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Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

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The assess reduction of the expected energy not-supplied to

consumers in medium voltage distribution systems after installing a
sectionalizer in optimal place

Mohamed Qawaqzeh a , , Huthaifa A. Al_Issa a , Roman Buinyi b , Viacheslav Bezruchko b ,
Ihor Dikhtyaruk b , Oleksandr Miroshnyk c , Vitalii Nitsenko d,e ,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Department of Power Electrical Engineering, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Department of Electricity Supply and Energy Management, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
SCIRE Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University, Ukraine

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: The article discusses the selection of the installation place for sectionalizers in power lines of medium
Received 21 July 2022 voltage distribution system. Considered are sectionalizers which automatically disconnect the section
Received in revised form 11 March 2023 of the power line during a pause after the second unsuccessful reclose of the main circuit breaker. Two
Accepted 24 March 2023
types of medium voltage distribution systems are considered: systems which have only one power
Available online 31 March 2023
source and one main circuit breaker; systems which can automatically load transfer to the alternate
Keywords: power source and have secondary circuit breaker switched-off in normal condition. To calculate the
Medium voltage reduction value of the expected energy not-supplied to the consumers after installing sectionalizer the
Distribution power network authors propose a simplified method based on replacing discrete loads along the trunk-line with the
Sectionalizer proposed typical functions. This allows to avoid complicated discrete optimization methods. Using this
Reduce energy not supplied
method, the table values of optimum placement of sectionalizer and the expected energy not-supplied
to the consumers are obtained. This approach is preferable for Distribution System Operators because
method requires only classifying the power line and using the table value.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction advanced switching devices as vacuum reclosers [9], which allow

to disconnect the damaged section of power network without
In 1970–80s the network disconnectors with manual tripping operating personnel intervention. These switching devices have
began to be installed in branched medium voltage (MV) distri- a high cost so their installation is not economically profitable in
bution power networks to the possibility of disconnecting the most cases. The article [10] shows the research where the cost of
damaged section by the actions of the emergency crew [1–3]. This a minute of downtime for consumers was estimated and it was
application of disconnectors and using the fault indicator [4–6] found that the cost of improving reliability by such methods is
allowed to reduce the search area of fault and the forced outage much higher than the introduced incentive tariff setting (RAB-
hours. As result it will reduce Energy not Supplied (ENS) to the tariff). As a result, such devices are not widely used in MV
consumer and the operating cost of networks [7,8]. distribution power networks. This has led to develop modern
Subsequently, development of vacuum switching devices disconnectors such as sectionalizers (eg Autolink ABB [11]), which
and microprocessor technologies made it possible to create such are much cheaper than reclosers and allow to automatically
disconnected the damaged section of power network during a
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Electrical and Electronics pause after the unsuccessful reclose of the circuit breaker. The
Engineering Department, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan. use of sectionalizers can improve power supply reliability in
∗∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, distribution networks, but their application is reasonable only
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University, Ukraine. after cost–benefit analysis. Analysis should include their number
E-mail addresses: (M. Qawaqzeh), and locations in distribution systems. (H.A. Al_Issa), (R. Buinyi), (V. Bezruchko), (I. Dikhtyaruk),
The article [12] described the principle of operation of the (O. Miroshnyk), automatic equipment in the power network with installed sec-
(V. Nitsenko). tionalizer.
2352-4677/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Qawaqzeh, H.A. Al_Issa, R. Buinyi et al. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

A large number of articles are devoted to solving this problem countries (Ukraine, Russian Federation, Belarus and others) re-
to increase the reliability of power supply to consumers con- quire a different approach. This approach to calculating reliability
nected to MV power networks. The following articles [13–20] are indicators is based on taking into account the total average active
the most interesting from our point of view. loads of transformer substations, which are disconnected after a
Using trinary particle swarm optimization algorithm to opti- fault for the duration of service. It allows to consider the influence
mal switch placement in distribution systems was proposed in of placement sectionalizers in power line on value of energy
the article [13]. The advantage of this algorithm is an opportunity that has not been sold. In our articles we propose analytical
to take into consideration two types of switches (sectionalizers approach to determining the advisability of using a sectionalizer
and breakers) but it is based on discrete optimization methods. and the place of its installation in operating MV power distribu-
The article [14] proposes internal loops implementation in tion networks with taking into account energetics instructions of
the electrical distribution systems to improve the power system distribution system operation and maintenance.
reliability and minimize ENS to consumers when a fault occurs.
The efficiency of the method was shown by example of a realistic 2. Description of the problem
34-bus system. This way requires additional costs and it can be
applied only after a successful cost–benefit analysis. Typically, there are two basic types of the existing MV dis-
The articles [15,16] are devoted to optimized placement strat- tribution systems: radial system and loop system. The radial
egy of automated and remote-controlled sectionalizing switches system has only one power source for a group of consumer. This
in distribution systems and determine number of switching de- distribution system is widely used in sparsely populated areas
vices with taking into account investment and operating cost. because it is the cheapest type to build. The loop system, as the
The paper [17] presents a cost-effective strategy of placement name implies, loops through the service area and returns to the
automatic reclosers and sectionalizers into power distribution original point or to the alternate power source. In the second case,
systems to improve reliability with using simulation. It takes into this system is named an interconnected distribution system, in
account probabilistic statistical indicators failures. As a result, fact, it can be connected to different systems. Generally, these
the solution is robust against the variability in model predicted systems supplied from first source and circuit breaker of second
System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and System source is switched-off. There are other most complicated network
Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). systems but they are less common. Therefore they will not be
The paper [18] presents an economics-based model of section- considered in the article.
alizer allocation in single radial feeder distribution systems. The
model considers both cost of ENS and capital investment in the 2.1. MV radial distribution networks with sectionalizer
sectionalizer installation and is based on a genetic algorithm.
Also, the articles [21–25] describe the rational installation and A general layout of a typical radial MV distribution system is
further rational management of the structure of the electrical shown in Fig. 1. Placing a sectionalizer will improve the reliability
network in order to minimize power losses. In particular, the of all upstream consumers by protecting them from downstream
work [26] pays more attention to assessment of the configuration faults. To decrease ENS to consumers we should select optimal
of the electricity network in terms of minimizing losses and location sectionalizer. If only one sectionalizer is installed, the
improving the quality of electricity. The article [27] solves the distribution network will be split up in two area (upstream and
problem of optimal placement of remotely controlled switching downstream).
devices in the distribution network, taking into account long- The fault can occur in the downstream and upstream area of
term forecasting of electrical loads and is not taken into account the power distribution system.
improving the quality of electricity. The articles [28,29] analyze In the first case, the upstream consumers will be disconnected
the impact of reconfiguration on electricity quality indicators, until the moment when the downstream fault is disconnected by
which allows to optimize the network only on the criteria of sectionalizer (after second automatic unsuccessful reclose) and
active power loss, voltage stability index, the degree of load third reclose is successful. As a result, the downstream consumers
balance and duration of switching, but the question of reliability will be disconnected during service time. Fig. 2a shows timing
is not raised. diagram of reclosing in this case.
The article [30] evaluates the reliability of compact multi- In the second case, unfortunately, all consumers will be dis-
circuit overhead power lines, which in case of damage to one connected while the line is being repaired. Fig. 2b shows timing
circuit require disconnection of other circuits using its own al- diagram of reclosing in this case.
gorithm, which simulates the actions of service personnel. This
approach most adequately reflects the process of calculating re- 2.2. Calculation of EENS
liability indicators taking into account the realities.
The articles [31–33] study the influence of control strategy To calculated the total value of the expected energy not-
in distribution systems on reliability consisting of several micro- supplied (EENS) to consumers the following assumptions were
grid systems, and [34–36] study the calculating the correct net- made:
work reconfiguration to improve the reliability of the distribution - the failure intensity is proportional to the length of the
system in particular with regard to protection. transmission line (any point of the transmission line has the same
The article [37] considers the issue of reliability of power probability of failure);
supply to consumers in networks, in case of emergence of sources - the mean restoration time of power supply to consumers
of the distributed generation, taking into account the cost of a after the fault occurrence is determined by the average search
break in power supply. time of fault location and the average repair time;
All of the above articles use the approach which is based on - the consequences of failures are the same for all consumers
discrete optimization methods. However, usage of such meth- and are proportional to the ENS.
ods might be complicated in practice. In addition, those articles The EENS to consumers before installation the sectionalizer in
discuss optimization of the number or the average time of in-
the power line can be calculated by the formulas [38]:
terruptions per consumer per year. Energetics instructions of
distribution system operation and maintenance in post-Soviet ∆WΣ = PΣ · LΣ · ∆1 , (1)
M. Qawaqzeh, H.A. Al_Issa, R. Buinyi et al. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

Fig. 1. A typical general layout of a radial MV distribution system with installed one sectionalizer on trunk-line.

Fig. 2. Timing diagram of restoration power supply of consumers in case the fault occur in the downstream (a) and upstream (b) area of the power transmission

where PΣ – the total average load of all consumers in the power Obviously, the total average active load of all consumers in the
line; LΣ – the total length of the power lines; ∆1 – mean restora- power line consists from the total average active load of each area
tion time of power supply to consumers with permanent faults and total length of power line is also:
per 1 km of power line length.
The EENS after installing any number of sectionalizers in the PΣ = P1Σ + P2Σ ; LΣ = L1Σ + L2Σ . (5)
power line can be calculated by the formula obtained from the The EENS in the upstream (1st) area of line can be calculated
analysis of the automation logic in the network: by the formula:
∑ ∆W1Σ = P1Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 . (6)
∆WΣ i = ∆WΣ i (i) + ∆WΣ i (n), (2)
n =1 Since the consumers located in the downstream (2nd) sec-
n̸ =i
tion will be disconnected from the network after second auto-
where ∆WΣ i (i) — EENS of ith area caused by a fault in this matic unsuccessful reclosing, we can calculate the EENS using the
section; ∆WΣ i (n) — EENS of ith area caused by a fault in other formulas:
For the power line with one sectionalizers (Fig. 1) the total ∆W2Σ = P2Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 + P2Σ · L2Σ · ∆′′1 , (7)
average active load for each area of power line can be calculated where ∆′′1 – mean restoration time of power supply to consumers
by the formula: of 2nd area per 1 km of power line length.
∑ 7
∑ Taking in to account Eqs. (5)–(7) and (2) the total value of the
P1Σ = Pi ; P2 Σ = Pi , (3) EENS to all consumers can be calculated by the formula:
i=1 i=5
∆WΣ1DS = ∆W1Σ + ∆W2Σ
and total length of power line for each area:
= P1Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 + P2Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 + P2Σ · L2Σ · ∆′′1
4 7
∑ ∑ = (P1Σ + P2Σ ) · L1Σ · ∆1 + P2Σ · L2Σ · ∆′′1
L1Σ = li ; L2Σ = li . (4)
i=1 i=5
= PΣ · L1Σ · ∆1 + (PΣ − P1Σ ) · (LΣ − L1Σ ) · ∆′′1 . (8)
M. Qawaqzeh, H.A. Al_Issa, R. Buinyi et al. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

Fig. 3. A general layout of a typical interconnected MV distribution system with one sectionalizer installed on trunk-line.

Fig. 4. Timing diagram of restoration power supply of consumers in case the fault occur in the downstream (a) and upstream (b) area of the power line.

2.3. Networks with alternate power source (1st) area of line can be calculated by the formula (6) and the
EENS to consumers in the downstream (2nd) area is calculated
The sectionalizer implementation in MV interconnected dis- as:
tribution system which can transfer the load automatically to
∆W2Σ = P2Σ · L2Σ · ∆1 . (9)
the alternate power source is more efficient in reducing EENS.
Typically, these systems supplied from first source and circuit Using the formula (2) and taking in to account formulas (6)
breaker position of second source is switched-off. In some cases, and (9) the EENS to all consumers in distribution system can be
a recloser can be used instead of a secondary circuit breaker. A calculated by the formula:
general layout of a typical interconnected MV distribution system
∆WΣ1DS = ∆W1Σ + ∆W2Σ = P1Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 + P2Σ · L2Σ · ∆1
is shown in Fig. 3.
Similarly to radial distribution system in case of downstream = P1Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 + (PΣ − P1Σ ) · (LΣ − L1Σ ) · ∆1 . (10)
fault the upstream consumers will be disconnected until the The value of EENS is depended on placement sectionalizers
moment when the fault is disconnected by sectionalizer (after in power line. To find optimal place, it is necessary to obtain
second automatic unsuccessful reclose) and third reclose of main extremums of functions (8) and (10) which allow to calculate
circuit breaker is successful. The downstream consumers will be EENS for radial and interconnected MV distribution system. For
disconnection during service. Fig. 4a shows timing diagram of existing networks the places of installations sectionalizers are
reclosing in this case. discrete. Therefore finding an extremums of above objective func-
In contrast to radial distribution system in case of upstream tion is difficult task and requires to use of discrete optimization
fault the downstream consumers will be disconnected until the methods.
moment when the fault is disconnected by sectionalizer (after
first automatic unsuccessful reclose) and reclosing circuit breaker 3. Suggestions for generalizing
connect the power line to the alternate source. As a result the
upstream consumers will be disconnection during service. Fig. 4b To simplified this task, the authors propose to select a trunk-
shows timing diagram of reclosing in this case. line of the network. It can be conditional. All branches which
For interconnected MV distribution system with general lay- away from a trunk-line is replaced to equal load. Discrete loads
out plotted on Fig. 3 which operated during the fault according along the trunk-line should be leanized by a function like Load =
to timing diagram Fig. 4 the EENS to consumers in the upstream f (x) where x – distance along a trunk-line which change from 0
M. Qawaqzeh, H.A. Al_Issa, R. Buinyi et al. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

⎨x + (1 − k1 · ln(k2 · x + 1)) · (1 − x) · ∆ /∆1 ;


Table 1 ⎪
The value of the coefficients k1 , k2 for Load = k1 · ln(k2 · x + 1).
= x + (1 − x)2 · ∆′′ /∆1 ; (14)
Characteristics of dependence Value of the coefficients
x + (1 − xk ) · (1 − x) · ∆′′ /∆1 ,

k1 , p.u. k2 , p.u.
80% of load is located at 20% length 0.12 4000
80% of load is located at 30% length 0.18 300 ■ for interconnected MV distribution system:
80% of load is located at 40% length 0.23 75
80% of load is located at 50% length 0.30 26
∆WΣ1DS ∗ = Load(x) · x + (1 − Load(x)) · (1 − x)

⎨k1 · ln(k2 · x + 1) · (2 · x − 1) − x + 1;

Table 2 = x · (2 · x − 1) − x + 1; (15)
The value of the coefficient k for Load = xk . ⎩xk · (2 · x − 1) − x + 1,

Characteristics of dependence Value of the k, p.u.
20% of load is located at 40% length 1.80 To find optimal place to install sectionalizer it should be found
20% of load is located at 50% length 2.35 an actual minimum value of that function ∆WΣ1DS ∗ . Therefore task
20% of load is located at 60% length 3.20 is minx∈[0,1] ∆WΣ1DS ∗ (x) which can be simple solve for the different
20% of load is located at 70% length 4.50
types of distribution loads with typical coefficients k1 , k2 and k.
d(∆WΣ1DS ∗ )
= 0. (16)
to 1 p.u. Authors suggest dividing power lines into three types: dx
(a) networks with a higher load at the beginning, (b) networks Coefficients k1 , k2 and k are given in Tables 1–2 for the differ-
with evenly distributed load; (c) networks with a higher load at ent types.
the end. For this case authors propose typical functions:
⎧ 4. Results and discussion
⎨k1 · ln(k2 · x + 1);
Load = x; (11) 4.1. Results
⎩ xk ,
For the mean restoration time of power supply to consumers
where k, k1 , k2 – coefficients that depend on load distribution.
∆′′1 = 1.27 h/year per km and ∆1 = 0, 93 h/year per km the
Coefficients k1 , k2 and k was obtained with graphical method
minimums point of functions (14) and (15) are given in Table 3.
in [39] for different characteristics of the consumers distribution. This initial data was got from [38].
The results of such calculations are given in Tables 1 and 2. The optimal place to install a secializer can be obtained x =
To simplify analysis, formulas (8) and (10) should be written L
L∗1Σ = L1Σ by the formula:
in per-unit to maximum possible value of EENS which took place Σ

if sectionalizer was not installed. L1 Σ = x · LΣ . (17)

For radial MV distribution system (Fig. 1):
As a rule, the sectionalizer is installed at the beginning of
∆WΣ1DS trunk-line section, then Eq. (17) takes the form:
= ∆WΣ1DS ∗
L1 Σ ≤ x · LΣ . (18)
PΣ · L1Σ · ∆1 + (PΣ − P1Σ ) · (LΣ − L1Σ ) · ∆′′1
= The authors propose the algorithm for using the obtained data
P Σ · LΣ · ∆ 1
[ ( ) ( )
] for existing networks is as follows:
= + 1− · 1− · - in power networks select a trunk-line, which can be abstract;
[ Σ ] 1 - for the selected trunk-line obtained load at the nodes at
which connected branches;
= L∗1Σ + 1 − P1∗Σ · 1 − L∗1Σ · 1 ,
( ) ( )
∆1 - choose the type of power network from a, b or c;
- choose the coefficients for different distribution of loads from
where P1∗Σ , L∗1Σ – total active load of consumers and total length Tables 1 and 2;
of upstream area in per-unit. - from Table 3 obtain the result of the relative placement of
For interconnected MV distribution system (Fig. 3): the sectionalizer for the minimum EENS;
∆WΣ1DS - calculate the distance from the beginning of the line to the
= ∆WΣ1DS ∗ installation place in real units;
- make a decision considering the Eq. (18).
P1Σ · L1Σ · ∆1 + (PΣ − P1Σ ) · (LΣ − L1Σ ) · ∆1
= The value of EENS reduction after the sectionalizer installation
P ·L ·∆
[ ( Σ Σ ) 1( )] is determined to assess the efficiency of its usage. Calculation was
P1Σ L1Σ P1Σ L1 Σ done in per-units taking into account EENS before sectionalizer
= · + 1− · 1−
PΣ LΣ PΣ LΣ installation was ∆WΣ∗ = 1 and after ∆WΣ1DS ∗ . So EENS reduction
can be calculated by formula:
= P1∗Σ · L∗1Σ + (1 − P1∗Σ ) · (1 − L∗1Σ )
[ ]
δw 1DS ∗ = 1 − ∆WΣ1DS ∗ . (19)
Obtained functions (12) and (13) is objective functions and
have only two variables ∆WΣ1DS ∗ = f (P1∗Σ , L∗1Σ ) and moreover The EENS reduction can be calculated for the different types
these variables changes in a range from 0 to 1. of consumer distribution at optimal points by formula (19) with
Using propose function for obtained functions (12) and (13). data from Table 3.
Where P1∗Σ = Load(x), L∗1Σ = x: The obtained value of EENS reduction can be used in practice
to initial assess feasibility of applying the sectionalizer. Table 3
■ for radial MV distribution system: shown that the greatest effect from sectionalization of MV dis-
∆′′1 tribution networks will be observed when the higher load is
∆WΣ1DS ∗ = x + (1 − Load(x)) · (1 − x) · concentrated at the beginning. But for radial MV distribution
M. Qawaqzeh, H.A. Al_Issa, R. Buinyi et al. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

Table 3
Value of variable x for minimum points of functions ∆WΣ1DS ∗ and value of EENS for this points.
Functional dependence Characteristics of dependence The value x, p.u. Value of EENS ∆WΣ1DS ∗ , p.u.
of loads distribution
Radial Inter-connected Radial Inter-connected
network network network network
80% of load at 20% length 0.19 0.15 0.42 0.31
Networks with a higher
80% of load at 30% length 0.26 0.21 0.59 0.36
load at the beginning
80% of load at 40% length 0.32 0.26 0.56 0.41
Load(x) = k1 · ln(k2 · x + 1)
80% of load at 50% length 0.38 0.31 0.62 0.44
Networks with evenly – 0.64 0.50 0.82 0.50
distributed load
Load(x) = x
20% of load at 40% length 0.76 0.59 0.89 0.48
Networks with a lower
20% of load at 50% length 0.81 0.63 0.91 0.46
load at the beginning
20% of load at 60% length 0.85 0.67 0.93 0.42
Load(x) = k1 · ln(k2 · x + 1)
20% of load at 70% length 0.89 0.71 0.95 0.38

networks with a higher load is concentrated at the end apply the 5. Conclusions
sectionalizer is impractical (value of EENS reduction only from
0.05 to 0.11 per unit). In this case to improve reliability of power The objective of this paper was to propose an algorithm to
supply to consumers the network should be reconstructed into assess EENS reduction in a MV distribution system after installing
interconnected type. a sectionizer. This algorithm is adapted for usage in the existing
The obtained value of EENS reduction can be used in practice power networks because it does not require complicated calcula-
to initial assess feasibility of applying the sectionalizer. Initial tions. Proposed algorithm allows to find an optimal place for the
assess can be actual, for example, for the next practice task. The sectionalizer installation for radial and interconnected types of
existing budget has funds for two sectionalizers and we have to distribution system. To calculate the value of EENS to consumers
find two feeders from a hundred, installation in which well be we propose an approach which is different from adopted in
have maximum effect. The proposed method allows us to find the the European Union and the USA where the main indicator is
solution very fast with minimal calculation. the number or the average time of interruptions per consumer
per year. Our optimization criterion is the value of EENS to
However the final decision for the installation of the sectional-
consumers because this index is the most important in the post-
izer and reconstruction network into interconnected type should
Soviet countries (in particular Ukraine). This indicator is based on
be done only after a cost–benefit analysis [40,41] which should
national energetics instructions of distribution system operation
take into account:
and maintenance and takes into account the total average active
– economic effect of EENS reduction; loads of transformer substations, which are disconnected after the
fault for the service time.
– total investments volume;
The results obtained in this paper can be summarized as
– monetary losses of consumers and operators of distribution
1. A simplified analytical method was proposed for calculating
the value of EENS to consumers which is takes into account the
4.2. Discussion total average active loads of transformer substations disconnected
after the fault for the service time.
The proposed approach imitates real processes In our opinion, 2. Using the proposed method, the optimal one sectionalizer
this method of determining the rational installation location of placement was calculated for radial and interconnected types of
the sectionalizer in the distribution network is closest to real distribution system. As a result, an algorithm of calculation of
networks and allows you to get a rational installation location in EENS to consumers was formulated. Authors recommend to use
the absence of information, based on electrical load curves. this algorithm in the existing networks to assess EENS reduction
Another difference between our approach and the approaches in a MV distribution system after installing a sectionalizer.
described in most other works, in particular [1,2,14,15,42–45], is 3. Proposed approach can be adapted for two and more sec-
that an alternative approach was used to calculate the undersup- tionalizers.
ply (reliability). This approach is aimed at solving the interests
of power supply companies in their distribution networks. At Declaration of competing interest
the same time, calculation methods are often used to take into
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
account the number of metering points for electric energy, and
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
not the connected power. As a rule, for similar networks, after
to influence the work reported in this paper.
the configuration, the number of metering points can vary greatly
along the distribution network, which requires an individual ap-
Data availability
proach to each network. Our proposed method allows us to
generalize the configuration of the network and is more accept- Data will be made available on request.
able for practical use, especially when developing standards for
designing installation sites for sectionalizers. Funding
The method proposed by us has been tested and introduced
into the directives of Ukraine as a mandatory application for This research received no external funding. All authors have
designing. read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
M. Qawaqzeh, H.A. Al_Issa, R. Buinyi et al. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34 (2023) 101035

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