Living Our Faith Ebook
Living Our Faith Ebook
Living Our Faith Ebook
89 Years
Living our Faith
89 Years
The PWU’s Journey of Faith
from Deregulated
to Autonomous Status
Promoting Christian education within the context of a non- This program of action for evangelization goes beyond schools
sectarian institution means promoting the Catholic doctrines and entails the use of the mass multimedia and the technology
among Catholics, together with developing strong interfaith of social communication which was approved by His Eminence
ecumenism among those of other faiths. Today this is made more Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales with the reappointment of Msgr.
evident with the recently held election of the college Student Ding Coronel as the PWU Spiritual Adviser, now Rector of San
Council, electing a Moslem President, Marizthel Leriz S. Manicio, Carlos Seminary, to carry out the PWU president’s thrust in
supported by the Christian community, showcasing that indeed the promotion of the human development for the marginalized
both Christian and Moslem are able to get their differences sectors; the University’s living Faith Community sees itself as
harmonized through the power of educational practices. an “extension” or transforming agent of the Church and its
varied constituencies as instruments of evangelization.
The PWU Community is a “believing, celebrating, loving and
praying” community. Today, the elements of faith community The PWU President asks the Church leadership for direction,
are growing and deepening spirituality from personal success guidance in this noble cause and advocacy for evangelization,
Among the relevant RCAM ministries that are intended to provide As the University strives for academic excellence and competes in
ecclesiastical assistance are the following: (ACM) Archdiocesan the global market in a borderless world, the CALL FOR HOLINESS
Catechetical Ministry, and the Episcopal Commission on AND SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION was the Presidents’
In addition, Members of the University Council went This is the context within which the PWU’s primordial leadership
into a Corporate Strategic Planning exercise with the role in women’s education gains significance. The PWU responds
Clusters utilizing the Appreciative Inquiry Approach—the to globalization by giving birth to transformative leadership
4 Ds, (discovery, dreams, design and destiny). Program within the perspective of gender fair education. There is a
implementation followed a new framework by academic constant reminder that women’s perspectives, experiences, and
clustering the professional courses and a new approach in contributions are essential in bringing about transformative
cultivating Quality Assurance. This seven (7) Dimensions leadership. It is also women’s passionate and compassionate
of Quality as 1) fitness for/of purpose; 2) compliance; 3) spirituality that makes possible the journey from success to
customer satisfaction; 4) value for money; 5) transformation; significance because from it stems the value of servant leadership
6) enhancement; and 7) excellence.) that transforms themselves and others.
The PWU thus builds on these strategies and quality measures Globalization of the economy creates a virtual nation, and this
to remain relevant and competitive, gaining new insights as it will only accelerate in the years to come, causing both brain
moves to become autonomous institution. The 4Ds processes gain and brain drain. A major strategy towards this end is
and the 7Ds of Quality Dimensions were new strategies utilized through linkages with higher education institutions both local
to bring about new product services for innovation, collaboration and international, with the aim to collaborate and institute
and transformation towards PWU becoming a global institution. partnerships for student and faculty exchange towards concrete
sharing of best practices among institutions, such as the Far
The thrust to attain virtual nationhood. The impact of East University and Sookmyung University in Korea, Shandong
advances in electronics, cybernetics and telecommunication, University in China, the University of Labor and Social Affairs
has transformed many countries to shift from industrial to in Vietnam and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, among
knowledge economy; meanwhile, the Philippines leaped from many others. International networks such as the Women’s
an agrarian to a service economy. Education Worldwide, the International Association of
Universities, and the International Association of University
Presidents are also some of the PWU’s international affiliations
His Program of Action provided the relgious and spiritual The PWU humbly seeks God’s guidance and directions in
foundation for harnessing the human potentials among the ensuring our commitment, support, and partnerhip in
students and faculty to become the best. This permeated in educational collaboration that can bring about, under the
developing the PWU brand of education with the formation Monsignor’s dynamic leadership, a program of action for
of the heart. renewed integral evangelization.
The deepening spirituality and prayerful life of the To our dear Monsi, we continue to wish you more blessed and
university succeeded to merit CHED designation as one fruitful years in your priesthood.
of the fourteen autonomous institution in the philippine
higher education. Godspeed and our sincerest congratulations! More power in
your priestly life—to glorify and actualize God’s plan.
We thank God for the gift of love that planted the many
mustard seeds of faith, trust and hope among the University’s
diverse constituencies and the stakeholders own personal
growth in their spirituality to become the “custodians” of the
university’s global institution. Dr. Amelou Benitez Reyes
University President
Monsi’s untiring efforts in reaching out to each and everyone
had made the big difference in bringing about trust, harmony,
stability and peace in PWU activities and campus life.
award this
For giving tangible expression to the University President’s call to holiness to the PWU Faith Community
as “a believing, celebrating, loving and praying community”: he devoted shepherding and counseling time
for personnel at all ranks and levels, who have in turn warmly responded in terms of better appreciation
of the sacraments, increased attendance and participation at daily Mass,
where he imparted his straightforward, witty and inspiring homilies,
weekly devotions to the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and other saints, and other liturgical practices.
Reaching out to the marginalized communities of Gawad Kalinga of San Andres Bukid, Manila,
as part of the University’s community extension programs, he has provided spiritual guidance
and evangelization; facilitated the organization of “Action Catolico” among non-governmental organizations
to teach religion in public schools; and encouraged more students to perform corporal acts of mercy—
going to squatter areas, visit the sick, the dying, and those in prison, thereby motivating
and inspiring students’ awareness of the path to holiness.
For his enduring commitment to assist the University community and the call of the PWU President
to integrate academic degree and non-degree offerings with the building of the PWU’s Faith Community,
His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales has acknowledged Monsignor Coronel’s contributions
and allowed him to continue working at the PWU as University Spiritual Adviser for Evangelization
and Director-General of the PWU Faith Community Foundation.
With Monsignor Coronel’s appointment as Rector of San Carlos Seminary, may the mustard seeds
he has planted in the hearts and minds of the PWU Faith Community flourish, develop and extend
beyond the confines of the university. May both educational institutions,
together with other agents of evangelization, build alliances, linkages and partnerships to carry out
renewed integral evangelization in the dioceses and episcopal entities throughout the Philippines,
following the leadership of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila.
Awarded in the City of Manila this 14th day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand and eight.
Realizing the University of the Challenges, the PWU We beseech your blessings upon our plans.
faith community through its chaplaincy accepts to serve
the pastoral priorities focused on: evangelization, social
communications, and development. Concretely, these are: In Jesus and Mary,
religious instruction, media and programs for the poor.
The PWU faith community is essentially a community of the Dr. Amelou Benitez Reyes
young, the future of the church, the future of the nation. University President
Secondarily, to collaborate with other pertinent agents of Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed this
evangelization, who are tasked to propagate the revitalization of the church instrument and acknowledged that the same is their true and voluntary act and
and strengthen commitment to service for the glory of God. deed and that of the respective offices they represent.
VALIDITY CLAUSE/ TERMINATION This refers to a Memorandum of Understanding consisting of four (4) pages,
including this page wherein the acknowledgement is written, signed by the
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be valid for a period of five (5) years parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page thereof.
from the date of execution, unless earlier terminated by either party upon giving
sixty (60) days’ written notice. WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, on the date and place
above written.
Any change or modification in the provisions of this agreement shall be made Atty. Jose T. Cortes (signed)
in writing, duly signed and confirmed by the parties as to the effectivity of the NOTARY PUBLIC
modification(s) and/or change(s). Doc. No. 304
Page No. 61
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this agreement on Book No. 36
the 1st day of June, 2008 at the San Carlos Seminary, Makati City. Series of 2008
References: The Meaning and Role of the “Heart” in Spiritual Formation by Fr. Venancio Calpotura, SJ
Passing on the Faith: A Radical New Model for Youth and Family Ministry by Merton P. Stromm and Richard A. Hardel
A Believing, Celebr
brating, Loving and Praying Community
Msgr. Ding Coronel
Testimonies in Thanks
for Aaron, Paz, John, Bea, and Andre
Chancellor Dr. Dolores Baja Lasan Mons, you inspired me in so many ways Monsi, I thank God that through your
Msgr. Coronel played a great role in – by your fidelity to prayer and love for person and apostolate our family was
making alive the PWU faith community God by constantly visiting the Blessed inspired to renew our faith in the Father
in daily life. He imbued everybody with me is that Sacrament. By your example in and the meaning of sharing His blessings
a sense of spirituality in the workplace, spending so much time in the Adoration to others….
that believing, celebrating, loving and Chapel, Devotion to Mary Mother of
praying community. His “pastoral visit” Priests & religious helps me to persevere JP Pantano, Student / Sacristan
to the different sectors of the University my vocation as a brother not merely a
are very fondly remembered. servant but a joyful servant of God. Monsi is very sporty, (a good basketball
player of course). He has been my
FATHER during his stay here at PWU.
Bro. Gilbert A. Francisco Alice (Rex and John Justine Vergara) Truly, he filled the vacuum, which I had
Junior Campus Ministry Administrative Assistant – Campus been longing from my Biological Father.
Ministry He likes to hang out with anybody and
Monsi, you came into our life always provide food. We miss him a lot.
unexpectedly like a gentle wind and as a I believe that there is a gift that money
mist in the dawn. Wind because you’ve and gold cannot buy. Like blessings
stayed only for a short while in the that are rare and true. “Friendship” for ER Escarcha
University and seems no one were able example is just a word, but you make Student / Sacristan
to notice your loving care for all of us meaning of it. And that’s the gift of
especially in the Religion Department & person I have in you! Honestly, when I first met MONSI, I
Campus Ministry. Likewise, your love for thought he is Lord to be with, but I’m
all the janitors, guards and Non-Teaching Thank you for being so kind and wrong… Msgr. is really a great person
Personnel. You are a mist also because FATHERLY to me. Happy 20th sacerdotal and makes me feel comfortable. I treated
you refresh us by your joyful presence. anniversary Monsignor. him as my second father, a family
Indeed I always notice the joy in your member whom I learned a lot of good
heart expressed in your face, a joyful and things… Thank you very much! We love
genuine servant of God. you… Happy 20th anniversary…
True, life is one bumpy ride. But it is a ride taken confidently because I do hope to learn more and share with others to grow and be a tool in
of faith in the One who navigates the way. Faith has taught me not this faith community. As you said…we need constantly reflecting and
to be anxious for all m needs because God says He will provide (Phil renewing…to attain education with a heart… Thanks.
4:19). It means that when crisis comes I can approach God and He
o be rooted in spirituality, to be a faith A Community of Principles, of Celebration,
community, the Philippine Women’s University of Ethics and of Prayer
starts with its identity, relives its history and
The envisioned community has to be grounded on a
shares its charisms to the nation and to the world.
solid foundation. Building a community, like building
This nonsectarian center of learning highlights the
a structure, necessitates a secure base. If community
preeminence of the Spiritual. The faith community has
building should be open to greater possibilities, this
for its ideal the early Christian community. They are
future plan can be likened to a building with provisions
people living out the Gospel. The transformative leaders
for more floors to be constructed on top of existing
formed in this educational institution are pastoral,
floors. The future with hope for a community rests on a
purpose-driven and principle-centered servant leaders
stable past, a proud history. This assumed foundation on
with charisma and catalysts for change and renewal. With
rock requires principles, celebration, ethics and prayer.
the university patroness, Our Lady of the Miraculous
Medal, this Eucharistic community opens itself in A community rooted in spirituality is based on
solidarity with the plight of others, especially the needy. principles. Truths are the core of a spiritual community.
Timeless truths shape the life of the community.
A program of action focuses on a committed faith
Members of this community of the spirit believe that
community that advocates just causes, shares its faith
there is something beyond the material word that passes.
experiences in fellowship, reaches out in service and
Spirituality seeks what is more than what is fleeting, what
prays perseveringly.
fades, what decays. Principles remain regardless of fads and
The community of the spirit is guided by its vision and
mission. The organization needs a compass to steer its
course. This community is on a pilgrimage headed for
the sacred site a shrine. Leadership, then, needs to be a
missionary as well as missionary leadership able to work
with a network. A leaders’ net worth in one’s network.
“The community of believers was of one heart and
mind” (Acts 4:32). They have a shared vision. They have a
global mission, to evangelize the entire world, to spread
the Gospel of love, to claim the world for Christ.
There were hardships, crosses, trials and persecutions
along the way. But there was also destiny. God’s plan of
salvation would be fulfilled.
hank you for inviting me this day of our said to myself ‘I must fight for my holy Hour amidst A:
strategic planning to talk about something close Arzobispado), B: Basilica of the Immaculate Conception,
to my heart: “Spirituality in the Workplace.” Thank C: CBCP and D: DWRV-Radio Veritas. Prayer gives sense
you, too, for welcoming me to the family, our community to my ministry. Indeed, prayer is the very soul of my
of the Philippine Women’s University. It is only my tenth Ministry. Speaking before you for the first time, I felt
day of work and service for the university. The topic what I felt in writing my first of seven books. In my first
assigned, Spirituality in the Workplace, is immense. It book, Boatmen of Christ, I thought to have to prove
is vast. The keywords ‘spirituality’ and ‘workplace’ are myself as an intellectual, someone worth reading. In my
loaded with varied definitions and many branches and other books, I let this mindset go and just trust in my
levels fall under both categories. At the outset, I must readers. This is what I plan to do this day.
say I can’t cover all the facets of this broad topic. Yet,
this theme is most relevant and timely. I will not engage I trust in you as my new family members as I am prepared
in any apologia about a particular approach. Rather, to journey with you in the spiritual formation of faculty,
I can only share from where I am and where I have students [and, administrators as well].
come from: as a minister of God of 18 years—assigned
in administrative capacities in Radio Veritas, Manila
Prayer gives meaning to daily functions
Cathedral, the Bishops’ Conference and the Arzobispado. Prayer is essentially engaging in conversation to the
I believe in this topic. There was a fast-paced time of my Almighty. If a day’s work begins with Prayer or a moment
life during the tenure of the late Cardinal Sin [when] I of silence, there is the intention of fulfilling the will of