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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 84 (2014) 58–63

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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture

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Conservation law of surface roughness in single point diamond turning

W.J. Zong a,n, Y.H. Huang b, Y.L. Zhang c, T. Sun a
Center for Precision Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China
Xi’an Institute of Applied Optics, Xi’an 710065, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, a comprehensive model is established to predict the surface roughness achieved by single
Received 1 January 2014 point diamond turning. In addition to the calculation of the roughness components in relation to the
Received in revised form kinematics and minimum undeformed chip thickness, the newly developed model also takes the effects
15 April 2014
of plastic side flow and elastic recovery of materials as machined into account. Moreover, the ‘size effect’
Accepted 16 April 2014
has also been successfully integrated into the model, i.e. an inflection point appears in the trend line of
Available online 28 April 2014
predicted surface roughness as the ratio of maximal undeformed chip thickness to cutting edge radius
Keywords: (hDmax/rn) is equal to one unit. Face turning experiments validate that the maximal prediction error is
Diamond turning only 13.35%. As the ratio of hDmax/rn is higher than one unit, both the prediction and experiments reveal
Cutting edge radius
that a conservation law exists in diamond turned surface roughness, owing to the competitive effects of
Undeformed chip thickness
kinematics, minimum undeformed chip thickness, plastic side flow and elastic recovery of materials on
Surface roughness
surface formation. Under the conservation law, the freedom control for an invariable surface roughness
can be fulfilled in response to a quantitative ratio of hDmax/rn, either through an accurate configuration of
feed rate and depth of cut with fixed tool nose radius and cutting edge radius, or by a reasonable
selection of tool nose radius and controlled cutting edge radius with designed feed rate and depth of cut.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction across the ‘size effect’? Specifically, can the law accurately direct
the variations of surface roughness?
Diamond turning is of great importance for the fabrication of In order to fulfill the objects, Brammertz proposed a Spanzipfel
precision parts in various industrial sectors, such as optics, clean formula for finish turning to correct the kinematic surface rough-
energy, information and communication technology, and others ness, in which the minimum undeformed chip thickness was
[1,2]. As well known, diamond turning is capable of achieving a considered [8]. Subsequently, Grezesik revised Brammertz's model
super-smooth surface, which is usually free from the time-consu- by making an assumption to accurately determine the minimum
ming polishing. Such excellent capability, however, is strongly undeformed chip thickness in relation to the cutting edge radius
dependent on the machining environment, performance of the [9]. Lee and Cheung put forward a dynamic surface topography
machine tool, process parameters, tool geometry as well as the model to predict the 3D topography and calculate the surface
properties of workpiece materials [1,3]. For example, the famous roughness of machined crystalline materials or aluminum alloy
‘size effect’ of surface roughness appears frequently, and a lot of [10,11]. They analyzed the factors affecting the surface generation
cutting trials have to be carried out to select the process para- in detail, such as tool nose radius, feed rate, depth of cut as well as
meters and tool geometry reasonably, although it has been tool-tip vibration induced by the cutting force fluctuations or the
demonstrated that the ‘size effect’ is attributed to the effect of motion errors of spindle. Furthermore, Lee, Cheung and Melkote
cutting edge radius of diamond tool [3–7]. In the light of previous emphasised that the plastic side flow or swelling and elastic
works reviewed above, interesting questions are raised but not recovery of materials are another two significant factors influen-
answered satisfactorily: is there a surface roughness law that gets cing the surface generation [12–15]. Kim employed the FFT (fast
Fourier transform) analysis method and established a 3D topo-
graphy model to simulate the machined surface of aluminum alloy
Corresponding author at: P.O. Box 413, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, and copper alloy based on the frequency domain information that
150001, P.R. China. Fax: +86 0451 86415244.
E-mail addresses: zongwenjun@hit.edu.cn (W.J. Zong),
was extracted from the space domain signals of the measured
huangyanhua113@163.com (Y.H. Huang), fenyzhang@163.com (Y.L. Zhang), surface profile [16]. Wang and Zong introduced the wavelet
taosun@hit.edu.cn (T. Sun). analysis method to decompose and reconstruct the 3D surface

0890-6955/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.J. Zong et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 84 (2014) 58–63 59

topography as machined [17]. According to their work, the Fig. 1(b), have reached up to the same magnitude of the residual
diamond turned surface topography can be predicted first, and height in kinematics. For a diamond turned surface, therefore, the
subsequently the modification is performed to acquire the final finished surface topography is pictorially described in Fig. 1
designed surface. Moreover, Zong et al. recently established a 3D (c). In this figure, rε, f and ap denote tool nose radius, feed rate and
finite element (FE) model to evaluate diamond tool geometries nominal depth of cut, respectively. Rth is the residual height in
affecting the 3D surface topography [18]. As parameters such as kinematics, and Rth ' is the comprehensive height considering the
tool nose radius, rake and relief angles, micro defects of tool edge effects of kinematics, plastic side flow, minimum undeformed chip
and cutting edge radius are input into the FE model, the surface thickness as well as elastic recovery of materials. hDmin and hDmax
topography and surface roughness can be simulated in advance of are the minimum and maximal undeformed chip thickness,
machining. respectively.
Although the works reviewed above have made great advances As revealed by previous work, the minimum undeformed chip
in predicting surface roughness of diamond turned materials, little thickness is heavily dependent on tool cutting edge radius, which
attention has been paid to the ‘size effect’ of surface roughness can be given by
induced by the cutting edge radius of diamond tools, which
hDmin ¼ cr n ð1Þ
essentially is a vital factor affecting the surface quality. Therefore,
in this work a comprehensive surface roughness model is where c is a coefficient ranging from 0.3 to 0.4 [19], and c is equal
proposed, into which the ‘size effect’ is integrated. Based on the to 0.35 in this work. rn is the tool cutting edge radius.
well predicting of surface roughness, a conservation law is found. hDmin is a significant factor affecting the surface formation in
According to the conservation theory, the accurate configuration diamond turning. For the effective undeformed materials with a
of cutting edge radius, tool nose radius and process parameters thickness larger than hDmin, they will undergo the extrusion effect
can be realized in response to the assigned surface roughness, and gradually accumulate ahead of tool edge. Finally, the effective
i.e. the freedom control for an invariable surface roughness is undeformed materials are removed through micro cutting. For the
accessible. effective undeformed materials with a thickness less than hDmin,
however, chip formation disappears. In this case, the effective
undeformed materials are no longer removed. Instead, the burn-
2. Theoretical modeling ishing and friction take place due to the plowing of diamond tool.
As shown in Fig. 1(c), the maximal undeformed chip thickness
In diamond turning, tool feed rate and nominal depth of cuts is calculated as
are very fine. Such configuration of process parameters yields an
extremely small undeformed chip thickness, the order of which is hDmax ¼ r ε  r 2ε þ f  2f 2r ε ap  a2p ð2Þ
comparable to the cutting edge radius of diamond tool as
employed. In this case, the kinematic surface roughness in relation For turning operation, the theoretical or kinematic ten-point
to tool nose radius and feed rate has poor agreement with the height, i.e. the surface roughness, can be written as
actual achieved surface roughness. Because the plastic side flow 2
introduced by tool nose radius and feed rate [14], as schematically Rth ¼ ð3Þ
8r ε
shown in Fig. 1(a), the residual minimum undeformed chip
thickness dependent on cutting edge radius [19], as well as the As discussed above, the effect of minimum undeformed chip
elastic recovery of materials affected by tool cutting edge radius, thickness should be considered in predicting the diamond turning
corner nose radius and rake angle [20], as shown in the sketch of finished surface roughness. Therefore, the surface roughness has

Tool marks affected by the plastic side flow Tool marks affected by the elastic recovery

Rth, theoretical roughness Tool marks in kinematics Rth, theoretical roughness

f f

Rth hDmax



Fig. 1. Schematic surface topography of diamond turned surface with a round nosed tool: (a) the effect of plastic side flow; (b) the effect of elastic recovery; and
(c) comprehensive height coupled with the effects of kinematics, minimum undeformed chip thickness, plastic side flow and elastic recovery.
60 W.J. Zong et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 84 (2014) 58–63

been corrected by Grezesik [9], which is given by As reported in Melkote's work [14], the increase of roughness at
2   low feed rate can be attributed to the increased plastic side flow
f h r ε hDmin caused by strain gradient-induced strengthening of the material
' ¼
Rth þ Dmin 1 þ ð4Þ
8r ε 2 2 directly ahead of the trailing edge of the diamond tool. That is to
Unfortunately, Grezesik's formula has no consideration of the say, the appearance of plastic side flow in diamond turning is due
elastic recovery of materials. Moreover, the ‘size effect’ has not to the stress concentration ahead of tool edge. In order to release
been taken into account. In this work, therefore, Grezesik's the stress, the materials will flow to the side of the active cutting
formula is revised further as follows edge, which increases the material's swelling finally. Moreover,
Sata reported that tool nose geometry dependent side swelling
f h r ε hDmin H results in higher surface roughness than the kinematic one [15].
' ¼
Rth þ Dmin 1 þ þk1 r n k2 ð5Þ
8r ε 2 2 E Therefore, low feed rate and small tool nose radius are the
preferred conditions for the prevailence of plastic side flow. With
where k1 is a coefficient in relation to the elastic recovery, and k2 is
a view to integrating the effect of plastic side flow into Eq. (5), as
a coefficient denoting the ‘size effect’. H and E are the Vickers
schematically shown in Fig. 1(a), ten-point surface roughness is
hardness and Young's modulus. For example, H and E are 2.4 Gpa
modified again in this work, which is formulated as
and 117 Gpa of copper workpiece [20]. " #
As schematically shown in Fig. 1(b), the elastic recovery causes f h r ε hDmin H
' ¼ k3
Rth þ Dmin 1 þ þ k1 r n k2 ð8Þ
the materials swelling along the direction of depth of cut, and in 8r ε 2 2 E
Eq. (5), it can be seen that such deformation is considered to be
dependent on the material properties of workpiece (H, E) and the where k3 is a scale coefficient in relation to the plastic side flow.
geometrical parameters of diamond tool (k1, rn). H and E are As discussed above, k3 should be configured in terms of feed
invariable for a selected workpiece. Moreover, Eq. (1) indicates rate and tool nose radius, which is written as
that hDmin is determined by the cutting edge radius rn, and the k3 ¼ 1 where f o o r ε and r ε Z 0:05 mm ð9  1Þ
effective undeformed materials with a thickness less than hDmin
1:856  r ε
will suffer from the burnishing of tool. This means that the elastic k3 ¼ 0:35 þ e 1:856 where f o o r ε and r ε o 0:05 mm ð9  2Þ
recovery of materials relies on the undeformed chip thickness
hDmin to a great extent because the maximal elastic deformation According to Eq. (8), the average surface roughness Ra' can be
under tool burnishing is restricted by hDmin. Furthermore, Chris- calculated from the following formula [9]:
topher's work claimed that the elastic recovery is also affected by Ra' ¼ 0:2566Rth
' ð10Þ
tool corner nose radius and rake angle [20]. For diamond tool
geometries, the corner nose radius and rake angle are two crucial
factors influencing the cutting forces, except for the cutting edge
3. Experiments and discussions
radius. Certainly, the cutting forces will determine the materials'
deformation. For example, diamond tool with larger nose radius
In order to validate the model developed above, facing experi-
and negative rake angle outputs bigger cutting forces, and resul-
ments were carried out on machine tool Nanoform 250 (Taylor
tantly generates greater elastic deformation, which in return
Hobson PNEUMO). Pure copper plates were selected as workpiece
creates more elastic recovery after cutting. Therefore in this work,
materials. In any face turning, process parameters were configured
the effect of tool nose radius and rake angle is configured as a
as a spindle speed of 3000 rpm, a nominal depth of cut of 3 μm
coefficient of k1, which can be given by
and a variable feeding velocity for different feed rate. Four
k1 ¼ 12 where r ε 4 0:9 mm and 01 rake angle ð6  1Þ diamond tools with different corner nose radius were carefully
prepared in our laboratory. Rake and flank faces of four tools were
k1 ¼ 10 where r ε r 0:9 mm and 01 rake angle ð6  2Þ all oriented as the (100) crystal plane. Cutting edge radius of each
tool was controlled deliberately. In order to avoid the disturbed
In diamond turning, the effect of cutting edge radius strength- effect of micro defects of tool edge on the achieved surface
ens dramatically as tool feed rate and depth of cut decrease. roughness, the polishing marks on rake face and waviness of flank
Resultantly, the material removal mode is strongly dependent on face were both controlled rigorously. After the completion of tool
the ratio of undeformed chip thickness to cutting edge radius [3]. fabrication, the cutting edge radius of each tool was evaluated
The minimum undeformed chip thickness is approximate to be a directly by the atomic force microscope (AFM). AFM operations for
constant. And it is primarily determined by the cutting edge measuring the cutting edge radius can be found in our previous
radius, if the frictional behavior, performance of machine tool work [21]. In Fig. 2(a), the sketch of measurement principle is
and properties of workpiece remain unchanged. Therefore, in this given. Fig. 2(b) presents a 2D close-up of the measurement results.
work the ratio of maximal undeformed chip thickness to cutting All the measured geometries of four tools are listed in Table 1.
edge radius is employed to identify the material removal mode. In any face turning, the finally finished average surface rough-
As the ratio is not less than one unit, the materials are removed ness was acquired with a profile meter PGI 1240 (Tayler Hobson
by microcutting dominantly. If the ratio is less than one unit, the PRECISION). The full measuring length in sampling was equal to
plowing accounts for the primary mode. As a result, the burnishing 4 mm, as shown in Fig. 3, and three sampling points were captured
and friction become more and more, which strengthens the to calculate an average value. All the sampled results are listed in
materials swelling and consequently leads to an increase in surface Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 4.
roughness. In summary, the unwanted ‘size effect’ of roughness is In Table 2, the prediction error is calculated as
characterized by the coefficient k2 as follows  
  Ra'  predicted  Ra'  calculated 
hDmax hDmax error ¼  
k2 ¼ 0:8 þ 0:002356 1 where Z1 ð7  1Þ Ra'  calculated
rn rn
It can be seen clearly from Table 2 that the predicted results
  have good consistency with the experimental data, although tool
hDmax hDmax nose radius, cutting edge radius and feed rate have great variations
k2 ¼ 0:8  0:2356 1 where o1 ð7  2Þ
rn rn in all face turning experiments. More importantly, the maximal
W.J. Zong et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 84 (2014) 58–63 61

Semiconductor laser


Y direction [nm]


Diamond tool
X direction [nm]

Fig. 2. Evaluation of the cutting edge radius with AFM, (a) schematic of the measurement principle and (b) a snap of the measured results.

Table 1 is firstly proposed in this work, which can be expressed by the

Geometrical parameters of tested diamond tools. following formula
Tool Tool nose radius Rake angle Relief Measured rn Average rn Ra ¼ Ra  ref ðk4 þ k5 Þ þ k6 þ ε ð12Þ
no. [mm] [1] angle [1] [nm] [nm]
where Ra-ref is the surface roughness achieved by an assigned
1 1.856 0 9 15–43 29 reference tool. In this work, Tool 1 is considered as the reference
2 0.954 0 9 20–31 25.5 tool. ε is the residual error in modeling (compared to the data fitted
3 0.495 0 9 29–64 46.5
from the experimental results), and has an unit of nm. For instance,
4 0.045 0 9 11–19 15
ε is 0 for Tool 1, 0.3251 for Tool 2, 0.2984 for Tool 3 and  0.0678 for
Tool 4, when Ra 2.77 nm is considered as the reference datum.
prediction error is only 13.35%, which firmly validates the effective Likewise, ε can be 0 for Tool 1, 0.2474 for Tool 2,  0.3266 for Tool
of the roughness model developed in this work. In addition, the 3 and  0.6968 for Tool 4, if the referred surface roughness of Tool
‘size effect’ has been revealed perfectly. As presented in Table 2 or 1 is Ra 3.57 nm.
Fig. 4, the measured and predicted surface roughness both k4 is a coefficient in relation to the plastic side flow, which is
decrease with decreasing in the ratio of hDmax/rn. While the ratio given by
approaches to 1, the inflection point appears, such as Tool 3 and k4 ¼ eðrε  ref  rε Þ=ðrε  ref Þ  1:575 ð13Þ
Tool 4. Once the ratio is smaller than 1, both the measured surface
roughness and predicted ones increase quickly. As discussed where rε-ref is the corner nose radius of reference tool.
above, the ‘size effect’ is owing to the effect of cutting edge radius. k5 is a coefficient dependent on the minimum undeformed chip
In the case of hDmax/rn o1, plowing will account for the dominant thickness and elastic recovery, which is expressed as
material removal mode. The materials ahead of tool edge are
( 1:7   2:1  )

rn  rn  
extruded and burnished heavily, which in return leads to the k5 ¼ 1:575  min ; 1:7 ln   1 ð14Þ
r n  ref  r n  ref  
deterioration of surface roughness.
In Fig. 4, it can be found that the surface roughness generated where rn-ref is the cutting edge radius of reference tool.
by Tool 3 or Tool 4 is greater than that produced by Tool 1 and Tool k6 is a coefficient decided by the kinematic effect, which is
2. Such differences validate again that in diamond turning the written as
cutting edge radius dependent elastic recovery and minimum  
hDmax hDmax  ref
undeformed chip thickness, and tool nose radius dependent k6 ¼ 0:06937  ð15Þ
rn r n  ref
plastic side flow become significant factors affecting the surface
finish. On the other side, better surface roughness achieved with where ðhDmax  ref Þ=ðr n  ref Þ is the ratio of maximal undeformed
Tool 4 than that of Tool 3 indicates that the increase of plastic side chip thickness to cutting edge radius of reference tool.
flow induced by tool nose radius can be counteracted or even Under the conservation law, the freedom control aiming at an
surpassed by the decreasing of cutting edge radius dependent invariable surface roughness can be fulfilled easily. For the first
elastic recovery and minimal undeformed chip thickness. They are manner, tool nose radius and cutting edge radius of employed
competitors influencing the surface formation, which indicates a diamond tools are determined. In this case, an accurate configura-
conservation law exists in diamond turned surface roughness. An tion of process parameters in response to the quantitative require-
accurate configuration of process parameters or reasonable selec- ment of hDmax/rn makes the above object enabled. And in this
tion of tool geometries will enable the surface roughness to be procedure, there is no appended requirement for the cutting
conserved. experiments. For example, while Tool 2 substitutes for Tool 1, tool
Moreover, if the ratio of hDmax/rn is larger than 1, a linear nose radius decreases from 1.856 mm to 0.954 mm, and the
variation tendency appears under every diamond tool, as picto- cutting edge radius decreases from 29 nm to 25.5 nm. The decre-
rially shown in Fig. 4. In addition, it can also be found that the ment of tool nose radius means the increment of plastic side flow,
sloping rates of surface roughness corresponding to four diamond and the decrease of cutting edge radius reduces the minimum
tools have a good consistency. The consistency in sloping rate undeformed chip thickness and elastic recovery. With a view to
indicates that there is a determined relationship among the their differences, the adjustment of hDmax/rn can be made accord-
surface roughness variations achieved with different diamond ingly. For instance, if Tool 1 yields a surface roughness of Ra 2.9 nm
tools. In order to accurately represent the step-type and linear at a hDmax/rn of 6, Tool 2 can produce the same surface roughness
variations above, therefore, a conservation law of surface roughness at a hDmax/rn of about 6.9. If Tool 1 yields a surface roughness of Ra
62 W.J. Zong et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 84 (2014) 58–63

Fig. 3. Surface profile achieved with Too1 1 at a feed rate of 8 μm/r.

Table 2
Average surface roughness obtained in experiment and prediction.

Tool no. f [μm/r] hDmax/rn Ra0 [nm]

Measured Average Predicted Error (%)

1 8 15.09 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.57 3.93 10.08

5 9.57 3.20 3.50 3.30 3.33 3.24 2.70
3 5.80 3.00 2.70 2.60 2.77 2.94 6.14

2 5 15.03 3.40 3.40 3.60 3.47 3.33 4.03

4 12.10 3.10 3.20 3.20 3.17 3.01 5.36
3.5 10.63 3.20 2.80 3.10 3.03 2.88 4.95
3 9.14 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.00 2.77 7.67
2 6.13 3.00 2.90 3.00 2.97 2.59 12.79
1 3.09 2.90 2.70 2.70 2.77 2.48 10.47
0.5 1.55 2.70 2.40 2.50 2.53 2.66 5.14 Fig. 4. Variations of surface roughness Ra vs. hDmax/rn.
3 5 9.45 5.00 5.20 5.60 5.27 5.71 8.35
4 7.63 4.80 4.80 5.10 4.90 5.12 4.49 roughness invariably’. In terms of the presented results and
3 5.78 4.30 4.80 4.80 4.63 4.66 0.65
discussions above, some important conclusions can be drawn as
2 3.89 4.50 4.40 4.70 4.53 4.32 4.64
1 1.96 4.20 4.60 4.30 4.37 4.12 5.72 follows:
0.5 0.99 3.90 4.20 4.40 4.17 4.07 2.40
0.25 0.49 4.10 4.40 4.30 4.27 4.34 1.64 (1) To be different with the previous work, the newly developed
0.125 0.25 5.70 4.30 4.40 4.80 4.48 6.67 roughness model can calculate not only the components in
4 0.5 11.81 4.20 5.50 4.40 4.70 4.52 3.83 relation to the kinematics and minimum undeformed chip
0.325 7.71 4.60 4.40 4.20 4.40 4.18 5.00 thickness, but also the components of plastic side flow and
0.25 5.94 4.30 4.40 4.40 4.37 4.08 6.64
elastic recovery of materials. Above all, the ‘size effect’ has also
0.125 2.98 4.60 4.70 4.40 4.57 3.96 13.35
0.08 1.91 4.50 3.90 3.90 4.10 3.94 3.90 been considered successfully, i.e. that an inflection point
0.04 0.95 3.90 4.00 4.00 3.97 3.95 0.50 appears in the trend line of predicted surface roughness as
0.02 0.48 4.20 4.50 4.40 4.37 4.21 3.66 the ratio of maximal undeformed chip thickness to cutting
edge radius is equal to one unit. As a result, this novel model
gives a satisfying prediction error.
4.5 nm at a hDmax/rn of 29, the same surface roughness can be (2) In diamond turning, the kinematics, minimum undeformed
achieved at a hDmax/rn of 29.9 for Tool 2, 3 for Tool 3 and 8.1 for chip thickness, plastic side flow and elastic recovery of
Tool 4. Such configuration can be fulfilled in any case if only the materials have comparable effects on the finished surface
ratio of hDmax/rn is larger than one. In reverse, if the required roughness. They are competitors and counteract with each
surface roughness should be finished with designed feed rate and other, which means there is a conservation law in diamond
nominal depth of cut, a reasonable selection of tool nose radius turned surface roughness. Changing tool geometries and
and controlled cutting edge radius can also be reached referring to process parameters in response to a quantitative ratio of
the quantitative ratio of hDmax/rn. For the second manner, the maximal undeformed chip thickness to cutting edge radius
operation is similar to the procedure as described in the first can conserve surface finish. The first way is to accurately
manner, but the difficulties appeared in operation will be decided configure the feed rate and depth of cut based on the fixed tool
by tools supplier. nose radius and cutting edge radius. The second manner is to
reasonably select tool nose radius and controlled cutting edge
radius based on the assigned feed rate and depth of cut.
4. Conclusions

The factors affecting diamond turned surface topography are

analyzed carefully in this work, and a comprehensive model is Acknowledgments
formulated to predict diamond turned surface roughness. Further-
more, a conservation law of surface roughness is subsequently The Authors would like to thank the Natural Science Foundation
found, which can be employed to direct ‘how to control the surface of China for the support of this work (No. 51175127). Furthermore,
W.J. Zong et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 84 (2014) 58–63 63

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