Annotated Bibliography

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Name:Wasif Sattar

Assignment Name:Annotated Bibliography(ENG105)

1.Freud, S. (1900). The Interpretation of dreams. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
This classic book by Sigmund Freud is essential to the study of psychoanalytic theory. In it,
Freud outlines his theory of the unconscious mind and the role of dreams in revealing our
deepest desires and fears. This book will be useful in understanding the underlying principles of
psychoanalytic analysis and how they can be applied to the character of Sherlock Holmes.
2. Leavy, P. (2012). Psychoanalytic literary criticism. In The Handbook of Psychoanalytic
Literary Criticism (pp. 1-23). Routledge.
This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of psychoanalytic literary criticism and its
various approaches, including Freudian, Jungian, and Lacanian. It will be helpful in
understanding the different ways in which psychoanalytic theory can be applied to literature,
including the Sherlock Holmes series.
3. Vasudev, A. (2015). The Significance of sherlock holmes. International Journal of
Scientific Research, 4(7), 210-211.
This article explores the significance of the Sherlock Holmes series as a cultural phenomenon,
particularly in the context of its enduring popularity. It will be useful in providing a broader
understanding of the cultural impact of the series and its potential influence on NSU students.
4. Rosenblatt, H. (1994). The sherlock holmes handbook: The methods and mysteries of the
world's greatest detective. New York: Wiley.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Sherlock Holmes series, including its
characters, themes, and literary techniques. It will be useful in providing a detailed analysis of
the series, particularly in relation to the character of Sherlock Holmes.
5. Seidel, M. (2012). The Cambridge companion to freud. Cambridge University Press.
This book is a collection of essays that provide a detailed examination of Freud's life and work,
as well as his impact on modern culture. It will be useful in understanding the broader context of
psychoanalytic theory and its potential relevance to the study of literature.
6. Knight, S. (2005). Sherlock holmes: A study in scarlet. Penguin Classics.
This novel is the first in the Sherlock Holmes series and introduces the character and his
methods. It will be useful in providing a detailed analysis of the character and his psychological
traits, as well as the literary techniques employed in the series.
7. Spivak, G. C. (1976). Of grammatology. Johns Hopkins University Press.
This book by Jacques Derrida provides a theoretical framework for deconstructing language and
meaning. It will be useful in understanding the role of language and communication in the
Sherlock Holmes series and how they can be analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective.
8.Glass, I. S. (2004). The writer's guide to everyday life in regency and victorian
england from 1811-1901. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books.
This book provides a detailed examination of life in Regency and Victorian England, including
the social, political, and cultural context of the time period. It will be useful in providing a
broader understanding of the historical context in which the Sherlock Holmes series was written
and how it may have influenced the themes and characters of the series.

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