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Focus on

1. What is it?
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centred form of learning that involves
students spending sustained periods of study time exploring and attempting to
solve real-life problems. PBL has its origins in the work of John Dewey, who in 1897
published his book My Pedagogical Creed, which focused on the importance of
‘learning by doing’. More recently, PBL has been seen as an important vehicle for the
development of global skills for the 21st century, including digital literacies.

Key elements
PBL does not simply involve doing a project with your students. Most PBL sources
recognize that a project should contain a number of essential elements. These include:

■ A challenging problem or question ■ Authenticity

Clear project goals should be set, based The project goals should be focused
around addressing real-life problems or on ‘real world’ outcomes and goals
questions that students find meaningful that have genuine relevance to the
and relevant to their lives. lives of the students.
■ Public product ■ Student voice
The project should culminate in some Students should have some choice,
form of public product, whether for example in deciding what problem
it’s a performance, presentation, or they should solve, how they will work
the publication of a digital paper, together, and what the final output of
document, video, or display. the project will be.
■ Key knowledge and skills ■ Reflection
During the project, students Students should be encouraged to
should acquire key knowledge and reflect on their work, considering the
develop a range of skills, including obstacles they encountered and how
critical thinking, problem solving, they overcame them to achieve the
communication, collaboration, project goals.
cooperation, and self-management. ■ Critique and revision
■ Sustained inquiry Students should be encouraged to
The project should run over a number give and receive feedback, both from
of lessons and involve a range of tasks each other and the teacher, in order
and activities that lead to the final to improve what they are doing and
product. how they are doing it.


Nik Peachey has worked all over the world as a language teacher, teacher trainer,
technology trainer, and educational technology consultant. He is an award-winning
course designer and materials writer and author.

© Oxford University Press www.oup.com/elt/expert 1

2. What does it mean for the ELT classroom? 3. What are the challenges?
When done successfully, PBL can have a substantial positive
impact on your students and your classroom environment. One of the biggest challenges of applying PBL in the language
classroom is that of identifying projects based around
Students learn how to approach, break down, and solve meaningful problems that will cover the breadth of the core
problems with a good degree of independence. As well as language syllabus. While it is possible to build projects around
developing their problem-solving skills, this can have a huge getting students to explore and research a specific language
impact on the students’ motivation and self-esteem. structure, consider how authentic and motivating the experience
would be for the students.

Students learn much more than just language. They learn

collaborative and negotiating skills as well as information related Language level can be a considerable obstacle to a PBL
to the topic of the problem they are addressing. They also approach to language learning, especially in projects where
explore different types of sources and evaluate their reliability. language acquisition is achieved as a ‘by-product’ of the project
interaction. Students with a lower language level may find it
difficult to carry out the project tasks and activities. You will
Students learn to use language for genuinely communicative need to think about how you can structure their language use,
purposes in contexts that reflect real life. This involves a considering when they might draw on their first language to
wider range of language practice and a more frequent use of support the completion of the projects and when you want
integrated skills than an approach to language learning based them to use English only.
around discrete language items.

Grouping of students needs to be handled with care and an

As they work their way through the project, students will understanding of the dynamics between the different members
develop time management, organizational, and project of the class. Mixed-ability groupings can work well when the
management skills. Many of these skills are essential for group benefits from differing skills and interests and everyone’s
studying and working in the 21st century. contributions are valued. However, care must be taken that
some students do not dominate and prevent others from having
PBL classrooms can be dynamic, full of students using language a voice, and that the workload is shared fairly between all group
to work towards motivating goals. A high level of engagement members. It should also be ensured that group members are
is achieved when learners find project goals meaningful and able to draw on their different strengths, so that everyone is
relatable, and this can in turn lead to deeper levels of learning. able to contribute but no one feels they have to ‘perform down’
Outcomes include improved language skills, transferable project for the sake of their peers.
skills, and much better retention of learning.

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