AutoCad Quiz

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Pagadian City Science High School

Tuburan, Pagadian City


Name of Student:_______________________________________ Date:_____________
Section:__________________________ Score:___________
Type of Activity:
Written Work
Performance Task
LESSON 1: AutoCAD History and Development
LESSON 2: Basic AutoCAD Commands and Shortcuts

AutoCAD stands for Computer-Aided Design. It allows

a user to conceptualize ideas, product designs and
Things to Remember: drawings to the required level of technical accuracy,
perform rapid design calculations and simulations in
the field of manufacturing industries.
The first version was released on December 23, 1982.
It is divided into 2 parts.
• AutoCAD 360 is used for 2D,
• 3D and Isometric view

Learning Activity:
Direction: Select the letter of your answer.
1. When drawing in 2D, what axis do you NOT work with?
a. X b. Y c.Z
2. Which of the following is NOT a way to enter coordinates in AutoCAD?
a. Approximate b. Relative c. Polar
3. Which one of these will NOT start the Print command
a. PRINT b.  PLOT c. ALT+P
4. What should you pay close attention to when learning AutoCAD?
a. The Command Line b.  The Toolbar c. The Toolbar
5. Polar coordinates are used mostly for drawing...?
a. Angled Lines b.  Curved Lines c. Vertical LInes
6. Which keystrokes will UNDO a command

a. CRTL+Z b.  CRTL +U c. ALT+U

7. When using the TRIM command, which do you select first?

a. Everything b.  The object to be trimmed c. The cutting edges

8. How many points do you need to define for the rectangle command?
a. 2 b. 4 c.1
9. When selecting objects, pressing 'L' will:
a. Select the last object created
b. Select the last object you modified
c. Select lines only
10. Pressing Shift while you are selecting will:
a. Allow you to draw a window
b. Automatically delete the object(s)
c. Remove the next selected object from the set
11. Pressing F when selecting objects will...
a. Finish the selection set
b. Allow you to find specific text
c. Allow you to draw a fence
12. How do you select the last set of object(s) you selected?
a. Type H to highlight them b. Type P c.Type L
13. What is the best way of drawing a rectangle?
a. Using the Rectangle command
b. Using the Line command
c. Using the Polyline command
14. The origin of a drawing is at:
a. A random point in space
b. The first point you select
c. 0,0
15. Objects are rotated around the ____
a. Base point b. Bottom right of the object c. Centre of the object
16. The fillet command creates ___

a. Angled Corners b. Round Corner c. Both Round and Sharp Corners

17. A polar array creates new objects ____

a. In a grid pattern b. In a straight line c. In a circular pattern

18. Scaling objects makes them ___

a. Smaller b. Bigger c. Either Bigger and Smaller
19. Panning allows you to ____
a. Move around the drawing at the same scale
b. See all of the drawing at once
c. Close in on a small area
20. Why should you use the Zoom tools?

a) All b. To be more accurate c. To be faster

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