A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity
Cloud Computing is a large-scale distributed computing system which has
initially emerged from financial systems. Security is usually listed as the
number one concern for cloud computing adoption. Cloud security issues
persistently rank above cloud reliability, network issues, availability and
worries about the cloud financial profit. This paper proposes a systematic
literature review which aims to provide an up-to-date and a comprehensive
overview of cyber- security issues in cloud computing. A systematic literature
review analyzes the peer-reviewed research papers published and indexed by
Science Direct, Springer, Google Scholar, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, etc.
With the following string terms: Cloud computing issues, cloud computing
cyber- security, threats to cloud computing, cloud computing risks, cloud
computing solutions, and cloud computing recommendations. This literature
review is conducted based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) methodology, which is used to create a
systematic, accurate, and reliable overview of the literature. This yielded 1134
papers out of which 87 ultimately met inclusion criteria and were reviewed.
From the Systematic Literature Review, it was possible to overview and identify
the state-of-the-art main cloud computing cyber-security threats and challenges.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Threats, Cybersecurity, Systematic Literature
1884 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
The proposed Systematic Literature Review (SLR) aims to explore Cloud Computing
cyber-security threats, risks and concerns together with the proposed approaches and
solutions proposed to tackle them. This SLR is also very valuable to identify
suggestions and paths for future relevant research work. The new cloud computing
pattern offers numerous new advantages in a powerfully changing business world. To
keep up the opposition, organizations genuinely need to think about the appropriation
of cloud arrangements. In any case, the redistributing of business procedures,
administrations and sensitive data comes recently developed and slightly many security
challenges than known from different solutions gave over the Internet. Cloud
computing is a model for empowering helpful, on-request system access to a shared
pool of configurable computing assets that can be quickly provisioned and discharged
with negligible administration exertion [1]. Though there are several advantages for
adopting Cloud Computing solutions, there are still many critical issues and concerns
that need to be solved. Among the biggest and the most important concern in this regard
is cyber-security [2]. This is partly because Cloud Computing is based on distributed
computing systems “shared and accessed” through the internet and involves several
stakeholders such as cloud end-user client and Cloud Service Provider (CSP).
It is an established fact among researchers and consultants that Cloud Computing
provides competitive advantages while the security is still susceptible to attacks and
other threats particularly regarding resource pooling and virtualization. Furthermore,
the user’s availability weakness was pointed out while suggesting improved data
encryption as an ensuing solution.
As there are many controls and few security components in distributed computing that
can guaranty cloud security and privacy [3], there is an increasing need for security and
trust in business cloud applications. Therefore, there is a need for progressively efficient
components that guarantee the rightness and correctness of returned results from cloud
assets to enhance the computations dependability and trust.
Virtualization is a basic concept in cloud computing. This is based on asset sharing
procedure while hiding the details of underlying equipment to build computing asset
usage in a productive and scalable way.
The authors of [4] describe how Cloud selection requires an attention of several
essential factors. Generally, the internet / web associates and moves information from
and to a customer and the service provider. In this virtualized system there are
significant security and privacy concerns, risks and threats.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presented an overview
of cloud computing service adoption; Section 3 is dedicated to the presentation of the
background. Section 4 presented the methodological approach utilized for the literature
selection, the method applied for investigation, provides the mapping results and the
aim of the SLR. Finally, Section 5 provides a conclusion and explores further research
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1885
During the last few years, there has been a rapid and an increasing development and
adoption of cloud computing systems, technologies, applications and services. This is
owing mainly to many benefits this technology offers for businesses and organizations.
However, Cyber-security is considered among the most important issues and concerns
for widespread adoption of cloud computing. Among the major issues related with
Cloud Computing security we can mention data security, intrusions attacks,
confidentiality and data integrity. The paper aim is to classify the challenges, the
different approaches and solutions proposed to address them and the open problems
that need to be addressed. This article will help researchers in their cloud computing
cyber-security searches.
The Adoption of cloud computing services implies that a large part of system,
applications, network and data are under a third-party control. Every year, The Cloud
Security Alliance (CSA) organized a panel of industry experts in order to present the
Cloud Computing Top Threats:
Data Breaches: A Security incident in which sensitive, protected or confidential data
is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by an individual unauthorized to do so
Data Loss: An error condition in information systems in which information is
destroyed by failures or neglect in storage, transmission, or processing [5].
Account Hijacking: A type of identity theft in which the hacker uses the stolen
account information to carry out malicious or unauthorized activity [6].
Insecure APIs: Web and cloud services allow third-party access by exposing
application programming interfaces, and many developers and customers do not
Adequately secure the keys to the cloud and their data [7].
Denial of Service: An attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable
to its intended users [8].
Malicious Intruders: Insider malicious activity bypassing firewall and other security
model [9].
Abuse of cloud Services: Allows interloper to start stronger attacks due to
unidentified signup, lack of justification, and service fraud [10].
Insufficient Due Diligence: Organizations adopting the cloud without fully
understanding the associated risks, they increase many operational, architectural and
contractual issues over responsibility and transparency [11].
Shared Technology Issues: Allows one user to hinder other users’ services by
compromising hypervisor [11].
System Vulnerabilities: Bugs in programs that attackers use to infiltrate a system to
steal data, to take a control of the system or disrupting service operations [12].
Advanced persistent threats (APTs): APTs are a parasitical form of cyber-attack that
penetrates systems to create a dependable balance in the IT infrastructure of target
1886 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
10 9
9 8
8 7
7 6
6 5
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 1
14 12
12 11
10 9
8 7
6 5
4 3
2 1
2017 2018
M. Hawedi et. al., [15] propose a security architecture that offers flexible and effective
security as a service paradigm for cloud tenants. The proposed security can be offered
by outsiders to their occupants, or it may be utilized by the tenants to monitor their
Virtual Machines (VMs).
read in their entirety, when the inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied. Then
remaining 87 articles which were included in this review. The flowchart is presented in
the Figure 5.
Our main conclusions of the proposed systematic literature review are summarized in
table 1 which are grouped by: Objectives, scope and results of the elaborated work;
Year of publication; Country in which the research was conducted; Journal or
conference where the paper was published; and finally, Inputs parameters for the
model’s evaluation.
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1891
Manoj Kumar Identifying various design debt 2018 Smart Innovation India Cloud computing
M. et al. [33] causes in a cloud computing Systems and security; Design
system from various Technologies debt; Design
dimensions of design debt. refactoring;
Even though immature, un- Design smells;
ripen coded service accessible Multilateral cloud
over the Internet using the security
cloud computing paradigm architecture;
may work fine and be wholly Technical debt
tolerable to the patron
Timothy D.P. et Designing a new security 2017 International India RSA; SHA-2;
al. [34] method by using a hybrid Conference on blowfish; cloud-
cryptosystem, for data security Microelectronic computing;
in the cloud. Devices Circuits and cryptosystem
high security on data Systems ICMDCS
transmission over the internet 2017
and proper network access on
demand to a shared tank of
constructive computing
resources, mainly net, server,
and storage application.
Barona R. et al. Presenting cloud computing, 2017 Proceedings of IEEE India Cloud computing;
[35] different cloud models and International Data breach;
primary security threats and Conference on Security services;
data breach issues that are right Circuit Power and Service providers
now exploring in the cloud Computing
computing framework. Technologies
investigates the noteworthy ICCPCT 2017
research and difficulties that
presents data breach in cloud
computing and provides best
practices to service providers
and additionally endeavors
plan to influence cloud servers
to enhance their main concern
in this serious economic
Sahil Sood S.K. Cloud Computing offers 2017 Proceeding - IEEE India Genetic
et al. [36] scalable virtual computing International Engineering IDEs
resources in the form of web- Conference on One-time
services on pay-as-you-go Computing ownership cost
model Communication and model Pay-as-
Automation ICCCA you-go Virtual
2016 Computing"
Dhingra A.K. et Presenting potential of cloud 2016 2016 5th India Cloud computing;
al. [37] computing with reference to International Cloud policy;
Security, Privacy and Policy Conference on Cloud security;
issues are examined as a part of Reliability Infocom IaaS; PaaS; SaaS
major concern which makes Technologies and
the computing potential puny Optimization
and review of existing ICRITO 2016:
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1893
Kaur R. et al. Presenting a security model is 2014 Proceedings of the India AES; Blowfish;
[49] proposed, implemented in 2014 International IDEA; SAES;
Cloud Analyst to tighten the Conference on SHA-1; Token
level of cloud storage security, Advances in
which provides security based Computing
on different encryption Communications
algorithms with integrity and Informatics
verification scheme. making it ICACCI 2014
difficult for the hacker to gain
access of the authorized
Gupta A. et al. Exploring the cloud security 2014 International India Cloud
[50] threats and also discusses the Conference on Computing;
existing security approaches to Control Cloud security
secure the cloud environment. Instrumentation threats
Also, proposing a novel Tri- Communication and
mechanism for cloud security Computational
against data breach which Technologies
provide all around security to ICCICCT 2014
the cloud architecture.
Al-Anzi F.S. et focusing on the area, i.e. 2014 International India Cloud computing;
al. [51] application security, Conference on Data Threat; security
information security, Mining and
infrastructure security and Intelligent
security monitoring by giving Computing ICDMIC
our own security model. This 2014
model surely protects our
organizational physical as well
as virtual assets by providing
better security options.
Vikas S.Set al. analyzing the factors which 2014 International India Cloud;
[52] will influence the widespread Conference on Computing;
adoption of Mobile scientific Electronics and Mobile; Security
discipline which we tend to go Communication
any to dialogue the counter Systems ICECS
claims in a trial to convert the 2014
reader that the advantages of
Mobile scientific discipline
outweighs its disadvantage.
Chalse R. et al. Presenting a detailed analysis 2013 Proceedings - 5th India Cloud security;
[53] of the cloud security problem. International IaaS; PaaS; SaaS;
Also, the different problem in a Conference on data storage;
cloud computing system and Computational integrity
their effect upon the different Intelligence and verification
cloud users are analyzed. It is Communication
providing a comparably Networks CICN
scalable, position independent. 2013
Low cost platform for client's
1896 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
Behl A. et al. introducing a detailed analysis 2012 Proceedings of the India Cloud; Cloud
[54] of the cloud security problem. 2012 World Computing;
It investigates the problem of Congress on Cloud Security
security from the cloud Information and Model; Security;
architecture perspective, the Communication Security
cloud characteristics Technologies WICT Challenges
perspective, cloud delivery 2012
model perspective, and the
cloud stakeholder perspective.
The paper investigates some of
the key research challenges of
implementing cloud-aware
security solutions which can
plausibly secure the ever-
changing and dynamic cloud
Kanday R. et al. Presenting a survey of the 2012 Proceedings: Turing India accountability;
[55] different security and 100 - International assurance;
application aspects of cloud Conference on availability;
computing such as Computing Sciences cloud;
confidentiality, integrity, ICCS 2012 confidentiality;
transparency, availability, integrity;
accountability, assurance. © security;
2012 IEEE. transparency
Srinivasan M.K. Analyzing the current security 2012 ACM International India Cloud
et al. [56] challenges in cloud computing Conference Computing;
environment based on state-of- Proceeding Series Internet based
the-art cloud computing Services; Secure
security taxonomies under Cloud
technological and process- Architecture;
related aspects. Security
Tripathi A. et al. Presenting the security issues 2011 2011 IEEE India Cloud
[57] that arise in a cloud computing International Computing;
framework. It focuses on Conference on Internet based
technical security issues Signal Processing Services; Secure
arising from the usage of cloud Communications Cloud
services and provides an and Computing Architecture;
overview of key security issues ICSPCC 2011 Security
related to cloud computing
with the view of a secure cloud
architecture environment.
Verma A. et al. Cloud Computing has become 2011 Communications in India Cloud computing;
[58] another buzzword after Web Computer and Grid computing;
2.0. The phrase cloud Information Science Security
computing originated from the
diagrams used to symbolize the
internet. Cloud computing is
not a completely new concept
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1897
Yan L. et al. [62] Proposing a survey on potential 2018 ACM International China Cloud computing;
threats and risks and existing Conference Data security;
solutions on cloud security and Proceeding Series Privacy; Security;
privacy. We also put forward Standards
some problems to be addressed
to provide a secure cloud
computing environment.
Yang A. et al. According to the security 2016 Tongxin China Cloud computing;
[64] requirements of cloud Xuebao/Journal on Cloud security
computing fuzzy Communications technical
comprehensive evaluation reference model;
model based on analytic Security issues;
hierarchy process was Shared storage
established and taking a cloud security solving
service platform as an example techniques;
to evaluate its security Trusted cloud
He J. et al. [65] How to ensure network 2016 Peer-to-Peer China Fault tolerance
security for modern virtual Networking and
machine-based cloud Applications
computing platforms is still an
open question. This question
becomes more important and
urgent to solve as the fast
development of cloud
computing in recent years.
Yang Y. et al. Analyzing cloud security 2015 Lecture Notes in China Cloud computing
[66] technology research directions Computer Science
and further development space (including subseries
of cloud security technology Lecture Notes in
and standardization. Artificial
Intelligence and
Lecture Notes in
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1899
Ruo-Xin Z. et al. Drawing on cloud computing 2014 Proceedings of the China Analytic
[67] risk control security assess 9th International hierarchy process
framework related to the Conference on
international organizations Computer Science
based on China's classification and Education
protection assessment ICCCSE
requirements the cloud
computing security evaluation
index system is built using of
Delphi method and the weight
of each index entry is
calculated using the AHP
(Analytic Hierarchy Process).
The cloud security assessment
model has been validated
through examples and the
results show that the proposed
model can make quantitative
assessment on secure cloud
platform effectively with much
more efficiency.
Ding W. et al. Introducing cloud computing 2014 WIT Transactions on China Access control;
[68] system and its characteristics. Information and Cloud computing;
As a new model which Communication Internet; Security
combines IT technologies and Technologies issue
services cloud computing has
basically been recognized by
market while its security has
drawn the users' attention.
Zhang N. et al. Giving an overview on cloud 2013 Proceedings - China Cloud
[69] computing security. To clarify International Computing;
cloud security a definition and Conference on Cloud security;
scope of cloud computing Information Security as a
security is presented. An Technology and service; data
ecosystem of cloud security is Applications ITA security
shown to illustrate what each
role in industry can do in turn.
Then security impacts of cloud
security for both customers and
operators are analyzed. To
overcome challenges from
cloud security many state-of-
the-art technical solutions e.g.
continuation protection
mechanism IDM data security
and virtualization security are
discussed. Finally, best
practices on perspective of
operator are summarized and a
conclusion is conducted.
1900 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
Lin C. et al. [70] Analyzing and comparing the 2013 Jisuanji China Cloud computing;
present research results of Xuebao/Chinese Security
security model and mechanism Journal of architecture;
in the cloud and proposing a Computers Security
security modeling method measurement;
based on the multi-queue Security
multi-server model. mechanism;
Security model
Xi C. et al. [71] Introducing the security and 2013 Communications in China cloud digital
protection method of digital Computer and libraries.
libraries under the environment Information Science
of the virtual cloud computing
and puts forward security
strategy and suggestions
starting from the angle of the
Virtualization security.
Yang S. et al. Discussing the four security 2012 Journal of China Cloud computing
[72] properties this model can Information and
provides safe and high- Computational
efficient security underpinning Science
for cloud service.
Li H. et al. [73] Presenting three typical 2012 Communications in China Cloud Computing
definitions of cloud computing Computer and
are listed. Security issues in Information Science
cloud computing are analyzed.
Novelties in cloud threat model
new problems and new
research directions in cloud
computing environment are
also outlined.
Xu X. et al. [74] Discussing the architecture and 2012 Proceedings - 4th China cloud computing
tier of cloud computing International
analyzes the basic system Conference on
structure of cloud computing Computational and
platform designs a security Information
framework of cloud computing Sciences ICCIS
platform describes the general 2012
process of such framework and
discusses the principal
functions of the key modules.
Liu W. et al. Introducing some cloud 2012 2nd International China cloud computing
[75] computing systems and Conference on
analyzes cloud computing Consumer
security problem and its Electronics
strategy according to the cloud Communications
computing concepts and and Networks
characters. The data privacy CECNet 2012 -
and service availability in Proceedings
cloud computing are the key
security problem. Single
security method cannot solve
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1901
Lv H. et al. [79] Introducing cloud computing 2011 Proceedings - China Cloud computing
concepts and main features and International
analyzes the security of cloud Conference on
computing and the security Intelligence Science
strategies are proposed for and Information
security issues related to cloud Engineering ISIE
computing. 2011
Feng D. et al. Describing the great 2011 Ruan Jian Xue China Cloud computing
[80] requirements in Cloud Bao/Journal of
Computing security key Software
technology standard and
regulation etc. and provides a
Cloud Computing security
framework. This paper argues
that the changes in the above
aspects will result in a
technical revolution in the field
of information security.
Wang C. et al. Supporting study of a method 2010 International China
[81] to solve cloud computing Conference on
security issue with private face Computational
recognition. The method has Intelligence and
three parts: user part provides Software
face images Engineering CiSE
Liu H. et al. [82] Describing a model of overall 2010 Qinghua Daxue China Cloud computing
cloud computing security risk Xuebao/Journal of
assessment with a specific risk Tsinghua University
assessment analysis
methodology. Tests of the risk
assessment analysis
methodology in a typical cloud
computing environment show
that the risk assessment
analysis methodology can
effectively reveal the overall
vulnerability and risk in a
cloud computing environment
which is of great significance
for the effective management
of cloud computing security
Yan L. et al. [83] Adopting federated identity 2009 Lecture Notes in China
management together with Computer Science
hierarchical identity-based (including subseries
cryptography (HIBC) not only Lecture Notes in
the key distribution but also the Artificial
mutual authentication can be Intelligence and
simplified in the cloud. © 2009 Lecture Notes in
Springer-Verlag. Bioinformatics)
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1903
Karame G.O. et Presenting new threats 2017 Proceedings of the United Cloud
al. [84] countermeasures and ACM Conference on states Computing;
opportunities brought about by Computer and Security
the move to cloud computing Communications
with a preference for Security
unconventional approaches as
well as measurement studies
and case studies that shed light
on the security implications of
cloud infrastructure and use
Androulaki E. et Cloud computing is a dominant 2016 Proceedings of the United Cloud computing;
al. [85] trend in computing for the ACM Conference on states Security
foreseeable future Computer and
Kerschbaum F. Analyzing the CCSW 2015 Proceedings of the United Cloud computing;
et al. [86] workshop aims to bring ACM Conference on states Privacy; Security
together researchers and Computer and
practitioners in all security and Communications
privacy aspects of cloud- Security
centric and outsourced
Oprea A. et al. Presenting cloud computing as 2014 Proceedings of the United Cloud computing;
[87] a new paradigm for computing ACM Conference on states security
as a utility and refers to Computer and
aggregation of virtualized Communications
computing resources managed Security
by a service provider and
dynamically allocated to
tenants on demand.
Khalil I.M. et al. Identifying 28 cloud security 2014 Computers United Attacks; Cloud
[88] threats and presenting them states computing; Cloud
into five categories. Also, security; Insider
authors present nine general attackers;
cloud attacks along with Security
various attack incidents and vulnerabilities;
provide effectiveness analysis Threats
of the proposed
Liu Y. et al. [89] Ensuring that the service 2014 Proceedings - Pacific United Client-side
applications cloud software Asia Conference on states security
and the physical location of the Information Systems restriction; Cloud
cloud are secure. Furthermore, PACIS 2014 computing
providers need to ensure that security; Mixed
the service is secure on the market
client's side of the system. competition;
1904 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
Sinha N. et al. Cloud computing offers an 2014 2014 23rd Wireless United cloud computing;
[90] exceptional elasticity of and Optical states data centers; data
resources and remarkable Communication mining;
economic advantages in the Conference WOCC performance;
Information Technology 2014 privacy; security;
sector. It also provides an virtualization
infrastructure for processing
large and complex scientific
data for data mining
applications. While offering
compelling throughput gains it
also introduces several
challenges related to security
efficient storage of data and
performance. We first present
the basics and a brief history of
cloud computing
Juels A. et al. Cloud Computing Security 2013 Proceedings of the United cloud computing;
[91] Workshop (CCSW) focuses on ACM Conference on states computer
the security challenges and Computer and privacy;
opportunities raised by cloud Communications computer security
computing. Security
Barron C. et al. Presenting several types of 2013 Lecture Notes in United Algorithms;
[92] attacks real-world cases are Engineering and states Cloud computing
studied and the solutions that Computer Science security; Real-
providers developed are world cases;
presented. . Security case
Panja B. et al. Presenting the largest security 2013 Recent Patents on United Bandwidth;
[93] obstacles to defend against a Computer Science states Cloud computing;
Denial-of-Service (DOS) or Denial of service
Distributed Denial-of-Service
(DDOS) attacks from taking
down a cloud server.
Capkun S. et al. Presenting the CCSW 2012 Proceedings of the United Cloud
[94] workshop aims to bring ACM Conference on states Computing;
together researchers and Computer and Security
practitioners in all security Communications
aspects of cloud-centric and Security
outsourced computing to act as
a fertile ground for creative
debate and interaction in
security-sensitive areas of
computing impacted by clouds.
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1905
Shi W. et al. [95] Presenting MultiHype, a novel 2012 CF '12 - Proceedings United architecture;
architecture that supports of the ACM states scalability;
multiple hypervisors (or virtual Computing Frontiers security;
machine monitors) on a single Conference virtualization
physical platform by
leveraging many-core based
cloud-on-chip architecture.
Johnson III R.E. Presenting used existing 2010 2010 International United Cloud security
et al. [96] security tools. This paper will Conference on states
explore weaknesses in cloud Information Society
security based on current i-Society 2010
commercial security tools. In
addition, new methods and
tools will be proposed to
augment cloud security
Sumter L. et al. Presenting cloud computing 2010 Proceedings of the United Cloud computing;
[97] concerns about internet Annual Southeast states Grid computing;
security continue to increase Conference Security;
Service; Utility
Kang M. et al. Presenting how Cloud Security 2019 International South CC certified
[98] Certification System is Conference on Korea product
implemented to solve the Platform
various cloud security Technology and
problems in Korea. Service PlatCon
2019 - Proceedings
Singh S. et al. Developing works on some 2016 Journal of Network South Cloud computing
[99] public cloud and private cloud and Computer Korea
authorities as well as related Applications
security concerns.
Additionally, it encompasses
the requirements for better
security management and
suggests 3-tier security
architecture. Open issues with
discussion in which some new
security concepts and
recommendations are also
Masky M. et al. Introducing the Operationally 2016 IEEE 2nd South Cloud Computing
[100] Critical Threat Asset and International Korea Security
Vulnerability Evaluation Conference on
(OCTAVE) Allegro Information Science
methodology as a novel and Security ICISS
framework to identify risks for 2015
Cloud Computing.
1906 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
Oh J. et al. [102] Presenting comparison 2012 International Journal South Cloud computing
research between the of Security and its Korea
difference of recognitions for Applications
the security priority in three
areas between workers in
private enterprise which are
using cloud computing
services and them in public
institutions that has never used
the services. It contributes to
the establishment of strategies
in aspect of security by
providing guidelines to
companies or agencies which
want to introduce the cloud
computing systems.
Shi W. et al. Presenting Multitype a novel 2012 CF '12 - Proceedings South architecture
[103] architecture that supports of the ACM Korea
multiple hypervisors (or virtual Computing Frontiers
machine monitors) on a single Conference
physical platform by
leveraging many-core based
cloud-on-chip architecture.
Na S.-H. et al. Analyzing security threats and 2010 Proceedings - 2010 South Component
[104] requirements for previous IEEE Asia-Pacific Korea
researches and propose service Services Computing
model and security framework Conference APSCC
which include related 2010
technology for implementation
and are possible to provide
resource mobility.
Shirazi F. et al. Presenting that cloud security 2017 Lecture Notes in Canada Cloud computing
[105] and privacy inherits most of the Computer Science
challenges existing in (including subseries
traditional security however it Lecture Notes in
also introduces several new Artificial
challenges around Intelligence and
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1907
Benslimane Y. Identifying the key themes and 2016 2015 IEEE 2nd Canada Cloud computing
et al. [106] topics in cloud computing International security
security. Findings from an Conference on
analysis of 275 peer-reviewed Information Science
publications show that cloud and Security ICISS
security solutions and cloud 2015
security challenges are the two
most dominant themes. The
other themes identified include
guiding frameworks and
methodologies and general
security requirement.
Oprea A. et al. Presenting the Cloud 2014 Proceedings of the Canada Cloud,
[107] computing as a new paradigm ACM Conference on virtualization
for computing as a utility and Computer and
refers to aggregation of Communications
virtualized computing Security
resources managed by a service
provider and dynamically
allocated to tenants on demand.
Matrawy A. et Providing security in the new 2011 CLOSER 2011 - Canada Cloud; Security
al. [108] computing paradigm may be Proceedings of the Paradigm
affected and that there might be 1st International
some benefits that the cloud Conference on
brings to the information Cloud Computing
security scene. In summary in and Services Science
this paper we attempt to initiate
discussions around these
important issues.
Zibouh O. et al. Proposing a new framework to 2016 Journal of Morocco Cloud computing
[109] secure cloud computing Theoretical and
prevent security risks and Applied Information
improves the performance and Technology
the time of data processing.
This framework combines
between various powerful
security techniques such secret
sharing schema Fully
Homomorphic Encryption
(FHE) multi cloud approach
and the implementation of a
processing dispatcher which
distributes a set of operations
on FHE encrypted data
between several processing
1908 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
Saadi C. et al. Proposing new cloud 2016 Procedia Computer Morocco Attacks
[110] infrastructure architecture Science
which combines IDS based on
mobile agent sand using three
types of honeypots in order to
detect attacks to study the
behavior of attackers increase
the added value of Honeypot
and IDS based mobile agents
solve systems limitations
intrusion detection improve
knowledge bases IDS thus
increase the detection rate in
our cloud environment.
Lemoudden M. Discussing about enterprises 2013 Journal of Morocco Cloud computing;
et al. [111] are more and more moving to Theoretical and security
the cloud to take advantages of Applied Information
its economic and technological Technology
model. However, Privacy and
Security issues are often cited
as the main obstacle to the
adoption of cloud computing
for enterprises
Bouayad A. et Presenting the problem from 2012 CiSt 2012 - Morocco cloud computing
al. [112] the cloud architecture Proceedings: 2012
perspective the cloud offered Colloquium in
characteristics perspective the Information Science
cloud stakeholders' perspective and Technology
and the cloud service delivery
models perspective. Based on
this analysis, authors detailed
specification of the cloud
security problem and key
features that should be covered
by any proposed security
Following a thorough reading of the papers retained for this SLR and in accordance
with its objectives, different threats to cloud computing systems were discussed which
can be broken down into three categories given below;
Data Security: Data must be fittingly verified from the outside world. This is important
to guarantee that data is ensured and is less inclined to damage. With cloud computing
turning into a forthcoming trend, various vulnerabilities could emerge when the
information is by and large aimlessly shared among the fluctuated frameworks in cloud
computing. Guaranteeing data security and privacy in cloud computing implies the
capacity to guarantee the standard key aspects of security, namely, confidentiality,
integrity and accessibility. The fundamental prerequisites for data security are data
integrity that alludes to the assurance that clients' data are not changed without approval
[21]. In order to guarantee data integrity from both the supplier and supporter points of
A Systematic Literature Review of Cloud Computing Cybersecurity 1909
This research work aims to provide a systematic literature review of cloud computing
security, and hence, to get a holistic and up-to-date insight on its security threats and
challenges. To this end, a total of 87 peer-reviewed papers were included representing
three main axes of cloud computing security threats.
Aware of the importance of cloud security, many organizations including Cloud
Security Alliance, National Institute of Standards and Technology and European Union
Agency for Network and Information Security have published important reports
highlighting the impact of cloud security issues.
Many researchers confirmed that security risks are considered as a noteworthy
hindrance to cloud computing appropriation that are considered as a major hurdle
impeding its advancement [26].
1910 Hanane BENNASAR et al.
For instance, many researchers [113] for a Framework for secure cloud computing
environments, trusted cloud services, and trusted service vendors for cloud security
assurance. In addition, in order to ensure the correctness of users who can access the
Cloud server, an effective and flexible distributed scheme with explicit dynamic data
support, including, Kerberos authentication service and third party, was proposed.
It should be noted that the level of criticity of each issue is different. However, the most
critical issues were widely reported while no experimental proof was accessible for
different hindrances, so as information on these difficulties will increment, so will open
doors for solutions.
The present work has done a methodical literature analysis in order to identify and
classify the different threats of cloud computing security. The review covers the
essential challenges through the main solutions to cloud computing cyber-security
threats, the main different approaches, algorithms and techniques developed to address
them, as well as the open problems which define the research directions in this area.
We opted to classify them according to three main groups: Data Security, Cloud
Network Infrastructure Security, and Cloud Applications Security. Furthermore, it was
observed that, to answer the question raised in this SLR, 87 articles were analyzed. The
main concern is that the state of maturity of cloud computing security is very
encouraging and there are many research directions still open and which promise
continued improvements of cloud security and privacy.
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