Community Liaison Management Plan
Community Liaison Management Plan
Community Liaison Management Plan
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Doc. No: EASUProj1-GL-PLN-DN-001
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Table of Contents
1 Terms and Definitions................................................................................................. 3
2 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
3 Purpose and Scope ..................................................................................................... 4
4 Project Description ..................................................................................................... 5
5 Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 5
6 Authority Liaison ......................................................................................................... 6
7 Customer and Stakeholder Matrix ............................................................................. 8
8 Communication Tools and Activities ...................................................................... 14
9 Staff Induction / Education ....................................................................................... 14
10 Community Relations Action Plan / Program ......................................................... 16
11 Communication Management System ..................................................................... 19
12 Coordination of Communication Activity ................................................................ 19
13 Meetings with the Community and Other Stakeholders ........................................ 20
14 Community Notification ............................................................................................ 20
15 Enquiries and Complaints ........................................................................................ 21
16 Signage, Graffiti and Bill Posters............................................................................. 22
17 Communication Strategies ....................................................................................... 23
18 Appendix A – Community Notification Distribution Areas .................................... 24
18.1 Appendix B – Project Specific Stakeholder List ............................................................... 25
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Term/Abbreviation Definition
PD Project Director
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
2 Introduction
This Community Liaison Management Plan (CLMP) covers all the work necessary for JHG to fulfil
its community obligations for the Easy Access Upgrade at Croydon Station.
the community and stakeholder management strategy and planning processes in place to
ensure community and stakeholder issues are addressed and aligned.
the framework for the coordination and management of community and stakeholder
consultation and for handling community enquiries and complaints.
describes the controls and systems in place to ensure community relations procedures are
followed and reviewed.
responds to the project’s Conditions of Approval, Works Brief, TSR’s and Project contract.
The Community Engagement Officer (CEO) will develop and implement communications
strategies, proactively engage with the community and manage community expectations. The CEO
will provide open and clear messaging and work cooperatively with TfNSW to clearly define and
promote the benefits of the projects.
This Plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the TfNSW TAP Project Communications at least
14 days prior to the commencement of construction and reviewed every 12 months during the life
of the project.
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
4 Project Description
The Croydon Station Upgrade is part of the Transport Access Program, a TfNSW initiative to
provide a better experience for public transport customers by delivering accessible, modern,
secure and integrated transport infrastructure. The purpose is to improve pedestrian access to and
from the station, increase the stations ability to cope with the predicted future customer demands,
improve pedestrian flow, passenger information services and wayfinding between transport modes.
The station is located in the suburb of Croydon. It is situated in the Burwood and Ashfield local
government areas (LGA). There is commercial activity along The Strand and Hennessy Street, and
residential development along Paisley Road.
improved shelter
5 Strategy
The Project is committed to respecting and valuing all stakeholders and engaging positively with
the community, government and non-government stakeholders.
establish and maintain effective and open communication with community members,
stakeholders groups and the project partners.
be open and accessible to the community, stakeholders and customers.
listen and respond to what the community and stakeholders have to say.
provide timely, informative communications material that clearly explains the project works
and any potential impacts.
where practicable, establish a community information display area within the project site
office to provide the community with the opportunity to obtain information about the project
and view project. Information such as posters, diagrams, newsletters and progress
identify and address key risks, impacts and opportunities.
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
ensure there are “no surprises” for stakeholders, the community, TfNSW and the wider
project team.
do what we say we will do.
conduct ourselves professionally in all that we do.
actively look for opportunities to incorporate the community and stakeholder suggestions in
the design, construction and delivery phases of the project.
support the project team in their relationships with key project stakeholders (i.e. authority
6 Authority Liaison
The Safety, Quality, Community and Environment Manager and Community Engagement Officer
will develop and build strong working relationships with key project stakeholders and authorities in
conjunction with the project team.
Authorities are defined as any stakeholder from whom JHG must seek and receive an approval, be
it a license, permit or other signed authority in order to deliver the works.
The strategy will be for the Safety, Quality, Community and Environment Managers and/or
Community Engagement Officer to establish and build these relationships and then align the
nominated authority representative with the appropriate Project representative to interface during
the various stages of the works.
Local Government Traffic management, road opening permits, road and lane
Authorities Burwood and closures, parking impacts, road design, temporary changes
Ashfield Council to bus stop and disability parking locations
Removal / demolition / adjustment of infrastructure within
Council’s land or their assets
TfNSW – Operations and Design, work adjacent to or under assets / track, track
Maintenance access, power outages, permanent and temporary relocation
of station/platform assets
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
All stakeholders identified below will be placed on the Consultation Management System database, their issues identified and consultation
activities / mitigation measures recorded. Community sub-plans and strategies will be developed to mitigate potential stakeholder and
community disruptions due to construction activities.
Appendix B provides project specific stakeholder list identifying individuals and organisations that may have an interest in or an influence on the
project, including commercial businesses and local residents.
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Doc. No: EASUProj1-GL-PLN-DN-001
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Roads and Maritime Traffic management Consultation on access routes, queuing areas and Community Engagement
Services works that may impact state roads Officer
Road condition
Identify project haulage route Project Director
Traffic control plans
Road condition surveys
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
OEH Noise, vibration and dust Noise, vibration and dust monitoring Environmental Manager
EPA Out-of-hours works Out-of-hours work approvals process
Environmental impacts 24-hour Construction Response Line
Contaminated lands Construction Environnemental Management Plan
Fauna and Flora Community Liaison Management Plan
Heritage Heritage Management Plan
Local Government Traffic management Early engagement and consultation Design Director
Authorities Burwood and
Ashfield Council Business impacts Monthly interface meeting Community Engagement
Access to public transport Input into design, where appropriate
Safety, Quality,
Noise, dust, vibration to Project and construction updates Community and
Community information sessions, as required Environment Managers
Public Art
Pedestrian movement plans Interface Manager
Heritage impacts
Traffic Control Plans
Visual impacts
Implementation of Community, Environment,
Road and asset damage Traffic, Heritage and Property Management Plans
Flooding Urban Design Landscape Plan
Impacts on residents Road condition surveys
Emergency Services, e.g. Traffic management Early engagement and consultation with local OHS & Rail Safety
Police, Fire Brigade, Emergency Response Group Manager
Ambulance, SES Fire
Include contacts in CMS Community Engagement
Emergencies Officer
Issue staging Traffic Management Plans when
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Public Utility Authorities, e.g. Impacts on services Service location identification drawings Project Director
Jemena, Ausgrid, Sydney
Water, Telstra, Optus, Liaison with service providers prior to and during Projecct Manager
Uecomm, NBN, Vocus, Community Engagement
Powertel Service locator on site during excavation Officer
Service provider on site during excavation, where
Input into designs for service relocations
Utility Management Plan
Residents, pedestrians and Access to public transport Early and on going consultation Community Engagement
passengers Officer
Noise, vibration and dust Individual briefings
Refer Appendix B – Project
Specific Stakeholder list Vegetation removal Respite periods
Property damage Project information signage
Urban design and landscaping Property condition surveys
Traffic Project and construction updates
Parking Noise and vibration monitoring, as required
Night works Implementation of Community, Environment,
Traffic and Management Plans
Urban Design Landscape Plan
Community sub-plans detailing pedestrian and
traffic changes/movements
Businesses surrounding the Business impacts Early and ongoing consultation Community Engagement
project Officer
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Other sensitive receivers (e.g. Access to schools and other Early and ongoing consultation Community Engagement
Childcare centres, education local facilities Officer
centres etc) Individual briefings
Refer Appendix B – Project Respite periods
Specific Stakeholder list Access to public transport
Project and construction updates
Noise, vibration and dust
Reprogram works to reduce impacts, especially
Traffic management during school exam periods and times of worship,
where possible and feasible
Building damage
Community sub-plans detailing pedestrian and
Education program traffic changes/movements
Urban design and landscaping Property condition survey
Implementation of Community, Environment,
Traffic Control Plans
Specific communications strategy, as required
Bus companies Disruption to service operations Consultation with Sydney Buses, Sydney Trains Community Engagement
Alternative Transport (Sydney Trains bussing) and Officer
Relocation of bus stops Schools
Safety, Quality
Traffic control measures during deliveries / Community and
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This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Inform by:
Consult by:
Engaging and liaising with local Councils, the community and business representatives and
organisations to incorporate, where appropriate, their feedback.
Conducting one on one briefings with local residents and businesses, where required
Consulting directly with sensitive receivers such as schools to identify noise sensitive
periods and respite periods, e.g. during exam periods.
Inviting written submissions and offering feedback during the project.
Involve by:
Engaging the schools through educational opportunities including safety programs and
Plant a Tree Day.
Inviting local schools / community / Council to provide input and ideas into the landscaping
and any art project that may be implemented.
Prior to the project team undertaking any public events, information sessions, establishing any
artistic programs, school or community projects, JHG will brief TfNSW to seek endorsement for the
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Doc. No: EASUProj1-GL-PLN-DN-001
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
From a community perspective, all personnel are expected to understand the importance of being
a “good neighbour” on site and respecting the community. This includes:
The Induction has been submitted to TfNSW for review and approval prior to being rolled out on
the project. The “Onsite Track Easy” system will be implemented as an on-line induction system.
This is then followed up with a face-to-face induction when a person comes to site for the first time.
Daily and weekly Toolbox Inductions will also occur, introducing Safety Alerts, revisiting parts of
the formal Induction and reminding staff and subcontractors of the project requirements.
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Set up of site offices Meet with local Councils December 2015 – January 2016
Establish site compounds Issue initial Project Update
Installation of monitoring equipment Install project information signs
Temporary traffic control measures
Tree removal
Road, Property and Asset condition surveys: Road and asset surveys January 2016
Door knock and issue letters requesting January 2016
property condition survey
Consult with service providers and Sydney
December 2015 – February 2016
Trains to undertake asset surveys
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Doc. No: EASUProj1-GL-PLN-DN-001
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Site works commence Install Project Update posters December 2015 – January 2016
Clearing and grubbing Issue construction updates Life of project
Commence ground support works Liaise with local schools, residents, transport
users, businesses and council
Install clear pedestrian detours with
associated notification and signage
Undertake footpath works and install clear
pedestrian detours
Notify residents, transport users and
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
In addition to stakeholder engagement, the CMS will be used to record all project related articles
(paper and web based) and any online discussions.
The aim of the CMCG is to provide a forum to exchange information and coordinate
communication and consultation activities with other Contractors and TfNSW to ensure a
consistent approach to the community and other stakeholders is delivered.
At these meetings:
The CMCG will meet fortnightly to coordinate communications activities and messages for
all programmed works (or less frequently if determined by TfNSW).
The project will provide a table of current and upcoming activities, likely impacts and
proposed communication strategies.
The project will provide a list of any current or emerging issues and/or any promotional
The meetings will be minuted by TfNSW and project team members will be invited as
required to provide input.
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Doc. No: EASUProj1-GL-PLN-DN-001
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Relevant materials will be provided by the project for these meetings and suitably qualified and
informed persons will be made available to participate at the meetings and provide detail of the
works or issues. These meetings will provide the opportunity for community issues to be
discussed and resolved (where possible) when community issues arise.
Where feasible, the project will comply with the reasonable suggestions and request of the
community. Details of all such meetings will be recorded in the CMS within 24 hours of the
meeting taking place.
The Project Team will provide TfNSW a minimum of 3 Business Days’ notice prior to any planned
meeting with the community or stakeholders.
14 Community Notification
All Community Updates, Out-of-Hours notices, project information flyers and other communications
material (including but not limited to posters, newspaper advertisements, and signage) must
comply with the “TfNSW Transport Projects Style Guide for Contractors and Consultants – 8TP-st-
100” and the “TfNSW” Editorial Style Guidelines”.
The communications material will proactively notify the community and key stakeholders of current
and forthcoming activities including those that have the potential to impact on the community.
Materials must be issued to the community at least 7 days prior to commencing any activity with
the potential to impact the community. All materials will include the project contact numbers, details
of the TfNSW website and an email address to refer any enquiries.
The Project Team will produce and distribute all community notifications relating to the project in
English and as required in languages widely spoken in the communities where the notifications are
The Project Team will submit for approval to TfNSW proposed communications materials for
review at least 5 business days prior to the planned release of all communication material.
At a minimum, the community will be provided with quarterly Construction/Project Updates that
outline the current and forthcoming activities and impacts of the works. The communications
materials will be uploaded by TfNSW to the project page on the TfNSW website. All documents will
be provided to TfNSW in a web accessible format.
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Prior to undertaking any communications activity, the Project Team will obtain the approval of
TfNSW. This may include communicating with the public through the use of flyers, newsletters,
door knocking, signage, posters, telephone calls, meetings and advertisements.
Communications material will be detailed, accurate and targeted to the audience. It will include
information such as the time and location of the works, the anticipated impacts, machinery to be
used and traffic, parking or pedestrian impacts. The distribution area for communications material
notification will be provided to TfNSW for their review and approval.
If possible, in the event that emergency works are to be undertaken both written and verbal
notification to properties immediately adjacent to or impacted by any emergency works is to be
made at least two hours prior to commencing any emergency works.
The dedicated 1800 Project Information Line (Infoline) or 24 Hour Construction Response Line
established by TfNSW General Enquiries:
Complaints & Urgent Enquiries: 24 Hour Construction Response Line – T: 1800 775 465
By email or in writing either to the TfNSW mail address or directly to the site
These numbers and contact details will be included on all notifications, advertising and signage
relating to the works.
In line with TfNSW TSR C protocols, the following response management measures will be
Record details of every complaint received and how it was managed and closed out in the
Investigate and determine the source of the complaint immediately, including an immediate
call to the complainant where the complaint was received by telephone; Should the CEO
determine that the complaint does not relate to the project activities, the CEO will refer the
complainant to the appropriate department/agency and immediately notify TfNSW.
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
Provide at least an oral response to the complainant regarding what action is proposed as
soon as possible and within a maximum of 2 hours from the time the complaint is received
by the project (unless the complainant requests otherwise). If a phone number is provided,
complaints received by email and letter will be responded to verbally within a maximum of 2
hours from the time of receipt by the project. If no phone number is provided, the complaint
will be responded to within a maximum of 24 hours for emails and 7 business days for
letters, from time of receipt by the project.
Forward information on any complaints received, including response times and details of
any actions undertaken or proposed or investigations occurring, to TfNSW in writing each
business day to meet TfNSW’s reporting requirements.
Provide a detailed written response to the complainant within 7 business days, outlining the
details of the issue and the remedial action that has been taken. A draft written response is
to be provided to TfNSW for approval within 5 business days of receipt of the complaint.
Forward a scanned, signed copy of the approved written response to TfNSW on the day it
is sent.
Provide TfNSW with details in writing of complaint close out actions and the date action
was implemented.
TfNSW is responsible for reviewing and approving all written correspondence issued in response
to complaints, for forwarding on calls received via the project contact telephone number and for
advising the EMR of the complaints received each business day.
Project Work Site signage which provides the project 24 hour contact details (supplied by
Regulatory safety signage and WorkCover legislated signage.
Directional signage (e.g. directional arrows, pedestrian way finding and vehicle signage).
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This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
Croydon Station Upgrade
No signage, advertising or branding, excluding safety signage, will be placed on the external face
of any hoarding or fence without the prior written approval of TfNSW.
The Project will provide, as requested, the resources required to assist TfNSW with the provision
and / or installation of any other signage or graphics required on the hoardings or fencing.
Hoardings, site sheds, fencing, acoustic walls around the perimeter of the site and any structures
built as part of the project works will be maintained free of graffiti and advertising not authorised by
TfNSW during the construction period.
Daily inspections for graffiti and unauthorised advertising will be carried out and material removed
or covered within the following time frames:
17 Communication Strategies
Communication strategies will be produced to address potential disruptions to businesses, station
customers and other interested groups. Additional strategies may need to be produced as
required by TfNSW including times when customers, public transport services or businesses
(parking) will be impacted.
The strategies will include:
Identification of those potentially impacted by the works.
An analysis of the issues to be managed and proposed strategies for managing these
Details of proposed communication and consultation tools to be used by the Project Team.
Details of activities which will be undertaken to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of
the communication strategies adopted.
These approaches and the specific local concerns will be further developed in consultation with
TfNSW during the works.
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland
18 Appendix A – Community Notification Distribution Areas
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18.1 Appendix B – Project Specific Stakeholder List
Croydon Station Address Primary point/s of contact
The Resident 44 Edwin Street South
The Resident 46 Edwin Street South
The Resident 48 Edwin Street South
The Resident 1/93 Heighway Avenue
The Resident 2/93 Heighway Avenue
The Resident 3/93 Heighway Avenue
The Resident 4/93 Heighway Avenue
Croydon Montissori Academi 57 Edwin Street South
Commercial 57 Edwin Street South
The Resident 2 Paisley Road
The Resident 4 Paisley Road
The Resident 6 Paisley Road
Croydon Dental Practice 8-10 Paisley Road
Croydon Medical Practice 8-10 Paisley Road
The Resident 1/8-10 Paisley Road
The Resident 2/8-10 Paisley Road
The Resident 3/8-10 Paisley Road
Café on Strand 2 The Strand
Dance Academy 4-6 The Strand
Mixed Business 8 The Strand
Tokyo Syokudo Restraurant 10 The Strand
Strand Cellars 12 The Strand
TAB 14 The Strand
Ray White 16 The Strand
Jade 18 The Strand
Stranded Cafe 20 The Strand
Charcoal Chicks 22 The Strand
Crust 24 The Strand
Commercial - vacant 26 The Strand
Daytoa Thai 28 The Strand
His & Hers 30 The Strand
Café Croydon 32 The Strand
Croydon Chiropractic 34-36 The Strand
Planet Properties 40 The Strand
Laundromat 42 The Strand
MY Takeaway 44 The Strand
Sydney Drums 46 The Strand
Commercial - vacant 48 The Strand
Commercial - vacant 50 The Strand
The Resident 27 The Strand
Sydney Hi-Tech Auto Electronics 1/27 The Strand
Olde Blighty Giftware 25 The Strand
Shellys Delite 23 The Strand
Kitch 21 The Strand
Spice Centre 19 The Strand
Artistry Hair on The Strand 17 The Strand
Hotel Saravana Bhavan 15 The Strand
Kafe Altura 13 The Strand
Croydon Friendly Grocer 11 The Strand
Italfornato 9 The Strand
La Margherita 7 The Strand
Croydon Art Studio 5 The Strand
Croydon Newsagent 3 The Strand
Croydon Medical Centre 1A The Strand
Post Office 1 The Strand
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Croydon Station Upgrade Management Plan
This Plan is the property of John Holland and may not be copied, distributed or used without the express written consent of John Holland