Implementing Agile

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Agile provides “an environment which is
rich in communication, focussed on the
12 November 2008, LONDON

business need and focussed on

protecting the quality of the final
deliverable”. Many organisations now
want to take the next step and find out
what “implementing Agile” really
This highly-focused interactive one-day event gives a practical guide to real-world
Agile implementations that will provide invaluable insight to any organisation that is
considering the decision to “go Agile”. It features presentations and case studies
based on real and extensive experience.

By attending this mini-conference you will gain genuine, pragmatic guidance from
specialists who have extensive experience of implementing Agile.

Topics covered include: Who should attend?

Organised by:

• Recap / Overview of leading Agile Those wishing to successfully

Approaches – similarities and implement Agile software development,
differences, strengths and weaknesses; or to explore its potential, will benefit
• Selecting an Agile Approach: Selecting from this interactive workshop which
and integrating Agile approaches that demonstrates the right way to go about
work for your organisation and implementing Agile. Participants will
integrating them with existing have ample opportunity to ask
frameworks; questions and interact with the
• Initiating an Agile Transformation: presenters in order to relate Agile to
Where and how to start, and how to their own organisations. They will also
achieve and sustain organisational be provided with onward knowledge
business buy-in; and learning resource sources.
Sponsored by:

• The Challenges of Managing an Agile

Transformation: Agile Transformation, As Agile projects impact the whole
barriers and enablers, issues and organisation, attendance by a wide
solutions; range of staff and by teams is
• Case Study: Reflections from an strongly recommended.
o rg an i s at i o n wh i ch h a s o r i s (team discounts available)
transforming to Agile; • CEOs / CIOs / IT Directors
• Panel / Q & A / Clinic: Question the • Programme & Project Managers
Panel’s approach to real-world issues • Software Development Managers
and solutions. • Software Managers
• Software Quality Managers
• Project managers and team leaders
responsible for Agile projects.
• Business users involved in specifying,
agreeing and procuring software.
9.00-9.30 Registration and Coffee Challenges of Managing an Agile
9.30 Keith Braithwaite, Centre for Agile Practice,
Chairperson’s Introduction to the Zuhlke
• What needs to be in place for Agile to
Recap / Overview of leading Agile Ap- succeed?
proaches – similarities and differences, • Where to begin?
strengths and weaknesses • What happens along the way?
Panel of all speakers • When are you done?

7 Milestones on the Road to Agility Case study: Yahoo!’s Experiences with

Duncan Pierce, Amarinda Implementing Agile
Manav Mehan, Yahoo! Europe
• You're interested in Agile, but are you ready
to do it? What happens if not everyone Introducing Distributed Agile – A Case
agrees? Study
• Where do you start? How do you manage Luke Barrett, ThoughtWorks
the transition?
• What risks do you face? How do you over- • Specific case study following the introduc-
come them? tion of a Distributed Agile delivery
approach to an established IT shop
These are questions a lot of organisations • Challenges encountered in terms of
have faced. In this talk we look at the major culture, process and technology and how
milestones you need to pass on the road to those were addressed
agility. We'll talk about activities you need to • Particular focus on how the team chose to
undertake at each stage to prepare yourself adapt core Agile practices to address
and your organisation to move forwards, and geographical and time difference
the checkpoints you should use at each mile- • Exploration of collaboration tools and
stone to determine whether you're ready. techniques that were used to manage the
We'll also look at the different problems communication gap
faced by large and small organisations. • Lessons learned

Initiating an Agile Transformation Panel/Q& A/ Clinic

Peter Measey, RADTAC
• Introduction to ‘Pragmatic Agile’ – Integrat- Close of Day
ing agile and traditional frameworks
• The 5 drivers of agile transformation Price:
• Transformation Project Delegate places are at the ‘Early bird’ price of
• Training £440+VAT if booked before 17 Oct.;
• Coaching and mentoring (and the dif- £550+VAT thereafter.
ference) For further information on sponsoring or
• Capability Building exhibiting, contact:
• Agile standards and integration Alec McCutcheon
UNICOM Seminars Ltd
• The difference between ‘doing agile’ and
Tel: +44 (0) 1895 819 475
‘being agile’ Swbd: +44 (0) 1895 256 484
MINI-CONFERENCE Registration Details

MAILING CODE: PDF Please Book Me On This Event

1st Delegate
Dr/Mr/Ms/Mrs.............First Name....................................... Mini-Conference: Implementing Agile
Position.............................................................................. 12 November 2008

Head of Department........................................................... ‘Early Bird’ Price £440 + VAT until 17 October

thereafter £550 + VAT

2nd Delegate
Related Events:
Dr/Mr/Ms/Mrs.............First Name.......................................
Pre-Conference workshop
Surname............................................................................ Introduction to Agile, 11 Nov 2008
Post-Conference workshop
Testing Agile, 13 Nov 2008
Head of Department...........................................................
Measurement for Agile Projects, 12 November 2008

Contact Details Visible Metrics for Lean Management, 13 November 2008

I would like to receive more information on related events
.......................................................................................... Five Easy Ways To Book
Post Code...........................................................................
Fax this page +44 (0) 1895 813 095 to book your place
Post To: UNICOM Seminars Ltd, UNICOM R&D House,
.Fax.................................................................................... One Oxford Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB9 4DA, UK

E-mail................................................................................. Email:

Register: via our web site

Telephone UNICOM on +44(0) 1895 256 484 to provisionally reserve your place

INVOICE TOTAL Registration Details

The registration fee for the event covers the As we cannot guarantee that exactly the
I endose a cheque made payable to UNICOM Seminars following: Attendance, copy of the same course will be available, the transfer
documentation, lunches and light will be open to any other event taking place
refreshments. Accommodation is not within six months from the date of the original
Please charge my: included. Detailed delegate information will event. The organisers reserve the right to
Card No. be sent to you approximately two weeks amend the programme if necessary.
before the event. Payment should be sent INDEMNITY: Should for any reason outside
with the registration form or at the latest, paid the control of UNICOM Seminars Ltd, the
Expiry Date / Purchase Order No. at the event. All invoices carry a 10% venue or the speakers change, or the event
surcharge which is payable if the fee remains be cancelled due to industrial action, adverse
Please Invoice (include invoice adress)
unpaid on the day of the event. weather conditions, or an act of terrorism,
F.A.O. .............................................................................................................................. UNICOM Seminars Ltd will endeavour to
What happens if I have to cancel? reschedule, but the client hereby indemnifies
and holds UNICOM Seminars Ltd harmless
Address............................................................................................................................ Confirm your CANCELLATION in writing up from and against any and all costs, damages
......................................................................................................................................... to 15 working days before the event and and expenses, including attorneys fees,
receive a refund less a 10% + VAT service which are incurred by the client. The
charge. Regrettably, no refunds can be made construction validity and performance of this
Post Code........................................................................................................................ Agreement shall be governed by all aspects
for cancellations received less than 15
Tel.................................................................................................................................... working days prior to the event and the by the laws of England to the exclusive
Signature......................................................................................................................... invoice will remain due. SUBSTITUTIONS jurisdiction of whose court the Parties hereby
are welcome at any time. You may also agree to submit.
TRANSFER your booking to a future event
for an additional charge of £125/person/day,
payable within one week of invoice.

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