Lubow, Moore (1959)
Lubow, Moore (1959)
Lubow, Moore (1959)
The learning score (i.e., the number of
reinforced presentations of the signal before
achieving the tenth CR) for the novel test
stimulus and the adapted test stimulus is
also presented in Table 1. Except for two small
FIG. 1. Experimental room with goat in harness. deviations, all the animals conditioned more
Stimuli, rotor, and light, to right of 5. Shock electrodes slowly to the pre-exposed stimulus. The Wil-
and lever for recording leg flexion on left foreleg. This coxon matched-pairs signed-rank test (Siegel,
was the procedure employed in Experiment II. In 1956) yields a T of 2 (p < .01, two tails).
Experiment I the electrodes were attached to the right
The results indicate that nonreinforced
pre-exposure to a stimulus results in a rate
of conditioning which is slower than to a novel
stimuli for the experiment, the bulb came on for \ sec.
each second; the rotor made one revolution each second. stimulus. It should also be noted that there
Both visual stimuli had auditory components. were two factors present that would tend to
Two electrodes were attached to the right foreleg of countereffect and minimize these differences
the 6\ The US was 11-v. a.c. Leg flexion was recorded by in rate of conditioning. Sensory generalization
means of a lever tied to the lower part of the right fore-
leg. The lever activated an overhead microswitch. When
may have occurred, since both stimuli were
5 lifted its leg, the switch closed. The closed micro- in the same modality. But, even more im-
switch moved a signal magnet on a polygraph in the portant, the signals were alternated, and 5
next room. During the experiment each animal was was required to make the same response to
alone in the room. Type of signal, intertrial intervals,
and shock presentations were programed in advance both signals. This situation maximizes positive
and presented automatically. All recording and observa- transfer. That the significant differences in
tion through a "one-way" glass was done from an ad- rate of learning did occur in spite of these
jacent room.
Procedure TABLE 1
Procedural Outline and Number of Trials to
The animals were brought into the testing room Conditioning Criterion, Experiment 1
individually and placed in the stock. The electrodes and
lever for recording leg flexions were attached to the Number of Trials
Subject to Criterion
right foreleg. The S was then allowed to stand for 15
min. before the first phase of the experiment was begun. Nonrein- Order of
Phase 1, -nonreinforced stimulus presentation. Each forced Alternation Pre-
Stimulus ex- Nov-
animal received 10 nonreinforced presentations of one Species Sex posed el S Diff.
of the signals which would later be used in the second or S
reinforced phase. Half the animals received the flashing
light, and half received the moving rotor. In each case Goat F (L)ight LRL--.R 57 25 32
the signal duration was 10 sec. The length of the interval Goat F (R)otor RLR • • • L 12 13 -1
between signals varied randomly from 30 sec. to 1\ min. Goat M L RLR. . - L 16 14 2
Phase 2, reinforced stimulus presentation. This phase, Goat M R LRL- - - R 24 14 10
in which all signals were followed by shock, began 2 min. Sheep F L RLR.--L 25 22 Q
facilitated learning when the pre-exposed CS inhibition." It would seem that current learn-
and the US arc on opposite sides was not veri- ing theories might have some difficulty in-
fied. corporating these results. That "latent in-
That the position of the pre-exposed CS in hibition" may not be limited to a strictly
relation to the US has no effect is further classical conditioning situation is indicated
indicated by comparing the number of trials by two other studies which employ avoidance
to criterion for the pre-exposed stimulus conditioning (Bahrick, 1953; Lyons, 1954).
when the shock is given to the right leg These results have some implication for the
(Experiment I) as compared with the left leg design and interpretation of experiments
(Experiment II). The mean values are 25.8 employing either a sensory preconditioning or
and 33.6, respectively. This is in the opposite latent-learning paradigm. Both types of ex-
direction predicted from the hypothesis. periments use some form of nonreinforced
(Combining the number of trials to criterion for pre-exposure to a stimulus which will later
pre-exposed and novel CS, and comparing the become paired with a relevant response and
right leg with the left leg, yields no significant reinforcement. These studies emphasize facili-
difference: p > .20, Mann-Whitney U test, tation as the hallmark for the occurrence of
two tails.) learning. However, it should now be apparent
The effective conditions for inhibition of that the latent learning may result in a
learning can be refined further by combining decrement in the association of the relevant
the results of both experiments. A comparison response and stimulus. A study of the variables
of each stimulus type, rotor or light, inde- which determine whether nonreinforced pre-
pendently, in terms of whether it was a pre- exposure to a stimulus results in inhibition or
exposed or novel stimulus indicates an inter- facilitation would be enlightening. Muenzinger
action of type of stimulus and pre-exposure. and Conrad (1953) have already provided one
The mean number of trials to the conditioning clue, the amount of pre-exposure.
criteria for the pre-exposed light is 37.38,
and to the novel light, 19.75. Using the Mann- SUMMARY
Whitney U test, this difference is significant By using a classical conditioning paradigm
(p < .02). However, the mean number of with shock to the foreleg as the US, leg flexion
trials for conditioning to the adapted rotor is as the UR, and either a flashing light or a
22.00, to the novel rotor, 23.88. This difference turning rotor as the CS, two experiments were
is not significant. Pre-exposure to the flashing performed to evaluate the effects of non-
light significantly inhibits later learning, while reinforced pre-exposure of the CS on sub-
pre-exposure to the rotor has no effect. It is sequent conditioning. The first experiment,
the large differences between the adapted and in which the CS and the US were presented to
the novel light stimuli which determine the the same side of the animal, resulted in a
significance levels. partial inhibition of learning the association
The inability to identify a mediating re- between the pre-exposed CS and the US as
sponse mechanism in this quasi sensory- compared with a novel CS and the US. It
preconditioning, latent-learning experiment was suggested that this inhibition was produced
docs not, of course, nullify an S-R interpreta- by the pairing of the pre-exposed CS with a
tion (nor any interpretation) of the results, response that was incompatible with the
but rather eliminates a specific S-R hypothesis.
response which was later to be learned. An
It might be more fruitful to search for an
attempt was made to identify the competing
autonomic mediating response, particularly in
a situation such as this one which employed response in terms of an increase in extensor
shock as reinforcement. However, in the to nus in that leg for which flexion subse-
absence of data it would be ill-advised to quently becomes the correct response. On this
elaborate possible mechanisms. basis it was predicted that placing the CS and
Theory aside, one should not lose sight of US on opposite sides of the animal would
the fact that we are left with a phenomenon result in facilitation of learning to the pre-
that can be descriptively labeled "latent exposed CS when it is later paired with the
US. However, again, there was an inhibition LYONS, J. D. Sensory pre-conditioning and stimulus
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