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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019

http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

Analysis of Tuna Fish Resource Management

(Thunnussp) on a Sustainable basis at Fish
Landing in Bontotiro District Bulukumba
Andi Eka Ratu 1, Sudirman2, Dewi Yanuarita2
Student of M aster Degree Fisheries Science, Faculty of M arine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan St. Km
10, M akassar 90245, Indonesia
Department Of Fisheries, Faculty of M arine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University PerintisKemerdekaan St. Km 10, M akassar 90245,
*e-mail: ekaratu80@yahoo.com

Abstract— This study aims to determine the management of the sustainability of tuna resources in Bulukumba
Regency using the EAFM approach. This research was conducted in the waters of the Gulf of Bone by taking a
fishing base location at the Fish Landing Port (PPI) of BontoTiro, Bulukumba Regency for four months, which
began in December 2018 to March 2019. Analysis of data used in this study using 6 EAFM dimensions and
assisted with Rapfish software.
The results of the study show that some dimensions have a fairly good sustainability value (> 50%),
namely on the social dimension (57.1%), Habitat and ecosystem (57.25%) and dimensions of fish resources
(51.88%). Tuna fishing activities that focus on the management of fisheries resources must be able to cover the
regulation of fish resource use environmental management, and human activities in its management. In the
smallest dimension in sustainable management, tuna is in the economic dimension with a value of 29.56% or in
the bad category. This needs special attention from the local government of Bulukumba Regency, as well as at
the provincial and central levels in raising the economic level of fishing communities working on tuna fishing.
There needs to be government policy and innovation in providing assistance and providing alternative new
livelihoods and tuna processing which can have a sig nificant impact on improving the welfare of fishing.
Keyword— Management, Tuna Fish, Sustainable.

I. INTRODUCTION fishing base of tuna fishermen in Bone Bay in Bulukumba

Tuna commodity in 2017 based on the Regency, Sinjai Regency, Bone Regency, and Luwu
Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in 2018 was able Regency respectively. The increase in tuna activity that also
to produce an export value of 659.99 million US $ with a occurs in Bulukumba Regency, from an economic point of
total production volume of 198.131 tons. The amount is view, is a profitable thing to continue but on the other hand ,
estimated to reach 16% of the total tuna production in the the activity will have an impact on the existence of tuna fish
world. South Sulawesi region as one of the centers for itself. In 2014, Bulukumba District showed an increasing
producing fisheries in Indonesia. In 2018 the commodity of trend in tuna fishing with total production reaching 241
tuna, skipjack and cobs production amounted to 56,292, tons, where the catch of tuna in the previous year was 221.3
tons worth the US $ 342,930 (Department of Marine and tons (Department of Marine and Fisheries, Bulukumba
Fisheries of South Sulawesi Province, 2018). Regency, 2014). Zainuddin, et al. (2015) explained that the
South Sulawesi Province is one of the level of utilization of tuna resource potential based on data
producers of tuna which is spread in Bone Bay and from 2008-2013 showed that tuna catches on average were
Makassar Strait. Sudirman, et al. (2018) explained the still below the allowed catch. Furthermore, Zainuddin, et al.

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

(2015) described the amount of utilization of Total Allowed base location at the Fish Landing Port (PPI) of BontoTiro,
Catch (TAC) for tuna fish that has reached 55% in the Bulukumba Regency for four months, which began in
waters of Flores sea December 2018 to March 2019. The number of fleets
The activities of fisheries resource utilization activities currently operating is 79, so the used in this study were as
especially on tuna fish by the fishermen who landed their many as 22 units of tuna fishing vessels.
catches at Bontotiro TPI experienced development or 2.2. Data Analysis
change. The fishing port that used to be a community a. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Analysis
fishing port is now managed by the Ministry of Maritime Ye
Affairs and Fisheries. The community that used to only  a  bf
market tuna in the nearest area now has an export scale.
Where :
Exporters of tuna with an export scale provide distinct
a and b = Constants
advantages for fishermen because of the tantalizing price
Ye = Catch (unit)
certainty. But the fishing gear used still uses stretch fishing
F = Arrest effort (unit)
rods and works individually. So that for the increase in the
number of catches, it must use labor/fishermen and fishing
f optimal 
fleets whose numbers also increase. 2b
Several studies have been carried out in
analyzing the sustainable management of tuna in Indonesia, MSY 
especially in waters in South Sulawesi (Bone and Sea of 4b
Flores), among others, by Sudirman, et al (2018) which
have supply chains of tuna in South Sulawesi. Ma'arif b. Sustainable Management Analysis
(2011), Pranandi (2016) and Wiyono (2017) put more In this analysis using the ecosystem approach
emphasis on capture technology aspects and the economic fisheries management (EAFM) approach was analyzed
conditions of tuna fisheries in seeing the ability of using raffish software. The general criteria for determining
sustainable management of tuna fis h in Indonesia. Research each dimension's attributes are the ease of being scored
on the EAFM (Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries objectively, and the extreme point of sustainability can be
Management) approach has been carried out on tuna in stated simply as good or bad. The selected attribute must
Nusa Tenggara, and also on other fish species such as flying reflect the sustainability of each dimension and can be
fish in the waters of the Makassar Strait and the Flores Sea. modified with other attributes if the information is available
This study aims to determine the management of the (Pitcher and Preikshot, 2001). The sustainability attributes
sustainability of tuna resources in Bulukumba Regency of tuna management, both quantitative and qualitative, are
using the EAFM approach. grouped into six dimensions (fish resources, ecology, social,
economic, technological, and institutional).
2.1. Study Area
Location and Time of Research This research was carried
out in the waters of the Gulf of Bone by taking a fishing
Table 1. Dimension attribute of EAFM
No. Dimension Indicator Methodology / Data collection
Raw CPUE Production of Tuna Fish in Bulukumba Regency
Fish Size Trend The size of tuna is landed at Bontotiro TPI in
Fish Resource
1. Bulukumba Regency, through length measurements
and comparing length averages
Composition of Catch Species The proportion of tuna catches in 1 unit of tuna
fishing vessels

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

Range Collapse The distance of the fleet in hunting down the catch
2 Ecology Dimension Water quality  Temperature
 chlorophyll
The selectivity of fishing gear Use of types of environmentally friendly fishing
Fisheries capacities and arrest The number of fishermen's Effort who landed tuna
Dimensions of efforts at TPI Bontotiro
Fishing Technology Certification of fishing vessel crew Personal data of fishermen and ships that land tuna
in accordance with regulations at TPI Bontotiro
Size of the fishing vessel The shape and size of the fleet used in tuna fishing
Identification of stakeholders and fisheries
Stakeholder participation
stakeholders in Bulukumba Regency
The working relationship of The working model of tuna fishing at PPI Bontotiro
4 Social Dimension
Stakeholder activity in meeting activities to discuss
Stakeholder interaction
tuna management in Bulukumba Regency
Service activities, fishermen who land tuna at TPI
Fisheries Conflict
Asset ownership Number of productive assets of fishermen
Working capital Use of initial capital in tuna fishing activities

5 Economic Dimension Profit-sharing system The procedure for the distribution of income
between fishermen, bosses and collecting traders
Household Income fishermen Income analysis of tuna production activities that
land tuna at TPI Bontotiro
Compliance with the principles of Public perception of the use of environmentally
responsible fisheries friendly fishing gear and the impact of fisheries
Availability of facilities and Availability of law enforcement activities in
institutional human resources in law monitoring tuna fishing activities in Bulukumba
6. dimension enforcement Regency
Management Plan Management plan designed by the Bulukumba
Regional Government in the preservation and
sustainability of tuna resources
Level of policy synergy and Analysis of cooperation between fisheries
fisheries management institutions management institutions in Bulukumba Regency

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION EAFM standard consisting of (i) Fisheries Resources (ii)
3.1. Result Ecology (iii) Fishing Technology (iv) Social (v) economy
The results In this study is the determination of and (institutional). The following are the results of each
sustainable management of tuna resources in Bulukumba dimension based on the results of the analysis using Rapfish
Regency was based on six (6) dimensions used in the software.

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

a. Fish Resources Dimension

RAPFISH Ordination
Other Distingishing Features


51,88 Real Fisheries
0 50 100 150
-20 Anchors

Fisheries Sustainability

Fig.1: Results of Rapfish Analysis on Fish Resource dimensions

b. Ecology dimension

RAPFISH Ordination
Other Distingishing Features


Real Fisheries
0 BAD 57,25 GOOD
0 50 100 150
-20 Anchors

Fisheries Sustainability

Fig.2: Results of Rapfish Analysis on the Ecosystem dimension

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

c. Dimensions of Fishing Technology

RAPFISH Ordination
Other Distingishing Features

29 Real Fisheries
0 50 100 150
Fisheries Sustainability

Fig.3: Results of Rapfish Analysis of the Fishing Technology dimension

d. Social dimension

RAPFISH Ordination
Other Distingishing Features

Real Fisheries
0 50 100 150
57,10 Anchors
Fisheries Sustainability

Fig.4: Results of Rapfish Analysis of Social dimensions

e. Economic dimension

RAPFISH Ordination
Other Distingishing Features

29,56 Real Fisheries
-20 0 50 100 150
-60 Fisheries Sustainability

Fig.5: Results of Rapfish Analysis on the Economic Dimension

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

f. Institution Dimension

RAPFISH Ordination
Other Distingishing Features

50 UP
Real Fisheries
0 50 57,10
100 150
-50 DOWN Anchors

Fisheries Sustainability

Fig.6: Results of Rapfish Analysis on Institutional Dimensions

3.2. Discussion In determining the sustainable products used in this

In the last 6 years, there have been study is to use the Schafer method approach. Based on the
developments in the number of fleets carrying out tuna results of Schafer's analysis showed that the optimal CPUE
loading and unloading activities at Bontotiro PPI so that this value that can be done in 1 year is 782 trips while the
affects the optimum effort of catching tuna landed at PPI amount of sustainable products that can be obtained in 1
Bontotiro. Catch per unit effort is the annual fishery catch year is 2650.1 tons.
rate obtained using time series data for a minimum of five Based on the results of the analysis of the
years. The following are CPUE results for tuna dimensions of fish resources shows that the value dimension
commodities landed in Bulukumba Regency during the of fish resources in the management of tuna in Bulukumba
period of 2012 to 2017 based on statistical data from South Regency is at a value of 51.88 percent or in the good
Sulawesi Province (table 2). category. In the analysis of each attribute used in the
Table 2. CPUE of Tuna based on Production in Bulukumba assessment indicators of fish resource dimensions, attributes
Regency that have the highest sensitivity (leverage) are in attribute
Years Trip Catch (ton) CPUE ranges collapse or tuna fishing distance. Based on the
2012 1548 3309,9 2,138178 ecosystem dimension shows that the value of sustainability
in the ecosystem and habitat dimensions is at a value of
2013 2016 1280,1 0,63497
57.25% which is in the good category. In the analysis of
2014 2016 3309,9 1,641815
sensitivity attributes in ecosystem dimensions. The
2015 2052 9803 4,77729 attributes of temperature and salinity are attributes that have
2016 2412 8897 3,68864 the highest value or have a high enough sensitivity in the
2017 2520 2201 0,873413 management of sustainable tuna in Bulukumba Regency.
Source: Primary data after processing, 2019. The conditions of temperature and salinity which have a
significant change from time to time have a fairly high
Based on the table and graph above shows the influence on the presence of tuna commodities in th e
value of CPUE for tuna production in Bulukumba Regency catchment location which is the place for tuna fishermen
experienced fluctuations in the last six years. The highest production activities in Bulukumba Regency.
CPUE value was found in 2015 with a value of 4.77 On the dimensions of fishing, technology
tons/trip while the lowest value in 2013 was only 0.63 is at a value of 32, 86 or in the bad category. In the
tons/trip. Based on the CPUE value that has been obtained sensitivity analysis (leverages) on each of each attribu te
and then continued using regression analysis, the regression shows that the highest value is on the attributes of fishing
equation is obtained as follows: vessel size modification or with a value of 15.52.
CPUE = -6,777 + 0,004331F Modification of fishing vessel size as an attribute that has

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

high sensitivity is caused because the fishing fleet used in ownership attribute with a value of 11.33. Based on the
tuna fishing activities is not in accordance with the table and the results of Rap Flying Fish analysis above
condition of the correspondence possessed by the fishing shows that the value of institutional dimensions produces a
fleet so that exploitation can occur in tuna fishing activities. sustainability index of 39, 1 percent or a poor sustainability
the social dimension in tuna management is at the value of index because it is below the 50 percent range. On each
57.10 percent or in good condition (good). On the other attribute that is used as a measuring instrument on the
hand, the value of the raffish ordination analysis is still in institutional dimension in the Leverages analysis
the range of the down so that there needs to be an increase (sensitivity) attributes indicate that the highest attribute is in
in the aspect of the social dimension. In analyzing each compliance rules that is equal to 6.21. This shows that in
attribute used in this dimension, the attributes of the tuna management in Bulukumba Regency, the attribute of
fishermen's work relationship have the highest sensitivity regulatory compliance is the most important to be
value with a value of 21.04. This indicates that the tuna considered in tuna fishing activities. The fishing fleet used
fishing activities by Bulukumba fishermen who landed their by tuna fishermen who landed at Bontotiro PPI is still
fish in Bontotiro PPI by working in groups and are still difficult to be able to easily complete the letters as a
traditional are the most important aspects that need to be condition for carrying out fishing activities in Indonesian
considered in the sustainable management of tuna in waters
Bulukumba The management of fish resources in
In the economic dimension that is at the Bulukumba Regency, especially tuna, is a very important
value of 29.56 percent which describes the economic and prominent aspect in the fisheries sector as a determinant
dimension in the bad category. From the results of attribute in the sustainability of production activities and tuna
analysis which is a measurement on the economic fishing. The following is an elevated diagram on each
dimension, the highest value on attribute sensitivity to be dimension used in tuna management in Bulukumba
sustainable tuna management is found in the asset Regency in this study:

Fishing Technology

Institution Fishery Resource

Economic Ecosystem


Social 57.1

Fig.7: A Layout Diagram of the Overall Dimensions of EAFM in Tuna Management

Based on the elevated diagram above shows that (51.88%) Tuna fishing activities that focus on the
some dimensions have fairly good sustainability value (> management of fisheries resources must be able to cover the
50%), namely on the social dimension (57.1%), Habitat and regulation of fish resource use, environmental management
ecosystem (57.25%) and dimensions of fish resources and human activities in its management. In the smallest

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.448 ISSN: 2456-1878

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