Number of Grade Nine Students of Barangka National High School Who Have Low Self-Esteem in Performing Return Demonstration
Number of Grade Nine Students of Barangka National High School Who Have Low Self-Esteem in Performing Return Demonstration
Number of Grade Nine Students of Barangka National High School Who Have Low Self-Esteem in Performing Return Demonstration
which students feel satisfied with themselves and feel valuable and worthy of respect. It is
necessary for them to take risks in their learning and to bounce back after failure or adversity. In
meaning that it is thought to smoothly vary in amount or magnitude from low to high across
different individuals. Some people have higher self-esteem, while other people have lower self-
esteem. The differences between these people are not obvious, but instead are apparent only
Low self-esteem or lack of confidence leaves students doubting their ability to succeed,
making them hesitant to engage in learning or take appropriate academic growth risks. Self-
esteem is often built and buttressed through estimable acts and achievements, even small
ones. And as the World Health Organization stated, students that were entering this phase in
their lives, will experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth, in which affects of
how they feel, think, make decisions, and interact with the world around them. In connection
with this study, that will give certain points of why some students, particularly, the Grade Nine
students of Barangka National High School, have low self-esteem in performing return
Learning, in almost all aspects of life, is a cascade of trials and errors, which allows an
individual to earn insights from their mistakes. It is generally defined as relatively permanent
social experiences (Seifert, 2019). Being in Junior High School is just as crucial as being in
college because it the also the time of developing an appreciation for studying and to value
education in general. This is also where they should know what the things they want to pursue
and start working on with it. In line with this is the return demonstration which is an essential
component for gaining knowledge of a certain course of action. This is mostly implemented in
nursing and/or caregiving students. It enables them to grasp ideas of what to do in the hospitals
or communities when they take care of patients and of how they do these procedures to them.
Furthermore, having the self-reliance and dependency that will result of having high self-esteem
in presenting themselves in front of other people will be a great help of coming across towards
This research will give more emphasis on the numbers of Grade Nine students of
Barangka National High School who have low self-esteem in performing their return
demonstration and provide possible ways to have it controlled. It is stated in research of Taib
and Yusoff (2022), that caregivers are a very diverse group of individuals, with a variety of
needs and a wide range of abilities. And as practicing students and soon to be in the field, this
research focuses on feasible approach of how they will be able to nourish their self-esteem. As
claimed by research at International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (2020),
demonstrations and return demonstrations develop the psychomotor skills of the students and
exposure to hospitals thus developing other attributes such as organization, orderliness, and
correct prioritization. This is reflected in their level of satisfaction in terms of debrief and
reflection. On the other hand, high self-esteem is an important factor and strengthen the
prediction of academic achievement in students (Arshad, et al., 2015). To put up confidence and
shape students and have them prepared for the worst-case and best-case scenarios when
produce foundation, most especially with presentations like return demonstration. In relation
with the study of The University of Saskatchewan (2022), students who uses effective study
skills may feel their work and effort is more worthwhile. Good study skills can increase their
confidence, competence, and self-esteem. It can also reduce anxiety about tests, deadlines,
and even to presentations. This research study that is being conducted, aims to decrease the
number of students who have low self-esteem. Moreover, there are some possible ways to go
through with it. They may consider a method like the pomodoro in which can help them to resist
all those self-interruptions and re-train their brains to focus. Another thing that may take into
consideration is to prepare and practice in advance to oversee what are the things that they
need to build on themselves. Furthermore, as stated by Brooks, PhD (2022), teachers also have
a significant role in encouraging the students to build confidence and improve their skills most
especially when having presentations through using particular interventions to bolster the self-
In conclusion, it is clearly expressed that having high self-esteem generally have more
success at school and work, better social relationships, improved mental and physical health,
and less anti-social behavior (Bloiun, 2022). And these benefits persist from adolescence to
adulthood and into old age. As to performing return demonstrations of Grade Nine students of
Barangka National High School, this study will focus on providing ways on how they would
handle themselves, the people around them and their patients in the near future, without having
doubts and hesitations. Having a safe and effective environment to learn will bring the best out
of the students and lessen the numbers of those who are still afraid of taking risks, performing
(, 2023)
(Organization, 2023)
(Seifert, 2019)
(Pingue-Raguini, 2020)
(College, 2023)
(CENTRE, 2022)
(Brooks, 2022)
(Blouin, 2022)