Itil Foundation

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IT Service Management (ITIL® V3)

Foundation Course I Presenter: Prakash Sharma, QAI I
London: 13 - 15 October, ‘08; 19 - 21 January, ‘09; 9-11 March, ‘09 I 3 days: £725 + VAT

About ITIL
(Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Workshop Highlights
! A globally used & accepted approach to IT Service Management ! Introduction ! Capacity Management
! A cohesive set of best practices under 10 key service ! Configuration Management ! Business Continuity and IT
management processes, drawn from over a decade of work by ! Service Desk & Incident Service Continuity
thousands of IT and data processing professionals in the public Management Management
and private sector ! Problem Management ! Financial Management for IT
! Supported by Internationally coveted certifications ! Change Management Services
! Adopted by leading organizations including Procter and Gamble, ! Release Management ! Take the "Certification Exam"
IBM, American Express, Shell, Boeing, Xansa and many others ! Service Level Management at the end of the course (1 hr
! The foundation for BS 15000 certification (World's first formal ! Availability Management multiple choice format)
standard for IT Service Management)

Exam (ISEB's Accredited ITIL® Foundation

Workshop Overview Exam in IT Service Management)
Information Technology is recognized as a critical enabler and key Duration: 1 hour (15 extra minutes will be given to delegates
differentiator for business success today. CEOs, CIOs, CTOs and whose first language is NOT English)
senior management are concerned about optimizing their IT
Format: Objective type multiple choice questions, paper based
investments and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their IT
No. of questions: 40
resources to support business requirements. This Accredited 3-day
'Foundation course in IT Service Management' for IT professionals Passing criteria: 26 correct answers
based on ITIL® Best Practices.There are over 100,000 ITIL® qualified Specials note: No negative marking
professionals in 70+ countries today and more than 12,000 sitting for Exam is conducted on the 3rd (last) day of the course
the exam every year.This course includes a Certification exam at the
end for 'Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management'.
QAI would provide participants with their personal copy of the ISEB
Who should Attend accredited itil foundation courseware. This courseware covers every
! CIOs, CTOs, Business and Operations Heads who would like to use aspect of ITIL® foundation course in a comprehensive manner.
IT Service Excellence practices to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of their IT resources. QAI provides a rigorous exam preparation to the participants to
maintain maximum passing rate in every batch. There are sample
! Application, Project and Business Managers involved in IT
exams question papers and mock exams are conducted to improve
! System and Network Administrators
the preparedness of the participants. The preparation covers the
! Control, Compliance and Audit Managers entire ITIL® foundation curriculum in a comprehensive manner. This is
! Those requiring the “Foundation Certificate in IT Service followed by discussions on the answers and the rationale document
Management' for each answer is shared with each participant.

QAI as a part of the course, conducts group exercises, discussions

Workshop Objectives and Take Aways and presentations. These play a significant role in giving an insight into
! Prepare for and take the 'Foundation Certificate in IT Service the real world problems. These exercises are instrumental in enabling
Management' exam the participants to understand the ITIL® global best practices and how
! Understand the need for IT Service Management they assist in resolving critical issues and concerns in the IT Service
Management domain.
! Help in optimizing investment on IT infrastructure and IT services
! Start the progress to a robust IT governance framework
! Understand the Key ITIL® processes, relationships between Question Bank
various Service delivery processes, concepts, impacts, techniques, QAI has a rich repository of questions for the ITIL Foundation Course,
their benefits and challenges of implementation which is the source of our mock questions.
! Understand the major deliverables, roles, tasks and responsibilities
expected from service providers, clients, managers and staff
! Improve ability to recognize changing trends and to adapt quickly to QAI Success
new requirements and market developments to get the 'competitive QAI has maintained a very high pass rate of 97% for the ITIL
edge' foundation courses, way above the industry standard of 90%, as a
! Enhance customer satisfaction from IT service delivery result of its comprehensive course offering and exam preparation.

QAI has maintained excellent participant feedback (an average of 4.7

ITIL ® is a Registered Trade Mark, and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of
Government Commerce, and is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. on a scale of 5).

ITIL ® is a Registered Trade Mark, and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

UNICOM R&D House, One Oxford Road,

Uxbridge, UB9 4DA
Tel: 01895 256 484 Fax: 01895 813 095
Email: A QAI company
Accredited ITIL® Foundation Course

Please Book me on this Event

You can use this form to book any of the events listed
13 - 15 October, ‘08
Please tick the appropriate box (opposite)
19 - 21 January, ‘09
Please book me on this event(s) ticked opposite
9 -11 March, ‘09
Please send further information on the event(s) ticked opposite
I am interested in an in-house course Price: £725 + VAT

I would like more information on the

following related events:
MAILING CODE: PDF Introduction to CMMI® v1.2 - Staged &
Continuous Representations
1st Delegate
Overview of CMMI® v1.2
Dr/Mr/Ms/Mrs………….First Name………………………………………………..…………………………
ITIL® V2 to V3 Foundation Bridging Course
Head of Department…………………………………………………………………………………………… Five Easy Ways to Book
1. Fax this page +44 (0) 1895 813 095 to book your
2nd Delegate place

Dr/Mr/Ms/Mrs.………...FirstName…...…………………………………………...…………….…………… 2. Post to: UNICOM Seminars Ltd, UNICOM R&D

House,One Oxford Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex
Surname……………………………………………………………………………..…………....…………… UB9 4DA, UK
Position……………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 3. Email
Head of Department………………………………………………………………..…………….…………… 4. Register via our secure website
5. Alternatively, Telephone UNICOM on +44(0) 1895
Contact Details: 256 484 to provisionally reserve your place
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light refreshments. taking place within six
Email address………………………………………………………………………..………………………… Accommodation is not months from the date of the
included, but reduced rates original event. TRANSFERS
have been negotiated. are not accepted less than 5
Please contact UNICOM working days before the
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delegate information will be will be due. The organisers
sent to you approximately reserve the right to amend
INVOICE TOTAL two weeks before the event. the programme and change
Please note that payment is the venue if necessary.
required in advance of the INDEMNITY: Should for any
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I enclose a cheque made payable to UNICOM Seminars booking that all fees are paid UNICOM Seminars Ltd, the
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Please charge my: All invoices carry surcharges change, or the event be
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Card No. the event. What happens if I conditions, or an act of
have to cancel? Confirm your terrorism, UNICOM Seminars
CANCELLATION in writing Ltd will endeavour to
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cancellations received less and expenses, including
than 15 working days prior to attorneys fees, which are
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welcome at any time. You Agreement shall be governed
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within one week of Invoice. submit.

UNICOM R&D House, One Oxford Road,

Uxbridge, UB9 4DA
Tel: 01895 256 484 Fax: 01895 813 095
Email: A QAI company

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