An Enhanced Intelligent Facts Device For Reduction

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An Enhanced Intelligent Facts Device for Reduction of Losses on Power Lines

Article in Journal of Engineering Research and Reports · June 2022

DOI: 10.9734/jerr/2022/v22i917561


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3 authors, including:

J.P. I. Iloh
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University


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Journal of Engineering Research and Reports

22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

ISSN: 2582-2926

An Enhanced Intelligent Facts Device for Reduction

of Losses on Power Lines
K. I. Anyanor a, M. U. Efoke a* and J. P. I. Iloh a
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chukwuemeka Odumekwu Ojukwu University,

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/JERR/2022/v22i917561

Open Peer Review History:

This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers, peer
review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received 08 March 2022

Original Research Article Accepted 16 May 2022
Published 04 June 2022


In this research, an enhanced intelligent FACTS device for reduction of losses on power lines
using intelligent Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) devices for Nigerian 330kv
network has been presented. The findings showed total real power losses of 127.9131MW before
network compensation, with transmission lines accounting for 125.7MW and producing stations
accounting for 2.2131MW. After compensation using Static Synchronous Series Compensator
(SSSC), the total Real power losses were reduces to 104.53MW, while the total Reactive losses
(MVar) reduced to 26.87MVar. The research concludes that the injection of reactive power by
Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) devices compensates for the drop in voltage,
leading to improvement in voltage and reduces power losses for the network.

Keywords: SSSC; losses; 330kv network; FACTS; voltage.

1. INTRODUCTION and distribution lines as efficiently as possible.

The current state of electricity sector losses in
Electricity demand in developing countries has Nigeria is concerning. Losses occur regardless
risen dramatically as a result of rising population of how properly the system is constructed.
and industrialization, making it critical to run These losses are inefficient energy dissipated in
power plants that transfer energy to transmission the system and cannot be accounted for

*Corresponding author: Email:;

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

because of a difference between energy in order to provide control of transmission

produced and energy sold to end consumers [1]. system parameters of interest, which are
Non-technical losses are generally associated essential to the successful operation of the grid
with electricity theft arising from commercial, [4,5].
administrative, and non-payment losses.
Technical losses are naturally occurring losses FACTS devices improve the transfer capabilities
associated with heat dissipation in electricity of transmission networks and reduce the
system components such as transmission and possibility of line trips. Additional energy sales
distribution lines, transformers, and due to enhanced transmission capability,
measurement systems. All of these losses result decreased wheeling charges due to increased
in high running costs as well as significant transmission capability, and a delay in the
revenue losses for utilities, resulting in a high investment of high voltage transmission lines or
power cost. Researchers have identified system even new power producing facilities are all
loss as a distinct topic of interest since it benefits attributed to FACTS devices. These
represents a significant expense for utilities, devices improve the transfer capabilities of
customers, and the host country [2]. transmission networks and lower the possibility
of line trips [6].
Furthermore, research indicates several loss
estimating methods, however present 2. BENEFITS OF UTILIZING FACTS DEVICES
approaches mostly depend on theoretical
calculations and probabilistic data based on The advantages of using FACTS devices in
simple model data, which are insufficient to electrical transmission systems can be
provide a correct loss evaluation assessment. As summarized as follows: increased transmission
a result, there is still a significant gap between line loading capacity, blackout prevention,
practical information and theoretical information, increased generation productivity, reduced
which is often inaccurate and incomplete, and circulating reactive power, improved system
the reduction of system losses is based on the stability limit, voltage flicker reduction, damping
accuracy of technical losses. of power system oscillations, system stability,
security, availability, reliability, and system
Fundamentally, the goal of this study is to economic operation [7]. At overvoltage, it
determine the technical losses associated with reduces the reactive power flow and increases
the current 52 bus test system. the generation of active power flow, while
compensating its shortage [8]
The fundamental issue is calculating the real
power loss when transmitting power across a 2.1 Static Synchronous Series
transmission line. The 52 transmission network Compensator (SSSC)
will be simulated under various aspects of
unbalanced faults in order to examine the The SSSC is a VSC-based solid-state device
resulting bus voltages and line currents, which that creates a controlled AC voltage and is linked
can then be used to evaluate actual power in series to power transmission lines in a power
losses, predict the electrical behavior of the system. By injecting adjustable voltage (VS) in
system, and propose solutions for reducing series with the transmission line, SSSC
losses to improve transmission line efficiency. effectively compensates for transmission line
This study will focus on the usage of SSSC, one impedance. In order to alter the power flow in
of the FACTS devices, in regulating voltage to transmission lines, VS are in quadrature with the
achieve the most efficient voltage for electric line current and simulate an inductive or
power transmission, using Nigeria's 330kv capacitive reactance [9].
network as a case study. Flexible Alternating
Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices A VSC attached to the secondary side of a
will be used to compensate. The name Flexible coupling transformer controls the variation of VS.
Alternating Current Transmission System A DC voltage source is provided by a capacitor
(FACTS) devices refers to a wide range of high- linked to the VSC's DC side. A modest amount
voltage, large-power electronic converters that of active power is pulled from the line to keep the
can improve the controllability, stability, and capacitor charged and to compensate for
power transfer capability of power systems [3]. A transformer and VSC losses. IGBT-based
FACTS device can be used either individually or inverters are used by VSC. The PWM technique
in coordination with another FACTS device type is used to create a sinusoidal waveform from a

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

DC voltage with a typical chopping frequency of ∆ iand ∆ƒi at any bus i.

a few kilohertz. Connecting filters on the AC side
of the VSC cancel harmonics. A set DC voltage This value of voltage correction is used to
is used in this form of VSC. The modulation determine the new estimate of bus voltages as
index of the PWM modulator is changed to follows:
change the converter voltage VC [10].
………………………. (2)
The magnitude of the series voltage source VS
is a configurable quantity. The damper controls
this voltage source [11]. The line's steady power where r is an iteration count.
flow is controlled by this controller. In principle,
SSSC can generate and insert a series voltage, Now this new estimate of the bus voltage, i.e.
which can be regulated to change the reactance and is for power to re-compute the error
of the transmission line in order to control the in power and thus entire algorithm starting from
power flow of the transmission line or the voltage step 3 as listed above is repeated.
of the bus, to which SSSC is connected [12].
Here in each iteration, the elements of Jacobian
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS are computed as these depend upon the latest
voltage estimate and calculated power. The
3.1 Algorithm of N-R Method process is continued till the error in power
becomes very small.
The stages for using the N-R approach to solve
a power flow problem are as follows: I.E., ∆ P <SAND ∆ Q <S (3)

Except for the slack bus, where V and 8 are where sis very small number.
defined, we assume the bus voltage magnitude
and phase angle for other load buses where P 3.2 52 Bus Test System
and Q are stated. We usually use a flat voltage
start, which means we set the expected bus In the 52 bus test system, load flow analysis is
voltage magnitude and phase angle (i.e., the real performed. Table 1 Appendix1 shows the output
and imaginary components e and / of the bus voltage magnitude and voltage angle values
voltages) to the slack bus quantities. from the Newton Raphson method for a 52 bus
system. All values are in per unit and angle is
We calculate the real and reactive components given in radian. Fig. 1 depicts a single-line
of power, i.e., Pi and Qi, for all buses I = 2, 3, diagram of Nigeria's enhanced 52-bus 330kV
4,..., n except the slack bus, by substituting transmission network.
these assumed bus voltages (i.e., e and f) (bus
no. 1). 3.3 Load Flow Input Data
Since Ptand Qi for any bus i is given,
i.e.,specified, the error in power will be The load flow data displaying load and
generation at the buses is one of the input data
……………. (1) for the power flow analysis. The flowchart for
Newton-Power Raphson's Flow Solution is
shown in Fig. 2.
where r is an iteration count.
Here and are the power calculated with
the latest value of bus voltages at any iteration r. 4.1 Results
Then the elements of Jacobian matrix (J1,J2, J3 4.1.1 Result of load flow with and without
and J4) are determined with the latest bus facts
voltages and calculated power equations.
The first procedure was to run computation of
After this the linear set of equation (1) is solved
the case study program in software. Then, the
by iterative technique or by the method of
simulation was done with and without
elimination (normally by Gaussian elimination
incorporation of FACT devices.
method) to determine the voltage correction, i.e.,

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

Fig. 1. One-line diagram of the improved 52-bus 330kv nigerian transmission network

Fig. 2. Flowchart for power flow solution by newton-raphson

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

Table 2 in Appendix 2 shows the Line flow and The active power loss for the voltage with SSCS
Losses before compensating with FACTS is shown in Fig. 4.
4.2 Discussion
From the active power loss for the voltage
without SSSC as depicted in Fig. 3, there is a The acquired results based on the test case
clear indication that the power loss is higher as (Nigeria 330 kv integrated power system)
can be seen in the figure as against the active revealed that the voltage profile and power
power loss when an intelligent FACTS device transfer in the network had significantly
was incorporated as can been seen in fig 4. improved.

The overall Real power losses were reduced to According to the findings, transmission lines
104.53MW with SSSC compensation, while the account for around 125.7MW of the total real
total Reactive losses (MVar) were reduced to power losses of 127.9131MW before
26.87MVar. compensation from the network, while
generating stations account for 2.2131MW.
It can also be clearly deduced that the losses Furthermore, transmission lines account for
(MW) on buses 8 and 15 in the 52 bus 30.75MVar of the total reactive power losses
transmission line without compensation is higher created in the network, while generating stations
than the power losses on the same 8 and 15 account for 31.5424MVar.
buses on the 52 bus power network as seen in
Figs. 3 and 4 respectively. The overall Real power losses were reduced to
104.53MW with SSSC compensation, while the
Table 3 in Appendix 3 shows the Line flow and total Reactive losses (MVar) were reduced to
Losses after compensating with FACTS devices. 26.87MVar.

Fig. 3. The active power loss for the voltage without SSSC

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

Fig. 4. The active power loss for the voltage with SSSC

5. CONCLUSION our area of research and country. There is

absolutely no conflict of interest between the
Voltage instability in the nigerian grid is a severe authors and producers of the products because
operating issue for the power provider. The we do not intend to use these products as an
transmission voltage loss in nigeria's 330kv avenue for any litigation but for the advancement
integrated network is relatively minimal. Though of knowledge. Also, the research was not funded
there was a noticeable improvement over the by the producing company rather it was funded
previous situation, some buses and generators by personal efforts of the authors.
with large reactive power values must be
balanced using either traditional compensator COMPETING INTERESTS
such reactors, capacitor banks, and tap altering
transformers or facts devices. Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
This study presents an improved intelligent facts
device for reducing power line losses employing REFERENCES
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Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904


Appendix 1

Table 1. Bus voltages and angles of the integrated 52 network using N-R algorithm

Bus Number Bus Name PU Voltages Angles (degrees)

1 Shiroro 1.040 -36.32
2 Afam 1.036 -24.45
3 Ikot-Ekpene 1.040 -18.23
4 Port-Harcourt 1.023 -13.34
5 Aiyede 1.036 -15.23
6 Ikeja west 1.002 -23.41
7 Papalanto 1.041 -16.23
8 Aja 1.022 -23.42
9 Egbin PS 1.038 -33.45
10 Ajaokuta 0.989 -9.15
11 Benin 1.030 -11.32
12 Geregu 1.042 -10.24
13 Lokoja 1.025 -14.32
14 Akangba 1.019 21.23
15 Sapele 1.027 -21.12
16 Aladja 1.001 -14.23
17 Delta PS 1.047 -11.34
18 Alaoji 1.037 -9.39
19 Aliade 1.039 -23.43
20 New Haven 1.055 -13.58
21 New Haven South 0.965 -19.31
22 Makurdi 0.912 -16.62
23 B-kebbi 0.988 9.46
24 Kainji 1.014 -11.45
25 Oshogbo 1.046 -18.34
26 Onitsha 1.022 -29.23
27 Benin North 1.043 -23.16
28 Omotosho 1.052 -18.23
29 Eyaen 1.024 -9.34
30 Calabar 1.036 -7.34
31 Alagbon 0.995 -10.56
32 Damaturu 0.924 -12.32
33 Gombe 0.941 -22.15
34 Maiduguri 0.943 -6.34
35 Egbema 1.033 -12.10
36 Omoku 1.045 -26.21
37 Owerri 1.023 -6.21
38 Erunkan 0.982 -14.23
39 Ganmo 0.984 -23.03
40 Jos 0.937 -10.41
41 Yola 0.921 -16.21
42 Gwagwalada 0.998 -23.21
43 Sakete 0.986 -9.45
44 Ikot-Abasi 1.024 -11.45
45 Jalingo 0.922 -6.11
46 Kaduna 0.992 -10.23
47 Jebba GS 1.023 -11.22
48 Kano 0.994 -11.25

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

Bus Number Bus Name PU Voltages Angles (degrees)

49 Katampe 1.001 -9.28
50 Okpai 1.034 -23.15
51 Jebba 1.045 -17.37
52 AES 1.023 -32.11

Appendix 2

Table 2. Line flow and losses before compensation

From To From Inje- To Inje- Loss Loss

bus Bus Bus ction Bus ction P Q
P Q P Q (MW) (MW)
49 1 102.0 75 -100 -84.1 1.31 4.44
14 6 97.77 -4.64 -94.9 4.46 2.79 7.97
2 18 60.21 -8.18 -59.7 5.89 0.42 1.38
2 3 13.80 -4.43 -13.6 2.24 0.13 0.28
2 4 14.16 -5.09 -14.0 2.08 0.09 0.33
16 15 -17.8 -1.71 17.8 -0.62 0.06 0.34
5 25 -42.5 -6.56 43.1 5.22 0.64 3.29
5 6 178 19.8 -174 -9.12 3.15 16.1
5 7 17.17 -9.23 -17.0 5.58 0.13 0.60
8 9 12.90 2.07 -12.8 -3.99 0.04 0.16
8 31 2.55 -15.8 -2.45 8.64 0.10 0.47
10 11 2.32 -1.9 -2.31 -1.93 0.03 0.01
10 12 -10.3 22.3 10.4 -23.1 0.87 0.29
10 13 -48.8 4.89 49.5 -4.91 0.68 2.20
16 17 148.9 33.7 -145 -23.9 3.90 19.9
18 26 79.25 -0.87 -76.6 7.08 2.63 11.9
18 3 93.34 3.94 -91.4 1.77 1.92 8.73
18 37 33.77 -18.1 -33.5 13.6 0.23 0.75
19 21 13.96 2.44 -13.9 -1.35 0 1.09
19 22 17.87 1.19 -17.8 0.18 0 1.37
23 24 0.67 -6.24 -0.66 5.07 0.01 0.02
11 6 -77.9 -12.1 78.8 15.0 0.89 4.56
11 15 -17.6 -20.0 17.7 17.6 0.18 0.85
11 17 -9.93 -4.39 9.95 2.68 0.02 0.09
11 25 -0.49 60.3 1.18 -64.0 0.69 2.27
11 26 -33.4 8.82 33.6 -10.0 0.21 0.96
11 27 -48.4 9.17 49.4 -9.77 0.95 4.32
11 9 -68.8 -9.60 69.7 10.9 0.87 2.80
11 28 4.63 1.39 -4.53 -1.23 0.10 0.16
27 29 1.23 0.63 -1.22 -0.62 0.06 0.01
30 3 1.08 0.39 -1.08 -0.38 0 0.01
32 33 -1.08 -0.39 1.08 0.40 0.01 0
32 34 9.65 3.11 -9.64 -3.10 0.01 0.02
35 37 3.34 1.00 -3.32 -1.81 0.02 0.03
35 36 7.07 1.71 -7.07 -1.09 0 0.63
9 6 6.79 1.65 -6.79 -1.05 0 0.60
10 38 -10.5 -1.55 10.5 1.61 -0 0.06
38 6 -10.5 -1.61 10.7 1.93 0.20 0.31
39 25 -20.0 -2.43 20.3 2.83 0.26 0.40
39 51 -24.9 -5.13 25.1 5.51 0.27 0.38
33 40 60.09 13.3 -60.0 -10.6 0.00 2.36
44 41 7.56 4.63 -7.45 -4.46 0.11 0.16
42 49 3.85 2.66 -3.77 -2.55 0.07 0.12
42 13 -2.03 -0.35 2.05 0.39 0.02 0.04

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

From To From Inje- To Inje- Loss Loss

bus Bus Bus ction Bus ction P Q
P Q P Q (MW) (MW)
42 1 3.81 1.91 -3.80 -1.90 0.08 0.01
6 5 7.46 3.79 -7.46 -3.10 0 0.70
6 28 -7.46 -3.79 7.50 3.55 0.03 0.32
6 7 -13.5 -6.55 13.6 6.53 0.10 0.59
6 43 -17.1 -10.6 17.1 10.7 0.12 0.35
44 3 -21.0 -13.7 21.4 14.1 0.42 1.36
3 21 3.86 2.93 -3.85 -2.9 0.06 1.93
45 41 3.46 4.01 -3.46 -4.07 0.09 1.79
51 25 -10.7 -3.51 10.7 3.54 0.02 0.10
51 47 9.19 3.53 -9.19 -2.83 0 0.06
51 24 8.88 3.27 -8.69 -2.95 0.18 0.13
51 1 -11.5 -2.95 11.5 3.55 0 0.35
40 46 -24.4 5.23 24.5 -5.08 0.17 1.36
40 22 37.33 -0.73 -37.3 2.09 0 1.93
46 1 47.89 27.4 -47.8 -25.4 0 1.79
46 48 47.89 25.4 -47.2 -24.0 0.60 0.10
20 26 17.59 12.4 -17.5 -12.3 0.79 0.06
20 21 0.08 -7.38 -0.04 6.93 0.40 0.13
50 26 9.96 4.43 -9.58 -4.30 0.84 0.35
26 37 -11.4 -6.20 11.6 6.56 0.22 0.66
49 1 29.6 12.5 -29.6 -11.8 0 3.50
14 6 32.4 33.8 -32.4 -30.3 0 0.60
2 18 17.9 2.55 -17.4 -1.95 0.46 0.16
2 3 12.55 -0.25 -12.1 0.41 0.12 0.16
2 4 13.59 4.85 -13.5 -4.55 0 0.31
16 15 -36.5 3.28 37.3 -2.09 0.81 1.62
5 25 3.46 4.07 -3.46 -3.74 0 0.33
5 6 3.85 2.92 -3.85 -2.61 0 0.31
5 7 -2.85 0.61 2.86 -0.58 0.02 0.02
8 9 -4.66 -10.5 4.80 10.4 0.14 0.22
8 31 -17.2 -19.3 17.4 19.7 0.20 0.32
10 11 18.93 10.3 -18.9 -9.86 0 0.52
Total 30.75 125.7

Appendix 3

Table 3. The line flow and losses of 52 bus system using SSCS

From To From Inje- To Inje- Loss Loss

bus Bus Bus ction Bus ction P Q
P Q P Q (MW) (MW)
1 2 102.0 75 -100 -84.1 1.11 2.42
2 3 97.77 -4.64 -94.9 4.46 1.66 3.77
3 4 60.21 -8.18 -59.7 5.89 0.42 0.38
4 5 13.80 -4.43 -13.6 2.24 0.13 0.24
4 6 14.16 -5.09 -14.0 2.08 0.09 0.33
6 7 -17.8 -1.71 17.8 -0.62 0.06 0.34
6 8 -42.5 -6.56 43.1 5.22 0.64 3.29
8 9 178 19.8 -174 -9.12 2.18 12.1
9 10 17.17 -9.23 -17.0 5.58 0.13 0.60
9 11 12.90 2.07 -12.8 -3.99 0.04 0.16
9 12 2.55 -15.8 -2.45 8.64 0.10 0.47
9 13 2.32 -1.9 -2.31 -1.93 0.03 0.01
13 14 -10.3 22.3 10.4 -23.1 0.87 0.29

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

From To From Inje- To Inje- Loss Loss

bus Bus Bus ction Bus ction P Q
P Q P Q (MW) (MW)
13 15 -48.8 4.89 49.5 -4.91 0.68 2.20
1 15 148.9 33.7 -145 -23.9 3.20 15.9
1 16 79.25 -0.87 -76.6 7.08 2.63 11.9
1 17 93.34 3.94 -91.4 1.77 1.92 8.73
3 15 33.77 -18.1 -33.5 13.6 0.23 0.75
4 18 13.96 2.44 -13.9 -1.35 0 1.09
4 18 17.87 1.19 -17.8 0.18 0 1.37
5 6 0.67 -6.24 -0.66 5.07 0.01 0.02
7 8 -77.9 -12.1 78.8 15.0 0.89 4.56
10 12 -17.6 -20.0 17.7 17.6 0.18 0.85
11 13 -9.93 -4.39 9.95 2.68 0.02 0.09
12 13 -0.49 60.3 1.18 -64.0 0.69 2.27
12 16 -33.4 8.82 33.6 -10.0 0.21 0.96
12 17 -48.4 9.17 49.4 -9.77 0.95 1.32
14 15 -68.8 -9.60 69.7 10.9 0.87 2.80
18 19 4.63 1.39 -4.53 -1.23 0.10 0.16
19 20 1.23 0.63 -1.22 -0.62 0.06 0.01
21 20 1.08 0.39 -1.08 -0.38 0 0.01
21 22 -1.08 -0.39 1.08 0.40 0.01 0
22 23 9.65 3.11 -9.64 -3.10 0.01 0.02
23 24 3.34 1.00 -3.32 -1.81 0.02 0.03
24 25 7.07 1.71 -7.07 -1.09 0 0.63
24 25 6.79 1.65 -6.79 -1.05 0 0.60
24 26 -10.5 -1.55 10.5 1.61 -0 0.06
26 27 -10.5 -1.61 10.7 1.93 0.20 0.31
27 28 -20.0 -2.43 20.3 2.83 0.26 0.40
28 29 -24.9 -5.13 25.1 5.51 0.27 0.38
7 29 60.09 13.3 -60.0 -10.6 0.00 2.36
25 30 7.56 4.63 -7.45 -4.46 0.11 0.16
30 31 3.85 2.66 -3.77 -2.55 0.07 0.12
31 32 -2.03 -0.35 2.05 0.39 0.02 0.04
32 33 3.81 1.91 -3.80 -1.90 0.08 0.01
34 32 7.46 3.79 -7.46 -3.10 0 0.70
34 35 -7.46 -3.79 7.50 3.55 0.03 0.32
35 36 -13.5 -6.55 13.6 6.53 0.10 0.59
36 37 -17.1 -10.6 17.1 10.7 0.12 0.35
37 38 -21.0 -13.7 21.4 14.1 0.42 1.16
37 39 3.86 2.93 -3.85 -2.9 0.06 1.63
36 40 3.46 4.01 -3.46 -4.07 0.09 1.79
22 38 -10.7 -3.51 10.7 3.54 0.02 0.10
11 41 9.19 3.53 -9.19 -2.83 0 0.06
41 42 8.88 3.27 -8.69 -2.95 0.18 0.13
41 43 -11.5 -2.95 11.5 3.55 0 0.35
38 44 -24.4 5.23 24.5 -5.08 0.17 1.36
15 45 37.33 -0.73 -37.3 2.09 0 1.93
14 46 47.89 27.4 -47.8 -25.4 0 1.79
46 47 47.89 25.4 -47.2 -24.0 0.40 0.10
47 48 17.59 12.4 -17.5 -12.3 0.79 0.06
48 49 0.08 -7.38 -0.04 6.93 0.40 0.13
49 50 9.96 4.43 -9.58 -4.30 0.84 0.35
50 51 -11.4 -6.20 11.6 6.56 0.22 0.66
10 51 29.6 12.5 -29.6 -11.8 0 2.10
13 42 32.4 33.8 -32.4 -30.3 0 0.60
29 52 17.9 2.55 -17.4 -1.95 0.46 0.16

Anyanor et al.; JERR, 22(9): 22-33, 2022; Article no.JERR.86904

From To From Inje- To Inje- Loss Loss

bus Bus Bus ction Bus ction P Q
P Q P Q (MW) (MW)
52 52 12.55 -0.25 -12.1 0.41 0.12 0.16
51 51 -7.57 -4.47 7.72 4.66 0.15 0.19
51 50 -11.8 -6.06 12.1 6.46 0.30 0.40
11 43 13.59 4.85 -13.5 -4.55 0 0.31
44 45 -36.5 3.28 37.3 -2.09 0.31 0.62
40 50 3.46 4.07 -3.46 -3.74 0 0.33
39 43 3.85 2.92 -3.85 -2.61 0 0.31
38 49 -4.66 -10.5 4.80 10.4 0.14 0.22
38 48 -17.2 -19.3 17.4 19.7 0.20 0.32
9 50 18.93 10.3 -18.9 -9.86 0 0.52
Total 26.87 104.53

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