large groups. They are unique
FRILLED DRAGON ANCIENT in that they have long been allied with elves, usually living in or
Huge dragon, Chaotic Good around elven communities. Further they have a distinct distaste
for most humanoids, hunting them wherever they encounter
Armor Class: 18(natural)
them. Frilled dragons are highly predatory and very reactionary,
Hit Points: 102 (12d12+24) attacking threats before they communicate with them.
Speed: 60 ft 90 ft Fly Woodland Dwellers: The frilled dragon dwells mostly in
wooded environments, old growth deciduous forests and the
like. They lay their eggs in nests of bramble on the ground. They
16(+3) 18(+4) 14(+2) 16(+3) 16(+3) 14(+2) take little precaution in hiding the nest as the female spends the
Skills: Persuasion+5, Perception+6 whole of the egg’s gestation time nearby. They attack anything,
good or evil, that approaches their nest. They are intelligent
Saves: Dexterity+7, Intelligence+6
and highly reasoned.
Damage Resistance: Poison
Frilled: The creature attacks by rearing back, opening its
Senses: Passive Perception 16 webbed neck membranes wide and blasting a cloud of toxic gas
Languages: Elvish, Draconic upon its foes. The membrane serves to make the dragon look
much larger than it actually is, though serves no other purpose,
Challenge: 5 (1800 XP) defensive or otherwise.
Multiattack: The dragon makes three attacks, one with its FRILLED DRAGON IN AIHRDE
bite, one with its claws and one with its tail. The frilled dragon came to Aihrde not through the gift of Inzae
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. as many of the dragon kin did, but rather through the gates to the
Hit: 19(3d10+3) Piercing damage. Seven Rivers, those lands where the elves first dwelt. This realm
the All Fathered fashioned only in his dreams and it came to be
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. when he succumbed to the machinations of the Goblin Lords.
Hit: 14(3d6+4) slashing damage. When his mind splintered and the gates to these worlds opened,
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. the elves came to Aihrde and with them came the frilled dragons.
Hit: 14(3d6+4) slashing damage. These dragons have dwelt in harmony with the elves in Aihrde
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Frilled Dragon’s is a even as they did with in the land of Seven Rivers.
slow acting poison. The dragon breathes out a 40 foot cone. They range far and wide, but are most common in and around
All creatures in the cone must make a Constitution save (DC the Channel Lakes where the elves built their first elven homes.
17). If they succeed on the save, then the breath has no effect. They have an unusual hatred for orcs and upon sight, or even
If they fail the save, they have the poisoned condition. The scent of them, attack with an extreme hatred. Their lives and
poisoned condition remains for the next minute. At the end of memory are long and they remember the wars in and around the
that minute, the target has to roll another Constitution save. If Marl so many years ago.
the second save succeeds, they shake off the poisoned condition. In some wild elf lands, the elves use the older frilled dragons as
If the second save fails, the target is incapacitated with pain and mounts. They are very swift and able.
take 18(4d8) poison damage. Each round thereafter, the target
must make the save again, removing both the incapacitated and
poisoned conditions on a success, and taking the damage on a DRAGON, IAHNEAL
failure. Any magic that removes the poisoned condition will IAHNEAL DRAGON WYRMLING
stop all other effects of the poison. Medium Dragon, Lawful Evil
Frilled dragons are long, sinuous drakes, adults ranging up to Armor Class: 14(natural armor)
20 feet in length. Their tails are almost as long as their bodies
and end in two long twin spikes. They have large bluish black Hit Points: 78 (12d8+24)
scales ranged down their back sides, with broad banded reddish Speed: 40 ft 60 ft Fly
segments on their bellies. Their wings are broad and thin,


STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Bewilder: The dragon opens its wings, displaying a dazzling
variety of scintillating colors. All creatures within 30 feet of the
16(+3) 10(+0) 14(+2) 12(+1) 10(+0) 11(+0)
dragon must make a Wisdom Save (DC14) or be incapacitated.
Skills: Deception+2, Intimidation+2 Any creature so incapacitated can repeat the save at the end
Senses: Passive Perception 10 of their turn, ending the effect on a success. Any creature who
successfully saves against the bewilderment is immune from this
Languages: Draconic effect for 24 hours. Note that the dragon cannot use this power
Challenge: 2 (450 XP) while flying, as it needs to hold its wings open in a way that
would keep it from flying.
Special Qualities
Bewilder: The dragon opens its wings, displaying a dazzling
variety of scintillating colors. All creatures within 30 feet of the Multiattack: The Dragon attacks twice with its claws, once
dragon must make a Wisdom Save (DC13) or be incapacitated. with its bite, and once with its tail. The dragon can make these
Any creature so incapacitated can repeat the save at the end attacks in the same round it uses its Bewilder power.
of their turn, ending the effect on a success. Any creature who Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
successfully saves against the bewilderment is immune from this Hit: 9(2d4+4) Slashing damage.
effect for 24 hours. Note that the dragon cannot use this power
while flying, as it needs to hold its wings open in a way that Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
would keep it from flying. Hit: 15(2d10+4) piercing damage.

Actions Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit: 11(2d6+4) Bludgeoning damage.
Multiattack: The Dragon attacks twice with its claws, once
with its bite, and once with its tail. The dragon can make these Breath Weapon (Recharge 6): The dragons breath weapon is
attacks in the same round it uses its Bewilder power. a small cloud of dust and stone, barely 5 feet long. It can only
affect one target, and that target must be with the range of the
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. creature’s bite attack. The target must make a Dexterity Save
Hit: 5(1d4+3) Slashing damage. (DC 14). If they fail the save by 5 or more, they are instantly
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn
Hit: 8(1d10+3) piercing damage. to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat
the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
on a failure and ending the effect on a success.
Hit: 6(1d6+3) Bludgeoning damage.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 6): The dragons breath weapon is IAHNEAL DRAGON ADULT
a small cloud of dust and stone, barely 5 feet long. It can only
affect one target, and that target must be with the range of the Large Dragon, Lawful Evil
creature’s bite attack. The target must make a Dexterity Save Armor Class: 18(natural armor)
(DC 13). If they fail the save by 5 or more, they are instantly
Hit Points: 119 (14d10+42)
petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to
turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must Speed: 40 ft 60 ft Fly
repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
petrified on a failure and ending the effect on a success.
20(+5) 12(+1) 16(+3) 15(+2) 13(+1) 14(+2)
IAHNEAL DRAGON YOUNG Skills: Deception+5, Intimidation+5
Large Dragon, Lawful Evil Saves: Strength+8, Constitution+6
Armor Class: 14(natural armor) Senses: Passive Perception 11
Hit Points: 90 (12d10+24) Languages: Draconic
Speed: 40 ft 60 ft Fly Challenge: 6(2300 XP)
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Special Qualities
18(+4) 11(+0) 15(+2) 13(+1) 11(+0) 12(+1) Bewilder: The dragon opens its wings, displaying a dazzling
variety of scintillating colors. All creatures within 30 feet of the
Skills: Deception+3, Intimidation+3
dragon must make a Wisdom Save (DC15) or be incapacitated.
Senses: Passive Perception 10 Any creature so incapacitated can repeat the save at the end
Languages: Draconic of their turn, ending the effect on a success. Any creature who
successfully saves against the bewilderment is immune from this
Challenge: 3(700 XP) effect for 24 hours. Note that the dragon cannot use this power
Special Qualities while flying, as it needs to hold its wings open in a way that
would keep it from flying.

Wing Attack: Once per round, as a reaction, the dragon can
attempt to smash its wings down on its enemies. It cannot use this
ability in the same round it uses its bewilder attack and cannot
use it while flying. All creatures within 10 ft of the dragon must
make a Dexterity save (DC 15), taking 10(3d6) bludgeoning
damage on a failed save and being knocked prone. Creatures
that save take half damage and are not knocked prone.
Multiattack: The Dragon attacks twice with its claws, once
with its bite, and once with its tail. The dragon can make these
attacks in the same round it uses its Bewilder power.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 10(2d4+5) Slashing damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit: 16(2d10+5) piercing damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit: 12(2d6+5) Bludgeoning damage.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 6): The dragons breath weapon is
a small cloud of dust and stone, barely 5 feet long. It can only
affect one target, and that target must be with the range of the
creature’s bite attack. The target must make a Dexterity Save
(DC 15). If they fail the save by 5 or more, they are instantly
petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn
to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat
the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified
this ability in the same round it uses its bewilder attack and
on a failure and ending the effect on a success.
cannot use it while flying. All creatures within 15 ft of the
dragon must make a Dexterity save (DC 17), taking 17(5d6)
damage on a failed save and being knocked prone. Creatures
Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil that save take half damage and are not knocked prone.
Armor Class: 20(natural armor) Actions
Hit Points: 152 (16d12+48) Multiattack: The Dragon attacks twice with its claws, once
Speed: 40 ft 60 ft Fly with its bite, and once with its tail. The dragon can make these
attacks in the same round it uses its Bewilder power.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
22(+6) 12(+1) 16(+3) 18(+4) 15(+2) 14(+2) Hit: 13(3d4+6) Slashing damage.
Skills: Deception+5, Intimidation+5 Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Saves: Strength+9, Constitution+6 Hit: 22(3d10+6) piercing damage.
Senses: Passive Perception 12 Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit: 16(3d6+6) Bludgeoning damage.
Languages: Draconic
Breath Weapon (Recharge 6): The dragons breath weapon is
Challenge: 8(3900 XP)
a small cloud of dust and stone, barely 5 feet long. It can only
Special Qualities affect one target, and that target must be with the range of the
Bewilder: The dragon opens its wings, displaying a dazzling creature’s bite attack. The target must make a Dexterity Save
variety of scintillating colors. All creatures within 30 feet of the (DC 17). If they fail the save by 5 or more, they are instantly
dragon must make a Wisdom Save (DC17) or be incapacitated. petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn
Any creature so incapacitated can repeat the save at the end to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat
of their turn, ending the effect on a success. Any creature who the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified
successfully saves against the bewilderment is immune from this on a failure and ending the effect on a success.
effect for 24 hours. Note that the dragon cannot use this power The iahneal dragons are large beasts, more like traditional drag-
while flying, as it needs to hold its wings open in a way that ons than most of the lesser wyrms. Their forelegs are shorter
would keep it from flying. than their hind legs, and their bodies squat toward its tail. The
Wing Attack: Once per round, as a reaction, the dragon can tail itself is very long, mounted with small plates that range up
attempt to smash its wings down on its enemies. It cannot use the beasts spine to the back of its head. Their scales are a deep,


very dark purple color, though the underside is tinted blue. They Camouflage. The dragon is able to adapt its color to match its
have broad wings and are able fliers. The wings themselves are environment. The creature has advantage on all stealth checks.
blue like the beasts underbelly. They have a long snout with Actions
a barbed horn at the end of the upper jaw that smacks into
the lower jaw with a clacking sound when the beast closes its Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
mouth. target. Hit 4(1d3+2) slashing damage. The target must make
a constitution save (DC 12) or be affected by the creature’s
Stone Affinity: These large beasts range throughout the poison. The poison causes the target to become incapacitated.
known world. They nest in rocky crags, hills, and abutments, The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns,
anywhere that they can use stone as their bed. They build their shaking off the effect and gaining immunity to the poison for 24
nests as high as they can; mounding stone up until pillars of it hours on a successful save.
surround their den. Here they hoard their treasure, nurse their
young and sleep. The Iahneal can consume creatures it has Blood Drain: If the dragon has incapacitated a target, it
turned to stone and considers them a delicacy. will try to feed. The dragon lands on the target, injecting its
mouth tube into the victim and sucking out blood. The target
Savvy Hunters: Iahneal dragons are very intelligent, automatically takes 2(1d4) necrotic damage each round. The
calculating beasts. They enjoy watching other creatures suffer creature will keep drinking until attacked, its victim dies, or it
and spend a great deal of time torturing them. In battle the consumes twice its hit points in damage. If the dragon consumes
iahneal dragon attacks first by rearing up upon its hind legs and double its hit points in blood, it will immediately stop draining
stretching its wings to their full extent. Their wings exude a blood and fly away to digest its meal.
magical scintillating aura that serves to stun their victims into
inaction. As the victim is responding to this attack it launches Paralysis Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales
into a vicious melee combat. Its breath weapon is very limited a cloud of spores in a 5 foot cone. Anyone in the area must
and it saves this for the victim it chooses to bring back to its den make a dexterity save (DC 12) or be infected by the spores
as a trophy or as food for its young. and paralyzed. Anyone immune to disease automatically saves
against the spores.
These beasts were part of the original clutch of eggs that Inzae
brought to the world of Aihrde and gifted the All Father for his Small Dragon, Neutral
gift of trees. The iahneal are much like that grim goddess, evil Armor Class: 13(natural armor)
and intent on destruction. It is said by the learned that they know
Hit Points: 18(4d6+4)
well the Language of Destruction as imparted by the Dragon God
but that they will never reveal it until the time she returns to Speed: 15 ft 30 ft Fly
the maelstrom and unmakes the world. Then the iahneal promise
is to join her and bring about the end of all things. They are
worshipped by various cults through Aihrde, an in particular are 8(-1) 16(+3) 12(+1) 10(+0) 11(+0) 9(-1)
held in high regard on the Isle of Koth where the Dragon People Skills: Stealth+5
dwell. The beast of course does not return the worship and holds
Senses: Passive Perception 10
all creatures in disdain, using these cults from time to time to feed
their young or garner riches from them. Languages: Draconic
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
DRAGON, IRIS Special Qualities
IRIS WYRMLING Camouflage: The dragon is able to adapt its color to match its
Tiny Dragon, Neutral environment. The creature has advantage on all stealth checks.
Armor Class: 13(natural armor) Actions
Hit Points: 7(3d4) Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
Speed: 15 ft 30 ft Fly target. Hit 5(1d4+3) slashing damage. The target must make
a constitution save (DC 13) or be affected by the creature’s
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: poison. The poison causes the target to become incapacitated.
6(-2) 15(+2) 11(+0) 8(-1) 10(+0) 7(-2) The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns,
shaking off the effect and gaining immunity to the poison for 24
Senses: Passive Perception 10 hours on a successful save.
Languages: Draconic Blood Drain: If the dragon has incapacitated a target, it
Challenge: ¼ (50 XP) will try to feed. The dragon lands on the target, injecting its
mouth tube into the victim and sucking out blood. The target
Special Qualities
automatically takes 3(1d6) necrotic damage each round. The
creature will keep drinking until attacked, its victim dies, or it

consumes twice its hit points in damage. If the dragon consumes
double its hit points in blood, it will immediately stop draining
blood and fly away to digest its meal.
Paralysis Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales a
cloud of spores in a 10 foot cone. Anyone in the area must
make a dexterity save (DC 13) or be infected by the spores
and paralyzed. Anyone immune to disease automatically saves
against the spores.

Medium Dragon, Neutral
Armor Class: 15(natural armor)
Hit Points: 27(5d8+5)
Speed: 15 ft 30 ft Fly
10(+0) 16(+3) 12(+1) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(+0)
Skills: Stealth+5
Senses: Passive Perception 11
Languages: Draconic
Challenge: 1 (200 XP)
Special Qualities
Camouflage: The dragon is able to adapt its color to match its
environment. The creature has advantage on all stealth checks.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
target. Hit 7(1d8+3) slashing damage. The target must make
a constitution save (DC 15) or be affected by the creature’s
poison. The poison causes the target to become incapacitated. STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, 10(+0) 16(+3) 12(+1) 13(+1) 14(+2) 12(+1)
shaking off the effect and gaining immunity to the poison for 24
Skills: Stealth+5
hours on a successful save.
Senses: Passive Perception 11
Blood Drain: If the dragon has incapacitated a target, it
will try to feed. The dragon lands on the target, injecting its Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic
mouth tube into the victim and sucking out blood. The target Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
automatically takes 4(1d8) necrotic damage each round. The
creature will keep drinking until attacked, its victim dies, or it Special Qualities
consumes twice its hit points in damage. If the dragon consumes Camouflage: The dragon is able to adapt its color to match its
double its hit points in blood, it will immediately stop draining environment. The creature has advantage on all stealth checks.
blood and fly away to digest its meal. Actions
Paralysis Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales a cloud Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
of spores in a 15 foot cone. Anyone in the area must make a target. Hit 12(2d8+3) slashing damage. The target must make
dexterity save (DC 15) or be infected by the spores and paralyzed. a constitution save (DC 16) or be affected by the creature’s
Anyone immune to disease automatically saves against the spores. poison. The poison causes the target to become incapacitated.
The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns,
IRIS ANCIENT shaking off the effect and gaining immunity to the poison for 24
Medium Dragon, Neutral hours on a successful save.
Armor Class: 17(natural armor) Blood Drain: If the dragon has incapacitated a target, it
will try to feed. The dragon lands on the target, injecting its
Hit Points: 55(10d8+10)
mouth tube into the victim and sucking out blood. The target
Speed: 15 ft 30 ft Fly automatically takes 5(1d10) necrotic damage each round. The
creature will keep drinking until attacked, its victim dies, or it


consumes twice its hit points in damage. If the dragon consumes To this day the Aenochians are very partial to the iris wyrm and
double its hit points in blood, it will immediately stop draining the people of New Aenoch have revived the practice of making
blood and fly away to digest its meal. gardens to house the iris wyrm and the small dragon’s numbers
Paralysis Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales a have increased, if only moderately.
cloud of spores in a 20 foot cone. Anyone in the area must
make a dexterity save (DC 16) or be infected by the spores DRAGON, IRS WYRM
and paralyzed. Anyone immune to disease automatically saves IRS WYRMLING
against the spores.
Medium Dragon, Lawful Evil
The smallest of dragons, the iris wyrm is light green in color,
thin and lithe. Broad, leaf-like scales cover its long form; its Armor Class: 15(natural armor)
legs shaped like vines, and its head, long and thin is yellow. It Hit Points: 91(14d8+28)
has small claws, used to cling to the sides of trees, branches, or
Speed: 20 ft
rocks. The iris dragon’s tail, long and thinning to a small taper,
serves a similar purpose. It has razor sharp teeth that deliver a STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
stinging bite, but its real weapon is the dew claw it possesses on 14(+2) 9(-1) 15(+2) 4(-3) 10(+0) 6(-2)
each forward claw. This long appendage, several inches longer
than its other claws carries potent venom. Damage Resistance: Poison
Ambush Predator: The iris dragon is able to camouflage itself Senses: Passive Perception 10
extraordinarily well. To the casual viewer the creature looks Languages:
more like a vine snaking up the side of a tree or rock than a
Challenge: 3(700 XP)
dragon. It moves slowly as well, using its ability to blend into
the environment to hide it from the creature it is stalking. They Special Qualities
prey primarily on humans, demi-humans, and humanoids. They Aura of Hopelessness: The IRS Wyrm projects an aura of fear,
feed through a tubular protrusion that lies beneath their tongue. desperation and hopelessness. All creatures within 60 feet of
When a victim is gassed or paralyzed the dragon settles on them, the IRS must make a Charisma Save (DC 13). Those who fail
the tube is driven into the victim and their blood drained. The are stunned from the overwhelming feeling of helplessness. At
iris wyrm feeds on the paralyzed victim, so long as the victim is the beginning of their turn, they can again make the save. If
alive. If at any time the victim is viewed as dead by the iris wyrm they fail again, they remain stunned and lose 1d4 Charisma.
it stops eating it. For instance, the monk’s ability to feign death The target continues to save until they make a save or their
would stop the dragon from devouring the character. Charisma reaches 0. A target reduced to 0 Charisma becomes
Family Ties: They dwell in tropic, sub-tropic jungles and completely catatonic and will starve to death if not helped.
temperate deciduous forests. They are very social, pack oriented Only a Heal spell has the strength to restore a creature from 0
dragons, and travel in family groups of up to 10. The creature Charisma. Otherwise Greater Restoration is sufficient. Once
is moderately intelligent and the older ones able to speak elf, a creature makes a successful save against this effect, they are
the vulgate, or any other tongue with which it has had long immune for the next 24 hours.
exposure. The iris dragon takes up residence near water or cave Stench: A small cloud of poisonous gas surrounds the
entrances, trails and the like; anywhere that creatures may stop creature at all times. Any creature that comes within 15 feet
to find food or shelter. They take shelter in the trees and shrub, of the creature must make a Constitution save (DC 13) or
disguising themselves as plants. When their prey enters the immediately be paralyzed by the poison. A creature immune
area, they wait for it to come within range of one of its forefeet, to the poisoned condition will ignore this effect. A creature
using the claw they attempt to nip the victim. They wait until immune to the paralyzed condition instead suffers the poisoned
the paralysis takes affect and then come into feed. If discovered condition. Once affected, the victim remains paralyzed until
or disturbed the whole pack of them launch in a very aggressive removed from the poison cloud or the IRS is slain. A Greater
attack on any and all targets in the area. Restoration will overcome the effect, but the target can be
affected again. Anyone who makes the Constitution save is
IRIS DRAGON IN AIHRDE immune to this effect for 24 hours.
The iris dragon is a favorite of wizards and illusionists as they Slow to Act: IRS Wyrms always go last in the initiative order.
are able to use the wyrms as guardians in and around their
towers. In old Aenoch the practice of creating elaborate gardens
of walkways, bridges, lawns, beds of flowers, etc. was common Multiattack: The IRS makes two attacks, one with its bite
amongst the nobles; for a great while the fad of peopling those and one with its tail. It cannot use its bite and tail attacks on
gardens with the iris wyrm allowed the creature to spread into the same target.
most of the Lands of Ursal and beyond. The creature suffered Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
greatly during the long winter dark and their numbers dwindled. Hit: 6(1d8+2) piercing damage.
The people of Aufstrag saw the iris wyrm as a delicacy and served
the creature with mounds of butter and gravy in their great feasts. Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 7(1d10+2) bludgeoning damage.

Large Dragon, Lawful Evil
Armor Class: 16(natural armor)
Hit Points: 127(15d10+45)
Speed: 20 ft
16(+3) 9(-1) 17(+3) 4(-3) 10(+0) 6(-2)
Damage Resistance: Poison
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Challenge: 4(1100 XP) Speed: 20 ft
Special Qualities STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
Aura of Hopelessness: The IRS Wyrm projects an aura of fear, 18(+4) 9(-1) 19(+4) 4(-3) 10(+0) 6(-2)
desperation and hopelessness. All creatures within 90 feet of
the IRS must make a Charisma Save (DC 14). Those who fail Damage Resistance: Poison
are stunned from the overwhelming feeling of helplessness. At Senses: Passive Perception 10
the beginning of their turn, they can again make the save. If Languages:
they fail again, they remain stunned and lose 1d4 Charisma.
The target continues to save until they make a save or their Challenge: 6(2300 XP)
Charisma reaches 0. A target reduced to 0 Charisma becomes Special Qualities
completely catatonic and will starve to death if not helped.
Aura of Hopelessness: The IRS Wyrm projects an aura of fear,
Only a Heal spell has the strength to restore a creature from 0
desperation and hopelessness. All creatures within 90 feet of
Charisma. Otherwise Greater Restoration is sufficient. Once
the IRS must make a Charisma Save (DC 15). Those who fail
a creature makes a successful save against this effect, they are
are stunned from the overwhelming feeling of helplessness. At
immune for the next 24 hours.
the beginning of their turn, they can again make the save. If
•Stench: A small cloud of poisonous gas surrounds the they fail again, they remain stunned and lose 1d4 Charisma.
creature at all times. Any creature that comes within 20 feet The target continues to save until they make a save or their
of the creature must make a Constitution save (DC 14) or Charisma reaches 0. A target reduced to 0 Charisma becomes
immediately be paralyzed by the poison. A creature immune completely catatonic and will starve to death if not helped.
to the poisoned condition will ignore this effect. A creature Only a Heal spell has the strength to restore a creature from 0
immune to the paralyzed condition instead suffers the poisoned Charisma. Otherwise Greater Restoration is sufficient. Once
condition. Once affected, the victim remains paralyzed until a creature makes a successful save against this effect, they are
removed from the poison cloud or the IRS is slain. A Greater immune for the next 24 hours.
Restoration will overcome the effect, but the target can be
Stench: A small cloud of poisonous gas surrounds the creature
affected again. Anyone who makes the Constitution save is
at all times. Any creature that comes within 20 feet of the
immune to this effect for 24 hours.
creature must make a Constitution save (DC 15) or immediately
Slow to Act: IRS Wyrms always go last in the initiative order. be paralyzed by the poison. A creature immune to the poisoned
Actions condition will ignore this effect. A creature immune to the
paralyzed condition instead suffers the poisoned condition.
Multiattack: The IRS makes two attacks, one with its bite Once affected, the victim remains paralyzed until removed
and one with its tail. It cannot use its bite and tail attacks on from the poison cloud or the IRS is slain. A Greater Restoration
the same target. will overcome the effect, but the target can be affected again.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Anyone who makes the Constitution save is immune to this
Hit: 12(2d8+3) piercing damage. effect for 24 hours.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Slow to Act: IRS Wyrms always go last in the initiative order.
Hit: 14(2d10+3) bludgeoning damage. Actions

IRS WYRM ADULT Multiattack: The IRS makes two attacks, one with its bite
and one with its tail. It cannot use its bite and tail attacks on
Large Dragon, Lawful Evil the same target.
Armor Class: 18(natural armor) Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit Points: 171(18d10+72) Hit: 13(2d8+4) piercing damage.


Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. squat creatures, with thick bulbous bodies. They look something
Hit: 15(2d10+4) bludgeoning damage. like a toad, but the pustules that cover their hides constantly seep
with poisonous ichors. They are colorless, and almost witless,
settling into an area where they begin to feed. Thousands of tiny
IRS WYRM ANCIENT sharp teeth line their wide mouths; these constantly fall out and
Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil grow back. They have thick legs, short webbed toes and almost
no claws. Their tail is short and crowned with a knobby growth
Armor Class: 19(natural armor)
that they drag behind them unknowingly.
Hit Points: 230(20d12+100)
Depraved Birth: The irs wyrms are born of the ichor that seeps
Speed: 20 ft from the greater irs wyrms. The hatchlings fall from their parent
to sit upon the ground. They are witless, only possessed of a
great hunger when born, a need to take what other creatures
20(+5) 9(-1) 20(+5) 4(-3) 10(+0) 6(-2) possess. Many die beneath the crushing bulk of their sire, as it
Saves: Constitution+8 rolls to one side or the other, grinding them to pulp. But some
move away, if slowly, leaving the parent without thought or
Damage Resistance: Poison
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Lazy Hunters: Flight is beyond them as they have no wings,
Languages: and no magic to lift them from the dust. They move slowly,
Challenge: 10(5900 XP) hopping from one spot to the next, resting for awhile, seeking
any prey that they might dine upon. They frequently settle
Special Qualities in the cities of men, deep dungeons, or any abode that offers
Aura of Hopelessness: The IRS Wyrm projects an aura of fear, them plenty of food and an easy place to hide. The irs wyrm
desperation and hopelessness. All creatures within 120 feet of is inherently fearful, avoiding direct combat whenever it can.
the IRS must make a Charisma Save (DC 17). Those who fail They hide near their prey animals, settling in their stench,
are stunned from the overwhelming feeling of helplessness. At burrowing into mounds of their own filth. Once settled they
the beginning of their turn, they can again make the save. If emanate their aura of fear and begin “feeding” upon those who
they fail again, they remain stunned and lose 1d4 Charisma. pass near.
The target continues to save until they make a save or their Ageless: Being immortal an irs wyrm never dies, unless slain by
Charisma reaches 0. A target reduced to 0 Charisma becomes someone’s heroic actions. Even if they go unfed for eons they
completely catatonic and will starve to death if not helped. live on, dwindling some, but feeding off their own spite. But
Only a Heal spell has the strength to restore a creature from 0 they cannot grow unless they feed, and when they feed, they
Charisma. Otherwise Greater Restoration is sufficient. Once can grow to enormous proportions, become greater wyrms in
a creature makes a successful save against this effect, they are their own right.
immune for the next 24 hours.
Stench: A small cloud of poisonous gas surrounds the creature at IRS WYRM IN AIHRDE
all times. Any creature that comes within 30 feet of the creature
The irs wyrm’s origins lie in the mind of Inzae. When that
must make a Constitution save (DC 17) or immediately be paralyzed
mother of all dragons settled upon the mountains of Aihrde to
by the poison. A creature immune to the poisoned condition will
bargain with the All Father she laid in a nest of her evil intent.
ignore this effect. A creature immune to the paralyzed condition
This evil seeped from her and settled in earth. From it came all
instead suffers the poisoned condition. Once affected, the victim
manner of creatures but one of the greatest and most feared
remains paralyzed until removed from the poison cloud or the IRS
were the irs wyrms. Little more than a cloud of hate in their
is slain. A Greater Restoration will overcome the effect, but the
beginnings, over time they took the shape of creatures they
target can be affected again. Anyone who makes the Constitution
thought were like Inzae. In this they failed, for they looked
save is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
little more than beastly, puss ridden toads. In the early days the
Slow to Act: IRS Wyrms always go last in the initiative order. goblins paid homage to them but even they abandoned them in
Actions disgust, realizing that they were little more that giant parasites.
Multiattack: The IRS makes two attacks, one with its bite The irs is a horrid creature, reviled by all other living things,
and one with its tail. It cannot use its bite and tail attacks on whether good or evil, lawful or chaotic.
the same target.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. DRAGON, KURLET (BONED)
Hit: 18(3d8+5) piercing damage. KURLET WYRMLING
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft, one target. Medium Dragon, Lawful Evil
Hit: 21(3d10+5) bludgeoning damage. Armor Class: 15(natural armor)
These offspring of the greater irs wyrms are foul wicked beasts that Hit Points: 38 (7d8+7)
feed upon the hopes and dreams of the unaware. They are ugly,

Speed: 30 ft, 40 ft Fly Actions
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Multiattack: The Kurlet strikes twice with its claws, once with
its bite and once with its tail or uses its breath weapon.
12(+1) 16(+3) 13(+1) 10(+0) 10(+0) 11(+0)
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Damage Immunities: Cold
Hit: 8(2d4+3) slashing damage.
Damage Resistance: Necrotic, Bludgeoning, Piercing And
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Slashing From Non Magical Weapons
Hit: 12(2d8+3) Piercing damage.
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Languages: Draconic Hit: 10(2d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
Challenge: 2(450 XP) Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales the
Special Qualities cold of the grave in a 30 ft cone. All creatures in the area of
effect must make a Dexterity save (DC 14), taking 22(4d10)
Innate Spellcasting: The Kurlet can cast Wall of Ice once per necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
day (DC 10) Any creature that fails the Dexterity save must also make a
Actions Constitution save (DC 14) or age 1d10 years. The aging can be
Multiattack: The Kurlet strikes twice with its claws, once with reversed by a Greater Restoration spell, but only if cast within
its bite and once with its tail or uses its breath weapon. 24 hours. Otherwise, the aging is permanent.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. KURLET ADULT
Hit: 5(1d4+3) slashing damage.
Large Dragon, Lawful Evil
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 7(1d8+3) Piercing damage. Armor Class: 16(natural armor)
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit Points: 90 (12d10+24)
Hit: 6(1d6+3) bludgeoning damage. Speed: 30 ft, 40 ft Fly
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales the STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
cold of the grave in a 20 ft cone. All creatures in the area of
effect must make a Dexterity save (DC 13), taking 11(2d10) 16(+3) 16(+3) 14(+2) 12(+1) 12(+1) 12(+1)
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Saves: Dexterity+6, Intelligence+4
Any creature that fails the Dexterity save must also make a Damage Immunities: COLD
Constitution save (DC 13) or age 1d10 years. The aging can be
reversed by a Greater Restoration spell, but only if cast within Damage Resistance: Necrotic, Bludgeoning, Piercing And
24 hours. Otherwise, the aging is permanent. Slashing From Non Magical Weapons
Senses: Passive Perception 11
KURLET YOUNG Languages: Draconic
Large Dragon, Lawful Evil Challenge: 6(2300 XP)
Armor Class: 16(natural armor) Special Qualities
Hit Points: 58 (9d10+9) Innate Spellcasting: The Kurlet can cast Wall of Ice once per
Speed: 30 ft, 40 ft Fly day (DC 14)
14(+2) 16(+3) 14(+2) 11(+0) 11(+0) 12(+1) Multiattack: The Kurlet strikes twice with its claws, once with
its bite and once with its tail or uses its breath weapon.
Damage Immunities: Cold
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
Damage Resistance: Necrotic, Bludgeoning, Piercing And
target. Hit: 8(2d4+3) slashing damage.
Slashing From Non Magical Weapons
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Hit: 12(2d8+3) Piercing damage.
Languages: Draconic
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Challenge: 5 (450 XP) Hit: 10(2d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
Special Qualities
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales the
Innate Spellcasting: The Kurlet can cast Wall of Ice once per
cold of the grave in a 30 ft cone. All creatures in the area of
day (DC 12)
effect must make a Dexterity save (DC 15), taking 33(6d10)
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.


Any creature that fails the Dexterity save must also make a
Constitution save (DC 15) or age 1d10 years. The aging can be
reversed by a Greater Restoration spell, but only if cast within
24 hours. Otherwise, the aging is permanent.

Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil
Armor Class: 17(natural armor)
Hit Points: 123 (13d12+39)
Speed: 30 ft, 40 ft Fly
18(+4) 16(+3) 16(+3) 14(+2) 15(+2) 13(+1)
Skills: Survival(Cold)+5, Nature(Cold)+5
Saves: Dexterity+6, Intelligence+5 scales meet the under scales, all the way to the head. Here they
Damage Immunities: Cold hang, resembling whiskers, though they do not stand out on the
face like a cats, rather they shroud the head from behind. The
Damage Resistance: Necrotic, Bludgeoning, Piercing And
beast is bone white, hence its name, its eyes a deep blue.
Slashing From Non-Magical Weapons
Solitary Creatures: They are solitary creatures that dwell in
Senses: Passive Perception 10
deep caves, sometimes hollowed from the icy landscape they
Languages: Draconic call home. They horde treasure like other wyrms and are clever
Challenge: 8(3900 XP) to understand the world of men. They speak the common
tongues of men and dwarves, elves and halflings, orcs and other
Special Qualities creatures with which they have come into contact. They are
Innate Spellcasting: The Kurlet can cast Wall of Ice once per terrible in appearance, filled with a cunning and hatred that
day (DC 16) they exude. They are unforgiving and very destructive. While
Actions they may bargain if they see it is in their best interest, they
prefer to destroy those who enter their territory. The boned
Multiattack: The Kurlet strikes twice with its claws, once with dragon is immortal.
its bite and once with its tail or uses its breath weapon.
Patient Hunters: They are cunning in the hunt, lying for
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. long periods of time under the snow, waiting for prey to pass
Hit: 11(3d4+4) slashing damage. near. Alternately they take to the high, thin clouds looking
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. for creatures traversing the icy landscape, waiting for them to
Hit: 17(3d8+4) Piercing damage. become exposed on cliff faces, ledges and the like. At which
point they swoop in and attempt to knock them from their
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
perch the ground below.
Hit: 14(3d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
AERIAL FIGHTER: The boned dragon attacks by rising with
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales the
a blast of its fetid, cold breath that drains the souls from men. It
cold of the grave in a 40 ft cone. All creatures in the area of
follows by ferocious attack with claw and fang. It keeps airborne
effect must make a Dexterity save (DC 17), taking 44(8d10)
as often as it can, swooping in to dispatch the incapacitated
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
victims from which life has been drained.
Any creature that fails the Dexterity save must also make a
Constitution save (DC 17) or age 1d10 years. The aging can be
reversed by a Greater Restoration spell, but only if cast within KURLET (BONED) DRAGON IN AIHRDE
24 hours. Otherwise, the aging is permanent. For the greatest while, the boned dragon dwelt in the high
The boned dragon’s name is a contrast to its appearance. The reaches of the world, in the lands of Engale and northern
beast is a winter dragon, normally only found in northern Aenoch. Some few migrated to the peaks of the Marl or other
climates where there is snow or ice year round. It is long, roughly mountains. Dwelling far from the haunts of man they remained
25 feet when fully grown, but unlike its traditional relatives it unknown, and little spoken of in the lore of the dragon scholars.
is thick, its scales broad, resembling overlapping plates. These But with the coming of the Dark, things changed, suddenly their
plates are super sensitive to the temperature, especially sun range opened up and the whole world became their hunting
light, absorbing as much of it as they can. The beast’s long neck grounds. They spread south and learned the joy of hunting men
ends in a broad, fang filled mouth. Its tail is long as well. Upon in the open country. They learned to love the taste of elf flesh
the end of its tail are long, strands of hair. This hair ranges up and to serve the dark. The boned dragon became a favorite pet
the side of the creature, running its full length, where the back to the Lords of Aufstrag and its population and influence spread

across the world of Aihde so that this terror of the frozen wastes the acid off and avoid further effect. Those who are immune
became known all to well to the kingdoms of men. to acid damage avoid all effects of this breath weapon. Those
When the Winter failed and the horned god fell from the world who are resistant to acid have advantage on their saves after the
into the abyss the boned dragons found their range greatly initial saving throw.
reduced. But they adapted quickly, retreating to the high Wing Hypnosis: The Lial Beast cannot be flying when it uses
mountains and hibernating in the warm months, but awakening this ability. It opens its wings, creating a bright display of light
in the winter to return to the plain and forests and hunt their and color. This acts as a hypnotic pattern spell, but the cube
favored prey, humans. They remain a terror and the most ardent must be projected directly in front of the dragon. The DC for
rangers know that to drive them from the lowlands you must the wisdom save is 13.
hunt them in their dens and slay them in the mountains.
LIAL BEAST WYRMLING Armor Class: 15(description)
Medium Dragon, Chaotic Neutral Hit Points: 97 (15d10+15)
Armor Class: 13(description) Speed: 20 ft 80 ft Fly
Hit Points: 71(13d8+13) STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
Speed: 20 ft 60 ft Fly 12(+1) 16(+3) 12(+1) 11(+0) 12(+1) 9(-1)
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Skills: Perception +3
10(+0) 15(+2) 12(+1) 9(-1) 11(+0) 8(-1) Damage Immunities: Acid
Skills: Perception +2 Senses: Passive Perception 13
Damage Immunities: Acid Languages: Draconic
Senses: Passive Perception 12 Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Languages: Draconic Actions
Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Multiattack: While flying, the Lial Beast can make two claw
Actions attacks with its rear claws as well as a tail attack. While on
the ground, it makes 2 front claw attack and a bite attack.
Multiattack: While flying, the Lial Beast can make two claw
Otherwise, it can make a breath attack if available or use its
attacks with its rear claws as well as a tail attack. While on
wing hypnosis.
the ground, it makes 2 front claw attack and a bite attack.
Otherwise, it can make a breath attack if available or use its Claws (front). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft,
wing hypnosis. one target. Hit: 8(2d4+3) slashing damage.
Claws (front). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, Claws (rear). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
one target. Hit: 4(1d4+2) slashing damage. target. Hit: 10(2d6+3) slashing damage.
Claws (rear). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
target. Hit: 5(1d6+2) slashing damage. Hit 12(2d8+3) Piercing damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit 6(1d8+2) Piercing damage. Hit 10(2d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Breath Weapon, Caustic Cloud (Recharge 5-6): The
Hit 5(1d6+2) bludgeoning damage. dragon exhales a cloud of caustic gas in a 20 foot cone. All
creatures within the cone need to make a Dexterity Save (DC
Breath Weapon, Caustic Cloud (Recharge 5-6): The
14). Those who fail the save become coated with a thick, caustic
dragon exhales a cloud of caustic gas in a 15 foot cone. All
acid. They suffer 13(2d12) points of acid damage immediately
creatures within the cone need to make a Dexterity Save (DC
and are at disadvantage on all attack and ability checks. At the
13). Those who fail the save become coated with a thick, caustic
end of each of their turns, they must repeat the save. If they
acid. They suffer 6(1d12) points of acid damage immediately
succeed, they take half damage and shake off the disadvantage.
and are at disadvantage on all attack and ability checks. At the
If they fail they take full damage again and continue to be at
end of each of their turns, they must repeat the save. If they
disadvantage on attacks and ability checks. Those making the
succeed, they take half damage and shake off the disadvantage.
initial save take half damage and are not coated. If a target can
If they fail they take full damage again and continue to be at
immerse themselves in water for an entire turn, they can wash
disadvantage on attacks and ability checks. Those making the
the acid off and avoid further effect. Those who are immune
initial save take half damage and are not coated. If a target can
to acid damage avoid all effects of this breath weapon. Those
immerse themselves in water for an entire turn, they can wash


Claws (front). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 9(2d4+4) slashing damage.
Claws (rear). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft,
one target. Hit: 11(2d6+4) slashing damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit 13(2d8+4) Piercing damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit 11(2d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
Breath Weapon, Caustic Cloud (Recharge 5-6): The
dragon exhales a cloud of caustic gas in a 25 foot cone. All
creatures within the cone need to make a Dexterity Save (DC
15). Those who fail the save become coated with a thick, caustic
acid. They suffer 19(3d12) points of acid damage immediately
and are at disadvantage on all attack and ability checks. At the
end of each of their turns, they must repeat the save. If they
succeed, they take half damage and shake off the disadvantage.
If they fail they take full damage again and continue to be at
who are resistant to acid have advantage on their saves after the disadvantage on attacks and ability checks. Those making the
initial saving throw. initial save take half damage and are not coated. If a target can
Wing Hypnosi: The Lial Beast cannot be flying when it uses immerse themselves in water for an entire turn, they can wash
this ability. It opens its wings, creating a bright display of light the acid off and avoid further effect. Those who are immune
and color. This acts as a hypnosis pattern spell, but the cube to acid damage avoid all effects of this breath weapon. Those
must be projected directly in front of the dragon. The DC for who are resistant to acid have advantage on their saves after the
the wisdom save is 14. initial saving throw.
Wing Hypnosis: The Lial Beast cannot be flying when it uses
LIAL BEAST ADULT this ability. It opens its wings, creating a bright display of light
Large Dragon, Chaotic Neutral and color. This acts as a hypnosis pattern spell, but the cube
must be projected directly in front of the dragon. The DC for
Armor Class: 17(description) the wisdom save is 15.
Hit Points: 117 (18d10+18)
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly LIAL BEAST ANCIENT
Huge Dragon, Chaotic Neutral
Armor Class: 18(description)
14(+2) 18(+4) 13(+1) 13(+1) 13(+1) 10(+0)
Hit Points: 170 (20d12+40)
Skills: Perception +3
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly
Damage Immunities: Acid
Senses: Passive Perception 13 STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:

Languages: Draconic 16(+3) 20(+5) 14(+2) 16(+3) 14(+2) 11(+0)

Challenge: 4 (1100 XP) Skills: Perception +5

Special Qualities Damage Immunities: Acid

Innate Spellcasting: The Lial Beasts innate spellcasting Senses: Passive Perception 15
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast Languages: Draconic
the following spells, requiring no material components. Challenge: 7 (2900 XP)
At will: Dancing Lights, Friends Special Qualities
2/day: Hypnotism Innate Spellcasting: The Lial Beasts innate spellcasting
1/day: Blur, Hallucinatory Terrain, Hypnotic Pattern ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the
Actions following spells, requiring no material components.

Multiattack: While flying, the Lial Beast can make two claw At will: Dancing Lights, Friends
attacks with its rear claws as well as a tail attack. While on 2/day: Hypnotism
the ground, it makes 2 front claw attack and a bite attack. 1/day: Blur, Hallucinatory Terrain, Hypnotic Pattern
Otherwise, it can make a breath attack if available or use its
wing hypnosis.

Actions Territorial: They do nest, generally returning each year
Multiattack: While flying, the Lial Beast can make two claw to the same nest. Sometimes they eat their prey where they
attacks with its rear claws as well as a tail attack. While on kill, at others they bring it back to the nest to devour. They
the ground, it makes 2 front claw attack and a bite attack. instinctively steal shiny objects and are therefore one of the few
Otherwise, it can make a breath attack if available or use its lesser dragons who actively gather treasure. Though this is not
wing hypnosis. hoarded so much as dropped or woven into the nest.

Claws (front). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, Opportunists: On occasion these creatures nest in cities where
one target. Hit: 12(3d4+5) slashing damage. they have learned to use their abilities to confuse and hypnotize
crowds of people, stealing one or two of the crowd for dinner.
Claws (rear). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, They favor herd animals for prey and are often spotted by
one target. Hit: 15(3d6+5) slashing damage. farmers as they swoop down and single out a lone cow, horse
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft, one target. or pig and drive it further from the herd, or scoop it up and
Hit 18(3d8+5) Piercing damage. carry it off. They are not adverse to hunting other prey and have
a dragon cunning that allows them to attempt to mesmerize a
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft, one target.
victim to make it easier to kill. The lial beast spends much of its
Hit 15(3d6+5) bludgeoning damage.
time in the skies, slowly circling, ever searching for prey. It has
Breath Weapon, Caustic Cloud (Recharge 5-6): The keen vision and can spot most movement and creatures both
dragon exhales a cloud of caustic gas in a 30 foot cone. All great and small. It is however, a rather delicate dragon, for its
creatures within the cone need to make a Dexterity Save (DC body, legs and neck are thin so it abhors direct attacks. Rather, it
17). Those who fail the save become coated with a thick, caustic swoops down upon its victim, using its breath weapon to confuse
acid. They suffer 26(4d12) points of acid damage immediately or disorient. It then lands, spreading its multicolored wings and
and are at disadvantage on all attack and ability checks. At the dipping its head low, to beguile those who are watching. It uses
end of each of their turns, they must repeat the save. If they this attack to further cripple the prey’s ability to defend itself. It
succeed, they take half damage and shake off the disadvantage. pounces upon the prey, rending it and devouring it. If there are
If they fail they take full damage again and continue to be at more than one, it tries to separate one from the group.
disadvantage on attacks and ability checks. Those making the
initial save take half damage and are not coated. If a target can LIAL BEAST IN THE WORLD OF AIHRDE
immerse themselves in water for an entire turn, they can wash
the acid off and avoid further effect. Those who are immune The lial beast is found throughout the world of Aihrde. It
to acid damage avoid all effects of this breath weapon. Those flourished during the winter dark and expanded its territory
who are resistant to acid have advantage on their saves after the and numbers. They are not uncommon. Their scales, thin and
initial saving throw. flexible, though strong, are highly sought after and bring a good
price from craftsmen. A single scale can bring up to 15gp on the
Wing Hypnosis: The Lial Beast cannot be flying when it uses market. They are used for crafting armor and some weapons.
this ability. It opens its wings, creating a bright display of light Any such weapon or armor gains a +1 to its to hit or AC values.
and color. This acts as a hypnosis pattern spell, but the cube
must be projected directly in front of the dragon. The DC for
the wisdom save is 17.
Easily one of the most exotic and beautiful dragons the lial
beast is large with huge wings, with a 30 foot span when fully Small Dragon, Chaotic Evil
grown. The creature walks on two or four legs, the front being Armor Class: 15 (description)
noticeably shorter than the rear. Its body is squat and short,
crowned by a long neck and thin head and snout. The scales on Hit Points: 88 (16d6+32)
the snout and back of the neck are long, like spears and pointed. Speed: 20 ft
The lial beast raises these high when threatened or excited. The
creatures eyes are like many faceted jewels and set high and far STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
back on its brow. The lial beast’s scales on its body and legs are 14(+2) 8(-1) 14(+2) 4(-3) 6(-2) 3(-4)
long, thin, almost feather like. They are colored as well, bright Skills: Stealth+1
colors with no discernable pattern. The wings consist of similar
scales and colors. These make the creature look strange as it Senses: Passive Perception 8
sticks out in almost any environment. It has long claws and a Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
wicked toothy snout.
Special Qualities
Ranging Hunters: The lial beast is rare, found only in wide open
Sludge Fever: The Maegle infects its targets with a nasty
country such as deserts, savannahs, or prairie. They are normally
disease, rendering the target weak. Even if a target manages to
solitary hunters but are occasionally encountered in groups
escape the Maegle, it will eventually drop from sickness, only
of up to 6. If so encountered one or two of them are generally
to find the Maegle catching up to it. The target is considered
hatchlings. They range over broad territories of hundreds of
to have the poisoned condition. In addition, they cannot heal
miles, taking flight and hunting for prey from the air.
damage normally and magical healing only heals half of the


damage it normally would. Until healed, the target can repeat Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
the saving throw once per day after a long rest, ending the Hit: 8(1d10+3) piercing damage. In addition, on a hit the
disease on a successful save. target is grappled (escape DC 15). They target must also make
Actions a Constitution save (DC 15) or be infected with Sludge Fever.
If a creature makes this save, they are immune to Sludge Fever
Multiattack: The Maegle can strike twice with its claws and for 24 hours.
once with its bite. In addition, if it has a creature grappled,
it can use all of its normal attacks against that target with Crush: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
advantage and also do a crush attack. Hit: 10(1d12+3) bludgeoning damage.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Sludge Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon spits a gout of
Hit: 4(1d4+2) Slashing damage. diseased sludge in a line 40 feet long. Any target must make
a Constitution save (DC 15). Any target that fails the save is
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. infected with sludge fever. On a successful save, the target is
Hit: 5(1d6+2) piercing damage. In addition, on a hit the immune to Sludge Fever for the next 24 hours.
target is grappled (escape DC 13). They target must also make
a Constitution save (DC 13) or be infected with Sludge Fever. MAEGLE ADULT
If a creature makes this save, they are immune to Sludge Fever
for 24 hours. Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Crush. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one Armor Class: 19 (description)
target. Hit: 5(1d6+2) bludgeoning damage. Hit Points: 199 (21d10+84)
Sludge Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon spits a gout of Speed: 20 ft
diseased sludge in a line 30 feet long. Any target must make
a Constitution save (DC 13). Any target that fails the save is STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
infected with sludge fever. On a successful save, the target is 19(+4) 10(+0) 18(+4) 4(-3) 6(-2) 3(-4)
immune to Sludge Fever for the next 24 hours. Skills: Stealth+4

MAEGLE YOUNG Senses: Passive Perception 8

Medium Dragon, Chaotic Evil Challenge: 9 (5000 XP)

Armor Class: 17 (description) Special Qualities

Hit Points: 142 (19d8+57) Sludge Fever. The Maegle infects its targets with a nasty disease,
rendering the target weak. Even if a target manages to escape
Speed: 20 ft the Maegle, it will eventually drop from sickness, only to find
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: the Maegle catching up to it. The target is considered to have
the poisoned condition. In addition, they cannot heal damage
17(+3) 9(-1) 16(+3) 4(-3) 6(-2) 3(-4) normally and magical healing only heals half of the damage it
Skills: Stealth+2 normally would. Until healed, the target can repeat the saving
Senses: Passive Perception 8 throw once per day after a long rest, ending the disease on a
successful save.
Challenge: 5 (1800 XP)
Special Qualities
Multiattack: The Maegle can strike twice with its claws and
Sludge Fever: The Maegle infects its targets with a nasty once with its bite. In addition, if it has a creature grappled,
disease, rendering the target weak. Even if a target manages to it can use all of its normal attacks against that target with
escape the Maegle, it will eventually drop from sickness, only advantage and also do a crush attack.
to find the Maegle catching up to it. The target is considered
to have the poisoned condition. In addition, they cannot heal Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
damage normally and magical healing only heals half of the target. Hit: 11(2d6+4) Slashing damage.
damage it normally would. Until healed, the target can repeat Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
the saving throw once per day after a long rest, ending the Hit: 15(2d10+4) piercing damage. In addition, on a hit the
disease on a successful save. target is grappled (escape DC 17). They target must also make
Actions a Constitution save (DC 17) or be infected with Sludge Fever.
If a creature makes this save, they are immune to Sludge Fever
Multiattack: The Maegle can strike twice with its claws and for 24 hours.
once with its bite. In addition, if it has a creature grappled,
it can use all of its normal attacks against that target with Crush: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
advantage and also do a crush attack. Hit: 17(2d12+4) bludgeoning damage.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Sludge Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon spits a gout of
Hit: 6(1d6+3) Slashing damage. diseased sludge in a line 50 feet long. Any target must make

a Constitution save (DC 17). Any target that fails the save is
infected with sludge fever. On a successful save, the target is
immune to Sludge Fever for the next 24 hours.

Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 21 (description)
Hit Points: 231 (22d10+110)
Speed: 20 ft
22(+6) 10(+0) 20(+5) 4(-3) 6(-2) 3(-4)
Skills: Stealth+4
Senses: Passive Perception 8
Challenge: 11 (7200 XP) red. It has a broad flat tongue as well. Its thick tail is lined with
plate-like apertures that change color when the beast feeds.
Special Qualities
Normally a deep blue, these turn red when the creature is fed
Sludge Fever: The Maegle infects its targets with a nasty or while its feeding. The creature is a deep yellow-brown color.
disease, rendering the target weak. Even if a target manages to
Aggressive when Hungry: The maegle dragon is rather
escape the Maegle, it will eventually drop from sickness, only
unintelligent, unable to speak any languages or comprehend any.
to find the Maegle catching up to it. The target is considered
It has no magic using ability and little ability to empathize with
to have the poisoned condition. In addition, they cannot heal
any other creature. Its overriding drive is to feed and sleep. When
damage normally and magical healing only heals half of the
they are famished they are very aggressive, but after a meal they
damage it normally would. Until healed, the target can repeat
care little for any activity and are almost docile. When they do
the saving throw once per day after a long rest, ending the
feed it is a horrific process. They take their prey into their mouths
disease on a successful save.
and through the force of their jaws grind the victims to a pulp.
Actions They grip the tattered remains of the tenderized flesh in their
Multiattack: The Maegle can strike twice with its claws and mouths where they suck the blood from the morass. It’s a sloppy,
once with its bite. In addition, if it has a creature grappled, brutal process. When all the nutrients have been sucked out the
it can use all of its normal attacks against that target with mangled corpse is dropped and the beast moves on.
advantage and also do a crush attack. Wandering Hunters: The maegle dragon travels in small
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one packs, usually up to six or so. They lay their eggs in warm
target. Hit: 13(2d6+6) Slashing damage. vegetation, sand and the like. They leave their young to hatch
and fend for themselves. The maegle is found in many climes,
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. but generally warm and hot subtropical or desert environments.
Hit: 17(2d10+6) piercing damage. In addition, on a hit the target is They are particularly adapted to swamps and wetlands.
grappled (escape DC 18). They target must also make a Constitution
save (DC 18) or be infected with Sludge Fever. If a creature makes
this save, they are immune to Sludge Fever for 24 hours.
This beast is often associated with Thorax the Red Duke, lord
Crush: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
of chaos and evil. Seeing one is believed to be the sign of the
target. Hit: 19(2d12+6) bludgeoning damage.
red curse, a blight on the viewer who has somehow garnered
Sludge Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon spits a gout of the attention of the Duke and must suffer his wrath. Slaying
diseased sludge in a line 60 feet long. Any target must make the beast is the only way of removing the curse as this cuts the
a Constitution save (DC 18). Any target that fails the save is bonds between mortal and immortal.
infected with sludge fever. On a successful save, the target is
The Crna Ruk and other assassins often seek out the maegle
immune to Sludge Fever for the next 24 hours.
dragon. They use their saliva as a potent poison that retards
The maegle dragon is a brute of a creature. Thick of body and people’s abilities to heal and makes the assassins job that much
limb it drags itself along the ground, tearing up vegetation, easier. For years the Crna Ruk hired and trained rangers to hunt
moving rocks, grinding things beneath it. Its torso is wide, fat the beasts, subdue or kill them, and extract the poisons from
beneath the plated scales of its hide. Its legs are short, topped their gums and teeth. Generally a small vial of the toxin costs
with wickedly thick claws. It has a very wide mouth, with between 100gp and 500gp.
disjointed fangs, that protrude in every direction. Oft time these
fangs grind into the creature’s gums or jaws, bruising the flesh
so much so that the jaws are always a discolored purple or dark


DRAGON, MUSK WYRM failed save, or half as much on a successful save. If the cloud is
touched by open flame, it explodes. All creatures in the cloud
must make a Dexterity Save (DC 12), taking 16(3d10) fire
Tiny Dragon, Chaotic Evil damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. This
Armor Class: 13(description) immediately destroys the cloud.

Hit Points: 2(1d4)

Speed: 30 ft, swim 30 ft
Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Armor Class: 15(description)
2(-4) 16(+3) 11(+0) 1(-5) 10(+0) 3(-4) Hit Points: 112 (15d10+30)
Senses: Passive Perception 10 Speed: 30 ft, swim 60 ft
Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP)
Special Qualities
10(+0) 17(+3) 14(+2) 9(-1) 10(+0) 3(-4)
Camoflage: The Musk Wyrm is able to camouflage itself in any
Skills: Stealth+5
water, gaining advantage on all stealth rolls.
Damage Resistance: Poison
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit:
1 Piercing Damage and the target must make a DC 10 Constitution Challenge: 4 (1100 XP)
Saving throw, taking 3(1d6) poison damage on a failed save. Special Qualities
Camoflage: The Musk Wyrm is able to camouflage itself in any
water, gaining advantage on all stealth rolls.
Medium Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Innate spellcaster: The Musk Wyrm’s innate spellcasting
Armor Class: 14(description) ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 10, +2 to hit with spell
Hit Points: 77 (14d8+14) attacks). It Can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components.
Speed: 30 ft, swim 60 ft
3/day: Locate object
1/day: Hypnotism
8(-1) 16(+3) 12(+1) 7(-2) 10(+0) 3(-4)
Skills: Stealth+5
Multiattack: The Musk Wyrm attacks twice with its claws,
Damage Resistance: Poison once with its bite, and once with its tail.
Senses: Passive Perception 10 Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Challenge: 2 (450 XP) Hit: 12(2d8+3) Piercing Damage.
Special Qualities Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
target. Hit: 8(2d4+3) Slashing damage.
Camoflage: The Musk Wyrm is able to camouflage itself in any
water, gaining advantage on all stealth rolls. Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit: 10(2d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
Poison Cloud Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon releases
Multiattack: The Musk Wyrm attacks twice with its claws,
a cloud of poisonous gas, filling a 20 foot radius circle adjacent
once with its bite, and once with its tail.
to the dragon. The cloud remains for 1 minute. Any creature
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. that enters the cloud or ends its turn in the cloud must make
Hit: 8(1d8+3) Piercing Damage. a Constitution save (DC 14), taking 15(6d4) poison damage
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save. If the
Hit: 5(1d4+3) Slashing damage. cloud is touched by open flame, it explodes. All creatures in the
cloud must make a Dexterity Save (DC 14), taking 33(6d10)
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. This
Hit: 6(1d6+3) bludgeoning damage. immediately destroys the cloud.
Poison Cloud Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon releases
a cloud of poisonous gas, filling a 15 foot radius circle adjacent
to the dragon. The cloud remains for 1 minute. Any creature
that enters the cloud or ends its turn in the cloud must make a
Constitution save (DC 12), taking 7(3d4) poison damage on a

Poison Cloud Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon releases
a cloud of poisonous gas, filling a 30 foot radius circle adjacent
to the dragon. The cloud remains for 1 minute. Any creature
that enters the cloud or ends its turn in the cloud must make
a Constitution save (DC 15), taking 25(10d4) poison damage
on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save. If the
cloud is touched by open flame, it explodes. All creatures in the
cloud must make a Dexterity Save (DC 15), taking 55(10d10)
fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. This
immediately destroys the cloud.
The musk dragon is a long, thin beast, a distant relative of the
red dragon. Its snake-like body is matched by a long tail and
head, so that in the adults the creature is often 30 feet long. It
has a long snout and wide jaws, filled with massive fangs. Thick,
syrupy musk constantly streams from the beast’s mouth, hanging
in rope like tendrils to the ground or splattering against its side.
Its legs bend toward its body making for an ungainly look, but
allow the creature to attain very rapid speeds and allow it to
gain purchase in the tops of trees or upon the sides of cliffs.
Its skin is thick and consists of small, indiscernible scales from
head to toe. Only around its eyes are the scales a little larger
MUSK WYRM ANCIENT and noticeable. Upon its back are large wings, that fold in upon
themselves when the creature is not in flight. The musk wyrm
Huge Dragon, Chaotic Evil
has little intelligence and its eyes reflect this in vacant, hungry
Armor Class: 16(description) stares.
Hit Points: 127 (15d12+30) Survival of the Fittest: Musk dragons congregate in pods of
Speed: 30 ft, swim 90 ft up to eight. When they breed they spawn, and hundreds of tiny
wyrms are forever crawling about until they are devoured by their
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: parents or other predators. Only a few make it young adults and
12(+1) 18(+4) 14(+2) 11(+0) 10(+0) 3(-4) these either fight their way into an existing pod or travel off to
start their own. They are found in most temperate environments,
Skills: Stealth+7
but prefer hot country, jungles, scrub, even deserts. They are
Damage Resistance: Poison highly territorial, ranging over broad regions, marking trees, rocks
Senses: Passive Perception 10 and the like with their huge claws. Any trespasser is investigated
and often attacked. Only the musk goblins (see below) are able to
Challenge: 6 (2300 XP) live in the shadow of these beasts, and often they are devoured,
Special Qualities killed or maimed by their protectors.
Camoflage: The Musk Wyrm is able to camouflage itself in any Watery Warrens: Musk wyrms always hole up in natural caves
water, gaining advantage on all stealth rolls. where there is a water source. The dens are usually very deep in
Innate spellcaster: The Musk Wyrm’s innate spellcasting the ground. They hoard treasure like most larger dragons, picking
ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell over the debris of their feeding to pull back anything that interests
attacks). It Can innately cast the following spells, requiring no them, which is most things. They do not pile the treasure in any
material components. noticeable fashion, but rather drop it wherever they are in the
den. There is almost always a grove of bandy willows around their
3/day: Locate object dens, as the sapling of these peculiar trees can only take root in
1/day: Hypnotism the droppings of Musk Wyrm dragons. The grove usually hides
the den’s entrance and serves as a place of refuge for the small
breed of symbiotic goblins that dwell with the dragons.
Multiattack: The Musk Wyrm attacks twice with its claws,
Goblin Companions: A strange breed of goblin, who call
once with its bite, and once with its tail.
themselves Masli, are able to live with and amongst the Musk
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Dragons. Scholars are unsure as to why, but the Musk Dragons
Hit: 17(3d8+4) Piercing Damage. never attack the Masli (although they certainly might crush one
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one accidentally). In return, the Masli maintain the dragons lair
target. Hit: 11(3d4+4) Slashing damage. and act as a guard system for the lair.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Violent: They are the most vicious of the miasmal wyrms,
Hit: 14(3d6+4) bludgeoning damage. filled with an ever driving urge to kill, a remnant or shadow


of its larger cousin. They attack in packs or singly, for they are Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
fearless. They fight amongst themselves constantly, the larger Hit: 5(1d6+2) Piercing damage plus 2(1d4) poison damage. In
or stronger gain the first place at the meal, the warmest place in addition, the target must make a Constitution save (DC 12).
the sun and so on. On a failed save, the target is paralyzed for 24 hours. On a
successful save, the target is poisoned for 24 hours.
The musk wyrms are found throughout the world of Aihrde, NAKAL, YOUNG
living in the central temperate belt. They are very common in Medium Dragon, Neutral
the Cradle of the World around the Luneberg Plains, The Toten Armor Class: 14(description)
Fields, Punj, Rhuneland, Aufstrag and the Red Hills. They were
used as hunting beasts for the lords of the Winter Dark when Hit Points: 45(6d8+18)
they ruled the land not so many years past. They were bred and Speed: 30 ft Fly 30 ft Swim 20 ft
kept as pets and used to hunt elves and other fey. But it was
against the halflings that they were used most commonly used STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
against. Many of those folk fled to the Grossewald forests and 14(+2) 15(+2) 16(+3) 6(-2) 16(+3) 7(-2)
fought a long, bitter war against the Winter Dark. The dragons Skills: Stealth +4, Survival +5, Nature +5, Perception +5
were used there to hunt them, root them out and kill or maim
them with disease. The halflings became skilled at many tasks, Saves: Strength +4, Dex +4, Con +5
not the least of which was dragon slaying and they counted many Condition Immunities: Paralyzed, Unconscious
musk wyrm in their tallies. They developed magical bells (see
Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 20
dragon bells below) to warn them of the approaching wyrms and
set ambuscades and traps to kill or wound the beast. To this day Languages: Draconic
the wyrms still dwell in those parts. Though the breeder pens Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
are long since fallen into ruin the dragons themselves thrive in
the wild world that is the ruin of the Winter Dark. Special Qualities
Acute Senses: The Dragon has superior senses, granting it
DRAGON, NAKAL advantage on perception checks and nature (tracking) checks.
Small Dragon, Neutral Multiattack: The Nakal attacks twice with its claws, once
with its bite and once with its tail.
Armor Class: 13(description)
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit Points: 13(3d6+3) Hit: 6(1d6+3) Slashing Damage.
Speed: 30 ft Fly 30 ft Swim 20 ft Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Hit: 6(1d6+3) Piercing Damage.
10(+0) 14(+2) 12(+1) 6(-2) 12(+1) 7(-2) Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 7(1d8+3) Piercing damage plus 3(1d6) poison damage. In
Skills: Stealth +4, Survival +3, Nature +3, Perception +3
addition, the target must make a Constitution save (DC 14).
Saves: Strength +2, Dex +4, Con +3 On a failed save, the target is paralyzed for 24 hours. On a
Condition Immunities: Paralyzed, Unconscious successful save, the target is poisoned for 24 hours.

Senses: Darkvision 60 FT, Passive Perception 18

Languages: Draconic
Medium Dragon, Neutral
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Armor Class: 15(description)
Special Qualities
Hit Points: 85(10d8+40)
Acute Sense: The Dragon has superior senses, granting it
Speed: 30 ft Fly 30 ft Swim 20 ft
advantage on perception checks and nature (tracking) checks.

Multiattack: The Nakal attacks twice with its claws, once 16(+3) 15(+2) 18(+4) 6(-2) 18(+4) 7(-2)
with its bite and once with its tail. Skills: Stealth +5, Survival +7, Nature +7, Perception +7
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Saves: Strength +6, Dex +5, Con +7
Hit: 4(1d4+2) Slashing Damage. Condition Immunities: Paralyzed, Unconscious
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 22
Hit: 4(1d4+2) Piercing Damage.
Languages: Draconic

Challenge: 7 (2900 XP)
Special Qualities
Acute Senses: The Dragon has superior senses, granting it
advantage on perception checks and nature (tracking) checks.
Multiattack: The Nakal attacks twice with its claws, once
with its bite and once with its tail.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 14(3d6+4) Slashing Damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 11(2d6+4) Piercing Damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 13(2d8+4) Piercing damage plus 7(2d6) poison damage.
In addition, the target must make a Constitution save (DC 17).
On a failed save, the target is paralyzed for 24 hours. On a
successful save, the target is poisoned for 24 hours.
The nakal dragons are small creatures, ranging up to 12 with
the tail. They stand more like a bird than a lizard, moving
rapidly through the forest on their two, thick hind legs. They
have enormous, clawed feet. Their arms are small and used for
Challenge: 5 (1800 XP) little more than balance for the thin, membrane that serve as
Special Qualities wings and that stretch between their arms and the creature’s
Acute Senses. The Dragon has superior senses, granting it body. They range in color from a rusty red to a deep green. Their
advantage on perception checks and nature (tracking) checks. underbellies are almost always sallow yellow and scaled with
tiny small scales that look more like chips of bark than anything
Actions else. They have a ridge of spines, each one connected to the
Multiattack: The Nakal attacks twice with its claws, once one behind with a thin skin laced with thousands of tiny veins.
with its bite and once with its tail. Their snouts are wide and culminate in a beak upon the upper
jaw that they use to tear flesh or armor. Their long, narrow tail
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
ends in a bulb upon which rest a host of barbs.
Hit: 10(2d6+3) Slashing Damage.
Forest Hunters: The nakal dragons are only found in heavy
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
forests or jungles in almost any climate. They are very territorial,
Hit: 6(1d6+3) Piercing Damage.
marking their territory by dragging their sides against large
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. trees. Their territory ranges up to 15 square miles, depending
Hit: 7(1d8+3) Piercing damage plus 3(1d6) poison damage. In on the size of the dragon. They only cross out of the territory
addition, the target must make a Constitution save (DC 16). if food becomes short, of in the case of males, to hunt out an
On a failed save, the target is paralyzed for 24 hours. On a adult female to mate with. The nakal are highly predacious and
successful save, the target is poisoned for 24 hours. skilled hunters. They are always on the move, searching for the
scent of their prey, generally wild animals, but they are keenly
NAKAL, ANCIENT intelligent and inquisitive and will hunt new prey-animals if
Large Dragon, Neutral that prey-animal should wander into its territory. This of course
makes humans, demi-humans and humanoids perfect targets.
Armor Class: 16(description) Once they have picked up a scent they track the creature until
Hit Points: 133(14d10+56) they find it. They single out what appears to be the weakest and
smallest in the herd and attack it.
Speed: 30 ft Fly 30 ft Swim 20 ft
Family Packs: Though often encountered alone, nakal dragons
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: occasionally travel in groups of 2-5. If traveling in a group it is
18(+4) 15(+2) 19(+4) 6(-2) 18(+4) 7(-2) usually a family group of one adult female, one or two hatchlings,
and one young adult female. On occasion, males are encountered
Skills: Stealth +5, Survival +7, Nature +7, Perception +7
in pairs, a young adult attaching itself to the older mature nakal
Saves: Strength +7, Dex +5, Con +7 in order to hone its skills as a hunter. Female young adult nakals
Condition Immunities: Paralyzed, Unconscious do the same with a mature female for hunting and nesting. In
both instances the young adult constantly challenges the older
Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 22
until it is able to kill it and take over its territory.
Languages: Draconic


The nakal dragon is found in most forested environments Multiattack: The Tagean strikes once with its claws, once
throughout Aihrde. They are able to withstand extreme with its bite, and once with its tail. If the Tagean has a creature
temperatures and can be found in tropical jungles and grappled at the beginning of its turn, it will instead use its Rend
temperate forests. They prefer old growth forests and are most attack.
commonly encountered in Aenochia, Ethrum, Inklu-Naid and Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Aroyo. In the Cradle of the World they are most commonly Hit: 3(1d3+1) Slashing damage. In addition, the target must
found in the Darkenfold, Eldwood and Kellerwald. The Nakal make a Dexterity Save (DC 11) or be grappled by the Tagean.
are prized for their poisons and the toxins are often found for
sale in the sprawling cities of the New Empire or Avignon. They Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
are hunted for sport by the Fontenouq, who at times, capture Hit: 4(1d6+1) piercing damage.
hatchlings and train them as guardians. Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 3(1d4+1) Bludgeoning damage.
DRAGON, TAGEAN WYRM (LEAF TAILED DRAGON) Rend: If the Tagean starts its turn grappling a target, the target
TAGEAN WYRMLING automatically takes claw damage. Its Bite and Tail attacks are
made at advantage. In addition, if its Acid Secretion is active,
Small Dragon, Neutral Good all attacks do an additional 3(1d6) acid damage.
Armor Class: 15(description)
Hit Points: 42 (12d6) TAGEAN YOUNG
Speed: 30 ft, 50 ft Fly, 30 ft Swim Meduim Dragon, Neutral Good
Armor Class: 16(description)
8(-1) 12(+1) 10(+0) 13(+1) 15(+2) 11(+0) Hit Points: 88 (16d8+16)

Skills: Nature+3, Survival+4 Speed: 30 ft, 60 ft Fly, 30 ft Swim

Saves: Intelligence+3, Wisdom+4 STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:

Damage Immunities: Acid 11(+0) 14(+2) 12(+1) 14(+2) 17(+3) 12(+1)

Senses: Passive Perception 12 Skills: Nature+4, Survival+5
Languages: Draconic, Common Saves: Intelligence+4, Wisdom+5
Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Damage Immunities: Acid
Special Qualities Senses: Passive Perception 13
Innate Spellcasting: The Tagean’s spellcasting ability is Languages: Draconic, Common
Wisdom (spell save DC 12). The Tagean can innately cast the Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
following spells, requiring no material components:
Special Qualities
At Will: Heat Metal (range touch only)
Innate Spellcasting: The Tagean’s spellcasting ability is
3/day: Water Breathing (self only) Wisdom (spell save DC 13). The Tagean can innately cast the
Spellcasting: The Tagean is a 1st level spellcaster. Its spellcasting following spells, requiring no material components:
ability is Wisdom (Spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). At Will: Heat Metal (range touch only)
The Tagean has the following Druid spells prepared:
3/day: Water Breathing (self only)
Cantrips (at will): Druidcraft, Mending
Spellcasting: The Tagean is a 3rd level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
I level (2 slots): Cure Wounds, Entangle, Longstrider
ability is Wisdom (Spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks).
Fog Breath: As a bonus action, the Tagean can spit out a The Tagean has the following Druid spells prepared:
15 foot radius cloud of thick fog. The cloud cannot be seen Cantrips (at will): Druidcraft, Mending
through, and the area is considered to be heavily obscured. The
Ist level (4 slots): Animal Friendship, Cure Wounds, Entangle,
cloud lasts for 1 minute before dissipating.
Longstrider, Speak With Animals
Acid Secretion: While on land, the Tagean is naturally
2nd level (2 slots): Darkvision, Lesser Restoration, Moonbeam,
covered with a thick acid coating. Any creature that ends its
Mirror Image, Misty Step
turn grappled by the Tagean or in close physical contact must
make a Dexterity Save (DC 11), taking 7(2d6) acid damage on Fog Breath: As a bonus action, the Tagean can spit out a
a failed save, or half damage on a success. 20 foot radius cloud of thick fog. The cloud cannot be seen
through, and the area is considered to be heavily obscured. The
cloud lasts for 1 minute before dissipating.

Acid Secretion: While on land, the Tagean is naturally Mirror Image, Misty Step, Pass Without Trace
covered with a thick acid coating. Any creature that ends its 3rd level (2 slots): Call Lightning, Dispel Magic, Water Breathing,
turn grappled by the Tagean or in close physical contact must Water Walk
make a Dexterity Save (DC 13), taking 10(3d6) acid damage on
a failed save, or half damage on a success. Fog Breath: As a bonus action, the Tagean can spit out a
30 foot radius cloud of thick fog. The cloud cannot be seen
Actions through, and the area is considered to be heavily obscured. The
Multiattack: The Tagean strikes once with its claws, once cloud lasts for 1 minute before dissipating.
with its bite, and once with its tail. If the Tagean has a creature Acid Secretion: While on land, the Tagean is naturally
grappled at the beginning of its turn, it will instead use its Rend covered with a thick acid coating. Any creature that ends its
attack. turn grappled by the Tagean or in close physical contact must
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. make a Dexterity Save (DC 15), taking 14(4d6) acid damage on
Hit: 4(1d4+1) Slashing damage. In addition, the target must a failed save, or half damage on a success.
make a Dexterity Save (DC 13) or be grappled by the Tagean. Actions
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Multiattack: The Tagean strikes once with its claws, once with
Hit: 6(1d8+2) piercing damage. its bite, and once with its tail. If the Tagean has a creature grappled
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. at the beginning of its turn, it will instead use its Rend attack.
Hit: 5(1d6+2) Bludgeoning damage. Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
Rend. If the Tagean starts its turn grappling a target, the target target. Hit: 8(2d4+3) Slashing damage. In addition, the target
automatically takes claw damage. Its Bite and Tail attacks are must make a Dexterity Save (DC 15) or be grappled by the
made at advantage. In addition, if its Acid Secretion is active, Tagean.
all attacks do an additional 7(2d6) acid damage. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 12(2d8+3) piercing damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Large Dragon, Neutral Good Hit: 10(2d6+3) Bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class: 16(description) Rend: If the Tagean starts its turn grappling a target, the target
Hit Points: 120 (16d10+32) automatically takes claw damage. Its Bite and Tail attacks are
made at advantage. In addition, if its Acid Secretion is active,
Speed: 30 ft, 60 ft Fly, 40 ft Swim
all attacks do an additional 10(3d6) acid damage.
13(+1) 16(+3) 14(+2) 15(+2) 18(+4) 13(+1) TAGEAN ANCIENT
Skills: Nature+4, Survival+6 Huge Dragon, Neutral Good
Saves: Intelligence+4, Wisdom+6 Armor Class: 17(description)
Damage Immunities: Acid Hit Points: 136 (16d12+32)
Senses: Passive Perception 14 Speed: 30 ft, 80 ft Fly, 50 ft Swim
Languages: Draconic, Common STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
Challenge: 4 (1100 XP) 15(+2) 16(+3) 15(+2) 17(+3) 20(+5) 15(+2)
Special Qualities Skills: Nature+6, Survival+8
Innate Spellcasting: The Tagean’s spellcasting ability is Saves: Intelligence+6, Wisdom+8
Wisdom (spell save DC 14). The Tagean can innately cast the Damage Immunities: Acid
following spells, requiring no material components:
Senses: Passive Perception 14
At Will: Heat Metal (range touch only)
Languages: Draconic, Common
3/day: Water Breathing (self only)
Challenge: 6 (2300 XP)
Spellcasting: The Tagean is a 5th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (Spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Special Qualities
The Tagean has the following Druid spells prepared: Innate Spellcasting: The Tagean’s spellcasting ability is
Cantrips (at will): Druidcraft, Mending, Thorn Whip Wisdom (spell save DC 16). The Tagean can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
Ist level (4 slots): Animal Friendship, Cure Wounds, Entangle,
Longstrider, Speak With Animals At Will: Heat Metal (range touch only)

2nd level (3 slots): Darkvision, Lesser Restoration, Moonbeam, 3/day: Water Breathing (self only)


Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 15 ft, one target.
Hit: 13(3d6+3) Bludgeoning damage.
Rend: If the Tagean starts its turn grappling a target, the target
automatically takes claw damage. Its Bite and Tail attacks are
made at advantage. In addition, if its Acid Secretion is active,
all attacks do an additional 14(4d6) acid damage.
The tagean wyrm is a long, thin light blue or green dragon. It
ranges up to 30 feet including its tail, but this appendage is
always half its body length, shaped as it like a broad leaf. The
creature has long legs, clawed and webbed feet, but a short,
thick neck. Its head is armored better than its body and its short
snout is filled with scores of razor sharp teeth. It has wings,
thin and wide that are able to fold in upon the creature’s back,
blending in with the creature’s long thing scales. The tagean
wyrm spends much of its time in water and suffers predation
from giant sharks and other creatures, so it has developed thick,
long segmented scales for protection. On the narrow chest area
does the pattern is broken as one large, almost perfectly round
scale exists. In an adult this scale can be three feet in diameter.
Amphibious: This rare creature is found only near warm ocean
water where it spends a good deal of its life, hunting and for
Spellcasting: The Tagean is a 7th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting safety. The creature is largely benign, but can very dangerous
ability is Wisdom (Spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). as it will eat anything. They come onto land frequently both
The Tagean has the following Druid spells prepared: to hunt and nest. When they are on land they secret a thick
residue to coat their scaly hide. Its acidic in nature and at first
Cantrips (at will): Druidcraft, Mending, Thorn Whip burns whatever it comes into contact with, eventually the
Ist level (4 slots): Animal Friendship, Cure Wounds, Entangle, secretion hardens into a thick, almost unbreakable shell.
Longstrider, Speak With Animals Family Groups. They are encountered in groups 1-6 and work
2nd level (3 slots): Darkvision, Lesser Restoration, Locate Animals in tandem to hunt prey. They do this by dividing spreading out
or Plants, Moonbeam, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Pass Without Trace and driving the prey-animal into the nesting area where they fall
3rd level (3 slots): Call Lightning, Dispel Magic, Sleet Storm, upon it and rend it to pieces. The tagean wyrm is not aggressive
Water Breathing, Water Walk and generally only attacks when it is hunting or threatened. It
is able to assess most encounters and tries to flee from anything
4th level (1 slot): Conjure Woodland Beings, Control Water, it deems to threatening, usually heading for the open water via
Freedom of Movement flight. When cornered or hunting though the creature attacks
Fog Breath: As a bonus action, the Tagean can spit out a with a mad rush, raising up on its hind legs to grasp its victim.
40 foot radius cloud of thick fog. The cloud cannot be seen Using its broad tail for balance it leaps upon the victim
through, and the area is considered to be heavily obscured. The Clever and Cooperative: They possess some intelligence,
cloud lasts for 1 minute before dissipating. and are able to speak a rudimentary form of the vulgate and
Acid Secretion: While on land, the Tagean is naturally use some limited magics. They do not normally attack humans,
covered with a thick acid coating. Any creature that ends its elves and the like, but will do so to defend themselves. They can
turn grappled by the Tagean or in close physical contact must be made to offer their assistance if properly induced, payment
make a Dexterity Save (DC 16), taking 17(5d6) acid damage on in food, etc etc.
a failed save, or half damage on a success.

Multiattack: The Tagean strikes once with its claws, once with This dragon is a very rare creature and found almost exclusively
its bite, and once with its tail. If the Tagean has a creature grappled along the coasts of the Straights of Ursal and the Sea of Shenal.
at the beginning of its turn, it will instead use its Rend attack. They are encountered more often in the Gelderland and the
wilds of Aenochain Valley than near any civilized land. The
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one Tageans prize the beasts and never kill them for they have
target. Hit: 10(3d4+3) Slashing damage. In addition, the learned to harvest the trees that the tagean wrym despoils. For
target must make a Dexterity Save (DC 16) or be grappled by when the beast climbs onto trees, hunting or taking the sun,
the Tagean. its secretions burn and harden the trees they use. These husks
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. are greatly valued by the tagean weapon smiths and they are
Hit: 16(3d8+3) piercing damage. harvested, shaped and honed into battle spears (see below,
magic items). Further, the chest scale is sought after by the

tageans as well for once retrieved it serves as a light weight,
indestructible shied (see below). The creature is honored in
tagea and the surrounding islands, temples have been built in
its honor. Killing one is tantamount to an act of war from the
men of tagea so holy has the beast become.


Small Dragon, Unaligned
Armor Class: 14(natural armor)
Hit Points: 16 (3d6+6)
Speed: 30 ft, 20 ft burrow
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Damage Immunities: Lightning, Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning, Piercing And Slashing From
Nonmagical Weapons
Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 10
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Special Qualities
Heat: The Tavis Wyrm is heat incarnate. Any non metallic,
non magical weapon that strikes a tavis wyrm is automatically Heat: The Tavis Wyrm is heat incarnate. Any non metallic,
destroyed by the heat. Any non magical metallic weapon non magical weapon that strikes a tavis wyrm is automatically
striking a tavis wyrm requires its wielder to make a Dexterity destroyed by the heat. Any non magical metallic weapon
save (DC 12) or the weapon is heated exactly as per the heat striking a tavis wyrm requires its wielder to make a Dexterity
metal spell. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a save (DC 13) or the weapon is heated exactly as per the heat
tavis wyrm suffers 3 (1d6) fire damage. metal spell. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a
Actions tavis wyrm suffers 7 (2d6) fire damage.
Bite: Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Actions
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage. Bite: Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.
Medium Dragon, Unaligned TAVIS WYRM, ADULT
Armor Class: 16(natural armor) Large Dragon, Unaligned
Hit Points: 37 (5d8+15) Armor Class: 17(natural armor)
Speed: 30 ft, 20 ft burrow Hit Points: 85 (10d10+30)
Speed: 30 ft, 20 ft burrow
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
Damage Immunities: Lightning, Fire, Poison 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Condition Immunities: Poisoned Damage Immunities: Lightning, Fire, Poison
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning, Piercing And Slashing From Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Nonmagical Weapons Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning, Piercing And Slashing From
Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 10 Nonmagical Weapons
Challenge: 2 (450 XP) Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 10
Special Qualities Challenge: 6 (2300 XP)
Special Qualities


Heat: The Tavis Wyrm is heat incarnate. Any non metallic, DRAGON, TULMAT (SPIKE TAIL)
non magical weapon that strikes a tavis wyrm is automatically
destroyed by the heat. Any non magical metallic weapon
striking a tavis wyrm requires its wielder to make a Dexterity Large Dragon, Lawful Neutral
save (DC 14) or the weapon is heated exactly as per the heat Armor Class: 14(description)
metal spell. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a
tavis wyrm suffers 14 (4d6) fire damage. Hit Points: 78(12d10+12)

Actions Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly

Bite: Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
Hit: 13 (2d8+4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. 14(+2) 15(+2) 12(+1) 10(+0) 12(+1) 11(+0)
Skills: Perception+3
Damage Resistance: Poison
Huge Dragon, Unaligned
Senses: Passive Perception 13
Armor Class: 18(natural armor)
Languages: Common, Draconic
Hit Points: 189 (18d12+72)
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Speed: 40 ft, 20 ft burrow
Special Qualities
Tulmat Poison: Tulmats have a unique poison, which they use
23 (+6) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) in both their breath weapon and their tail spikes. Any creature
Damage Immunities: Lightning, Fire, Poison exposed to it must make a Constitution save (DC 13). On a
success, the poison has no effect. If the save is failed, the target
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
immediately has the poisoned condition and takes 7(2d6) poison
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning, Piercing And Slashing damage. At the end of each of their turns, the target must make
From Nonmagical Weapons another Constitution save. On a success, they suffer half damage
Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft, Passive Perception 10 and no longer need to make saves. If they fail, they take full
damage and continue to be poisoned. If they fail the save by
Challenge: 11 (7200 XP)
more than 5, they are also incapacitated. Once Incapacitated,
Special Qualities they continue to save at the end of each of their rounds. On
Heat: The Tavis Wyrm is heat incarnate. Any non metallic, a successful save, they take half damage and no longer need to
non magical weapon that strikes a tavis wyrm is automatically save. On a failed save, they take full damage. If they fail a save
destroyed by the heat. Any non magical metallic weapon by more than 5, they are reduced to 0 hit points and must begin
striking a tavis wyrm requires its wielder to make a Dexterity making death saves as normal. Any effect caused by this poison
save (DC 15) or the weapon is heated exactly as per the heat lasts for 1 hour except for death, which is of course permanent.
metal spell. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a Actions
tavis wyrm suffers 28 (8d6) fire damage.
Multiattack: The Tulmat attacks with 2 claws, one bite and
Actions one tail attack. Or it uses its breath weapon.
Bite: Melee weapon attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 19 (3d8+6) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) fire damage. Hit: 9(2d6+2) Slashing damage.
Denizens of the elemental plane of fire, these creatures are often Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
found in the mortal realms. They have long, snake-like bodies Hit: 13(2d10+2) Piercing damage.
with two well-developed forearms. With a head and jaws much
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
like a dragon’s, tavis wyrms are often mistaken as the offspring
Hit: 7(2d4+2) piercing damage plus the target is exposed to
of one of the greater drakes.
Tulmat poison.
Denizens of Fire: These wyrms are able to squeeze themselves
Poison Cloud Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Tulmat
through very tight tunnels and often surprise their prey in this
breathes in a 15 foot cone. All creatures in the cone are exposed
manner. They radiate an incredible amount of heat, which
to Tulmat poison.
they use to burrow through solid rock, fusing and melting the
stone in passing. These creatures travel to the mortal realms
and prime material plane to derive sustenance from there which
cannot be found in their home elemental plane. Large Dragon, Lawful Neutral
Armor Class: 16(description)
Hit Points: 105(14d10+28)
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly

STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Senses: Passive Perception 15
16(+3) 16(+3) 14(+2) 12(+1) 14(+2) 12(+1) Languages: Common, Draconic
Skills: Perception+5 Challenge: 7 (2900 XP)
Damage Resistance: Poison Special Qualities
Senses: Passive Perception 15 Tulmat Poison: Tulmats have a unique poison, which they
use in both their breath weapon and their tail spikes. Any
Languages: Common, Draconic
creature exposed to it must make a Constitution save (DC 17).
Challenge: 5 (1800 XP) On a success, the poison has no effect. If the save is failed, the
Special Qualities target immediately has the poisoned condition and takes 14(4d6)
poison damage. At the end of each of their turns, the target must
Tulmat Poison: Tulmats have a unique poison, which they make another Constitution save. On a success, they suffer half
use in both their breath weapon and their tail spikes. Any damage and no longer need to make saves. If they fail, they take
creature exposed to it must make a Constitution save (DC 15). full damage and continue to be poisoned. If they fail the save by
On a success, the poison has no effect. If the save is failed, more than 5, they are also incapacitated. Once Incapacitated,
the target immediately has the poisoned condition and takes they continue to save at the end of each of their rounds. On
10(3d6) poison damage. At the end of each of their turns, the a successful save, they take half damage and no longer need to
target must make another Constitution save. On a success, they save. On a failed save, they take full damage. If they fail a save
suffer half damage and no longer need to make saves. If they by more than 5, they are reduced to 0 hit points and must begin
fail, they take full damage and continue to be poisoned. If they making death saves as normal. Any effect caused by this poison
fail the save by more than 5, they are also incapacitated. Once lasts for 1 hour except for death, which is of course permanent.
Incapacitated, they continue to save at the end of each of their
rounds. On a successful save, they take half damage and no Actions
longer need to save. On a failed save, they take full damage. If Multiattack: The Tulmat attacks with 2 claws, one bite and
they fail a save by more than 5, they are reduced to 0 hit points one tail attack. Or it uses its breath weapon.
and must begin making death saves as normal. Any effect
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
caused by this poison lasts for 1 hour except for death, which is
Hit: 14(3d6+4) Slashing damage.
of course permanent.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 20(3d10+4) Piercing damage.
Multiattack: The Tulmat attacks with 2 claws, one bite and
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
one tail attack. Or it uses its breath weapon.
Hit: 11(3d4+4) piercing damage plus the target is exposed to
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Tulmat poison.
Hit: 10(2d6+3) Slashing damage.
Poison Cloud Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Tulmat
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. breathes in a 35 foot cone. All creatures in the cone are exposed
Hit: 14(2d10+3) Piercing damage. to Tulmat poison.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
Hit: 8(2d4+3) piercing damage plus the target is exposed to TULMAT ANCIENT
Tulmat poison. Gargantuan Dragon, Lawful Neutral
Poison Cloud Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Tulmat Armor Class: 19(description)
breathes in a 25 foot cone. All creatures in the cone are exposed
Hit Points: 187(15d20+30)
to Tulmat poison.
Speed: 30 ft 90 ft Fly
Huge Dragon, Lawful Neutral 22(+6) 16(+3) 14(+2) 16(+3) 17(+3) 14(+2)
Armor Class: 17(description) Skills: Perception+7
Hit Points: 127(15d12+30) Saves: Dexterity+7, Intelligence+7
SPEED: 30 ft 90 ft Fly Damage Resistance: Poison
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Senses: Passive Perception 17
19(+4) 16(+3) 14(+2) 14(+2) 15(+2) 13(+1) Languages: Common, Draconic
Skills: Perception+5 Challenge: 12 (8400 XP)
Saves: Dexterity+6, Intelligence+5 Special Qualities
Damage Resistance: Poison


Tulmat Poison: Tulmats have a unique poison, which they Solitary Aerie: They are solitary creatures and are only seen
use in both their breath weapon and their tail spikes. Any with others of their own kind when they are mating. At such
creature exposed to it must make a Constitution save (DC 19). times they are very aggressive. They give birth to live young,
On a success, the poison has no effect. If the save is failed, the usually during flight. The young quickly adapt to flight or die.
target immediately has the poisoned condition and takes 17(5d6) They build nests much as do birds from woven branches, sticks,
poison damage. At the end of each of their turns, the target must and similar debris. These are usually very tall and deep as they
make another Constitution save. On a success, they suffer half renew them each year. Here they keep their treasures as the
damage and no longer need to make saves. If they fail, they take tulmat wyrms are particularly inclined to take gems, jewels,
full damage and continue to be poisoned. If they fail the save by magic items, and even gold when the opportunity presents itself.
more than 5, they are also incapacitated. Once Incapacitated, Unique Thinkers: The tulmat are intelligent, able to speak the
they continue to save at the end of each of their rounds. On Vulgate clearly. They do not think like most other creatures so
a successful save, they take half damage and no longer need to they often are not able to understand them or get their own
save. On a failed save, they take full damage. If they fail a save points across.
by more than 5, they are reduced to 0 hit points and must begin
making death saves as normal. Any effect caused by this poison
lasts for 1 hour except for death, which is of course permanent.
The tulmat wyrm has long haunted the skies of Aihrde.
Originating in the deeps of the Zuala jungles as an off shoot
Multiattack: The Tulmat attacks with 2 claws, one bite and
one tail attack. Or it uses its breath weapon.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack. +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
target. Hit: 20(4d6+6) Slashing damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack. +10 to hit, reach 15 ft, one
target. Hit: 28(4d10+6) Piercing damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack. +10 to hit, reach 20 ft, one target.
Hit: 16(4d4+6) piercing damage plus the target is exposed to
Tulmat poison.
Poison Cloud Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The Tulmat
breathes in a 45 foot cone. All creatures in the cone are exposed
to Tulmat poison.
The tulmat, or spike tailed dragon, is a large creature with a
body some 20 feet long and a tail and neck of equal length.
When fully mature the creature can range up to 70 feet long and
have a wing span even longer. They are light green creatures,
with a hint of orange in the membranes of their wings. Their
eyes are sharp and narrow and sit astride a fang filled snout,
the end of which is capped by a boney aperture that looks a
little like a horn. Its hind legs are long and thin and it has no
forearms. Unusual for dragons, its belly is armored as much as
its backside, though its spine is lined with thick plates. Behind
its head, long hair-like feathers grow and its tail ends in a knob
of small spikes.
Masters of the Sky: The tulmat dragon nests in high
mountains, or on occasion in very tall and large trees. They
range over a vast swath of country, hunting for prey. They do
so by floating on the updrafts, much as does a normal bird of
prey, watching for movement. They have extraordinarily good
vision and are able to detect even slight movements at great
distances. Being intelligent they are also able to discern what
exactly they are looking at. They do not shy away from attacking
large parties, knowing that their breath weapon is able to kill
creatures quickly. They are not vengeful however, and eat only
what they need. If during a combat they have immobilized
their prey animal and the opportunity to seize it and carry it
off presents itself, the tulmat does so, carting the unfortunate
victim to its next to be devoured.

of the more powerful green dragons, they spread rapidly into Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
the north so that that they are now common in all climes and Hit:2(1d6-1) Piercing Damage.
regions. Poisoned Spittle Breath (Recharge 6): The Unk can spit
During the long wars between the Dwarves and Goblins, when a glob of poisonous goo at a target up to 30 feet away. The
the kobold peoples first came to Aihrde, they encountered the target must make a Dexterity save (DC 10). On a failed save,
tulmat wyrms before all other creatures. It is said by the learned the target is coated with the poison. They immediately suffer
that the tulmat wyrm the kobold’s first encountered took pity the poisoned condition. They also take 5(2d4) poison damage.
on the small creatures largely because his belly was full; it is not The coating remains and continues to do damage. At the end
entirely known why the dragon did not feed upon the kobolds. of each of their turns, the target must make a Constitution
They lived for a great while in the shadow of one another, save (DC 10), taking another 5(2d4) poison damage on a
working in concert on occasion. failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The target
The kobolds tell of a time when a tribe of men pressed their can attempt to remove the poison by spending an action and
peoples living in the northern mountains. The war dragged making a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a DC of 10. If
on for several years when the expansion of the men began to they succeed, they remove the poison coating and stop taking
threaten the hunting grounds of several of the tulmat. These damage. The poisoned condition lasts for 1 hour regardless.
creatures attacked the men so fiercely that the kobolds came
to them with promises of gems and jewels if they would help UNK YOUNG
them drive the men from the plains. This arrangement began a Medium Dragon, Neutral Evil
century’s long alliance between these dragons and the kobolds.
Armor Class: 15(description)
Eventually the dragons allowed the kobolds to ride them, but
only with promises of saddles studded with jewels and gems of Hit Points: 91 (14d8+28)
wondrous beauty. Even today the powerful kobold tribes live Speed: 20 ft 10 ft Swim
near tulmat dragons, feeding them and working with them on
their long hunts. STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA:
12(+1) 8(-1) 15(+2) 5(-3) 10(+0) 5(-3)
UNK WYRMLING Damage Immunities: Poison
Small Dragon, Neutral Evil Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Armor Class: 12(description) Senses: Passive Perception 10
Hit Points: 22 (4d6+8) Challenge: 2(450 XP)
Speed: 20 ft 10 ft Swim Special Qualities
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: Camoflage: The Unk innately uses minor illusions to hide
6(-2) 8(-1) 14(+2) 5(-3) 10(+0) 5(-3) itself. It has advantage on all Stealth checks.

Skills: Stealth+1 Innate Spellcasting: The Unk can cast each of the following
spells once per day, requiring no material components. Its
Damage Immunities: Poison Spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 10). Phantasmal
Condition Immunities: Poisoned Force, Dissonant Whispers, Hallucinatory Terrain.
Senses: Passive Perception 10 Musk: If the Unk has released its breeding musk or is in an area
where such musk has been released, it goes into a frenzy. The
Challenge: 1/8(25 XP)
Unk gains advantage on all attacks, but all attacks against the
Special Qualities Unk are also at advantage.
Camoflage: The Unk innately uses minor illusions to hide Exposed Gland: The creatures poison gland is on the surface
itself. It has advantage on all Stealth checks. of its body behind its head. Anyone who knows about this
Innate Spellcasting: The Unk can cast each of the following weakness (DC 20 nature check) can try to target it. The attack
spells once per day, requiring no material components. Its is made at disadvantage, but any hit is a critical.
Spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 10). Phantasmal Actions
Force, Dissonant Whispers, Hallucinatory Terrain.
Multiattack: The Unk makes two Claw attacks and one Bite
Actions attack.
Multiattack: The Unk makes two Claw attacks and one Bite Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
attack. Hit: 3(1d4+1) Slashing Damage.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 1(1d3-1) Slashing Damage. Hit:6(1d10+1) Piercing Damage.


Poisoned Spittle Breath (Recharge 6): The Unk can spit Exposed Gland: The creatures poison gland is on the surface
a glob of poisonous goo at a target up to 40 feet away. The of its body behind its head. Anyone who knows about this
target must make a Dexterity save (DC 12). On a failed save, weakness (DC 20 nature check) can try to target it. The attack
the target is coated with the poison. They immediately suffer is made at disadvantage, but any hit is a critical.
the poisoned condition. They also take 7(3d4) poison damage. Actions
The coating remains and continues to do damage. At the end
of each of their turns, the target must make a Constitution Multiattack: The Unk makes two Claw attacks and one Bite
save (DC 12), taking another 7(3d4) poison damage on a attack.
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The target Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
can attempt to remove the poison by spending an action and Hit: 5(1d4+3) slashing Damage.
making a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a DC of 12. If
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
they succeed, they remove the poison coating and stop taking
Hit:8(1d10+3) Piercing Damage.
damage. The poisoned condition lasts for 1 hour regardless.
Poisoned Spittle Breath (Recharge 6): The Unk can spit a
UNK ADULT glob of poisonous goo at a target up to 50 feet away. The target
must make a Dexterity save (DC 15). On a failed save, the
Medium Dragon, Neutral Evil target is coated with the poison. They immediately suffer the
Armor Class: 16(description) poisoned condition. They also take 10(4d4) poison damage.
Hit Points: 105 (14d8+42) The coating remains and continues to do damage. At the end
of each of their turns, the target must make a Constitution
Speed: 20 ft 10 ft Swim save (DC 15), taking another 10(4d4) poison damage on a
STR: DEX: CON: INT: WIS: CHA: failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The target
can attempt to remove the poison by spending an action and
16(+3) 8(-1) 16(+3) 5(-3) 10(+0) 5(-3) making a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a DC of 15. If
Skills: Stealth+1 they succeed, they remove the poison coating and stop taking
Damage Immunities: Poison damage. The poisoned condition lasts for 1 hour regardless.

Condition Immunities: Poisoned UNK ANCIENT

Senses: Passive Perception 10 Large Dragon, Neutral Evil
Challenge: 3(700 XP) Armor Class: 18(description)
Special Qualities Hit Points: 133 (14d10+56)
Camoflage: The Unk innately uses minor illusions to hide Speed: 20 ft 10 ft Swim
itself. It has advantage on all Stealth checks.
Innate Spellcasting: The Unk can cast each of the following
spells once per day, requiring no material components. Its 21(+5) 8(-1) 18(+4) 5(-3) 10(+0) 5(-3)
Spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 10). Phantasmal Skills: Stealth+2
Force, Dissonant Whispers, Hallucinatory Terrain.
Damage Immunities: Poison
Musk: If the Unk has released its breeding musk or is in an area
where such musk has been released, it goes into a frenzy. The Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Unk gains advantage on all attacks, but all attacks against the Senses: Passive Perception 10
Unk are also at advantage. Challenge: 6(2300 XP)
Special Qualities
Camoflage: The Unk innately uses minor illusions to hide
itself. It has advantage on all Stealth checks.
Innate Spellcasting: The Unk can cast each of the following
spells once per day, requiring no material components. Its
Spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 11). Phantasmal
Force, Dissonant Whispers, Hallucinatory Terrain.
Musk: If the Unk has released its breeding musk or is in an area
where such musk has been released, it goes into a frenzy. The
Unk gains advantage on all attacks, but all attacks against the
Unk are also at advantage.
Exposed Gland: The creatures poison gland is on the surface
of its body behind its head. Anyone who knows about this
weakness (DC 20 nature check) can try to target it. The attack Breeding Frenzy: Unk wyrms are solitary hunters and are only
is made at disadvantage, but any hit is a critical. encountered with other unk dragons when they are breeding.
Actions At such times the males secret a very powerful musk from
glands on the back of the neck. The musk drives both males
Multiattack: The Unk makes two Claw attacks and one Bite and females into a frenzy and they will attack almost anything
attack. they come across. Females are attracted to the musk and will
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. travel great distances to find its source. In such times it is not
Hit: 10(2d4+5) slashing Damage. uncommon to encounter a dozen or so Unk dragons in one area.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Wandering Ravagers: The Unk wyrms are veracious feeders
Hit:16(2d10+5) Piercing Damage. and after they exhaust the food supply in one area they move
to another. For this reason they are encountered almost
Poisoned Spittle Breath (Recharge 6): The Unk can spit a
everywhere. Their ability to camouflage themselves allows them
glob of poisonous goo at a target up to 60 feet away. The target
to change colors and blend in with the new environment. They
must make a Dexterity save (DC 17). On a failed save, the
are stationary hunters as well. They are not able to move quickly
target is coated with the poison. They immediately suffer the
so they hide themselves and wait for a target of opportunity to
poisoned condition. They also take 15(6d4) poison damage.
pass by.
The coating remains and continues to do damage. At the end
of each of their turns, the target must make a Constitution Wide Ranging Menace: Unk Wyrms are found in almost any
save (DC 17), taking another 15(6d4) poison damage on a climate and any terrain. They prefer rocky, scrub, forest or
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The target desert terrain where they are able to take greater advantage
can attempt to remove the poison by spending an action and of the environment and use their camouflage abilities. They
making a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a DC of 17. If are competent, if slow swimmers and are able to use the thin
they succeed, they remove the poison coating and stop taking membrane that stretches between their forelegs and torsos to
damage. The poisoned condition lasts for 1 hour regardless. float or glide at sea. Sailors have reported sighting these strange
horned dragons bobbing in the deep oceans.
Unk wyrms are virtually wingless, long legged dragons with
wide torsos, broad mouths and stubby tails. Their scaley skin THE UNK WYRM IN AIHRDE
is thick and hangs from their body in multiple folds. The scales When Inzae gave the clutch of eggs to the All Father there were
themselves are long and pointed and interrupted by thick black many dragons kept therein, some great, some not so. The unk
spikes sprinkled across the creatures back and legs. Even its wyrm was one of those breeds that was runted and garnished little
underbelly is covered in these pointed scales. The Unk wyrm attention from the All Father. Though they are one of the most
averages about 15 feet in length, including their tail. At their ancient breeds in Aihrde they are rarely recognized as true dragons
broadest point they are about 4-5 feet wide. Their heads are as at all. Only the dwarves are schooled in their habits for the eldritch
large as their torsos, covered in small, boney nobs. However, goblins used them from time to time as mounts and were able to
jutting from the back of their skulls are long, thick, cone shaped take advantage of their acidic vomit and concoct poisons and other
spikes that serve as armor for the soft tissue of their upper backs toxins. They also fashioned many shields and armors from their
and neck. Beyond this soft tissue They range in color from scales and heads. They are found throughout Aihrde except in the
mottled grey to deep green. Great Northern Shelf and Great Southern Ice Shelf.


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