англійської мови»
Intonation style can be defined as a system of interrelated intonation means which is used in
a certain social sphere and serves a definite purpose in communication.
Висхідна інтонація вживається у кінці речення, яке виражає прохання. Take a ) seat,
У загальних питаннях, тобто питаннях на які можна дати ствердну або заперечну
Перший наголошений склад ми вимовляємо на найвищій ноті свого голосу, кожен
наступний — поступово знижуючи інтонацію голосу.
Prosody or prosodic features refer to variations in pitch, loudness, tempo and rhythm.
On the British Isles, several major literary or cultivated accents can be identified,
each with its distinctive features:
Northern English: This accent encompasses a broad range of dialects spoken in the
northern regions of England, such as Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Newcastle.
Northern English accents often feature a stronger pronunciation of the "r" sound,
known as rhoticity, and certain vowel shifts compared to RP. For example, the
vowel sound in words like "bath" and "dance" may be pronounced differently.
Welsh English: Welsh English is spoken in Wales, and it shows influences from the
Welsh language. Welsh English may exhibit certain phonetic features, such as the
pronunciation of the "a" sound in "cat" as [æ] instead of [a:]. There may also be
influences from Welsh intonation patterns and speech rhythm.
Northern Ireland English: In Northern Ireland, English is spoken with its own
distinctive features. The accent in this region can vary, but some common features
include rhoticity, particularly in rural areas, and vowel sounds that differ from RP,
such as the pronunciation of the "o" sound in "goat."
It's important to note that these descriptions are generalizations, and there can be
significant variation within each accent. Additionally, accents are dynamic and can
change over time due to various linguistic and social factors.
7. RP/BBC English as the British national standard of pronunciation.
Phonological and phonetic dimensions of it. Estuary English
8. Social accents in contemporary RP.