Nine Pillars of Mission Digital India: Initiatives and Their Schemes
Nine Pillars of Mission Digital India: Initiatives and Their Schemes
Nine Pillars of Mission Digital India: Initiatives and Their Schemes
digital India
Initiatives and their schemes
Digital India Mission
• This covers three sub components, namely Broadband for All - Rural,
Broadband for All - Urban and National Information Infrastructure
• Broadband for All – Rural
2,50,000 village Panchayats would be covered under the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) by
December 2016. Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is the nodal Department for this project.
• NII would integrate the network and cloud infrastructure in the country
to provide high speed connectivity and cloud platform to various
government departments up to the panchayat level. These
infrastructure components include networks such as State Wide Area
Network (SWAN), National Knowledge Network (NKN), National Optical
Fibre Network (NOFN), Government User Network (GUN) and the
MeghRaj Cloud. NII aims at integrating all ICT infrastructure
components such as SWANs, NKN, NOFN, GUN and GI Cloud. It will have
provision for horizontal connectivity to 100, 50, 20 and 5 government
offices/ service outlets at state, district, block and Panchayat levels
respectively. DeitY will be the nodal Department for this project.
Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity