OUP - Focus - Project Based Learning - Highres
OUP - Focus - Project Based Learning - Highres
OUP - Focus - Project Based Learning - Highres
1. What is it?
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centred form of learning that involves
students spending sustained periods of study time exploring and attempting to
solve real-life problems. PBL has its origins in the work of John Dewey, who in 1897
published his book My Pedagogical Creed, which focused on the importance of
‘learning by doing’. More recently, PBL has been seen as an important vehicle for the
development of global skills for the 21st century, including digital literacies.
Key elements
PBL does not simply involve doing a project with your students. Most PBL sources
recognize that a project should contain a number of essential elements. These include:
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