Apa Citation
Apa Citation
Apa Citation
When a work has no identified author, cite as previously identified by the author
the first two or three words of the reference (Language Use, 1991).
list entry (usually the article or book title)
followed by the year. (NOTE. Italicize the
title of the book)
When a work mentions another previously As Villa [2nd author] points out, “Perhaps the
published work, acknowledge the author of conflict seems so strong because the stakes
the original work in your text, are so low” (as cited in Affleck et al.[original
author], 1996)
If you use the subject’s name in the sentence L. J. Smith (personal communication,
itself: September 20, 2015) said it was the best
experience of her life.
If you do not use the subject’s name in the The research shows a considerable
sentence: improvement (A. N. Jones, personal
communication, March 18, 2016)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013).
Schizophrenia. In Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.,
pp. 99-105).
Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.).
(1997). Consequences of growing up poor.
Russell Sage Foundation
2.3 Article or entry in a reference book / A chapter written by an author but book is edited by
another person
Witchcraft trials. (2003). In B. Steiger & S. H.
Steiger (Eds.), The Gale encyclopedia of the
unusual and unexplained (Vol. 2, pp. 99-108).
In text citations:
(Astrof et al., 1994)
Astrof, J. & Ottesen, P. (Writers), & Burrows,
J. (Director). (1994, November 3). The one
with the blackout (Season 1, Episode 7)
[Television series episode]. In K. Bright, M.
Kauffman, & D. Crane (Executive producers),
Friends. Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
In text citations:
(Thomas et al., 2006).
Thomas, J. & McLaren, M. (Producers), & Linklater, R. (Director). (2006). Fast food nation
[DVD]. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
In text citations:
(Bissell et al., 2012)
Bissell, R., Collins, S., & Rosner-Meyer, L. (Executive producers) & Ross, G. (Director). (2012).
The hunger games [Motion picture]. Lionsgate.
In text citations:
(Gates, 2020)
Gates, B. (2020, June). How the pandemic will shape the near future [Video]. TED
In text citation:
(Hedges, 2020).
Hedges, C. (2020, June 2). The treason of the ruling class. Common Dreams.
In text citation:
(National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2015).
National Alliance to End Homelessness. (2015, April 28). We’re demystifying data on
homelessness. https://endhomelessness.org/were-demystifying-data-onhomelessness/
5.5 Blogpost
5.6 Ebook
In text citation:
(The Jimmy Dore Show, 2020)
The Jimmy Dore Show. (2020, June 4). “The ruling elite has lost all legitimacy”. w/Chris
Hedges. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/_F94MMb0w6o
In text Citation
(Gennari, 2020).
Gennari, J. (2020, Februrary 20). I might be less rich in 2020. [Status update]. Facebook.
5.9 Instagram Photo or Video
In text citation:
(Gennari, 2020)
Gennari, J. [@jgennari]. (2020, February 20). Wealthy Pittsburgh man looks for meaning
[Photograph]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrpHjpFAs3A/
In text citation
(Halper, 2020)
Halper, K. [@kthalps]. (2020, February 23). Who is this totally unhinged person who doesn’t
even realize she just shared a sick and sadistic fantasy [Tweet]. Twitter.