The Module Handbook - Plant Structure and Development
The Module Handbook - Plant Structure and Development
The Module Handbook - Plant Structure and Development
Abbreviation, if applicable -
Sub-heading, if applicable -
Language Indonesia
Teaching format/ class Plant Structure and Development course is given on the
hours per week during the second semester to S1 regular students in Faculty of
semester Biology. Each week there are 2 meetings with time
allocation of 100 minutes (Monday, at 07:00- 09:00 am)
and 50 minutes (Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00 am).
2. Ability/intelectual skill
a. Planning, executing, and reporting on a research
in the field of structure and development of plants.
b. Analysing and resolving problems and developing
activities plan in the field of plant structure and
c. Formulating and proving a hypothesis.
3. Practical skill
a. Planning and implementing an experiment with
high validity in the field of structure and
development of plants.
b. Designing and using laboratory tools to obtain data
on the structure and development of plant.
c. Analysing the results of experiments in the field of
structure and development of plants and
determining the validity of teh experiments.
d. Using the scientific literature and making notes
5. Attitude
a. Able to anticipate problems and seek ways
completion of a problem related to the structure
and development of plants in the community.
b. Having a curiosity.
c. Appreciating the originality of ideas, concepts and
discoveries particularly in the structure and
development of plants.
d. Sensitive to changes and biological problems,
especially the structure and development of plants
Content This course studies the theory and concepts related to the
structure and development of plants, both external
structure and internal structure of Angiosperm plants.
Course material is divided into 3 Chapters, Morphology,
Anatomy and Embryology. In the first lecture will be
delivered learning contract containing class rules,
references needed, lecturing system, students evaluation
and assessment, as well as assessment components.
Morphology section discusses the roots, stems, leaves,
flowers, fruits and seeds. At root morphology, it will
discuss the characteristics, function, origin, organisation
and modification of roots. In the stem morphology,
discussion includes the characteristics, shape,
organisation, classification, and modification of the stem.
Morphology of leaves covers the origins, the leaves
position on the stem, leaves parts and modification.
Flowers morphology covers flowers organisation, flowers
position on stems, flowers formulas and diagrams. In the
fruit will be discussed fruit parts dan fruits types portions,
while seeds morphology covers the arrangement and
types of seeds. Anatomy chapter discusses about
cytological aspects including plant cell structure, structure
and function of plant cell components, plant cell division
(mitosis and meiosis); histological aspects will cover the
characteristics, origin, location, and function of meristem
tissues (cambium, felogen, shoot apical meristem) and
permanent tissues (epidermis, parenchyma,
schlerenchyma, vascular bundles). In Embryology
Chapter will be discussed anther structure,
microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis, the internal
structure of the ovaries and ovule, megasporogenesis and
megagametogenesis, pollination, fertilization, endosperm,
embryogenesis, embryo structure, fruit and seeds. This
course occupies with practical work to explore the
theories and concepts given in the lectures. Laboratory
work is carried out in the field and laboratory and is
divided into 11 meeting and one laboratory examination.