Lisong Aceh
Lisong Aceh
Lisong Aceh
Available at
Vol. 17 No. 2 : 90-98, August 2021
Kutaraja Ocean Fishery Port is the oldest port in Banda Aceh City, Lampulo. Fishery resources are a new potential in the regional
economic development of Aceh province. Fish resources that have great potential are from the large pelagic fish groups, including
Tuna, Small Tuna and Skipjack (TTS) . Fishery characteristics are used to carry out sustainable fishing. This research was conducted
at PPS Kuta Raja, Aceh for one year. Data collection was carried out directly through site surveys and interviews with related
fisheries actors. Biological data and capturing aspects were carried out using a stratifield random sampling system by placing
enumerators. The results showed that the production of TCT at PPS Kutaraja was dominated by 2 fishing gears, purse seine and hand
lines. Based on the results of enumeration in 2020, the estimated total production of tuna skipjack and small tuna at PPS Kuta Raja
reaches 11,520 tons. The highest total estimated fish catch is skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) (SKJ) 5,802 tons, Bullet tuna
(Auxis rochei)(BLT) 2814 tons, Yellow fin (Thunnus albacares) (YFT) 2,452 tons, Krai Tongkol (Auxis thazard) (FRI) 448 tons, and
Eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis) (KAW) 1,745 tonnes. All of the fish caught were dominated by immature fish. So it is very
necessary to evaluate the use of fishing gear or the licensing of FADs. The monthly CPUE distribution pattern is the same, where in
August it reaches the highest CPUE and in October it reaches the lowest CPUE value.
Keywords: Biology; Catch Per Unit effort; fishing gear; little tuna; Skipjack
Copyright by Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, ISSN : 1858-4748
91 Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol. 17 No. 2 : 90-98, August 2021
Gussasta L. Arnenda, Fathur Rochman
Figure 1. Location of Kutaraja Ocean Fishing Port (source :PPS Kuta Raja)
mostly over 30 GT. In 2018, the number of vessels recorded fishing operations. However, FADs can also have a negative
by PP Lampulo was 379 units, an increase of 9 units impact on the sustainability of fish resource stocks due to a
compared to 2017. The fishing fleet was <5 to> 100 GT decrease in production caused by an increase in the number of
(Table 1) and was dominated by purse seines and fishing rods. FADs and fleet units at the same fishing location (Erfind et
Ring trawlers measure 5 - 131 GT and are predominantly 7 al., 2012). Tuna fish caught by FADs has a size that is not
GT in size, while fishing boats are 5 - 19 GT in size and are suitable for catching (baby tuna) (Nurani et al., 2008). These
predominantly 6 GT in size. The frequency of fishing fleet FADs are scattered in WPP 572 and 571 (Figure 3). The
visits and carrying out unloading activities at PP Lampulo in location of FADs as fishing grounds for fishermen is installed
2018 reached 3,363 units and was dominated by ring trawlers. in waters within 50-190 nautical miles from the fishing base,
The number of fishing gear based at PP Lampulo in 2018 was the fishing location shown from the FAD installation site in
231 trawlers and 32 hand lines. recent years has become increasingly distant (PPS Lampulo)
(Salmarika et al., 2019). There has been a shift in the fishing
Table 1. Number Of Fishing Ship In PP Lampulo, 2017-2018 area (indication of range collapse) (Aprilia et al., 2013).
No Ship Size 2017 2018
1 5 GT 32 34 5m
2 5 - 10 GT 138 140
3 10 - 20 GT 28 29
4 20 - 30 GT 57 58 Nipah/coconut
/ areca
5 30 - 50 GT 66 68 nut/aren/raffia
6 50- 100 GT 44 45 leaves 100 sets
TCT Cath Composition power of the ship, the height of the net, the number of crew
Production of TTS at PPS Kutaraja is dominated by 2 members, the number of lights, and the cost of supplies.
fishing gears, namely purse seines and hand lines. The highest Another factor is the environment or fishing ground
total fish catch within 10 months were SKJ, BLT, YFT and conditions such as weather, fishing season, resource
KAW. The total fish catch based on the Kutaraja Ocean conditions and April water conditions (Aprilia et al., 2013).
Fishing Port (PPS) during 2020 is presented in Figure 4. Fishery production caught in the West Indian Ocean Sumatra
Except for May-June there was no data collection activity as a is smaller than South Java because fishing pressure is higher,
result of the pandemic Covid-19. TTS fishing production in so that the mortality rate due to fishing is higher (Zedta et al.,
Indonesia as a whole has continued to increase from 2000 to 2018).
2015. The amount of SKJ production is greater than that of
Table 2. Catch Based On The Kutaraja Ocean Fishing Port
Tuna (Firdaus, 2019). SKJ is mostly caught at 27.4 ° C, it is
(PPS) During 2020
known that the average sea surface temperature in Aceh is Estimated(Kg)
around 27.24 °C and the SST in the Aqua MODIS image is Month
around 28.21 °C in the east - west transition season (Habib et BLT FRI SKJ YFT KAW
al., 2019). The marine environment in northern Aceh JAN 145.935 1.157.858 1.142.065 548.251
and Pulo Aceh is thought to be a suitable area for the FEB 136.640 376.833 808.671 346.640
development of skipjack tuna (Aprilia et al., 2013) MAR 459.387 486.850 816.410 239.430
The presence of skipjack tuna is influenced by water
APR 549.281 617.372 292.430 173.097 1.7719
productivity, one of which is marked by the distribution of
chlorophyll-a, the average chlorophyll-a ranges from 0 , 23 MEI
mg / m3, with a variation of 0.10 - 1.30 mg / m3 which is JUN
spread almost evenly in the waters of Aceh and the Strait of JUL 958.770 336.896 1.430.966 453.667
Malacca (Habib EY, Nofrizal, & Mubarak, 2018). The catch
AGS 784.863 1.561.441 1.069.636 676.665
composition at PPS Kuta Raja is dominated by 99% target
fish, fishing areas are getting further away, and there are ETP SEP 35.486 16.940 70.488 28.127 770
(Endangered, Threatened, and Protected species) caught. OKT 1.624 2.046 9.520 3.759
Based on these EAFM indicators, the status of tuna resource NOV 6.695 387.089 356.827 179.434
management in this location is included in the 'medium'
DEC 2.282 21.130 136.666 35.751
category, so that 'prudent' management measures need to be
applied diterapkan (Salmarika et al., 2019). TOTAL 2.814.693 448.078 5.802.748 2.452.754 1.745
frequency distribution has a mode value in the range of 25-26 and have never spawned. Komo tuna is able to reach the fork
cm FL which does not show a significant shift every month length and maximum age of 80.75 cm and 4.29 years,
(Noegroho & Chodrijah, 2015). respectively, the fork length reaches 47.6 cm, 66.4 cm, 75.8
The recording of fish biology samples was conducted cm, and 80.4 at age. 1, 2, 3 and 4 consecutive years (Wujdi et
against 1314 YFT samples. From the observations obtained al., 2020)
that the long class caught is 20-152cmFL. The length of the The fish caught in FADs show relatively the same
first mature gonads (Lm) YFT in the indian ocean is size every month, this is thought to be due to the fishing area
94.6cmFL (Arnenda et al., 2018). So that 99.08% of YFT around FADs. The fish that are in FAD tend to be in
caught are not yet ripe for gonads and have not yet spawned. schooling, so that the size caught is relatively uniform. These
YFT is the main catch of hand line fishermen who operate in fish are attracted to and associated with FAD temporarily and
the waters around the deep sea FADs (Muhammad & Barata, are not yet ripe for gonads(Noegroho & Chodrijah, 2015). The
2012). The lifespan of YFT is estimated to be 3 years. When condition of small-scale capture fisheries that are multigear
the fish is about 4 years old, yellowfin fish reach a length of and multispecies causes increased pressure on the condition of
137-145 cmFL (Sumadhiharga, 2009). fish resources (Sari et al.,, 2015). Sehingga keseluruhan hasil
FRI biological samples were taken from 636 samples. tangkapan di PPS Kuta Raja hampir 100% merupakan ikna
From the observations, it was found that the length class belum matang gonad. Eksploitasi terhadap juvenille ikan
caught was 19-42 cmFL. Thelength of the first time to ripen secara terus menerus dengan alat tangkap purse seine yang
cobs of cobs in the Indian Ocean west of Sumatra is 32.8 tidak selektif akan menyebabkan kelestarian terancam.
cmFL (Tampubolon et al., 2016). So as much as 86% of FRI Sehingga sangat perlu adanya evaluasi mengenai pengunaan
are immature gonads and have not spawned. alat tangkapnya atau perizinan rumponnya. Kegiatan
KAW samples were 47 samples, with the length penangkapan ikan di PPS Kuta Raja snagat mengkhawatirkan
class caught was 19-42 cmFL. The gonad maturity (Lm) keberlanjutannya apabila dilihat dari strukturan ikan ynag
length of KAW in the Indian Ocean west of Sumatra is tertangkap adalah belum dewasa.
42.032cmFL (Arnenda et al., 2020). So as many as 97.87% of
KAW caught at PPS Kuta Raja have not yet matured gonads
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5. Distribution of TTS in PPS Kuta Raja, Aceh (a) SKJ, (b) BLT, (c) YFT, (d) FRI, and (e) KAW
Copyright by Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, ISSN : 1858-4748
95 Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol. 17 No. 2 : 90-98, August 2021
Gussasta L. Arnenda, Fathur Rochman
The results of the analysis of the length-weight (r2) = 0.9455 with a b value of 3.1023 (> 3) andvalue a of
relationship to 5 TCT species based at the Lampulo PPS 0.0108. The growth pattern is positive allometric, where the
during 2020 are presented in Figure 6.The pattern of length- length growth is faster than the weight growth. This is
weight relationship SKJ relationships is obtained by the consistent with previous research where the FRI in the Indian
equation W = 0.0167L2.9894with the coefficient of Ocean of West Sumatra is allometrically positive
determination (r2) = 0.858 with a b value of 2.9894 (<3) (Tampubolon et al., 2016).
andvalue a of 0.016. The growth pattern is negative The pattern of length-weight relationship KAW
allometric, where the length growth is slower than the weight obtained by the equation W = 0.0098L3.525 with the coefficient
growth. of determination (r2) = 0.9863 with a value of b of 3.525 (> 3)
The pattern of length-weight relationship BLT andvalue a of 0.0098. The growth pattern is positive
obtained by the equation W = 0.0081L3.17 with the coefficient allometric, where the length growth is faster than the weight
of determination (r2) = 0.8307 with a b value of 3.17 (> 3) growth. The growth pattern of KAW in the Indian Ocean of
andvalue a of 0.008. The growth pattern is positive allometric, West Sumatra has a positive allometric character in fishing
where the length growth is more rapid growth of weight. This using purse seine fishing gear (Arnenda et al., 2020).
is consistent with previous research where BLT in the Indian Growth patterns are also influenced by the characteristics of
Ocean, West Sumatra, is allometrically positive (Tampubolon deep waters to support the availability of food and suitable
et al., 2016). habitat (Nugroho et al., 2018). The availability of food taken
Length-weight relationship of YFT obtained by the will affect the growth, maturity of each individual and the
equation W = 0.0265L2.8855 with a coefficient of determination success of his life (Effendie, 2002). Length growth greatly
(r2) = 0.8997 with a b value of 2.855 (<3) andvalue a of affects weight growth due to two factors, the availability of
0.0265. negative allometric growth, where the length growth food resources and the body shape of fish with stomach
is slower than the weight growth. The YFT growth pattern in contents (Lelono & Bintoro, 2019). Another thing that affects
the eastern hinida high school is also positive allometric the growth pattern is biological factors, namely gonad
(Muhammad & Barata, 2012) development, where the development of female gonads
Length-weight relationship of FRI is obtained by the matures faster than the development of male gonads (Johnson
equation W = 0.0108L3.1023with a coefficient of determination & Tamatamah, 2017)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6. TTS Legth-Weight Relationship in PPS Kuta Raja, Aceh Aceh (a) SKJ, (b) BLT, (c) YFT, (d) FRI, and (e) KAW
Copyright by Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, ISSN : 1858-4748
Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol. 17 No. 2 : 90-98, August 2021 96
Characteristics Of Tuna, Small Tuna And Skipjack (TTS) Fishery In Kutaraja
The catch rate pattern of PP Lampulo shows the catch is carried out in the same FAD area, so the
fluctuating results. Overall experiencing the same CPUE composition and effort of the catch has almost the same
pattern, namely the first highest peak in March / April, then fluctuation. These fish are attracted to and associated with
experiencing the second peak in August. Meanwhile, the each other (Noegroho & Chodrijah, 2015).
lowest CPUE occurred in October. The results showed that The yield per catch per unit effort-CPUE nominal
SKJ had the highest CPUE value of 5.04 tonnes / trip in (non-standardized CPUE) nominal purse seine CPUE
August, and had the lowest CPUE value of 0.05 tonnes / trip decreased from year to year (Widodo, Hargiyatno,
in October.BLT had the highest CPUE value of 3.70 tons / trip Anggawangsa, & Wudianto, 2020). The CPUE value is
in August, and had the lowest CPUE value of 0.01 tons / trip influenced by several factors, one of which is the influence of
in October. the season, the presence of large waves and winds resulting in
YFT had the highest CPUE value of 3.19 tonnes / trip a decrease in fishing effort (Sulistyaningsih et al., dan 2017).
in August, and had the lowest CPUE value of 0.02 tonnes / Fishing factors and water conditions also greatly affect the
trip in October. Analysis of Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) of CPUE value, and fishing season in west Sumatra (Hidayat,
yellowfin tuna is used to determine the abundance of Noegroho, & Chodrijah, 2018). The decrease in the value of
yellowfin tuna in a waters and the level of utilization with the the CPUE is the impact of a decrease in the number of trips
CPUE value tends to fluctuate in each virtual fish landing area and the number of fishing ship (Dian A.N.N. Dewi ; Iqbal Ali
(Agustina, Setyadji, & Tampubolon, 2019). FRI had the Husni, 2016). On the other hand, changes in competition are
highest CPUE value of 1.01 ton / trip in August, and had the thought to have an impact on the productivity of the catch.
lowest CPUE value of 0.002 ton / trip in October. Based on the results of CPUE calculations, it can be seen that
The four monthly CPUE distribution patterns have the productivity of all fishing gear changes that occurs as a
the same results, where in August it reaches the highest CPUE result of shifting the catch (Sari et al., 2015).
and October reaches the lowest CPUE value. This is because
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7. CPUE TTS in PPS Kuta Raja, Aceh (a) Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) (SKJ), (b) Bullet Tuna (Auxis rochei)(BLT),
(c)Yellow fin (Thunnus albacares) (YFT), dan (d)Tongkol Krai (Auxis thazard) (FRI)
Copyright by Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, ISSN : 1858-4748
97 Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol. 17 No. 2 : 90-98, August 2021
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Copyright by Saintek Perikanan: Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, ISSN : 1858-4748