Design of Alternative Power Source For A Small Scale Farm
Design of Alternative Power Source For A Small Scale Farm
Design of Alternative Power Source For A Small Scale Farm
I hereby attest that this research work was carried out in the Department of Civil Engineering,
faculty of engineering and technology, Ladoke Akintola university of Technology Ogbomoso
------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Head of Department
This dissertation is dedicated to God Almighty for his grace and wisdom throughout this
research work.
Title page
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction
1.5 Objectives
As new technological innovations continue to offer new forms of clean and green power, the
ability to live with less using alternative power sources has become a reality. The main goal
of modern energy development all over the world is to make it accessible. Traditional sources
of energy, for many objective and subjective reasons, often can’t achieve this goal. In this
regard, the importance of alternative energy is increasing. Alternative energy is a set of
promising methods to generate energy from renewable sources, which are not as widespread
as traditional but are of interest because of the advantage of using them at low risk of
harming the environment.
h. Biofuel
The recent years were outstanding for the alternative energy sector. A large number of
alternative energy sources have been installed worldwide. Nevertheless, old and new
challenges continue to await an answer. Many challenges have arisen outside the energy
sector. The relevance of our research is that in recent years the energy sector has undergone
several changes, each of which concerned alternative energy to some extent. First, oil prices
have taken a nosedive. Secondly, the energy demand has increased, including demands from
the developing and young world economies. Thirdly, the political situation has negatively
impacted trade with Russia, including the energy sector. Fourthly, several long-term contracts
have been signed around the world for the purchase of alternative energy at record-low
tariffs. Fifthly, the governments of many countries have shown interest in alternative energy
sources and supported innovation in this area. And sixthly, in 2015 in Paris, a global climate
summit took place, which consolidated the world community.
The study is aimed at designing an alternative power source for a small scale farm
1. To estimate trends in the development of renewable and alternative energy in the world
3. To estimate possibilities and give experience in applying the alternative energy sources in
the farm building.
4. To design a solar energy system to meet the energy requirement for the farm building.
The priority direction of alternative energy is the search for and use of alternative (non-
traditional) energy sources. The need for mankind in energy is inexhaustible and constantly
increases. At the same time, fossil natural energy sources are finite and the reserves are
reduced every year. Therefore, renewable or “green” energy is of great interest (Foley et al.,
2011). The basic principle of renewable energy is the extraction of energy from sources that,
on a human scale, are inexhaustible (Pittman et al., 2011; Hill et al., 2006). At the same time,
many renewable energy technologies have long been used by man and can be considered
traditional. For example, the use of kinetic energy of water: The production of hydroelectric
power in 2016 reached a value of 1096 GW (Russian Atomic Association, 2017). Also,
energy production by burning biofuel is a traditional and oldest method of obtaining energy
(Skorobogatov, 2017). But in addition to traditional renewable energy, there is also
alternative energy, based on non-traditional production methods. The reason for searching for
alternative energy sources is the need to get it from the energy of renewable or almost
inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. Environmental friendliness and economy can
also be considered (Reay, 2011; Sims, 2004). Solar and wind power engineering have got the
largest development. Almost none of the researchers doubts the need to develop these
alternative energies (Hill et al., 2006; Northrop and Connor, 2016). The analysis of literary
sources has shown that the use of different types of alternative energy largely depends on the
following factors:
Renewable resources
Renewable energy
Renewable energy technologies consume primary energy resources that are not subject to
depletion. Examples of renewable technologies include solar energy, wind energy,
geothermal energy, and biomass. Given this definition and the fact that water supplies are
replenished in the annual hydrologic cycle, hydropower is considered part of the mix of
renewable technologies (Frey and Linke, 2002). Solar energy is the energy derived directly
from the Sun. Along with nuclear energy, it is the most abundant source of energy on Earth.
The fastest-growing type of alternative energy, increasing at 50 percent a year, is the
photovoltaic cell, which converts sunlight directly into electricity. The Sun delivers yearly
more than 10 000 times the energy that humans currently use. Sustainable energy is energy
that, in its production or consumption, has minimal negative impacts on human health and the
healthy functioning of vital ecological systems, including the global environment. It is an
accepted fact that renewable energy is a sustainable form of energy, which has attracted
more attention during recent years. A great amount of renewable energy potential and
environmental interest, as well as economic consideration of fossil fuel consumption and high
emphasis on sustainable development for the future, will be needed. Nearly a fifth of all
global power is generated by renewable energy sources, according to a book published
by the IEA (2003). The power generation from renewables, their status, and prospects claim
that they are the second-largest power source after coal (39%) and ahead of nuclear(17%),
natural gas (17%), and oil (8%) (Omer, 2008). From1973 to –2000 renewables grew at 9.3%
a year, and it is predicted that this will increase 10.4% a year to 2010 (Omer,2008). Wind
power grew fastest at 52% and will multiply by seven times to 2010, overtaking biopower
(Omer, 2008). The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved by the production
of environmentally-friendly power generation technologies (e.g. wind, solar, fuel cells, etc.).
The challenge is to match leadership in greenhouse gas reduction and production
of power from renewable energy resources by developing a major research and
manufacturing capacity of environmentally-friendly technologies (Omer, 2008). More than
50% of the world’s area is classified as arid, representing the rural and desert parts, which
lack electricity and water networks. The inhabitants of such areas obtain water from borehole
wells utilizing water pumps, which are driven by diesel engines. Diesel motors are associated
with maintenance problems, high running costs, and environmental pollution. Alternative
methods are pumping by PV or wind systems. Renewable sources of energy are regional and
site-specific. It has to be integrated into the regional development
plans (Omer, 2008). Wind power is derived from uneven heating of the Earth’s surface from
the Sun and the warm core. Most modern wind power is generated in the form of electricity
by converting the rotation of turbine blades into electrical current utilizing an electrical
generator. In windmills (a much older technology) wind energy is used to turn mechanical
machinery to do physical work, such as crushing grain or pumping water. Hydropower is
energy derived from the movement of water in rivers and oceans (or other energy
differentials), and can likewise be used to generate electricity using turbines, or can be used
mechanically to do useful work. It is a very common resource. Geothermal power directly
harnesses the natural flow of heat from the ground. The available energy from the natural
decay of radioactive elements in the Earth’s crust, and mantle is approximately
equal to that of incoming solar energy, especially during the day. Alcohol derived from corn,
sugar cane, switchgrass, etc. is also a renewable source of energy. Similarly, oils from plants
and seeds can be used as a substitute for non-renewable diesel. Methane is also considered a
renewable source of energy.
The various sources of energy, e.g. solar, wind, hydraulic, biomass, organic wastes, biofuels,
and combined heat and power provide a simple, sustainable, effective solution for the Solar
energy can be utilized in its varied forms, e.g. solar PV, direct solar thermal, and renewable
fuels and wind can offer the solution to the world’s energy problems and ultimately make the
environment sustainable for future generations by reducing environmental pollution from
fossil fuel energy usage. Table I shows the sources of renewable energy in agricultural farms.
Solar radiation arriving on earth is the most fundamental renewable energy source in nature.
It powers the biosystem, the ocean, and atmospheric current system and affects the global
climate (Omer, 2008). Reliable radiation information is needed to provide input data in
modeling solar energy devices and a good database is required in the work of energy
planners, engineers, and agricultural scientists (Omer, 2008). Energy in agriculture is
important in terms of crop production and agro-processing for adding value. Human, animal,
and mechanical energy are extensively used for crop production in agriculture. Energy
requirements in agriculture are divided into two groups, being direct and indirect. Direct
energy is required to perform various tasks related to crop production processes
such as land preparation, irrigation, intercultural, threshing, harvesting, and transportation of
agricultural inputs and Energy use in agriculture farm produce. It is seen that direct energy is
directly used on farms and fields. Indirect energy, on the other hand, consists The various
sources of energy, e.g. solar, wind, hydraulic, of the energy used in the manufacture, packing,
and transport of biomass, organic wastes, biofuels, and combined heat and fertilizers,
pesticides, seeds and farm machinery (Tab. II). As power provides a simple, sustainable,
effective solution for the name implies, indirect energy is not directly used on the farm.
Calculating energy inputs in agricultural production is more difficult in comparison with the
industry sector due to the high number of factors affecting agricultural production. However,
a considerable number of studies have been conducted in different countries on energy use in
agriculture (Omer, 2008; Yaldiz et al., 1993; Baruah, 1995; Thakur and Mistra, 1993).
•fuel has to be transported to the generator’s location, which may be quite a distance over
some challenging roads and landscape;
•fuel costs add up, and spills can contaminate the land;
•generators require a significant amount of maintenance and, like all mechanical systems,
they break down and need replacement parts that are not always available.
Renewable energies represent a cornerstone to steer our energy system in the direction of
sustainability and supply security. Generating electricity, heat, or biofuels from renewable
energy sources has become a high priority in the energy policy strategies at a national level as
well as on a global scale. Challenging goals for these “new” supply options to meet our
energy demands have been set, e.g. at the European level by the commitment of meeting 20%
of the overall energy demand from renewable energy sources by 2020. Solar energy is one of
the renewable energy resources widely used in the agriculture sector for various applications
(Gustav et al., 2008). For many agriculture needs, the alternative is solar energy. Modern,
well-designed, simple-to-maintain solar systems can provide the energy that is needed at the
given location and for the given period. These are systems that have been tested and proven
around the world to be cost-effective and reliable, and they are already raising levels of
agricultural productivity worldwide (Gustav et al., 2008).
In general, there are two types of solar systems – those that convert solar energy into direct
current power and those that convert solar energy into heat. Both types have many
applications in agricultural settings, making life easier and helping to increase the operation’s
productivity (Gustav et al., 2008). The advantages of solar energy applications are as follows:
•modular nature;
•long life;
•low maintenance;
Solar cells convert sunlight into direct current electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The
solar cells in a photovoltaic module are made from semiconductor materials. When light
energy strikes the cell, electrons are knocked loose from the material’s atoms. Electrical
conductors attached to the positive and negative sides of the material allow the electrons to be
captured in the form of a direct current. This electricity can then be used to power a load,
such as a water pump, or it can be stored in a battery. It is a simple fact that photovoltaic
modules produce electricity only when the sun is shining, so some form of energy storage is
necessary to operate systems at night. One can store the energy as water by pumping it into a
tank while the sun is shining and distributing it by gravity when it is needed after dark. For
electrical applications at night, one will need a battery to store the energy generated during
the day. Photovoltaic is a well-established, proven technology with a substantial international
industry network. The photovoltaic systems are increasingly more cost-effective compared
with either extending the electrical grid or using diesel generators in remote locations. The
cost per peak watt of today’s photovoltaic power is about $1 to $5 per peak wattage of the
photovoltaic system (WP).
Solar Batteries
Solar batteries are available in various forms and designs depending on the use and also on
the manufacturer. A solar battery must be able to withstand constant and frequent
charging whilst it delivers the required power/voltage output. A solar battery is not expected
to fail in a short space of time (when it is properly used).
The primary functions of a storage battery in a PV system are:
1. Energy Storage Capacity and Autonomy: to store electrical energy when it is
produced by the PV array and to supply energy to electrical loads as needed by the
system or on-demand.
2. Voltage and Current Stabilization: to supply power to electrical loads at a stable
voltages and currents, by suppressing or 'smoothing out' transients that may occur
in PV systems.
3. Supply Surge Currents: to supply surge or high peak operating currents to
electrical loads or appliances.
Types of Solar Batteries
Solar systems require the use of deep cycle batteries. These differ from standard car batteries
in that deep cycle, batteries have been developed for frequent discharge and slow recharge.
Car batteries are therefore not suitable for use in solar systems.
Deep cycle batteries are either wet/flooded or sealed. There are three types of batteries
within these categories suitable for use in solar systems:
Flooded Type
• This is a lead acid-type battery.
• While these are good batteries, this type needs to be stored outside of your home or in an
area with lots of air as they emit
gas and can be dangerous in your home if not handled carefully.
• This type of battery is economical and will last for years if
maintained properly.
• The most popular brands of this type of battery are Trojan,
Surrette and Deka.
• Make sure to ventilate this type of battery if in an enclosure.
Gel Type
• This type of battery does not have vents and will not emit gas so it is safe to use indoors.
• Being able to use it where the temperature is at a constant is a plus because it helps the
battery to perform better and last longer.
• Although this is a good battery for solar applications, it takes a low charge to recharge
which may cost you more.
Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) Type
• This type of battery has a woven glass mat in between cells to help sustain charging longer.
• This type is considered by most solar users to be the best as it holds charges for longer and
the battery lasts longer.
• They are leak-proof, spill-proof, and do not emit gas, making them the safest and most easy
to maintain.
• Even though this type is more expensive it is worth it.
• These types of batteries are used in airplanes, hospitals, and remote communication centers.
• The most sought after brand of this type are the Sun
Xtender and the Concorde.
This is a device that converts DC electricity into AC electricity, allowing the PV system to be
used for appliances that require AC current. Inverters come in various forms and designs,
there are however 3 basic types of inverters which are:
1. Square wave
2. Modified (quasi) square wave
3. Sine wave
Each of these inverters has a specific purpose where it can be used.
Working Principle of Solar Panels
In the previous discussion, it has been established that there is an abundance of solar energy
available to be harvested. A brief discussion of what PV cells is also being covered. We must
understand how these cells generate electricity so that we can design systems that can be in
tandem with these basic concepts. The following discussion will explain how the cells
generate electricity.
Principle: Sun is a powerhouse of energy and this energy moves around in the form of
electromagnetic radiations. These radiations are of several types such as light, radio waves,
etc. depending upon the wavelength of the radiations emitted. A very less percentage of the
sun’s radiations reach the earth’s atmosphere in the form of visible light. Solar cells use this
visible light to make electrons. Different wavelength of light is used by different solar cells.
Solar cells are made up of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, which is used to produce
electricity. The electricity is conducted as a stream of tiny particles called electrons and the
stream is called electric current. Two main types of electric currents are; DC (direct current)
in which the flow of current is in the same direction while in AC (Alternating current) it may
reverse the direction of the current. A typical solar cell has two layers of silicon, which is n-
type at the top and p-type at the bottom. When sunlight strikes the solar cell, the electrons are
absorbed by silicon, they flow between n and p-layers to produce electric current and the
current leaves the cell through the metal contact. The electricity generated is of AC type.
Types of PV Systems
With the growing demand for PV systems, the utilities provided an option for the consumers
to connect their systems to the grid. This step introduced a new term called “Net Metering.”
Net metering allows the consumers to send back the electricity they generate from their PV
systems to the grid. This is possible because of the grid-tied connection enabled by the utility.
Similarly, we also have systems that are independent and do not require themselves to be
connected to the grid such systems are called off-grid systems or standalone systems. Both
the systems have been explained in detail below:
Standalone or Off-Grid Systems
The off-grid system term states the system not relating to the gird facility. Primarily, the
system which is not connected to the main electrical grid is term an off-grid PV system
(Weis, 2013). Off-grid systems also called standalone systems or mini-grids which can
generate the power and run the appliances by themselves. Off-grid systems are suitable for
the electrification of small communities. An off-grid electrification system is viable for the
remote areas in the countries where they do have little or no access to electricity because of
the distinct living and spread population in the vast area. The off-grid system refers to the
support that would be adequate for a living without depending on the grid or other systems.
Electrical energy in the off-grid system produced through the Solar photovoltaic panels needs
to be stored or saved because the requirement from the load can be different from the solar
panel output, battery bank is also used for the purpose generally.
This project is considering the viability of having an off-grid PV system that can be used to
power a small-scale farm. This concept can also be utilized on a larger scale to support all
types of homes which are in remote areas and where the cost of connecting cables and other
infrastructure of electricity to the house is expensive.
The important difference between wiring panels in series or parallel is that it affects the
voltage and amperage of the resultant circuit. In a series circuit, you sum the voltage of each
panel to get the overall voltage of the array. However, the amperage of the overall circuit
stays the same. With panels connected in parallel, the voltage of the overall circuit stays the
same as the voltage for each panel but the amperage of the overall circuit is the sum of the
amperage of each solar panel.
When you connect your solar panels/batteries in a series, you are wiring each panel to the
next. This creates a string circuit. The wire running from the panel's negative terminal is
connected to the next panel's positive terminal and so forth down the line for one path of
current for a continuous, closed-loop.
In a series circuit, you sum the voltage of each panel to get the overall voltage of the array.
However, the amperage of the overall circuit stays the same.
Instead of connecting each panel/battery to the next, with a parallel connection, each panel is
connected to a centralized wire. There is one wire for connecting the wires from all the
positive terminals and one wire for the wires from the negative terminals. With panels/
batteries connected in parallel, the voltage of the overall circuit stays the same as the voltage
for each panel but the amperage of the overall circuit is the sum of the amperage of each solar
The solar cell, module,
Stand-Alone Solar PV System
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Photovoltaic Performance
This is the six P’s principle of PV system design.
Sizing a stand-alone system is not particularly complex. This Unit outlines the design process
that must be completed before the purchase and installation of any PV system components.
The process includes the following steps:
This method is not biassed toward any product but will result in generic product
specifications for the system. Each step is described in the following sections based on the
following design situation.
The PV System is designed to operate the loads as given in the table below.
Nine hours of operation per day have been assumed for the color TV, Multichoice decoder,
fluorescent lamps, phones, laptops, refrigerator, pumping machine, and fans.
Table 4: Load Assessment
Note that for Nigeria the average available sunshine hours used are 7.18 hours.
Step 5: Determine the size of the solar charge controller: Solar charge controller rating is
given by the total short circuit current of the PV array (solar panel). The short circuit current
is indicated at the back of the solar panel. Where two or more panels are used, the short
circuit current rating of each will be added together to determine the size of the solar charge
The wiring is what carries the electricity from the panels through the charge controller to the
batteries and from the batteries through the charge controller out to the loads. Two main
considerations are the wire size and the terminations to avoid too much resistance to the flow
of electricity.
A properly designed wiring system should have a voltage drop of not more than 5%,
and, therefore, on a 12V system, voltage loss should not be more than 0.6V.
The wire-sizing chart below should be used to select the correct wire cross-section for a
given current and length of wire. The voltage loss values given in the table are for 100m
length of wire at a given current. The table can be used for lengths of wire that are less than
100m by first dividing the selected length by 100 and multiplying by the corresponding
voltage drop given in the table to get the correct voltage drop. The wire cross-section that
gives a voltage drop of less than 0.6V will be the most appropriate.
Wire Sizing
Whenever current passes through a wire, voltage is lost as a result of the resistance in the
copper wire(s). In low voltage systems like the 12 Volt system, voltage loss is of significant
importance. For example, losing 2 volts on a 240V system only represents less than 1% of the
voltage lost to resistance, but losing 2 volts on a 12V system represents almost 17% which is
quite significant. The amount of voltage that is lost for given wire size and current flow is
based on how much wire there is, or the length of the wire.
A wire sizing chart is used to determine the wire size for a solar system.
It must be noted that voltage losses in the table are theoretical, calculated using Ohm’s
Law. As such the state of wires must be considered.
The management of energy consumption in agriculture is a worldwide concern because of the
adverse effects of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, which are generally used as an energy
source for various applications in agriculture such as water heating, irrigation, etc. Renewable
energy technologies are promoted in many parts of the world for various agriculture
applications for mitigating CO2 emissions associated with fossil fuels. The renewable energy
system plays an important role in the agriculture sector in reducing fossil fuel consumption
for various applications.
There is strong scientific evidence that the average temperature of the Earth’s surface is
rising. This is a result of the increased concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere as released by burning fossil fuels. This global warming will
eventually lead to substantial changes in the world’s climate, which will, in turn, have a
major impact on human life and the environment. Therefore, an effort has to be made to
reduce fossil energy use in agriculture and to promote green energies, particularly in the
sector. The cost comparison of various technologies for agriculture showed that renewable
energy technologies are suitable for any location in the world with the additional benefit of
earning carbon credits as compared with conventional fossil fuel-based technologies for
agriculture applications.
There are various clean development mechanism (CDM) projects all over the world,
especially in India, for the promotion of renewable energy technologies in the agriculture
These projects require governmental support for them to be implemented in the agriculture
sector due to high capital cost investments. Hence, for social benefits, renewable technology
in agriculture should be promoted to mitigate climate change, reduce fossil fuel consumption
for agriculture, and protect the environment. Thus, renewable energy technologies for
sustainable agriculture play an important role all over the world and their promotion should
be manifold in the coming years to approach sustainable development in the world.
Fossil fuel energy use reductions in the agriculture sector can be easily achieved by the
promotion of renewable energy technologies for various applications. This study was a step
to demonstrate the use of renewable technology in agriculture for a sustainable environment.
The adoption of green or sustainable approaches to how society is run is seen as an important
strategy in finding a solution to the energy problem.
The key factors to reducing and controlling CO2, which is the major contributor to global
warming, are the use of alternative approaches such as renewable systems for energy
generation and the exploration of how these alternatives are used today and may be used in
the future as green energy sources. These benefits would be dispersed in remote rural areas
where they are greatly needed and can serve as linkages for further rural economic
development. The nations as a whole would benefit from savings in foreign exchange,
improved energy security, and socio-economic improvements. The international community
would benefit from pollution reduction, climate mitigation, and the increased trading
opportunities that arise from new income sources.
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