Mastery Quiz Crim 3&4
Mastery Quiz Crim 3&4
Mastery Quiz Crim 3&4
To develop public good will, a policeman on duty must do the following, EXCEPT.
a. Intervention
b. Diversion
c. Rehabilitation
d. Probation
3. This refers to unfair or unjust acts usually given to friends or relatives.
A. Deviance
B. Corruption
C. Favoritism
D. Misconduct
5. Are rights that cannot be transferred, cannot be borrowed and cannot be taken away
a. inherent rights
b. supreme rights
c. inalienable rights
d. human rights
A. Gun
B. Uniform
C. Whistle
D. Knowledge of the Law
8. Ricardo "Cardo" Dalisay is a volleyball team captain that keeps the game on even if it
is a 25-20 and they're losing at the fourth set of game. This situation if referring to:
A. Denial
B. Dissociation
C. Avoidance
D. Acting out
9. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law,
nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. Does this statement
refer to the rights of a person arrested, apprehended, or in custodial investigation
pursuant to Republic Act 7438?
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No
10. In connection to the previous question, the statement is in pursuant to what article
and section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?*
11. A parent who provided a sperm, egg or uterus to help in the conception of a child*
A. Stepparent
B. Unfit parent
C. Biological parent
D. Surrogate parent
12. Which of the following refers to the set of conducts and behavior governing a group,
a class, or organization?
A. Ethical Standards
B. Professional Standards
C. Code of Conduct
D. Group Ethics
13. Exhibit a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attempt to get attention in
unusual ways, such as bizarre appearance or speech.*
14. Public officials and employees shall always uphold the public interest over and
above personal interest. The statement is:*
A. True
B. False
C. Erroneous
D. Impossible
15. A criminology student that has high hopes of getting a higher grade and thinks of
his brighter future has a chance of having a better life. This statement carries a modifier
of human acts which would be best attributed to:
A. Passions
B. Positive emotions
C. Negative emotion
D. Habit forming
A. Maladaptive behavior
B. Psychosis
C. somatoform disorder
D. dissociative disorder
18. Moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for the
a. Stess
b. Distress
c. Eustress
d. Acute stress
19. People with this personality talk little, are given to daydreaming, and prefer
theoretical speculation to practical action.*
a. Paranoid personality
b. Schizoid personality
c. Schizotypal personality
d. Histrionic personality
20. It is characterized by inability to cope with the ordinary problems of family living. It
lacks the resources, physical or psychological, for meeting the demands of the family
21. The observation that in crowds or groups, many people lose their sense of
individuality, remove self-imposed controls, and neutralize their internalized moral
a. Deindividualization
b. Identification
c. Repression
d. Sublimation
22. It refers to an intangible feeling that seems to evade any effort to resolve it
A. Worry
B. Anxiety
C. Panic
D. Fear
23. It is a type of victim which he is the Primary abusers in relationships become
victims when the one being abused turns on them*
a. depressive
b. acquisitive
c. loners
d. tormentor
24. This is a period of exploration and place an important role in the development of
confidence as well as social and communication skills.
a. Oral Stage
b. Anal Stage
c. Phallic Stage
d. Latency Stage
25. A person is victimized more than once by any type of victimization, but across long
span of time.
a. recurring victimization
b. revictimization
c. repeat victimization
d. none of these
a. Edwin sutherland
B, Charles goring
c. Hans selye
d. henry goddard
27. It is the branch of criminology that deals purely on the underlying factors of
victimization and the contributory role of the victims in the commission of crimes.*
a. etiology of crime
b. sociology of law
c. penology
d. victimology
28. Desio assumes that he is having a contagious disease and that other people should
not be close to him for they might be contaminated by his illness. Desio is having:
A. anxiety disorder
B. psychosis
C. somatoform disorder
D. dissociative disorder
30. A police officer being a law enforcement officer does not mean that he/she is
exempted in obeying the law. The statement is referring to what canon of Police ethics?
31. The police officer must be trustworthy and uphold the truth at all times. This is
called in police ethics as?
A. Nobility
B. Integrity
C. Trustworthiness
D. Honesty
32. PSSG Chino Paco Sia, an investigator is having trouble with a certain case he is
handling due to the lack of witnesses to help him investigate such cases. Pieces of
physical evidence contaminated due to improper observance of the Chain of custody by
his comrades, but this doesn’t stop him in pursuing the progress of the case and still
has the firmness despite all the obstacles stalling him. What virtue does PSSG Sia
A. Prudence
B. Justice
C. Fortitude
D. Temperance
33. In connection with the previous question, what particular kind of fortitude does
PSSG Sia have?
A. Patience
B. Perseverance
C. Endurance
D. Fortitude
34. . It refers to all types of internal forces which may prevent a person from committing
a crime.
35. When we say that human behavior focuses on its cognitive views, it means what?*
A. Carl Jung
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. William Sheldon
D. Sigmund Freud
37. When a person shows lack of interest, confidence and skills to relate meaningfully,
harmoniously and fruitfully with the members of the community, he/she is suffering from
A. Physical Crisis
B. Social Crisis
C. Moral Crisis
D. Emotional Crisis
A. Neurotic Personality
B. Compulsive Neurosis
C. Psychopathic Personality
D. Schizophrenic Personality
39. Persistent fear of some object or situation that presents no solid basis at all is form
neurotic disorder referred to as.
A. Anxiety
B. Amnesia
C. phobia
D. tension
40. The only normal sexual relationship between members of the opposite sex and
could lead to reproduction is referred to as:
A. Homosexuality
B. Pornography
C. sensuality
D. heterosexuality or sexuality
41. Individuals with this kind of personality are fearful of becoming involved with people
because of excessive fears of criticism or rejection. *
A. Dependent Personality
B. Avoidant Personality
C. Compulsive Personality
D. Passive-Aggressive Personality
A. Schizophrenia
B. psychosis
C. neurosis
D. split mind
A. Maladaptive behavior
B. psychosis
C. somatoform disorder
D. dissociative disorder
44. Unfaithful boyfriend suspects his girlfriend to have another “LOVER”. The statement
best describes;
A. sublimation
B. displacement
C. suppression
D. projection
45. These people are just simply confused and that they could experience hallucination
or delusion, these people falls on the category of bizarre behavior. What does
hallucination mean?*
A. Bizarre behavior
B. impaired functioning
C. Disruptive behavior
D. false perception
46. A false belief based on an incorrect inference about external reality and firmly
sustained despite clear evidence to the contrary, and which is not related to cultural or
religious beliefs*
1 point
A. False alarm
B. Wrong perception
C. Incoherence
D. Delusion
A. Uziel Gal
B. Benjamin Mendelsohn
C. Edwin Sutherland
D. William Sheldon
48. When an individual experiences tension and anxiety increases making him/her
helpless, thus he experiences negative feelings called ________.*
A. Crisis
B. Frustration
C. Conflict
D. Hallucination
49. Victim Compensation Program may help pay for expenses related to a crime such
as, medical treatment, mental health services, income loss, and funeral and burial
A. False belief
B. Irrational Fear
C. False sensory Perception
D. Irrational anxiety
51. Mr. Cide had witnessed a homicide scene and volunteered to testify in court on
what he had perceived on that day. In the Topographical model according to Freud, on
what level of awareness Mr. Cide will get his testimony.
A. Conscious
B. Unconscious
C. Sub-conscious
D. Pre-conscious
52. The type of killer that runs on a certain group of people as their target that they
believe to be unworthy people, the statement is referring to a mission oriented killer, but
how about for excitement?
A. mission oriented
B. lust killer
C. thrill oriented
D. visionary motive type
53. Victim Compensation Program may help pay for expenses related to a crime such
as, medical treatment, mental health services, income loss, and funeral and burial
54. When girls see her mother as a rival for her father’s attention, this complex is
termed as…
A. Oedipus Complex
B. Electra Complex
C. Penis Envy
D. None of these
55. Jack is highly adaptive to living and deriving satisfaction from the external world. He
is interested in people and always open to new ideas, information and knowledge from
others. Jack is a/an____________.
1 point
56. It refers to all types of internal forces which may prevent a person from committing a
57. Phrase meaning "For the Proceeding" referring to adults who look after the
welfare of a child and represent their legal interests.
a. In Loco parentis
b. Guardian Ad litem
c. Parens Patriae
d. None of these
58. They are parents who are punitive and enforce forceful disciplinary measures.
These parents are not responsive to their children and show little warmth and support.
a. Authoritarian Parents
b. Authoritative Parents
c. Indifferent Parents
d. Indulgent Parents
A. Delinquency
B. Exclusive
C. Status Offense
D. Grave
60. What is this usual pattern of behavior of any individuals as express by physical and
rational activities and attitudes?
A. Attitude
B. Character
C. Customs
D. Behavior
61. Magsayo, angry at his girlfriend, boxed a nearby three manifest what particular
defense mechanism?
A, repression
b. displacement
c. repression
d. sublimation
62. Jojo had just enough money to buy one item. He must choose between buying a
ninja 400 or xmax
a. approach-approach
b. approach-avoidance
c. avoidance-avoidance
d. multiple approach-avoidance
A. Depressive stupor
B. Bipolar disorder
C. Neurotic affective
D. Paranoia
64. This suggests that people feel emotions first then act upon them. This is a theory
that emotion and psychological reaction occur simultaneously. These actions include
changes in muscular tension, perspiration etc.
1 point
d. Nota
65. Most of time are resulted to in handling frustration when an original plan intended
to solve the problem did not produce the intended result, thus the most practical way to
face the problem, is to look for most possible or alternative means.
a. Direct approach
b. Detour
c. Substitution
d. Developing feeling of inferiority
66. The PNP core values provide a solid anchor for the organization as it develops and
strengthens itself. The following are the core values of the PNP. EXCEPT?
a. Makatarungan
b. Makadiyos
c. Makakalikasan
d. Makatao
67. Pat Roman Cruz was conducting beat patrol when he found a bag with no
apparent owner in a sidewalk. When he opened the bag, it was full of money. He was
faced with a moral issue between appropriating the bag or returning it to its rightful
owner. This situation is called
a. Moral judgment
b. Moral dilemma
c. Moral decision
d. Moral issue
a. Human acts
b. Acts of man
c. Action of man
d. Nota
A. Impartiality
B. Justice Power
C. Judiciary
d. Judicial
70. The people should inform the community of the regulations and policies of the
police force and the reasons of their adoption.
72. When police officers taught how to deal with people in a warm and friendly manner,
they are trained in ___.
1 point
A. human relation
B. media relation
C. public information
D. public relation
73. It consists with the peace officers’ relations with the officers and men of his own
A. inter-departmental relations
B. intra-departmental relations
C. citizen’s relations
D. teamwork
74. To develop public good will, a policemen on duty must do the following, EXCEPT:
75. Arrival and departure honor ceremonies are rendered to visiting dignitaries, VIPs,
PNP officers with the rank of Chief Superintendent and above and AFP officers of
equivalent grade.
A. Half mast
B. Flag Retreat Ceremony
C. Ceremony Tendered to Retiree
D. Honor Ceremony
76. PNP members salute the lowering of the flag at the end of the official day’s work
A. Half mast
B. Flag Retreat Ceremony
C. Ceremony Tendered to Retiree
D. Honor Ceremony
77. Uniformed members will always uphold public interest over and above personal
78. It is but natural to fail but what matter is the ability to rise especially when put in hot
water. Facing the consequences of our action is a sign of maturity.
79. Strengthening the behavior of the selected applicant is believed to be the objective
of the PNP training.
81. Each profession shall nurture and support one organization for all its members.
82. To maintain and broaden public confidence, professionals shall perform their
responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity and imbued with nationalism and
spiritual values.
A. integrity and objectivity
B. Service to others
C. Solidarity and Teamwork
D. Social and Civic Responsibility
83. These are police officers who engage in relatively minor type of corruption
opportunities as they present themselves.
A. Grass Eaters
C. Rotten Apples
B. Meat Eaters
D. White Knights
84. Which of the following is the most important function of a good public relations
officer of a police station?
85 Among the following Core Values of the Philippine National Police, which is the
most supreme?
A. Love of God.
B. Respect for authority.
C. Respect for women
D. Respect for sanctity of marriage.
E. Stewardship over material things.
87. What is the practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty
as applied to law enforcement?
A. Police Customs
B. Police Ethics
C. Values
D. Police Tradition
88. A division of ethics which deals with the general principles of morality.
A. general ethics
B. special ethics
C. code of ethics
D. all of the above
89. When the person fully understands what he is doing and has the capability to
appreciate the consequences of his actions.
A. Knowingly
B. Deliberately
C. Freely
D. Absolutely
A. Conduct
B. Morality
C. Ethics
D. Professionalism
92. Those that are necessary for survival such as food, shelter, clothing, sex, water and
sleep. - These include physiological needs of man as a man.
a. psychological values
b. biological values
c. moral values
d. intellectual values
93. It is a virtue that regulates the carnal appetite for sensual pleasures.
a. prudence
b. endurance
c. temperance
d. fortitude
94. It is the lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance of
police duties. It could be due to physical or intellectual limitations or lack of skill.
a. misfeasance
b. non-feasance
c. malfeasance
d. incompetency
95. Police officers shall perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency,
enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for public welfare.
96. Police officers, as well as their immediate family members shall be encouraged to
actively get involved in religious, social and civic activities to enhance the image of the
PNP organization.
97. Refers to established and generally accepted moral values and ethical acts.
a. Professional ethics
b. Ethical standards
c. Moral values
d. Character
98. It is a program designed to condition both friendly and hostile public, ensuring the
facilitation of the attainment of police objectives
a. Mental program
b. Psychological Program
c. Psychic Program
d. Psychiatric Program
99. Refers to a program designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between
the police and the community.
100. Unusual emergencies that happens and absence of superior officers leaves the
policeman to handle the situation properly, the best procedure to follow is?
1 point