A Project Report On Recruitment and Selection Process: of BSNL
A Project Report On Recruitment and Selection Process: of BSNL
A Project Report On Recruitment and Selection Process: of BSNL
Bsnl is establised in 2000. It is the worlds 7th largest telecommunication company. This project attempts to understand the recruitment and selection procedure in bsnl. Bsnl is formed in oct 2000 and this telecommunication company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India . Internet broadband, wireless mobile, cdma mobile, carrier services, voip services etc everything is provided by bsnl. It is the largest leadin public sector unit in India presently. Recruitment Recruitment is a process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Selection It is the function perform by the management of selecting the right employee at the right time after identify the source resources , searching for prospective employee and stimulating them to apply for job in an organization.
They recruite and select the person for process of bsnl for data collection, organizational and manual records were used. For recruitment and selection first they collect data of all candidates then they take personal interviews.
This project gives me opportunity to understand the recruiting and selecting process in an organization. I have chosen this topic because I want evaluate whether recruitment and selecting is actually necessary for the organization or not. And if it is necessary than at wat extent it is necessary?
Internal sources: pros and cons Finding internal candidates. Rehiring Succession planning Improving productivity through HRIS: succession planning system
temp agencies and alternative staffing Internal factors person who are already working in an organization constitute the internal sources Retired employees, retrenched employees etc constitute the internal resources. Whenever any vacancy arises, some one from with in the organization is upgrated, transferred promoted or even demoted. Internal sorces : pros and consFilling open position with inside candidates has several advantages. First there is really no substitute for knowing a candidates strengths and weaknesses. Current employee may also more committed towards their work and company. Their morale also rise because of promotions as a reward for loyalty and competence. And one more thing that is inside candidate needs less orientation and training as compare to outsiders. However hiring from within is also backfire. Employees who apply for job and dont get them may become discontented. Many employers require manager to post job opening but the interview is all inside candidates. Inbreeding is another potential drawback. They may have a tendency to maintain the status quo when a new direction is required.
Finding internal candidate To be effective, promotions requires using job posting, skill banks and personal records. Job positioning is all about their qualifications, supervisors, work schedule, and pay rate. In qualification like those who have good computerized skills pay very important role. The person who have all these qualities and who have potential for further training or who have the right background for the open job.
Rehiring Should you rehire someone who left your employ? It depend. Former employees are known quantities and are already familiar with the companys culture, style and ways of doing things. Employees who were let go may return less than positive attitude. We cant rehire those person who have been mistreated by the manager.
Succession planning Forecasting the availability of inside executive candidate is particularly important in succession planning. The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance. It is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key leadership position in the company.
Improving productivity through HRIS: succession planning system Human resource information system is defined as computer based application for assembling and processing data related to the human resorce management function.
Students from reputed education institutions Candidates through reference like friends relatives and existing employees Unsolicited applications/walk inn Campus recruitment.
RECRUITMENT VIA THE INTERNET In todays world most people go online to look for jobs. More than 4 million people looking job through online sites that is jo portals. And the online sites for job is monster.com , naukri.com etc. Internet based ads and recruiting is far and away the recruiting source of choice. Advertising While web based recruiting is rapidly replacing help wanted ads, a glance at almost any paper or business or professional magazine will confirm that print ads are still popular. News papers The selection of best medium is local paper, the Hindustan times, times of India , TV depends on the position for which you are recruiting. Local news paper is best source for local blue collar help, clerical employees, and the lower level of administrative employees. For specialized employees, one can advertise in trade and professional journals like sales management, chemical engineering etc.
selection selection is the process of picking the individuals who have relevant qualification to fill the job in an organization. And from the pool of selection only qualified people are selected through selection. Steps in selecting the process: Reception A company is known by the people its employees. To attract a people with talent and good skills company have to create a favourable Impression on the applicants. Employment possibilities must be presented clearly and honestly. Screening interview Preliminary interview is planned by the organization to cut the cost of selection through interviews. In which only eligible candidate are selected through this. suitable applicant for job such as age, education, pay expectation, aptitude, location etc. Application form Application form is one of the the most common method to collect information through this form. It is the brief history of employees background which contains (employees age, sex telephone no., marital data, education data, extra curricular activities, experience , reference etc) Selection test In this they have to give test for selection than only they can judge their employees. Employment tests that attempts intelligence, abilities, personality trait, performance stimulation test including work sampling. Some of employment test are : intelligence test, aptitude test , personality test, honesty test etc.
Selection interview Interview is the oral examination of candidate . it is the most important step for interviewers. Interview gives the recruiter an opportunity to size up the candidate personality, asked questions that are not covered in the test , make judgement on candidate intelligence, they can observe their facial expressions and their nervousness etc. Evalutation It is done on the basis of justifications and answers given by the applicants in the interviews.
Physical examination After the selection decision and before the job physical examination is required. Medical examination :- in which they check the vision, perfect hearing, tolerance , physical fitness etc.
Reference checks Once the interviews nd medical exmintion gets over the personl deprtments will engage in checking references. These references may be from individuals who are familiar with the candidates academic achievements or from the applicants previous employer.
Hiring descision
This is the final time were line manger has to take decision whether to select or reject the candidate. The line manager has to take adequate care in taking the final decision because of economical, behavior and social implications of the selection decision.
The telecom company aims to ensure that the best candidate is selected for the job regardless of age, origion, religion, gender etc to achieve the objective company of process through selection and recruitment they have to understand job to be filled clearly. The purpose of this policy is to company will attract the most highly qualified workfoce available to them. All the workers of the organization felt that this program is beneficial in improving skills , performance , knowledge effectively and efficiently doin work.